1# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5import logging
6import optparse
7import os
8import random
9import sys
10import tempfile
11import time
13from telemetry import decorators
14from telemetry.core import browser_finder
15from telemetry.core import browser_info
16from telemetry.core import exceptions
17from telemetry.core import util
18from telemetry.core import wpr_modes
19from telemetry.core.platform.profiler import profiler_finder
20from telemetry.page import page_filter
21from telemetry.page import page_test
22from telemetry.page.actions import navigate
23from telemetry.page.actions import page_action
24from telemetry.results import results_options
25from telemetry.util import cloud_storage
26from telemetry.util import exception_formatter
27from telemetry.value import failure
28from telemetry.value import skip
31class _RunState(object):
32  def __init__(self):
33    self.browser = None
35    self._append_to_existing_wpr = False
36    self._last_archive_path = None
37    self._first_browser = True
38    self.profiler_dir = None
40  def StartBrowserIfNeeded(self, test, page_set, page, possible_browser,
41                           credentials_path, archive_path, finder_options):
42    started_browser = not self.browser
43    # Create a browser.
44    if not self.browser:
45      test.CustomizeBrowserOptionsForSinglePage(page, finder_options)
46      possible_browser.SetReplayArchivePath(archive_path,
47                                        self._append_to_existing_wpr,
48                                        page_set.make_javascript_deterministic)
49      possible_browser.SetCredentialsPath(credentials_path)
50      self._last_archive_path = page.archive_path
52      test.WillStartBrowser(possible_browser.platform)
53      self.browser = possible_browser.Create()
54      test.DidStartBrowser(self.browser)
56      if self._first_browser:
57        self._first_browser = False
58        self.browser.credentials.WarnIfMissingCredentials(page_set)
59        logging.info('OS: %s %s',
60                     self.browser.platform.GetOSName(),
61                     self.browser.platform.GetOSVersionName())
62        if self.browser.supports_system_info:
63          system_info = self.browser.GetSystemInfo()
64          if system_info.model_name:
65            logging.info('Model: %s', system_info.model_name)
66          if system_info.gpu:
67            for i, device in enumerate(system_info.gpu.devices):
68              logging.info('GPU device %d: %s', i, device)
69            if system_info.gpu.aux_attributes:
70              logging.info('GPU Attributes:')
71              for k, v in sorted(system_info.gpu.aux_attributes.iteritems()):
72                logging.info('  %-20s: %s', k, v)
73            if system_info.gpu.feature_status:
74              logging.info('Feature Status:')
75              for k, v in sorted(system_info.gpu.feature_status.iteritems()):
76                logging.info('  %-20s: %s', k, v)
77            if system_info.gpu.driver_bug_workarounds:
78              logging.info('Driver Bug Workarounds:')
79              for workaround in system_info.gpu.driver_bug_workarounds:
80                logging.info('  %s', workaround)
81          else:
82            logging.info('No GPU devices')
83        else:
84          logging.warning('System info not supported')
85    else:
86      # Set up WPR path if it changed.
87      if page.archive_path and self._last_archive_path != page.archive_path:
88        self.browser.SetReplayArchivePath(
89            page.archive_path,
90            self._append_to_existing_wpr,
91            page_set.make_javascript_deterministic)
92        self._last_archive_path = page.archive_path
94    if self.browser.supports_tab_control and test.close_tabs_before_run:
95      # Create a tab if there's none.
96      if len(self.browser.tabs) == 0:
97        self.browser.tabs.New()
99      # Ensure only one tab is open, unless the test is a multi-tab test.
100      if not test.is_multi_tab_test:
101        while len(self.browser.tabs) > 1:
102          self.browser.tabs[-1].Close()
104      # Must wait for tab to commit otherwise it can commit after the next
105      # navigation has begun and RenderFrameHostManager::DidNavigateMainFrame()
106      # will cancel the next navigation because it's pending. This manifests as
107      # the first navigation in a PageSet freezing indefinitly because the
108      # navigation was silently cancelled when |self.browser.tabs[0]| was
109      # committed. Only do this when we just started the browser, otherwise
110      # there are cases where previous pages in a PageSet never complete
111      # loading so we'll wait forever.
