1<!-- bezier clip visualizer -->
4<div style="height:0">
6<div id="clip1">
7(gdb) p smaller
8$2 = {{
9    x = 0.91292418204644155, 
10    y = 0.41931201426549197
11  }, {
12    x = 0.70491388044579517, 
13    y = 0.64754305977710236
14  }, {
15    x = 0, 
16    y = 1
17  }}
18(gdb) p larger
19$3 = {{
20    x = 0.21875, 
21    y = 0.765625
22  }, {
23    x = 0.125, 
24    y = 0.875
25  }, {
26    x = 0, 
27    y = 1
28  }}
29(gdb) p distance2y
30$1 = {{
31    x = 0, 
32    y = 0.080355482722450078
33  }, {
34    x = 0.5, 
35    y = 0.038383741101172597
36  }, {
37    x = 1, 
38    y = 0
39  }}
42<div id="quad21a">
43bezier_clip q1=(0,0 1,0 0,2) q2=(0.5,0.25 0.5,0.5 0,1) minT=0 maxT=1
45<div id="quad21b">
46bezier_clip q1=(0.5,0.25 0.5,0.375 0.375,0.5625) q2=(0,0 1,0 0,2) minT=0.3 maxT=0.78125
48<div id="quad21c">
49bezier_clip q1=(0.42,0.18 0.6125,0.46875 0.341796875,1.22070312) q2=(0.5,0.25 0.5,0.375 0.375,0.5625) minT=0 maxT=0.926710098
51<div id="quad21d">
52bezier_clip q1=(0.5,0.25 0.5,0.307919381 0.473162762,0.379257381) q2=(0.42,0.18 0.6125,0.46875 0.341796875,1.22070312) minT=0.187231244 maxT=0.729263299
54<div id="quad21e">
55bezier_clip q1=(0.475846194,0.304363878 0.53317904,0.507883959 0.454423387,0.847492538) q2=(0.5,0.25 0.5,0.307919381 0.473162762,0.379257381) minT=0 maxT=1
57<div id="quad21f">
58bezier_clip q1=(0.493290691,0.311274036 0.486581381,0.343588381 0.473162762,0.379257381) q2=(0.475846194,0.304363878 0.53317904,0.507883959 0.454423387,0.847492538) minT=0.0828748517 maxT=0.150086861
61<div id="quad21g"> 
62(gdb) p smaller
63$1 = {{
64    x = 0.48441440743366754, 
65    y = 0.33903196011243797
66  }, {
67    x = 0.48750982503868118, 
68    y = 0.35346899178071778
69  }, {
70    x = 0.48999046908865357, 
71    y = 0.368520797004039
72  }}
73(gdb) p larger
74$2 = {{
75    x = 0.49329069058425024, 
76    y = 0.31127403581536672
77  }, {
78    x = 0.48658138116850047, 
79    y = 0.34358838107698753
80  }, {
81    x = 0.47316276233700094, 
82    y = 0.37925738104648321
83  }}
86<div id="quad36">
87(gdb) p fQ
88$2 = {{
89    x = 1.8883839294261275, 
90    y = 2.1108590606904345
91  }, {
92    x = 1.888463903363252, 
93    y = 2.1111576060205435
94  }, {
95    x = 1.8885438199983176, 
96    y = 2.1114561800016824
97  }}
98(gdb) p rh.fQ
99$3 = {{
100    x = 1.8883839294260976, 
101    y = 2.1108590606903377
102  }, {
103    x = 1.8886366953645748, 
104    y = 2.1109850143489544
105  }, {
106    x = 1.8888888888888888, 
107    y = 2.1111111111111112
108  }}
112<div id="quad37">
113 {{x = 360.048828125, y = 229.2578125}, {x = 360.048828125, y = 224.4140625}, {x = 362.607421875, y = 221.3671875}}
114 {{x = 362.607421875, y = 221.3671875}, {x = 365.166015625, y = 218.3203125}, {x = 369.228515625, y = 218.3203125}}
117<div id="quad38">
118$2 = {{fX = 369.969421, fY = 137.94809}, {fX = 383.982849, fY = 121.260353}, {fX = 406.233154, fY = 121.260353}}
119$4 = {{fX = 406.232788, fY = 121.260353}, {fX = 409.441956, fY = 121.260353}, {fX = 412.972046, fY = 121.795212}}
122<div id="quad39">
123{{x = 406.233154296875, y = 121.26035308837891}, {x = 406.23153587045397, y = 121.26035308837891}, {x = 406.22991748761177, y = 121.26035317666889}}, 
124{{x = 406.23295158013377, y = 121.26035308872596}, {x = 406.2328698329315, y = 121.26035308837889}, {x = 406.2327880859375, y = 121.26035308837891}},
129<script type="text/javascript">
131var testDivs = [
132    quad56,
133    quad39,
134    quad38,
