1d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant/*
2d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant * Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011, 2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
3d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant * Copyright (C) 2011, Benjamin Poulain <ikipou@gmail.com>
4d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant *
5b64f8b07c104c6cc986570ac8ee0ed16a9f23976Howard Hinnant * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
6b64f8b07c104c6cc986570ac8ee0ed16a9f23976Howard Hinnant * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
7d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
8d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
9d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant *
10d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
11d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU
13d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant * Library General Public License for more details.
14d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant *
15d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
16d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
17d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
18d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
19d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant *
20d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant */
21d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant
22d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant#ifndef WTF_ListHashSet_h
23d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant#define WTF_ListHashSet_h
24d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant
25d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant#include "wtf/DefaultAllocator.h"
26d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant#include "wtf/HashSet.h"
27d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant#include "wtf/OwnPtr.h"
28d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant#include "wtf/PassOwnPtr.h"
29d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant
30d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnantnamespace WTF {
31d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant
32d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant    // ListHashSet: Just like HashSet, this class provides a Set
33d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant    // interface - a collection of unique objects with O(1) insertion,
34d7d01132954e05ba41137195f26a265e7e255e6aHoward Hinnant    // removal and test for containership. However, it also has an
35    // order - iterating it will always give back values in the order
36    // in which they are added.
38    // Unlike iteration of most WTF Hash data structures, iteration is
39    // guaranteed safe against mutation of the ListHashSet, except for
40    // removal of the item currently pointed to by a given iterator.
42    template<typename Value, size_t inlineCapacity, typename HashFunctions, typename Allocator> class ListHashSet;
44    template<typename Set> class ListHashSetIterator;
45    template<typename Set> class ListHashSetConstIterator;
46    template<typename Set> class ListHashSetReverseIterator;
47    template<typename Set> class ListHashSetConstReverseIterator;
49    template<typename ValueArg> class ListHashSetNodeBase;
50    template<typename ValueArg, typename Allocator> class ListHashSetNode;
51    template<typename ValueArg, size_t inlineCapacity> struct ListHashSetAllocator;
53    template<typename HashArg> struct ListHashSetNodeHashFunctions;
54    template<typename HashArg> struct ListHashSetTranslator;
56    // Don't declare a destructor for HeapAllocated ListHashSet.
57    template<typename Derived, typename Allocator, bool isGarbageCollected>
58    class ListHashSetDestructorBase;
60    template<typename Derived, typename Allocator>
61    class ListHashSetDestructorBase<Derived, Allocator, true> {
62    protected:
63        typename Allocator::AllocatorProvider m_allocatorProvider;
64    };
66    template<typename Derived, typename Allocator>
67    class ListHashSetDestructorBase<Derived, Allocator, false> {
68    public:
69        ~ListHashSetDestructorBase() { static_cast<Derived*>(this)->finalize(); }
70    protected:
71        typename Allocator::AllocatorProvider m_allocatorProvider;
72    };
74    // Note that for a ListHashSet you cannot specify the HashTraits as a
75    // template argument. It uses the default hash traits for the ValueArg
76    // type.
