1# Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5import logging
6import tempfile
8from telemetry import decorators
9from telemetry.core import exceptions
10from telemetry.core import platform
11from telemetry.core import util
12from telemetry.core import video
13from telemetry.core.backends import adb_commands
14from telemetry.core.platform import android_device
15from telemetry.core.platform import linux_based_platform_backend
16from telemetry.core.platform.power_monitor import android_ds2784_power_monitor
17from telemetry.core.platform.power_monitor import android_dumpsys_power_monitor
18from telemetry.core.platform.power_monitor import android_temperature_monitor
19from telemetry.core.platform.power_monitor import monsoon_power_monitor
20from telemetry.core.platform.power_monitor import power_monitor_controller
21from telemetry.core.platform.profiler import android_prebuilt_profiler_helper
23# Get build/android scripts into our path.
24util.AddDirToPythonPath(util.GetChromiumSrcDir(), 'build', 'android')
25from pylib import screenshot  # pylint: disable=F0401
26from pylib.perf import cache_control  # pylint: disable=F0401
27from pylib.perf import perf_control  # pylint: disable=F0401
28from pylib.perf import thermal_throttle  # pylint: disable=F0401
31  from pylib.perf import surface_stats_collector  # pylint: disable=F0401
32except Exception:
33  surface_stats_collector = None
36class AndroidPlatformBackend(
37    linux_based_platform_backend.LinuxBasedPlatformBackend):
38  def __init__(self, device):
39    assert device, (
40        'AndroidPlatformBackend can only be initialized from remote device')
41    super(AndroidPlatformBackend, self).__init__(device)
42    self._adb = adb_commands.AdbCommands(device=device.device_id)
43    installed_prebuilt_tools = adb_commands.SetupPrebuiltTools(self._adb)
44    if not installed_prebuilt_tools:
45      logging.error(
46          '%s detected, however prebuilt android tools could not '
47          'be used. To run on Android you must build them first:\n'
48          '  $ ninja -C out/Release android_tools' % device.name)
49      raise exceptions.PlatformError()
50    # Trying to root the device, if possible.
51    if not self._adb.IsRootEnabled():
52      # Ignore result.
53      self._adb.EnableAdbRoot()
54    self._device = self._adb.device()
55    self._enable_performance_mode = device.enable_performance_mode
56    self._surface_stats_collector = None
57    self._perf_tests_setup = perf_control.PerfControl(self._device)
58    self._thermal_throttle = thermal_throttle.ThermalThrottle(self._device)
59    self._raw_display_frame_rate_measurements = []
60    self._can_access_protected_file_contents = \
61        self._device.old_interface.CanAccessProtectedFileContents()
62    power_controller = power_monitor_controller.PowerMonitorController([
63        monsoon_power_monitor.MonsoonPowerMonitor(self._device, self),
64        android_ds2784_power_monitor.DS2784PowerMonitor(self._device, self),
65        android_dumpsys_power_monitor.DumpsysPowerMonitor(self._device, self),
66    ])
67    self._power_monitor = android_temperature_monitor.AndroidTemperatureMonitor(
68        power_controller, self._device)
69    self._video_recorder = None
70    self._installed_applications = None
71    if self._enable_performance_mode:
72      logging.warning('CPU governor will not be set!')
74  @classmethod
75  def SupportsDevice(cls, device):
76    return isinstance(device, android_device.AndroidDevice)
78  @property
79  def adb(self):
80    return self._adb
82  def IsRawDisplayFrameRateSupported(self):
83    return True
85  def StartRawDisplayFrameRateMeasurement(self):
86    assert not self._surface_stats_collector
87    # Clear any leftover data from previous timed out tests
88    self._raw_display_frame_rate_measurements = []
89    self._surface_stats_collector = \
90        surface_stats_collector.SurfaceStatsCollector(self._device)
91    self._surface_stats_collector.Start()
93  def StopRawDisplayFrameRateMeasurement(self):
94    if not self._surface_stats_collector:
95      return
97    self._surface_stats_collector.Stop()
98    for r in self._surface_stats_collector.GetResults():
99      self._raw_display_frame_rate_measurements.append(
100          platform.Platform.RawDisplayFrameRateMeasurement(
101              r.name, r.value, r.unit))
103    self._surface_stats_collector = None
105  def GetRawDisplayFrameRateMeasurements(self):
106    ret = self._raw_display_frame_rate_measurements
107    self._raw_display_frame_rate_measurements = []
108    return ret
110  def SetFullPerformanceModeEnabled(self, enabled):
111    if not self._enable_performance_mode:
112      return
113    if enabled:
114      self._perf_tests_setup.SetHighPerfMode()
115    else:
116      self._perf_tests_setup.SetDefaultPerfMode()
118  def CanMonitorThermalThrottling(self):
119    return True
121  def IsThermallyThrottled(self):
122    return self._thermal_throttle.IsThrottled()
124  def HasBeenThermallyThrottled(self):
125    return self._thermal_throttle.HasBeenThrottled()
127  def GetCpuStats(self, pid):
128    if not self._can_access_protected_file_contents:
129      logging.warning('CPU stats cannot be retrieved on non-rooted device.')
