cpp_bundle_generator.py revision a1401311d1ab56c4ed0a474bd38c108f75cb0cd9
1# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5import code
6import cpp_util
7from model import Platforms
8from schema_util import CapitalizeFirstLetter
9from schema_util import JsFunctionNameToClassName
11import json
12import os
13import re
16def _RemoveDescriptions(node):
17  """Returns a copy of |schema| with "description" fields removed.
18  """
19  if isinstance(node, dict):
20    result = {}
21    for key, value in node.items():
22      # Some schemas actually have properties called "description", so only
23      # remove descriptions that have string values.
24      if key == 'description' and isinstance(value, basestring):
25        continue
26      result[key] = _RemoveDescriptions(value)
27    return result
28  if isinstance(node, list):
29    return [_RemoveDescriptions(v) for v in node]
30  return node
33class CppBundleGenerator(object):
34  """This class contains methods to generate code based on multiple schemas.
35  """
37  def __init__(self,
38               root,
39               model,
40               api_defs,
41               cpp_type_generator,
42               cpp_namespace,
43               source_file_dir,
44               impl_dir):
45    self._root = root
46    self._model = model
47    self._api_defs = api_defs
48    self._cpp_type_generator = cpp_type_generator
49    self._cpp_namespace = cpp_namespace
50    self._source_file_dir = source_file_dir
51    self._impl_dir = impl_dir
53    self.api_cc_generator = _APICCGenerator(self)
54    self.api_h_generator = _APIHGenerator(self)
55    self.schemas_cc_generator = _SchemasCCGenerator(self)
56    self.schemas_h_generator = _SchemasHGenerator(self)
58  def _GenerateHeader(self, file_base, body_code):
59    """Generates a code.Code object for a header file
61    Parameters:
62    - |file_base| - the base of the filename, e.g. 'foo' (for 'foo.h')
63    - |body_code| - the code to put in between the multiple inclusion guards"""
64    c = code.Code()
65    c.Append(cpp_util.CHROMIUM_LICENSE)
66    c.Append()
67    c.Append(cpp_util.GENERATED_BUNDLE_FILE_MESSAGE % self._source_file_dir)
68    ifndef_name = cpp_util.GenerateIfndefName(self._source_file_dir, file_base)
69    c.Append()
70    c.Append('#ifndef %s' % ifndef_name)
71    c.Append('#define %s' % ifndef_name)
72    c.Append()
73    c.Concat(body_code)
74    c.Append()
75    c.Append('#endif  // %s' % ifndef_name)
76    c.Append()
77    return c
79  def _GetPlatformIfdefs(self, model_object):
80    """Generates the "defined" conditional for an #if check if |model_object|
81    has platform restrictions. Returns None if there are no restrictions.
82    """
83    if model_object.platforms is None:
84      return None
85    ifdefs = []
86    for platform in model_object.platforms:
87      if platform == Platforms.CHROMEOS:
88        ifdefs.append('defined(OS_CHROMEOS)')
89      elif platform == Platforms.LINUX:
90        ifdefs.append('defined(OS_LINUX)')
91      elif platform == Platforms.MAC:
92        ifdefs.append('defined(OS_MACOSX)')
93      elif platform == Platforms.WIN:
94        ifdefs.append('defined(OS_WIN)')
95      else:
96        raise ValueError("Unsupported platform ifdef: %s" % platform.name)
97    return ' || '.join(ifdefs)
99  def _GenerateRegisterFunctions(self, namespace_name, function):
100    c = code.Code()
101    function_ifdefs = self._GetPlatformIfdefs(function)
102    if function_ifdefs is not None:
103      c.Append("#if %s" % function_ifdefs, indent_level=0)
105    function_name = JsFunctionNameToClassName(namespace_name, function.name)
106    c.Append("registry->RegisterFunction<%sFunction>();" % (
107        function_name))
109    if function_ifdefs is not None:
110      c.Append("#endif  // %s" % function_ifdefs, indent_level=0)
111    return c
113  def _GenerateFunctionRegistryRegisterAll(self):
114    c = code.Code()
115    c.Append('// static')
116    c.Sblock('void GeneratedFunctionRegistry::RegisterAll('
117                 'ExtensionFunctionRegistry* registry) {')
118    for namespace in self._model.namespaces.values():
119      namespace_ifdefs = self._GetPlatformIfdefs(namespace)
120      if namespace_ifdefs is not None:
121        c.Append("#if %s" % namespace_ifdefs, indent_level=0)
123      namespace_name = CapitalizeFirstLetter(namespace.name.replace(