77    template<typename ValueArg, size_t inlineCapacity = 256, typename HashArg = typename DefaultHash<ValueArg>::Hash, typename AllocatorArg = ListHashSetAllocator<ValueArg, inlineCapacity> > class ListHashSet
78        : public ListHashSetDestructorBase<ListHashSet<ValueArg, inlineCapacity, HashArg, AllocatorArg>, AllocatorArg, AllocatorArg::isGarbageCollected> {
79        typedef AllocatorArg Allocator;
80        WTF_USE_ALLOCATOR(ListHashSet, Allocator);
82        typedef ListHashSetNode<ValueArg, Allocator> Node;
83        typedef HashTraits<Node*> NodeTraits;
84        typedef ListHashSetNodeHashFunctions<HashArg> NodeHash;
85        typedef ListHashSetTranslator<HashArg> BaseTranslator;
87        typedef HashTable<Node*, Node*, IdentityExtractor, NodeHash, NodeTraits, NodeTraits, typename Allocator::TableAllocator> ImplType;
88        typedef HashTableIterator<Node*, Node*, IdentityExtractor, NodeHash, NodeTraits, NodeTraits, typename Allocator::TableAllocator> ImplTypeIterator;
89        typedef HashTableConstIterator<Node*, Node*, IdentityExtractor, NodeHash, NodeTraits, NodeTraits, typename Allocator::TableAllocator> ImplTypeConstIterator;
91        typedef HashArg HashFunctions;
93    public:
94        typedef ValueArg ValueType;
95        typedef HashTraits<ValueType> ValueTraits;
96        typedef typename ValueTraits::PeekInType ValuePeekInType;
97        typedef typename ValueTraits::PassInType ValuePassInType;
98        typedef typename ValueTraits::PassOutType ValuePassOutType;
100        typedef ListHashSetIterator<ListHashSet> iterator;
101        typedef ListHashSetConstIterator<ListHashSet> const_iterator;
102        friend class ListHashSetIterator<ListHashSet>;
103        friend class ListHashSetConstIterator<ListHashSet>;
105        typedef ListHashSetReverseIterator<ListHashSet> reverse_iterator;
106        typedef ListHashSetConstReverseIterator<ListHashSet> const_reverse_iterator;
107        friend class ListHashSetReverseIterator<ListHashSet>;
108        friend class ListHashSetConstReverseIterator<ListHashSet>;
110        template<typename ValueType> struct HashTableAddResult {
111        HashTableAddResult(Node* storedValue, bool isNewEntry) : storedValue(storedValue), isNewEntry(isNewEntry) { }
112            Node* storedValue;
113            bool isNewEntry;
114        };
115        typedef HashTableAddResult<ValueType> AddResult;
117        ListHashSet();
118        ListHashSet(const ListHashSet&);
119        ListHashSet& operator=(const ListHashSet&);
120        void finalize();
122        void swap(ListHashSet&);
124        unsigned size() const { return m_impl.size(); }
125        unsigned capacity() const { return m_impl.capacity(); }
126        bool isEmpty() const { return m_impl.isEmpty(); }
128        iterator begin() { return makeIterator(m_head); }
129        iterator end() { return makeIterator(0); }
130        const_iterator begin() const { return makeConstIterator(m_head); }
131        const_iterator end() const { return makeConstIterator(0); }
133        reverse_iterator rbegin() { return makeReverseIterator(m_tail); }
134        reverse_iterator rend() { return makeReverseIterator(0); }
135        const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const { return makeConstReverseIterator(m_tail); }
136        const_reverse_iterator rend() const { return makeConstReverseIterator(0); }
138        ValueType& first();
139        const ValueType& first() const;
140        void removeFirst();
142        ValueType& last();
143        const ValueType& last() const;
144        void removeLast();
146        iterator find(ValuePeekInType);
147        const_iterator find(ValuePeekInType) const;
148        bool contains(ValuePeekInType) const;
150        // An alternate version of find() that finds the object by hashing and comparing
151        // with some other type, to avoid the cost of type conversion.
152        // The HashTranslator interface is defined in HashSet.
153        template<typename HashTranslator, typename T> iterator find(const T&);
154        template<typename HashTranslator, typename T> const_iterator find(const T&) const;
155        template<typename HashTranslator, typename T> bool contains(const T&) const;
157        // The return value of add is a pair of a pointer to the stored value,
158        // and a bool that is true if an new entry was added.
159        AddResult add(ValuePassInType);
161        // Same as add() except that the return value is an
162        // iterator. Useful in cases where it's needed to have the
163        // same return value as find() and where it's not possible to
164        // use a pointer to the storedValue.
165        iterator addReturnIterator(ValuePassInType);
167        // Add the value to the end of the collection. If the value was already in
168        // the list, it is moved to the end.
169        AddResult appendOrMoveToLast(ValuePassInType);
171        // Add the value to the beginning of the collection. If the value was already in
172        // the list, it is moved to the beginning.
