2 *  Copyright (c) 2010 The WebM project authors. All Rights Reserved.
3 *
4 *  Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
5 *  that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
6 *  tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
7 *  in the file PATENTS.  All contributing project authors may
8 *  be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
9 */
10#ifndef VPX_VPX_DECODER_H_
11#define VPX_VPX_DECODER_H_
13/*!\defgroup decoder Decoder Algorithm Interface
14 * \ingroup codec
15 * This abstraction allows applications using this decoder to easily support
16 * multiple video formats with minimal code duplication. This section describes
17 * the interface common to all decoders.
18 * @{
19 */
22 * \brief Describes the decoder algorithm interface to applications.
23 *
24 * This file describes the interface between an application and a
25 * video decoder algorithm.
26 *
27 */
28#ifdef __cplusplus
29extern "C" {
32#include "./vpx_codec.h"
33#include "./vpx_frame_buffer.h"
35  /*!\brief Current ABI version number
36   *
37   * \internal
38   * If this file is altered in any way that changes the ABI, this value
39   * must be bumped.  Examples include, but are not limited to, changing
40   * types, removing or reassigning enums, adding/removing/rearranging
41   * fields to structures
42   */
43#define VPX_DECODER_ABI_VERSION (3 + VPX_CODEC_ABI_VERSION) /**<\hideinitializer*/
45  /*! \brief Decoder capabilities bitfield
46   *
47   *  Each decoder advertises the capabilities it supports as part of its
48   *  ::vpx_codec_iface_t interface structure. Capabilities are extra interfaces
49   *  or functionality, and are not required to be supported by a decoder.
50   *
51   *  The available flags are specified by VPX_CODEC_CAP_* defines.
52   */
53#define VPX_CODEC_CAP_PUT_SLICE  0x10000 /**< Will issue put_slice callbacks */
54#define VPX_CODEC_CAP_PUT_FRAME  0x20000 /**< Will issue put_frame callbacks */
55#define VPX_CODEC_CAP_POSTPROC   0x40000 /**< Can postprocess decoded frame */
56#define VPX_CODEC_CAP_ERROR_CONCEALMENT   0x80000 /**< Can conceal errors due to
57  packet loss */
58#define VPX_CODEC_CAP_INPUT_FRAGMENTS   0x100000 /**< Can receive encoded frames
59  one fragment at a time */
61  /*! \brief Initialization-time Feature Enabling
62   *
63   *  Certain codec features must be known at initialization time, to allow for
64   *  proper memory allocation.
65   *
66   *  The available flags are specified by VPX_CODEC_USE_* defines.
67   */
68#define VPX_CODEC_CAP_FRAME_THREADING   0x200000 /**< Can support frame-based
69                                                      multi-threading */
70#define VPX_CODEC_CAP_EXTERNAL_FRAME_BUFFER 0x400000 /**< Can support external
71                                                          frame buffers */
73#define VPX_CODEC_USE_POSTPROC   0x10000 /**< Postprocess decoded frame */
74#define VPX_CODEC_USE_ERROR_CONCEALMENT 0x20000 /**< Conceal errors in decoded
75  frames */
76#define VPX_CODEC_USE_INPUT_FRAGMENTS   0x40000 /**< The input frame should be
77  passed to the decoder one
78  fragment at a time */
79#define VPX_CODEC_USE_FRAME_THREADING   0x80000 /**< Enable frame-based
80                                                     multi-threading */
82  /*!\brief Stream properties
83   *
84   * This structure is used to query or set properties of the decoded
85   * stream. Algorithms may extend this structure with data specific
86   * to their bitstream by setting the sz member appropriately.
87   */
88  typedef struct vpx_codec_stream_info {
89    unsigned int sz;     /**< Size of this structure */
90    unsigned int w;      /**< Width (or 0 for unknown/default) */
91    unsigned int h;      /**< Height (or 0 for unknown/default) */
92    unsigned int is_kf;  /**< Current frame is a keyframe */
93  } vpx_codec_stream_info_t;
96   *
97   * The following functions are required to be implemented for all decoders.
