2 * Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 *
16 * Generated from http://github.com/GoogleChrome/accessibility-developer-tools/tree/3d4893b4ecd0eb8f4765e04479213d04b240f3e0
17 *
18 * See project README for build steps.
19 */
21// AUTO-GENERATED CONTENT BELOW: DO NOT EDIT! See above for details.
23var COMPILED = !0, goog = goog || {};
24goog.global = this;
25goog.isDef = function(a) {
26  return void 0 !== a;
28goog.exportPath_ = function(a, b, c) {
29  a = a.split(".");
30  c = c || goog.global;
31  a[0] in c || !c.execScript || c.execScript("var " + a[0]);
32  for (var d;a.length && (d = a.shift());) {
33    !a.length && goog.isDef(b) ? c[d] = b : c = c[d] ? c[d] : c[d] = {};
34  }
36goog.define = function(a, b) {
37  var c = b;
38  COMPILED || (goog.global.CLOSURE_UNCOMPILED_DEFINES && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(goog.global.CLOSURE_UNCOMPILED_DEFINES, a) ? c = goog.global.CLOSURE_UNCOMPILED_DEFINES[a] : goog.global.CLOSURE_DEFINES && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(goog.global.CLOSURE_DEFINES, a) && (c = goog.global.CLOSURE_DEFINES[a]));
39  goog.exportPath_(a, c);
41goog.DEBUG = !0;
42goog.LOCALE = "en";
43goog.TRUSTED_SITE = !0;
45goog.provide = function(a) {
46  if (!COMPILED) {
47    if (goog.isProvided_(a)) {
48      throw Error('Namespace "' + a + '" already declared.');
49    }
50    delete goog.implicitNamespaces_[a];
51    for (var b = a;(b = b.substring(0, b.lastIndexOf("."))) && !goog.getObjectByName(b);) {
52      goog.implicitNamespaces_[b] = !0;
53    }
54  }
55  goog.exportPath_(a);
57goog.setTestOnly = function(a) {
58  if (COMPILED && !goog.DEBUG) {
59    throw a = a || "", Error("Importing test-only code into non-debug environment" + a ? ": " + a : ".");
60  }
62goog.forwardDeclare = function(a) {
64COMPILED || (goog.isProvided_ = function(a) {
65  return!goog.implicitNamespaces_[a] && goog.isDefAndNotNull(goog.getObjectByName(a));
66}, goog.implicitNamespaces_ = {});
67goog.getObjectByName = function(a, b) {
68  for (var c = a.split("."), d = b || goog.global, e;e = c.shift();) {
69    if (goog.isDefAndNotNull(d[e])) {
70      d = d[e];
71    } else {
72      return null;
73    }
74  }
75  return d;
77goog.globalize = function(a, b) {
78  var c = b || goog.global, d;
79  for (d in a) {
80    c[d] = a[d];
81  }
83goog.addDependency = function(a, b, c) {
85    var d;
86    a = a.replace(/\\/g, "/");
87    for (var e = goog.dependencies_, f = 0;d = b[f];f++) {
88      e.nameToPath[d] = a, a in e.pathToNames || (e.pathToNames[a] = {}), e.pathToNames[a][d] = !0;
89    }
90    for (d = 0;b = c[d];d++) {
91      a in e.requires || (e.requires[a] = {}), e.requires[a][b] = !0;
92    }
93  }
96goog.require = function(a) {
97  if (!COMPILED && !goog.isProvided_(a)) {
98    if (goog.ENABLE_DEBUG_LOADER) {
99      var b = goog.getPathFromDeps_(a);
100      if (b) {
101        goog.included_[b] = !0;
102        goog.writeScripts_();
103        return;
104      }
105    }
106    a = "goog.require could not find: " + a;
107    goog.global.console && goog.global.console.error(a);
108    throw Error(a);
109  }
111goog.basePath = "";
112goog.nullFunction = function() {
114goog.identityFunction = function(a, b) {
115  return a;
117goog.abstractMethod = function() {
118  throw Error("unimplemented abstract method");
120goog.addSingletonGetter = function(a) {
121  a.getInstance = function() {
122    if (a.instance_) {
123      return a.instance_;
124    }
125    goog.DEBUG && (goog.instantiatedSingletons_[goog.instantiatedSingletons_.length] = a);
126    return a.instance_ = new a;
127  };
129goog.instantiatedSingletons_ = [];
131goog.DEPENDENCIES_ENABLED && (goog.included_ = {}, goog.dependencies_ = {pathToNames:{}, nameToPath:{}, requires:{}, visited:{}, written:{}}, goog.inHtmlDocument_ = function() {
132  var a = goog.global.document;
133  return "undefined" != typeof a && "write" in a;
134}, goog.findBasePath_ = function() {
135  if (goog.global.CLOSURE_BASE_PATH) {
136    goog.basePath = goog.global.CLOSURE_BASE_PATH;
137  } else {
138    if (goog.inHtmlDocument_()) {
139      for (var a = goog.global.document.getElementsByTagName("script"), b = a.length - 1;0 <= b;--b) {
140        var c = a[b].src, d = c.lastIndexOf("?"), d = -1 == d ? c.length : d;
141        if ("base.js" == c.substr(d - 7, 7)) {
142          goog.basePath = c.substr(0, d - 7);
143          break;
144        }
145      }
146    }
147  }
148}, goog.importScript_ = function(a) {
149  var b = goog.global.CLOSURE_IMPORT_SCRIPT || goog.writeScriptTag_;
150  !goog.dependencies_.written[a] && b(a) && (goog.dependencies_.written[a] = !0);
151}, goog.writeScriptTag_ = function(a) {
152  if (goog.inHtmlDocument_()) {
153    var b = goog.global.document;
154    if ("complete" == b.readyState) {
155      if (/\bdeps.js$/.test(a)) {
156        return!1;
157      }
158      throw Error('Cannot write "' + a + '" after document load');
159    }
160    b.write('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + a + '">\x3c/script>');
161    return!0;
162  }
163  return!1;
164}, goog.writeScripts_ = function() {
165  function a(e) {
166    if (!(e in d.written)) {
167      if (!(e in d.visited) && (d.visited[e] = !0, e in d.requires)) {
168        for (var g in d.requires[e]) {
169          if (!goog.isProvided_(g)) {
170            if (g in d.nameToPath) {
171              a(d.nameToPath[g]);
172            } else {
173              throw Error("Undefined nameToPath for " + g);
174            }
175          }
176        }
177      }
178      e in c || (c[e] = !0, b.push(e));
179    }
180  }
181  var b = [], c = {}, d = goog.dependencies_, e;
182  for (e in goog.included_) {
183    d.written[e] || a(e);
184  }
185  for (e = 0;e < b.length;e++) {
186    if (b[e]) {
187      goog.importScript_(goog.basePath + b[e]);
188    } else {
189      throw Error("Undefined script input");
190    }
191  }
192}, goog.getPathFromDeps_ = function(a) {
193  return a in goog.dependencies_.nameToPath ? goog.dependencies_.nameToPath[a] : null;
194}, goog.findBasePath_(), goog.global.CLOSURE_NO_DEPS || goog.importScript_(goog.basePath + "deps.js"));
195goog.typeOf = function(a) {
196  var b = typeof a;
197  if ("object" == b) {
198    if (a) {
199      if (a instanceof Array) {
200        return "array";
201      }
202      if (a instanceof Object) {
203        return b;
204      }
205      var c = Object.prototype.toString.call(a);
206      if ("[object Window]" == c) {
207        return "object";
208      }
209      if ("[object Array]" == c || "number" == typeof a.length && "undefined" != typeof a.splice && "undefined" != typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("splice")) {
210        return "array";
211      }
212      if ("[object Function]" == c || "undefined" != typeof a.call && "undefined" != typeof a.propertyIsEnumerable && !a.propertyIsEnumerable("call")) {
213        return "function";
214      }
215    } else {
216      return "null";
217    }
218  } else {
219    if ("function" == b && "undefined" == typeof a.call) {
220      return "object";
221    }
222  }
223  return b;
225goog.isNull = function(a) {
226  return null === a;
228goog.isDefAndNotNull = function(a) {
229  return null != a;
231goog.isArray = function(a) {
232  return "array" == goog.typeOf(a);
234goog.isArrayLike = function(a) {
235  var b = goog.typeOf(a);
236  return "array" == b || "object" == b && "number" == typeof a.length;
238goog.isDateLike = function(a) {
239  return goog.isObject(a) && "function" == typeof a.getFullYear;
241goog.isString = function(a) {
242  return "string" == typeof a;
244goog.isBoolean = function(a) {
245  return "boolean" == typeof a;
247goog.isNumber = function(a) {
248  return "number" == typeof a;
250goog.isFunction = function(a) {
251  return "function" == goog.typeOf(a);
253goog.isObject = function(a) {
254  var b = typeof a;
255  return "object" == b && null != a || "function" == b;
257goog.getUid = function(a) {
258  return a[goog.UID_PROPERTY_] || (a[goog.UID_PROPERTY_] = ++goog.uidCounter_);
260goog.hasUid = function(a) {
261  return!!a[goog.UID_PROPERTY_];
263goog.removeUid = function(a) {
264  "removeAttribute" in a && a.removeAttribute(goog.UID_PROPERTY_);
265  try {
266    delete a[goog.UID_PROPERTY_];
267  } catch (b) {
268  }
270goog.UID_PROPERTY_ = "closure_uid_" + (1E9 * Math.random() >>> 0);
271goog.uidCounter_ = 0;
272goog.getHashCode = goog.getUid;
273goog.removeHashCode = goog.removeUid;
274goog.cloneObject = function(a) {
275  var b = goog.typeOf(a);
276  if ("object" == b || "array" == b) {
277    if (a.clone) {
278      return a.clone();
279    }
280    var b = "array" == b ? [] : {}, c;
281    for (c in a) {
282      b[c] = goog.cloneObject(a[c]);
283    }
284    return b;
285  }
286  return a;
288goog.bindNative_ = function(a, b, c) {
289  return a.call.apply(a.bind, arguments);
291goog.bindJs_ = function(a, b, c) {
292  if (!a) {
293    throw Error();
294  }
295  if (2 < arguments.length) {
296    var d = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);
297    return function() {
298      var c = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
299      Array.prototype.unshift.apply(c, d);
300      return a.apply(b, c);
301    };
302  }
303  return function() {
304    return a.apply(b, arguments);
305  };
307goog.bind = function(a, b, c) {
308  Function.prototype.bind && -1 != Function.prototype.bind.toString().indexOf("native code") ? goog.bind = goog.bindNative_ : goog.bind = goog.bindJs_;
309  return goog.bind.apply(null, arguments);
311goog.partial = function(a, b) {
312  var c = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);
313  return function() {
314    var b = c.slice();
315    b.push.apply(b, arguments);
316    return a.apply(this, b);
317  };
319goog.mixin = function(a, b) {
320  for (var c in b) {
321    a[c] = b[c];
322  }
324goog.now = goog.TRUSTED_SITE && Date.now || function() {
325  return+new Date;
327goog.globalEval = function(a) {
328  if (goog.global.execScript) {
329    goog.global.execScript(a, "JavaScript");
330  } else {
331    if (goog.global.eval) {
332      if (null == goog.evalWorksForGlobals_ && (goog.global.eval("var _et_ = 1;"), "undefined" != typeof goog.global._et_ ? (delete goog.global._et_, goog.evalWorksForGlobals_ = !0) : goog.evalWorksForGlobals_ = !1), goog.evalWorksForGlobals_) {
333        goog.global.eval(a);
334      } else {
335        var b = goog.global.document, c = b.createElement("script");
336        c.type = "text/javascript";
337        c.defer = !1;
338        c.appendChild(b.createTextNode(a));
339        b.body.appendChild(c);
340        b.body.removeChild(c);
341      }
342    } else {
343      throw Error("goog.globalEval not available");
344    }
345  }
347goog.evalWorksForGlobals_ = null;
348goog.getCssName = function(a, b) {