173        AddResult prependOrMoveToFirst(ValuePassInType);
175        AddResult insertBefore(ValuePeekInType beforeValue, ValuePassInType newValue);
176        AddResult insertBefore(iterator, ValuePassInType);
178        void remove(ValuePeekInType value) { return remove(find(value)); }
179        void remove(iterator);
180        void clear();
181        template<typename Collection>
182        void removeAll(const Collection& other) { WTF::removeAll(*this, other); }
184        ValuePassOutType take(iterator);
185        ValuePassOutType take(ValuePeekInType);
186        ValuePassOutType takeFirst();
188        void trace(typename Allocator::Visitor*);
190    private:
191        void unlink(Node*);
192        void unlinkAndDelete(Node*);
193        void appendNode(Node*);
194        void prependNode(Node*);
195        void insertNodeBefore(Node* beforeNode, Node* newNode);
196        void deleteAllNodes();
197        Allocator* allocator() const { return this->m_allocatorProvider.get(); }
198        void createAllocatorIfNeeded() { this->m_allocatorProvider.createAllocatorIfNeeded(); }
199        void deallocate(Node* node) const { this->m_allocatorProvider.deallocate(node); }
201        iterator makeIterator(Node* position) { return iterator(this, position); }
202        const_iterator makeConstIterator(Node* position) const { return const_iterator(this, position); }
203        reverse_iterator makeReverseIterator(Node* position) { return reverse_iterator(this, position); }
204        const_reverse_iterator makeConstReverseIterator(Node* position) const { return const_reverse_iterator(this, position); }
206        ImplType m_impl;
207        Node* m_head;
208        Node* m_tail;
209    };
211    // ListHashSetNode has this base class to hold the members because the MSVC
212    // compiler otherwise gets into circular template dependencies when trying
213    // to do sizeof on a node.
214    template<typename ValueArg> class ListHashSetNodeBase {
215    protected:
216        ListHashSetNodeBase(const ValueArg& value)
217            : m_value(value)
218            , m_prev(0)
219            , m_next(0)
221            , m_isAllocated(true)
223        {
224        }
226        template <typename U>
227        ListHashSetNodeBase(const U& value)
228            : m_value(value)
229            , m_prev(0)
230            , m_next(0)
232            , m_isAllocated(true)
234        {
235        }
237    public:
238        ValueArg m_value;
239        ListHashSetNodeBase* m_prev;
240        ListHashSetNodeBase* m_next;
242        bool m_isAllocated;
244    };
246    // This allocator is only used for non-Heap ListHashSets.
247    template<typename ValueArg, size_t inlineCapacity>
248    struct ListHashSetAllocator : public DefaultAllocator {
249        typedef DefaultAllocator TableAllocator;
250        typedef ListHashSetNode<ValueArg, ListHashSetAllocator> Node;
251        typedef ListHashSetNodeBase<ValueArg> NodeBase;
252        class AllocatorProvider {
253        public:
254            void createAllocatorIfNeeded()
255            {
256                if (!m_allocator)
257                    m_allocator = adoptPtr(new ListHashSetAllocator);
258            }
260            void swap(AllocatorProvider& other)
261            {
262                m_allocator.swap(other.m_allocator);
263            }
265            void deallocate(Node* node) const
266            {
267                ASSERT(m_allocator);
268                m_allocator->deallocate(node);
269            }
271            ListHashSetAllocator* get() const
272            {
273                ASSERT(m_allocator);
274                return m_allocator.get();
275            }
277        private:
278            OwnPtr<ListHashSetAllocator> m_allocator;
279        };
281        ListHashSetAllocator()
282            : m_freeList(pool())
283            , m_isDoneWithInitialFreeList(false)
284        {
285            memset(m_pool.buffer, 0, sizeof(m_pool.buffer));
286        }
288        Node* allocateNode()
289        {
290            Node* result = m_freeList;
292            if (!result)
293                return static_cast<Node*>(fastMalloc(sizeof(NodeBase)));
295            ASSERT(!result->m_isAllocated);
297            Node* next = result->next();
298            ASSERT(!next || !next->m_isAllocated);
299            if (!next && !m_isDoneWithInitialFreeList) {
300                next = result + 1;
301                if (next == pastPool()) {
302                    m_isDoneWithInitialFreeList = true;
303                    next = 0;
304                } else {
305                    ASSERT(inPool(next));
306                    ASSERT(!next->m_isAllocated);
307                }
308            }
309            m_freeList = next;
311            return result;
312        }
314        void deallocate(Node* node)
315        {
316            if (inPool(node)) {
318                node->m_isAllocated = false;
320                node->m_next = m_freeList;
321                m_freeList = node;
322                return;
323            }
325            fastFree(node);
326        }
328        bool inPool(Node* node)
329        {
330            return node >= pool() && node < pastPool();
331        }
333        static void traceValue(typename DefaultAllocator::Visitor* visitor, Node* node) { }
335    private:
336        Node* pool() { return reinterpret_cast_ptr<Node*>(m_pool.buffer); }
337        Node* pastPool() { return pool() + m_poolSize; }
339        Node* m_freeList;
340        bool m_isDoneWithInitialFreeList;
342        // The allocation pool for nodes is one big chunk that ASAN has no
343        // insight into, so it can cloak errors. Make it as small as possible
344        // to force nodes to be allocated individually where ASAN can see them.
