2 * Copyright 2012 Google Inc.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 * found in the LICENSE file.
6 */
8#include "DataTypes.h"
9#include "EdgeWalker_Test.h"
10#include "Intersection_Tests.h"
11#include "SkBitmap.h"
12#include "SkCanvas.h"
13#include "SkMatrix.h"
14#include "SkPaint.h"
15#include "SkStream.h"
17#include <algorithm>
18#include <errno.h>
19#include <pthread.h>
20#include <unistd.h>
21#include <sys/types.h>
22#include <sys/sysctl.h>
24#undef SkASSERT
25#define SkASSERT(cond) while (!(cond)) { sk_throw(); }
27static const char marker[] =
28    "</div>\n"
29    "\n"
30    "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n"
31    "\n"
32    "var testDivs = [\n";
34static const char* opStrs[] = {
35    "kDifference_Op",
36    "kIntersect_Op",
37    "kUnion_Op",
38    "kXor_Op",
41static const char* opSuffixes[] = {
42    "d",
43    "i",
44    "u",
45    "x",
48static const char preferredFilename[] = "/flash/debug/XX.txt";
49static const char backupFilename[] = "../../experimental/Intersection/debugXX.txt";
51static bool gShowPath = false;
52static bool gComparePaths = true;
53static bool gShowOutputProgress = false;
54static bool gComparePathsAssert = true;
55static bool gPathStrAssert = true;
56static bool gUsePhysicalFiles = false;
58static void showPathContour(SkPath::Iter& iter) {
59    uint8_t verb;
60    SkPoint pts[4];
61    while ((verb = iter.next(pts)) != SkPath::kDone_Verb) {
62        switch (verb) {
63            case SkPath::kMove_Verb:
64                SkDebugf("path.moveTo(%1.9g,%1.9g);\n", pts[0].fX, pts[0].fY);
65                continue;
66            case SkPath::kLine_Verb:
67                SkDebugf("path.lineTo(%1.9g,%1.9g);\n", pts[1].fX, pts[1].fY);
68                break;
69            case SkPath::kQuad_Verb:
70                SkDebugf("path.quadTo(%1.9g,%1.9g, %1.9g,%1.9g);\n",
71                    pts[1].fX, pts[1].fY, pts[2].fX, pts[2].fY);
72                break;
73            case SkPath::kCubic_Verb:
74                SkDebugf("path.cubicTo(%1.9g,%1.9g, %1.9g,%1.9g, %1.9g,%1.9g);\n",
75                    pts[1].fX, pts[1].fY, pts[2].fX, pts[2].fY, pts[3].fX, pts[3].fY);
76                break;
77            case SkPath::kClose_Verb:
78                SkDebugf("path.close();\n");
79                break;
80            default:
81                SkDEBUGFAIL("bad verb");
82                return;
83        }
84    }
87void showPath(const SkPath& path, const char* str) {
88    SkDebugf("%s\n", !str ? "original:" : str);
89    showPath(path);
92void showPath(const SkPath& path) {
93    SkPath::Iter iter(path, true);
94    int rectCount = path.isRectContours() ? path.rectContours(NULL, NULL) : 0;
95    if (rectCount > 0) {
96        SkTDArray<SkRect> rects;
97        SkTDArray<SkPath::Direction> directions;
98        rects.setCount(rectCount);
99        directions.setCount(rectCount);
100        path.rectContours(rects.begin(), directions.begin());
101        for (int contour = 0; contour < rectCount; ++contour) {
102            const SkRect& rect = rects[contour];
103            SkDebugf("path.addRect(%1.9g, %1.9g, %1.9g, %1.9g, %s);\n", rect.fLeft, rect.fTop,
104                    rect.fRight, rect.fBottom, directions[contour] == SkPath::kCCW_Direction
105                    ? "SkPath::kCCW_Direction" : "SkPath::kCW_Direction");
106        }
107        return;
108    }
109    iter.setPath(path, true);
110    showPathContour(iter);
113void showPathData(const SkPath& path) {
114    SkPath::Iter iter(path, true);
115    uint8_t verb;
116    SkPoint pts[4];
117    while ((verb = iter.next(pts)) != SkPath::kDone_Verb) {
118        switch (verb) {
119            case SkPath::kMove_Verb:
120                continue;
121            case SkPath::kLine_Verb:
122                SkDebugf("{{%1.9g,%1.9g}, {%1.9g,%1.9g}},\n", pts[0].fX, pts[0].fY, pts[1].fX, pts[1].fY);
123                break;
124            case SkPath::kQuad_Verb:
