1// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "base/callback.h"
6#include "base/logging.h"
7#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
8#include "sandbox/win/src/sharedmem_ipc_server.h"
9#include "sandbox/win/src/sharedmem_ipc_client.h"
10#include "sandbox/win/src/sandbox.h"
11#include "sandbox/win/src/sandbox_types.h"
12#include "sandbox/win/src/crosscall_params.h"
13#include "sandbox/win/src/crosscall_server.h"
15namespace {
16// This handle must not be closed.
17volatile HANDLE g_alive_mutex = NULL;
20namespace sandbox {
22SharedMemIPCServer::SharedMemIPCServer(HANDLE target_process,
23                                       DWORD target_process_id,
24                                       HANDLE target_job,
25                                       ThreadProvider* thread_provider,
26                                       Dispatcher* dispatcher)
27    : client_control_(NULL),
28      thread_provider_(thread_provider),
29      target_process_(target_process),
30      target_process_id_(target_process_id),
31      target_job_object_(target_job),
32      call_dispatcher_(dispatcher) {
33  // We create a initially owned mutex. If the server dies unexpectedly,
34  // the thread that owns it will fail to release the lock and windows will
35  // report to the target (when it tries to acquire it) that the wait was
36  // abandoned. Note: We purposely leak the local handle because we want it to
37  // be closed by Windows itself so it is properly marked as abandoned if the
38  // server dies.
39  if (!g_alive_mutex) {
40    HANDLE mutex = ::CreateMutexW(NULL, TRUE, NULL);
41    if (::InterlockedCompareExchangePointer(&g_alive_mutex, mutex, NULL)) {
42      // We lost the race to create the mutex.
43      ::CloseHandle(mutex);
44    }
45  }
48SharedMemIPCServer::~SharedMemIPCServer() {
49  // Free the wait handles associated with the thread pool.
50  if (!thread_provider_->UnRegisterWaits(this)) {
51    // Better to leak than to crash.
52    return;
53  }
54  // Free the IPC signal events.
55  ServerContexts::iterator it;
56  for (it = server_contexts_.begin(); it != server_contexts_.end(); ++it) {
57    ServerControl* context = (*it);
58    ::CloseHandle(context->ping_event);
59    ::CloseHandle(context->pong_event);
60    delete context;
61  }
64bool SharedMemIPCServer::Init(void* shared_mem, uint32 shared_size,
65                              uint32 channel_size) {
66  // The shared memory needs to be at least as big as a channel.
67  if (shared_size < channel_size) {
68    return false;
69  }
70  // The channel size should be aligned.
71  if (0 != (channel_size % 32)) {
72    return false;
73  }
75  // Calculate how many channels we can fit in the shared memory.
76  shared_size -= offsetof(IPCControl, channels);
77  size_t channel_count = shared_size / (sizeof(ChannelControl) + channel_size);
79  // If we cannot fit even one channel we bail out.
80  if (0 == channel_count) {
81    return false;
82  }
83  // Calculate the start of the first channel.
84  size_t base_start = (sizeof(ChannelControl)* channel_count) +
85                       offsetof(IPCControl, channels);
87  client_control_ = reinterpret_cast<IPCControl*>(shared_mem);
88  client_control_->channels_count = 0;
90  // This is the initialization that we do per-channel. Basically:
91  // 1) make two events (ping & pong)
92  // 2) create handles to the events for the client and the server.
93  // 3) initialize the channel (client_context) with the state.
94  // 4) initialize the server side of the channel (service_context).
95  // 5) call the thread provider RegisterWait to register the ping events.
96  for (size_t ix = 0; ix != channel_count; ++ix) {
97    ChannelControl* client_context = &client_control_->channels[ix];
98    ServerControl* service_context = new ServerControl;
99    server_contexts_.push_back(service_context);
101    if (!MakeEvents(&service_context->ping_event,
102                    &service_context->pong_event,
103                    &client_context->ping_event,
104                    &client_context->pong_event)) {
105      return false;
106    }
108    client_context->channel_base = base_start;
109    client_context->state = kFreeChannel;
111    // Note that some of these values are available as members of this
112    // object but we put them again into the service_context because we
113    // will be called on a static method (ThreadPingEventReady)
114    service_context->shared_base = reinterpret_cast<char*>(shared_mem);
115    service_context->channel_size = channel_size;
116    service_context->channel = client_context;
117    service_context->channel_buffer = service_context->shared_base +
118                                      client_context->channel_base;
119    service_context->dispatcher = call_dispatcher_;
120    service_context->target_info.process = target_process_;
121    service_context->target_info.process_id = target_process_id_;
122    service_context->target_info.job_object = target_job_object_;
123    // Advance to the next channel.
124    base_start += channel_size;
125    // Register the ping event with the threadpool.
126    thread_provider_->RegisterWait(this, service_context->ping_event,
127                                   ThreadPingEventReady, service_context);
128  }
129  if (!::DuplicateHandle(::GetCurrentProcess(), g_alive_mutex,
130                         target_process_, &client_control_->server_alive,
131                         SYNCHRONIZE | EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, FALSE, 0)) {
132    return false;
133  }
134  // This last setting indicates to the client all is setup.
