1// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5#include "src/compiler/simplified-lowering.h"
7#include "src/base/bits.h"
8#include "src/code-factory.h"
9#include "src/compiler/common-operator.h"
10#include "src/compiler/graph-inl.h"
11#include "src/compiler/node-properties-inl.h"
12#include "src/compiler/representation-change.h"
13#include "src/compiler/simplified-lowering.h"
14#include "src/compiler/simplified-operator.h"
15#include "src/objects.h"
17namespace v8 {
18namespace internal {
19namespace compiler {
21// Macro for outputting trace information from representation inference.
22#define TRACE(x) \
23  if (FLAG_trace_representation) PrintF x
25// Representation selection and lowering of {Simplified} operators to machine
26// operators are interwined. We use a fixpoint calculation to compute both the
27// output representation and the best possible lowering for {Simplified} nodes.
28// Representation change insertion ensures that all values are in the correct
29// machine representation after this phase, as dictated by the machine
30// operators themselves.
31enum Phase {
32  // 1.) PROPAGATE: Traverse the graph from the end, pushing usage information
33  //     backwards from uses to definitions, around cycles in phis, according
34  //     to local rules for each operator.
35  //     During this phase, the usage information for a node determines the best
36  //     possible lowering for each operator so far, and that in turn determines
37  //     the output representation.
38  //     Therefore, to be correct, this phase must iterate to a fixpoint before
39  //     the next phase can begin.
42  // 2.) LOWER: perform lowering for all {Simplified} nodes by replacing some
43  //     operators for some nodes, expanding some nodes to multiple nodes, or
44  //     removing some (redundant) nodes.
45  //     During this phase, use the {RepresentationChanger} to insert
46  //     representation changes between uses that demand a particular
47  //     representation and nodes that produce a different representation.
52class RepresentationSelector {
53 public:
54  // Information for each node tracked during the fixpoint.
55  struct NodeInfo {
56    MachineTypeUnion use : 15;     // Union of all usages for the node.
57    bool queued : 1;           // Bookkeeping for the traversal.
58    bool visited : 1;          // Bookkeeping for the traversal.
59    MachineTypeUnion output : 15;  // Output type of the node.
60  };
62  RepresentationSelector(JSGraph* jsgraph, Zone* zone,
63                         RepresentationChanger* changer)
64      : jsgraph_(jsgraph),
65        count_(jsgraph->graph()->NodeCount()),
66        info_(zone->NewArray<NodeInfo>(count_)),
67        nodes_(zone),
68        replacements_(zone),
69        contains_js_nodes_(false),
70        phase_(PROPAGATE),
71        changer_(changer),
72        queue_(zone) {
73    memset(info_, 0, sizeof(NodeInfo) * count_);
74  }
76  void Run(SimplifiedLowering* lowering) {
77    // Run propagation phase to a fixpoint.
78    TRACE(("--{Propagation phase}--\n"));
79    phase_ = PROPAGATE;
80    Enqueue(jsgraph_->graph()->end());
81    // Process nodes from the queue until it is empty.
82    while (!queue_.empty()) {
83      Node* node = queue_.front();
84      NodeInfo* info = GetInfo(node);
85      queue_.pop();
86      info->queued = false;
87      TRACE((" visit #%d: %s\n", node->id(), node->op()->mnemonic()));
88      VisitNode(node, info->use, NULL);
89      TRACE(("  ==> output "));
90      PrintInfo(info->output);
91      TRACE(("\n"));
92    }
94    // Run lowering and change insertion phase.
95    TRACE(("--{Simplified lowering phase}--\n"));
96    phase_ = LOWER;
97    // Process nodes from the collected {nodes_} vector.
98    for (NodeVector::iterator i = nodes_.begin(); i != nodes_.end(); ++i) {
99      Node* node = *i;
100      TRACE((" visit #%d: %s\n", node->id(), node->op()->mnemonic()));
101      // Reuse {VisitNode()} so the representation rules are in one place.
102      VisitNode(node, GetUseInfo(node), lowering);
103    }
105    // Perform the final replacements.
106    for (NodeVector::iterator i = replacements_.begin();
107         i != replacements_.end(); ++i) {
108      Node* node = *i;
109      Node* replacement = *(++i);
110      node->ReplaceUses(replacement);
111    }
112  }
114  // Enqueue {node} if the {use} contains new information for that node.