345        static const size_t m_poolSize = 1;
347        static const size_t m_poolSize = inlineCapacity;
349        AlignedBuffer<sizeof(NodeBase) * m_poolSize, WTF_ALIGN_OF(NodeBase)> m_pool;
350    };
352    template<typename ValueArg, typename AllocatorArg> class ListHashSetNode : public ListHashSetNodeBase<ValueArg> {
353    public:
354        typedef AllocatorArg NodeAllocator;
355        typedef ValueArg Value;
357        template <typename U>
358        ListHashSetNode(U value)
359            : ListHashSetNodeBase<ValueArg>(value) { }
361        void* operator new(size_t, NodeAllocator* allocator)
362        {
363            COMPILE_ASSERT(sizeof(ListHashSetNode) == sizeof(ListHashSetNodeBase<ValueArg>), PleaseAddAnyFieldsToTheBase);
364            return allocator->allocateNode();
365        }
367        void setWasAlreadyDestructed()
368        {
369            if (NodeAllocator::isGarbageCollected && HashTraits<ValueArg>::needsDestruction)
370                this->m_prev = unlinkedNodePointer();
371        }
373        bool wasAlreadyDestructed() const
374        {
375            ASSERT(NodeAllocator::isGarbageCollected);
376            return this->m_prev == unlinkedNodePointer();
377        }
379        static void finalize(void* pointer)
380        {
381            ASSERT(HashTraits<ValueArg>::needsDestruction); // No need to waste time calling finalize if it's not needed.
382            ListHashSetNode* self = reinterpret_cast_ptr<ListHashSetNode*>(pointer);
384            // Check whether this node was already destructed before being
385            // unlinked from the collection.
386            if (self->wasAlreadyDestructed())
387                return;
389            self->m_value.~ValueArg();
390        }
392        void destroy(NodeAllocator* allocator)
393        {
394            this->~ListHashSetNode();
395            setWasAlreadyDestructed();
396            allocator->deallocate(this);
397        }
399        // This is not called in normal tracing, but it is called if we find a
400        // pointer to a node on the stack using conservative scanning. Since
401        // the original ListHashSet may no longer exist we make sure to mark
402        // the neighbours in the chain too.
403        void trace(typename NodeAllocator::Visitor* visitor)
404        {
405            // The conservative stack scan can find nodes that have been
406            // removed from the set and destructed. We don't need to trace
407            // these, and it would be wrong to do so, because the class will
408            // not expect the trace method to be called after the destructor.
409            // It's an error to remove a node from the ListHashSet while an
410            // iterator is positioned at that node, so there should be no valid
411            // pointers from the stack to a destructed node.
412            if (wasAlreadyDestructed())
413                return;
414            NodeAllocator::traceValue(visitor, this);
415            visitor->mark(next());
416            visitor->mark(prev());
417        }
419        ListHashSetNode* next() const { return reinterpret_cast<ListHashSetNode*>(this->m_next); }
420        ListHashSetNode* prev() const { return reinterpret_cast<ListHashSetNode*>(this->m_prev); }
422        // Don't add fields here, the ListHashSetNodeBase and this should have
423        // the same size.
