elf_file.cc revision f8ee788a64d60abd8f2d742a5fdedde054ecd910
1// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5// TODO(simonb): Extend for 64-bit target libraries.
7#include "elf_file.h"
9#include <stdlib.h>
10#include <sys/types.h>
11#include <unistd.h>
12#include <string>
13#include <vector>
15#include "debug.h"
16#include "libelf.h"
17#include "packer.h"
19namespace relocation_packer {
21// Stub identifier written to 'null out' packed data, "NULL".
22static const Elf32_Word kStubIdentifier = 0x4c4c554eu;
24// Out-of-band dynamic tags used to indicate the offset and size of the
25// .android.rel.dyn section.
26static const Elf32_Sword DT_ANDROID_ARM_REL_OFFSET = DT_LOPROC;
27static const Elf32_Sword DT_ANDROID_ARM_REL_SIZE = DT_LOPROC + 1;
29// Alignment to preserve, in bytes.  This must be at least as large as the
30// largest d_align and sh_addralign values found in the loaded file.
31static const size_t kPreserveAlignment = 256;
33namespace {
35// Get section data.  Checks that the section has exactly one data entry,
36// so that the section size and the data size are the same.  True in
37// practice for all sections we resize when packing or unpacking.  Done
38// by ensuring that a call to elf_getdata(section, data) returns NULL as
39// the next data entry.
40Elf_Data* GetSectionData(Elf_Scn* section) {
41  Elf_Data* data = elf_getdata(section, NULL);
42  CHECK(data && elf_getdata(section, data) == NULL);
43  return data;
46// Rewrite section data.  Allocates new data and makes it the data element's
47// buffer.  Relies on program exit to free allocated data.
48void RewriteSectionData(Elf_Data* data,
49                        const void* section_data,
50                        size_t size) {
51  CHECK(size == data->d_size);
52  uint8_t* area = new uint8_t[size];
53  memcpy(area, section_data, size);
54  data->d_buf = area;
57// Verbose ELF header logging.
58void VerboseLogElfHeader(const Elf32_Ehdr* elf_header) {
59  VLOG("e_phoff = %u\n", elf_header->e_phoff);
60  VLOG("e_shoff = %u\n", elf_header->e_shoff);
61  VLOG("e_ehsize = %u\n", elf_header->e_ehsize);
62  VLOG("e_phentsize = %u\n", elf_header->e_phentsize);
63  VLOG("e_phnum = %u\n", elf_header->e_phnum);
64  VLOG("e_shnum = %u\n", elf_header->e_shnum);
65  VLOG("e_shstrndx = %u\n", elf_header->e_shstrndx);
68// Verbose ELF program header logging.
69void VerboseLogProgramHeader(size_t program_header_index,
70                             const Elf32_Phdr* program_header) {
71  std::string type;
72  switch (program_header->p_type) {
73    case PT_NULL: type = "NULL"; break;
74    case PT_LOAD: type = "LOAD"; break;
75    case PT_DYNAMIC: type = "DYNAMIC"; break;
76    case PT_INTERP: type = "INTERP"; break;
77    case PT_NOTE: type = "NOTE"; break;
78    case PT_SHLIB: type = "SHLIB"; break;
79    case PT_PHDR: type = "PHDR"; break;
80    case PT_TLS: type = "TLS"; break;
81    default: type = "(OTHER)"; break;
82  }
83  VLOG("phdr %lu : %s\n", program_header_index, type.c_str());
84  VLOG("  p_offset = %u\n", program_header->p_offset);
85  VLOG("  p_vaddr = %u\n", program_header->p_vaddr);
86  VLOG("  p_paddr = %u\n", program_header->p_paddr);
87  VLOG("  p_filesz = %u\n", program_header->p_filesz);
88  VLOG("  p_memsz = %u\n", program_header->p_memsz);
91// Verbose ELF section header logging.
92void VerboseLogSectionHeader(const std::string& section_name,
93                             const Elf32_Shdr* section_header) {
94  VLOG("section %s\n", section_name.c_str());
95  VLOG("  sh_addr = %u\n", section_header->sh_addr);
96  VLOG("  sh_offset = %u\n", section_header->sh_offset);
97  VLOG("  sh_size = %u\n", section_header->sh_size);
98  VLOG("  sh_addralign = %u\n", section_header->sh_addralign);
101// Verbose ELF section data logging.
102void VerboseLogSectionData(const Elf_Data* data) {
103  VLOG("  data\n");
104  VLOG("    d_buf = %p\n", data->d_buf);
105  VLOG("    d_off = %lu\n", data->d_off);
106  VLOG("    d_size = %lu\n", data->d_size);
107  VLOG("    d_align = %lu\n", data->d_align);
110}  // namespace
112// Load the complete ELF file into a memory image in libelf, and identify
113// the .rel.dyn, .dynamic, and .android.rel.dyn sections.  No-op if the
114// ELF file has already been loaded.
115bool ElfFile::Load() {
116  if (elf_)
117    return true;
119  elf_ = elf_begin(fd_, ELF_C_RDWR, NULL);
120  CHECK(elf_);
122  if (elf_kind(elf_) != ELF_K_ELF) {
123    LOG("ERROR: File not in ELF format\n");
124    return false;
125  }
127  Elf32_Ehdr* elf_header = elf32_getehdr(elf_);
128  if (!elf_header) {
129    LOG("ERROR: Failed to load ELF header\n");
130    return false;
131  }
132  if (elf_header->e_machine != EM_ARM) {
133    LOG("ERROR: File is not an arm32 ELF file\n");
134    return false;
135  }
137  // Require that our endianness matches that of the target, and that both
138  // are little-endian.  Safe for all current build/target combinations.