115  // Add {node} to {nodes_} if this is the first time it's been visited.
116  void Enqueue(Node* node, MachineTypeUnion use = 0) {
117    if (phase_ != PROPAGATE) return;
118    NodeInfo* info = GetInfo(node);
119    if (!info->visited) {
120      // First visit of this node.
121      info->visited = true;
122      info->queued = true;
123      nodes_.push_back(node);
124      queue_.push(node);
125      TRACE(("  initial: "));
126      info->use |= use;
127      PrintUseInfo(node);
128      return;
129    }
130    TRACE(("   queue?: "));
131    PrintUseInfo(node);
132    if ((info->use & use) != use) {
133      // New usage information for the node is available.
134      if (!info->queued) {
135        queue_.push(node);
136        info->queued = true;
137        TRACE(("   added: "));
138      } else {
139        TRACE((" inqueue: "));
140      }
141      info->use |= use;
142      PrintUseInfo(node);
143    }
144  }
146  bool lower() { return phase_ == LOWER; }
148  void Enqueue(Node* node, MachineType use) {
149    Enqueue(node, static_cast<MachineTypeUnion>(use));
150  }
152  void SetOutput(Node* node, MachineTypeUnion output) {
153    // Every node should have at most one output representation. Note that
154    // phis can have 0, if they have not been used in a representation-inducing
155    // instruction.
156    DCHECK((output & kRepMask) == 0 ||
157           base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo32(output & kRepMask));
158    GetInfo(node)->output = output;
159  }
161  bool BothInputsAre(Node* node, Type* type) {
162    DCHECK_EQ(2, node->InputCount());
163    return NodeProperties::GetBounds(node->InputAt(0)).upper->Is(type) &&
164           NodeProperties::GetBounds(node->InputAt(1)).upper->Is(type);
165  }
167  void ProcessInput(Node* node, int index, MachineTypeUnion use) {
168    Node* input = node->InputAt(index);
169    if (phase_ == PROPAGATE) {
170      // In the propagate phase, propagate the usage information backward.
171      Enqueue(input, use);
172    } else {
173      // In the change phase, insert a change before the use if necessary.
174      if ((use & kRepMask) == 0) return;  // No input requirement on the use.
175      MachineTypeUnion output = GetInfo(input)->output;
176      if ((output & kRepMask & use) == 0) {
177        // Output representation doesn't match usage.
178        TRACE(("  change: #%d:%s(@%d #%d:%s) ", node->id(),
179               node->op()->mnemonic(), index, input->id(),
180               input->op()->mnemonic()));
181        TRACE((" from "));
182        PrintInfo(output);
183        TRACE((" to "));
184        PrintInfo(use);
185        TRACE(("\n"));
186        Node* n = changer_->GetRepresentationFor(input, output, use);
187        node->ReplaceInput(index, n);
188      }
189    }
190  }
192  void ProcessRemainingInputs(Node* node, int index) {
193    DCHECK_GE(index, NodeProperties::PastValueIndex(node));
194    DCHECK_GE(index, NodeProperties::PastContextIndex(node));
195    for (int i = std::max(index, NodeProperties::FirstEffectIndex(node));
196         i < NodeProperties::PastEffectIndex(node); ++i) {
197      Enqueue(node->InputAt(i));  // Effect inputs: just visit
198    }
199    for (int i = std::max(index, NodeProperties::FirstControlIndex(node));
200         i < NodeProperties::PastControlIndex(node); ++i) {
201      Enqueue(node->InputAt(i));  // Control inputs: just visit
202    }
203  }
205  // The default, most general visitation case. For {node}, process all value,
206  // context, effect, and control inputs, assuming that value inputs should have
207  // {kRepTagged} representation and can observe all output values {kTypeAny}.
208  void VisitInputs(Node* node) {
209    InputIter i = node->inputs().begin();
210    for (int j = OperatorProperties::GetValueInputCount(node->op()); j > 0;
211         ++i, j--) {
212      ProcessInput(node, i.index(), kMachAnyTagged);  // Value inputs
213    }
214    for (int j = OperatorProperties::GetContextInputCount(node->op()); j > 0;
215         ++i, j--) {
216      ProcessInput(node, i.index(), kMachAnyTagged);  // Context inputs
217    }
218    for (int j = OperatorProperties::GetEffectInputCount(node->op()); j > 0;
219         ++i, j--) {
220      Enqueue(*i);  // Effect inputs: just visit
221    }
222    for (int j = OperatorProperties::GetControlInputCount(node->op()); j > 0;
223         ++i, j--) {
224      Enqueue(*i);  // Control inputs: just visit
225    }
226    SetOutput(node, kMachAnyTagged);
227  }
229  // Helper for binops of the I x I -> O variety.