98   * They represent the base case functionality expected of all decoders.
99   */
102  /*!\brief Initialization Configurations
103   *
104   * This structure is used to pass init time configuration options to the
105   * decoder.
106   */
107  typedef struct vpx_codec_dec_cfg {
108    unsigned int threads; /**< Maximum number of threads to use, default 1 */
109    unsigned int w;      /**< Width */
110    unsigned int h;      /**< Height */
111  } vpx_codec_dec_cfg_t; /**< alias for struct vpx_codec_dec_cfg */
114  /*!\brief Initialize a decoder instance
115   *
116   * Initializes a decoder context using the given interface. Applications
117   * should call the vpx_codec_dec_init convenience macro instead of this
118   * function directly, to ensure that the ABI version number parameter
119   * is properly initialized.
120   *
121   * If the library was configured with --disable-multithread, this call
122   * is not thread safe and should be guarded with a lock if being used
123   * in a multithreaded context.
124   *
125   * \param[in]    ctx     Pointer to this instance's context.
126   * \param[in]    iface   Pointer to the algorithm interface to use.
127   * \param[in]    cfg     Configuration to use, if known. May be NULL.
128   * \param[in]    flags   Bitfield of VPX_CODEC_USE_* flags
129   * \param[in]    ver     ABI version number. Must be set to
130   *                       VPX_DECODER_ABI_VERSION
131   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_OK
132   *     The decoder algorithm initialized.
133   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_MEM_ERROR
134   *     Memory allocation failed.
135   */
136  vpx_codec_err_t vpx_codec_dec_init_ver(vpx_codec_ctx_t      *ctx,
137                                         vpx_codec_iface_t    *iface,
138                                         const vpx_codec_dec_cfg_t *cfg,
139                                         vpx_codec_flags_t     flags,
140                                         int                   ver);
142  /*!\brief Convenience macro for vpx_codec_dec_init_ver()
143   *
144   * Ensures the ABI version parameter is properly set.
145   */
146#define vpx_codec_dec_init(ctx, iface, cfg, flags) \
147  vpx_codec_dec_init_ver(ctx, iface, cfg, flags, VPX_DECODER_ABI_VERSION)
150  /*!\brief Parse stream info from a buffer
151   *
152   * Performs high level parsing of the bitstream. Construction of a decoder
153   * context is not necessary. Can be used to determine if the bitstream is
154   * of the proper format, and to extract information from the stream.
155   *
156   * \param[in]      iface   Pointer to the algorithm interface
157   * \param[in]      data    Pointer to a block of data to parse
158   * \param[in]      data_sz Size of the data buffer
159   * \param[in,out]  si      Pointer to stream info to update. The size member
160   *                         \ref MUST be properly initialized, but \ref MAY be
161   *                         clobbered by the algorithm. This parameter \ref MAY
162   *                         be NULL.
163   *
164   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_OK
165   *     Bitstream is parsable and stream information updated
166   */
167  vpx_codec_err_t vpx_codec_peek_stream_info(vpx_codec_iface_t       *iface,
168                                             const uint8_t           *data,
169                                             unsigned int             data_sz,
170                                             vpx_codec_stream_info_t *si);
173  /*!\brief Return information about the current stream.
174   *
175   * Returns information about the stream that has been parsed during decoding.
176   *
177   * \param[in]      ctx     Pointer to this instance's context
178   * \param[in,out]  si      Pointer to stream info to update. The size member
179   *                         \ref MUST be properly initialized, but \ref MAY be
180   *                         clobbered by the algorithm. This parameter \ref MAY
181   *                         be NULL.