425        static ListHashSetNode* unlinkedNodePointer() { return reinterpret_cast<ListHashSetNode*>(-1); }
427        template<typename HashArg>
428        friend struct ListHashSetNodeHashFunctions;
429    };
431    template<typename HashArg> struct ListHashSetNodeHashFunctions {
432        template<typename T> static unsigned hash(const T& key) { return HashArg::hash(key->m_value); }
433        template<typename T> static bool equal(const T& a, const T& b) { return HashArg::equal(a->m_value, b->m_value); }
434        static const bool safeToCompareToEmptyOrDeleted = false;
435    };
437    template<typename Set> class ListHashSetIterator {
438    private:
439        typedef typename Set::const_iterator const_iterator;
440        typedef typename Set::Node Node;
441        typedef typename Set::ValueType ValueType;
442        typedef ValueType& ReferenceType;
443        typedef ValueType* PointerType;
445        ListHashSetIterator(const Set* set, Node* position) : m_iterator(set, position) { }
447    public:
448        ListHashSetIterator() { }
450        // default copy, assignment and destructor are OK
452        PointerType get() const { return const_cast<PointerType>(m_iterator.get()); }
453        ReferenceType operator*() const { return *get(); }
454        PointerType operator->() const { return get(); }
456        ListHashSetIterator& operator++() { ++m_iterator; return *this; }
457        ListHashSetIterator& operator--() { --m_iterator; return *this; }
459        // Postfix ++ and -- intentionally omitted.
461        // Comparison.
462        bool operator==(const ListHashSetIterator& other) const { return m_iterator == other.m_iterator; }
463        bool operator!=(const ListHashSetIterator& other) const { return m_iterator != other.m_iterator; }
465        operator const_iterator() const { return m_iterator; }
467    private:
468        Node* node() { return m_iterator.node(); }
470        const_iterator m_iterator;
472        template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
473        friend class ListHashSet;
474    };
476    template<typename Set>
477    class ListHashSetConstIterator {
478    private:
479        typedef typename Set::const_iterator const_iterator;
480        typedef typename Set::Node Node;
481        typedef typename Set::ValueType ValueType;
482        typedef const ValueType& ReferenceType;
483        typedef const ValueType* PointerType;
485        friend class ListHashSetIterator<Set>;
487        ListHashSetConstIterator(const Set* set, Node* position)
488            : m_set(set)
489            , m_position(position)
490        {
491        }
493    public:
494        ListHashSetConstIterator()
495        {
496        }
498        PointerType get() const
499        {
500            return &m_position->m_value;
501        }
502        ReferenceType operator*() const { return *get(); }
503        PointerType operator->() const { return get(); }
505        ListHashSetConstIterator& operator++()
506        {
507            ASSERT(m_position != 0);
508            m_position = m_position->next();
509            return *this;
510        }
512        ListHashSetConstIterator& operator--()
513        {
514            ASSERT(m_position != m_set->m_head);
515            if (!m_position)
516                m_position = m_set->m_tail;
517            else
518                m_position = m_position->prev();
519            return *this;
520        }
522        // Postfix ++ and -- intentionally omitted.
524        // Comparison.
525        bool operator==(const ListHashSetConstIterator& other) const
526        {
527            return m_position == other.m_position;
528        }
529        bool operator!=(const ListHashSetConstIterator& other) const
530        {
531            return m_position != other.m_position;
532        }
534    private:
535        Node* node() { return m_position; }
537        const Set* m_set;
538        Node* m_position;
540        template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
541        friend class ListHashSet;
542    };
544    template<typename Set>
545    class ListHashSetReverseIterator {
546    private:
547        typedef typename Set::const_reverse_iterator const_reverse_iterator;
548        typedef typename Set::Node Node;
549        typedef typename Set::ValueType ValueType;
550        typedef ValueType& ReferenceType;
551        typedef ValueType* PointerType;
553        ListHashSetReverseIterator(const Set* set, Node* position) : m_iterator(set, position) { }
555    public:
556        ListHashSetReverseIterator() { }
558        // default copy, assignment and destructor are OK
560        PointerType get() const { return const_cast<PointerType>(m_iterator.get()); }
561        ReferenceType operator*() const { return *get(); }
562        PointerType operator->() const { return get(); }
564        ListHashSetReverseIterator& operator++() { ++m_iterator; return *this; }
565        ListHashSetReverseIterator& operator--() { --m_iterator; return *this; }
567        // Postfix ++ and -- intentionally omitted.
569        // Comparison.