230  void VisitBinop(Node* node, MachineTypeUnion input_use,
231                  MachineTypeUnion output) {
232    DCHECK_EQ(2, node->InputCount());
233    ProcessInput(node, 0, input_use);
234    ProcessInput(node, 1, input_use);
235    SetOutput(node, output);
236  }
238  // Helper for unops of the I -> O variety.
239  void VisitUnop(Node* node, MachineTypeUnion input_use,
240                 MachineTypeUnion output) {
241    DCHECK_EQ(1, node->InputCount());
242    ProcessInput(node, 0, input_use);
243    SetOutput(node, output);
244  }
246  // Helper for leaf nodes.
247  void VisitLeaf(Node* node, MachineTypeUnion output) {
248    DCHECK_EQ(0, node->InputCount());
249    SetOutput(node, output);
250  }
252  // Helpers for specific types of binops.
253  void VisitFloat64Binop(Node* node) {
254    VisitBinop(node, kMachFloat64, kMachFloat64);
255  }
256  void VisitInt32Binop(Node* node) { VisitBinop(node, kMachInt32, kMachInt32); }
257  void VisitUint32Binop(Node* node) {
258    VisitBinop(node, kMachUint32, kMachUint32);
259  }
260  void VisitInt64Binop(Node* node) { VisitBinop(node, kMachInt64, kMachInt64); }
261  void VisitUint64Binop(Node* node) {
262    VisitBinop(node, kMachUint64, kMachUint64);
263  }
264  void VisitFloat64Cmp(Node* node) { VisitBinop(node, kMachFloat64, kRepBit); }
265  void VisitInt32Cmp(Node* node) { VisitBinop(node, kMachInt32, kRepBit); }
266  void VisitUint32Cmp(Node* node) { VisitBinop(node, kMachUint32, kRepBit); }
267  void VisitInt64Cmp(Node* node) { VisitBinop(node, kMachInt64, kRepBit); }
268  void VisitUint64Cmp(Node* node) { VisitBinop(node, kMachUint64, kRepBit); }
270  // Helper for handling phis.
271  void VisitPhi(Node* node, MachineTypeUnion use,
272                SimplifiedLowering* lowering) {
273    // First, propagate the usage information to inputs of the phi.
274    if (!lower()) {
275      int values = OperatorProperties::GetValueInputCount(node->op());
276      // Propagate {use} of the phi to value inputs, and 0 to control.
277      Node::Inputs inputs = node->inputs();
278      for (Node::Inputs::iterator iter(inputs.begin()); iter != inputs.end();
279           ++iter, --values) {
280        // TODO(titzer): it'd be nice to have distinguished edge kinds here.
281        ProcessInput(node, iter.index(), values > 0 ? use : 0);
282      }
283    }
284    // Phis adapt to whatever output representation their uses demand,
285    // pushing representation changes to their inputs.
286    MachineTypeUnion use_rep = GetUseInfo(node) & kRepMask;
287    MachineTypeUnion use_type = GetUseInfo(node) & kTypeMask;
288    MachineTypeUnion rep = 0;
289    if (use_rep & kRepTagged) {
290      rep = kRepTagged;  // Tagged overrides everything.
291    } else if (use_rep & kRepFloat64) {
292      rep = kRepFloat64;
293    } else if (use_rep & kRepWord64) {
294      rep = kRepWord64;
295    } else if (use_rep & kRepWord32) {
296      rep = kRepWord32;
297    } else if (use_rep & kRepBit) {
298      rep = kRepBit;
299    } else {
300      // There was no representation associated with any of the uses.
301      // TODO(titzer): Select the best rep using phi's type, not the usage type?
302      if (use_type & kTypeAny) {
303        rep = kRepTagged;
304      } else if (use_type & kTypeNumber) {
305        rep = kRepFloat64;
306      } else if (use_type & kTypeInt64 || use_type & kTypeUint64) {
307        rep = kRepWord64;
308      } else if (use_type & kTypeInt32 || use_type & kTypeUint32) {
309        rep = kRepWord32;
310      } else if (use_type & kTypeBool) {
311        rep = kRepBit;
312      } else {
313        UNREACHABLE();  // should have at least a usage type!
314      }
315    }
316    // Preserve the usage type, but set the representation.
