1// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
6 * The drive mount path used in the storage. It must be '/drive'.
7 * @type {string}
8 */
9var STORED_DRIVE_MOUNT_PATH = '/drive';
12 * Model for the folder shortcuts. This object is cr.ui.ArrayDataModel-like
13 * object with additional methods for the folder shortcut feature.
14 * This uses chrome.storage as backend. Items are always sorted by URL.
15 *
16 * @param {VolumeManagerWrapper} volumeManager Volume manager instance.
17 * @constructor
18 * @extends {cr.EventTarget}
19 */
20function FolderShortcutsDataModel(volumeManager) {
21  this.volumeManager_ = volumeManager;
22  this.array_ = [];
23  this.pendingPaths_ = {};  // Hash map for easier deleting.
24  this.unresolvablePaths_ = {};
25  this.lastDriveRootURL_ = null;
27  // Queue to serialize resolving entries.
28  this.queue_ = new AsyncUtil.Queue();
29  this.queue_.run(
30      this.volumeManager_.ensureInitialized.bind(this.volumeManager_));
32  // Load the shortcuts. Runs within the queue.
33  this.load_();
35  // Listening for changes in the storage.
36  chrome.storage.onChanged.addListener(function(changes, namespace) {
37    if (!(FolderShortcutsDataModel.NAME in changes) || namespace !== 'sync')
38      return;
39    this.reload_();  // Runs within the queue.
40  }.bind(this));
42  // If the volume info list is changed, then shortcuts have to be reloaded.
43  this.volumeManager_.volumeInfoList.addEventListener(
44      'permuted', this.reload_.bind(this));
46  // If the drive status has changed, then shortcuts have to be re-resolved.
47  this.volumeManager_.addEventListener(
48      'drive-connection-changed', this.reload_.bind(this));
52 * Key name in chrome.storage. The array are stored with this name.
53 * @type {string}
54 * @const
55 */
56FolderShortcutsDataModel.NAME = 'folder-shortcuts-list';
58FolderShortcutsDataModel.prototype = {
59  __proto__: cr.EventTarget.prototype,
61  /**
62   * @return {number} Number of elements in the array.
63   */
64  get length() {
65    return this.array_.length;
66  },
68  /**
69   * Remembers the Drive volume's root URL used for conversions between virtual
70   * paths and URLs.
71   * @private
72   */
73  rememberLastDriveURL_: function() {
74    if (this.lastDriveRootURL_)
75      return;
76    var volumeInfo = this.volumeManager_.getCurrentProfileVolumeInfo(
77        VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType.DRIVE);
78    if (volumeInfo)
79      this.lastDriveRootURL_ = volumeInfo.fileSystem.root.toURL();
80  },
82  /**
83   * Resolves Entries from a list of stored virtual paths. Runs within a queue.
84   * @param {Array.<string>} list List of virtual paths.
85   * @private
86   */
87  processEntries_: function(list) {
88    this.queue_.run(function(callback) {
89      this.pendingPaths_ = {};
90      this.unresolvablePaths_ = {};
91      list.forEach(function(path) {
92        this.pendingPaths_[path] = true;
93      }, this);
94      callback();
95    }.bind(this));
97    this.queue_.run(function(queueCallback) {
98      var volumeInfo = this.volumeManager_.getCurrentProfileVolumeInfo(
99          VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType.DRIVE);
100      var changed = false;
101      var resolvedURLs = {};
102      this.rememberLastDriveURL_();  // Required for conversions.
104      var onResolveSuccess = function(path, entry) {
105        if (path in this.pendingPaths_)
106          delete this.pendingPaths_[path];
107        if (path in this.unresolvablePaths_) {
108          changed = true;
109          delete this.unresolvablePaths_[path];
110        }
111        if (!this.exists(entry)) {
112          changed = true;
113          this.addInternal_(entry);
114        }
115        resolvedURLs[entry.toURL()] = true;
116      }.bind(this);
118      var onResolveFailure = function(path, url) {
119        if (path in this.pendingPaths_)
120          delete this.pendingPaths_[path];
121        var existingIndex = this.getIndexByURL_(url);
122        if (existingIndex !== -1) {
123          changed = true;
124          this.removeInternal_(this.item(existingIndex));
125        }
126        // Remove the shortcut on error, only if Drive is fully online.
