1// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
6#include "tools/gn/err.h"
7#include "tools/gn/label.h"
8#include "tools/gn/value.h"
10namespace {
12struct ParseDepStringCase {
13  const char* cur_dir;
14  const char* str;
15  bool success;
16  const char* expected_dir;
17  const char* expected_name;
18  const char* expected_toolchain_dir;
19  const char* expected_toolchain_name;
22}  // namespace
24TEST(Label, Resolve) {
25  ParseDepStringCase cases[] = {
26      // cur         input                        succ   expected dir          name    tc dir    tc name
27      { "//chrome/", "",                          false, "",                   "",     "",       "" },
28      { "//chrome/", "/",                         false, "",                   "",     "",       "" },
29      { "//chrome/", ":",                         false, "",                   "",     "",       "" },
30      { "//chrome/", "/:",                        false, "",                   "",     "",       "" },
31      { "//chrome/", "blah",                      true,  "//chrome/blah/",     "blah", "//t/",   "d" },
32      { "//chrome/", "blah:bar",                  true,  "//chrome/blah/",     "bar",  "//t/",   "d" },
33      // No single-leading slash.
34      { "//chrome/", "/chrome:bar",               false, "",                   "",     "",       "" },
35      // No trailing slash.
36      { "//chrome/", "/chrome/:bar",              false, "",                   "",     "",       "" },
37      // Refers to root dir.
38      { "//chrome/", "//:bar",                    true,  "//",                 "bar",  "//t/",   "d" },
39      // Implicit directory
40      { "//chrome/", ":bar",                      true,  "//chrome/",          "bar",  "//t/",   "d" },
41      { "//chrome/renderer/", ":bar",             true,  "//chrome/renderer/", "bar",  "//t/",   "d" },
42      // Implicit names.
43      { "//chrome/", "//base",                    true,  "//base/",            "base", "//t/",   "d" },
44      { "//chrome/", "//base/i18n",               true,  "//base/i18n/",       "i18n", "//t/",   "d" },
45      { "//chrome/", "//base/i18n:foo",           true,  "//base/i18n/",       "foo",  "//t/",   "d" },
46      { "//chrome/", "//",                        false, "",                   "",     "",       "" },
47      // Toolchain parsing.
48      { "//chrome/", "//chrome:bar(//t:n)",       true,  "//chrome/",          "bar",  "//t/",   "n" },
49      { "//chrome/", "//chrome:bar(//t)",         true,  "//chrome/",          "bar",  "//t/",   "t" },
50      { "//chrome/", "//chrome:bar(//t:)",        true,  "//chrome/",          "bar",  "//t/",   "t" },
51      { "//chrome/", "//chrome:bar()",            true,  "//chrome/",          "bar",  "//t/",   "d" },
52      { "//chrome/", "//chrome:bar(foo)",         true,  "//chrome/",          "bar",  "//chrome/foo/", "foo" },
53      { "//chrome/", "//chrome:bar(:foo)",        true,  "//chrome/",          "bar",  "//chrome/",     "foo" },
54      // TODO(brettw) it might be nice to make this an error:
55      //{ "//chrome/", "//chrome:bar())",           false, "",                   "",     "",       "" },
56      { "//chrome/", "//chrome:bar(//t:bar(tc))", false, "",                   "",     "",       "" },
57      { "//chrome/", "//chrome:bar(()",           false, "",                   "",     "",       "" },
58      { "//chrome/", "(t:b)",                     false, "",                   "",     "",       "" },
59      { "//chrome/", ":bar(//t/b)",               true,  "//chrome/",          "bar",  "//t/b/", "b" },
60      { "//chrome/", ":bar(/t/b)",                false, "",                   "",     "",       "" },
61      { "//chrome/", ":bar(t/b)",                 true,  "//chrome/",          "bar",  "//chrome/t/b/", "b" },
62  };
64  Label default_toolchain(SourceDir("//t/"), "d");
66  for (size_t i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE_UNSAFE(cases); i++) {
67    const ParseDepStringCase& cur = cases[i];
69    std::string location, name;
70    Err err;
71    Value v(NULL, Value::STRING);
72    v.string_value() = cur.str;
73    Label result =
74        Label::Resolve(SourceDir(cur.cur_dir), default_toolchain, v, &err);
75    EXPECT_EQ(cur.success, !err.has_error()) << i << " " << cur.str;
76    if (!err.has_error() && cur.success) {
77      EXPECT_EQ(cur.expected_dir, result.dir().value())
78          << i << " " << cur.str;
79      EXPECT_EQ(cur.expected_name, result.name())
80          << i << " " << cur.str;
81      EXPECT_EQ(cur.expected_toolchain_dir,
82                result.toolchain_dir().value())
83          << i << " " << cur.str;
84      EXPECT_EQ(cur.expected_toolchain_name, result.toolchain_name())
85          << i << " " << cur.str;
86    }
87  }