1// Copyright 2006 Google Inc.
2// Authors: Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, Chandra Chereddi, Lincoln Smith
4// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6// You may obtain a copy of the License at
8//      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
10// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14// limitations under the License.
16// Implementation of the Bentley/McIlroy algorithm for finding differences.
17// Bentley, McIlroy.  DCC 1999.  Data Compression Using Long Common Strings.
18// http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/555557.html
23#include <config.h>
24#include <stddef.h>  // size_t
25#include <stdint.h>  // uint32_t
26#include <vector>
28namespace open_vcdiff {
30// A generic hash table which will be used to keep track of byte runs
31// of size kBlockSize in both the incrementally processed target data
32// and the preprocessed source dictionary.
34// A custom hash table implementation is used instead of the standard
35// hash_map template because we know that there will be exactly one
36// entry in the BlockHash corresponding to each kBlockSize bytes
37// in the source data, which makes certain optimizations possible:
38// * The memory for the hash table and for all hash entries can be allocated
39//   in one step rather than incrementally for each insert operation.
40// * A single integer can be used to represent both
41//   the index of the next hash entry in the chain
42//   and the position of the entry within the source data
43//   (== kBlockSize * block_number).  This greatly reduces the size
44//   of a hash entry.
46class BlockHash {
47 public:
48  // Block size as per Bentley/McIlroy; must be a power of two.
49  //
50  // Using (for example) kBlockSize = 4 guarantees that no match smaller
51  // than size 4 will be identified, that some matches having sizes
52  // 4, 5, or 6 may be identified, and that all matches
53  // having size 7 or greater will be identified (because any string of
54  // 7 bytes must contain a complete aligned block of 4 bytes.)
55  //
56  // Increasing kBlockSize by a factor of two will halve the amount of
57  // memory needed for the next block table, and will halve the setup time
58  // for a new BlockHash.  However, it also doubles the minimum
59  // match length that is guaranteed to be found in FindBestMatch(),
60  // so that function will be less effective in finding matches.
61  //
62  // Computational effort in FindBestMatch (which is the inner loop of
63  // the encoding algorithm) will be proportional to the number of
64  // matches found, and a low value of kBlockSize will waste time
65  // tracking down small matches.  On the other hand, if this value
66  // is set too high, no matches will be found at all.
67  //
68  // It is suggested that different values of kBlockSize be tried against
69  // a representative data set to find the best tradeoff between
70  // memory/CPU and the effectiveness of FindBestMatch().
71  //
72  // If you change kBlockSize to a smaller value, please increase
73  // kMaxMatchesToCheck accordingly.
74  static const int kBlockSize = 16;
76  // This class is used to store the best match found by FindBestMatch()
77  // and return it to the caller.
78  class Match {
79   public:
80    Match() : size_(0), source_offset_(-1), target_offset_(-1) { }
82    void ReplaceIfBetterMatch(size_t candidate_size,
83                              int candidate_source_offset,
84                              int candidate_target_offset) {
85      if (candidate_size > size_) {
86        size_ = candidate_size;
87        source_offset_ = candidate_source_offset;
88        target_offset_ = candidate_target_offset;
89      }
90    }
92    size_t size() const { return size_; }
93    int source_offset() const { return source_offset_; }
94    int target_offset() const { return target_offset_; }
96   private:
97     // The size of the best (longest) match passed to ReplaceIfBetterMatch().
98    size_t size_;
100    // The source offset of the match, including the starting_offset_
101    // of the BlockHash for which the match was found.
102    int source_offset_;
104    // The target offset of the match.  An offset of 0 corresponds to the
105    // data at target_start, which is an argument of FindBestMatch().
106    int target_offset_;
108    // Making these private avoids implicit copy constructor
109    // & assignment operator
110    Match(const Match&);  // NOLINT
111    void operator=(const Match&);
112  };
114  // A BlockHash is created using a buffer of source data.  The hash table
115  // will contain one entry for each kBlockSize-byte block in the
116  // source data.
117  //
118  // See the comments for starting_offset_, below, for a description of
119  // the starting_offset argument.  For a hash of source (dictionary) data,
120  // starting_offset_ will be zero; for a hash of previously encoded
121  // target data, starting_offset_ will be equal to the dictionary size.
122  //
123  BlockHash(const char* source_data, size_t source_size, int starting_offset);
125  ~BlockHash();
127  // Initializes the object before use.