135    quad37,
136    quad36,
137    quad21g,
138    quad21a,          
139    quad21b,
140    quad21c,
141    quad21d,
142    quad21e,
143    quad21f,
144    clip1,
147var scale, columns, rows, xStart, yStart;
149var ticks = 10;
150var at_x = 13 + 0.5;
151var at_y = 13 + 0.5;
152var init_decimal_places = 1; // make this 3 to show more precision
153var decimal_places;
154var tests = [];
155var testTitles = [];
156var testIndex = 0;
157var ctx;
158var fat1 = true;
159var fat2 = false;
160var ctl1 = true;
161var ctl2 = false;
162var ctlPts1 = true;
163var ctlPts2 = false;
164var minScale = 1;
165var subscale = 1;
167function parse(test, title) {
168    var curveStrs = test.split("{{");
169    if (curveStrs.length == 1)
170        curveStrs = test.split("=(");
171    var pattern = /[a-z$=]?-?\d+\.*\d*/g;
172    var curves = [];
173    for (var c in curveStrs) {
174        var curveStr = curveStrs[c];
175        var points = curveStr.match(pattern);
176        var pts = [];
177        for (var wd in points) {
178            var num = parseFloat(points[wd]);
179            if (isNaN(num)) continue;
180            pts.push(num);
181        }
182        if (pts.length > 0)
183            curves.push(pts);
184    }
185    if (curves.length >= 2) {
186        tests.push(curves);
187        testTitles.push(title);
188    }
191function init(test) {
192    var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
193    if (!canvas.getContext) return;
194    canvas.width = window.innerWidth - at_x;
195    canvas.height = window.innerHeight - at_y;
196    ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
197    var xmin = Infinity;
198    var xmax = -Infinity;
199    var ymin = Infinity;
200    var ymax = -Infinity;
201    for (var curves in test) {
202        var curve = test[curves];
203        var last = curve.length;
204        for (var idx = 0; idx < last; idx += 2) {
205            xmin = Math.min(xmin, curve[idx]);
206            xmax = Math.max(xmax, curve[idx]);
207            ymin = Math.min(ymin, curve[idx + 1]);
208            ymax = Math.max(ymax, curve[idx + 1]);
209        }
210    }
211    subscale = 1;
212    decimal_places = init_decimal_places;
213    if (xmax != xmin && ymax != ymin) {
214        while ((xmax - xmin) * subscale < 0.1 && (ymax - ymin) * subscale < 0.1) {
215            subscale *= 10;
216            decimal_places += 1;
217     //       if (subscale > 100000) {
218     //           break;
219     //       }
220        }
221    }
222    columns = Math.ceil(xmax * subscale) - Math.floor(xmin * subscale) + 1;
223    rows = Math.ceil(ymax * subscale) - Math.floor(ymin * subscale) + 1;
225    xStart = Math.floor(xmin * subscale) / subscale;
226    yStart = Math.floor(ymin * subscale) / subscale;
227    var hscale = ctx.canvas.width / columns / ticks;
228    var vscale = ctx.canvas.height / rows / ticks;
229    minScale = Math.floor(Math.min(hscale, vscale));
230    scale = minScale * subscale;
231 //   while (columns < 1000 && rows < 1000) {
232  //      columns *= 2;
233 //       rows *= 2;
234 //   }
237function drawPoint(px, py, xoffset, yoffset, unit) {
238    var label = px.toFixed(decimal_places) + ", " + py.toFixed(decimal_places);
239    var _px = px * unit + xoffset;
240    var _py = py * unit + yoffset;
241    ctx.beginPath();
242    ctx.arc(_px, _py, 3, 0, Math.PI*2, true);
243    ctx.closePath();
244    ctx.fill();
245    ctx.fillText(label, _px + 5, _py);