182   *
183   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_OK
184   *     Bitstream is parsable and stream information updated
185   */
186  vpx_codec_err_t vpx_codec_get_stream_info(vpx_codec_ctx_t         *ctx,
187                                            vpx_codec_stream_info_t *si);
190  /*!\brief Decode data
191   *
192   * Processes a buffer of coded data. If the processing results in a new
193   * decoded frame becoming available, PUT_SLICE and PUT_FRAME events may be
194   * generated, as appropriate. Encoded data \ref MUST be passed in DTS (decode
195   * time stamp) order. Frames produced will always be in PTS (presentation
196   * time stamp) order.
197   * If the decoder is configured with VPX_CODEC_USE_INPUT_FRAGMENTS enabled,
198   * data and data_sz can contain a fragment of the encoded frame. Fragment
199   * \#n must contain at least partition \#n, but can also contain subsequent
200   * partitions (\#n+1 - \#n+i), and if so, fragments \#n+1, .., \#n+i must
201   * be empty. When no more data is available, this function should be called
202   * with NULL as data and 0 as data_sz. The memory passed to this function
203   * must be available until the frame has been decoded.
204   *
205   * \param[in] ctx          Pointer to this instance's context
206   * \param[in] data         Pointer to this block of new coded data. If
207   *                         NULL, a VPX_CODEC_CB_PUT_FRAME event is posted
208   *                         for the previously decoded frame.
209   * \param[in] data_sz      Size of the coded data, in bytes.
210   * \param[in] user_priv    Application specific data to associate with
211   *                         this frame.
212   * \param[in] deadline     Soft deadline the decoder should attempt to meet,
213   *                         in us. Set to zero for unlimited.
214   *
215   * \return Returns #VPX_CODEC_OK if the coded data was processed completely
216   *         and future pictures can be decoded without error. Otherwise,
217   *         see the descriptions of the other error codes in ::vpx_codec_err_t
218   *         for recoverability capabilities.
219   */
220  vpx_codec_err_t vpx_codec_decode(vpx_codec_ctx_t    *ctx,
221                                   const uint8_t        *data,
222                                   unsigned int            data_sz,
223                                   void               *user_priv,
224                                   long                deadline);
227  /*!\brief Decoded frames iterator
228   *
229   * Iterates over a list of the frames available for display. The iterator
230   * storage should be initialized to NULL to start the iteration. Iteration is
231   * complete when this function returns NULL.
232   *
233   * The list of available frames becomes valid upon completion of the
234   * vpx_codec_decode call, and remains valid until the next call to vpx_codec_decode.
235   *
236   * \param[in]     ctx      Pointer to this instance's context
237   * \param[in,out] iter     Iterator storage, initialized to NULL
238   *
239   * \return Returns a pointer to an image, if one is ready for display. Frames
240   *         produced will always be in PTS (presentation time stamp) order.
241   */
242  vpx_image_t *vpx_codec_get_frame(vpx_codec_ctx_t  *ctx,
243                                   vpx_codec_iter_t *iter);
246  /*!\defgroup cap_put_frame Frame-Based Decoding Functions
247   *
248   * The following functions are required to be implemented for all decoders
249   * that advertise the VPX_CODEC_CAP_PUT_FRAME capability. Calling these functions
250   * for codecs that don't advertise this capability will result in an error
251   * code being returned, usually VPX_CODEC_ERROR
252   * @{
253   */
255  /*!\brief put frame callback prototype
256   *
257   * This callback is invoked by the decoder to notify the application of
258   * the availability of decoded image data.
259   */
260  typedef void (*vpx_codec_put_frame_cb_fn_t)(void        *user_priv,
261                                              const vpx_image_t *img);
264  /*!\brief Register for notification of frame completion.
265   *
266   * Registers a given function to be called when a decoded frame is
267   * available.
268   *
269   * \param[in] ctx          Pointer to this instance's context
270   * \param[in] cb           Pointer to the callback function
271   * \param[in] user_priv    User's private data
272   *
273   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_OK
274   *     Callback successfully registered.