128  // This method must be called after constructing a BlockHash object,
129  // and before any other method may be called.  This is because
130  // Init() dynamically allocates hash_table_ and next_block_table_.
131  // Returns true if initialization succeeded, or false if an error occurred,
132  // in which case no other method except the destructor may then be used
133  // on the object.
134  //
135  // If populate_hash_table is true, then AddAllBlocks() will be called
136  // to populate the hash table.  If populate_hash_table is false, then
137  // classes that inherit from BlockHash are expected to call AddBlock()
138  // to incrementally populate individual blocks of data.
139  //
140  bool Init(bool populate_hash_table);
142  // In the context of the open-vcdiff encoder, BlockHash is used for two
143  // purposes: to hash the source (dictionary) data, and to hash
144  // the previously encoded target data.  The main differences between
145  // a dictionary BlockHash and a target BlockHash are as follows:
146  //
147  //   1. The best_match->source_offset() returned from FindBestMatch()
148  //      for a target BlockHash is computed in the following manner:
149  //      the starting offset of the first byte in the target data
150  //      is equal to the dictionary size.  FindBestMatch() will add
151  //      starting_offset_ to any best_match->source_offset() value it returns,
152  //      in order to produce the correct offset value for a target BlockHash.
153  //   2. For a dictionary BlockHash, the entire data set is hashed at once
154  //      when Init() is called with the parameter populate_hash_table = true.
155  //      For a target BlockHash, because the previously encoded target data
156  //      includes only the data seen up to the current encoding position,
157  //      the data blocks are hashed incrementally as the encoding position
158  //      advances, using AddOneIndexHash() and AddAllBlocksThroughIndex().
159  //
160  // The following two factory functions can be used to create BlockHash
161  // objects for each of these two purposes.  Each factory function calls
162  // the object constructor and also calls Init().  If an error occurs,
163  // NULL is returned; otherwise a valid BlockHash object is returned.
164  // Since a dictionary BlockHash is not expected to be modified after
165  // initialization, a const object is returned.
166  // The caller is responsible for deleting the returned object
167  // (using the C++ delete operator) once it is no longer needed.
168  static const BlockHash* CreateDictionaryHash(const char* dictionary_data,
169                                               size_t dictionary_size);
170  static BlockHash* CreateTargetHash(const char* target_data,
171                                     size_t target_size,
172                                     size_t dictionary_size);
174  // This function will be called to add blocks incrementally to the target hash
175  // as the encoding position advances through the target data.  It will be
176  // called for every kBlockSize-byte block in the target data, regardless
177  // of whether the block is aligned evenly on a block boundary.  The
178  // BlockHash will only store hash entries for the evenly-aligned blocks.
179  //
180  void AddOneIndexHash(int index, uint32_t hash_value) {
181    if (index == NextIndexToAdd()) {
182      AddBlock(hash_value);
183    }
184  }
186  // Calls AddBlock() for each kBlockSize-byte block in the range
187  // (last_block_added_ * kBlockSize, end_index), exclusive of the endpoints.
188  // If end_index <= the last index added (last_block_added_ * kBlockSize),
189  // this function does nothing.
190  //
191  // A partial block beginning anywhere up to (end_index - 1) is also added,
192  // unless it extends outside the end of the source data.  Like AddAllBlocks(),
193  // this function computes the hash value for each of the blocks in question
194  // from scratch, so it is not a good option if the hash values have already
195  // been computed for some other purpose.
196  //
197  // Example: assume kBlockSize = 4, last_block_added_ = 1, and there are
198  // 14 bytes of source data.
199  // If AddAllBlocksThroughIndex(9) is invoked, then it will call AddBlock()
200  // only for block number 2 (at index 8).
201  // If, after that, AddAllBlocksThroughIndex(14) is invoked, it will not call
202  // AddBlock() at all, because block 3 (beginning at index 12) would
203  // fall outside the range of source data.
204  //
205  // VCDiffEngine::Encode (in vcdiffengine.cc) uses this function to
206  // add a whole range of data to a target hash when a COPY instruction
207  // is generated.
208  void AddAllBlocksThroughIndex(int end_index);
210  // FindBestMatch takes a position within the unencoded target data
211  // (target_candidate_start) and the hash value of the kBlockSize bytes
212  // beginning at that position (hash_value).  It attempts to find a matching
213  // set of bytes within the source (== dictionary) data, expanding
214  // the match both below and above the target block.  It cannot expand
215  // the match outside the bounds of the source data, or below
216  // target_start within the target data, or past
217  // the end limit of (target_start + target_length).