570        bool operator==(const ListHashSetReverseIterator& other) const { return m_iterator == other.m_iterator; }
571        bool operator!=(const ListHashSetReverseIterator& other) const { return m_iterator != other.m_iterator; }
573        operator const_reverse_iterator() const { return m_iterator; }
575    private:
576        Node* node() { return m_iterator.node(); }
578        const_reverse_iterator m_iterator;
580        template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
581        friend class ListHashSet;
582    };
584    template<typename Set> class ListHashSetConstReverseIterator {
585    private:
586        typedef typename Set::reverse_iterator reverse_iterator;
587        typedef typename Set::Node Node;
588        typedef typename Set::ValueType ValueType;
589        typedef const ValueType& ReferenceType;
590        typedef const ValueType* PointerType;
592        friend class ListHashSetReverseIterator<Set>;
594        ListHashSetConstReverseIterator(const Set* set, Node* position)
595            : m_set(set)
596            , m_position(position)
597        {
598        }
600    public:
601        ListHashSetConstReverseIterator()
602        {
603        }
605        PointerType get() const
606        {
607            return &m_position->m_value;
608        }
609        ReferenceType operator*() const { return *get(); }
610        PointerType operator->() const { return get(); }
612        ListHashSetConstReverseIterator& operator++()
613        {
614            ASSERT(m_position != 0);
615            m_position = m_position->prev();
616            return *this;
617        }
619        ListHashSetConstReverseIterator& operator--()
620        {
621            ASSERT(m_position != m_set->m_tail);
622            if (!m_position)
623                m_position = m_set->m_head;
624            else
625                m_position = m_position->next();
626            return *this;
627        }
629        // Postfix ++ and -- intentionally omitted.
631        // Comparison.
632        bool operator==(const ListHashSetConstReverseIterator& other) const
633        {
634            return m_position == other.m_position;
635        }
636        bool operator!=(const ListHashSetConstReverseIterator& other) const
637        {
638            return m_position != other.m_position;
639        }
641    private:
642        Node* node() { return m_position; }
644        const Set* m_set;
645        Node* m_position;
647        template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
648        friend class ListHashSet;
649    };
651    template<typename HashFunctions>
652    struct ListHashSetTranslator {
653        template<typename T> static unsigned hash(const T& key) { return HashFunctions::hash(key); }
654        template<typename T, typename U> static bool equal(const T& a, const U& b) { return HashFunctions::equal(a->m_value, b); }
655        template<typename T, typename U, typename V> static void translate(T*& location, const U& key, const V& allocator)
656        {
657            location = new (const_cast<V*>(&allocator)) T(key);
658        }
659    };
661    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
662    inline ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::ListHashSet()
663        : m_head(0)
664        , m_tail(0)
665    {
666    }
668    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
669    inline ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::ListHashSet(const ListHashSet& other)
670        : m_head(0)
671        , m_tail(0)
672    {
673        const_iterator end = other.end();
674        for (const_iterator it = other.begin(); it != end; ++it)
675            add(*it);
676    }
678    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
679    inline ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>& ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::operator=(const ListHashSet& other)
680    {
681        ListHashSet tmp(other);
682        swap(tmp);
683        return *this;
684    }
686    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
687    inline void ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::swap(ListHashSet& other)
688    {
689        m_impl.swap(other.m_impl);
690        std::swap(m_head, other.m_head);
691        std::swap(m_tail, other.m_tail);
692        this->m_allocatorProvider.swap(other.m_allocatorProvider);
693    }
695    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
696    inline void ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::finalize()
697    {
698        COMPILE_ASSERT(!Allocator::isGarbageCollected, FinalizeOnHeapAllocatedListHashSetShouldNeverBeCalled);
699        deleteAllNodes();
700    }
702    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
703    inline T& ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::first()
704    {
705        ASSERT(!isEmpty());
706        return m_head->m_value;
707    }
709    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
710    inline void ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::removeFirst()
711    {
712        ASSERT(!isEmpty());
713        m_impl.remove(m_head);
714        unlinkAndDelete(m_head);
715    }
717    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
718    inline const T& ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::first() const
719    {
720        ASSERT(!isEmpty());
721        return m_head->m_value;
722    }
724    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
725    inline T& ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::last()
726    {
727        ASSERT(!isEmpty());
728        return m_tail->m_value;
729    }
731    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
732    inline const T& ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::last() const
733    {
734        ASSERT(!isEmpty());
735        return m_tail->m_value;
