3* Copyright (c) 2003-2013, International Business Machines
4* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
6* Author: Alan Liu
7* Created: July 21 2003
8* Since: ICU 2.8
11#ifndef OLSONTZ_H
12#define OLSONTZ_H
14#include "unicode/utypes.h"
18#include "unicode/basictz.h"
19#include "umutex.h"
21struct UResourceBundle;
25class SimpleTimeZone;
28 * A time zone based on the Olson tz database.  Olson time zones change
29 * behavior over time.  The raw offset, rules, presence or absence of
30 * daylight savings time, and even the daylight savings amount can all
31 * vary.
32 *
33 * This class uses a resource bundle named "zoneinfo".  Zoneinfo is a
34 * table containing different kinds of resources.  In several places,
35 * zones are referred to using integers.  A zone's integer is a number
36 * from 0..n-1, where n is the number of zones, with the zones sorted
37 * in lexicographic order.
38 *
39 * 1. Zones.  These have keys corresponding to the Olson IDs, e.g.,
40 * "Asia/Shanghai".  Each resource describes the behavior of the given
41 * zone.  Zones come in two different formats.
42 *
43 *   a. Zone (table).  A zone is a table resource contains several
44 *   type of resources below:
45 *
46 *   - typeOffsets:intvector (Required)
47 *
48 *   Sets of UTC raw/dst offset pairs in seconds.  Entries at
49 *   2n represents raw offset and 2n+1 represents dst offset
50 *   paired with the raw offset at 2n.  The very first pair represents
51 *   the initial zone offset (before the first transition) always.
52 *
53 *   - trans:intvector (Optional)
54 *
55 *   List of transition times represented by 32bit seconds from the
56 *   epoch (1970-01-01T00:00Z) in ascending order.
57 *
58 *   - transPre32/transPost32:intvector (Optional)
59 *
60 *   List of transition times before/after 32bit minimum seconds.
61 *   Each time is represented by a pair of 32bit integer.
62 *
63 *   - typeMap:bin (Optional)
64 *
65 *   Array of bytes representing the mapping between each transition
66 *   time (transPre32/trans/transPost32) and its corresponding offset
67 *   data (typeOffsets).
68 *
69 *   - finalRule:string (Optional)
70 *
71 *   If a recurrent transition rule is applicable to a zone forever
72 *   after the final transition time, finalRule represents the rule
73 *   in Rules data.
74 *
75 *   - finalRaw:int (Optional)
76 *
77 *   When finalRule is available, finalRaw is required and specifies
78 *   the raw (base) offset of the rule.
79 *
80 *   - finalYear:int (Optional)
81 *
82 *   When finalRule is available, finalYear is required and specifies
83 *   the start year of the rule.
84 *
85 *   - links:intvector (Optional)
86 *
87 *   When this zone data is shared with other zones, links specifies
88 *   all zones including the zone itself.  Each zone is referenced by
89 *   integer index.
90 *
91 *  b. Link (int, length 1).  A link zone is an int resource.  The
92 *  integer is the zone number of the target zone.  The key of this
93 *  resource is an alternate name for the target zone.  This data
94 *  is corresponding to Link data in the tz database.
95 *
96 *
97 * 2. Rules.  These have keys corresponding to the Olson rule IDs,
98 * with an underscore prepended, e.g., "_EU".  Each resource describes
99 * the behavior of the given rule using an intvector, containing the
100 * onset list, the cessation list, and the DST savings.  The onset and
101 * cessation lists consist of the month, dowim, dow, time, and time
102 * mode.  The end result is that the 11 integers describing the rule
103 * can be passed directly into the SimpleTimeZone 13-argument
104 * constructor (the other two arguments will be the raw offset, taken
105 * from the complex zone element 5, and the ID string, which is not
106 * used), with the times and the DST savings multiplied by 1000 to
107 * scale from seconds to milliseconds.
108 *
109 * 3. Regions.  An array specifies mapping between zones and regions.