112      if started_browser:
113        self.browser.tabs[0].WaitForDocumentReadyStateToBeComplete()
115  def StopBrowser(self):
116    if self.browser:
117      self.browser.Close()
118      self.browser = None
120      # Restarting the state will also restart the wpr server. If we're
121      # recording, we need to continue adding into the same wpr archive,
122      # not overwrite it.
123      self._append_to_existing_wpr = True
125  def StartProfiling(self, page, finder_options):
126    if not self.profiler_dir:
127      self.profiler_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
128    output_file = os.path.join(self.profiler_dir, page.file_safe_name)
129    is_repeating = (finder_options.page_repeat != 1 or
130                    finder_options.pageset_repeat != 1)
131    if is_repeating:
132      output_file = util.GetSequentialFileName(output_file)
133    self.browser.platform.profiling_controller.Start(
134        finder_options.profiler, output_file)
136  def StopProfiling(self):
137    if self.browser:
138      self.browser.platform.profiling_controller.Stop()
141class PageState(object):
142  def __init__(self, page, tab):
143    self.page = page
144    self.tab = tab
146    self._did_login = False
148  def PreparePage(self, test=None):
149    if self.page.is_file:
150      self.tab.browser.SetHTTPServerDirectories(
151          self.page.page_set.serving_dirs | set([self.page.serving_dir]))
153    if self.page.credentials:
154      if not self.tab.browser.credentials.LoginNeeded(
155          self.tab, self.page.credentials):
156        raise page_test.Failure('Login as ' + self.page.credentials + ' failed')
157      self._did_login = True
159    if test:
160      if test.clear_cache_before_each_run:
161        self.tab.ClearCache(force=True)
163  def ImplicitPageNavigation(self, test=None):
164    """Executes the implicit navigation that occurs for every page iteration.
166    This function will be called once per page before any actions are executed.
167    """
168    if test:
169      test.WillNavigateToPage(self.page, self.tab)
170      test.RunNavigateSteps(self.page, self.tab)
171      test.DidNavigateToPage(self.page, self.tab)
172    else:
173      i = navigate.NavigateAction()
174      i.RunAction(self.page, self.tab, None)
176  def CleanUpPage(self, test):
177    test.CleanUpAfterPage(self.page, self.tab)
178    if self.page.credentials and self._did_login:
179      self.tab.browser.credentials.LoginNoLongerNeeded(
180          self.tab, self.page.credentials)
183def AddCommandLineArgs(parser):
184  page_filter.PageFilter.AddCommandLineArgs(parser)
185  results_options.AddResultsOptions(parser)
187  # Page set options
188  group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Page set ordering and repeat options')
189  group.add_option('--pageset-shuffle', action='store_true',
190      dest='pageset_shuffle',
191      help='Shuffle the order of pages within a pageset.')
192  group.add_option('--pageset-shuffle-order-file',
193      dest='pageset_shuffle_order_file', default=None,
194      help='Filename of an output of a previously run test on the current '
195      'pageset. The tests will run in the same order again, overriding '
196      'what is specified by --page-repeat and --pageset-repeat.')
197  group.add_option('--page-repeat', default=1, type='int',
198                   help='Number of times to repeat each individual page '
199                   'before proceeding with the next page in the pageset.')
200  group.add_option('--pageset-repeat', default=1, type='int',
201                   help='Number of times to repeat the entire pageset.')
202  group.add_option('--max-failures', default=None, type='int',
203                   help='Maximum number of test failures before aborting '
204                   'the run. Defaults to the number specified by the '
205                   'PageTest.')
206  parser.add_option_group(group)
208  # WPR options
209  group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser, 'Web Page Replay options')
210  group.add_option('--use-live-sites',
211      dest='use_live_sites', action='store_true',
212      help='Run against live sites and ignore the Web Page Replay archives.')
213  parser.add_option_group(group)
215  parser.add_option('-d', '--also-run-disabled-tests',
216                    dest='run_disabled_tests',
217                    action='store_true', default=False,
218                    help='Ignore @Disabled and @Enabled restrictions.')
220def ProcessCommandLineArgs(parser, args):
221  page_filter.PageFilter.ProcessCommandLineArgs(parser, args)
223  # Page set options
224  if args.pageset_shuffle_order_file and not args.pageset_shuffle:
225    parser.error('--pageset-shuffle-order-file requires --pageset-shuffle.')
227  if args.page_repeat < 1:
228    parser.error('--page-repeat must be a positive integer.')