125                SkDebugf("{{%1.9g,%1.9g}, {%1.9g,%1.9g}, {%1.9g,%1.9g}},\n",
126                    pts[0].fX, pts[0].fY, pts[1].fX, pts[1].fY, pts[2].fX, pts[2].fY);
127                break;
128            case SkPath::kCubic_Verb:
129                SkDebugf("{{%1.9g,%1.9g}, {%1.9g,%1.9g}, {%1.9g,%1.9g}, {%1.9g,%1.9g}},\n",
130                    pts[0].fX, pts[0].fY, pts[1].fX, pts[1].fY, pts[2].fX, pts[2].fY, pts[3].fX, pts[3].fY);
131                break;
132            case SkPath::kClose_Verb:
133                break;
134            default:
135                SkDEBUGFAIL("bad verb");
136                return;
137        }
138    }
141void showOp(const ShapeOp op) {
142    switch (op) {
143        case kDifference_Op:
144            SkDebugf("op difference\n");
145            break;
146        case kIntersect_Op:
147            SkDebugf("op intersect\n");
148            break;
149        case kUnion_Op:
150            SkDebugf("op union\n");
151            break;
152        case kXor_Op:
153            SkDebugf("op xor\n");
154            break;
155        default:
156            SkASSERT(0);
157    }
160static void showPath(const SkPath& path, const char* str, const SkMatrix& scale) {
161    SkPath scaled;
162    SkMatrix inverse;
163    bool success = scale.invert(&inverse);
164    if (!success) SkASSERT(0);
165    path.transform(inverse, &scaled);
166    showPath(scaled, str);
169const int bitWidth = 64;
170const int bitHeight = 64;
172static void scaleMatrix(const SkPath& one, const SkPath& two, SkMatrix& scale) {
173    SkRect larger = one.getBounds();
174    larger.join(two.getBounds());
175    SkScalar largerWidth = larger.width();
176    if (largerWidth < 4) {
177        largerWidth = 4;
178    }
179    SkScalar largerHeight = larger.height();
180    if (largerHeight < 4) {
181        largerHeight = 4;
182    }
183    SkScalar hScale = (bitWidth - 2) / largerWidth;
184    SkScalar vScale = (bitHeight - 2) / largerHeight;
185    scale.reset();
186    scale.preScale(hScale, vScale);
189static int pathsDrawTheSame(SkBitmap& bits, const SkPath& scaledOne, const SkPath& scaledTwo,
190        int& error2x2) {
191    if (bits.width() == 0) {
192        bits.setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, bitWidth * 2, bitHeight);
193        bits.allocPixels();
194    }
195    SkCanvas canvas(bits);
196    canvas.drawColor(SK_ColorWHITE);
197    SkPaint paint;
198    canvas.save();
199    const SkRect& bounds1 = scaledOne.getBounds();
200    canvas.translate(-bounds1.fLeft + 1, -bounds1.fTop + 1);
201    canvas.drawPath(scaledOne, paint);
202    canvas.restore();
203    canvas.save();
204    canvas.translate(-bounds1.fLeft + 1 + bitWidth, -bounds1.fTop + 1);
205    canvas.drawPath(scaledTwo, paint);
206    canvas.restore();
207    int errors2 = 0;
208    int errors = 0;
209    for (int y = 0; y < bitHeight - 1; ++y) {
210        uint32_t* addr1 = bits.getAddr32(0, y);
211        uint32_t* addr2 = bits.getAddr32(0, y + 1);
212        uint32_t* addr3 = bits.getAddr32(bitWidth, y);
213        uint32_t* addr4 = bits.getAddr32(bitWidth, y + 1);
214        for (int x = 0; x < bitWidth - 1; ++x) {
215            // count 2x2 blocks
216            bool err = addr1[x] != addr3[x];
217            if (err) {
218                errors2 += addr1[x + 1] != addr3[x + 1]
219                        && addr2[x] != addr4[x] && addr2[x + 1] != addr4[x + 1];
220                errors++;
221            }
222        }
223    }
224    if (errors2 >= 6 || errors > 160) {
225        SkDebugf("%s errors2=%d errors=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, errors2, errors);
226    }
227    error2x2 = errors2;
228    return errors;
231static int pathsDrawTheSame(const SkPath& one, const SkPath& two, SkBitmap& bits, SkPath& scaledOne,
232        SkPath& scaledTwo, int& error2x2) {
233    SkMatrix scale;
234    scaleMatrix(one, two, scale);
235    one.transform(scale, &scaledOne);