139  const int endian = static_cast<int>(elf_header->e_ident[5]);
140  CHECK(endian == ELFDATA2LSB);
143  VLOG("endian = %u\n", endian);
144  VerboseLogElfHeader(elf_header);
146  const Elf32_Phdr* elf_program_header = elf32_getphdr(elf_);
147  CHECK(elf_program_header);
149  const Elf32_Phdr* dynamic_program_header = NULL;
150  for (size_t i = 0; i < elf_header->e_phnum; ++i) {
151    const Elf32_Phdr* program_header = &elf_program_header[i];
152    VerboseLogProgramHeader(i, program_header);
154    if (program_header->p_type == PT_DYNAMIC) {
155      CHECK(dynamic_program_header == NULL);
156      dynamic_program_header = program_header;
157    }
158  }
159  CHECK(dynamic_program_header != NULL);
161  size_t string_index;
162  elf_getshdrstrndx(elf_, &string_index);
164  // Notes of the .rel.dyn, .android.rel.dyn, and .dynamic sections.  Found
165  // while iterating sections, and later stored in class attributes.
166  Elf_Scn* found_rel_dyn_section = NULL;
167  Elf_Scn* found_android_rel_dyn_section = NULL;
168  Elf_Scn* found_dynamic_section = NULL;
170  // Flag set if we encounter any .debug* section.  We do not adjust any
171  // offsets or addresses of any debug data, so if we find one of these then
172  // the resulting output shared object should still run, but might not be
173  // usable for debugging, disassembly, and so on.  Provides a warning if
174  // this occurs.
175  bool has_debug_section = false;
177  Elf_Scn* section = NULL;
178  while ((section = elf_nextscn(elf_, section)) != NULL) {
179    const Elf32_Shdr* section_header = elf32_getshdr(section);
180    std::string name = elf_strptr(elf_, string_index, section_header->sh_name);
181    VerboseLogSectionHeader(name, section_header);
183    // Note special sections as we encounter them.
184    if (name == ".rel.dyn") {
185      found_rel_dyn_section = section;
186    }
187    if (name == ".android.rel.dyn") {
188      found_android_rel_dyn_section = section;
189    }
190    if (section_header->sh_offset == dynamic_program_header->p_offset) {
191      found_dynamic_section = section;
192    }
194    // If we find a section named .debug*, set the debug warning flag.
195    if (std::string(name).find(".debug") == 0) {
196      has_debug_section = true;
197    }
199    // Ensure we preserve alignment, repeated later for the data block(s).
200    CHECK(section_header->sh_addralign <= kPreserveAlignment);
202    Elf_Data* data = NULL;
203    while ((data = elf_getdata(section, data)) != NULL) {
204      CHECK(data->d_align <= kPreserveAlignment);
205      VerboseLogSectionData(data);
206    }
207  }
209  // Loading failed if we did not find the required special sections.
210  if (!found_rel_dyn_section) {
211    LOG("ERROR: Missing .rel.dyn section\n");
212    return false;
213  }
214  if (!found_dynamic_section) {
215    LOG("ERROR: Missing .dynamic section\n");
216    return false;
217  }
218  if (!found_android_rel_dyn_section) {
219    LOG("ERROR: Missing .android.rel.dyn section "
220        "(to fix, run with --help and follow the pre-packing instructions)\n");
221    return false;
222  }
224  if (has_debug_section) {
225    LOG("WARNING: found .debug section(s), and ignored them\n");
226  }
228  rel_dyn_section_ = found_rel_dyn_section;
229  dynamic_section_ = found_dynamic_section;
230  android_rel_dyn_section_ = found_android_rel_dyn_section;
231  return true;
234namespace {
236// Helper for ResizeSection().  Adjust the main ELF header for the hole.
237void AdjustElfHeaderForHole(Elf32_Ehdr* elf_header,
238                            Elf32_Off hole_start,
239                            int32_t hole_size) {
240  if (elf_header->e_phoff > hole_start) {
241    elf_header->e_phoff += hole_size;
242    VLOG("e_phoff adjusted to %u\n", elf_header->e_phoff);
243  }
244  if (elf_header->e_shoff > hole_start) {
245    elf_header->e_shoff += hole_size;
246    VLOG("e_shoff adjusted to %u\n", elf_header->e_shoff);
247  }
250// Helper for ResizeSection().  Adjust all program headers for the hole.
251void AdjustProgramHeadersForHole(Elf32_Phdr* elf_program_header,
252                                 size_t program_header_count,
253                                 Elf32_Off hole_start,
254                                 int32_t hole_size) {
255  for (size_t i = 0; i < program_header_count; ++i) {
256    Elf32_Phdr* program_header = &elf_program_header[i];
258    if (program_header->p_offset > hole_start) {
259      // The hole start is past this segment, so adjust offsets and addrs.
260      program_header->p_offset += hole_size;
261      VLOG("phdr %lu p_offset adjusted to %u\n", i, program_header->p_offset);
263      // Only adjust vaddr and paddr if this program header has them.
264      if (program_header->p_vaddr != 0) {
265        program_header->p_vaddr += hole_size;
266        VLOG("phdr %lu p_vaddr adjusted to %u\n", i, program_header->p_vaddr);
267      }
268      if (program_header->p_paddr != 0) {
269        program_header->p_paddr += hole_size;
270        VLOG("phdr %lu p_paddr adjusted to %u\n", i, program_header->p_paddr);
271      }
272    } else if (program_header->p_offset +
273               program_header->p_filesz > hole_start) {
274      // The hole start is within this segment, so adjust file and in-memory
275      // sizes, but leave offsets and addrs unchanged.