229  if args.pageset_repeat < 1:
230    parser.error('--pageset-repeat must be a positive integer.')
233def _PrepareAndRunPage(test, page_set, expectations, finder_options,
234                       browser_options, page, credentials_path,
235                       possible_browser, results, state):
236  if finder_options.use_live_sites:
237    browser_options.wpr_mode = wpr_modes.WPR_OFF
238  elif browser_options.wpr_mode != wpr_modes.WPR_RECORD:
239    browser_options.wpr_mode = (
240        wpr_modes.WPR_REPLAY
241        if page.archive_path and os.path.isfile(page.archive_path)
242        else wpr_modes.WPR_OFF)
244  max_attempts = test.attempts
245  attempt_num = 0
246  while attempt_num < max_attempts:
247    attempt_num += 1
248    try:
249      results.WillAttemptPageRun(attempt_num, max_attempts)
251      if test.RestartBrowserBeforeEachPage() or page.startup_url:
252        state.StopBrowser()
253        # If we are restarting the browser for each page customize the per page
254        # options for just the current page before starting the browser.
255      state.StartBrowserIfNeeded(test, page_set, page, possible_browser,
256                                 credentials_path, page.archive_path,
257                                 finder_options)
258      if not page.CanRunOnBrowser(browser_info.BrowserInfo(state.browser)):
259        logging.info('Skip test for page %s because browser is not supported.'
260                     % page.url)
261        return
263      expectation = expectations.GetExpectationForPage(state.browser, page)
265      _WaitForThermalThrottlingIfNeeded(state.browser.platform)
267      if finder_options.profiler:
268        state.StartProfiling(page, finder_options)
270      try:
271        _RunPage(test, page, state, expectation, results)
272        _CheckThermalThrottling(state.browser.platform)
273      except exceptions.TabCrashException as e:
274        if test.is_multi_tab_test:
275          logging.error('Aborting multi-tab test after tab %s crashed',
276                        page.url)
277          raise
278        logging.warning(str(e))
279        state.StopBrowser()
281      if finder_options.profiler:
282        state.StopProfiling()
284      if (test.StopBrowserAfterPage(state.browser, page)):
285        state.StopBrowser()
287      return
288    except exceptions.BrowserGoneException as e:
289      state.StopBrowser()
290      if attempt_num == max_attempts:
291        logging.error('Aborting after too many retries')
292        raise
293      if test.is_multi_tab_test:
294        logging.error('Aborting multi-tab test after browser crashed')
295        raise
296      logging.warning(str(e))
300def _UpdateCredentials(page_set):
301  # Attempt to download the credentials file.
302  if page_set.credentials_path:
303    try:
304      cloud_storage.GetIfChanged(
305          os.path.join(page_set.base_dir, page_set.credentials_path))
306    except (cloud_storage.CredentialsError, cloud_storage.PermissionError,
307            cloud_storage.CloudStorageError) as e:
308      logging.warning('Cannot retrieve credential file %s due to cloud storage '
309                      'error %s', page_set.credentials_path, str(e))
313def _UpdatePageSetArchivesIfChanged(page_set):
314  # Scan every serving directory for .sha1 files
315  # and download them from Cloud Storage. Assume all data is public.
316  all_serving_dirs = page_set.serving_dirs.copy()
317  # Add individual page dirs to all serving dirs.
318  for page in page_set:
319    if page.is_file:
320      all_serving_dirs.add(page.serving_dir)
321  # Scan all serving dirs.
322  for serving_dir in all_serving_dirs:
323    if os.path.splitdrive(serving_dir)[1] == '/':
324      raise ValueError('Trying to serve root directory from HTTP server.')
325    for dirpath, _, filenames in os.walk(serving_dir):
326      for filename in filenames:
327        path, extension = os.path.splitext(
328            os.path.join(dirpath, filename))
329        if extension != '.sha1':
330          continue
331        cloud_storage.GetIfChanged(path, page_set.bucket)
334def Run(test, page_set, expectations, finder_options, results):
335  """Runs a given test against a given page_set with the given options."""
336  test.ValidatePageSet(page_set)
338  # Create a possible_browser with the given options.