349  var c = function(a) {
350    return goog.cssNameMapping_[a] || a;
351  }, d = function(a) {
352    a = a.split("-");
353    for (var b = [], d = 0;d < a.length;d++) {
354      b.push(c(a[d]));
355    }
356    return b.join("-");
357  }, d = goog.cssNameMapping_ ? "BY_WHOLE" == goog.cssNameMappingStyle_ ? c : d : function(a) {
358    return a;
359  };
360  return b ? a + "-" + d(b) : d(a);
362goog.setCssNameMapping = function(a, b) {
363  goog.cssNameMapping_ = a;
364  goog.cssNameMappingStyle_ = b;
366!COMPILED && goog.global.CLOSURE_CSS_NAME_MAPPING && (goog.cssNameMapping_ = goog.global.CLOSURE_CSS_NAME_MAPPING);
367goog.getMsg = function(a, b) {
368  var c = b || {}, d;
369  for (d in c) {
370    var e = ("" + c[d]).replace(/\$/g, "$$$$");
371    a = a.replace(new RegExp("\\{\\$" + d + "\\}", "gi"), e);
372  }
373  return a;
375goog.getMsgWithFallback = function(a, b) {
376  return a;
378goog.exportSymbol = function(a, b, c) {
379  goog.exportPath_(a, b, c);
381goog.exportProperty = function(a, b, c) {
382  a[b] = c;
384goog.inherits = function(a, b) {
385  function c() {
386  }
387  c.prototype = b.prototype;
388  a.superClass_ = b.prototype;
389  a.prototype = new c;
390  a.prototype.constructor = a;
391  a.base = function(a, c, f) {
392    var g = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);
393    return b.prototype[c].apply(a, g);
394  };
396goog.base = function(a, b, c) {
397  var d = arguments.callee.caller;
398  if (goog.STRICT_MODE_COMPATIBLE || goog.DEBUG && !d) {
399    throw Error("arguments.caller not defined.  goog.base() cannot be used with strict mode code. See http://www.ecma-international.org/ecma-262/5.1/#sec-C");
400  }
401  if (d.superClass_) {
402    return d.superClass_.constructor.apply(a, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1));
403  }
404  for (var e = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2), f = !1, g = a.constructor;g;g = g.superClass_ && g.superClass_.constructor) {
405    if (g.prototype[b] === d) {
406      f = !0;
407    } else {
408      if (f) {
409        return g.prototype[b].apply(a, e);
410      }
411    }
412  }
413  if (a[b] === d) {
414    return a.constructor.prototype[b].apply(a, e);
415  }
416  throw Error("goog.base called from a method of one name to a method of a different name");
418goog.scope = function(a) {
419  a.call(goog.global);
421var axs = {};
422axs.browserUtils = {};
423axs.browserUtils.matchSelector = function(a, b) {
424  return a.webkitMatchesSelector ? a.webkitMatchesSelector(b) : a.mozMatchesSelector ? a.mozMatchesSelector(b) : !1;
426axs.constants = {};
427axs.constants.ARIA_ROLES = {alert:{namefrom:["author"], parent:["region"]}, alertdialog:{namefrom:["author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["alert", "dialog"]}, application:{namefrom:["author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["landmark"]}, article:{namefrom:["author"], parent:["document", "region"]}, banner:{namefrom:["author"], parent:["landmark"]}, button:{childpresentational:!0, namefrom:["contents", "author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["command"], properties:["aria-expanded", "aria-pressed"]}, checkbox:{namefrom:["contents",
428"author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["input"], requiredProperties:["aria-checked"], properties:["aria-checked"]}, columnheader:{namefrom:["contents", "author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["gridcell", "sectionhead", "widget"], properties:["aria-sort"]}, combobox:{mustcontain:["listbox", "textbox"], namefrom:["author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["select"], requiredProperties:["aria-expanded"], properties:["aria-expanded", "aria-autocomplete", "aria-required"]}, command:{"abstract":!0, namefrom:["author"],
429parent:["widget"]}, complementary:{namefrom:["author"], parent:["landmark"]}, composite:{"abstract":!0, childpresentational:!1, namefrom:["author"], parent:["widget"], properties:["aria-activedescendant"]}, contentinfo:{namefrom:["author"], parent:["landmark"]}, definition:{namefrom:["author"], parent:["section"]}, dialog:{namefrom:["author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["window"]}, directory:{namefrom:["contents", "author"], parent:["list"]}, document:{namefrom:[" author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["structure"],
430properties:["aria-expanded"]}, form:{namefrom:["author"], parent:["landmark"]}, grid:{mustcontain:["row", "rowgroup"], namefrom:["author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["composite", "region"], properties:["aria-level", "aria-multiselectable", "aria-readonly"]}, gridcell:{namefrom:["contents", "author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["section", "widget"], properties:["aria-readonly", "aria-required", "aria-selected"]}, group:{namefrom:[" author"], parent:["section"], properties:["aria-activedescendant"]},
431heading:{namerequired:!0, parent:["sectionhead"], properties:["aria-level"]}, img:{childpresentational:!0, namefrom:["author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["section"]}, input:{"abstract":!0, namefrom:["author"], parent:["widget"]}, landmark:{"abstract":!0, namefrom:["contents", "author"], namerequired:!1, parent:["region"]}, link:{namefrom:["contents", "author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["command"], properties:["aria-expanded"]}, list:{mustcontain:["group", "listitem"], namefrom:["author"], parent:["region"]},
432listbox:{mustcontain:["option"], namefrom:["author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["list", "select"], properties:["aria-multiselectable", "aria-required"]}, listitem:{namefrom:["contents", "author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["section"], properties:["aria-level", "aria-posinset", "aria-setsize"]}, log:{namefrom:[" author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["region"]}, main:{namefrom:["author"], parent:["landmark"]}, marquee:{namerequired:!0, parent:["section"]}, math:{childpresentational:!0, namefrom:["author"],
433parent:["section"]}, menu:{mustcontain:["group", "menuitemradio", "menuitem", "menuitemcheckbox"], namefrom:["author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["list", "select"]}, menubar:{namefrom:["author"], parent:["menu"]}, menuitem:{namefrom:["contents", "author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["command"]}, menuitemcheckbox:{namefrom:["contents", "author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["checkbox", "menuitem"]}, menuitemradio:{namefrom:["contents", "author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["menuitemcheckbox", "radio"]}, navigation:{namefrom:["author"],
434parent:["landmark"]}, note:{namefrom:["author"], parent:["section"]}, option:{namefrom:["contents", "author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["input"], properties:["aria-checked", "aria-posinset", "aria-selected", "aria-setsize"]}, presentation:{parent:["structure"]}, progressbar:{childpresentational:!0, namefrom:["author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["range"]}, radio:{namefrom:["contents", "author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["checkbox", "option"]}, radiogroup:{mustcontain:["radio"], namefrom:["author"],
435namerequired:!0, parent:["select"], properties:["aria-required"]}, range:{"abstract":!0, namefrom:["author"], parent:["widget"], properties:["aria-valuemax", "aria-valuemin", "aria-valuenow", "aria-valuetext"]}, region:{namefrom:[" author"], parent:["section"]}, roletype:{"abstract":!0, properties:"aria-atomic aria-busy aria-controls aria-describedby aria-disabled aria-dropeffect aria-flowto aria-grabbed aria-haspopup aria-hidden aria-invalid aria-label aria-labelledby aria-live aria-owns aria-relevant".split(" ")},
436row:{mustcontain:["columnheader", "gridcell", "rowheader"], namefrom:["contents", "author"], parent:["group", "widget"], properties:["aria-level", "aria-selected"]}, rowgroup:{mustcontain:["row"], namefrom:["contents", "author"], parent:["group"]}, rowheader:{namefrom:["contents", "author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["gridcell", "sectionhead", "widget"], properties:["aria-sort"]}, search:{namefrom:["author"], parent:["landmark"]}, section:{"abstract":!0, namefrom:["contents", "author"], parent:["structure"],
437properties:["aria-expanded"]}, sectionhead:{"abstract":!0, namefrom:["contents", "author"], parent:["structure"], properties:["aria-expanded"]}, select:{"abstract":!0, namefrom:["author"], parent:["composite", "group", "input"]}, separator:{childpresentational:!0, namefrom:["author"], parent:["structure"], properties:["aria-expanded", "aria-orientation"]}, scrollbar:{childpresentational:!0, namefrom:["author"], namerequired:!1, parent:["input", "range"], requiredProperties:["aria-controls", "aria-orientation",
438"aria-valuemax", "aria-valuemin", "aria-valuenow"], properties:["aria-controls", "aria-orientation", "aria-valuemax", "aria-valuemin", "aria-valuenow"]}, slider:{childpresentational:!0, namefrom:["author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["input", "range"], requiredProperties:["aria-valuemax", "aria-valuemin", "aria-valuenow"], properties:["aria-valuemax", "aria-valuemin", "aria-valuenow", "aria-orientation"]}, spinbutton:{namefrom:["author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["input", "range"], requiredProperties:["aria-valuemax",
439"aria-valuemin", "aria-valuenow"], properties:["aria-valuemax", "aria-valuemin", "aria-valuenow", "aria-required"]}, status:{parent:["region"]}, structure:{"abstract":!0, parent:["roletype"]}, tab:{namefrom:["contents", "author"], parent:["sectionhead", "widget"], properties:["aria-selected"]}, tablist:{mustcontain:["tab"], namefrom:["author"], parent:["composite", "directory"], properties:["aria-level"]}, tabpanel:{namefrom:["author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["region"]}, textbox:{namefrom:["author"],
440namerequired:!0, parent:["input"], properties:["aria-activedescendant", "aria-autocomplete", "aria-multiline", "aria-readonly", "aria-required"]}, timer:{namefrom:["author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["status"]}, toolbar:{namefrom:["author"], parent:["group"]}, tooltip:{namerequired:!0, parent:["section"]}, tree:{mustcontain:["group", "treeitem"], namefrom:["author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["select"], properties:["aria-multiselectable", "aria-required"]}, treegrid:{mustcontain:["row"], namefrom:["author"],
441namerequired:!0, parent:["grid", "tree"]}, treeitem:{namefrom:["contents", "author"], namerequired:!0, parent:["listitem", "option"]}, widget:{"abstract":!0, parent:["roletype"]}, window:{"abstract":!0, namefrom:[" author"], parent:["roletype"], properties:["aria-expanded"]}};