127        // Only then we can be sure, that the error means that the directory
128        // does not exist anymore.
129        if (!volumeInfo ||
130            this.volumeManager_.getDriveConnectionState().type !==
131                VolumeManagerCommon.DriveConnectionType.ONLINE) {
132          if (!this.unresolvablePaths_[path]) {
133            changed = true;
134            this.unresolvablePaths_[path] = true;
135          }
136        }
137        // Not adding to the model nor to the |unresolvablePaths_| means
138        // that it will be removed from the storage permanently after the
139        // next call to save_().
140      }.bind(this);
142      // Resolve the items all at once, in parallel.
143      var group = new AsyncUtil.Group();
144      list.forEach(function(path) {
145        group.add(function(path, callback) {
146          var url =
147              this.lastDriveRootURL_ && this.convertStoredPathToUrl_(path);
148          if (url && volumeInfo) {
149            webkitResolveLocalFileSystemURL(
150                url,
151                function(entry) {
152                  onResolveSuccess(path, entry);
153                  callback();
154                },
155                function() {
156                  onResolveFailure(path, url);
157                  callback();
158                });
159          } else {
160            onResolveFailure(path, url);
161            callback();
162          }
163        }.bind(this, path));
164      }, this);
166      // Save the model after finishing.
167      group.run(function() {
168        // Remove all of those old entries, which were resolved by this method.
169        var index = 0;
170        while (index < this.length) {
171          var entry = this.item(index);
172          if (!resolvedURLs[entry.toURL()]) {
173            this.removeInternal_(entry);
174            changed = true;
175          } else {
176            index++;
177          }
178        }
179        // If something changed, then save.
180        if (changed)
181          this.save_();
182        queueCallback();
183      }.bind(this));
184    }.bind(this));
185  },
187  /**
188   * Initializes the model and loads the shortcuts.
189   * @private
190   */
191  load_: function() {
192    this.queue_.run(function(callback) {
193      chrome.storage.sync.get(FolderShortcutsDataModel.NAME, function(value) {
194        var shortcutPaths = value[FolderShortcutsDataModel.NAME] || [];
196        // Record metrics.
197        metrics.recordSmallCount('FolderShortcut.Count', shortcutPaths.length);
199        // Resolve and add the entries to the model.
200        this.processEntries_(shortcutPaths);  // Runs within a queue.
201        callback();
202      }.bind(this));
203    }.bind(this));
204  },
206  /**
207   * Reloads the model and loads the shortcuts.
208   * @private
209   */
210  reload_: function(ev) {
211    var shortcutPaths;
212    this.queue_.run(function(callback) {
213      chrome.storage.sync.get(FolderShortcutsDataModel.NAME, function(value) {
214        var shortcutPaths = value[FolderShortcutsDataModel.NAME] || [];
215        this.processEntries_(shortcutPaths);  // Runs within a queue.
216        callback();
217      }.bind(this));
218    }.bind(this));
219  },
221  /**
222   * Returns the entries in the given range as a new array instance. The
223   * arguments and return value are compatible with Array.slice().
224   *
225   * @param {number} begin Where to start the selection.
226   * @param {number=} opt_end Where to end the selection.
227   * @return {Array.<Entry>} Entries in the selected range.
228   */
229  slice: function(begin, opt_end) {
230    return this.array_.slice(begin, opt_end);
231  },
233  /**
234   * @param {number} index Index of the element to be retrieved.
235   * @return {Entry} The value of the |index|-th element.
236   */
237  item: function(index) {
238    return this.array_[index];
239  },
241  /**
242   * @param {string} value URL of the entry to be found.
243   * @return {number} Index of the element with the specified |value|.
244   * @private
245   */
246  getIndexByURL_: function(value) {
247    for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
248      // Same item check: must be exact match.
249      if (this.array_[i].toURL() === value)
250        return i;
251    }
252    return -1;
253  },
255  /**
256   * @param {Entry} value Value of the element to be retrieved.
257   * @return {number} Index of the element with the specified |value|.
258   */
259  getIndex: function(value) {
260    for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
261      // Same item check: must be exact match.
262      if (util.isSameEntry(this.array_[i], value))
263        return i;
264    }
265    return -1;
266  },
268  /**
269   * Compares 2 entries and returns a number indicating one entry comes before
270   * or after or is the same as the other entry in sort order.