276      program_header->p_filesz += hole_size;
277      VLOG("phdr %lu p_filesz adjusted to %u\n", i, program_header->p_filesz);
278      program_header->p_memsz += hole_size;
279      VLOG("phdr %lu p_memsz adjusted to %u\n", i, program_header->p_memsz);
280    }
281  }
284// Helper for ResizeSection().  Adjust all section headers for the hole.
285void AdjustSectionHeadersForHole(Elf* elf,
286                                 Elf32_Off hole_start,
287                                 int32_t hole_size) {
288  size_t string_index;
289  elf_getshdrstrndx(elf, &string_index);
291  Elf_Scn* section = NULL;
292  while ((section = elf_nextscn(elf, section)) != NULL) {
293    Elf32_Shdr* section_header = elf32_getshdr(section);
294    std::string name = elf_strptr(elf, string_index, section_header->sh_name);
296    if (section_header->sh_offset > hole_start) {
297      section_header->sh_offset += hole_size;
298      VLOG("section %s sh_offset"
299           " adjusted to %u\n", name.c_str(), section_header->sh_offset);
300      // Only adjust section addr if this section has one.
301      if (section_header->sh_addr != 0) {
302        section_header->sh_addr += hole_size;
303        VLOG("section %s sh_addr"
304             " adjusted to %u\n", name.c_str(), section_header->sh_addr);
305      }
306    }
307  }
310// Helper for ResizeSection().  Adjust the .dynamic section for the hole.
311void AdjustDynamicSectionForHole(Elf_Scn* dynamic_section,
312                                 bool is_rel_dyn_resize,
313                                 Elf32_Off hole_start,
314                                 int32_t hole_size) {
315  Elf_Data* data = GetSectionData(dynamic_section);
317  const Elf32_Dyn* dynamic_base = reinterpret_cast<Elf32_Dyn*>(data->d_buf);
318  std::vector<Elf32_Dyn> dynamics(
319      dynamic_base,
320      dynamic_base + data->d_size / sizeof(dynamics[0]));
322  for (size_t i = 0; i < dynamics.size(); ++i) {
323    Elf32_Dyn* dynamic = &dynamics[i];
324    const Elf32_Sword tag = dynamic->d_tag;
325    // Any tags that hold offsets are adjustment candidates.
326    const bool is_adjustable = (tag == DT_PLTGOT ||
327                                tag == DT_HASH ||
328                                tag == DT_STRTAB ||
329                                tag == DT_SYMTAB ||
330                                tag == DT_RELA ||
331                                tag == DT_INIT ||
332                                tag == DT_FINI ||
333                                tag == DT_REL ||
334                                tag == DT_JMPREL ||
335                                tag == DT_INIT_ARRAY ||
336                                tag == DT_FINI_ARRAY ||
337                                tag == DT_ANDROID_ARM_REL_OFFSET);
338    if (is_adjustable && dynamic->d_un.d_ptr > hole_start) {
339      dynamic->d_un.d_ptr += hole_size;
340      VLOG("dynamic[%lu] %u"
341           " d_ptr adjusted to %u\n", i, dynamic->d_tag, dynamic->d_un.d_ptr);
342    }
344    // If we are specifically resizing .rel.dyn, we need to make some added
345    // adjustments to tags that indicate the counts of R_ARM_RELATIVE
346    // relocations in the shared object.
347    if (is_rel_dyn_resize) {
348      // DT_RELSZ is the overall size of relocations.  Adjust by hole size.
349      if (tag == DT_RELSZ) {
350        dynamic->d_un.d_val += hole_size;
351        VLOG("dynamic[%lu] %u"
352             " d_val adjusted to %u\n", i, dynamic->d_tag, dynamic->d_un.d_val);
353      }
355      // The crazy linker does not use DT_RELCOUNT, but we keep it updated
356      // anyway.  In practice the section hole is always equal to the size
357      // of R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations, and DT_RELCOUNT is the count of
358      // relative relocations.  So closing a hole on packing reduces
359      // DT_RELCOUNT to zero, and opening a hole on unpacking restores it to
360      // its pre-packed value.
361      if (tag == DT_RELCOUNT) {
362        dynamic->d_un.d_val += hole_size / sizeof(Elf32_Rel);
363        VLOG("dynamic[%lu] %u"
364             " d_val adjusted to %u\n", i, dynamic->d_tag, dynamic->d_un.d_val);
365      }
367      // DT_RELENT doesn't change, but make sure it is what we expect.
368      if (tag == DT_RELENT) {
369        CHECK(dynamic->d_un.d_val == sizeof(Elf32_Rel));
370      }
371    }
372  }
374  void* section_data = &dynamics[0];
375  size_t bytes = dynamics.size() * sizeof(dynamics[0]);
376  RewriteSectionData(data, section_data, bytes);
379// Helper for ResizeSection().  Adjust the .dynsym section for the hole.
380// We need to adjust the values for the symbols represented in it.