236    two.transform(scale, &scaledTwo);
237    return pathsDrawTheSame(bits, scaledOne, scaledTwo, error2x2);
240bool drawAsciiPaths(const SkPath& one, const SkPath& two, bool drawPaths) {
241    if (!drawPaths) {
242        return true;
243    }
244    const SkRect& bounds1 = one.getBounds();
245    const SkRect& bounds2 = two.getBounds();
246    SkRect larger = bounds1;
247    larger.join(bounds2);
248    SkBitmap bits;
249    char out[256];
250    int bitWidth = SkScalarCeil(larger.width()) + 2;
251    if (bitWidth * 2 + 1 >= (int) sizeof(out)) {
252        return false;
253    }
254    int bitHeight = SkScalarCeil(larger.height()) + 2;
255    if (bitHeight >= (int) sizeof(out)) {
256        return false;
257    }
258    bits.setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, bitWidth * 2, bitHeight);
259    bits.allocPixels();
260    SkCanvas canvas(bits);
261    canvas.drawColor(SK_ColorWHITE);
262    SkPaint paint;
263    canvas.save();
264    canvas.translate(-bounds1.fLeft + 1, -bounds1.fTop + 1);
265    canvas.drawPath(one, paint);
266    canvas.restore();
267    canvas.save();
268    canvas.translate(-bounds1.fLeft + 1 + bitWidth, -bounds1.fTop + 1);
269    canvas.drawPath(two, paint);
270    canvas.restore();
271    for (int y = 0; y < bitHeight; ++y) {
272        uint32_t* addr1 = bits.getAddr32(0, y);
273        int x;
274        char* outPtr = out;
275        for (x = 0; x < bitWidth; ++x) {
276            *outPtr++ = addr1[x] == (uint32_t) -1 ? '_' : 'x';
277        }
278        *outPtr++ = '|';
279        for (x = bitWidth; x < bitWidth * 2; ++x) {
280            *outPtr++ = addr1[x] == (uint32_t) -1 ? '_' : 'x';
281        }
282        *outPtr++ = '\0';
283        SkDebugf("%s\n", out);
284    }
285    return true;
288static void showSimplifiedPath(const SkPath& one, const SkPath& two,
289        const SkPath& scaledOne, const SkPath& scaledTwo) {
290    showPath(one, "original:");
291    showPath(two, "simplified:");
292    drawAsciiPaths(scaledOne, scaledTwo, true);
295int comparePaths(const SkPath& one, const SkPath& two, SkBitmap& bitmap) {
296    int errors2x2;
297    SkPath scaledOne, scaledTwo;
298    int errors = pathsDrawTheSame(one, two, bitmap, scaledOne, scaledTwo, errors2x2);
299    if (errors2x2 == 0) {
300        return 0;
301    }
302    const int MAX_ERRORS = 9;
303    if (errors2x2 == MAX_ERRORS || errors2x2 == MAX_ERRORS - 1) {
304        showSimplifiedPath(one, two, scaledOne, scaledTwo);
305    }
306    if (errors2x2 > MAX_ERRORS && gComparePathsAssert) {
307        SkDebugf("%s errors=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, errors);
308        showSimplifiedPath(one, two, scaledOne, scaledTwo);
309        SkASSERT(0);
310    }
311    return errors2x2 > MAX_ERRORS ? errors2x2 : 0;
314static void showShapeOpPath(const SkPath& one, const SkPath& two, const SkPath& a, const SkPath& b,
315        const SkPath& scaledOne, const SkPath& scaledTwo, const ShapeOp shapeOp,
316        const SkMatrix& scale) {
317    SkASSERT((unsigned) shapeOp < sizeof(opStrs) / sizeof(opStrs[0]));
318    showPath(a, "minuend:");
319    SkDebugf("op: %s\n", opStrs[shapeOp]);
320    showPath(b, "subtrahend:");
321    // the region often isn't very helpful since it approximates curves with a lot of line-tos
322    if (0) showPath(scaledOne, "region:", scale);
323    showPath(two, "op result:");
324    drawAsciiPaths(scaledOne, scaledTwo, true);
327static int comparePaths(const SkPath& one, const SkPath& scaledOne, const SkPath& two,
328        const SkPath& scaledTwo,
329        SkBitmap& bitmap, const SkPath& a, const SkPath& b, const ShapeOp shapeOp,
330        const SkMatrix& scale) {
331    int errors2x2;
332    int errors = pathsDrawTheSame(bitmap, scaledOne, scaledTwo, errors2x2);
333    if (errors2x2 == 0) {
334        return 0;
335    }
336    const int MAX_ERRORS = 8;
337    if (errors2x2 == MAX_ERRORS || errors2x2 == MAX_ERRORS - 1) {