124          "experimental.", ""))
125      for function in namespace.functions.values():
126        if function.nocompile:
127          continue
128        c.Concat(self._GenerateRegisterFunctions(namespace.name, function))
130      for type_ in namespace.types.values():
131        for function in type_.functions.values():
132          if function.nocompile:
133            continue
134          namespace_types_name = JsFunctionNameToClassName(
135                namespace.name, type_.name)
136          c.Concat(self._GenerateRegisterFunctions(namespace_types_name,
137                                                   function))
139      if namespace_ifdefs is not None:
140        c.Append("#endif  // %s" % namespace_ifdefs, indent_level=0)
141    c.Eblock("}")
142    return c
145class _APIHGenerator(object):
146  """Generates the header for API registration / declaration"""
147  def __init__(self, cpp_bundle):
148    self._bundle = cpp_bundle
150  def Generate(self, namespace):
151    c = code.Code()
153    c.Append('#include <string>')
154    c.Append()
155    c.Append('#include "base/basictypes.h"')
156    c.Append()
157    c.Append("class ExtensionFunctionRegistry;")
158    c.Append()
159    c.Concat(cpp_util.OpenNamespace(self._bundle._cpp_namespace))
160    c.Append()
161    c.Append('class GeneratedFunctionRegistry {')
162    c.Sblock(' public:')
163    c.Append('static void RegisterAll('
164                 'ExtensionFunctionRegistry* registry);')
165    c.Eblock('};')
166    c.Append()
167    c.Concat(cpp_util.CloseNamespace(self._bundle._cpp_namespace))
168    return self._bundle._GenerateHeader('generated_api', c)
171class _APICCGenerator(object):
172  """Generates a code.Code object for the generated API .cc file"""
174  def __init__(self, cpp_bundle):
175    self._bundle = cpp_bundle
177  def Generate(self, namespace):
178    c = code.Code()
179    c.Append(cpp_util.CHROMIUM_LICENSE)
180    c.Append()
181    c.Append('#include "%s"' % (os.path.join(self._bundle._source_file_dir,
182                                             'generated_api.h')))
183    c.Append()
184    for namespace in self._bundle._model.namespaces.values():
185      namespace_name = namespace.unix_name.replace("experimental_", "")
186      implementation_header = namespace.compiler_options.get(
187          "implemented_in",
188          "%s/%s/%s_api.h" % (self._bundle._impl_dir,
189                              namespace_name,
190                              namespace_name))
191      if not os.path.exists(
192          os.path.join(self._bundle._root,
193                       os.path.normpath(implementation_header))):
194        if "implemented_in" in namespace.compiler_options:
195          raise ValueError('Header file for namespace "%s" specified in '
196                          'compiler_options not found: %s' %
197                          (namespace.unix_name, implementation_header))
198        continue
199      ifdefs = self._bundle._GetPlatformIfdefs(namespace)
200      if ifdefs is not None:
201        c.Append("#if %s" % ifdefs, indent_level=0)
203      c.Append('#include "%s"' % implementation_header)
205      if ifdefs is not None:
206        c.Append("#endif  // %s" % ifdefs, indent_level=0)
207    c.Append()
208    c.Append('#include '
209                 '"extensions/browser/extension_function_registry.h"')
210    c.Append()
211    c.Concat(cpp_util.OpenNamespace(self._bundle._cpp_namespace))
212    c.Append()
213    c.Concat(self._bundle._GenerateFunctionRegistryRegisterAll())
214    c.Append()
215    c.Concat(cpp_util.CloseNamespace(self._bundle._cpp_namespace))
216    c.Append()
217    return c
220class _SchemasHGenerator(object):
221  """Generates a code.Code object for the generated schemas .h file"""
222  def __init__(self, cpp_bundle):
223    self._bundle = cpp_bundle
225  def Generate(self, namespace):
226    c = code.Code()
227    c.Append('#include <map>')
228    c.Append('#include <string>')
229    c.Append()
230    c.Append('#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"')
231    c.Append()
232    c.Concat(cpp_util.OpenNamespace(self._bundle._cpp_namespace))
233    c.Append()
234    c.Append('class GeneratedSchemas {')
235    c.Sblock(' public:')
236    c.Append('// Determines if schema named |name| is generated.')