317    Type* upper = NodeProperties::GetBounds(node).upper;
318    MachineTypeUnion output_type = rep | changer_->TypeFromUpperBound(upper);
319    SetOutput(node, output_type);
321    if (lower()) {
322      int values = OperatorProperties::GetValueInputCount(node->op());
324      // Update the phi operator.
325      MachineType type = static_cast<MachineType>(output_type);
326      if (type != OpParameter<MachineType>(node)) {
327        node->set_op(lowering->common()->Phi(type, values));
328      }
330      // Convert inputs to the output representation of this phi.
331      Node::Inputs inputs = node->inputs();
332      for (Node::Inputs::iterator iter(inputs.begin()); iter != inputs.end();
333           ++iter, --values) {
334        // TODO(titzer): it'd be nice to have distinguished edge kinds here.
335        ProcessInput(node, iter.index(), values > 0 ? output_type : 0);
336      }
337    }
338  }
340  const Operator* Int32Op(Node* node) {
341    return changer_->Int32OperatorFor(node->opcode());
342  }
344  const Operator* Uint32Op(Node* node) {
345    return changer_->Uint32OperatorFor(node->opcode());
346  }
348  const Operator* Float64Op(Node* node) {
349    return changer_->Float64OperatorFor(node->opcode());
350  }
352  static MachineType AssumeImplicitFloat32Change(MachineType type) {
353    // TODO(titzer): Assume loads of float32 change representation to float64.
354    // Fix this with full support for float32 representations.
355    if (type & kRepFloat32) {
356      return static_cast<MachineType>((type & ~kRepFloat32) | kRepFloat64);
357    }
358    return type;
359  }
361  // Dispatching routine for visiting the node {node} with the usage {use}.
362  // Depending on the operator, propagate new usage info to the inputs.
363  void VisitNode(Node* node, MachineTypeUnion use,
364                 SimplifiedLowering* lowering) {
365    switch (node->opcode()) {
366      //------------------------------------------------------------------
367      // Common operators.
368      //------------------------------------------------------------------
369      case IrOpcode::kStart:
370      case IrOpcode::kDead:
371        return VisitLeaf(node, 0);
372      case IrOpcode::kParameter: {
373        // TODO(titzer): use representation from linkage.
374        Type* upper = NodeProperties::GetBounds(node).upper;
375        ProcessInput(node, 0, 0);
376        SetOutput(node, kRepTagged | changer_->TypeFromUpperBound(upper));
377        return;
378      }
379      case IrOpcode::kInt32Constant:
380        return VisitLeaf(node, kRepWord32);
381      case IrOpcode::kInt64Constant:
382        return VisitLeaf(node, kRepWord64);
383      case IrOpcode::kFloat64Constant:
384        return VisitLeaf(node, kRepFloat64);
385      case IrOpcode::kExternalConstant:
386        return VisitLeaf(node, kMachPtr);
387      case IrOpcode::kNumberConstant:
388        return VisitLeaf(node, kRepTagged);
389      case IrOpcode::kHeapConstant:
390        return VisitLeaf(node, kRepTagged);
392      case IrOpcode::kEnd:
393      case IrOpcode::kIfTrue:
394      case IrOpcode::kIfFalse:
395      case IrOpcode::kReturn:
396      case IrOpcode::kMerge:
397      case IrOpcode::kThrow:
398        return VisitInputs(node);  // default visit for all node inputs.
400      case IrOpcode::kBranch:
401        ProcessInput(node, 0, kRepBit);
402        Enqueue(NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node, 0));
403        break;
404      case IrOpcode::kPhi:
405        return VisitPhi(node, use, lowering);
408// JavaScript operators.
410// For now, we assume that all JS operators were too complex to lower
411// to Simplified and that they will always require tagged value inputs
412// and produce tagged value outputs.
413// TODO(turbofan): it might be possible to lower some JSOperators here,
414// but that responsibility really lies in the typed lowering phase.
415#define DEFINE_JS_CASE(x) case IrOpcode::k##x:
417#undef DEFINE_JS_CASE
418        contains_js_nodes_ = true;
419        VisitInputs(node);
420        return SetOutput(node, kRepTagged);
422      //------------------------------------------------------------------
423      // Simplified operators.