338        showShapeOpPath(one, two, a, b, scaledOne, scaledTwo, shapeOp, scale);
339    }
340    if (errors2x2 > MAX_ERRORS && gComparePathsAssert) {
341        SkDebugf("%s errors=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, errors);
342        showShapeOpPath(one, two, a, b, scaledOne, scaledTwo, shapeOp, scale);
343        SkASSERT(0);
344    }
345    return errors2x2 > MAX_ERRORS ? errors2x2 : 0;
348// doesn't work yet
349void comparePathsTiny(const SkPath& one, const SkPath& two) {
350    const SkRect& bounds1 = one.getBounds();
351    const SkRect& bounds2 = two.getBounds();
352    SkRect larger = bounds1;
353    larger.join(bounds2);
354    SkBitmap bits;
355    int bitWidth = SkScalarCeil(larger.width()) + 2;
356    int bitHeight = SkScalarCeil(larger.height()) + 2;
357    bits.setConfig(SkBitmap::kA1_Config, bitWidth * 2, bitHeight);
358    bits.allocPixels();
359    SkCanvas canvas(bits);
360    canvas.drawColor(SK_ColorWHITE);
361    SkPaint paint;
362    canvas.save();
363    canvas.translate(-bounds1.fLeft + 1, -bounds1.fTop + 1);
364    canvas.drawPath(one, paint);
365    canvas.restore();
366    canvas.save();
367    canvas.translate(-bounds2.fLeft + 1, -bounds2.fTop + 1);
368    canvas.drawPath(two, paint);
369    canvas.restore();
370    for (int y = 0; y < bitHeight; ++y) {
371        uint8_t* addr1 = bits.getAddr1(0, y);
372        uint8_t* addr2 = bits.getAddr1(bitWidth, y);
373        for (unsigned x = 0; x < bits.rowBytes(); ++x) {
374            SkASSERT(addr1[x] == addr2[x]);
375        }
376    }
379bool testSimplify(const SkPath& path, bool fill, SkPath& out, SkBitmap& bitmap) {
380    if (gShowPath) {
381        showPath(path);
382    }
383    simplify(path, fill, out);
384    if (!gComparePaths) {
385        return true;
386    }
387    return comparePaths(path, out, bitmap) == 0;
390bool testSimplifyx(SkPath& path, bool useXor, SkPath& out, State4& state,
391        const char* pathStr) {
392    SkPath::FillType fillType = useXor ? SkPath::kEvenOdd_FillType : SkPath::kWinding_FillType;
393    path.setFillType(fillType);
394    if (gShowPath) {
395        showPath(path);
396    }
397    simplifyx(path, out);
398    if (!gComparePaths) {
399        return true;
400    }
401    int result = comparePaths(path, out, state.bitmap);
402    if (result && gPathStrAssert) {
403        SkDebugf("addTest %s\n", state.filename);
404        char temp[8192];
405        bzero(temp, sizeof(temp));
406        SkMemoryWStream stream(temp, sizeof(temp));
407        const char* pathPrefix = NULL;
408        const char* nameSuffix = NULL;
409        if (fillType == SkPath::kEvenOdd_FillType) {
410            pathPrefix = "    path.setFillType(SkPath::kEvenOdd_FillType);\n";
411            nameSuffix = "x";
412        }
413        const char testFunction[] = "testSimplifyx(path);";
414        outputToStream(state, pathStr, pathPrefix, nameSuffix, testFunction, stream);
415        SkDebugf(temp);
416        SkASSERT(0);
417    }
418    return result == 0;
421bool testSimplifyx(const SkPath& path) {
422    SkPath out;
423    simplifyx(path, out);
424    SkBitmap bitmap;
425    int result = comparePaths(path, out, bitmap);
426    if (result && gPathStrAssert) {
427        SkASSERT(0);
428    }
429    return result == 0;
432bool testShapeOp(const SkPath& a, const SkPath& b, const ShapeOp shapeOp) {
433#if FORCE_RELEASE == 0
434    showPathData(a);
435    showOp(shapeOp);
436    showPathData(b);
438    SkPath out;
439    operate(a, b, shapeOp, out);
440    SkPath pathOut, scaledPathOut;
441    SkRegion rgnA, rgnB, openClip, rgnOut;
442    openClip.setRect(-16000, -16000, 16000, 16000);
443    rgnA.setPath(a, openClip);
444    rgnB.setPath(b, openClip);
445    rgnOut.op(rgnA, rgnB, (SkRegion::Op) shapeOp);
446    rgnOut.getBoundaryPath(&pathOut);
448    SkMatrix scale;
449    scaleMatrix(a, b, scale);
450    SkRegion scaledRgnA, scaledRgnB, scaledRgnOut;