110 * Each item is either a 2-letter ISO country code or "001"
111 * (UN M.49 - World).  This data is generated from "zone.tab"
112 * in the tz database.
113 */
114class U_I18N_API OlsonTimeZone: public BasicTimeZone {
115 public:
116    /**
117     * Construct from a resource bundle.
118     * @param top the top-level zoneinfo resource bundle.  This is used
119     * to lookup the rule that `res' may refer to, if there is one.
120     * @param res the resource bundle of the zone to be constructed
121     * @param tzid the time zone ID
122     * @param ec input-output error code
123     */
124    OlsonTimeZone(const UResourceBundle* top,
125                  const UResourceBundle* res,
126                  const UnicodeString& tzid,
127                  UErrorCode& ec);
129    /**
130     * Copy constructor
131     */
132    OlsonTimeZone(const OlsonTimeZone& other);
134    /**
135     * Destructor
136     */
137    virtual ~OlsonTimeZone();
139    /**
140     * Assignment operator
141     */
142    OlsonTimeZone& operator=(const OlsonTimeZone& other);
144    /**
145     * Returns true if the two TimeZone objects are equal.
146     */
147    virtual UBool operator==(const TimeZone& other) const;
149    /**
150     * TimeZone API.
151     */
152    virtual TimeZone* clone() const;
154    /**
155     * TimeZone API.
156     */
157    static UClassID U_EXPORT2 getStaticClassID();
159    /**
160     * TimeZone API.
161     */
162    virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID() const;
164    /**
165     * TimeZone API.  Do not call this; prefer getOffset(UDate,...).
166     */
167    virtual int32_t getOffset(uint8_t era, int32_t year, int32_t month,
168                              int32_t day, uint8_t dayOfWeek,
169                              int32_t millis, UErrorCode& ec) const;
171    /**
172     * TimeZone API.  Do not call this; prefer getOffset(UDate,...).
173     */
174    virtual int32_t getOffset(uint8_t era, int32_t year, int32_t month,
175                              int32_t day, uint8_t dayOfWeek,
176                              int32_t millis, int32_t monthLength,
177                              UErrorCode& ec) const;
179    /**
180     * TimeZone API.
181     */
182    virtual void getOffset(UDate date, UBool local, int32_t& rawOffset,
183                   int32_t& dstOffset, UErrorCode& ec) const;
185    /**
186     * BasicTimeZone API.
187     */
188    virtual void getOffsetFromLocal(UDate date, int32_t nonExistingTimeOpt, int32_t duplicatedTimeOpt,
189        int32_t& rawoff, int32_t& dstoff, UErrorCode& ec) const;
191    /**
192     * TimeZone API.  This method has no effect since objects of this
193     * class are quasi-immutable (the base class allows the ID to be
194     * changed).
195     */
196    virtual void setRawOffset(int32_t offsetMillis);
198    /**
199     * TimeZone API.  For a historical zone, the raw offset can change
200     * over time, so this API is not useful.  In order to approximate
201     * expected behavior, this method returns the raw offset for the
202     * current moment in time.
203     */
204    virtual int32_t getRawOffset() const;
206    /**
207     * TimeZone API.  For a historical zone, whether DST is used or
208     * not varies over time.  In order to approximate expected
209     * behavior, this method returns TRUE if DST is observed at any
210     * point in the current year.
211     */
212    virtual UBool useDaylightTime() const;
214    /**
215     * TimeZone API.
216     */
217    virtual UBool inDaylightTime(UDate date, UErrorCode& ec) const;
219    /**
220     * TimeZone API.
221     */
222    virtual int32_t getDSTSavings() const;
224    /**
225     * TimeZone API.  Also comare historic transitions.
226     */
227    virtual UBool hasSameRules(const TimeZone& other) const;
229    /**
230     * BasicTimeZone API.
231     * Gets the first time zone transition after the base time.
232     * @param base      The base time.