248function draw(test, title, _at_x, _at_y, scale) {
249    ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(0,0,0, 0.1)";
250    ctx.font = "normal 50px Arial";
251    ctx.fillText(title, 50, 50);
252    ctx.font = "normal 10px Arial";
254    var unit = scale * ticks;
255    ctx.lineWidth = 1;
256    var i;
257    for (i = 0; i <= rows * ticks; ++i) {
258        ctx.strokeStyle = (i % ticks) != 0 ? "rgb(160,160,160)" : "black";
259        ctx.beginPath();
260        ctx.moveTo(_at_x + 0, _at_y + i * minScale);
261        ctx.lineTo(_at_x + unit * columns, _at_y + i * minScale);
262        ctx.stroke();
263    }
264    for (i = 0; i <= columns * ticks; ++i) {
265        ctx.strokeStyle = (i % ticks) != 0 ? "rgb(160,160,160)" : "black";
266        ctx.beginPath();
267        ctx.moveTo(_at_x + i * minScale, _at_y + 0);
268        ctx.lineTo(_at_x + i * minScale, _at_y + unit * rows);
269        ctx.stroke();
270    }
272    var xoffset = xStart * -unit + _at_x;
273    var yoffset = yStart * -unit + _at_y;
275    ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(40,80,60)"
276    for (i = 0; i <= columns; i += (1 / ticks))
277    {
278        num = xStart + i / subscale; 
279        ctx.fillText(num.toFixed(decimal_places), xoffset + num * unit - 5, 10);
280    }
281    for (i = 0; i <= rows; i += (1 / ticks))
282    {
283        num = yStart + i / subscale; 
284        ctx.fillText(num.toFixed(decimal_places), 0, yoffset + num * unit + 0);
285    }
287    // draw curve 1 and 2
288    var curves, pts;
289    for (curves in test) {
290        var curve = test[curves];
291        ctx.beginPath();
292        ctx.moveTo(xoffset + curve[0] * unit, yoffset + curve[1] * unit);
293        switch (curve.length) {
294            case 6:
295                ctx.quadraticCurveTo(
296                    xoffset + curve[2] * unit, yoffset + curve[3] * unit,
297                    xoffset + curve[4] * unit, yoffset + curve[5] * unit);
298                break;
299            case 8:
300                ctx.bezierCurveTo(
301                    xoffset + curve[2] * unit, yoffset + curve[3] * unit,
302                    xoffset + curve[4] * unit, yoffset + curve[5] * unit,
303                    xoffset + curve[6] * unit, yoffset + curve[7] * unit);
304                break;
305        }
306        if (curves == 2) ctx.strokeStyle = curves ? "red" : "blue";
307        ctx.stroke();
308        ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0, 0.3)";
309        ctx.beginPath();
310        ctx.moveTo(xoffset + curve[0] * unit, yoffset + curve[1] * unit);
311        ctx.lineTo(xoffset + curve[2] * unit, yoffset + curve[3] * unit);
312        ctx.lineTo(xoffset + curve[4] * unit, yoffset + curve[5] * unit);
313        if (curve.length == 8)
314            ctx.lineTo(xoffset + curve[6] * unit, yoffset + curve[7] * unit);
315        ctx.stroke();
316    }
317    // optionally draw fat lines for curve 
318    if (fat1)
319        drawFat(test[0], xoffset, yoffset, unit);
320    if (fat2)
321        drawFat(test[1], xoffset, yoffset, unit);
322    if (ctl1)
323        drawCtl(test[0], xoffset, yoffset, unit);
324    if (ctl2)
325        drawCtl(test[1], xoffset, yoffset, unit);
326    if (ctlPts1)
327        drawCtlPts(test[0], xoffset, yoffset, unit);
328    if (ctlPts2)
329        drawCtlPts(test[1], xoffset, yoffset, unit);
332function drawCtl(curve, xoffset, yoffset, unit) {
333    var last = curve.length - 2;