451    SkPath scaledA, scaledB;
452    scaledA.addPath(a, scale);
453    scaledA.setFillType(a.getFillType());
454    scaledB.addPath(b, scale);
455    scaledB.setFillType(b.getFillType());
456    scaledRgnA.setPath(scaledA, openClip);
457    scaledRgnB.setPath(scaledB, openClip);
458    scaledRgnOut.op(scaledRgnA, scaledRgnB, (SkRegion::Op) shapeOp);
459    scaledRgnOut.getBoundaryPath(&scaledPathOut);
460    SkBitmap bitmap;
461    SkPath scaledOut;
462    scaledOut.addPath(out, scale);
463    scaledOut.setFillType(out.getFillType());
464    int result = comparePaths(pathOut, scaledPathOut, out, scaledOut, bitmap, a, b, shapeOp, scale);
465    if (result && gPathStrAssert) {
466        SkASSERT(0);
467    }
468    return result == 0;
471const int maxThreadsAllocated = 64;
472static int maxThreads = 1;
473static int threadIndex;
474State4 threadState[maxThreadsAllocated];
475static int testNumber;
476static const char* testName;
477static bool debugThreads = false;
479State4* State4::queue = NULL;
480pthread_mutex_t State4::addQueue = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;
481pthread_cond_t State4::checkQueue = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
483State4::State4() {
484    bitmap.setConfig(SkBitmap::kARGB_8888_Config, 150 * 2, 100);
485    bitmap.allocPixels();
488void createThread(State4* statePtr, void* (*testFun)(void* )) {
489    int threadError = pthread_create(&statePtr->threadID, NULL, testFun,
490            (void*) statePtr);
491    SkASSERT(!threadError);
494int dispatchTest4(void* (*testFun)(void* ), int a, int b, int c, int d) {
495    int testsRun = 0;
496    State4* statePtr;
497    if (!gRunTestsInOneThread) {
498        pthread_mutex_lock(&State4::addQueue);
499        if (threadIndex < maxThreads) {
500            statePtr = &threadState[threadIndex];
501            statePtr->testsRun = 0;
502            statePtr->a = a;
503            statePtr->b = b;
504            statePtr->c = c;
505            statePtr->d = d;
506            statePtr->done = false;
507            statePtr->index = threadIndex;
508            statePtr->last = false;
509            if (debugThreads) SkDebugf("%s %d create done=%d last=%d\n", __FUNCTION__,
510                    statePtr->index, statePtr->done, statePtr->last);
511            pthread_cond_init(&statePtr->initialized, NULL);
512            ++threadIndex;
513            createThread(statePtr, testFun);
514        } else {
515            while (!State4::queue) {
516                if (debugThreads) SkDebugf("%s checkQueue\n", __FUNCTION__);
517                pthread_cond_wait(&State4::checkQueue, &State4::addQueue);
518            }
519            statePtr = State4::queue;
520            testsRun += statePtr->testsRun;
521            statePtr->testsRun = 0;
522            statePtr->a = a;
523            statePtr->b = b;
524            statePtr->c = c;
525            statePtr->d = d;
526            statePtr->done = false;
527            State4::queue = NULL;
528            for (int index = 0; index < maxThreads; ++index) {
529                if (threadState[index].done) {
530                    State4::queue = &threadState[index];
531                }
532            }
533            if (debugThreads) SkDebugf("%s %d init done=%d last=%d queued=%d\n", __FUNCTION__,
534                    statePtr->index, statePtr->done, statePtr->last,
535                    State4::queue ? State4::queue->index : -1);
536            pthread_cond_signal(&statePtr->initialized);
537        }
538        pthread_mutex_unlock(&State4::addQueue);
539    } else {
540        statePtr = &threadState[0];
541        testsRun += statePtr->testsRun;
542        statePtr->testsRun = 0;
543        statePtr->a = a;
544        statePtr->b = b;
545        statePtr->c = c;
546        statePtr->d = d;
547        statePtr->done = false;
548        statePtr->index = threadIndex;
549        statePtr->last = false;
550        (*testFun)(statePtr);