233     * @param inclusive Whether the base time is inclusive or not.
234     * @param result    Receives the first transition after the base time.
235     * @return  TRUE if the transition is found.
236     */
237    virtual UBool getNextTransition(UDate base, UBool inclusive, TimeZoneTransition& result) const;
239    /**
240     * BasicTimeZone API.
241     * Gets the most recent time zone transition before the base time.
242     * @param base      The base time.
243     * @param inclusive Whether the base time is inclusive or not.
244     * @param result    Receives the most recent transition before the base time.
245     * @return  TRUE if the transition is found.
246     */
247    virtual UBool getPreviousTransition(UDate base, UBool inclusive, TimeZoneTransition& result) const;
249    /**
250     * BasicTimeZone API.
251     * Returns the number of <code>TimeZoneRule</code>s which represents time transitions,
252     * for this time zone, that is, all <code>TimeZoneRule</code>s for this time zone except
253     * <code>InitialTimeZoneRule</code>.  The return value range is 0 or any positive value.
254     * @param status    Receives error status code.
255     * @return The number of <code>TimeZoneRule</code>s representing time transitions.
256     */
257    virtual int32_t countTransitionRules(UErrorCode& status) const;
259    /**
260     * Gets the <code>InitialTimeZoneRule</code> and the set of <code>TimeZoneRule</code>
261     * which represent time transitions for this time zone.  On successful return,
262     * the argument initial points to non-NULL <code>InitialTimeZoneRule</code> and
263     * the array trsrules is filled with 0 or multiple <code>TimeZoneRule</code>
264     * instances up to the size specified by trscount.  The results are referencing the
265     * rule instance held by this time zone instance.  Therefore, after this time zone
266     * is destructed, they are no longer available.
267     * @param initial       Receives the initial timezone rule
268     * @param trsrules      Receives the timezone transition rules
269     * @param trscount      On input, specify the size of the array 'transitions' receiving
270     *                      the timezone transition rules.  On output, actual number of
271     *                      rules filled in the array will be set.
272     * @param status        Receives error status code.
273     */
274    virtual void getTimeZoneRules(const InitialTimeZoneRule*& initial,
275        const TimeZoneRule* trsrules[], int32_t& trscount, UErrorCode& status) const;
277    /**
278     * Internal API returning the canonical ID of this zone.
279     * This ID won't be affected by setID().
280     */
281    const UChar *getCanonicalID() const;
284    /**
285     * Default constructor.  Creates a time zone with an empty ID and
286     * a fixed GMT offset of zero.
287     */
288    OlsonTimeZone();
292    void constructEmpty();
294    void getHistoricalOffset(UDate date, UBool local,
295        int32_t NonExistingTimeOpt, int32_t DuplicatedTimeOpt,
296        int32_t& rawoff, int32_t& dstoff) const;
298    int16_t transitionCount() const;
300    int64_t transitionTimeInSeconds(int16_t transIdx) const;
301    double transitionTime(int16_t transIdx) const;
303    /*
304     * Following 3 methods return an offset at the given transition time index.
305     * When the index is negative, return the initial offset.
306     */
307    int32_t zoneOffsetAt(int16_t transIdx) const;
308    int32_t rawOffsetAt(int16_t transIdx) const;
309    int32_t dstOffsetAt(int16_t transIdx) const;
311    /*
312     * Following methods return the initial offset.
313     */
314    int32_t initialRawOffset() const;
315    int32_t initialDstOffset() const;
317    /**
318     * Number of transitions in each time range
319     */
320    int16_t transitionCountPre32;
321    int16_t transitionCount32;
322    int16_t transitionCountPost32;
324    /**
325     * Time of each transition in seconds from 1970 epoch before 32bit second range (<= 1900).
326     * Each transition in this range is represented by a pair of int32_t.
327     * Length is transitionCount int32_t's.  NULL if no transitions in this range.