130      return {}
131    return super(AndroidPlatformBackend, self).GetCpuStats(pid)
133  def GetCpuTimestamp(self):
134    if not self._can_access_protected_file_contents:
135      logging.warning('CPU timestamp cannot be retrieved on non-rooted device.')
136      return {}
137    return super(AndroidPlatformBackend, self).GetCpuTimestamp()
139  def PurgeUnpinnedMemory(self):
140    """Purges the unpinned ashmem memory for the whole system.
142    This can be used to make memory measurements more stable. Requires root.
143    """
144    if not self._can_access_protected_file_contents:
145      logging.warning('Cannot run purge_ashmem. Requires a rooted device.')
146      return
148    if not android_prebuilt_profiler_helper.InstallOnDevice(
149        self._device, 'purge_ashmem'):
150      raise Exception('Error installing purge_ashmem.')
151    (status, output) = self._device.old_interface.GetAndroidToolStatusAndOutput(
152        android_prebuilt_profiler_helper.GetDevicePath('purge_ashmem'),
153        log_result=True)
154    if status != 0:
155      raise Exception('Error while purging ashmem: ' + '\n'.join(output))
157  def GetMemoryStats(self, pid):
158    memory_usage = self._device.GetMemoryUsageForPid(pid)
159    if not memory_usage:
160      return {}
161    return {'ProportionalSetSize': memory_usage['Pss'] * 1024,
162            'SharedDirty': memory_usage['Shared_Dirty'] * 1024,
163            'PrivateDirty': memory_usage['Private_Dirty'] * 1024,
164            'VMPeak': memory_usage['VmHWM'] * 1024}
166  def GetIOStats(self, pid):
167    return {}
169  def GetChildPids(self, pid):
170    child_pids = []
171    ps = self.GetPsOutput(['pid', 'name'])
172    for curr_pid, curr_name in ps:
173      if int(curr_pid) == pid:
174        name = curr_name
175        for curr_pid, curr_name in ps:
176          if curr_name.startswith(name) and curr_name != name:
177            child_pids.append(int(curr_pid))
178        break
179    return child_pids
181  @decorators.Cache
182  def GetCommandLine(self, pid):
183    ps = self.GetPsOutput(['pid', 'name'], pid)
184    if not ps:
185      raise exceptions.ProcessGoneException()
186    return ps[0][1]
188  def GetOSName(self):
189    return 'android'
191  @decorators.Cache
192  def GetOSVersionName(self):
193    return self._device.GetProp('ro.build.id')[0]
195  def CanFlushIndividualFilesFromSystemCache(self):
196    return False
198  def FlushEntireSystemCache(self):
199    cache = cache_control.CacheControl(self._device)
200    cache.DropRamCaches()
202  def FlushSystemCacheForDirectory(self, directory, ignoring=None):
203    raise NotImplementedError()
205  def FlushDnsCache(self):
206    self._device.RunShellCommand('ndc resolver flushdefaultif', as_root=True)
208  def StopApplication(self, application):
209    """Stop the given |application|.
210       Args:
211       application: The full package name string of the application to launch.
212    """
213    self._adb.device().ForceStop(application)
215  def LaunchApplication(
216      self, application, parameters=None, elevate_privilege=False):
217    """Launches the given |application| with a list of |parameters| on the OS.
219    Args:
220      application: The full package name string of the application to launch.