381void AdjustDynSymSectionForHole(Elf_Scn* dynsym_section,
382                                Elf32_Off hole_start,
383                                int32_t hole_size) {
384  Elf_Data* data = GetSectionData(dynsym_section);
386  const Elf32_Sym* dynsym_base = reinterpret_cast<Elf32_Sym*>(data->d_buf);
387  std::vector<Elf32_Sym> dynsyms
388      (dynsym_base,
389       dynsym_base + data->d_size / sizeof(dynsyms[0]));
391  for (size_t i = 0; i < dynsyms.size(); ++i) {
392    Elf32_Sym* dynsym = &dynsyms[i];
393    const int type = static_cast<int>(ELF32_ST_TYPE(dynsym->st_info));
394    const bool is_adjustable = (type == STT_OBJECT ||
395                                type == STT_FUNC ||
396                                type == STT_SECTION ||
397                                type == STT_FILE ||
398                                type == STT_COMMON ||
399                                type == STT_TLS);
400    if (is_adjustable && dynsym->st_value > hole_start) {
401      dynsym->st_value += hole_size;
402      VLOG("dynsym[%lu] type=%u"
403           " st_value adjusted to %u\n", i, type, dynsym->st_value);
404    }
405  }
407  void* section_data = &dynsyms[0];
408  size_t bytes = dynsyms.size() * sizeof(dynsyms[0]);
409  RewriteSectionData(data, section_data, bytes);
412// Helper for ResizeSection().  Adjust the .rel.plt section for the hole.
413// We need to adjust the offset of every relocation inside it that falls
414// beyond the hole start.
415void AdjustRelPltSectionForHole(Elf_Scn* relplt_section,
416                                Elf32_Off hole_start,
417                                int32_t hole_size) {
418  Elf_Data* data = GetSectionData(relplt_section);
420  const Elf32_Rel* relplt_base = reinterpret_cast<Elf32_Rel*>(data->d_buf);
421  std::vector<Elf32_Rel> relplts(
422      relplt_base,
423      relplt_base + data->d_size / sizeof(relplts[0]));
425  for (size_t i = 0; i < relplts.size(); ++i) {
426    Elf32_Rel* relplt = &relplts[i];
427    if (relplt->r_offset > hole_start) {
428      relplt->r_offset += hole_size;
429      VLOG("relplt[%lu] r_offset adjusted to %u\n", i, relplt->r_offset);
430    }
431  }
433  void* section_data = &relplts[0];
434  size_t bytes = relplts.size() * sizeof(relplts[0]);
435  RewriteSectionData(data, section_data, bytes);
438// Helper for ResizeSection().  Adjust the .symtab section for the hole.
439// We want to adjust the value of every symbol in it that falls beyond
440// the hole start.
441void AdjustSymTabSectionForHole(Elf_Scn* symtab_section,
442                                Elf32_Off hole_start,
443                                int32_t hole_size) {
444  Elf_Data* data = GetSectionData(symtab_section);
446  const Elf32_Sym* symtab_base = reinterpret_cast<Elf32_Sym*>(data->d_buf);
447  std::vector<Elf32_Sym> symtab(
448      symtab_base,
449      symtab_base + data->d_size / sizeof(symtab[0]));
451  for (size_t i = 0; i < symtab.size(); ++i) {
452    Elf32_Sym* sym = &symtab[i];
453    if (sym->st_value > hole_start) {
454      sym->st_value += hole_size;
455      VLOG("symtab[%lu] value adjusted to %u\n", i, sym->st_value);
456    }
457  }
459  void* section_data = &symtab[0];
460  size_t bytes = symtab.size() * sizeof(symtab[0]);
461  RewriteSectionData(data, section_data, bytes);
464// Resize a section.  If the new size is larger than the current size, open
465// up a hole by increasing file offsets that come after the hole.  If smaller
466// than the current size, remove the hole by decreasing those offsets.
467void ResizeSection(Elf* elf, Elf_Scn* section, size_t new_size) {
468  Elf32_Shdr* section_header = elf32_getshdr(section);
469  if (section_header->sh_size == new_size)
470    return;
472  // Note if we are resizing the real .rel.dyn.  If yes, then we have to
473  // massage d_un.d_val in the dynamic section where d_tag is DT_RELSZ and
474  // DT_RELCOUNT.
475  size_t string_index;
476  elf_getshdrstrndx(elf, &string_index);
477  const std::string section_name =
478      elf_strptr(elf, string_index, section_header->sh_name);
479  const bool is_rel_dyn_resize = section_name == ".rel.dyn";
481  // Require that the section size and the data size are the same.  True
482  // in practice for all sections we resize when packing or unpacking.
483  Elf_Data* data = GetSectionData(section);
484  CHECK(data->d_off == 0 && data->d_size == section_header->sh_size);
486  // Require that the section is not zero-length (that is, has allocated
487  // data that we can validly expand).
488  CHECK(data->d_size && data->d_buf);
490  const Elf32_Off hole_start = section_header->sh_offset;
491  const int32_t hole_size = new_size - data->d_size;
493  VLOG_IF(hole_size > 0, "expand section size = %lu\n", data->d_size);
494  VLOG_IF(hole_size < 0, "shrink section size = %lu\n", data->d_size);
496  // Resize the data and the section header.
497  data->d_size += hole_size;
498  section_header->sh_size += hole_size;
500  Elf32_Ehdr* elf_header = elf32_getehdr(elf);
501  Elf32_Phdr* elf_program_header = elf32_getphdr(elf);
503  // Add the hole size to all offsets in the ELF file that are after the
504  // start of the hole.  If the hole size is positive we are expanding the
505  // section to create a new hole; if negative, we are closing up a hole.
507  // Start with the main ELF header.
508  AdjustElfHeaderForHole(elf_header, hole_start, hole_size);
510  // Adjust all program headers.
511  AdjustProgramHeadersForHole(elf_program_header,
512                              elf_header->e_phnum,
513                              hole_start,
514                              hole_size);
516  // Adjust all section headers.
517  AdjustSectionHeadersForHole(elf, hole_start, hole_size);
519  // We use the dynamic program header entry to locate the dynamic section.
