1// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5// Defines ResolverThunk, the interface for classes that perform interceptions.
6// For more details see
7// http://dev.chromium.org/developers/design-documents/sandbox .
9#include "base/basictypes.h"
10#include "sandbox/win/src/nt_internals.h"
15namespace sandbox {
17// A resolver is the object in charge of performing the actual interception of
18// a function. There should be a concrete implementation of a resolver roughly
19// per type of interception.
20class ResolverThunk {
21 public:
22  ResolverThunk() {}
23  virtual ~ResolverThunk() {}
25  // Performs the actual interception of a function.
26  // target_name is an exported function from the module loaded at
27  // target_module, and must be replaced by interceptor_name, exported from
28  // interceptor_module. interceptor_entry_point can be provided instead of
29  // interceptor_name / interceptor_module.
30  // thunk_storage must point to a buffer on the child's address space, to hold
31  // the patch thunk, and related data. If provided, storage_used will receive
32  // the number of bytes used from thunk_storage.
33  //
34  // Example: (without error checking)
35  //
36  // size_t size = resolver.GetThunkSize();
37  // char* buffer = ::VirtualAllocEx(child_process, NULL, size,
38  //                                 MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE);
39  // resolver.Setup(ntdll_module, NULL, L"NtCreateFile", NULL,
40  //                &MyReplacementFunction, buffer, size, NULL);
41  //
42  // In general, the idea is to allocate a single big buffer for all
43  // interceptions on the same dll, and call Setup n times.
44  // WARNING: This means that any data member that is specific to a single
45  // interception must be reset within this method.
46  virtual NTSTATUS Setup(const void* target_module,
47                         const void* interceptor_module,
48                         const char* target_name,
49                         const char* interceptor_name,
50                         const void* interceptor_entry_point,
51                         void* thunk_storage,
52                         size_t storage_bytes,
53                         size_t* storage_used) = 0;
55  // Gets the address of function_name inside module (main exe).
56  virtual NTSTATUS ResolveInterceptor(const void* module,
57                                      const char* function_name,
58                                      const void** address);
60  // Gets the address of an exported function_name inside module.
61  virtual NTSTATUS ResolveTarget(const void* module,
62                                 const char* function_name,
63                                 void** address);
65  // Gets the required buffer size for this type of thunk.
66  virtual size_t GetThunkSize() const = 0;
68 protected:
69  // Performs basic initialization on behalf of a concrete instance of a
70  // resolver. That is, parameter validation and resolution of the target
71  // and the interceptor into the member variables.
72  //
73  // target_name is an exported function from the module loaded at
74  // target_module, and must be replaced by interceptor_name, exported from
75  // interceptor_module. interceptor_entry_point can be provided instead of
76  // interceptor_name / interceptor_module.
77  // thunk_storage must point to a buffer on the child's address space, to hold
78  // the patch thunk, and related data.
79  virtual NTSTATUS Init(const void* target_module,
80                        const void* interceptor_module,
81                        const char* target_name,
82                        const char* interceptor_name,
83                        const void* interceptor_entry_point,
84                        void* thunk_storage,
85                        size_t storage_bytes);
87  // Gets the required buffer size for the internal part of the thunk.
88  size_t GetInternalThunkSize() const;
90  // Initializes the internal part of the thunk.
91  // interceptor is the function to be called instead of original_function.
92  bool SetInternalThunk(void* storage, size_t storage_bytes,
93                        const void* original_function, const void* interceptor);
95  // Holds the resolved interception target.
96  void* target_;
97  // Holds the resolved interception interceptor.
98  const void* interceptor_;
103}  // namespace sandbox
105#endif  // SANDBOX_SRC_RESOLVER_H__