221      parameters: A list of parameters to be passed to the ActivityManager.
222      elevate_privilege: Currently unimplemented on Android.
223    """
224    if elevate_privilege:
225      raise NotImplementedError("elevate_privilege isn't supported on android.")
226    if not parameters:
227      parameters = ''
228    result_lines = self._device.RunShellCommand('am start %s %s' %
229                                                (parameters, application))
230    for line in result_lines:
231      if line.startswith('Error: '):
232        raise ValueError('Failed to start "%s" with error\n  %s' %
233                         (application, line))
235  def IsApplicationRunning(self, application):
236    return len(self._device.GetPids(application)) > 0
238  def CanLaunchApplication(self, application):
239    if not self._installed_applications:
240      self._installed_applications = self._device.RunShellCommand(
241          'pm list packages')
242    return 'package:' + application in self._installed_applications
244  def InstallApplication(self, application):
245    self._installed_applications = None
246    self._device.Install(application)
248  @decorators.Cache
249  def CanCaptureVideo(self):
250    return self.GetOSVersionName() >= 'K'
252  def StartVideoCapture(self, min_bitrate_mbps):
253    """Starts the video capture at specified bitrate."""
254    min_bitrate_mbps = max(min_bitrate_mbps, 0.1)
255    if min_bitrate_mbps > 100:
256      raise ValueError('Android video capture cannot capture at %dmbps. '
257                       'Max capture rate is 100mbps.' % min_bitrate_mbps)
258    if self.is_video_capture_running:
259      self._video_recorder.Stop()
260    self._video_recorder = screenshot.VideoRecorder(
261        self._device, megabits_per_second=min_bitrate_mbps)
262    self._video_recorder.Start()
263    util.WaitFor(self._video_recorder.IsStarted, 5)
265  @property
266  def is_video_capture_running(self):
267    return self._video_recorder is not None
269  def StopVideoCapture(self):
270    assert self.is_video_capture_running, 'Must start video capture first'
271    self._video_recorder.Stop()
272    video_file_obj = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
273    self._video_recorder.Pull(video_file_obj.name)
274    self._video_recorder = None
276    return video.Video(video_file_obj)
278  def CanMonitorPower(self):
279    return self._power_monitor.CanMonitorPower()
281  def StartMonitoringPower(self, browser):
282    self._power_monitor.StartMonitoringPower(browser)
284  def StopMonitoringPower(self):
285    return self._power_monitor.StopMonitoringPower()
287  def GetFileContents(self, fname):
288    if not self._can_access_protected_file_contents:
289      logging.warning('%s cannot be retrieved on non-rooted device.' % fname)
290      return ''
291    return '\n'.join(self._device.ReadFile(fname, as_root=True))
293  def GetPsOutput(self, columns, pid=None):
294    assert columns == ['pid', 'name'] or columns == ['pid'], \
295        'Only know how to return pid and name. Requested: ' + columns
296    command = 'ps'
297    if pid:
298      command += ' -p %d' % pid
299    ps = self._device.RunShellCommand(command)[1:]
300    output = []
301    for line in ps:
302      data = line.split()
303      curr_pid = data[1]
304      curr_name = data[-1]
305      if columns == ['pid', 'name']:
306        output.append([curr_pid, curr_name])
307      else:
308        output.append([curr_pid])
309    return output
311  def RunCommand(self, command):
312    return '\n'.join(self._device.RunShellCommand(command))
314  @staticmethod
315  def ParseCStateSample(sample):
316    sample_stats = {}
317    for cpu in sample:
318      values = sample[cpu].splitlines()
319      # Each state has three values after excluding the time value.
320      num_states = (len(values) - 1) / 3
321      names = values[:num_states]
322      times = values[num_states:2 * num_states]
323      cstates = {'C0': int(values[-1]) * 10 ** 6}
324      for i, state in enumerate(names):
325        if state == 'C0':
326          # The Exynos cpuidle driver for the Nexus 10 uses the name 'C0' for
327          # its WFI state.
328          # TODO(tmandel): We should verify that no other Android device
329          # actually reports time in C0 causing this to report active time as
330          # idle time.
331          state = 'WFI'
332        cstates[state] = int(times[i])
333        cstates['C0'] -= int(times[i])
334      sample_stats[cpu] = cstates
335    return sample_stats