442axs.constants.WIDGET_ROLES = {};
443axs.constants.addAllParentRolesToSet_ = function(a, b) {
444  if (a.parent) {
445    for (var c = a.parent, d = 0;d < c.length;d++) {
446      var e = c[d];
447      b[e] = !0;
448      axs.constants.addAllParentRolesToSet_(axs.constants.ARIA_ROLES[e], b);
449    }
450  }
452axs.constants.addAllPropertiesToSet_ = function(a, b, c) {
453  var d = a[b];
454  if (d) {
455    for (var e = 0;e < d.length;e++) {
456      c[d[e]] = !0;
457    }
458  }
459  if (a.parent) {
460    for (a = a.parent, d = 0;d < a.length;d++) {
461      axs.constants.addAllPropertiesToSet_(axs.constants.ARIA_ROLES[a[d]], b, c);
462    }
463  }
465for (var roleName in axs.constants.ARIA_ROLES) {
466  var role = axs.constants.ARIA_ROLES[roleName], propertiesSet = {};
467  axs.constants.addAllPropertiesToSet_(role, "properties", propertiesSet);
468  role.propertiesSet = propertiesSet;
469  var requiredPropertiesSet = {};
470  axs.constants.addAllPropertiesToSet_(role, "requiredProperties", requiredPropertiesSet);
471  role.requiredPropertiesSet = requiredPropertiesSet;
472  var parentRolesSet = {};
473  axs.constants.addAllParentRolesToSet_(role, parentRolesSet);
474  role.allParentRolesSet = parentRolesSet;
475  "widget" in parentRolesSet && (axs.constants.WIDGET_ROLES[roleName] = role);
477axs.constants.ARIA_PROPERTIES = {activedescendant:{type:"property", valueType:"idref"}, atomic:{defaultValue:"false", type:"property", valueType:"boolean"}, autocomplete:{defaultValue:"none", type:"property", valueType:"token", values:["inline", "list", "both", "none"]}, busy:{defaultValue:"false", type:"state", valueType:"boolean"}, checked:{defaultValue:"undefined", type:"state", valueType:"token", values:["true", "false", "mixed", "undefined"]}, controls:{type:"property", valueType:"idref_list"},
478describedby:{type:"property", valueType:"idref_list"}, disabled:{defaultValue:"false", type:"state", valueType:"boolean"}, dropeffect:{defaultValue:"none", type:"property", valueType:"token_list", values:"copy move link execute popup none".split(" ")}, expanded:{defaultValue:"undefined", type:"state", valueType:"token", values:["true", "false", "undefined"]}, flowto:{type:"property", valueType:"idref_list"}, grabbed:{defaultValue:"undefined", type:"state", valueType:"token", values:["true", "false",
479"undefined"]}, haspopup:{defaultValue:"false", type:"property", valueType:"boolean"}, hidden:{defaultValue:"false", type:"state", valueType:"boolean"}, invalid:{defaultValue:"false", type:"state", valueType:"token", values:["grammar", "false", "spelling", "true"]}, label:{type:"property", valueType:"string"}, labelledby:{type:"property", valueType:"idref_list"}, level:{type:"property", valueType:"integer"}, live:{defaultValue:"off", type:"property", valueType:"token", values:["off", "polite", "assertive"]},
480multiline:{defaultValue:"false", type:"property", valueType:"boolean"}, multiselectable:{defaultValue:"false", type:"property", valueType:"boolean"}, orientation:{defaultValue:"vertical", type:"property", valueType:"token", values:["horizontal", "vertical"]}, owns:{type:"property", valueType:"idref_list"}, posinset:{type:"property", valueType:"integer"}, pressed:{defaultValue:"undefined", type:"state", valueType:"token", values:["true", "false", "mixed", "undefined"]}, readonly:{defaultValue:"false",
481type:"property", valueType:"boolean"}, relevant:{defaultValue:"additions text", type:"property", valueType:"token_list", values:["additions", "removals", "text", "all"]}, required:{defaultValue:"false", type:"property", valueType:"boolean"}, selected:{defaultValue:"undefined", type:"state", valueType:"token", values:["true", "false", "undefined"]}, setsize:{type:"property", valueType:"integer"}, sort:{defaultValue:"none", type:"property", valueType:"token", values:["ascending", "descending", "none",
482"other"]}, valuemax:{type:"property", valueType:"decimal"}, valuemin:{type:"property", valueType:"decimal"}, valuenow:{type:"property", valueType:"decimal"}, valuetext:{type:"property", valueType:"string"}};
483axs.constants.GLOBAL_PROPERTIES = "aria-atomic aria-busy aria-controls aria-describedby aria-disabled aria-dropeffect aria-flowto aria-grabbed aria-haspopup aria-hidden aria-invalid aria-label aria-labelledby aria-live aria-owns aria-relevant".split(" ");
484axs.constants.NO_ROLE_NAME = " ";
485axs.constants.WIDGET_ROLE_TO_NAME = {alert:"aria_role_alert", alertdialog:"aria_role_alertdialog", button:"aria_role_button", checkbox:"aria_role_checkbox", columnheader:"aria_role_columnheader", combobox:"aria_role_combobox", dialog:"aria_role_dialog", grid:"aria_role_grid", gridcell:"aria_role_gridcell", link:"aria_role_link", listbox:"aria_role_listbox", log:"aria_role_log", marquee:"aria_role_marquee", menu:"aria_role_menu", menubar:"aria_role_menubar", menuitem:"aria_role_menuitem", menuitemcheckbox:"aria_role_menuitemcheckbox",
486menuitemradio:"aria_role_menuitemradio", option:axs.constants.NO_ROLE_NAME, progressbar:"aria_role_progressbar", radio:"aria_role_radio", radiogroup:"aria_role_radiogroup", rowheader:"aria_role_rowheader", scrollbar:"aria_role_scrollbar", slider:"aria_role_slider", spinbutton:"aria_role_spinbutton", status:"aria_role_status", tab:"aria_role_tab", tabpanel:"aria_role_tabpanel", textbox:"aria_role_textbox", timer:"aria_role_timer", toolbar:"aria_role_toolbar", tooltip:"aria_role_tooltip", treeitem:"aria_role_treeitem"};
487axs.constants.STRUCTURE_ROLE_TO_NAME = {article:"aria_role_article", application:"aria_role_application", banner:"aria_role_banner", columnheader:"aria_role_columnheader", complementary:"aria_role_complementary", contentinfo:"aria_role_contentinfo", definition:"aria_role_definition", directory:"aria_role_directory", document:"aria_role_document", form:"aria_role_form", group:"aria_role_group", heading:"aria_role_heading", img:"aria_role_img", list:"aria_role_list", listitem:"aria_role_listitem",
488main:"aria_role_main", math:"aria_role_math", navigation:"aria_role_navigation", note:"aria_role_note", region:"aria_role_region", rowheader:"aria_role_rowheader", search:"aria_role_search", separator:"aria_role_separator"};
489axs.constants.ATTRIBUTE_VALUE_TO_STATUS = [{name:"aria-autocomplete", values:{inline:"aria_autocomplete_inline", list:"aria_autocomplete_list", both:"aria_autocomplete_both"}}, {name:"aria-checked", values:{"true":"aria_checked_true", "false":"aria_checked_false", mixed:"aria_checked_mixed"}}, {name:"aria-disabled", values:{"true":"aria_disabled_true"}}, {name:"aria-expanded", values:{"true":"aria_expanded_true", "false":"aria_expanded_false"}}, {name:"aria-invalid", values:{"true":"aria_invalid_true",
490grammar:"aria_invalid_grammar", spelling:"aria_invalid_spelling"}}, {name:"aria-multiline", values:{"true":"aria_multiline_true"}}, {name:"aria-multiselectable", values:{"true":"aria_multiselectable_true"}}, {name:"aria-pressed", values:{"true":"aria_pressed_true", "false":"aria_pressed_false", mixed:"aria_pressed_mixed"}}, {name:"aria-readonly", values:{"true":"aria_readonly_true"}}, {name:"aria-required", values:{"true":"aria_required_true"}}, {name:"aria-selected", values:{"true":"aria_selected_true",
492axs.constants.INPUT_TYPE_TO_INFORMATION_TABLE_MSG = {button:"input_type_button", checkbox:"input_type_checkbox", color:"input_type_color", datetime:"input_type_datetime", "datetime-local":"input_type_datetime_local", date:"input_type_date", email:"input_type_email", file:"input_type_file", image:"input_type_image", month:"input_type_month", number:"input_type_number", password:"input_type_password", radio:"input_type_radio", range:"input_type_range", reset:"input_type_reset", search:"input_type_search",
493submit:"input_type_submit", tel:"input_type_tel", text:"input_type_text", url:"input_type_url", week:"input_type_week"};
494axs.constants.TAG_TO_INFORMATION_TABLE_VERBOSE_MSG = {A:"tag_link", BUTTON:"tag_button", H1:"tag_h1", H2:"tag_h2", H3:"tag_h3", H4:"tag_h4", H5:"tag_h5", H6:"tag_h6", LI:"tag_li", OL:"tag_ol", SELECT:"tag_select", TEXTAREA:"tag_textarea", UL:"tag_ul", SECTION:"tag_section", NAV:"tag_nav", ARTICLE:"tag_article", ASIDE:"tag_aside", HGROUP:"tag_hgroup", HEADER:"tag_header", FOOTER:"tag_footer", TIME:"tag_time", MARK:"tag_mark"};
495axs.constants.TAG_TO_INFORMATION_TABLE_BRIEF_MSG = {BUTTON:"tag_button", SELECT:"tag_select", TEXTAREA:"tag_textarea"};
496axs.constants.MIXED_VALUES = {"true":!0, "false":!0, mixed:!0};
497(function() {
498  for (var a in axs.constants.ARIA_PROPERTIES) {
499    var b = axs.constants.ARIA_PROPERTIES[a];
500    if (b.values) {
501      for (var c = {}, d = 0;d < b.values.length;d++) {
502        c[b.values[d]] = !0;
503      }
504      b.valuesSet = c;
505    }
506  }
508axs.constants.Severity = {INFO:"Info", WARNING:"Warning", SEVERE:"Severe"};
509axs.constants.AuditResult = {PASS:"PASS", FAIL:"FAIL", NA:"NA"};
510axs.constants.InlineElements = {TT:!0, I:!0, B:!0, BIG:!0, SMALL:!0, EM:!0, STRONG:!0, DFN:!0, CODE:!0, SAMP:!0, KBD:!0, VAR:!0, CITE:!0, ABBR:!0, ACRONYM:!0, A:!0, IMG:!0, OBJECT:!0, BR:!0, SCRIPT:!0, MAP:!0, Q:!0, SUB:!0, SUP:!0, SPAN:!0, BDO:!0, INPUT:!0, SELECT:!0, TEXTAREA:!0, LABEL:!0, BUTTON:!0};
511axs.utils = {};
512axs.utils.FOCUSABLE_ELEMENTS_SELECTOR = "input:not([type=hidden]):not([disabled]),select:not([disabled]),textarea:not([disabled]),button:not([disabled]),a[href],iframe,[tabindex]";
513axs.utils.Color = function(a, b, c, d) {
514  this.red = a;
515  this.green = b;
516  this.blue = c;
517  this.alpha = d;
519axs.utils.calculateContrastRatio = function(a, b) {
520  if (!a || !b) {
521    return null;
522  }
523  1 > a.alpha && (a = axs.utils.flattenColors(a, b));
524  var c = axs.utils.calculateLuminance(a), d = axs.utils.calculateLuminance(b);
525  return(Math.max(c, d) + .05) / (Math.min(c, d) + .05);
527axs.utils.luminanceRatio = function(a, b) {
528  return(Math.max(a, b) + .05) / (Math.min(a, b) + .05);
530axs.utils.parentElement = function(a) {
531  if (!a) {
532    return null;
533  }
534  if (a.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
535    return a.host;
536  }
537  var b = a.parentElement;
538  if (b) {
539    return b;
540  }
541  a = a.parentNode;
542  if (!a) {
543    return null;
544  }
545  switch(a.nodeType) {
546    case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
547      return a;
549      return a.host;
550    default:
551      return null;
552  }
554axs.utils.asElement = function(a) {
555  switch(a.nodeType) {
556    case Node.COMMENT_NODE:
557      return null;
558    case Node.ELEMENT_NODE:
559      if ("script" == a.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
560        return null;
561      }
562      break;
563    case Node.TEXT_NODE:
564      a = axs.utils.parentElement(a);
565      break;
566    default:
567      return console.warn("Unhandled node type: ", a.nodeType), null;