275   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_ERROR
276   *     Decoder context not initialized, or algorithm not capable of
277   *     posting slice completion.
278   */
279  vpx_codec_err_t vpx_codec_register_put_frame_cb(vpx_codec_ctx_t             *ctx,
280                                                  vpx_codec_put_frame_cb_fn_t  cb,
281                                                  void                        *user_priv);
284  /*!@} - end defgroup cap_put_frame */
286  /*!\defgroup cap_put_slice Slice-Based Decoding Functions
287   *
288   * The following functions are required to be implemented for all decoders
289   * that advertise the VPX_CODEC_CAP_PUT_SLICE capability. Calling these functions
290   * for codecs that don't advertise this capability will result in an error
291   * code being returned, usually VPX_CODEC_ERROR
292   * @{
293   */
295  /*!\brief put slice callback prototype
296   *
297   * This callback is invoked by the decoder to notify the application of
298   * the availability of partially decoded image data. The
299   */
300  typedef void (*vpx_codec_put_slice_cb_fn_t)(void         *user_priv,
301                                              const vpx_image_t      *img,
302                                              const vpx_image_rect_t *valid,
303                                              const vpx_image_rect_t *update);
306  /*!\brief Register for notification of slice completion.
307   *
308   * Registers a given function to be called when a decoded slice is
309   * available.
310   *
311   * \param[in] ctx          Pointer to this instance's context
312   * \param[in] cb           Pointer to the callback function
313   * \param[in] user_priv    User's private data
314   *
315   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_OK
316   *     Callback successfully registered.
317   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_ERROR
318   *     Decoder context not initialized, or algorithm not capable of
319   *     posting slice completion.
320   */
321  vpx_codec_err_t vpx_codec_register_put_slice_cb(vpx_codec_ctx_t             *ctx,
322                                                  vpx_codec_put_slice_cb_fn_t  cb,
323                                                  void                        *user_priv);
326  /*!@} - end defgroup cap_put_slice*/
328  /*!\defgroup cap_external_frame_buffer External Frame Buffer Functions
329   *
330   * The following section is required to be implemented for all decoders
331   * that advertise the VPX_CODEC_CAP_EXTERNAL_FRAME_BUFFER capability.
332   * Calling this function for codecs that don't advertise this capability
333   * will result in an error code being returned, usually VPX_CODEC_ERROR.
334   *
335   * \note
336   * Currently this only works with VP9.
337   * @{
338   */
340  /*!\brief Pass in external frame buffers for the decoder to use.
341   *
342   * Registers functions to be called when libvpx needs a frame buffer
343   * to decode the current frame and a function to be called when libvpx does
344   * not internally reference the frame buffer. This set function must
345   * be called before the first call to decode or libvpx will assume the
346   * default behavior of allocating frame buffers internally.
347   *
348   * \param[in] ctx          Pointer to this instance's context
349   * \param[in] cb_get       Pointer to the get callback function
350   * \param[in] cb_release   Pointer to the release callback function
351   * \param[in] cb_priv      Callback's private data
352   *
353   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_OK
354   *     External frame buffers will be used by libvpx.
355   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_INVALID_PARAM
356   *     One or more of the callbacks were NULL.
357   * \retval #VPX_CODEC_ERROR
358   *     Decoder context not initialized, or algorithm not capable of
359   *     using external frame buffers.
360   *
361   * \note
362   * When decoding VP9, the application may be required to pass in at least
364   * buffers.
365   */
366  vpx_codec_err_t vpx_codec_set_frame_buffer_functions(
367      vpx_codec_ctx_t *ctx,
368      vpx_get_frame_buffer_cb_fn_t cb_get,
369      vpx_release_frame_buffer_cb_fn_t cb_release, void *cb_priv);
371  /*!@} - end defgroup cap_external_frame_buffer */
373  /*!@} - end defgroup decoder*/
374#ifdef __cplusplus
377#endif  // VPX_VPX_DECODER_H_