339  try:
340    possible_browser = browser_finder.FindBrowser(finder_options)
341  except browser_finder.BrowserTypeRequiredException, e:
342    sys.stderr.write(str(e) + '\n')
343    sys.exit(-1)
344  if not possible_browser:
345    sys.stderr.write(
346        'No browser found. Available browsers:\n%s\n' %
347        '\n'.join(browser_finder.GetAllAvailableBrowserTypes(finder_options)))
348    sys.exit(-1)
350  browser_options = possible_browser.finder_options.browser_options
351  browser_options.browser_type = possible_browser.browser_type
352  test.CustomizeBrowserOptions(browser_options)
354  if (not decorators.IsEnabled(test, possible_browser) and
355      not finder_options.run_disabled_tests):
356    logging.warning('You are trying to run a disabled test.')
357    logging.warning('Pass --also-run-disabled-tests to squelch this message.')
358    return
360  if possible_browser.IsRemote():
361    possible_browser.RunRemote()
362    sys.exit(0)
364  # Reorder page set based on options.
365  pages = _ShuffleAndFilterPageSet(page_set, finder_options)
367  if not finder_options.use_live_sites:
368    _UpdateCredentials(page_set)
369    if browser_options.wpr_mode != wpr_modes.WPR_RECORD:
370      _UpdatePageSetArchivesIfChanged(page_set)
371      pages = _CheckArchives(page_set, pages, results)
373  # Verify credentials path.
374  credentials_path = None
375  if page_set.credentials_path:
376    credentials_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(page_set.file_path),
377                                    page_set.credentials_path)
378    if not os.path.exists(credentials_path):
379      credentials_path = None
381  # Set up user agent.
382  browser_options.browser_user_agent_type = page_set.user_agent_type or None
384  if finder_options.profiler:
385    profiler_class = profiler_finder.FindProfiler(finder_options.profiler)
386    profiler_class.CustomizeBrowserOptions(browser_options.browser_type,
387                                           finder_options)
389  for page in list(pages):
390    if not test.CanRunForPage(page):
391      results.WillRunPage(page)
392      logging.debug('Skipping test: it cannot run for %s', page.url)
393      results.AddValue(skip.SkipValue(page, 'Test cannot run'))
394      results.DidRunPage(page)
395      pages.remove(page)
397  if not pages:
398    return
400  state = _RunState()
401  pages_with_discarded_first_result = set()
402  max_failures = finder_options.max_failures  # command-line gets priority
403  if max_failures is None:
404    max_failures = test.max_failures  # may be None
406  try:
407    test.WillRunTest(finder_options)
408    for _ in xrange(finder_options.pageset_repeat):
409      for page in pages:
410        if test.IsExiting():
411          break
412        for _ in xrange(finder_options.page_repeat):
413          results.WillRunPage(page)
414          try:
415            _PrepareAndRunPage(
416                test, page_set, expectations, finder_options, browser_options,
417                page, credentials_path, possible_browser, results, state)
418          finally:
419            discard_run = (test.discard_first_result and
420                           page not in pages_with_discarded_first_result)
421            if discard_run:
422              pages_with_discarded_first_result.add(page)
423            results.DidRunPage(page, discard_run=discard_run)
424        if max_failures is not None and len(results.failures) > max_failures:
425          logging.error('Too many failures. Aborting.')
426          test.RequestExit()
427  finally:
428    test.DidRunTest(state.browser, results)
429    state.StopBrowser()
432def _ShuffleAndFilterPageSet(page_set, finder_options):
433  if finder_options.pageset_shuffle_order_file:
434    return page_set.ReorderPageSet(finder_options.pageset_shuffle_order_file)
435  pages = [page for page in page_set.pages[:]
436           if not page.disabled and page_filter.PageFilter.IsSelected(page)]
437  if finder_options.pageset_shuffle:
438    random.shuffle(pages)
439  return pages
442def _CheckArchives(page_set, pages, results):
443  """Returns a subset of pages that are local or have WPR archives.
445  Logs warnings if any are missing.
446  """
447  # Warn of any problems with the entire page set.
448  if any(not p.is_local for p in pages):
449    if not page_set.archive_data_file:
450      logging.warning('The page set is missing an "archive_data_file" '
451                      'property. Skipping any live sites. To include them, '
452                      'pass the flag --use-live-sites.')
453    if not page_set.wpr_archive_info:
454      logging.warning('The archive info file is missing. '
455                      'To fix this, either add svn-internal to your '
456                      '.gclient using http://goto/read-src-internal, '
457                      'or create a new archive using record_wpr.')