568  }
569  return a;
571axs.utils.elementIsTransparent = function(a) {
572  return "0" == a.style.opacity;
574axs.utils.elementHasZeroArea = function(a) {
575  a = a.getBoundingClientRect();
576  var b = a.top - a.bottom;
577  return a.right - a.left && b ? !1 : !0;
579axs.utils.elementIsOutsideScrollArea = function(a) {
580  for (var b = axs.utils.parentElement(a), c = a.ownerDocument.defaultView;b != c.document.body;) {
581    if (axs.utils.isClippedBy(a, b)) {
582      return!0;
583    }
584    if (axs.utils.canScrollTo(a, b) && !axs.utils.elementIsOutsideScrollArea(b)) {
585      return!1;
586    }
587    b = axs.utils.parentElement(b);
588  }
589  return!axs.utils.canScrollTo(a, c.document.body);
591axs.utils.canScrollTo = function(a, b) {
592  var c = a.getBoundingClientRect(), d = b.getBoundingClientRect(), e = d.top, f = d.left, g = e - b.scrollTop, e = e - b.scrollTop + b.scrollHeight, h = f - b.scrollLeft + b.scrollWidth;
593  if (c.right < f - b.scrollLeft || c.bottom < g || c.left > h || c.top > e) {
594    return!1;
595  }
596  f = a.ownerDocument.defaultView;
597  g = f.getComputedStyle(b);
598  return c.left > d.right || c.top > d.bottom ? "scroll" == g.overflow || "auto" == g.overflow || b instanceof f.HTMLBodyElement : !0;
600axs.utils.isClippedBy = function(a, b) {
601  var c = a.getBoundingClientRect(), d = b.getBoundingClientRect(), e = d.top - b.scrollTop, f = d.left - b.scrollLeft, g = a.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(b);
602  return(c.right < d.left || c.bottom < d.top || c.left > d.right || c.top > d.bottom) && "hidden" == g.overflow ? !0 : c.right < f || c.bottom < e ? "visible" != g.overflow : !1;
604axs.utils.isAncestor = function(a, b) {
605  return null == b ? !1 : b === a ? !0 : axs.utils.isAncestor(a, b.parentNode);
607axs.utils.overlappingElements = function(a) {
608  if (axs.utils.elementHasZeroArea(a)) {
609    return null;
610  }
611  for (var b = [], c = a.getClientRects(), d = 0;d < c.length;d++) {
612    var e = c[d], e = document.elementFromPoint((e.left + e.right) / 2, (e.top + e.bottom) / 2);
613    if (null != e && e != a && !axs.utils.isAncestor(e, a) && !axs.utils.isAncestor(a, e)) {
614      var f = window.getComputedStyle(e, null);
615      f && (f = axs.utils.getBgColor(f, e)) && 0 < f.alpha && 0 > b.indexOf(e) && b.push(e);
616    }
617  }
618  return b;
620axs.utils.elementIsHtmlControl = function(a) {
621  var b = a.ownerDocument.defaultView;
622  return a instanceof b.HTMLButtonElement || a instanceof b.HTMLInputElement || a instanceof b.HTMLSelectElement || a instanceof b.HTMLTextAreaElement ? !0 : !1;
624axs.utils.elementIsAriaWidget = function(a) {
625  return a.hasAttribute("role") && (a = a.getAttribute("role")) && (a = axs.constants.ARIA_ROLES[a]) && "widget" in a.allParentRolesSet ? !0 : !1;
627axs.utils.elementIsVisible = function(a) {
628  return axs.utils.elementIsTransparent(a) || axs.utils.elementHasZeroArea(a) || axs.utils.elementIsOutsideScrollArea(a) || axs.utils.overlappingElements(a).length ? !1 : !0;
630axs.utils.isLargeFont = function(a) {
631  var b = a.fontSize;
632  a = "bold" == a.fontWeight;
633  var c = b.match(/(\d+)px/);
634  if (c) {
635    b = parseInt(c[1], 10);
636    if (c = window.getComputedStyle(document.body, null).fontSize.match(/(\d+)px/)) {
637      var d = parseInt(c[1], 10), c = 1.2 * d, d = 1.5 * d
638    } else {
639      c = 19.2, d = 24;
640    }
641    return a && b >= c || b >= d;
642  }
643  if (c = b.match(/(\d+)em/)) {
644    return b = parseInt(c[1], 10), a && 1.2 <= b || 1.5 <= b ? !0 : !1;
645  }
646  if (c = b.match(/(\d+)%/)) {
647    return b = parseInt(c[1], 10), a && 120 <= b || 150 <= b ? !0 : !1;
648  }
649  if (c = b.match(/(\d+)pt/)) {
650    if (b = parseInt(c[1], 10), a && 14 <= b || 18 <= b) {
651      return!0;
652    }
653  }
654  return!1;
656axs.utils.getBgColor = function(a, b) {
657  var c = axs.utils.parseColor(a.backgroundColor);
658  if (!c) {
659    return null;
660  }
661  1 > a.opacity && (c.alpha *= a.opacity);
662  if (1 > c.alpha) {
663    var d = axs.utils.getParentBgColor(b);
664    if (null == d) {
665      return null;
666    }
667    c = axs.utils.flattenColors(c, d);
668  }
669  return c;
671axs.utils.getParentBgColor = function(a) {
672  var b = a;
673  a = [];
674  for (var c = null;b = axs.utils.parentElement(b);) {
675    var d = window.getComputedStyle(b, null);
676    if (d) {
677      var e = axs.utils.parseColor(d.backgroundColor);
678      if (e && (1 > d.opacity && (e.alpha *= d.opacity), 0 != e.alpha && (a.push(e), 1 == e.alpha))) {
679        c = !0;
680        break;
681      }
682    }
683  }
684  c || a.push(new axs.utils.Color(255, 255, 255, 1));
685  for (b = a.pop();a.length;) {
686    c = a.pop(), b = axs.utils.flattenColors(c, b);
687  }
688  return b;
690axs.utils.getFgColor = function(a, b, c) {
691  var d = axs.utils.parseColor(a.color);
692  if (!d) {
693    return null;
694  }
695  1 > d.alpha && (d = axs.utils.flattenColors(d, c));
696  1 > a.opacity && (b = axs.utils.getParentBgColor(b), d.alpha *= a.opacity, d = axs.utils.flattenColors(d, b));
697  return d;
699axs.utils.parseColor = function(a) {
700  var b = a.match(/^rgb\((\d+), (\d+), (\d+)\)$/);
701  if (b) {
702    a = parseInt(b[1], 10);
703    var c = parseInt(b[2], 10), b = parseInt(b[3], 10), d;
704    return new axs.utils.Color(a, c, b, 1);
705  }
706  return(b = a.match(/^rgba\((\d+), (\d+), (\d+), (\d+(\.\d+)?)\)/)) ? (d = parseInt(b[4], 10), a = parseInt(b[1], 10), c = parseInt(b[2], 10), b = parseInt(b[3], 10), new axs.utils.Color(a, c, b, d)) : null;
708axs.utils.colorChannelToString = function(a) {
709  a = Math.round(a);
710  return 15 >= a ? "0" + a.toString(16) : a.toString(16);
712axs.utils.colorToString = function(a) {
713  return 1 == a.alpha ? "#" + axs.utils.colorChannelToString(a.red) + axs.utils.colorChannelToString(a.green) + axs.utils.colorChannelToString(a.blue) : "rgba(" + [a.red, a.green, a.blue, a.alpha].join() + ")";
715axs.utils.luminanceFromContrastRatio = function(a, b, c) {
716  return c ? (a + .05) * b - .05 : (a + .05) / b - .05;
718axs.utils.translateColor = function(a, b) {
719  var c = a[0], c = (b - c) / ((c > b ? 0 : 1) - c);
720  return axs.utils.fromYCC([b, a[1] - a[1] * c, a[2] - a[2] * c]);
722axs.utils.suggestColors = function(a, b, c, d) {
723  if (!axs.utils.isLowContrast(c, d, !0)) {
724    return null;
725  }
726  var e = {}, f = axs.utils.calculateLuminance(a), g = axs.utils.calculateLuminance(b), h = axs.utils.isLargeFont(d) ? 3 : 4.5, k = axs.utils.isLargeFont(d) ? 4.5 : 7, m = g > f, l = axs.utils.luminanceFromContrastRatio(f, h + .02, m), n = axs.utils.luminanceFromContrastRatio(f, k + .02, m), q = axs.utils.toYCC(b);
727  if (axs.utils.isLowContrast(c, d, !1) && 1 >= l && 0 <= l) {
728    var p = axs.utils.translateColor(q, l), l = axs.utils.calculateContrastRatio(p, a);
729    axs.utils.calculateLuminance(p);
730    f = {};
731    f.fg = axs.utils.colorToString(p);
732    f.bg = axs.utils.colorToString(a);
733    f.contrast = l.toFixed(2);
734    e.AA = f;
735  }
736  axs.utils.isLowContrast(c, d, !0) && 1 >= n && 0 <= n && (n = axs.utils.translateColor(q, n), l = axs.utils.calculateContrastRatio(n, a), f = {}, f.fg = axs.utils.colorToString(n), f.bg = axs.utils.colorToString(a), f.contrast = l.toFixed(2), e.AAA = f);
737  h = axs.utils.luminanceFromContrastRatio(g, h + .02, !m);
738  g = axs.utils.luminanceFromContrastRatio(g, k + .02, !m);
739  a = axs.utils.toYCC(a);
740  !("AA" in e) && axs.utils.isLowContrast(c, d, !1) && 1 >= h && 0 <= h && (k = axs.utils.translateColor(a, h), l = axs.utils.calculateContrastRatio(b, k), f = {}, f.bg = axs.utils.colorToString(k), f.fg = axs.utils.colorToString(b), f.contrast = l.toFixed(2), e.AA = f);
741  !("AAA" in e) && axs.utils.isLowContrast(c, d, !0) && 1 >= g && 0 <= g && (c = axs.utils.translateColor(a, g), l = axs.utils.calculateContrastRatio(b, c), f = {}, f.bg = axs.utils.colorToString(c), f.fg = axs.utils.colorToString(b), f.contrast = l.toFixed(2), e.AAA = f);
742  return e;
744axs.utils.flattenColors = function(a, b) {
745  var c = a.alpha;
746  return new axs.utils.Color((1 - c) * b.red + c * a.red, (1 - c) * b.green + c * a.green, (1 - c) * b.blue + c * a.blue, a.alpha + b.alpha * (1 - a.alpha));
748axs.utils.calculateLuminance = function(a) {
749  return axs.utils.toYCC(a)[0];
751axs.utils.RGBToYCCMatrix = function(a, b) {
752  return[[a, 1 - a - b, b], [-a / (2 - 2 * b), (a + b - 1) / (2 - 2 * b), (1 - b) / (2 - 2 * b)], [(1 - a) / (2 - 2 * a), (a + b - 1) / (2 - 2 * a), -b / (2 - 2 * a)]];
754axs.utils.invert3x3Matrix = function(a) {
755  var b = a[0][0], c = a[0][1], d = a[0][2], e = a[1][0], f = a[1][1], g = a[1][2], h = a[2][0], k = a[2][1];
756  a = a[2][2];
757  return axs.utils.scalarMultiplyMatrix([[f * a - g * k, d * k - c * a, c * g - d * f], [g * h - e * a, b * a - d * h, d * e - b * g], [e * k - f * h, h * c - b * k, b * f - c * e]], 1 / (b * (f * a - g * k) - c * (a * e - g * h) + d * (e * k - f * h)));
759axs.utils.scalarMultiplyMatrix = function(a, b) {
760  for (var c = [[], [], []], d = 0;3 > d;d++) {
761    for (var e = 0;3 > e;e++) {
762      c[d][e] = a[d][e] * b;
763    }
764  }
765  return c;
767axs.utils.kR = .2126;
768axs.utils.kB = .0722;
769axs.utils.YCC_MATRIX = axs.utils.RGBToYCCMatrix(axs.utils.kR, axs.utils.kB);
770axs.utils.INVERTED_YCC_MATRIX = axs.utils.invert3x3Matrix(axs.utils.YCC_MATRIX);
771axs.utils.convertColor = function(a, b) {
772  var c = b[0], d = b[1], e = b[2];
773  return[a[0][0] * c + a[0][1] * d + a[0][2] * e, a[1][0] * c + a[1][1] * d + a[1][2] * e, a[2][0] * c + a[2][1] * d + a[2][2] * e];
775axs.utils.multiplyMatrices = function(a, b) {
776  for (var c = [[], [], []], d = 0;3 > d;d++) {
777    for (var e = 0;3 > e;e++) {
778      c[d][e] = a[d][0] * b[0][e] + a[d][1] * b[1][e] + a[d][2] * b[2][e];
779    }
780  }
781  return c;
783axs.utils.toYCC = function(a) {
784  var b = a.red / 255, c = a.green / 255;
785  a = a.blue / 255;
786  b = .03928 >= b ? b / 12.92 : Math.pow((b + .055) / 1.055, 2.4);
787  c = .03928 >= c ? c / 12.92 : Math.pow((c + .055) / 1.055, 2.4);
788  a = .03928 >= a ? a / 12.92 : Math.pow((a + .055) / 1.055, 2.4);
789  return axs.utils.convertColor(axs.utils.YCC_MATRIX, [b, c, a]);
791axs.utils.fromYCC = function(a) {
792  var b = axs.utils.convertColor(axs.utils.INVERTED_YCC_MATRIX, a), c = b[0];
793  a = b[1];
794  b = b[2];
795  c = .00303949 >= c ? 12.92 * c : 1.055 * Math.pow(c, 1 / 2.4) - .055;
796  a = .00303949 >= a ? 12.92 * a : 1.055 * Math.pow(a, 1 / 2.4) - .055;
797  b = .00303949 >= b ? 12.92 * b : 1.055 * Math.pow(b, 1 / 2.4) - .055;
798  c = Math.min(Math.max(Math.round(255 * c), 0), 255);
799  a = Math.min(Math.max(Math.round(255 * a), 0), 255);
800  b = Math.min(Math.max(Math.round(255 * b), 0), 255);
