1633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com// Copyright 2010 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com// found in the LICENSE file.
5633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com#ifndef V8_BIGNUM_H_
6633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com#define V8_BIGNUM_H_
8633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.comnamespace v8 {
9633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.comnamespace internal {
11633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.comclass Bignum {
12633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com public:
13633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com  // 3584 = 128 * 28. We can represent 2^3584 > 10^1000 accurately.
14633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com  // This bignum can encode much bigger numbers, since it contains an
15633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com  // exponent.
16633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com  static const int kMaxSignificantBits = 3584;
18633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com  Bignum();
19ca72e2646f852b6c39ef1b07fa9b250988ce9d54arthurhsu@google.com  void AssignUInt16(uint16_t value);
20633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com  void AssignUInt64(uint64_t value);
21633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com  void AssignBignum(const Bignum& other);
23633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com  void AssignDecimalString(Vector<const char> value);
24633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com  void AssignHexString(Vector<const char> value);
26633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com  void AssignPowerUInt16(uint16_t base, int exponent);
28633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com  void AddUInt16(uint16_t operand);
29633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com  void AddUInt64(uint64_t operand);
30633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com  void AddBignum(const Bignum& other);
31633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com  // Precondition: this >= other.
32633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com  void SubtractBignum(const Bignum& other);
34633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com  void Square();
35633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com  void ShiftLeft(int shift_amount);
36633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com  void MultiplyByUInt32(uint32_t factor);
37633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com  void MultiplyByUInt64(uint64_t factor);
38633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com  void MultiplyByPowerOfTen(int exponent);
39633131f1440aad16805eefd9ff04455f93429433arthurhsu@google.com  void Times10() { return MultiplyByUInt32(10); }
40  // Pseudocode:
41  //  int result = this / other;
42  //  this = this % other;
43  // In the worst case this function is in O(this/other).
44  uint16_t DivideModuloIntBignum(const Bignum& other);
46  bool ToHexString(char* buffer, int buffer_size) const;
48  static int Compare(const Bignum& a, const Bignum& b);
49  static bool Equal(const Bignum& a, const Bignum& b) {
50    return Compare(a, b) == 0;
51  }
52  static bool LessEqual(const Bignum& a, const Bignum& b) {
53    return Compare(a, b) <= 0;
54  }
55  static bool Less(const Bignum& a, const Bignum& b) {
56    return Compare(a, b) < 0;
57  }
58  // Returns Compare(a + b, c);
59  static int PlusCompare(const Bignum& a, const Bignum& b, const Bignum& c);
60  // Returns a + b == c
61  static bool PlusEqual(const Bignum& a, const Bignum& b, const Bignum& c) {
62    return PlusCompare(a, b, c) == 0;
63  }
64  // Returns a + b <= c
65  static bool PlusLessEqual(const Bignum& a, const Bignum& b, const Bignum& c) {
66    return PlusCompare(a, b, c) <= 0;
67  }
68  // Returns a + b < c
69  static bool PlusLess(const Bignum& a, const Bignum& b, const Bignum& c) {
70    return PlusCompare(a, b, c) < 0;
71  }
73 private:
74  typedef uint32_t Chunk;
75  typedef uint64_t DoubleChunk;
77  static const int kChunkSize = sizeof(Chunk) * 8;
78  static const int kDoubleChunkSize = sizeof(DoubleChunk) * 8;
79  // With bigit size of 28 we loose some bits, but a double still fits easily
80  // into two chunks, and more importantly we can use the Comba multiplication.
81  static const int kBigitSize = 28;
82  static const Chunk kBigitMask = (1 << kBigitSize) - 1;
83  // Every instance allocates kBigitLength chunks on the stack. Bignums cannot
84  // grow. There are no checks if the stack-allocated space is sufficient.
85  static const int kBigitCapacity = kMaxSignificantBits / kBigitSize;
87  void EnsureCapacity(int size) {
88    if (size > kBigitCapacity) {
89      UNREACHABLE();
90    }
91  }
92  void Align(const Bignum& other);
93  void Clamp();
94  bool IsClamped() const;
95  void Zero();
96  // Requires this to have enough capacity (no tests done).
97  // Updates used_digits_ if necessary.
98  // by must be < kBigitSize.
99  void BigitsShiftLeft(int shift_amount);
100  // BigitLength includes the "hidden" digits encoded in the exponent.
101  int BigitLength() const { return used_digits_ + exponent_; }
102  Chunk BigitAt(int index) const;
103  void SubtractTimes(const Bignum& other, int factor);
105  Chunk bigits_buffer_[kBigitCapacity];
106  // A vector backed by bigits_buffer_. This way accesses to the array are
107  // checked for out-of-bounds errors.
108  Vector<Chunk> bigits_;
109  int used_digits_;
110  // The Bignum's value equals value(bigits_) * 2^(exponent_ * kBigitSize).
111  int exponent_;
116} }  // namespace v8::internal
118#endif  // V8_BIGNUM_H_