736    }
738    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
739    inline void ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::removeLast()
740    {
741        ASSERT(!isEmpty());
742        m_impl.remove(m_tail);
743        unlinkAndDelete(m_tail);
744    }
746    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
747    inline typename ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::iterator ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::find(ValuePeekInType value)
748    {
749        ImplTypeIterator it = m_impl.template find<BaseTranslator>(value);
750        if (it == m_impl.end())
751            return end();
752        return makeIterator(*it);
753    }
755    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
756    inline typename ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::const_iterator ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::find(ValuePeekInType value) const
757    {
758        ImplTypeConstIterator it = m_impl.template find<BaseTranslator>(value);
759        if (it == m_impl.end())
760            return end();
761        return makeConstIterator(*it);
762    }
764    template<typename Translator>
765    struct ListHashSetTranslatorAdapter {
766        template<typename T> static unsigned hash(const T& key) { return Translator::hash(key); }
767        template<typename T, typename U> static bool equal(const T& a, const U& b) { return Translator::equal(a->m_value, b); }
768    };
770    template<typename ValueType, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
771    template<typename HashTranslator, typename T>
772    inline typename ListHashSet<ValueType, inlineCapacity, U, V>::iterator ListHashSet<ValueType, inlineCapacity, U, V>::find(const T& value)
773    {
774        ImplTypeConstIterator it = m_impl.template find<ListHashSetTranslatorAdapter<HashTranslator> >(value);
775        if (it == m_impl.end())
776            return end();
777        return makeIterator(*it);
778    }
780    template<typename ValueType, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
781    template<typename HashTranslator, typename T>
782    inline typename ListHashSet<ValueType, inlineCapacity, U, V>::const_iterator ListHashSet<ValueType, inlineCapacity, U, V>::find(const T& value) const
783    {
784        ImplTypeConstIterator it = m_impl.template find<ListHashSetTranslatorAdapter<HashTranslator> >(value);
785        if (it == m_impl.end())
786            return end();
787        return makeConstIterator(*it);
788    }
790    template<typename ValueType, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
791    template<typename HashTranslator, typename T>
792    inline bool ListHashSet<ValueType, inlineCapacity, U, V>::contains(const T& value) const
793    {
794        return m_impl.template contains<ListHashSetTranslatorAdapter<HashTranslator> >(value);
795    }
797    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
798    inline bool ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::contains(ValuePeekInType value) const
799    {
800        return m_impl.template contains<BaseTranslator>(value);
801    }
803    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
804    typename ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::AddResult ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::add(ValuePassInType value)
805    {
806        createAllocatorIfNeeded();
807        // The second argument is a const ref. This is useful for the HashTable
808        // because it lets it take lvalues by reference, but for our purposes
809        // it's inconvenient, since it constrains us to be const, whereas the
810        // allocator actually changes when it does allocations.
811        typename ImplType::AddResult result = m_impl.template add<BaseTranslator>(value, *this->allocator());
812        if (result.isNewEntry)
813            appendNode(*result.storedValue);
814        return AddResult(*result.storedValue, result.isNewEntry);
815    }
817    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
818    typename ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::iterator ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::addReturnIterator(ValuePassInType value)
819    {
820        return makeIterator(add(value).storedValue);
821    }
823    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
824    typename ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::AddResult ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::appendOrMoveToLast(ValuePassInType value)
825    {
826        createAllocatorIfNeeded();
827        typename ImplType::AddResult result = m_impl.template add<BaseTranslator>(value, *this->allocator());
828        Node* node = *result.storedValue;
829        if (!result.isNewEntry)
830            unlink(node);
831        appendNode(node);
832        return AddResult(*result.storedValue, result.isNewEntry);
833    }
835    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
836    typename ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::AddResult ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::prependOrMoveToFirst(ValuePassInType value)
837    {
838        createAllocatorIfNeeded();
839        typename ImplType::AddResult result = m_impl.template add<BaseTranslator>(value, *this->allocator());
840        Node* node = *result.storedValue;
841        if (!result.isNewEntry)
842            unlink(node);
843        prependNode(node);
844        return AddResult(*result.storedValue, result.isNewEntry);
845    }
847    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
848    typename ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::AddResult ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::insertBefore(iterator it, ValuePassInType newValue)
849    {
850        createAllocatorIfNeeded();
