1# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
6  'includes': [
7    '../../native_client/build/untrusted.gypi',
8  ],
9  'targets': [
10    {
11      'target_name': 'expat_nacl',
12      'type': 'none',
13      'variables': {
14        'nlib_target': 'libexpat_nacl.a',
15        'build_glibc': 0,
16        'build_newlib': 0,
17        'build_pnacl_newlib': 1,
18      },
19      'sources': [
20        'files/lib/expat.h',
21        'files/lib/xmlparse.c',
22        'files/lib/xmlrole.c',
23        'files/lib/xmltok.c',
24      ],
25      'include_dirs': [
26        'files/lib',
27      ],
28      'defines': [
29        '_LIB',
30        'XML_STATIC',
31        'HAVE_MEMMOVE',
32      ],
33      'compile_flags': [
34        '-Wno-enum-conversion',
35        '-Wno-switch',
36      ],
37      'direct_dependent_settings': {
38        'include_dirs': [
39          'files/lib'
40        ],
41        'defines': [
42          'XML_STATIC',  # Tell dependants to expect static linkage.
43        ],
44      },
45    },
46  ],