135  client_control_->channels_count = channel_count;
136  return true;
139// Releases memory allocated for IPC arguments, if needed.
140void ReleaseArgs(const IPCParams* ipc_params, void* args[kMaxIpcParams]) {
141  for (size_t i = 0; i < kMaxIpcParams; i++) {
142    switch (ipc_params->args[i]) {
143      case WCHAR_TYPE: {
144        delete reinterpret_cast<base::string16*>(args[i]);
145        args[i] = NULL;
146        break;
147      }
148      case INOUTPTR_TYPE: {
149        delete reinterpret_cast<CountedBuffer*>(args[i]);
150        args[i] = NULL;
151        break;
152      }
153      default: break;
154    }
155  }
158// Fills up the list of arguments (args and ipc_params) for an IPC call.
159bool GetArgs(CrossCallParamsEx* params, IPCParams* ipc_params,
160             void* args[kMaxIpcParams]) {
161  if (kMaxIpcParams < params->GetParamsCount())
162    return false;
164  for (uint32 i = 0; i < params->GetParamsCount(); i++) {
165    uint32 size;
166    ArgType type;
167    args[i] = params->GetRawParameter(i, &size, &type);
168    if (args[i]) {
169      ipc_params->args[i] = type;
170      switch (type) {
171        case WCHAR_TYPE: {
172          scoped_ptr<base::string16> data(new base::string16);
173          if (!params->GetParameterStr(i, data.get())) {
174            args[i] = 0;
175            ReleaseArgs(ipc_params, args);
176            return false;
177          }
178          args[i] = data.release();
179          break;
180        }
181        case ULONG_TYPE: {
182          uint32 data;
183          if (!params->GetParameter32(i, &data)) {
184            ReleaseArgs(ipc_params, args);
185            return false;
186          }
187          IPCInt ipc_int(data);
188          args[i] = ipc_int.AsVoidPtr();
189          break;
190        }
191        case VOIDPTR_TYPE : {
192          void* data;
193          if (!params->GetParameterVoidPtr(i, &data)) {
194            ReleaseArgs(ipc_params, args);
195            return false;
196          }
197          args[i] = data;
198          break;
199        }
200        case INOUTPTR_TYPE: {
201          if (!args[i]) {
202            ReleaseArgs(ipc_params, args);
203            return false;
204          }
205          CountedBuffer* buffer = new CountedBuffer(args[i] , size);
206          args[i] = buffer;
207          break;
208        }
209        default: break;
210      }
211    }
212  }
213  return true;
216bool SharedMemIPCServer::InvokeCallback(const ServerControl* service_context,
217                                        void* ipc_buffer,
218                                        CrossCallReturn* call_result) {
219  // Set the default error code;
220  SetCallError(SBOX_ERROR_INVALID_IPC, call_result);
221  uint32 output_size = 0;
222  // Parse, verify and copy the message. The handler operates on a copy
223  // of the message so the client cannot play dirty tricks by changing the
224  // data in the channel while the IPC is being processed.
225  scoped_ptr<CrossCallParamsEx> params(
226      CrossCallParamsEx::CreateFromBuffer(ipc_buffer,
227                                          service_context->channel_size,
228                                          &output_size));
229  if (!params.get())
230    return false;
232  uint32 tag = params->GetTag();
233  COMPILE_ASSERT(0 == INVALID_TYPE, Incorrect_type_enum);
234  IPCParams ipc_params = {0};
235  ipc_params.ipc_tag = tag;
237  void* args[kMaxIpcParams];
238  if (!GetArgs(params.get(), &ipc_params, args))
239    return false;
241  IPCInfo ipc_info = {0};
242  ipc_info.ipc_tag = tag;
243  ipc_info.client_info = &service_context->target_info;
244  Dispatcher* dispatcher = service_context->dispatcher;
245  DCHECK(dispatcher);
246  bool error = true;
247  Dispatcher* handler = NULL;
249  Dispatcher::CallbackGeneric callback_generic;
250  handler = dispatcher->OnMessageReady(&ipc_params, &callback_generic);
251  if (handler) {
252    switch (params->GetParamsCount()) {
253      case 0: {
254        // Ask the IPC dispatcher if she can service this IPC.