237    c.Append('static bool IsGenerated(std::string name);')
238    c.Append()
239    c.Append('// Gets the API schema named |name|.')
240    c.Append('static base::StringPiece Get(const std::string& name);')
241    c.Eblock('};')
242    c.Append()
243    c.Concat(cpp_util.CloseNamespace(self._bundle._cpp_namespace))
244    return self._bundle._GenerateHeader('generated_schemas', c)
247def _FormatNameAsConstant(name):
248  """Formats a name to be a C++ constant of the form kConstantName"""
249  name = '%s%s' % (name[0].upper(), name[1:])
250  return 'k%s' % re.sub('_[a-z]',
251                        lambda m: m.group(0)[1].upper(),
252                        name.replace('.', '_'))
255class _SchemasCCGenerator(object):
256  """Generates a code.Code object for the generated schemas .cc file"""
258  def __init__(self, cpp_bundle):
259    self._bundle = cpp_bundle
261  def Generate(self, namespace):
262    c = code.Code()
263    c.Append(cpp_util.CHROMIUM_LICENSE)
264    c.Append()
265    c.Append('#include "%s"' % (os.path.join(self._bundle._source_file_dir,
266                                             'generated_schemas.h')))
267    c.Append()
268    c.Append('#include "base/lazy_instance.h"')
269    c.Append()
270    c.Append('namespace {')
271    for api in self._bundle._api_defs:
272      namespace = self._bundle._model.namespaces[api.get('namespace')]
273      # JSON parsing code expects lists of schemas, so dump a singleton list.
274      json_content = json.dumps([_RemoveDescriptions(api)],
275                                separators=(',', ':'))
276      # Escape all double-quotes and backslashes. For this to output a valid
277      # JSON C string, we need to escape \ and ".
278      json_content = json_content.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace('"', '\\"')
279      c.Append('const char %s[] = "%s";' %
280          (_FormatNameAsConstant(namespace.name), json_content))
281    c.Append('}')
282    c.Concat(cpp_util.OpenNamespace(self._bundle._cpp_namespace))
283    c.Append()
284    c.Sblock('struct Static {')
285    c.Sblock('Static() {')
286    for api in self._bundle._api_defs:
287      namespace = self._bundle._model.namespaces[api.get('namespace')]
288      c.Append('schemas["%s"] = %s;' % (namespace.name,
289                                        _FormatNameAsConstant(namespace.name)))
290    c.Eblock('}')
291    c.Append()
292    c.Append('std::map<std::string, const char*> schemas;')
293    c.Eblock('};')
294    c.Append()
295    c.Append('base::LazyInstance<Static> g_lazy_instance;')
296    c.Append()
297    c.Append('// static')
298    c.Sblock('base::StringPiece GeneratedSchemas::Get('
299                  'const std::string& name) {')
300    c.Append('return IsGenerated(name) ? '
301             'g_lazy_instance.Get().schemas[name] : "";')
302    c.Eblock('}')
303    c.Append()
304    c.Append('// static')
305    c.Sblock('bool GeneratedSchemas::IsGenerated(std::string name) {')
306    c.Append('return g_lazy_instance.Get().schemas.count(name) > 0;')
307    c.Eblock('}')
308    c.Append()
309    c.Concat(cpp_util.CloseNamespace(self._bundle._cpp_namespace))
310    c.Append()
311    return c