218  //
219  // target_candidate_start is the start of the candidate block within the
220  // target data for which a match will be sought, while
221  // target_start (which is <= target_candidate_start)
222  // is the start of the target data that has yet to be encoded.
223  //
224  // If a match is found whose size is greater than the size
225  // of best_match, this function populates *best_match with the
226  // size, source_offset, and target_offset of the match found.
227  // best_match->source_offset() will contain the index of the start of the
228  // matching source data, plus starting_offset_
229  // (see description of starting_offset_ for details);
230  // best_match->target_offset() will contain the offset of the match
231  // beginning with target_start = offset 0, such that
232  //     0 <= best_match->target_offset()
233  //              <= (target_candidate_start - target_start);
234  // and best_match->size() will contain the size of the match.
235  // If no such match is found, this function leaves *best_match unmodified.
236  //
237  // On calling FindBestMatch(), best_match must
238  // point to a valid Match object, and cannot be NULL.
239  // The same Match object can be passed
240  // when calling FindBestMatch() on a different BlockHash object
241  // for the same candidate data block, in order to find
242  // the best match possible across both objects.  For example:
243  //
244  //     open_vcdiff::BlockHash::Match best_match;
245  //     uint32_t hash_value =
246  //         RollingHash<BlockHash::kBlockSize>::Hash(target_candidate_start);
247  //     bh1.FindBestMatch(hash_value,
248  //                       target_candidate_start,
249  //                       target_start,
250  //                       target_length,
251  //                       &best_match);
252  //     bh2.FindBestMatch(hash_value,
253  //                       target_candidate_start,
254  //                       target_start,
255  //                       target_length,
256  //                       &best_match);
257  //     if (best_size >= 0) {
258  //       // a match was found; its size, source offset, and target offset
259  //       // can be found in best_match
260  //     }
261  //
262  // hash_value is passed as a separate parameter from target_candidate_start,
263  // (rather than calculated within FindBestMatch) in order to take
264  // advantage of the rolling hash, which quickly calculates the hash value
265  // of the block starting at target_candidate_start based on
266  // the known hash value of the block starting at (target_candidate_start - 1).
267  // See vcdiffengine.cc for more details.
268  //
269  // Example:
270  //    kBlockSize: 4
271  //    target text: "ANDREW LLOYD WEBBER"
272  //                 1^    5^2^         3^
273  //    dictionary: "INSURANCE : LLOYDS OF LONDON"
274  //                           4^
275  //    hashed dictionary blocks:
276  //        "INSU", "RANC", "E : ", "LLOY", "DS O", "F LON"
277  //
278  //    1: target_start (beginning of unencoded data)
279  //    2: target_candidate_start (for the block "LLOY")
280  //    3: target_length (points one byte beyond the last byte of data.)
281  //    4: best_match->source_offset() (after calling FindBestMatch)
282  //    5: best_match->target_offset() (after calling FindBestMatch)
283  //
284  //    Under these conditions, FindBestMatch will find a matching
285  //    hashed dictionary block for "LLOY", and will extend the beginning of
286  //    this match backwards by one byte, and the end of the match forwards
287  //    by one byte, finding that the best match is " LLOYD"
288  //    with best_match->source_offset() = 10
289  //                                  (offset of " LLOYD" in the source string),
290  //         best_match->target_offset() = 6
291  //                                  (offset of " LLOYD" in the target string),
292  //     and best_match->size() = 6.
293  //
294  void FindBestMatch(uint32_t hash_value,
295                     const char* target_candidate_start,
296                     const char* target_start,
297                     size_t target_size,
298                     Match* best_match) const;
300 protected:
301  // FindBestMatch() will not process more than this number
302  // of matching hash entries.
303  //
304  // It is necessary to have a limit on the maximum number of matches
305  // that will be checked in order to avoid the worst-case performance
306  // possible if, for example, all the blocks in the dictionary have
307  // the same hash value.  See the unit test SearchStringFindsTooManyMatches
308  // for an example of such a case.  The encoder uses a loop in
309  // VCDiffEngine::Encode over each target byte, containing a loop in
310  // BlockHash::FindBestMatch over the number of matches (up to a maximum
311  // of the number of source blocks), containing two loops that extend
312  // the match forwards and backwards up to the number of source bytes.
