1# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5import subprocess
7from telemetry.core import bitmap
8from telemetry.core import platform
9from telemetry.util import cloud_storage
13class BoundingBoxNotFoundException(Exception):
14  pass
17class Video(object):
18  """Utilities for storing and interacting with the video capture."""
20  def __init__(self, video_file_obj):
21    assert video_file_obj.delete
22    assert not video_file_obj.close_called
23    self._video_file_obj = video_file_obj
24    self._tab_contents_bounding_box = None
26  def UploadToCloudStorage(self, bucket, target_path):
27    """Uploads video file to cloud storage.
29    Args:
30      target_path: Path indicating where to store the file in cloud storage.
31    """
32    cloud_storage.Insert(bucket, target_path, self._video_file_obj.name)
34  def GetVideoFrameIter(self):
35    """Returns the iteration for processing the video capture.
37    This looks for the initial color flash in the first frame to establish the
38    tab content boundaries and then omits all frames displaying the flash.
40    Yields:
41      (time_ms, bitmap) tuples representing each video keyframe. Only the first
42      frame in a run of sequential duplicate bitmaps is typically included.
43        time_ms is milliseconds since navigationStart.
44        bitmap is a telemetry.core.Bitmap.
45    """
46    frame_generator = self._FramesFromMp4(self._video_file_obj.name)
48    # Flip through frames until we find the initial tab contents flash.
49    content_box = None
50    for _, bmp in frame_generator:
51      content_box = self._FindHighlightBoundingBox(
52          bmp, HIGHLIGHT_ORANGE_FRAME)
53      if content_box:
54        break
56    if not content_box:
57      raise BoundingBoxNotFoundException(
58          'Failed to identify tab contents in video capture.')
60    # Flip through frames until the flash goes away and emit that as frame 0.
61    timestamp = 0
62    for timestamp, bmp in frame_generator:
63      if not self._FindHighlightBoundingBox(bmp, HIGHLIGHT_ORANGE_FRAME):
64        yield 0, bmp.Crop(*content_box)
65        break
67    start_time = timestamp
68    for timestamp, bmp in frame_generator:
69      yield timestamp - start_time, bmp.Crop(*content_box)
71  def _FindHighlightBoundingBox(self, bmp, color, bounds_tolerance=8,
72                                color_tolerance=8):
73    """Returns the bounding box of the content highlight of the given color.
75    Raises:
76      BoundingBoxNotFoundException if the hightlight could not be found.
77    """
78    content_box, pixel_count = bmp.GetBoundingBox(color,
79        tolerance=color_tolerance)
81    if not content_box:
82      return None
84    # We assume arbitrarily that tabs are all larger than 200x200. If this
85    # fails it either means that assumption has changed or something is
86    # awry with our bounding box calculation.
87    if content_box[2] < 200 or content_box[3] < 200:
88      raise BoundingBoxNotFoundException('Unexpectedly small tab contents.')
90    # TODO(tonyg): Can this threshold be increased?
91    if pixel_count < 0.9 * content_box[2] * content_box[3]:
92      raise BoundingBoxNotFoundException(
93          'Low count of pixels in tab contents matching expected color.')
95    # Since we allow some fuzziness in bounding box finding, we want to make
96    # sure that the bounds are always stable across a run. So we cache the
97    # first box, whatever it may be.
98    #
99    # This relies on the assumption that since Telemetry doesn't know how to
100    # resize the window, we should always get the same content box for a tab.
101    # If this assumption changes, this caching needs to be reworked.
102    if not self._tab_contents_bounding_box:
103      self._tab_contents_bounding_box = content_box
105    # Verify that there is only minor variation in the bounding box. If it's
106    # just a few pixels, we can assume it's due to compression artifacts.
107    for x, y in zip(self._tab_contents_bounding_box, content_box):
108      if abs(x - y) > bounds_tolerance:
109        # If this fails, it means either that either the above assumption has
110        # changed or something is awry with our bounding box calculation.
111        raise BoundingBoxNotFoundException(
112            'Unexpected change in tab contents box.')
114    return self._tab_contents_bounding_box
116  def _FramesFromMp4(self, mp4_file):
117    host_platform = platform.GetHostPlatform()
118    if not host_platform.CanLaunchApplication('avconv'):
119      host_platform.InstallApplication('avconv')
121    def GetDimensions(video):
122      proc = subprocess.Popen(['avconv', '-i', video], stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
123      dimensions = None
124      output = ''
125      for line in proc.stderr.readlines():
126        output += line
127        if 'Video:' in line:
128          dimensions = line.split(',')[2]
129          dimensions = map(int, dimensions.split()[0].split('x'))
130          break
131      proc.communicate()
132      assert dimensions, ('Failed to determine video dimensions. output=%s' %
133                          output)
134      return dimensions
136    def GetFrameTimestampMs(stderr):
137      """Returns the frame timestamp in integer milliseconds from the dump log.
139      The expected line format is:
140      '  dts=1.715  pts=1.715\n'
142      We have to be careful to only read a single timestamp per call to avoid
143      deadlock because avconv interleaves its writes to stdout and stderr.
144      """
145      while True:
146        line = ''
147        next_char = ''
148        while next_char != '\n':
149          next_char = stderr.read(1)
150          line += next_char
151        if 'pts=' in line:
152          return int(1000 * float(line.split('=')[-1]))
154    dimensions = GetDimensions(mp4_file)
155    frame_length = dimensions[0] * dimensions[1] * 3
156    frame_data = bytearray(frame_length)
158    # Use rawvideo so that we don't need any external library to parse frames.
159    proc = subprocess.Popen(['avconv', '-i', mp4_file, '-vcodec',
160                             'rawvideo', '-pix_fmt', 'rgb24', '-dump',
161                             '-loglevel', 'debug', '-f', 'rawvideo', '-'],
162                            stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
163    while True:
164      num_read = proc.stdout.readinto(frame_data)
165      if not num_read:
166        raise StopIteration
167      assert num_read == len(frame_data), 'Unexpected frame size: %d' % num_read
168      yield (GetFrameTimestampMs(proc.stderr),
169             bitmap.Bitmap(3, dimensions[0], dimensions[1], frame_data))