1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4# found in the LICENSE file.
6# drmemory_analyze.py
8''' Given a Dr. Memory output file, parses errors and uniques them.'''
10from collections import defaultdict
11import common
12import hashlib
13import logging
14import optparse
15import os
16import re
17import subprocess
18import sys
19import time
21class DrMemoryError:
22  def __init__(self, report, suppression, testcase):
23    self._report = report
24    self._testcase = testcase
26    # Chromium-specific transformations of the suppressions:
27    # Replace 'any_test.exe' and 'chrome.dll' with '*', then remove the
28    # Dr.Memory-generated error ids from the name= lines as they don't
29    # make sense in a multiprocess report.
30    supp_lines = suppression.split("\n")
31    for l in xrange(len(supp_lines)):
32      if supp_lines[l].startswith("name="):
33        supp_lines[l] = "name=<insert_a_suppression_name_here>"
34      if supp_lines[l].startswith("chrome.dll!"):
35        supp_lines[l] = supp_lines[l].replace("chrome.dll!", "*!")
36      bang_index = supp_lines[l].find("!")
37      d_exe_index = supp_lines[l].find(".exe!")
38      if bang_index >= 4 and d_exe_index + 4 == bang_index:
39        supp_lines[l] = "*" + supp_lines[l][bang_index:]
40    self._suppression = "\n".join(supp_lines)
42  def __str__(self):
43    output = self._report + "\n"
44    if self._testcase:
45      output += "The report came from the `%s` test.\n" % self._testcase
46    output += "Suppression (error hash=#%016X#):\n" % self.ErrorHash()
47    output += ("  For more info on using suppressions see "
48        "http://dev.chromium.org/developers/how-tos/using-drmemory#TOC-Suppressing-error-reports-from-the-\n")
49    output += "{\n%s\n}\n" % self._suppression
50    return output
52  # This is a device-independent hash identifying the suppression.
53  # By printing out this hash we can find duplicate reports between tests and
54  # different shards running on multiple buildbots
55  def ErrorHash(self):
56    return int(hashlib.md5(self._suppression).hexdigest()[:16], 16)
58  def __hash__(self):
59    return hash(self._suppression)
61  def __eq__(self, rhs):
62    return self._suppression == rhs
65class DrMemoryAnalyzer:
66  ''' Given a set of Dr.Memory output files, parse all the errors out of
67  them, unique them and output the results.'''
69  def __init__(self):
70    self.known_errors = set()
71    self.error_count = 0;
73  def ReadLine(self):
74    self.line_ = self.cur_fd_.readline()
76  def ReadSection(self):
77    result = [self.line_]
78    self.ReadLine()
79    while len(self.line_.strip()) > 0:
80      result.append(self.line_)
81      self.ReadLine()
82    return result
84  def ParseReportFile(self, filename, testcase):
85    ret = []
87    # First, read the generated suppressions file so we can easily lookup a
88    # suppression for a given error.
89    supp_fd = open(filename.replace("results", "suppress"), 'r')
90    generated_suppressions = {}  # Key -> Error #, Value -> Suppression text.
91    for line in supp_fd:
92      # NOTE: this regexp looks fragile. Might break if the generated
93      # suppression format slightly changes.
94      m = re.search("# Suppression for Error #([0-9]+)", line.strip())
95      if not m:
96        continue
97      error_id = int(m.groups()[0])
98      assert error_id not in generated_suppressions
99      # OK, now read the next suppression:
100      cur_supp = ""
101      for supp_line in supp_fd:
102        if supp_line.startswith("#") or supp_line.strip() == "":
103          break
104        cur_supp += supp_line
105      generated_suppressions[error_id] = cur_supp.strip()
106    supp_fd.close()
108    self.cur_fd_ = open(filename, 'r')
109    while True:
110      self.ReadLine()
111      if (self.line_ == ''): break
113      match = re.search("^Error #([0-9]+): (.*)", self.line_)
114      if match:
115        error_id = int(match.groups()[0])
116        self.line_ = match.groups()[1].strip() + "\n"
117        report = "".join(self.ReadSection()).strip()
118        suppression = generated_suppressions[error_id]
119        ret.append(DrMemoryError(report, suppression, testcase))
121      if re.search("SUPPRESSIONS USED:", self.line_):
122        self.ReadLine()
123        while self.line_.strip() != "":
124          line = self.line_.strip()
125          (count, name) = re.match(" *([0-9\?]+)x(?: \(.*?\))?: (.*)",
126                                   line).groups()
127          if (count == "?"):
128            # Whole-module have no count available: assume 1
129            count = 1
130          else:
131            count = int(count)
132          self.used_suppressions[name] += count
133          self.ReadLine()
135      if self.line_.startswith("ASSERT FAILURE"):
136        ret.append(self.line_.strip())
138    self.cur_fd_.close()
139    return ret
141  def Report(self, filenames, testcase, check_sanity):
142    sys.stdout.flush()
143    # TODO(timurrrr): support positive tests / check_sanity==True
144    self.used_suppressions = defaultdict(int)
146    to_report = []
147    reports_for_this_test = set()
148    for f in filenames:
149      cur_reports = self.ParseReportFile(f, testcase)
151      # Filter out the reports that were there in previous tests.
152      for r in cur_reports:
153        if r in reports_for_this_test:
154          # A similar report is about to be printed for this test.
155          pass
156        elif r in self.known_errors:
157          # A similar report has already been printed in one of the prev tests.
158          to_report.append("This error was already printed in some "
159                           "other test, see 'hash=#%016X#'" % r.ErrorHash())
160          reports_for_this_test.add(r)
161        else:
162          self.known_errors.add(r)
163          reports_for_this_test.add(r)
164          to_report.append(r)
166    common.PrintUsedSuppressionsList(self.used_suppressions)
168    if not to_report:
169      logging.info("PASS: No error reports found")
170      return 0
172    sys.stdout.flush()
173    sys.stderr.flush()
174    logging.info("Found %i error reports" % len(to_report))
175    for report in to_report:
176      self.error_count += 1
177      logging.info("Report #%d\n%s" % (self.error_count, report))
178    logging.info("Total: %i error reports" % len(to_report))
179    sys.stdout.flush()
180    return -1
183def main():
184  '''For testing only. The DrMemoryAnalyze class should be imported instead.'''
185  parser = optparse.OptionParser("usage: %prog <files to analyze>")
187  (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
188  if len(args) == 0:
189    parser.error("no filename specified")
190  filenames = args
192  logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO)
193  return DrMemoryAnalyzer().Report(filenames, None, False)
196if __name__ == '__main__':
197  sys.exit(main())