313  // Total complexity in the worst case is
314  //     O([target size] * source_size_ * source_size_)
315  // Placing a limit on the possible number of matches checked changes this to
316  //     O([target size] * source_size_ * kMaxMatchesToCheck)
317  //
318  // In empirical testing on real HTML text, using a block size of 4,
319  // the number of true matches per call to FindBestMatch() did not exceed 78;
320  // with a block size of 32, the number of matches did not exceed 3.
321  //
322  // The expected number of true matches scales super-linearly
323  // with the inverse of kBlockSize, but here a linear scale is used
324  // for block sizes smaller than 32.
325  static const int kMaxMatchesToCheck = (kBlockSize >= 32) ? 32 :
326                                            (32 * (32 / kBlockSize));
328  // Do not skip more than this number of non-matching hash collisions
329  // to find the next matching entry in the hash chain.
330  static const int kMaxProbes = 16;
332  // Internal routine which calculates a hash table size based on kBlockSize and
333  // the dictionary_size.  Will return a power of two if successful, or 0 if an
334  // internal error occurs.  Some calculations (such as GetHashTableIndex())
335  // depend on the table size being a power of two.
336  static size_t CalcTableSize(const size_t dictionary_size);
338  size_t GetNumberOfBlocks() const {
339    return source_size_ / kBlockSize;
340  }
342  // Use the lowest-order bits of the hash value
343  // as the index into the hash table.
344  uint32_t GetHashTableIndex(uint32_t hash_value) const {
345    return hash_value & hash_table_mask_;
346  }
348  // The index within source_data_ of the next block
349  // for which AddBlock() should be called.
350  int NextIndexToAdd() const {
351    return (last_block_added_ + 1) * kBlockSize;
352  }
354  static inline bool TooManyMatches(int* match_counter);
356  const char* source_data() { return source_data_; }
357  size_t source_size() { return source_size_; }
359  // Adds an entry to the hash table for one block of source data of length
360  // kBlockSize, starting at source_data_[block_number * kBlockSize],
361  // where block_number is always (last_block_added_ + 1).  That is,
362  // AddBlock() must be called once for each block in source_data_
363  // in increasing order.
364  void AddBlock(uint32_t hash_value);
366  // Calls AddBlock() for each complete kBlockSize-byte block between
367  // source_data_ and (source_data_ + source_size_).  It is equivalent
368  // to calling AddAllBlocksThroughIndex(source_data + source_size).
369  // This function is called when Init(true) is invoked.
370  void AddAllBlocks();
372  // Returns true if the contents of the kBlockSize-byte block
373  // beginning at block1 are identical to the contents of
374  // the block beginning at block2; false otherwise.
375  static bool BlockContentsMatch(const char* block1, const char* block2);
377  // Compares each machine word of the two (possibly unaligned) blocks, rather
378  // than each byte, thus reducing the number of test-and-branch instructions
379  // executed.  Returns a boolean (do the blocks match?) rather than
380  // the signed byte difference returned by memcmp.
381  //
382  // BlockContentsMatch will use either this function or memcmp to do its work,
383  // depending on which is faster for a particular architecture.
384  //
385  // For gcc on x86-based architectures, this function has been shown to run
386  // about twice as fast as the library function memcmp(), and between five and
387  // nine times faster than the assembly instructions (repz and cmpsb) that gcc
388  // uses by default for builtin memcmp.  On other architectures, or using
389  // other compilers, this function has not shown to be faster than memcmp.
390  static bool BlockCompareWords(const char* block1, const char* block2);
392  // Finds the first block number within the hashed data
393  // that represents a match for the given hash value.
394  // Returns -1 if no match was found.
395  //
396  // Init() must have been called and returned true before using
397  // FirstMatchingBlock or NextMatchingBlock.  No check is performed
398  // for this condition; the code will crash if this condition is violated.
399  //
400  // The hash table is initially populated with -1 (not found) values,
401  // so if this function is called before the hash table has been populated
402  // using AddAllBlocks() or AddBlock(), it will simply return -1
403  // for any value of hash_value.
404  int FirstMatchingBlock(uint32_t hash_value, const char* block_ptr) const;
406  // Given a block number returned by FirstMatchingBlock()
407  // or by a previous call to NextMatchingBlock(), returns
408  // the next block number that matches the same hash value.
409  // Returns -1 if no match was found.