255        Dispatcher::Callback0 callback =
256            reinterpret_cast<Dispatcher::Callback0>(callback_generic);
257        if (!(handler->*callback)(&ipc_info))
258          break;
259        error = false;
260        break;
261      }
262      case 1: {
263        Dispatcher::Callback1 callback =
264            reinterpret_cast<Dispatcher::Callback1>(callback_generic);
265        if (!(handler->*callback)(&ipc_info, args[0]))
266          break;
267        error = false;
268        break;
269      }
270      case 2: {
271        Dispatcher::Callback2 callback =
272            reinterpret_cast<Dispatcher::Callback2>(callback_generic);
273        if (!(handler->*callback)(&ipc_info, args[0], args[1]))
274          break;
275        error = false;
276        break;
277      }
278      case 3: {
279        Dispatcher::Callback3 callback =
280            reinterpret_cast<Dispatcher::Callback3>(callback_generic);
281        if (!(handler->*callback)(&ipc_info, args[0], args[1], args[2]))
282          break;
283        error = false;
284        break;
285      }
286      case 4: {
287        Dispatcher::Callback4 callback =
288            reinterpret_cast<Dispatcher::Callback4>(callback_generic);
289        if (!(handler->*callback)(&ipc_info, args[0], args[1], args[2],
290                                  args[3]))
291          break;
292        error = false;
293        break;
294      }
295      case 5: {
296        Dispatcher::Callback5 callback =
297            reinterpret_cast<Dispatcher::Callback5>(callback_generic);
298        if (!(handler->*callback)(&ipc_info, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3],
299                                  args[4]))
300          break;
301        error = false;
302        break;
303      }
304      case 6: {
305        Dispatcher::Callback6 callback =
306            reinterpret_cast<Dispatcher::Callback6>(callback_generic);
307        if (!(handler->*callback)(&ipc_info, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3],
308                                  args[4], args[5]))
309          break;
310        error = false;
311        break;
312      }
313      case 7: {
314        Dispatcher::Callback7 callback =
315            reinterpret_cast<Dispatcher::Callback7>(callback_generic);
316        if (!(handler->*callback)(&ipc_info, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3],
317                                  args[4], args[5], args[6]))
318          break;
319        error = false;
320        break;
321      }
322      case 8: {
323        Dispatcher::Callback8 callback =
324            reinterpret_cast<Dispatcher::Callback8>(callback_generic);
325        if (!(handler->*callback)(&ipc_info, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3],
326                                  args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7]))
327          break;
328        error = false;
329        break;
330      }
331      case 9: {
332        Dispatcher::Callback9 callback =
333            reinterpret_cast<Dispatcher::Callback9>(callback_generic);
334        if (!(handler->*callback)(&ipc_info, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3],
335                                  args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8]))
336          break;
337        error = false;
338        break;
339      }
340      default:  {
341        NOTREACHED();
342        break;
343      }
344    }
345  }
347  if (error) {
348    if (handler)
349      SetCallError(SBOX_ERROR_FAILED_IPC, call_result);
350  } else {
351    memcpy(call_result, &ipc_info.return_info, sizeof(*call_result));
352    SetCallSuccess(call_result);
353    if (params->IsInOut()) {
354      // Maybe the params got changed by the broker. We need to upadte the
355      // memory section.
356      memcpy(ipc_buffer, params.get(), output_size);
357    }
358  }
360  ReleaseArgs(&ipc_params, args);
362  return !error;
365// This function gets called by a thread from the thread pool when a
366// ping event fires. The context is the same as passed in the RegisterWait()
367// call above.
368void __stdcall SharedMemIPCServer::ThreadPingEventReady(void* context,
369                                                        unsigned char) {
370  if (NULL == context) {
371    DCHECK(false);
372    return;
373  }
374  ServerControl* service_context = reinterpret_cast<ServerControl*>(context);
375  // Since the event fired, the channel *must* be busy. Change to kAckChannel
376  // while we service it.
377  LONG last_state =
378    ::InterlockedCompareExchange(&service_context->channel->state,
379                                 kAckChannel, kBusyChannel);
380  if (kBusyChannel != last_state) {
381    DCHECK(false);
382    return;
383  }
385  // Prepare the result structure. At this point we will return some result
386  // even if the IPC is invalid, malformed or has no handler.
387  CrossCallReturn call_result = {0};
388  void* buffer = service_context->channel_buffer;
390  InvokeCallback(service_context, buffer, &call_result);
392  // Copy the answer back into the channel and signal the pong event. This
393  // should wake up the client so he can finish the the ipc cycle.
394  CrossCallParams* call_params = reinterpret_cast<CrossCallParams*>(buffer);
395  memcpy(call_params->GetCallReturn(), &call_result, sizeof(call_result));
396  ::InterlockedExchange(&service_context->channel->state, kAckChannel);
397  ::SetEvent(service_context->pong_event);
400bool SharedMemIPCServer::MakeEvents(HANDLE* server_ping, HANDLE* server_pong,
401                                    HANDLE* client_ping, HANDLE* client_pong) {
402  // Note that the IPC client has no right to delete the events. That would
403  // cause problems. The server *owns* the events.
406  // The events are auto reset, and start not signaled.
407  *server_ping = ::CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
408  if (!::DuplicateHandle(::GetCurrentProcess(), *server_ping, target_process_,
409                         client_ping, kDesiredAccess, FALSE, 0)) {
410    return false;
411  }
412  *server_pong = ::CreateEventW(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
413  if (!::DuplicateHandle(::GetCurrentProcess(), *server_pong, target_process_,
414                         client_pong, kDesiredAccess, FALSE, 0)) {
415    return false;
416  }
417  return true;
420}  // namespace sandbox