801  return new axs.utils.Color(c, a, b, 1);
803axs.utils.scalarMultiplyMatrix = function(a, b) {
804  for (var c = [[], [], []], d = 0;3 > d;d++) {
805    for (var e = 0;3 > e;e++) {
806      c[d][e] = a[d][e] * b;
807    }
808  }
809  return c;
811axs.utils.multiplyMatrices = function(a, b) {
812  for (var c = [[], [], []], d = 0;3 > d;d++) {
813    for (var e = 0;3 > e;e++) {
814      c[d][e] = a[d][0] * b[0][e] + a[d][1] * b[1][e] + a[d][2] * b[2][e];
815    }
816  }
817  return c;
819axs.utils.getContrastRatioForElement = function(a) {
820  var b = window.getComputedStyle(a, null);
821  return axs.utils.getContrastRatioForElementWithComputedStyle(b, a);
823axs.utils.getContrastRatioForElementWithComputedStyle = function(a, b) {
824  if (axs.utils.isElementHidden(b)) {
825    return null;
826  }
827  var c = axs.utils.getBgColor(a, b);
828  if (!c) {
829    return null;
830  }
831  var d = axs.utils.getFgColor(a, b, c);
832  return d ? axs.utils.calculateContrastRatio(d, c) : null;
834axs.utils.isNativeTextElement = function(a) {
835  var b = a.tagName.toLowerCase();
836  a = a.type ? a.type.toLowerCase() : "";
837  if ("textarea" == b) {
838    return!0;
839  }
840  if ("input" != b) {
841    return!1;
842  }
843  switch(a) {
844    case "email":
845    ;
846    case "number":
847    ;
848    case "password":
849    ;
850    case "search":
851    ;
852    case "text":
853    ;
854    case "tel":
855    ;
856    case "url":
857    ;
858    case "":
859      return!0;
860    default:
861      return!1;
862  }
864axs.utils.isLowContrast = function(a, b, c) {
865  a = Math.round(10 * a) / 10;
866  return c ? 4.5 > a || !axs.utils.isLargeFont(b) && 7 > a : 3 > a || !axs.utils.isLargeFont(b) && 4.5 > a;
868axs.utils.hasLabel = function(a) {
869  var b = a.tagName.toLowerCase(), c = a.type ? a.type.toLowerCase() : "";
870  if (a.hasAttribute("aria-label") || a.hasAttribute("title") || "img" == b && a.hasAttribute("alt") || "input" == b && "image" == c && a.hasAttribute("alt") || "input" == b && ("submit" == c || "reset" == c) || a.hasAttribute("aria-labelledby") || axs.utils.isNativeTextElement(a) && a.hasAttribute("placeholder") || a.hasAttribute("id") && 0 < document.querySelectorAll('label[for="' + a.id + '"]').length) {
871    return!0;
872  }
873  for (b = axs.utils.parentElement(a);b;) {
874    if ("label" == b.tagName.toLowerCase() && b.control == a) {
875      return!0;
876    }
877    b = axs.utils.parentElement(b);
878  }
879  return!1;
881axs.utils.isElementHidden = function(a) {
882  if (!(a instanceof a.ownerDocument.defaultView.HTMLElement)) {
883    return!1;
884  }
885  if (a.hasAttribute("chromevoxignoreariahidden")) {
886    var b = !0
887  }
888  var c = window.getComputedStyle(a, null);
889  return "none" == c.display || "hidden" == c.visibility ? !0 : a.hasAttribute("aria-hidden") && "true" == a.getAttribute("aria-hidden").toLowerCase() ? !b : !1;
891axs.utils.isElementOrAncestorHidden = function(a) {
892  return axs.utils.isElementHidden(a) ? !0 : axs.utils.parentElement(a) ? axs.utils.isElementOrAncestorHidden(axs.utils.parentElement(a)) : !1;
894axs.utils.isInlineElement = function(a) {
895  a = a.tagName.toUpperCase();
896  return axs.constants.InlineElements[a];
898axs.utils.getRoles = function(a) {
899  if (!a.hasAttribute("role")) {
900    return!1;
901  }
902  a = a.getAttribute("role").split(" ");
903  for (var b = [], c = !0, d = 0;d < a.length;d++) {
904    var e = a[d];
905    axs.constants.ARIA_ROLES[e] ? b.push({name:e, details:axs.constants.ARIA_ROLES[e], valid:!0}) : (b.push({name:e, valid:!1}), c = !1);
906  }
907  return{roles:b, valid:c};
909axs.utils.getAriaPropertyValue = function(a, b, c) {
910  var d = a.replace(/^aria-/, ""), e = axs.constants.ARIA_PROPERTIES[d], d = {name:a, rawValue:b};
911  if (!e) {
912    return d.valid = !1, d.reason = '"' + a + '" is not a valid ARIA property', d;
913  }
914  e = e.valueType;
915  if (!e) {
916    return d.valid = !1, d.reason = '"' + a + '" is not a valid ARIA property', d;
917  }
918  switch(e) {
919    case "idref":
920      a = axs.utils.isValidIDRefValue(b, c), d.valid = a.valid, d.reason = a.reason, d.idref = a.idref;
921    case "idref_list":
922      a = b.split(/\s+/);
923      d.valid = !0;
924      for (b = 0;b < a.length;b++) {
925        e = axs.utils.isValidIDRefValue(a[b], c), e.valid || (d.valid = !1), d.values ? d.values.push(e) : d.values = [e];
926      }
927      return d;
928    case "integer":
929    ;
930    case "decimal":
931      c = axs.utils.isValidNumber(b);
932      if (!c.valid) {
933        return d.valid = !1, d.reason = c.reason, d;
934      }
935      Math.floor(c.value) != c.value ? (d.valid = !1, d.reason = "" + b + " is not a whole integer") : (d.valid = !0, d.value = c.value);
936      return d;
937    case "number":
938      c = axs.utils.isValidNumber(b), c.valid && (d.valid = !0, d.value = c.value);
939    case "string":
940      return d.valid = !0, d.value = b, d;
941    case "token":
942      return c = axs.utils.isValidTokenValue(a, b.toLowerCase()), c.valid ? (d.valid = !0, d.value = c.value) : (d.valid = !1, d.value = b, d.reason = c.reason), d;
943    case "token_list":
944      e = b.split(/\s+/);
945      d.valid = !0;
946      for (b = 0;b < e.length;b++) {
947        c = axs.utils.isValidTokenValue(a, e[b].toLowerCase()), c.valid || (d.valid = !1, d.reason ? (d.reason = [d.reason], d.reason.push(c.reason)) : (d.reason = c.reason, d.possibleValues = c.possibleValues)), d.values ? d.values.push(c.value) : d.values = [c.value];
948      }
949      return d;
950    case "tristate":
951      return c = axs.utils.isPossibleValue(b.toLowerCase(), axs.constants.MIXED_VALUES, a), c.valid ? (d.valid = !0, d.value = c.value) : (d.valid = !1, d.value = b, d.reason = c.reason), d;
952    case "boolean":
953      return c = axs.utils.isValidBoolean(b), c.valid ? (d.valid = !0, d.value = c.value) : (d.valid = !1, d.value = b, d.reason = c.reason), d;
954  }
955  d.valid = !1;
956  d.reason = "Not a valid ARIA property";
957  return d;
959axs.utils.isValidTokenValue = function(a, b) {
960  var c = a.replace(/^aria-/, "");
961  return axs.utils.isPossibleValue(b, axs.constants.ARIA_PROPERTIES[c].valuesSet, a);
963axs.utils.isPossibleValue = function(a, b, c) {
964  return b[a] ? {valid:!0, value:a} : {valid:!1, value:a, reason:'"' + a + '" is not a valid value for ' + c, possibleValues:Object.keys(b)};
966axs.utils.isValidBoolean = function(a) {
967  try {
968    var b = JSON.parse(a);
969  } catch (c) {
970    b = "";
971  }
972  return "boolean" != typeof b ? {valid:!1, value:a, reason:'"' + a + '" is not a true/false value'} : {valid:!0, value:b};
974axs.utils.isValidIDRefValue = function(a, b) {
975  return 0 == a.length ? {valid:!0, idref:a} : b.ownerDocument.getElementById(a) ? {valid:!0, idref:a} : {valid:!1, idref:a, reason:'No element with ID "' + a + '"'};
977axs.utils.isValidNumber = function(a) {
978  try {
979    var b = JSON.parse(a);
980  } catch (c) {
981    return{valid:!1, value:a, reason:'"' + a + '" is not a number'};
982  }
983  return "number" != typeof b ? {valid:!1, value:a, reason:'"' + a + '" is not a number'} : {valid:!0, value:b};
985axs.utils.isElementImplicitlyFocusable = function(a) {
986  var b = a.ownerDocument.defaultView;
987  return a instanceof b.HTMLAnchorElement || a instanceof b.HTMLAreaElement ? a.hasAttribute("href") : a instanceof b.HTMLInputElement || a instanceof b.HTMLSelectElement || a instanceof b.HTMLTextAreaElement || a instanceof b.HTMLButtonElement || a instanceof b.HTMLIFrameElement ? !a.disabled : !1;
989axs.utils.values = function(a) {
990  var b = [], c;
991  for (c in a) {
992    a.hasOwnProperty(c) && "function" != typeof a[c] && b.push(a[c]);
993  }
994  return b;
996axs.utils.namedValues = function(a) {
997  var b = {}, c;
998  for (c in a) {
999    a.hasOwnProperty(c) && "function" != typeof a[c] && (b[c] = a[c]);
1000  }
1001  return b;
1003axs.utils.getQuerySelectorText = function(a) {
1004  if (null == a || "HTML" == a.tagName) {
1005    return "html";
1006  }
1007  if ("BODY" == a.tagName) {
1008    return "body";
1009  }
1010  if (a.hasAttribute) {
1011    if (a.id) {
1012      return "#" + a.id;
1013    }
1014    if (a.className) {
1015      for (var b = "", c = 0;c < a.classList.length;c++) {
1016        b += "." + a.classList[c];
1017      }
1018      var d = 0;
1019      if (a.parentNode) {
1020        for (c = 0;c < a.parentNode.children.length;c++) {
1021          var e = a.parentNode.children[c];
1022          axs.browserUtils.matchSelector(e, b) && d++;
1023          if (e === a) {
1024            break;
1025          }
1026        }
1027      } else {
1028        d = 1;
1029      }
1030      return 1 == d ? axs.utils.getQuerySelectorText(a.parentNode) + " > " + b : axs.utils.getQuerySelectorText(a.parentNode) + " > " + b + ":nth-of-type(" + d + ")";
1031    }
1032    if (a.parentNode) {
1033      b = a.parentNode.children;
1034      d = 1;
1035      for (c = 0;b[c] !== a;) {
1036        b[c].tagName == a.tagName && d++, c++;
1037      }
1038      c = "";
1039      "BODY" != a.parentNode.tagName && (c = axs.utils.getQuerySelectorText(a.parentNode) + " > ");
1040      return 1 == d ? c + a.tagName : c + a.tagName + ":nth-of-type(" + d + ")";
1041    }
1042  } else {
1043    if (a.selectorText) {
1044      return a.selectorText;
1045    }
1046  }
1047  return "";
1049axs.properties = {};
1050axs.properties.TEXT_CONTENT_XPATH = './/text()[normalize-space(.)!=""]/parent::*[name()!="script"]';
1051axs.properties.getFocusProperties = function(a) {
1052  var b = {}, c = a.getAttribute("tabindex");
1053  void 0 != c ? b.tabindex = {value:c, valid:!0} : axs.utils.isElementImplicitlyFocusable(a) && (b.implicitlyFocusable = {value:!0, valid:!0});
1054  if (0 == Object.keys(b).length) {
1055    return null;
1056  }
1057  var d = axs.utils.elementIsTransparent(a), e = axs.utils.elementHasZeroArea(a), f = axs.utils.elementIsOutsideScrollArea(a), g = axs.utils.overlappingElements(a);
1058  if (d || e || f || 0 < g.length) {
1059    var c = axs.utils.isElementOrAncestorHidden(a), h = {value:!1, valid:c};
1060    d && (h.transparent = !0);
1061    e && (h.zeroArea = !0);
1062    f && (h.outsideScrollArea = !0);
1063    g && 0 < g.length && (h.overlappingElements = g);
1064    d = {value:c, valid:c};
1065    c && (d.reason = axs.properties.getHiddenReason(a));
1066    h.hidden = d;
1067    b.visible = h;
1068  } else {
1069    b.visible = {value:!0, valid:!0};
1070  }
1071  return b;
1073axs.properties.getHiddenReason = function(a) {
1074  if (!(a && a instanceof a.ownerDocument.defaultView.HTMLElement)) {
1075    return null;
1076  }
1077  if (a.hasAttribute("chromevoxignoreariahidden")) {
1078    var b = !0
1079  }
1080  var c = window.getComputedStyle(a, null);