410  int NextMatchingBlock(int block_number, const char* block_ptr) const;
412  // Inline version of FirstMatchingBlock.  This saves the cost of a function
413  // call when this routine is called from within the module.  The external
414  // (non-inlined) version is called only by unit tests.
415  inline int FirstMatchingBlockInline(uint32_t hash_value,
416                                      const char* block_ptr) const;
418  // Walk through the hash entry chain, skipping over any false matches
419  // (for which the lowest bits of the fingerprints match,
420  // but the actual block data does not.)  Returns the block number of
421  // the first true match found, or -1 if no true match was found.
422  // If block_number is a matching block, the function will return block_number
423  // without skipping to the next block.
424  int SkipNonMatchingBlocks(int block_number, const char* block_ptr) const;
426  // Returns the number of bytes to the left of source_match_start
427  // that match the corresponding bytes to the left of target_match_start.
428  // Will not examine more than max_bytes bytes, which is to say that
429  // the return value will be in the range [0, max_bytes] inclusive.
430  static int MatchingBytesToLeft(const char* source_match_start,
431                                 const char* target_match_start,
432                                 int max_bytes);
434  // Returns the number of bytes starting at source_match_end
435  // that match the corresponding bytes starting at target_match_end.
436  // Will not examine more than max_bytes bytes, which is to say that
437  // the return value will be in the range [0, max_bytes] inclusive.
438  static int MatchingBytesToRight(const char* source_match_end,
439                                  const char* target_match_end,
440                                  int max_bytes);
442  // The protected functions BlockContentsMatch, FirstMatchingBlock,
443  // NextMatchingBlock, MatchingBytesToLeft, and MatchingBytesToRight
444  // should be made accessible to unit tests.
445  friend class BlockHashTest;
447 private:
448  const char* const  source_data_;
449  const size_t       source_size_;
451  // The size of this array is determined using CalcTableSize().  It has at
452  // least one element for each kBlockSize-byte block in the source data.
453  // GetHashTableIndex() returns an index into this table for a given hash
454  // value.  The value of each element of hash_table_ is the lowest block
455  // number in the source data whose hash value would return the same value from
456  // GetHashTableIndex(), or -1 if there is no matching block.  This value can
457  // then be used as an index into next_block_table_ to retrieve the entire set
458  // of matching block numbers.
459  std::vector<int> hash_table_;
461  // An array containing one element for each source block.  Each element is
462  // either -1 (== not found) or the index of the next block whose hash value
463  // would produce a matching result from GetHashTableIndex().
464  std::vector<int> next_block_table_;
466  // This vector has the same size as next_block_table_.  For every block number
467  // B that is referenced in hash_table_, last_block_table_[B] will contain
468  // the maximum block number that has the same GetHashTableIndex() value
469  // as block B.  This number may be B itself.  For a block number B' that
470  // is not referenced in hash_table_, the value of last_block_table_[B'] is -1.
471  // This table is used only while populating the hash table, not while looking
472  // up hash values in the table.  Keeping track of the last block number in the
473  // chain allows us to construct the block chains as FIFO rather than LIFO
474  // lists, so that the match with the lowest index is returned first.  This
475  // should result in a more compact encoding because the VCDIFF format favors
476  // smaller index values and repeated index values.
477  std::vector<int> last_block_table_;
479  // Performing a bitwise AND with hash_table_mask_ will produce a value ranging
480  // from 0 to the number of elements in hash_table_.
481  uint32_t hash_table_mask_;
483  // The offset of the first byte of source data (the data at source_data_[0]).
484  // For the purpose of computing offsets, the source data and target data
485  // are considered to be concatenated -- not literally in a single memory
486  // buffer, but conceptually as described in the RFC.
487  // The first byte of the previously encoded target data
488  // has an offset that is equal to dictionary_size, i.e., just after
489  // the last byte of source data.
490  // For a hash of source (dictionary) data, starting_offset_ will be zero;
491  // for a hash of previously encoded target data, starting_offset_ will be
492  // equal to the dictionary size.
493  const int starting_offset_;
495  // The last index added by AddBlock().  This determines the block number
496  // for successive calls to AddBlock(), and is also
497  // used to determine the starting block for AddAllBlocksThroughIndex().
498  int last_block_added_;
500  // Making these private avoids implicit copy constructor & assignment operator
501  BlockHash(const BlockHash&);  // NOLINT
502  void operator=(const BlockHash&);
505}  // namespace open_vcdiff