271   *
272   * @param {Entry} a First entry.
273   * @param {Entry} b Second entry.
274   * @return {boolean} Returns -1, if |a| < |b|. Returns 0, if |a| === |b|.
275   *     Otherwise, returns 1.
276   */
277  compare: function(a, b) {
278    return util.comparePath(a, b);
279  },
281  /**
282   * Adds the given item to the array. If there were already same item in the
283   * list, return the index of the existing item without adding a duplicate
284   * item.
285   *
286   * @param {Entry} value Value to be added into the array.
287   * @return {number} Index in the list which the element added to.
288   */
289  add: function(value) {
290    var result = this.addInternal_(value);
291    metrics.recordUserAction('FolderShortcut.Add');
292    this.save_();
293    return result;
294  },
296  /**
297   * Adds the given item to the array. If there were already same item in the
298   * list, return the index of the existing item without adding a duplicate
299   * item.
300   *
301   * @param {Entry} value Value to be added into the array.
302   * @return {number} Index in the list which the element added to.
303   * @private
304   */
305  addInternal_: function(value) {
306    this.rememberLastDriveURL_();  // Required for saving.
308    var oldArray = this.array_.slice(0);  // Shallow copy.
309    var addedIndex = -1;
310    for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
311      // Same item check: must be exact match.
312      if (util.isSameEntry(this.array_[i], value))
313        return i;
315      // Since the array is sorted, new item will be added just before the first
316      // larger item.
317      if (this.compare(this.array_[i], value) >= 0) {
318        this.array_.splice(i, 0, value);
319        addedIndex = i;
320        break;
321      }
322    }
323    // If value is not added yet, add it at the last.
324    if (addedIndex == -1) {
325      this.array_.push(value);
326      addedIndex = this.length;
327    }
329    this.firePermutedEvent_(
330        this.calculatePermutation_(oldArray, this.array_));
331    return addedIndex;
332  },
334  /**
335   * Removes the given item from the array.
336   * @param {Entry} value Value to be removed from the array.
337   * @return {number} Index in the list which the element removed from.
338   */
339  remove: function(value) {
340    var result = this.removeInternal_(value);
341    if (result !== -1) {
342      this.save_();
343      metrics.recordUserAction('FolderShortcut.Remove');
344    }
345    return result;
346  },
348  /**
349   * Removes the given item from the array.
350   *
351   * @param {Entry} value Value to be removed from the array.
352   * @return {number} Index in the list which the element removed from.
353   * @private
354   */
355  removeInternal_: function(value) {
356    var removedIndex = -1;
357    var oldArray = this.array_.slice(0);  // Shallow copy.
358    for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
359      // Same item check: must be exact match.
360      if (util.isSameEntry(this.array_[i], value)) {
361        this.array_.splice(i, 1);
362        removedIndex = i;
363        break;
364      }
365    }
367    if (removedIndex !== -1) {
368      this.firePermutedEvent_(
369          this.calculatePermutation_(oldArray, this.array_));
370      return removedIndex;
371    }
373    // No item is removed.
374    return -1;
375  },
377  /**
378   * @param {Entry} entry Entry to be checked.
379   * @return {boolean} True if the given |entry| exists in the array. False
380   *     otherwise.
381   */
382  exists: function(entry) {
383    var index = this.getIndex(entry);
384    return (index >= 0);
385  },
387  /**
388   * Saves the current array to chrome.storage.
389   * @private
390   */
391  save_: function() {
392    this.rememberLastDriveURL_();
393    if (!this.lastDriveRootURL_)
394      return;
396    // TODO(mtomasz): Migrate to URL.
397    var paths = this.array_.
398                map(function(entry) { return entry.toURL(); }).
399                map(this.convertUrlToStoredPath_.bind(this)).
400                concat(Object.keys(this.pendingPaths_)).
401                concat(Object.keys(this.unresolvablePaths_));
403    var prefs = {};
404    prefs[FolderShortcutsDataModel.NAME] = paths;
405    chrome.storage.sync.set(prefs, function() {});
406  },
408  /**
409   * Creates a permutation array for 'permuted' event, which is compatible with
410   * a permutation array used in cr/ui/array_data_model.js.
411   *
412   * @param {array} oldArray Previous array before changing.