1081  return "none" == c.display ? {property:"display: none", on:a} : "hidden" == c.visibility ? {property:"visibility: hidden", on:a} : a.hasAttribute("aria-hidden") && "true" == a.getAttribute("aria-hidden").toLowerCase() && !b ? {property:"aria-hidden", on:a} : axs.properties.getHiddenReason(axs.utils.parentElement(a));
1083axs.properties.getColorProperties = function(a) {
1084  var b = {};
1085  (a = axs.properties.getContrastRatioProperties(a)) && (b.contrastRatio = a);
1086  return 0 == Object.keys(b).length ? null : b;
1088axs.properties.hasDirectTextDescendant = function(a) {
1089  for (var b = (a.nodeType == Node.DOCUMENT_NODE ? a : a.ownerDocument).evaluate(axs.properties.TEXT_CONTENT_XPATH, a, null, XPathResult.ANY_TYPE, null), c = !1, d = b.iterateNext();null != d;d = b.iterateNext()) {
1090    if (d === a) {
1091      c = !0;
1092      break;
1093    }
1094  }
1095  return c;
1097axs.properties.getContrastRatioProperties = function(a) {
1098  if (!axs.properties.hasDirectTextDescendant(a)) {
1099    return null;
1100  }
1101  var b = {}, c = window.getComputedStyle(a, null), d = axs.utils.getBgColor(c, a);
1102  if (!d) {
1103    return null;
1104  }
1105  b.backgroundColor = axs.utils.colorToString(d);
1106  var e = axs.utils.getFgColor(c, a, d);
1107  b.foregroundColor = axs.utils.colorToString(e);
1108  a = axs.utils.getContrastRatioForElementWithComputedStyle(c, a);
1109  if (!a) {
1110    return null;
1111  }
1112  b.value = a.toFixed(2);
1113  axs.utils.isLowContrast(a, c) && (b.alert = !0);
1114  (c = axs.utils.suggestColors(d, e, a, c)) && Object.keys(c).length && (b.suggestedColors = c);
1115  return b;
1117axs.properties.findTextAlternatives = function(a, b, c, d) {
1118  var e = c || !1;
1119  c = axs.utils.asElement(a);
1120  if (!c || !e && !d && axs.utils.isElementOrAncestorHidden(c)) {
1121    return null;
1122  }
1123  if (a.nodeType == Node.TEXT_NODE) {
1124    return c = {type:"text"}, c.text = a.textContent, c.lastWord = axs.properties.getLastWord(c.text), b.content = c, a.textContent;
1125  }
1126  a = null;
1127  e || (a = axs.properties.getTextFromAriaLabelledby(c, b));
1128  c.hasAttribute("aria-label") && (d = {type:"text"}, d.text = c.getAttribute("aria-label"), d.lastWord = axs.properties.getLastWord(d.text), a ? d.unused = !0 : e && axs.utils.elementIsHtmlControl(c) || (a = d.text), b.ariaLabel = d);
1129  c.hasAttribute("role") && "presentation" == c.getAttribute("role") || (a = axs.properties.getTextFromHostLanguageAttributes(c, b, a, e));
1130  if (e && axs.utils.elementIsHtmlControl(c)) {
1131    d = c.ownerDocument.defaultView;
1132    if (c instanceof d.HTMLInputElement) {
1133      var f = c;
1134      "text" == f.type && f.value && 0 < f.value.length && (b.controlValue = {text:f.value});
1135      "range" == f.type && (b.controlValue = {text:f.value});
1136    }
1137    c instanceof d.HTMLSelectElement && (b.controlValue = {text:c.value});
1138    b.controlValue && (d = b.controlValue, a ? d.unused = !0 : a = d.text);
1139  }
1140  if (e && axs.utils.elementIsAriaWidget(c)) {
1141    e = c.getAttribute("role");
1142    "textbox" == e && c.textContent && 0 < c.textContent.length && (b.controlValue = {text:c.textContent});
1143    if ("slider" == e || "spinbutton" == e) {
1144      c.hasAttribute("aria-valuetext") ? b.controlValue = {text:c.getAttribute("aria-valuetext")} : c.hasAttribute("aria-valuenow") && (b.controlValue = {value:c.getAttribute("aria-valuenow"), text:"" + c.getAttribute("aria-valuenow")});
1145    }
1146    if ("menu" == e) {
1147      var g = c.querySelectorAll("[role=menuitemcheckbox], [role=menuitemradio]");
1148      d = [];
1149      for (f = 0;f < g.length;f++) {
1150        "true" == g[f].getAttribute("aria-checked") && d.push(g[f]);
1151      }
1152      if (0 < d.length) {
1153        g = "";
1154        for (f = 0;f < d.length;f++) {
1155          g += axs.properties.findTextAlternatives(d[f], {}, !0), f < d.length - 1 && (g += ", ");
1156        }
1157        b.controlValue = {text:g};
1158      }
1159    }
1160    if ("combobox" == e || "select" == e) {
1161      b.controlValue = {text:"TODO"};
1162    }
1163    b.controlValue && (d = b.controlValue, a ? d.unused = !0 : a = d.text);
1164  }
1165  d = !0;
1166  c.hasAttribute("role") && (e = c.getAttribute("role"), (e = axs.constants.ARIA_ROLES[e]) && (!e.namefrom || 0 > e.namefrom.indexOf("contents")) && (d = !1));
1167  (e = axs.properties.getTextFromDescendantContent(c)) && d && (d = {type:"text"}, d.text = e, d.lastWord = axs.properties.getLastWord(d.text), a ? d.unused = !0 : a = e, b.content = d);
1168  c.hasAttribute("title") && (e = {type:"string", valid:!0}, e.text = c.getAttribute("title"), e.lastWord = axs.properties.getLastWord(e.lastWord), a ? e.unused = !0 : a = e.text, b.title = e);
1169  return 0 == Object.keys(b).length && null == a ? null : a;
1171axs.properties.getTextFromDescendantContent = function(a) {
1172  var b = a.childNodes;
1173  a = [];
1174  for (var c = 0;c < b.length;c++) {
1175    var d = axs.properties.findTextAlternatives(b[c], {}, !0);
1176    d && a.push(d.trim());
1177  }
1178  if (a.length) {
1179    b = "";
1180    for (c = 0;c < a.length;c++) {
1181      b = [b, a[c]].join(" ").trim();
1182    }
1183    return b;
1184  }
1185  return null;
1187axs.properties.getTextFromAriaLabelledby = function(a, b) {
1188  var c = null;
1189  if (!a.hasAttribute("aria-labelledby")) {
1190    return c;
1191  }
1192  for (var d = a.getAttribute("aria-labelledby").split(/\s+/), e = {valid:!0}, f = [], g = [], h = 0;h < d.length;h++) {
1193    var k = {type:"element"}, m = d[h];
1194    k.value = m;
1195    var l = document.getElementById(m);
1196    l ? (k.valid = !0, k.text = axs.properties.findTextAlternatives(l, {}, !0), k.lastWord = axs.properties.getLastWord(k.text), f.push(l.textContent.trim()), k.element = l) : (k.valid = !1, e.valid = !1, k.errorMessage = {messageKey:"noElementWithId", args:[m]});
1197    g.push(k);
1198  }
1199  0 < g.length && (g[g.length - 1].last = !0, e.values = g, e.text = f.join(" "), e.lastWord = axs.properties.getLastWord(e.text), c = e.text, b.ariaLabelledby = e);
1200  return c;
1202axs.properties.getTextFromHostLanguageAttributes = function(a, b, c, d) {
1203  if (axs.browserUtils.matchSelector(a, "img")) {
1204    if (a.hasAttribute("alt")) {
1205      var e = {type:"string", valid:!0};
1206      e.text = a.getAttribute("alt");
1207      c ? e.unused = !0 : c = e.text;
1208      b.alt = e;
1209    } else {
1210      e = {valid:!1, errorMessage:"No alt value provided"}, b.alt = e, e = a.src, "string" == typeof e && (c = e.split("/").pop(), b.filename = {text:c});
1211    }
1212  }
1213  if (axs.browserUtils.matchSelector(a, 'input:not([type="hidden"]):not([disabled]), select:not([disabled]), textarea:not([disabled]), button:not([disabled]), video:not([disabled])') && !d) {
1214    if (a.hasAttribute("id")) {
1215      d = document.querySelectorAll('label[for="' + a.id + '"]');
1216      for (var e = {}, f = [], g = [], h = 0;h < d.length;h++) {
1217        var k = {type:"element"}, m = d[h], l = axs.properties.findTextAlternatives(m, {}, !0);
1218        l && 0 < l.trim().length && (k.text = l.trim(), g.push(l.trim()));
1219        k.element = m;
1220        f.push(k);
1221      }
1222      0 < f.length && (f[f.length - 1].last = !0, e.values = f, e.text = g.join(" "), e.lastWord = axs.properties.getLastWord(e.text), c ? e.unused = !0 : c = e.text, b.labelFor = e);
1223    }
1224    d = axs.utils.parentElement(a);
1225    for (e = {};d;) {
1226      if ("label" == d.tagName.toLowerCase() && (f = d, f.control == a)) {
1227        e.type = "element";
1228        e.text = axs.properties.findTextAlternatives(f, {}, !0);
1229        e.lastWord = axs.properties.getLastWord(e.text);
1230        e.element = f;
1231        break;
1232      }
1233      d = axs.utils.parentElement(d);
1234    }
1235    e.text && (c ? e.unused = !0 : c = e.text, b.labelWrapped = e);
1236    Object.keys(b).length || (b.noLabel = !0);
1237  }
1238  return c;
1240axs.properties.getLastWord = function(a) {
1241  if (!a) {
1242    return null;
1243  }
1244  var b = a.lastIndexOf(" ") + 1, c = a.length - 10;
1245  return a.substring(b > c ? b : c);
1247axs.properties.getTextProperties = function(a) {
1248  var b = {};
1249  a = axs.properties.findTextAlternatives(a, b, !1, !0);
1250  if (0 == Object.keys(b).length) {
1251    if (!a) {
1252      return null;
1253    }
1254    b.hasProperties = !1;
1255  } else {
1256    b.hasProperties = !0;
1257  }
1258  b.computedText = a;
1259  b.lastWord = axs.properties.getLastWord(a);
1260  return b;
1262axs.properties.getAriaProperties = function(a) {
1263  var b = {}, c = axs.properties.getGlobalAriaProperties(a), d;
1264  for (d in axs.constants.ARIA_PROPERTIES) {
1265    var e = "aria-" + d;
1266    if (a.hasAttribute(e)) {
1267      var f = a.getAttribute(e);
1268      c[e] = axs.utils.getAriaPropertyValue(e, f, a);
1269    }
1270  }
1271  0 < Object.keys(c).length && (b.properties = axs.utils.values(c));
1272  f = axs.utils.getRoles(a);
1273  if (!f) {
1274    return Object.keys(b).length ? b : null;
1275  }
1276  b.roles = f;
1277  if (!f.valid || !f.roles) {
1278    return b;
1279  }
1280  for (var e = f.roles, g = 0;g < e.length;g++) {
1281    var h = e[g];
1282    if (h.details && h.details.propertiesSet) {
1283      for (d in h.details.propertiesSet) {
1284        d in c || (a.hasAttribute(d) ? (f = a.getAttribute(d), c[d] = axs.utils.getAriaPropertyValue(d, f, a), "values" in c[d] && (f = c[d].values, f[f.length - 1].isLast = !0)) : h.details.requiredPropertiesSet[d] && (c[d] = {name:d, valid:!1, reason:"Required property not set"}));
1285      }
1286    }
1287  }
1288  0 < Object.keys(c).length && (b.properties = axs.utils.values(c));
1289  return 0 < Object.keys(b).length ? b : null;
1291axs.properties.getGlobalAriaProperties = function(a) {
1292  for (var b = {}, c = 0;c < axs.constants.GLOBAL_PROPERTIES.length;c++) {
1293    var d = axs.constants.GLOBAL_PROPERTIES[c];
1294    if (a.hasAttribute(d)) {
1295      var e = a.getAttribute(d);
1296      b[d] = axs.utils.getAriaPropertyValue(d, e, a);
1297    }
1298  }
1299  return b;
1301axs.properties.getVideoProperties = function(a) {
1302  if (!axs.browserUtils.matchSelector(a, "video")) {
1303    return null;
1304  }
1305  var b = {};
1306  b.captionTracks = axs.properties.getTrackElements(a, "captions");
1307  b.descriptionTracks = axs.properties.getTrackElements(a, "descriptions");
1308  b.chapterTracks = axs.properties.getTrackElements(a, "chapters");
1309  return b;
1311axs.properties.getTrackElements = function(a, b) {
1312  var c = a.querySelectorAll("track[kind=" + b + "]"), d = {};
1313  if (!c.length) {
1314    return d.valid = !1, d.reason = {messageKey:"noTracksProvided", args:[[b]]}, d;