851        typename ImplType::AddResult result = m_impl.template add<BaseTranslator>(newValue, *this->allocator());
852        if (result.isNewEntry)
853            insertNodeBefore(it.node(), *result.storedValue);
854        return AddResult(*result.storedValue, result.isNewEntry);
855    }
857    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
858    typename ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::AddResult ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::insertBefore(ValuePeekInType beforeValue, ValuePassInType newValue)
859    {
860        createAllocatorIfNeeded();
861        return insertBefore(find(beforeValue), newValue);
862    }
864    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
865    inline void ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::remove(iterator it)
866    {
867        if (it == end())
868            return;
869        m_impl.remove(it.node());
870        unlinkAndDelete(it.node());
871    }
873    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
874    inline void ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::clear()
875    {
876        deleteAllNodes();
877        m_impl.clear();
878        m_head = 0;
879        m_tail = 0;
880    }
882    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
883    typename ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::ValuePassOutType ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::take(iterator it)
884    {
885        if (it == end())
886            return ValueTraits::emptyValue();
888        m_impl.remove(it.node());
889        ValuePassOutType result = ValueTraits::passOut(it.node()->m_value);
890        unlinkAndDelete(it.node());
892        return result;
893    }
895    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
896    typename ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::ValuePassOutType ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::take(ValuePeekInType value)
897    {
898        return take(find(value));
899    }
901    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
902    typename ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::ValuePassOutType ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::takeFirst()
903    {
904        ASSERT(!isEmpty());
905        m_impl.remove(m_head);
906        ValuePassOutType result = ValueTraits::passOut(m_head->m_value);
907        unlinkAndDelete(m_head);
909        return result;
910    }
912    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename Allocator>
913    void ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, Allocator>::unlink(Node* node)
914    {
915        if (!node->m_prev) {
916            ASSERT(node == m_head);
917            m_head = node->next();
918        } else {
919            ASSERT(node != m_head);
920            node->m_prev->m_next = node->m_next;
921        }
923        if (!node->m_next) {
924            ASSERT(node == m_tail);
925            m_tail = node->prev();
926        } else {
927            ASSERT(node != m_tail);
928            node->m_next->m_prev = node->m_prev;
929        }
930    }
932    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
933    void ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::unlinkAndDelete(Node* node)
934    {
935        unlink(node);
936        node->destroy(this->allocator());
937    }
939    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
940    void ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::appendNode(Node* node)
941    {
942        node->m_prev = m_tail;
943        node->m_next = 0;
945        if (m_tail) {
946            ASSERT(m_head);
947            m_tail->m_next = node;
948        } else {
949            ASSERT(!m_head);
950            m_head = node;
951        }
953        m_tail = node;
954    }
956    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
957    void ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::prependNode(Node* node)
958    {
959        node->m_prev = 0;
960        node->m_next = m_head;
962        if (m_head)
963            m_head->m_prev = node;
964        else
965            m_tail = node;
967        m_head = node;
968    }
970    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
971    void ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::insertNodeBefore(Node* beforeNode, Node* newNode)
972    {
973        if (!beforeNode)
974            return appendNode(newNode);
976        newNode->m_next = beforeNode;
977        newNode->m_prev = beforeNode->m_prev;
978        if (beforeNode->m_prev)
979            beforeNode->m_prev->m_next = newNode;
980        beforeNode->m_prev = newNode;
982        if (!newNode->m_prev)
983            m_head = newNode;
984    }
986    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
987    void ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::deleteAllNodes()
988    {
989        if (!m_head)
990            return;
992        for (Node* node = m_head, *next = m_head->next(); node; node = next, next = node ? node->next() : 0)
993            node->destroy(this->allocator());
994    }
996    template<typename T, size_t inlineCapacity, typename U, typename V>
997    void ListHashSet<T, inlineCapacity, U, V>::trace(typename Allocator::Visitor* visitor)
998    {
999        COMPILE_ASSERT(HashTraits<T>::weakHandlingFlag == NoWeakHandlingInCollections, ListHashSetDoesNotSupportWeakness);
1000        // This marks all the nodes and their contents live that can be
1001        // accessed through the HashTable. That includes m_head and m_tail
1002        // so we do not have to explicitly trace them here.
1003        m_impl.trace(visitor);
1004    }
1007    template<typename T, size_t U, typename V>
1008    struct NeedsTracing<ListHashSet<T, U, V> > {
1009        static const bool value = false;
1010    };
1013} // namespace WTF
1015using WTF::ListHashSet;
1017#endif /* WTF_ListHashSet_h */