1# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5"""Runs Browsermark CSS, DOM, WebGL, JS, resize and page load benchmarks.
7Browsermark benchmark suite have five test groups:
8a) CSS group: measures your browsers 2D and 3D performance, and finally executes
9  CSS Crunch test
10b) DOM group: measures variety of areas, like how well your browser traverse in
11  Document Object Model Tree or how fast your browser can create dynamic content
12c) General group: measures areas like resize and page load times
13d) Graphics group: tests browsers Graphics Processing Unit power by measuring
14  WebGL and Canvas performance
15e) Javascript group: executes number crunching by doing selected Array and
16  String operations
17Additionally Browsermark will test your browsers conformance, but conformance
18tests are not included in this suite.
21import os
23from telemetry import benchmark
24from telemetry.page import page_set
25from telemetry.page import page_test
26from telemetry.value import scalar
28class _BrowsermarkMeasurement(page_test.PageTest):
30  def ValidateAndMeasurePage(self, _, tab, results):
31    # Select nearest server(North America=1) and start test.
32    js_start_test =  """
33        for (var i=0; i < $('#continent a').length; i++) {
34          if (($('#continent a')[i]).getAttribute('data-id') == '1') {
35            $('#continent a')[i].click();
36            $('.start_test.enabled').click();
37          }
38        }
39        """
40    tab.ExecuteJavaScript(js_start_test)
41    tab.WaitForJavaScriptExpression(
42      'window.location.pathname.indexOf("results") != -1', 600)
43    result = int(tab.EvaluateJavaScript(
44        'document.getElementsByClassName("score")[0].innerHTML'))
45    results.AddValue(
46        scalar.ScalarValue(results.current_page, 'Score', 'score', result))
50class Browsermark(benchmark.Benchmark):
51  """Browsermark suite tests CSS, DOM, resize, page load, WebGL and JS."""
52  test = _BrowsermarkMeasurement
53  def CreatePageSet(self, options):
54    ps = page_set.PageSet(
55      file_path=os.path.abspath(__file__),
56      archive_data_file='../page_sets/data/browsermark.json',
57      make_javascript_deterministic=False)
58    ps.AddPageWithDefaultRunNavigate('http://browsermark.rightware.com/tests/')
59    return ps