1315  }
1316  d.valid = !0;
1317  for (var e = [], f = 0;f < c.length;f++) {
1318    var g = {}, h = c[f].getAttribute("src"), k = c[f].getAttribute("srcLang"), m = c[f].getAttribute("label");
1319    h ? (g.valid = !0, g.src = h) : (g.valid = !1, g.reason = {messageKey:"noSrcProvided"});
1320    h = "";
1321    m && (h += m, k && (h += " "));
1322    k && (h += "(" + k + ")");
1323    "" == h && (h = "[[object Object]]");
1324    g.name = h;
1325    e.push(g);
1326  }
1327  d.values = e;
1328  return d;
1330axs.properties.getAllProperties = function(a) {
1331  var b = axs.utils.asElement(a);
1332  if (!b) {
1333    return{};
1334  }
1335  var c = {};
1336  c.ariaProperties = axs.properties.getAriaProperties(b);
1337  c.colorProperties = axs.properties.getColorProperties(b);
1338  c.focusProperties = axs.properties.getFocusProperties(b);
1339  c.textProperties = axs.properties.getTextProperties(a);
1340  c.videoProperties = axs.properties.getVideoProperties(b);
1341  return c;
1343axs.AuditRule = function(a) {
1344  for (var b = !0, c = [], d = 0;d < axs.AuditRule.requiredFields.length;d++) {
1345    var e = axs.AuditRule.requiredFields[d];
1346    e in a || (b = !1, c.push(e));
1347  }
1348  if (!b) {
1349    throw "Invalid spec; the following fields were not specified: " + c.join(", ") + "\n" + JSON.stringify(a);
1350  }
1351  this.name = a.name;
1352  this.severity = a.severity;
1353  this.relevantElementMatcher_ = a.relevantElementMatcher;
1354  this.test_ = a.test;
1355  this.code = a.code;
1356  this.heading = a.heading || "";
1357  this.url = a.url || "";
1358  this.requiresConsoleAPI = !!a.opt_requiresConsoleAPI;
1360axs.AuditRule.requiredFields = "name severity relevantElementMatcher test code heading".split(" ");
1361axs.AuditRule.NOT_APPLICABLE = {result:axs.constants.AuditResult.NA};
1362axs.AuditRule.prototype.addElement = function(a, b) {
1363  a.push(b);
1365axs.AuditRule.collectMatchingElements = function(a, b, c, d) {
1366  if (a.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
1367    var e = a
1368  }
1369  e && b.call(null, e) && c.push(e);
1370  if (e) {
1371    var f = e.shadowRoot || e.webkitShadowRoot;
1372    if (f) {
1373      axs.AuditRule.collectMatchingElements(f, b, c, f);
1374      return;
1375    }
1376  }
1377  if (e && "content" == e.localName) {
1378    for (e = e.getDistributedNodes(), a = 0;a < e.length;a++) {
1379      axs.AuditRule.collectMatchingElements(e[a], b, c, d);
1380    }
1381  } else {
1382    if (e && "shadow" == e.localName) {
1383      a = e, d ? (d = d.olderShadowRoot || a.olderShadowRoot) && axs.AuditRule.collectMatchingElements(d, b, c, d) : console.warn("ShadowRoot not provided for", e);
1384    } else {
1385      for (e = a.firstChild;null != e;) {
1386        axs.AuditRule.collectMatchingElements(e, b, c, d), e = e.nextSibling;
1387      }
1388    }
1389  }
1391axs.AuditRule.prototype.run = function(a) {
1392  a = a || {};
1393  var b = "ignoreSelectors" in a ? a.ignoreSelectors : [], c = "maxResults" in a ? a.maxResults : null, d = [];
1394  axs.AuditRule.collectMatchingElements("scope" in a ? a.scope : document, this.relevantElementMatcher_, d);
1395  var e = [];
1396  if (!d.length) {
1397    return{result:axs.constants.AuditResult.NA};
1398  }
1399  for (a = 0;a < d.length && !(null != c && e.length >= c);a++) {
1400    var f = d[a], g;
1401    a: {
1402      g = f;
1403      for (var h = 0;h < b.length;h++) {
1404        if (axs.browserUtils.matchSelector(g, b[h])) {
1405          g = !0;
1406          break a;
1407        }
1408      }
1409      g = !1;
1410    }
1411    !g && this.test_(f) && this.addElement(e, f);
1412  }
1413  b = {result:e.length ? axs.constants.AuditResult.FAIL : axs.constants.AuditResult.PASS, elements:e};
1414  a < d.length && (b.resultsTruncated = !0);
1415  return b;
1417axs.AuditRule.specs = {};
1418axs.AuditRules = {};
1419axs.AuditRules.getRule = function(a) {
1420  if (!axs.AuditRules.rules) {
1421    axs.AuditRules.rules = {};
1422    for (var b in axs.AuditRule.specs) {
1423      var c = axs.AuditRule.specs[b], d = new axs.AuditRule(c);
1424      axs.AuditRules.rules[c.name] = d;
1425    }
1426  }
1427  return axs.AuditRules.rules[a];
1429axs.AuditResults = function() {
1430  this.errors_ = [];
1431  this.warnings_ = [];
1433goog.exportSymbol("axs.AuditResults", axs.AuditResults);
1434axs.AuditResults.prototype.addError = function(a) {
1435  "" != a && this.errors_.push(a);
1437goog.exportProperty(axs.AuditResults.prototype, "addError", axs.AuditResults.prototype.addError);
1438axs.AuditResults.prototype.addWarning = function(a) {
1439  "" != a && this.warnings_.push(a);
1441goog.exportProperty(axs.AuditResults.prototype, "addWarning", axs.AuditResults.prototype.addWarning);
1442axs.AuditResults.prototype.numErrors = function() {
1443  return this.errors_.length;
1445goog.exportProperty(axs.AuditResults.prototype, "numErrors", axs.AuditResults.prototype.numErrors);
1446axs.AuditResults.prototype.numWarnings = function() {
1447  return this.warnings_.length;
1449goog.exportProperty(axs.AuditResults.prototype, "numWarnings", axs.AuditResults.prototype.numWarnings);
1450axs.AuditResults.prototype.getErrors = function() {
1451  return this.errors_;
1453goog.exportProperty(axs.AuditResults.prototype, "getErrors", axs.AuditResults.prototype.getErrors);
1454axs.AuditResults.prototype.getWarnings = function() {
1455  return this.warnings_;
1457goog.exportProperty(axs.AuditResults.prototype, "getWarnings", axs.AuditResults.prototype.getWarnings);
1458axs.AuditResults.prototype.toString = function() {
1459  for (var a = "", b = 0;b < this.errors_.length;b++) {
1460    0 == b && (a += "\nErrors:\n");
1461    var c = this.errors_[b], a = a + (c + "\n\n");
1462  }
1463  for (b = 0;b < this.warnings_.length;b++) {
1464    0 == b && (a += "\nWarnings:\n"), c = this.warnings_[b], a += c + "\n\n";
1465  }
1466  return a;
1468goog.exportProperty(axs.AuditResults.prototype, "toString", axs.AuditResults.prototype.toString);
1469axs.Audit = {};
1470axs.AuditConfiguration = function() {
1471  this.rules_ = {};
1472  this.maxResults = this.auditRulesToIgnore = this.auditRulesToRun = this.scope = null;
1473  this.withConsoleApi = !1;
1474  this.showUnsupportedRulesWarning = !0;
1475  goog.exportProperty(this, "scope", this.scope);
1476  goog.exportProperty(this, "auditRulesToRun", this.auditRulesToRun);
1477  goog.exportProperty(this, "auditRulesToIgnore", this.auditRulesToIgnore);
1478  goog.exportProperty(this, "withConsoleApi", this.withConsoleApi);
1479  goog.exportProperty(this, "showUnsupportedRulesWarning", this.showUnsupportedRulesWarning);
1481goog.exportSymbol("axs.AuditConfiguration", axs.AuditConfiguration);
1482axs.AuditConfiguration.prototype = {ignoreSelectors:function(a, b) {
1483  a in this.rules_ || (this.rules_[a] = {});
1484  "ignore" in this.rules_[a] || (this.rules_[a].ignore = []);
1485  Array.prototype.push.call(this.rules_[a].ignore, b);
1486}, getIgnoreSelectors:function(a) {
1487  return a in this.rules_ && "ignore" in this.rules_[a] ? this.rules_[a].ignore : [];
1488}, setSeverity:function(a, b) {
1489  a in this.rules_ || (this.rules_[a] = {});
1490  this.rules_[a].severity = b;
1491}, getSeverity:function(a) {
1492  return a in this.rules_ && "severity" in this.rules_[a] ? this.rules_[a].severity : null;
1494goog.exportProperty(axs.AuditConfiguration.prototype, "ignoreSelectors", axs.AuditConfiguration.prototype.ignoreSelectors);
1495goog.exportProperty(axs.AuditConfiguration.prototype, "getIgnoreSelectors", axs.AuditConfiguration.prototype.getIgnoreSelectors);
1496axs.Audit.unsupportedRulesWarningShown = !1;
1497axs.Audit.getRulesCannotRun = function(a) {
1498  return a.withConsoleApi ? [] : Object.keys(axs.AuditRule.specs).filter(function(a) {
1499    return axs.AuditRules.getRule(a).requiresConsoleAPI;
1500  }).map(function(a) {
1501    return axs.AuditRules.getRule(a).code;
1502  });
1504axs.Audit.run = function(a) {
1505  a = a || new axs.AuditConfiguration;
1506  var b = a.withConsoleApi, c = [], d;
1507  d = a.auditRulesToRun && 0 < a.auditRulesToRun.length ? a.auditRulesToRun : Object.keys(axs.AuditRule.specs);
1508  if (a.auditRulesToIgnore) {
1509    for (var e = 0;e < a.auditRulesToIgnore.length;e++) {
1510      var f = a.auditRulesToIgnore[e];
1511      0 > d.indexOf(f) || d.splice(d.indexOf(f), 1);
1512    }
1513  }
1514  !axs.Audit.unsupportedRulesWarningShown && a.showUnsupportedRulesWarning && (e = axs.Audit.getRulesCannotRun(a), 0 < e.length && (console.warn("Some rules cannot be checked using the axs.Audit.run() method call. Use the Chrome plugin to check these rules: " + e.join(", ")), console.warn("To remove this message, pass an AuditConfiguration object to axs.Audit.run() and set configuration.showUnsupportedRulesWarning = false.")), axs.Audit.unsupportedRulesWarningShown = !0);
1515  for (e = 0;e < d.length;e++) {
1516    var f = d[e], g = axs.AuditRules.getRule(f);
1517    if (g && !g.disabled && (b || !g.requiresConsoleAPI)) {
1518      var h = {}, k = a.getIgnoreSelectors(g.name);
1519      if (0 < k.length || a.scope) {
1520        h.ignoreSelectors = k;
1521      }
1522      a.scope && (h.scope = a.scope);
1523      a.maxResults && (h.maxResults = a.maxResults);
1524      h = g.run.call(g, h);
1525      g = axs.utils.namedValues(g);
1526      g.severity = a.getSeverity(f) || g.severity;
1527      h.rule = g;
1528      c.push(h);
1529    }
1530  }
1531  return c;
1533goog.exportSymbol("axs.Audit.run", axs.Audit.run);
1534axs.Audit.auditResults = function(a) {
1535  for (var b = new axs.AuditResults, c = 0;c < a.length;c++) {
1536    var d = a[c];
1537    d.result == axs.constants.AuditResult.FAIL && (d.rule.severity == axs.constants.Severity.SEVERE ? b.addError(axs.Audit.accessibilityErrorMessage(d)) : b.addWarning(axs.Audit.accessibilityErrorMessage(d)));
1538  }
1539  return b;
1541goog.exportSymbol("axs.Audit.auditResults", axs.Audit.auditResults);
1542axs.Audit.createReport = function(a, b) {
1543  var c;
1544  c = "*** Begin accessibility audit results ***\nAn accessibility audit found " + axs.Audit.auditResults(a).toString();
1545  b && (c += "\nFor more information, please see ", c += b);
1546  return c += "\n*** End accessibility audit results ***";
1548goog.exportSymbol("axs.Audit.createReport", axs.Audit.createReport);
1549axs.Audit.accessibilityErrorMessage = function(a) {
1550  for (var b = a.rule.severity == axs.constants.Severity.SEVERE ? "Error: " : "Warning: ", b = b + (a.rule.code + " (" + a.rule.heading + ") failed on the following " + (1 == a.elements.length ? "element" : "elements")), b = 1 == a.elements.length ? b + ":" : b + (" (1 - " + Math.min(5, a.elements.length) + " of " + a.elements.length + "):"), c = Math.min(a.elements.length, 5), d = 0;d < c;d++) {