413   * @param {array} newArray New array after changing.
414   * @return {Array.<number>} Created permutation array.
415   * @private
416   */
417  calculatePermutation_: function(oldArray, newArray) {
418    var oldIndex = 0;  // Index of oldArray.
419    var newIndex = 0;  // Index of newArray.
421    // Note that both new and old arrays are sorted.
422    var permutation = [];
423    for (; oldIndex < oldArray.length; oldIndex++) {
424      if (newIndex >= newArray.length) {
425        // oldArray[oldIndex] is deleted, which is not in the new array.
426        permutation[oldIndex] = -1;
427        continue;
428      }
430      while (newIndex < newArray.length) {
431        // Unchanged item, which exists in both new and old array. But the
432        // index may be changed.
433        if (util.isSameEntry(oldArray[oldIndex], newArray[newIndex])) {
434          permutation[oldIndex] = newIndex;
435          newIndex++;
436          break;
437        }
439        // oldArray[oldIndex] is deleted, which is not in the new array.
440        if (this.compare(oldArray[oldIndex], newArray[newIndex]) < 0) {
441          permutation[oldIndex] = -1;
442          break;
443        }
445        // In the case of this.compare(oldArray[oldIndex]) > 0:
446        // newArray[newIndex] is added, which is not in the old array.
447        newIndex++;
448      }
449    }
450    return permutation;
451  },
453  /**
454   * Fires a 'permuted' event, which is compatible with cr.ui.ArrayDataModel.
455   * @param {Array.<number>} permutation Permutation array.
456   */
457  firePermutedEvent_: function(permutation) {
458    var permutedEvent = new Event('permuted');
459    permutedEvent.newLength = this.length;
460    permutedEvent.permutation = permutation;
461    this.dispatchEvent(permutedEvent);
463    // Note: This model only fires 'permuted' event, because:
464    // 1) 'change' event is not necessary to fire since it is covered by
465    //    'permuted' event.
466    // 2) 'splice' and 'sorted' events are not implemented. These events are
467    //    not used in NavigationListModel. We have to implement them when
468    //    necessary.
469  },
471  /**
472   * Called externally when one of the items is not found on the filesystem.
473   * @param {Entry} entry The entry which is not found.
474   */
475  onItemNotFoundError: function(entry) {
476    // If Drive is online, then delete the shortcut permanently. Otherwise,
477    // delete from model and add to |unresolvablePaths_|.
478    if (this.volumeManager_.getDriveConnectionState().type !==
479        VolumeManagerCommon.DriveConnectionType.ONLINE) {
480      var path = this.convertUrlToStoredPath_(entry.toURL());
481      // TODO(mtomasz): Add support for multi-profile.
482      this.unresolvablePaths_[path] = true;
483    }
484    this.removeInternal_(entry);
485    this.save_();
486  },
488  /**
489   * Converts the given "stored path" to the URL.
490   *
491   * This conversion is necessary because the shortcuts are not stored with
492   * stored-formatted mount paths for compatibility. See http://crbug.com/336155
493   * for detail.
494   *
495   * @param {string} path Path in Drive with the stored drive mount path.
496   * @return {string} URL of the given path.
497   * @private
498   */
499  convertStoredPathToUrl_: function(path) {
500    if (path.indexOf(STORED_DRIVE_MOUNT_PATH + '/') !== 0) {
501      console.warn(path + ' is neither a drive mount path nor a stored path.');
502      return null;
503    }
504    return this.lastDriveRootURL_ + encodeURIComponent(
505        path.substr(STORED_DRIVE_MOUNT_PATH.length));
506  },
508  /**
509   * Converts the URL to the stored-formatted path.
510   *
511   * See the comment of convertStoredPathToUrl_() for further information.
512   *
513   * @param {string} url URL of the directory in Drive.
514   * @return {string} Path with the stored drive mount path.
515   * @private
516   */
517  convertUrlToStoredPath_: function(url) {
518    // Root URLs contain a trailing slash.
519    if (url.indexOf(this.lastDriveRootURL_) !== 0) {
520      console.warn(url + ' is not a drive URL.');
521      return null;
522    }
524    return STORED_DRIVE_MOUNT_PATH + '/' + decodeURIComponent(
525        url.substr(this.lastDriveRootURL_.length));
526  },