328     */
329    const int32_t *transitionTimesPre32; // alias into res; do not delete
331    /**
332     * Time of each transition in seconds from 1970 epoch in 32bit second range.
333     * Length is transitionCount int32_t's.  NULL if no transitions in this range.
334     */
335    const int32_t *transitionTimes32; // alias into res; do not delete
337    /**
338     * Time of each transition in seconds from 1970 epoch after 32bit second range (>= 2038).
339     * Each transition in this range is represented by a pair of int32_t.
340     * Length is transitionCount int32_t's.  NULL if no transitions in this range.
341     */
342    const int32_t *transitionTimesPost32; // alias into res; do not delete
344    /**
345     * Number of types, 1..255
346     */
347    int16_t typeCount;
349    /**
350     * Offset from GMT in seconds for each type.
351     * Length is typeCount int32_t's.  At least one type (a pair of int32_t)
352     * is required.
353     */
354    const int32_t *typeOffsets; // alias into res; do not delete
356    /**
357     * Type description data, consisting of transitionCount uint8_t
358     * type indices (from 0..typeCount-1).
359     * Length is transitionCount int16_t's.  NULL if no transitions.
360     */
361    const uint8_t *typeMapData; // alias into res; do not delete
363    /**
364     * A SimpleTimeZone that governs the behavior for date >= finalMillis.
365     */
366    SimpleTimeZone *finalZone; // owned, may be NULL
368    /**
369     * For date >= finalMillis, the finalZone will be used.
370     */
371    double finalStartMillis;
373    /**
374     * For year >= finalYear, the finalZone will be used.
375     */
376    int32_t finalStartYear;
378    /*
379     * Canonical (CLDR) ID of this zone
380     */
381    const UChar *canonicalID;
383    /* BasicTimeZone support */
384    void clearTransitionRules(void);
385    void deleteTransitionRules(void);
386    void checkTransitionRules(UErrorCode& status) const;
388  public:    // Internal, for access from plain C code
389    void initTransitionRules(UErrorCode& status);
390  private:
392    InitialTimeZoneRule *initialRule;
393    TimeZoneTransition  *firstTZTransition;
394    int16_t             firstTZTransitionIdx;
395    TimeZoneTransition  *firstFinalTZTransition;
396    TimeArrayTimeZoneRule   **historicRules;
397    int16_t             historicRuleCount;
398    SimpleTimeZone      *finalZoneWithStartYear; // hack
399    UInitOnce           transitionRulesInitOnce;
402inline int16_t
403OlsonTimeZone::transitionCount() const {
404    return transitionCountPre32 + transitionCount32 + transitionCountPost32;
407inline double
408OlsonTimeZone::transitionTime(int16_t transIdx) const {
409    return (double)transitionTimeInSeconds(transIdx) * U_MILLIS_PER_SECOND;
412inline int32_t
413OlsonTimeZone::zoneOffsetAt(int16_t transIdx) const {
414    int16_t typeIdx = (transIdx >= 0 ? typeMapData[transIdx] : 0) << 1;
415    return typeOffsets[typeIdx] + typeOffsets[typeIdx + 1];
418inline int32_t
419OlsonTimeZone::rawOffsetAt(int16_t transIdx) const {
420    int16_t typeIdx = (transIdx >= 0 ? typeMapData[transIdx] : 0) << 1;
421    return typeOffsets[typeIdx];
424inline int32_t
425OlsonTimeZone::dstOffsetAt(int16_t transIdx) const {
426    int16_t typeIdx = (transIdx >= 0 ? typeMapData[transIdx] : 0) << 1;
427    return typeOffsets[typeIdx + 1];
430inline int32_t
431OlsonTimeZone::initialRawOffset() const {
432    return typeOffsets[0];
435inline int32_t
436OlsonTimeZone::initialDstOffset() const {
437    return typeOffsets[1];
440inline const UChar*
441OlsonTimeZone::getCanonicalID() const {
442    return canonicalID;
449#endif // OLSONTZ_H