1# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5import json
6import math
7import os
9from telemetry import benchmark
10from telemetry.core import util
11from telemetry.page import page_set
12from telemetry.page import page_test
13from telemetry.value import merge_values
14from telemetry.value import scalar
17def _GeometricMean(values):
18  """Compute a rounded geometric mean from an array of values."""
19  if not values:
20    return None
21  # To avoid infinite value errors, make sure no value is less than 0.001.
22  new_values = []
23  for value in values:
24    if value > 0.001:
25      new_values.append(value)
26    else:
27      new_values.append(0.001)
28  # Compute the sum of the log of the values.
29  log_sum = sum(map(math.log, new_values))
30  # Raise e to that sum over the number of values.
31  mean = math.pow(math.e, (log_sum / len(new_values)))
32  # Return the rounded mean.
33  return int(round(mean))
36SCORE_UNIT = 'score (bigger is better)'
37SCORE_TRACE_NAME = 'score'
40class _DomPerfMeasurement(page_test.PageTest):
41  def ValidateAndMeasurePage(self, page, tab, results):
42    try:
43      def _IsDone():
44        return tab.GetCookieByName('__domperf_finished') == '1'
45      util.WaitFor(_IsDone, 600)
47      data = json.loads(tab.EvaluateJavaScript('__domperf_result'))
48      for suite in data['BenchmarkSuites']:
49        # Skip benchmarks that we didn't actually run this time around.
50        if len(suite['Benchmarks']) or suite['score']:
51          results.AddValue(scalar.ScalarValue(
52              results.current_page, '%s.%s' % (suite['name'], SCORE_TRACE_NAME),
53              SCORE_UNIT, suite['score'], important=False))
54    finally:
55      tab.EvaluateJavaScript('document.cookie = "__domperf_finished=0"')
57  def DidRunTest(self, browser, results):
58    # Now give the geometric mean as the total for the combined runs.
59    combined = merge_values.MergeLikeValuesFromDifferentPages(
60        results.all_page_specific_values,
61        group_by_name_suffix=True)
62    combined_score = [x for x in combined if x.name == SCORE_TRACE_NAME][0]
63    total = _GeometricMean(combined_score.values)
64    results.AddSummaryValue(
65        scalar.ScalarValue(None, 'Total.' + SCORE_TRACE_NAME, SCORE_UNIT,
66                           total))
69@benchmark.Disabled('android', 'linux')
70class DomPerf(benchmark.Benchmark):
71  """A suite of JavaScript benchmarks for exercising the browser's DOM.
73  The final score is computed as the geometric mean of the individual results.
74  Scores are not comparable across benchmark suite versions and higher scores
75  means better performance: Bigger is better!"""
76  test = _DomPerfMeasurement
78  def CreatePageSet(self, options):
79    dom_perf_dir = os.path.join(util.GetChromiumSrcDir(), 'data', 'dom_perf')
80    run_params = [
81      'Accessors',
82      'CloneNodes',
83      'CreateNodes',
84      'DOMDivWalk',
85      'DOMTable',
86      'DOMWalk',
87      'Events',
88      'Get+Elements',
89      'GridSort',
90      'Template'
91    ]
92    ps = page_set.PageSet(file_path=dom_perf_dir)
93    for param in run_params:
94      ps.AddPageWithDefaultRunNavigate(
95        'file://run.html?reportInJS=1&run=%s' % param)
96    return ps