520  const Elf32_Phdr* dynamic_program_header = NULL;
522  // Find the dynamic program header entry.
523  for (size_t i = 0; i < elf_header->e_phnum; ++i) {
524    Elf32_Phdr* program_header = &elf_program_header[i];
526    if (program_header->p_type == PT_DYNAMIC) {
527      dynamic_program_header = program_header;
528    }
529  }
530  CHECK(dynamic_program_header);
532  // Sections requiring special attention, and the .android.rel.dyn offset.
533  Elf_Scn* dynamic_section = NULL;
534  Elf_Scn* dynsym_section = NULL;
535  Elf_Scn* relplt_section = NULL;
536  Elf_Scn* symtab_section = NULL;
537  Elf32_Off android_rel_dyn_offset = 0;
539  // Find these sections, and the .android.rel.dyn offset.
540  section = NULL;
541  while ((section = elf_nextscn(elf, section)) != NULL) {
542    Elf32_Shdr* section_header = elf32_getshdr(section);
543    std::string name = elf_strptr(elf, string_index, section_header->sh_name);
545    if (section_header->sh_offset == dynamic_program_header->p_offset) {
546      dynamic_section = section;
547    }
548    if (name == ".dynsym") {
549      dynsym_section = section;
550    }
551    if (name == ".rel.plt") {
552      relplt_section = section;
553    }
554    if (name == ".symtab") {
555      symtab_section = section;
556    }
558    // Note .android.rel.dyn offset.
559    if (name == ".android.rel.dyn") {
560      android_rel_dyn_offset = section_header->sh_offset;
561    }
562  }
563  CHECK(dynamic_section != NULL);
564  CHECK(dynsym_section != NULL);
565  CHECK(relplt_section != NULL);
566  CHECK(android_rel_dyn_offset != 0);
568  // Adjust the .dynamic section for the hole.  Because we have to edit the
569  // current contents of .dynamic we disallow resizing it.
570  CHECK(section != dynamic_section);
571  AdjustDynamicSectionForHole(dynamic_section,
572                              is_rel_dyn_resize,
573                              hole_start,
574                              hole_size);
576  // Adjust the .dynsym section for the hole.
577  AdjustDynSymSectionForHole(dynsym_section, hole_start, hole_size);
579  // Adjust the .rel.plt section for the hole.
580  AdjustRelPltSectionForHole(relplt_section, hole_start, hole_size);
582  // If present, adjust the .symtab section for the hole.  If the shared
583  // library was stripped then .symtab will be absent.
584  if (symtab_section)
585    AdjustSymTabSectionForHole(symtab_section, hole_start, hole_size);
588// Replace the first free (unused) slot in a dynamics vector with the given
589// value.  The vector always ends with a free (unused) element, so the slot
590// found cannot be the last one in the vector.
591void AddDynamicEntry(Elf32_Dyn dyn,
592                     std::vector<Elf32_Dyn>* dynamics) {
593  // Loop until the penultimate entry.  We cannot replace the end sentinel.
594  for (size_t i = 0; i < dynamics->size() - 1; ++i) {
595    Elf32_Dyn &slot = dynamics->at(i);
596    if (slot.d_tag == DT_NULL) {
597      slot = dyn;
598      VLOG("dynamic[%lu] overwritten with %u\n", i, dyn.d_tag);
599      return;
600    }
601  }
603  // No free dynamics vector slot was found.
604  LOG("FATAL: No spare dynamic vector slots found "
605      "(to fix, increase gold's --spare-dynamic-tags value)\n");
609// Remove the element in the dynamics vector that matches the given tag with
610// unused slot data.  Shuffle the following elements up, and ensure that the
611// last is the null sentinel.
612void RemoveDynamicEntry(Elf32_Sword tag,
613                        std::vector<Elf32_Dyn>* dynamics) {
614  // Loop until the penultimate entry, and never match the end sentinel.
615  for (size_t i = 0; i < dynamics->size() - 1; ++i) {
616    Elf32_Dyn &slot = dynamics->at(i);
617    if (slot.d_tag == tag) {
618      for ( ; i < dynamics->size() - 1; ++i) {
619        dynamics->at(i) = dynamics->at(i + 1);
620        VLOG("dynamic[%lu] overwritten with dynamic[%lu]\n", i, i + 1);
621      }
622      CHECK(dynamics->at(i).d_tag == DT_NULL);
623      return;
624    }
625  }
627  // No matching dynamics vector entry was found.
631// Apply R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations to the file data to which they refer.
632// This relocates data into the area it will occupy after the hole in
633// .rel.dyn is added or removed.
634void AdjustRelocationTargets(Elf* elf,
635                             Elf32_Off hole_start,
636                             size_t hole_size,
637                             const std::vector<Elf32_Rel>& relocations) {
638  Elf_Scn* section = NULL;
639  while ((section = elf_nextscn(elf, section)) != NULL) {
640    const Elf32_Shdr* section_header = elf32_getshdr(section);
642    // Identify this section's start and end addresses.
643    const Elf32_Addr section_start = section_header->sh_addr;
644    const Elf32_Addr section_end = section_start + section_header->sh_size;
646    Elf_Data* data = GetSectionData(section);
648    // Ignore sections with no effective data.
649    if (data->d_buf == NULL)
650      continue;
652    // Create a copy-on-write pointer to the section's data.
653    uint8_t* area = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(data->d_buf);
655    for (size_t i = 0; i < relocations.size(); ++i) {
656      const Elf32_Rel* relocation = &relocations[i];
657      CHECK(ELF32_R_TYPE(relocation->r_info) == R_ARM_RELATIVE);
659      // See if this relocation points into the current section.