1551    var e = a.elements[d], b = b + "\n";
1552    try {
1553      b += axs.utils.getQuerySelectorText(e);
1554    } catch (f) {
1555      b += " tagName:" + e.tagName, b += " id:" + e.id;
1556    }
1557  }
1558  "" != a.rule.url && (b += "\nSee " + a.rule.url + " for more information.");
1559  return b;
1561goog.exportSymbol("axs.Audit.accessibilityErrorMessage", axs.Audit.accessibilityErrorMessage);
1562axs.AuditRule.specs.audioWithoutControls = {name:"audioWithoutControls", heading:"Audio elements should have controls", url:"", severity:axs.constants.Severity.WARNING, relevantElementMatcher:function(a) {
1563  return axs.browserUtils.matchSelector(a, "audio[autoplay]");
1564}, test:function(a) {
1565  return!a.querySelectorAll("[controls]").length && 3 < a.duration;
1566}, code:"AX_AUDIO_01"};
1567axs.AuditRule.specs.badAriaAttributeValue = {name:"badAriaAttributeValue", heading:"ARIA state and property values must be valid", url:"", severity:axs.constants.Severity.SEVERE, relevantElementMatcher:function(a) {
1568  var b = "", c;
1569  for (c in axs.constants.ARIA_PROPERTIES) {
1570    b += "[aria-" + c + "],";
1571  }
1572  b = b.substring(0, b.length - 1);
1573  return axs.browserUtils.matchSelector(a, b);
1574}, test:function(a) {
1575  for (var b in axs.constants.ARIA_PROPERTIES) {
1576    var c = "aria-" + b;
1577    if (a.hasAttribute(c)) {
1578      var d = a.getAttribute(c);
1579      if (!axs.utils.getAriaPropertyValue(c, d, a).valid) {
1580        return!0;
1581      }
1582    }
1583  }
1584  return!1;
1585}, code:"AX_ARIA_04"};
1586axs.AuditRule.specs.badAriaRole = {name:"badAriaRole", heading:"Elements with ARIA roles must use a valid, non-abstract ARIA role", url:"https://github.com/GoogleChrome/accessibility-developer-tools/wiki/Audit-Rules#-ax_aria_01--elements-with-aria-roles-must-use-a-valid-non-abstract-aria-role", severity:axs.constants.Severity.SEVERE, relevantElementMatcher:function(a) {
1587  return axs.browserUtils.matchSelector(a, "[role]");
1588}, test:function(a) {
1589  return!axs.utils.getRoles(a).valid;
1590}, code:"AX_ARIA_01"};
1591axs.AuditRule.specs.controlsWithoutLabel = {name:"controlsWithoutLabel", heading:"Controls and media elements should have labels", url:"https://github.com/GoogleChrome/accessibility-developer-tools/wiki/Audit-Rules#-ax_text_01--controls-and-media-elements-should-have-labels", severity:axs.constants.Severity.SEVERE, relevantElementMatcher:function(a) {
1592  if (!axs.browserUtils.matchSelector(a, 'input:not([type="hidden"]):not([disabled]), select:not([disabled]), textarea:not([disabled]), button:not([disabled]), video:not([disabled])')) {
1593    return!1;
1594  }
1595  if (0 <= a.tabIndex) {
1596    return!0;
1597  }
1598  for (a = axs.utils.parentElement(a);null != a;a = axs.utils.parentElement(a)) {
1599    if (axs.utils.elementIsAriaWidget(a)) {
1600      return!1;
1601    }
1602  }
1603  return!0;
1604}, test:function(a) {
1605  return axs.utils.isElementOrAncestorHidden(a) || "input" == a.tagName.toLowerCase() && "button" == a.type && a.value.length || "button" == a.tagName.toLowerCase() && a.textContent.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").length ? !1 : axs.utils.hasLabel(a) ? !1 : !0;
1606}, code:"AX_TEXT_01", ruleName:"Controls and media elements should have labels"};
1607axs.AuditRule.specs.focusableElementNotVisibleAndNotAriaHidden = {name:"focusableElementNotVisibleAndNotAriaHidden", heading:"These elements are focusable but either invisible or obscured by another element", url:"https://github.com/GoogleChrome/accessibility-developer-tools/wiki/Audit-Rules#-ax_focus_01--these-elements-are-focusable-but-either-invisible-or-obscured-by-another-element", severity:axs.constants.Severity.WARNING, relevantElementMatcher:function(a) {
1608  if (!axs.browserUtils.matchSelector(a, axs.utils.FOCUSABLE_ELEMENTS_SELECTOR)) {
1609    return!1;
1610  }
1611  if (0 <= a.tabIndex) {
1612    return!0;
1613  }
1614  for (a = axs.utils.parentElement(a);null != a;a = axs.utils.parentElement(a)) {
1615    if (axs.utils.elementIsAriaWidget(a)) {
1616      return!1;
1617    }
1618  }
1619  return!0;
1620}, test:function(a) {
1621  if (axs.utils.isElementOrAncestorHidden(a)) {
1622    return!1;
1623  }
1624  a.focus();
1625  return!axs.utils.elementIsVisible(a);
1626}, code:"AX_FOCUS_01"};
1627axs.AuditRule.specs.imagesWithoutAltText = {name:"imagesWithoutAltText", heading:"Images should have an alt attribute", url:"https://github.com/GoogleChrome/accessibility-developer-tools/wiki/Audit-Rules#-ax_text_02--images-should-have-an-alt-attribute-unless-they-have-an-aria-role-of-presentation", severity:axs.constants.Severity.WARNING, relevantElementMatcher:function(a) {
1628  return axs.browserUtils.matchSelector(a, "img") && !axs.utils.isElementOrAncestorHidden(a);
1629}, test:function(a) {
1630  return!a.hasAttribute("alt") && "presentation" != a.getAttribute("role");
1631}, code:"AX_TEXT_02"};
1632axs.AuditRule.specs.linkWithUnclearPurpose = {name:"linkWithUnclearPurpose", heading:"The purpose of each link should be clear from the link text", url:"", severity:axs.constants.Severity.WARNING, relevantElementMatcher:function(a) {
1633  return axs.browserUtils.matchSelector(a, "a");
1634}, test:function(a) {
1635  return/^\s*click\s*here\s*[^a-z]?$/i.test(a.textContent);
1636}, code:"AX_TITLE_01"};
1637axs.AuditRule.specs.lowContrastElements = {name:"lowContrastElements", heading:"Text elements should have a reasonable contrast ratio", url:"https://github.com/GoogleChrome/accessibility-developer-tools/wiki/Audit-Rules#-ax_color_01--text-elements-should-have-a-reasonable-contrast-ratio", severity:axs.constants.Severity.WARNING, relevantElementMatcher:function(a) {
1638  return axs.properties.hasDirectTextDescendant(a);
1639}, test:function(a) {
1640  var b = window.getComputedStyle(a, null);
1641  return(a = axs.utils.getContrastRatioForElementWithComputedStyle(b, a)) && axs.utils.isLowContrast(a, b);
1642}, code:"AX_COLOR_01"};
1643axs.AuditRule.specs.mainRoleOnInappropriateElement = {name:"mainRoleOnInappropriateElement", heading:"role=main should only appear on significant elements", url:"", severity:axs.constants.Severity.WARNING, relevantElementMatcher:function(a) {
1644  return axs.browserUtils.matchSelector(a, "[role~=main]");
1645}, test:function(a) {
1646  if (axs.utils.isInlineElement(a)) {
1647    return!0;
1648  }
1649  a = axs.properties.getTextFromDescendantContent(a);
1650  return!a || 50 > a.length ? !0 : !1;
1651}, code:"AX_ARIA_04"};
1652axs.AuditRule.specs.elementsWithMeaningfulBackgroundImage = {name:"elementsWithMeaningfulBackgroundImage", severity:axs.constants.Severity.WARNING, relevantElementMatcher:function(a) {
1653  return!axs.utils.isElementOrAncestorHidden(a);
1654}, heading:"Meaningful images should not be used in element backgrounds", url:"https://github.com/GoogleChrome/accessibility-developer-tools/wiki/Audit-Rules#-ax_image_01--meaningful-images-should-not-be-used-in-element-backgrounds", test:function(a) {
1655  if (a.textContent && 0 < a.textContent.length) {
1656    return!1;
1657  }
1658  a = window.getComputedStyle(a, null);
1659  var b = a.backgroundImage;
1660  if (!b || "undefined" === b || "none" === b || 0 != b.indexOf("url")) {
1661    return!1;
1662  }
1663  b = parseInt(a.width, 10);
1664  a = parseInt(a.height, 10);
1665  return 150 > b && 150 > a;
1666}, code:"AX_IMAGE_01"};
1667axs.AuditRule.specs.nonExistentAriaLabelledbyElement = {name:"nonExistentAriaLabelledbyElement", heading:"aria-labelledby attributes should refer to an element which exists in the DOM", url:"https://github.com/GoogleChrome/accessibility-developer-tools/wiki/Audit-Rules#-ax_aria_02--aria-labelledby-attributes-should-refer-to-an-element-which-exists-in-the-dom", severity:axs.constants.Severity.WARNING, relevantElementMatcher:function(a) {
1668  return axs.browserUtils.matchSelector(a, "[aria-labelledby]");
1669}, test:function(a) {
1670  a = a.getAttribute("aria-labelledby").split(/\s+/);
1671  for (var b = 0;b < a.length;b++) {
1672    if (!document.getElementById(a[b])) {
1673      return!0;
1674    }
1675  }
1676  return!1;
1677}, code:"AX_ARIA_02"};
1678axs.AuditRule.specs.pageWithoutTitle = {name:"pageWithoutTitle", heading:"The web page should have a title that describes topic or purpose", url:"", severity:axs.constants.Severity.WARNING, relevantElementMatcher:function(a) {
1679  return "html" == a.tagName.toLowerCase();
1680}, test:function(a) {
1681  a = a.querySelector("head");
1682  return a ? (a = a.querySelector("title")) ? !a.textContent : !0 : !0;
1683}, code:"AX_TITLE_01"};
1684axs.AuditRule.specs.requiredAriaAttributeMissing = {name:"requiredAriaAttributeMissing", heading:"Elements with ARIA roles must have all required attributes for that role", url:"https://github.com/GoogleChrome/accessibility-developer-tools/wiki/Audit-Rules#-ax_aria_03--elements-with-aria-roles-must-have-all-required-attributes-for-that-role", severity:axs.constants.Severity.SEVERE, relevantElementMatcher:function(a) {
1685  return axs.browserUtils.matchSelector(a, "[role]");
1686}, test:function(a) {
1687  var b = axs.utils.getRoles(a);
1688  if (!b.valid) {
1689    return!1;
1690  }
1691  for (var c = 0;c < b.roles.length;c++) {
1692    var d = b.roles[c].details.requiredPropertiesSet, e;
1693    for (e in d) {
1694      if (d = e.replace(/^aria-/, ""), !("defaultValue" in axs.constants.ARIA_PROPERTIES[d] || a.hasAttribute(e))) {
1695        return!0;
1696      }
1697    }
1698  }
1699}, code:"AX_ARIA_03"};
1700axs.AuditRule.specs.unfocusableElementsWithOnClick = {name:"unfocusableElementsWithOnClick", heading:"Elements with onclick handlers must be focusable", url:"https://github.com/GoogleChrome/accessibility-developer-tools/wiki/Audit-Rules#-ax_focus_02--elements-with-onclick-handlers-must-be-focusable", severity:axs.constants.Severity.WARNING, opt_requiresConsoleAPI:!0, relevantElementMatcher:function(a) {
1701  return a instanceof a.ownerDocument.defaultView.HTMLBodyElement || axs.utils.isElementOrAncestorHidden(a) ? !1 : "click" in getEventListeners(a) ? !0 : !1;
1702}, test:function(a) {
1703  return!a.hasAttribute("tabindex") && !axs.utils.isElementImplicitlyFocusable(a) && !a.disabled;
1704}, code:"AX_FOCUS_02"};
1705axs.AuditRule.specs.videoWithoutCaptions = {name:"videoWithoutCaptions", heading:"Video elements should use <track> elements to provide captions", url:"https://github.com/GoogleChrome/accessibility-developer-tools/wiki/Audit-Rules#-ax_video_01--video-elements-should-use-track-elements-to-provide-captions", severity:axs.constants.Severity.WARNING, relevantElementMatcher:function(a) {
1706  return axs.browserUtils.matchSelector(a, "video");
1707}, test:function(a) {
1708  return!a.querySelectorAll("track[kind=captions]").length;
1709}, code:"AX_VIDEO_01"};