459  # Warn of any problems with individual pages and return valid pages.
460  pages_missing_archive_path = []
461  pages_missing_archive_data = []
462  valid_pages = []
463  for page in pages:
464    if not page.is_local and not page.archive_path:
465      pages_missing_archive_path.append(page)
466    elif not page.is_local and not os.path.isfile(page.archive_path):
467      pages_missing_archive_data.append(page)
468    else:
469      valid_pages.append(page)
470  if pages_missing_archive_path:
471    logging.warning('The page set archives for some pages do not exist. '
472                    'Skipping those pages. To fix this, record those pages '
473                    'using record_wpr. To ignore this warning and run '
474                    'against live sites, pass the flag --use-live-sites.')
475  if pages_missing_archive_data:
476    logging.warning('The page set archives for some pages are missing. '
477                    'Someone forgot to check them in, or they were deleted. '
478                    'Skipping those pages. To fix this, record those pages '
479                    'using record_wpr. To ignore this warning and run '
480                    'against live sites, pass the flag --use-live-sites.')
481  for page in pages_missing_archive_path + pages_missing_archive_data:
482    results.WillRunPage(page)
483    results.AddValue(failure.FailureValue.FromMessage(
484        page, 'Page set archive doesn\'t exist.'))
485    results.DidRunPage(page)
486  return valid_pages
489def _RunPage(test, page, state, expectation, results):
490  if expectation == 'skip':
491    logging.debug('Skipping test: Skip expectation for %s', page.url)
492    results.AddValue(skip.SkipValue(page, 'Skipped by test expectations'))
493    return
495  page_state = PageState(page, test.TabForPage(page, state.browser))
497  def ProcessError():
498    if expectation == 'fail':
499      msg = 'Expected exception while running %s' % page.url
500    else:
501      msg = 'Exception while running %s' % page.url
502      results.AddValue(failure.FailureValue(page, sys.exc_info()))
503    exception_formatter.PrintFormattedException(msg=msg)
505  try:
506    page_state.PreparePage(test)
507    page_state.ImplicitPageNavigation(test)
508    test.RunPage(page, page_state.tab, results)
509    util.CloseConnections(page_state.tab)
510  except page_test.TestNotSupportedOnPlatformFailure:
511    raise
512  except page_test.Failure:
513    if expectation == 'fail':
514      exception_formatter.PrintFormattedException(
515          msg='Expected failure while running %s' % page.url)
516    else:
517      exception_formatter.PrintFormattedException(
518          msg='Failure while running %s' % page.url)
519      results.AddValue(failure.FailureValue(page, sys.exc_info()))
520  except (util.TimeoutException, exceptions.LoginException,
521          exceptions.ProfilingException):
522    ProcessError()
523  except (exceptions.TabCrashException, exceptions.BrowserGoneException):
524    ProcessError()
525    # Run() catches these exceptions to relaunch the tab/browser, so re-raise.
526    raise
527  except page_action.PageActionNotSupported as e:
528    results.AddValue(skip.SkipValue(page, 'Unsupported page action: %s' % e))
529  except Exception:
530    exception_formatter.PrintFormattedException(
531        msg='Unhandled exception while running %s' % page.url)
532    results.AddValue(failure.FailureValue(page, sys.exc_info()))
533  else:
534    if expectation == 'fail':
535      logging.warning('%s was expected to fail, but passed.\n', page.url)
536  finally:
537    page_state.CleanUpPage(test)
540def _WaitForThermalThrottlingIfNeeded(platform):
541  if not platform.CanMonitorThermalThrottling():
542    return
543  thermal_throttling_retry = 0
544  while (platform.IsThermallyThrottled() and
545         thermal_throttling_retry < 3):
546    logging.warning('Thermally throttled, waiting (%d)...',
547                    thermal_throttling_retry)
548    thermal_throttling_retry += 1
549    time.sleep(thermal_throttling_retry * 2)
551  if thermal_throttling_retry and platform.IsThermallyThrottled():
552    logging.warning('Device is thermally throttled before running '
553                    'performance tests, results will vary.')
556def _CheckThermalThrottling(platform):
557  if not platform.CanMonitorThermalThrottling():
558    return
559  if platform.HasBeenThermallyThrottled():
560    logging.warning('Device has been thermally throttled during '
561                    'performance tests, results will vary.')