1# *   Copyright (C) 1998-2010, International Business Machines
2# *   Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
4# A list of txt's to build
5# The downstream packager may not need this file at all if their package is not
6# constrained by
7# the size (and/or their target OS already has ICU with the full locale data.)
9# Listed below are locale data files necessary for 40 + 1 + 8 languages Chrome
10# is localized to.
12# In addition to them, 40+ "abridged" locale data files are listed. Chrome is
13# localized to them, but
14# uses a few categories of data in those locales for IDN handling and language
15# name listing (in the UI).
16# Aliases which do not have a corresponding xx.xml file (see icu-config.xml &
17# build.xml)
20# All aliases (to not be included under 'installed'), but not including root.
22 zh_CN.txt zh_TW.txt zh_HK.txt zh_SG.txt\
23 no.txt in.txt iw.txt tl.txt sh.txt
25# Ordinary resources
27 am.txt\
28 ar.txt\
29 bg.txt\
30 bn.txt\
31 ca.txt\
32 cs.txt\
33 da.txt\
34 de.txt\
35 el.txt\
36 en.txt en_GB.txt en_US.txt en_AU.txt en_001.txt\
37 es.txt es_ES.txt es_419.txt\
38 es_AR.txt es_CO.txt es_EC.txt es_HN.txt es_PA.txt es_PY.txt es_UY.txt\
39 es_BO.txt es_CR.txt es_MX.txt es_PE.txt es_SV.txt es_VE.txt es_CL.txt\
40 es_DO.txt es_GT.txt es_NI.txt es_PR.txt es_US.txt\
41 et.txt\
42 fa.txt\
43 fi.txt\
44 fil.txt\
45 fr.txt\
46 gu.txt\
47 he.txt\
48 hi.txt\
49 hr.txt\
50 hu.txt\
51 id.txt\
52 it.txt\
53 ja.txt\
54 kn.txt\
55 ko.txt\
56 lt.txt\
57 lv.txt\
58 ml.txt\
59 mr.txt\
60 ms.txt\
61 nb.txt\
62 nl.txt\
63 pl.txt\
64 pt.txt pt_BR.txt pt_PT.txt\
65 ro.txt\
66 ru.txt\
67 sk.txt\
68 sl.txt\
69 sr.txt\
70 sv.txt\
71 sw.txt\
72 ta.txt\
73 te.txt\
74 th.txt\
75 tr.txt\
76 uk.txt\
77 vi.txt\
78 zh.txt zh_Hans.txt zh_Hans_CN.txt zh_Hans_SG.txt\
79 zh_Hant.txt zh_Hant_TW.txt zh_Hant_HK.txt\
80 af.txt\
81 ak.txt\
82 az.txt\
83 be.txt\
84 bem.txt\
85 br.txt\
86 bs.txt\
87 cy.txt\
88 ee.txt\
89 eo.txt\
90 eu.txt\
91 fo.txt\
92 ga.txt\
93 gl.txt\
94 ha.txt\
95 haw.txt\
96 hy.txt\
97 ig.txt\
98 is.txt\
99 ka.txt\
100 kk.txt\
101 km.txt\
102 ky.txt\
103 lg.txt\
104 ln.txt\
105 lo.txt\
106 mfe.txt\
107 mg.txt\
108 mk.txt\
109 mn.txt\
110 mo.txt ro_MD.txt\
111 mt.txt\
112 my.txt\
113 ne.txt\
114 nn.txt\
115 nyn.txt\
116 om.txt\
117 or.txt\
118 pa.txt\
119 ps.txt\
120 rm.txt\
121 rn.txt\
122 rw.txt\
123 si.txt\
124 sn.txt\
125 so.txt\
126 sq.txt\
127 sr_Latn.txt\
128 tg.txt\
129 ti.txt\
130 to.txt\
131 ur.txt\
132 uz.txt\
133 yo.txt\
134 zu.txt