334    ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0, 0.5)";
335    ctx.beginPath();
336    ctx.moveTo(xoffset + curve[0] * unit, yoffset + curve[1] * unit);
337    ctx.lineTo(xoffset + curve[2] * unit, yoffset + curve[3] * unit);
338    ctx.lineTo(xoffset + curve[4] * unit, yoffset + curve[5] * unit);
339    ctx.stroke();
342function drawCtlPts(curve, xoffset, yoffset, unit) {
343    drawPoint(curve[0], curve[1], xoffset, yoffset, unit);
344    drawPoint(curve[2], curve[3], xoffset, yoffset, unit);
345    drawPoint(curve[4], curve[5], xoffset, yoffset, unit);
348function drawFat(curve, xoffset, yoffset, unit) {
349    var last = curve.length - 2;
350    ctx.strokeStyle = "rgba(0,0,0, 0.5)";
351    ctx.beginPath();
352    ctx.moveTo(xoffset + curve[0] * unit, yoffset + curve[1] * unit);
353    ctx.lineTo(xoffset + curve[last] * unit, yoffset + curve[last + 1] * unit);
354    ctx.stroke();
355    // draw line parallel to end points through control points
356    var dx = curve[last] - curve[0];
357    var dy = curve[last + 1] - curve[1];
358    drawParallelLine(curve[2], curve[3], dx, dy, xoffset, yoffset, unit);
359    if (curve.length == 8)
360        drawParallelLine(curve[4], curve[5], dx, dy, xoffset, yoffset, unit);
363function drawParallelLine(x, y, dx, dy, xoffset, yoffset, unit) {
364    var x1 = x - dx;
365    var y1 = y - dy;
366    var x2 = x + dx;
367    var y2 = y + dy;
368    ctx.beginPath();
369    ctx.moveTo(xoffset + x1 * unit, yoffset + y1 * unit);
370    ctx.lineTo(xoffset + x2 * unit, yoffset + y2 * unit);
371    ctx.stroke();
374function drawTop() {
375    init(tests[testIndex]);
376    redraw();
379function redraw() {
380    ctx.beginPath();
381    ctx.rect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);
382    ctx.fillStyle="white";
383    ctx.fill();
384    draw(tests[testIndex], testTitles[testIndex], at_x, at_y, scale);
387function doKeyPress(evt) {
388    var char = String.fromCharCode(evt.charCode);
389    switch (char) {
390    case 'c':
391        ctl2 ^= true;
392        if (ctl2 == false)
393            ctl1 ^= true;
394        drawTop();
395        break;
396    case 'd':
397        ctlPts2 ^= true;
398        if (ctlPts2 == false)
399            ctlPts1 ^= true;
400        drawTop();
401        break;
402    case 'f':
403        fat2 ^= true;
404        if (fat2 == false)
405            fat1 ^= true;
406        drawTop();
407        break;
408    case 'N':
409        testIndex += 9;
410    case 'n':
411        if (++testIndex >= tests.length)
412            testIndex = 0;
413        mouseX = Infinity;
414        drawTop();
415        break;
416    case 'P':
417        testIndex -= 9;
418    case 'p':
419        if (--testIndex < 0)
420            testIndex = tests.length - 1;
421        mouseX = Infinity;
422        drawTop();
423        break;
424    }
427function handleMouseClick() {
430function handleMouseOver() {
433function start() {
434    for (i = 0; i < testDivs.length; ++i) {
435        var title = testDivs[i].id.toString();
436        var str = testDivs[i].firstChild.data;
437        parse(str, title);
438    }
439    drawTop();
440    window.addEventListener('keypress', doKeyPress, true);
441    window.onresize = function() {
442        drawTop();
443    }
449<body onLoad="start();">
450<canvas id="canvas" width="750" height="500"
451    onmousemove="handleMouseOver()"
452    onclick="handleMouseClick()"
453    ></canvas >