551    }
552    return testsRun;
555void initializeTests(const char* test, size_t testNameSize) {
556    testName = test;
557    if (!gRunTestsInOneThread) {
558        int threads = -1;
559        size_t size = sizeof(threads);
560        sysctlbyname("hw.logicalcpu_max", &threads, &size, NULL, 0);
561        if (threads > 0) {
562            maxThreads = threads;
563        } else {
564            maxThreads = 8;
565        }
566    }
567    SkFILEStream inFile("../../experimental/Intersection/op.htm");
568    if (inFile.isValid()) {
569        SkTDArray<char> inData;
570        inData.setCount(inFile.getLength());
571        size_t inLen = inData.count();
572        inFile.read(inData.begin(), inLen);
573        inFile.setPath(NULL);
574        char* insert = strstr(inData.begin(), marker);
575        if (insert) {
576            insert += sizeof(marker) - 1;
577            const char* numLoc = insert + 4 /* indent spaces */ + testNameSize - 1;
578            testNumber = atoi(numLoc) + 1;
579        }
580    }
581    const char* filename = preferredFilename;
582    SkFILEWStream preferredTest(filename);
583    if (!preferredTest.isValid()) {
584        filename = backupFilename;
585        SkFILEWStream backupTest(filename);
586        SkASSERT(backupTest.isValid());
587    }
588    for (int index = 0; index < maxThreads; ++index) {
589        State4* statePtr = &threadState[index];
590        strcpy(statePtr->filename, filename);
591        size_t len = strlen(filename);
592        SkASSERT(statePtr->filename[len - 6] == 'X');
593        SkASSERT(statePtr->filename[len - 5] == 'X');
594        statePtr->filename[len - 6] = '0' + index / 10;
595        statePtr->filename[len - 5] = '0' + index % 10;
596    }
597    threadIndex = 0;
600void outputProgress(const State4& state, const char* pathStr, SkPath::FillType pathFillType) {
601    if (gRunTestsInOneThread && gShowOutputProgress) {
602        if (pathFillType == SkPath::kEvenOdd_FillType) {
603            SkDebugf("    path.setFillType(SkPath::kEvenOdd_FillType);\n", pathStr);
604        }
605        SkDebugf("%s\n", pathStr);
606    }
607    const char testFunction[] = "testSimplifyx(path);";
608    const char* pathPrefix = NULL;
609    const char* nameSuffix = NULL;
610    if (pathFillType == SkPath::kEvenOdd_FillType) {
611        pathPrefix = "    path.setFillType(SkPath::kEvenOdd_FillType);\n";
612        nameSuffix = "x";
613    }
614    if (gUsePhysicalFiles) {
615        SkFILEWStream outFile(state.filename);
616        if (!outFile.isValid()) {
617            SkASSERT(0);
618            return;
619        }
620        outputToStream(state, pathStr, pathPrefix, nameSuffix, testFunction, outFile);
621        return;
622    }
623    SkFILEWStream outRam(state.filename);
624    outputToStream(state, pathStr, pathPrefix, nameSuffix, testFunction, outRam);
627void outputProgress(const State4& state, const char* pathStr, ShapeOp op) {
628    SkString testFunc("testShapeOp(path, pathB, ");
629    testFunc += opStrs[op];
630    testFunc += ");";
631    const char* testFunction = testFunc.c_str();
632    if (gRunTestsInOneThread && gShowOutputProgress) {
633        SkDebugf("%s\n", pathStr);
634        SkDebugf("    %s\n", testFunction);
635    }
636    const char* nameSuffix = opSuffixes[op];
637    if (gUsePhysicalFiles) {
638        SkFILEWStream outFile(state.filename);
639        if (!outFile.isValid()) {
640            SkASSERT(0);
641            return;
642        }
643        outputToStream(state, pathStr, NULL, nameSuffix, testFunction, outFile);
644        return;
645    }
646    SkFILEWStream outRam(state.filename);
647    outputToStream(state, pathStr, NULL, nameSuffix, testFunction, outRam);
650static void writeTestName(const char* nameSuffix, SkWStream& outFile) {
651    outFile.writeText(testName);
652    outFile.writeDecAsText(testNumber);
653    if (nameSuffix) {
654        outFile.writeText(nameSuffix);
