1# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5  'type': 'none',
6  'variables': {
7    'CLOSURE_DIR': '<(DEPTH)/third_party/closure_compiler',
8  },
9  'actions': [
10    {
11      # This action optionally takes these arguments:
12      # - depends: scripts that the source file depends on being included already
13      # - externs: files that describe globals used by |source|
14      'action_name': 'compile_js',
15      'variables': {
16        'source_file': '<(_target_name).js',
17        'out_file': '<(SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR)/closure/<!(python <(CLOSURE_DIR)/build/outputs.py <@(source_file))',
18        'externs%': [],
19        'depends%': [],
20      },
21      'inputs': [
22        '<(CLOSURE_DIR)/checker.py',
23        '<(CLOSURE_DIR)/processor.py',
24        '<(CLOSURE_DIR)/build/inputs.py',
25        '<(CLOSURE_DIR)/build/outputs.py',
26        '<(CLOSURE_DIR)/compiler/compiler.jar',
27        '<(CLOSURE_DIR)/runner/runner.jar',
28        '<!@(python <(CLOSURE_DIR)/build/inputs.py <(source_file) -d <@(depends) -e <@(externs))',
29      ],
30      'outputs': [
31        '<(out_file)',
32      ],
33      'action': [
34        'python',
35        '<(CLOSURE_DIR)/checker.py',
36        '<(source_file)',
37        '--depends', '<@(depends)',
38        '--externs', '<@(externs)',
39        '--out_file', '<(out_file)',
40      ],
41      'message': 'Compiling <(source_file)',
42    }
43  ],