660      if (relocation->r_offset >= section_start &&
661          relocation->r_offset < section_end) {
662        Elf32_Addr byte_offset = relocation->r_offset - section_start;
663        Elf32_Off* target = reinterpret_cast<Elf32_Off*>(area + byte_offset);
665        // Is the relocation's target after the hole's start?
666        if (*target > hole_start) {
667          // Copy on first write.  Recompute target to point into the newly
668          // allocated buffer.
669          if (area == data->d_buf) {
670            area = new uint8_t[data->d_size];
671            memcpy(area, data->d_buf, data->d_size);
672            target = reinterpret_cast<Elf32_Off*>(area + byte_offset);
673          }
675          *target += hole_size;
676          VLOG("relocation[%lu] target adjusted to %u\n", i, *target);
677        }
678      }
679    }
681    // If we applied any relocation to this section, write it back.
682    if (area != data->d_buf) {
683      RewriteSectionData(data, area, data->d_size);
684      delete [] area;
685    }
686  }
689// Pad relocations with a given number of R_ARM_NONE relocations.
690void PadRelocations(size_t count,
691                    std::vector<Elf32_Rel>* relocations) {
692  const Elf32_Rel r_arm_none = {R_ARM_NONE, 0};
693  std::vector<Elf32_Rel> padding(count, r_arm_none);
694  relocations->insert(relocations->end(), padding.begin(), padding.end());
697// Adjust relocations so that the offset that they indicate will be correct
698// after the hole in .rel.dyn is added or removed (in effect, relocate the
699// relocations).
700void AdjustRelocations(Elf32_Off hole_start,
701                       size_t hole_size,
702                       std::vector<Elf32_Rel>* relocations) {
703  for (size_t i = 0; i < relocations->size(); ++i) {
704    Elf32_Rel* relocation = &relocations->at(i);
705    if (relocation->r_offset > hole_start) {
706      relocation->r_offset += hole_size;
707      VLOG("relocation[%lu] offset adjusted to %u\n", i, relocation->r_offset);
708    }
709  }
712}  // namespace
714// Remove R_ARM_RELATIVE entries from .rel.dyn and write as packed data
715// into .android.rel.dyn.
716bool ElfFile::PackRelocations() {
717  // Load the ELF file into libelf.
718  if (!Load()) {
719    LOG("ERROR: Failed to load as ELF (elf_error=%d)\n", elf_errno());
720    return false;
721  }
723  // Retrieve the current .rel.dyn section data.
724  Elf_Data* data = GetSectionData(rel_dyn_section_);
726  // Convert data to a vector of Elf32 relocations.
727  const Elf32_Rel* relocations_base = reinterpret_cast<Elf32_Rel*>(data->d_buf);
728  std::vector<Elf32_Rel> relocations(
729      relocations_base,
730      relocations_base + data->d_size / sizeof(relocations[0]));
732  std::vector<Elf32_Rel> relative_relocations;
733  std::vector<Elf32_Rel> other_relocations;
735  // Filter relocations into those that are R_ARM_RELATIVE and others.
736  for (size_t i = 0; i < relocations.size(); ++i) {
737    const Elf32_Rel& relocation = relocations[i];
738    if (ELF32_R_TYPE(relocation.r_info) == R_ARM_RELATIVE) {
739      CHECK(ELF32_R_SYM(relocation.r_info) == 0);
740      relative_relocations.push_back(relocation);
741    } else {
742      other_relocations.push_back(relocation);
743    }
744  }
745  LOG("R_ARM_RELATIVE: %lu entries\n", relative_relocations.size());
746  LOG("Other         : %lu entries\n", other_relocations.size());
747  LOG("Total         : %lu entries\n", relocations.size());
749  // If no relative relocations then we have nothing packable.  Perhaps
750  // the shared object has already been packed?
751  if (relative_relocations.empty()) {
752    LOG("ERROR: No R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations found (already packed?)\n");
753    return false;
754  }
756  // Unless padding, pre-apply R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations to account for the
757  // hole, and pre-adjust all relocation offsets accordingly.
758  if (!is_padding_rel_dyn_) {
759    // Pre-calculate the size of the hole we will close up when we rewrite
760    // .rel.dyn.  We have to adjust relocation addresses to account for this.
761    Elf32_Shdr* section_header = elf32_getshdr(rel_dyn_section_);
762    const Elf32_Off hole_start = section_header->sh_offset;
763    size_t hole_size =
764        relative_relocations.size() * sizeof(relative_relocations[0]);
765    const size_t unaligned_hole_size = hole_size;
767    // Adjust the actual hole size to preserve alignment.
768    hole_size -= hole_size % kPreserveAlignment;
769    LOG("Compaction    : %lu bytes\n", hole_size);
771    // Adjusting for alignment may have removed any packing benefit.
772    if (hole_size == 0) {
773      LOG("Too few R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations to pack after alignment\n");
774      return false;
775    }
777    // Add R_ARM_NONE relocations to other_relocations to preserve alignment.
778    const size_t padding_bytes = unaligned_hole_size - hole_size;
779    CHECK(padding_bytes % sizeof(other_relocations[0]) == 0);
780    const size_t required = padding_bytes / sizeof(other_relocations[0]);
781    PadRelocations(required, &other_relocations);
782    LOG("Alignment pad : %lu relocations\n", required);
784    // Apply relocations to all R_ARM_RELATIVE data to relocate it into the
785    // area it will occupy once the hole in .rel.dyn is removed.
