revision 1320f92c476a1ad9d19dba2a48c72b75566198e9
1# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5from memory_inspector.core import memory_map
6from memory_inspector.core import stacktrace
7from memory_inspector.core import symbol
9from memory_inspector.core.memory_map import PAGE_SIZE
12class NativeHeap(object):
13  """A snapshot of outstanding (i.e. not freed) native allocations.
15  This is typically obtained by calling |backends.Process|.DumpNativeHeap()
16  """
18  def __init__(self):
19    self.allocations = []  # list of individual |Allocation|s.
20    self.stack_frames = {}  # absolute_address (int) -> |stacktrace.Frame|.
22  def Add(self, allocation):
23    assert(isinstance(allocation, Allocation))
24    self.allocations += [allocation]
26  def GetStackFrame(self, absolute_addr):
27    """Guarantees that multiple calls with the same addr return the same obj."""
28    assert(isinstance(absolute_addr, (long, int)))
29    stack_frame = self.stack_frames.get(absolute_addr)
30    if not stack_frame:
31      stack_frame = stacktrace.Frame(absolute_addr)
32      self.stack_frames[absolute_addr] = stack_frame
33    return stack_frame
35  def SymbolizeUsingSymbolDB(self, symbols):
36    assert(isinstance(symbols, symbol.Symbols))
37    for stack_frame in self.stack_frames.itervalues():
38      if not stack_frame.exec_file_rel_path:
39        continue
40      sym = symbols.Lookup(stack_frame.exec_file_rel_path, stack_frame.offset)
41      if sym:
42        stack_frame.SetSymbolInfo(sym)
44  def RelativizeStackFrames(self, mmap):
45    """Turns stack frames' absolute addresses into mmap relative addresses.
47    For each absolute address, the containing mmap is looked up and the frame
48    is decorated with the mapped file + relative address in the file."""
49    assert(isinstance(mmap, memory_map.Map))
50    for abs_addr, stack_frame in self.stack_frames.iteritems():
51      assert(abs_addr == stack_frame.address)
52      map_entry = mmap.Lookup(abs_addr)
53      if not map_entry:
54        continue
55      stack_frame.SetExecFileInfo(map_entry.mapped_file,
56                                  map_entry.GetRelativeFileOffset(abs_addr))
58  def CalculateResidentSize(self, mmap):
59    """Updates the |Allocation|.|resident_size|s by looking at mmap stats.
61    Not all the allocated memory is always used (read: resident). This function
62    estimates the resident size of an allocation intersecting the mmaps dump.
63    """
64    assert(isinstance(mmap, memory_map.Map))
65    for alloc in self.allocations:
66      # This function loops over all the memory pages that intersect, partially
67      # or fully, with each allocation. For each of them, the allocation  is
68      # attributed a resident size equal to the size of intersecting range iff
69      # the page is resident.
70      # The tricky part is that, in the general case, an allocation can span
71      # over multiple (contiguous) mmaps. See the chart below for a reference:
72      #
73      # VA space:  |0    |4k   |8k   |12k  |16k  |20k  |24k  |28k  |32k  |
74      # Mmaps:     [   mm 1   ][ mm2 ]           [          map 3        ]
75      # Allocs:      <a1>  <  a2  >                       <      a3      >
76      #
77      # Note: this accounting technique is not fully correct but is generally a
78      # good tradeoff between accuracy and speed of profiling. The OS provides
79      # resident information with the page granularity (typ. 4k). Finer values
80      # would require more fancy techniques based, for instance, on run-time
81      # instrumentation tools like Valgrind or *sanitizer.
82      cur_start = alloc.start
83      mm = None
84      while cur_start < alloc.end:
85        if not mm or not mm.Contains(cur_start):
86          mm = mmap.Lookup(cur_start)
87        if mm:
88          page, page_off = mm.GetRelativeMMOffset(cur_start)
89          if mm.IsPageResident(page):
90            page_end = mm.start + page * PAGE_SIZE + PAGE_SIZE - 1
91            alloc_memory_in_current_page = PAGE_SIZE - page_off
92            if alloc.end < page_end:
93              alloc_memory_in_current_page -= page_end - alloc.end
94            alloc.resident_size += alloc_memory_in_current_page
95        # Move to the next page boundary.
96        cur_start = (cur_start + PAGE_SIZE) & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1)
99class Allocation(object):
100  """Records profiling information about a native heap allocation.
102  Args:
103      size: size of the allocation, in bytes.
104      stack_trace: the allocation call-site. See |stacktrace.Stacktrace|.
105      start: (Optional) Absolute start address in the process VMA. It is
106          required only for |CalculateResidentSize|.
107      flags: (Optional) More details about the call site (e.g., mmap vs malloc).
108      resident_size: this is normally obtained through |CalculateResidentSize|
109          and is part of the initializer just for deserialization purposes.
110  """
112  def __init__(self, size, stack_trace, start=0, flags=0, resident_size=0):
113    assert(size > 0)
114    assert(isinstance(stack_trace, stacktrace.Stacktrace))
115    self.size = size  # in bytes.
116    self.stack_trace = stack_trace
117    self.start = start  # Optional, for using the resident size logic.
118    self.flags = flags
119    self.resident_size = resident_size  #  see |CalculateResidentSize|.
121  @property
122  def end(self):
123    return self.start + self.size - 1
125  def __str__(self):
126    return '%d : %s' % (self.size, self.stack_trace)