15821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
25821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// Copyright 2008 Google Inc.  All rights reserved.
35821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// http://code.google.com/p/protobuf/
45821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)//
55821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
65821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
75821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// met:
85821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)//
95821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
105821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
115821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
125821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
135821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
145821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// distribution.
155821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
165821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
175821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// this software without specific prior written permission.
185821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)//
195821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS
205821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT
215821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR
225821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT
235821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,
245821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT
255821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,
265821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY
275821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT
285821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE
295821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
305821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)
315821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// Author: kenton@google.com (Kenton Varda)
325821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)//  Based on original Protocol Buffers design by
335821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)//  Sanjay Ghemawat, Jeff Dean, and others.
345821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)//
355821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// This file exists solely to document the google::protobuf namespace.
365821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// It is not compiled into anything, but it may be read by an automated
375821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// documentation generator.
385821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)
395821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)namespace google {
405821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)
415821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// Core components of the Protocol Buffers runtime library.
425821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)//
435821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// The files in this package represent the core of the Protocol Buffer
445821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// system.  All of them are part of the libprotobuf library.
455821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)//
465821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// A note on thread-safety:
475821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)//
485821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// Thread-safety in the Protocol Buffer library follows a simple rule:
495821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// unless explicitly noted otherwise, it is always safe to use an object
505821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// from multiple threads simultaneously as long as the object is declared
515821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// const in all threads (or, it is only used in ways that would be allowed
525821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// if it were declared const).  However, if an object is accessed in one
535821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// thread in a way that would not be allowed if it were const, then it is
545821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// not safe to access that object in any other thread simultaneously.
555821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)//
565821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// Put simply, read-only access to an object can happen in multiple threads
575821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// simultaneously, but write access can only happen in a single thread at
585821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// a time.
595821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)//
605821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// The implementation does contain some "const" methods which actually modify
615821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// the object behind the scenes -- e.g., to cache results -- but in these cases
625821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)// mutex locking is used to make the access thread-safe.
635821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)namespace protobuf {}
645821806d5e7f356e8fa4b058a389a808ea183019Torne (Richard Coles)}  // namespace google