2 * Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
3 *
4 * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5 * found in the LICENSE file.
6 */
8#ifndef GrPathRendering_DEFINED
9#define GrPathRendering_DEFINED
11#include "SkPath.h"
12#include "GrPathRange.h"
14class SkStrokeRec;
15class SkDescriptor;
16class SkTypeface;
17class GrPath;
18class GrGpu;
21 * Abstract class wrapping HW path rendering API.
22 *
23 * The subclasses of this class use the possible HW API to render paths (as opposed to path
24 * rendering implemented in Skia on top of a "3d" HW API).
25 * The subclasses hold the global state needed to render paths, including shadow of the global HW
26 * API state. Similar to GrGpu.
27 *
28 * It is expected that the lifetimes of GrGpuXX and GrXXPathRendering are the same. The call context
29 * interface (eg.  * the concrete instance of GrGpu subclass) should be provided to the instance
30 * during construction.
31 */
32class GrPathRendering {
34    virtual ~GrPathRendering() { }
36    enum PathTransformType {
37        kNone_PathTransformType,        //!< []
38        kTranslateX_PathTransformType,  //!< [kMTransX]
39        kTranslateY_PathTransformType,  //!< [kMTransY]
40        kTranslate_PathTransformType,   //!< [kMTransX, kMTransY]
41        kAffine_PathTransformType,      //!< [kMScaleX, kMSkewX, kMTransX, kMSkewY, kMScaleY, kMTransY]
43        kLast_PathTransformType = kAffine_PathTransformType
44    };
46    static inline int PathTransformSize(PathTransformType type) {
47        switch (type) {
48            case kNone_PathTransformType:
49                return 0;
50            case kTranslateX_PathTransformType:
51            case kTranslateY_PathTransformType:
52                return 1;
53            case kTranslate_PathTransformType:
54                return 2;
55            case kAffine_PathTransformType:
56                return 6;
58            default:
59                SkFAIL("Unknown path transform type");
60                return 0;
61        }
62    }
64    /**
65     * Creates a new gpu path, based on the specified path and stroke and returns it.
66     * The caller owns a ref on the returned path which must be balanced by a call to unref.
67     *
68     * @param skPath the path geometry.
69     * @param stroke the path stroke.
70     * @return a new path.
71     */
72    virtual GrPath* createPath(const SkPath&, const SkStrokeRec&) = 0;
74    /**
75     * Creates a range of gpu paths with a common stroke. The caller owns a ref on the
76     * returned path range which must be balanced by a call to unref.
77     *
78     * @param PathGenerator class that generates SkPath objects for each path in the range.
79     * @param SkStrokeRec   the common stroke applied to each path in the range.
80     * @return a new path range.
81     */
82    virtual GrPathRange* createPathRange(GrPathRange::PathGenerator*, const SkStrokeRec&) = 0;
84    /**
85     * Creates a range of glyph paths, indexed by glyph id. The glyphs will have an
86     * inverted y-direction in order to match the raw font path data. The caller owns
87     * a ref on the returned path range which must be balanced by a call to unref.
88     *
89     * @param SkTypeface   Typeface that defines the glyphs.
90     *                     If null, the default typeface will be used.
91     *
92     * @param SkDescriptor Additional font configuration that specifies the font's size,
93     *                     stroke, and other flags. This will generally come from an
94     *                     SkGlyphCache.
95     *
96     *                     It is recommended to leave this value null when possible, in
97     *                     which case the glyphs will be loaded directly from the font's
98     *                     raw path data and sized at SkPaint::kCanonicalTextSizeForPaths.
99     *                     This will result in less memory usage and more efficient paths.
100     *
101     *                     If non-null, the glyph paths will match the font descriptor,
102     *                     including with the stroke information baked directly into
103     *                     the outlines.
104     *
105     * @param SkStrokeRec  Common stroke that the GPU will apply to every path. Note that
106     *                     if the glyph outlines contain baked-in strokes from the font
107     *                     descriptor, the GPU stroke will be applied on top of those
108     *                     outlines.
109     *
110     * @return a new path range populated with glyphs.
111     */
112    virtual GrPathRange* createGlyphs(const SkTypeface*, const SkDescriptor*, const SkStrokeRec&) = 0;
114    virtual void stencilPath(const GrPath*, SkPath::FillType) = 0;
115    virtual void drawPath(const GrPath*, SkPath::FillType) = 0;
116    virtual void drawPaths(const GrPathRange*, const uint32_t indices[], int count,
117                           const float transforms[], PathTransformType, SkPath::FillType) = 0;
119    GrPathRendering() { }
122    GrPathRendering& operator=(const GrPathRendering&);