786    AdjustRelocationTargets(elf_, hole_start, -hole_size, relative_relocations);
787    // Relocate the relocations.
788    AdjustRelocations(hole_start, -hole_size, &relative_relocations);
789    AdjustRelocations(hole_start, -hole_size, &other_relocations);
790  } else {
791    // If padding, add R_ARM_NONE relocations to other_relocations to make it
792    // the same size as the the original relocations we read in.  This makes
793    // the ResizeSection() below a no-op.
794    const size_t required = relocations.size() - other_relocations.size();
795    PadRelocations(required, &other_relocations);
796  }
799  // Pack R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations.
800  const size_t initial_bytes =
801      relative_relocations.size() * sizeof(relative_relocations[0]);
802  LOG("Unpacked R_ARM_RELATIVE: %lu bytes\n", initial_bytes);
803  std::vector<uint8_t> packed;
804  RelocationPacker packer;
805  packer.PackRelativeRelocations(relative_relocations, &packed);
806  const void* packed_data = &packed[0];
807  const size_t packed_bytes = packed.size() * sizeof(packed[0]);
808  LOG("Packed   R_ARM_RELATIVE: %lu bytes\n", packed_bytes);
810  // If we have insufficient R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations to form a run then
811  // packing fails.
812  if (packed.empty()) {
813    LOG("Too few R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations to pack\n");
814    return false;
815  }
817  // Run a loopback self-test as a check that packing is lossless.
818  std::vector<Elf32_Rel> unpacked;
819  packer.UnpackRelativeRelocations(packed, &unpacked);
820  CHECK(unpacked.size() == relative_relocations.size());
821  for (size_t i = 0; i < unpacked.size(); ++i) {
822    CHECK(unpacked[i].r_offset == relative_relocations[i].r_offset);
823    CHECK(unpacked[i].r_info == relative_relocations[i].r_info);
824  }
826  // Make sure packing saved some space.
827  if (packed_bytes >= initial_bytes) {
828    LOG("Packing R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations saves no space\n");
829    return false;
830  }
832  // Rewrite the current .rel.dyn section to be only the non-R_ARM_RELATIVE
833  // relocations, then shrink it to size.
834  const void* section_data = &other_relocations[0];
835  const size_t bytes = other_relocations.size() * sizeof(other_relocations[0]);
836  ResizeSection(elf_, rel_dyn_section_, bytes);
837  RewriteSectionData(data, section_data, bytes);
839  // Rewrite the current .android.rel.dyn section to hold the packed
840  // R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations.
841  data = GetSectionData(android_rel_dyn_section_);
842  ResizeSection(elf_, android_rel_dyn_section_, packed_bytes);
843  RewriteSectionData(data, packed_data, packed_bytes);
845  // Rewrite .dynamic to include two new tags describing .android.rel.dyn.
846  data = GetSectionData(dynamic_section_);
847  const Elf32_Dyn* dynamic_base = reinterpret_cast<Elf32_Dyn*>(data->d_buf);
848  std::vector<Elf32_Dyn> dynamics(
849      dynamic_base,
850      dynamic_base + data->d_size / sizeof(dynamics[0]));
851  Elf32_Shdr* section_header = elf32_getshdr(android_rel_dyn_section_);
852  // Use two of the spare slots to describe the .android.rel.dyn section.
853  const Elf32_Dyn offset_dyn
854      = {DT_ANDROID_ARM_REL_OFFSET, {section_header->sh_offset}};
855  AddDynamicEntry(offset_dyn, &dynamics);
856  const Elf32_Dyn size_dyn
857      = {DT_ANDROID_ARM_REL_SIZE, {section_header->sh_size}};
858  AddDynamicEntry(size_dyn, &dynamics);
859  const void* dynamics_data = &dynamics[0];
860  const size_t dynamics_bytes = dynamics.size() * sizeof(dynamics[0]);
861  RewriteSectionData(data, dynamics_data, dynamics_bytes);
863  Flush();
864  return true;
867// Find packed R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations in .android.rel.dyn, unpack them,
868// and rewrite the .rel.dyn section in so_file to contain unpacked data.
869bool ElfFile::UnpackRelocations() {
870  // Load the ELF file into libelf.
871  if (!Load()) {
872    LOG("ERROR: Failed to load as ELF (elf_error=%d)\n", elf_errno());
873    return false;
874  }
876  // Retrieve the current .android.rel.dyn section data.
877  Elf_Data* data = GetSectionData(android_rel_dyn_section_);
879  // Convert data to a vector of bytes.
880  const uint8_t* packed_base = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(data->d_buf);
881  std::vector<uint8_t> packed(
882      packed_base,
883      packed_base + data->d_size / sizeof(packed[0]));
885  // Properly packed data must begin with "APR1".
886  if (packed.empty() ||
887      packed[0] != 'A' || packed[1] != 'P' ||
888      packed[2] != 'R' || packed[3] != '1') {
889    LOG("ERROR: Packed R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations not found (not packed?)\n");
890    return false;
891  }
893  // Unpack the data to re-materialize the R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations.
894  const size_t packed_bytes = packed.size() * sizeof(packed[0]);
895  LOG("Packed   R_ARM_RELATIVE: %lu bytes\n", packed_bytes);
896  std::vector<Elf32_Rel> relative_relocations;
897  RelocationPacker packer;
898  packer.UnpackRelativeRelocations(packed, &relative_relocations);
899  const size_t unpacked_bytes =
900      relative_relocations.size() * sizeof(relative_relocations[0]);
901  LOG("Unpacked R_ARM_RELATIVE: %lu bytes\n", unpacked_bytes);
903  // Retrieve the current .rel.dyn section data.