655    }
658void outputToStream(const State4& state, const char* pathStr, const char* pathPrefix,
659        const char* nameSuffix,
660        const char* testFunction, SkWStream& outFile) {
661    outFile.writeText("<div id=\"");
662    writeTestName(nameSuffix, outFile);
663    outFile.writeText("\">\n");
664    if (pathPrefix) {
665        outFile.writeText(pathPrefix);
666    }
667    outFile.writeText(pathStr);
668    outFile.writeText("</div>\n\n");
670    outFile.writeText(marker);
671    outFile.writeText("    ");
672    writeTestName(nameSuffix, outFile);
673    outFile.writeText(",\n\n\n");
675    outFile.writeText("static void ");
676    writeTestName(nameSuffix, outFile);
677    outFile.writeText("() {\n    SkPath path");
678    if (!pathPrefix) {
679        outFile.writeText(", pathB");
680    }
681    outFile.writeText(";\n");
682    if (pathPrefix) {
683        outFile.writeText(pathPrefix);
684    }
685    outFile.writeText(pathStr);
686    outFile.writeText("    ");
687    outFile.writeText(testFunction);
688    outFile.writeText("\n}\n\n");
689    outFile.writeText("static void (*firstTest)() = ");
690    writeTestName(nameSuffix, outFile);
691    outFile.writeText(";\n\n");
693    outFile.writeText("static struct {\n");
694    outFile.writeText("    void (*fun)();\n");
695    outFile.writeText("    const char* str;\n");
696    outFile.writeText("} tests[] = {\n");
697    outFile.writeText("    TEST(");
698    writeTestName(nameSuffix, outFile);
699    outFile.writeText("),\n");
700    outFile.flush();
703bool runNextTestSet(State4& state) {
704    if (gRunTestsInOneThread) {
705        return false;
706    }
707    pthread_mutex_lock(&State4::addQueue);
708    state.done = true;
709    State4::queue = &state;
710    if (debugThreads) SkDebugf("%s %d checkQueue done=%d last=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, state.index,
711        state.done, state.last);
712    pthread_cond_signal(&State4::checkQueue);
713    while (state.done && !state.last) {
714        if (debugThreads) SkDebugf("%s %d done=%d last=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, state.index, state.done, state.last);
715        pthread_cond_wait(&state.initialized, &State4::addQueue);
716    }
717    pthread_mutex_unlock(&State4::addQueue);
718    return !state.last;
721int waitForCompletion() {
722    int testsRun = 0;
723    if (!gRunTestsInOneThread) {
724        pthread_mutex_lock(&State4::addQueue);
725        int runningThreads = maxThreads;
726        int index;
727        while (runningThreads > 0) {
728            while (!State4::queue) {
729                if (debugThreads) SkDebugf("%s checkQueue\n", __FUNCTION__);
730                pthread_cond_wait(&State4::checkQueue, &State4::addQueue);
731            }
732            while (State4::queue) {
733                --runningThreads;
734                SkDebugf("•");
735                State4::queue->last = true;
736                State4* next = NULL;
737                for (index = 0; index < maxThreads; ++index) {
738                    State4& test = threadState[index];
739                    if (test.done && !test.last) {
740                        next = &test;
741                    }
742                }
743                if (debugThreads) SkDebugf("%s %d next=%d deQueue\n", __FUNCTION__,
744                    State4::queue->index, next ? next->index : -1);
745                pthread_cond_signal(&State4::queue->initialized);
746                State4::queue = next;
747            }
748        }
749        pthread_mutex_unlock(&State4::addQueue);
750        for (index = 0; index < maxThreads; ++index) {
751            pthread_join(threadState[index].threadID, NULL);
752            testsRun += threadState[index].testsRun;
753        }
754        SkDebugf("\n");
755    }
756#ifdef SK_DEBUG
757    gDebugMaxWindSum = SK_MaxS32;
758    gDebugMaxWindValue = SK_MaxS32;
760    return testsRun;