904  data = GetSectionData(rel_dyn_section_);
906  // Interpret data as Elf32 relocations.
907  const Elf32_Rel* relocations_base = reinterpret_cast<Elf32_Rel*>(data->d_buf);
908  std::vector<Elf32_Rel> relocations(
909      relocations_base,
910      relocations_base + data->d_size / sizeof(relocations[0]));
912  std::vector<Elf32_Rel> other_relocations;
913  size_t padding = 0;
915  // Filter relocations to locate any that are R_ARM_NONE.  These will occur
916  // if padding was turned on for packing.
917  for (size_t i = 0; i < relocations.size(); ++i) {
918    const Elf32_Rel& relocation = relocations[i];
919    if (ELF32_R_TYPE(relocation.r_info) != R_ARM_NONE) {
920      other_relocations.push_back(relocation);
921    } else {
922      ++padding;
923    }
924  }
925  LOG("R_ARM_RELATIVE: %lu entries\n", relative_relocations.size());
926  LOG("Other         : %lu entries\n", other_relocations.size());
928  // If we found the same number of R_ARM_NONE entries in .rel.dyn as we
929  // hold as unpacked relative relocations, then this is a padded file.
930  const bool is_padded = padding == relative_relocations.size();
932  // Unless padded, pre-apply R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations to account for the
933  // hole, and pre-adjust all relocation offsets accordingly.
934  if (!is_padded) {
935    // Pre-calculate the size of the hole we will open up when we rewrite
936    // .rel.dyn.  We have to adjust relocation addresses to account for this.
937    Elf32_Shdr* section_header = elf32_getshdr(rel_dyn_section_);
938    const Elf32_Off hole_start = section_header->sh_offset;
939    size_t hole_size =
940        relative_relocations.size() * sizeof(relative_relocations[0]);
942    // Adjust the hole size for the padding added to preserve alignment.
943    hole_size -= padding * sizeof(other_relocations[0]);
944    LOG("Expansion     : %lu bytes\n", hole_size);
946    // Apply relocations to all R_ARM_RELATIVE data to relocate it into the
947    // area it will occupy once the hole in .rel.dyn is opened.
948    AdjustRelocationTargets(elf_, hole_start, hole_size, relative_relocations);
949    // Relocate the relocations.
950    AdjustRelocations(hole_start, hole_size, &relative_relocations);
951    AdjustRelocations(hole_start, hole_size, &other_relocations);
952  }
954  // Rewrite the current .rel.dyn section to be the R_ARM_RELATIVE relocations
955  // followed by other relocations.  This is the usual order in which we find
956  // them after linking, so this action will normally put the entire .rel.dyn
957  // section back to its pre-split-and-packed state.
958  relocations.assign(relative_relocations.begin(), relative_relocations.end());
959  relocations.insert(relocations.end(),
960                     other_relocations.begin(), other_relocations.end());
961  const void* section_data = &relocations[0];
962  const size_t bytes = relocations.size() * sizeof(relocations[0]);
963  LOG("Total         : %lu entries\n", relocations.size());
964  ResizeSection(elf_, rel_dyn_section_, bytes);
965  RewriteSectionData(data, section_data, bytes);
967  // Nearly empty the current .android.rel.dyn section.  Leaves a four-byte
968  // stub so that some data remains allocated to the section.  This is a
969  // convenience which allows us to re-pack this file again without
970  // having to remove the section and then add a new small one with objcopy.
971  // The way we resize sections relies on there being some data in a section.
972  data = GetSectionData(android_rel_dyn_section_);
973  ResizeSection(elf_, android_rel_dyn_section_, sizeof(kStubIdentifier));
974  RewriteSectionData(data, &kStubIdentifier, sizeof(kStubIdentifier));
976  // Rewrite .dynamic to remove two tags describing .android.rel.dyn.
977  data = GetSectionData(dynamic_section_);
978  const Elf32_Dyn* dynamic_base = reinterpret_cast<Elf32_Dyn*>(data->d_buf);
979  std::vector<Elf32_Dyn> dynamics(
980      dynamic_base,
981      dynamic_base + data->d_size / sizeof(dynamics[0]));
982  RemoveDynamicEntry(DT_ANDROID_ARM_REL_SIZE, &dynamics);
983  RemoveDynamicEntry(DT_ANDROID_ARM_REL_OFFSET, &dynamics);
984  const void* dynamics_data = &dynamics[0];
985  const size_t dynamics_bytes = dynamics.size() * sizeof(dynamics[0]);
986  RewriteSectionData(data, dynamics_data, dynamics_bytes);
988  Flush();
989  return true;
992// Flush rewritten shared object file data.
993void ElfFile::Flush() {
994  // Flag all ELF data held in memory as needing to be written back to the
995  // file, and tell libelf that we have controlled the file layout.
996  elf_flagelf(elf_, ELF_C_SET, ELF_F_DIRTY);
997  elf_flagelf(elf_, ELF_C_SET, ELF_F_LAYOUT);
999  // Write ELF data back to disk.
1000  const off_t file_bytes = elf_update(elf_, ELF_C_WRITE);
1001  CHECK(file_bytes > 0);
1002  VLOG("elf_update returned: %lu\n", file_bytes);
1004  // Clean up libelf, and truncate the output file to the number of bytes
1005  // written by elf_update().
1006  elf_end(elf_);
1007  elf_ = NULL;
1008  const int truncate = ftruncate(fd_, file_bytes);
1009  CHECK(truncate == 0);
1012}  // namespace relocation_packer