424      //------------------------------------------------------------------
425      case IrOpcode::kBooleanNot: {
426        if (lower()) {
427          MachineTypeUnion input = GetInfo(node->InputAt(0))->output;
428          if (input & kRepBit) {
429            // BooleanNot(x: kRepBit) => WordEqual(x, #0)
430            node->set_op(lowering->machine()->WordEqual());
431            node->AppendInput(jsgraph_->zone(), jsgraph_->Int32Constant(0));
432          } else {
433            // BooleanNot(x: kRepTagged) => WordEqual(x, #false)
434            node->set_op(lowering->machine()->WordEqual());
435            node->AppendInput(jsgraph_->zone(), jsgraph_->FalseConstant());
436          }
437        } else {
438          // No input representation requirement; adapt during lowering.
439          ProcessInput(node, 0, kTypeBool);
440          SetOutput(node, kRepBit);
441        }
442        break;
443      }
444      case IrOpcode::kBooleanToNumber: {
445        if (lower()) {
446          MachineTypeUnion input = GetInfo(node->InputAt(0))->output;
447          if (input & kRepBit) {
448            // BooleanToNumber(x: kRepBit) => x
449            DeferReplacement(node, node->InputAt(0));
450          } else {
451            // BooleanToNumber(x: kRepTagged) => WordEqual(x, #true)
452            node->set_op(lowering->machine()->WordEqual());
453            node->AppendInput(jsgraph_->zone(), jsgraph_->TrueConstant());
454          }
455        } else {
456          // No input representation requirement; adapt during lowering.
457          ProcessInput(node, 0, kTypeBool);
458          SetOutput(node, kMachInt32);
459        }
460        break;
461      }
462      case IrOpcode::kNumberEqual:
463      case IrOpcode::kNumberLessThan:
464      case IrOpcode::kNumberLessThanOrEqual: {
465        // Number comparisons reduce to integer comparisons for integer inputs.
466        if (BothInputsAre(node, Type::Signed32())) {
467          // => signed Int32Cmp
468          VisitInt32Cmp(node);
469          if (lower()) node->set_op(Int32Op(node));
470        } else if (BothInputsAre(node, Type::Unsigned32())) {
471          // => unsigned Int32Cmp
472          VisitUint32Cmp(node);
473          if (lower()) node->set_op(Uint32Op(node));
474        } else {
475          // => Float64Cmp
476          VisitFloat64Cmp(node);
477          if (lower()) node->set_op(Float64Op(node));
478        }
479        break;
480      }
481      case IrOpcode::kNumberAdd:
482      case IrOpcode::kNumberSubtract: {
483        // Add and subtract reduce to Int32Add/Sub if the inputs
484        // are already integers and all uses are truncating.
485        if (BothInputsAre(node, Type::Signed32()) &&
486            (use & (kTypeUint32 | kTypeNumber | kTypeAny)) == 0) {
487          // => signed Int32Add/Sub
488          VisitInt32Binop(node);
489          if (lower()) node->set_op(Int32Op(node));
490        } else if (BothInputsAre(node, Type::Unsigned32()) &&
491                   (use & (kTypeInt32 | kTypeNumber | kTypeAny)) == 0) {
492          // => unsigned Int32Add/Sub
493          VisitUint32Binop(node);
494          if (lower()) node->set_op(Uint32Op(node));
495        } else {
496          // => Float64Add/Sub
497          VisitFloat64Binop(node);
498          if (lower()) node->set_op(Float64Op(node));
499        }
500        break;
501      }
502      case IrOpcode::kNumberMultiply:
503      case IrOpcode::kNumberDivide:
504      case IrOpcode::kNumberModulus: {
505        // Float64Mul/Div/Mod
506        VisitFloat64Binop(node);
507        if (lower()) node->set_op(Float64Op(node));
508        break;
509      }
510      case IrOpcode::kNumberToInt32: {
511        MachineTypeUnion use_rep = use & kRepMask;
512        if (lower()) {
513          MachineTypeUnion in = GetInfo(node->InputAt(0))->output;
514          if ((in & kTypeMask) == kTypeInt32 || (in & kRepMask) == kRepWord32) {
515            // If the input has type int32, or is already a word32, just change
516            // representation if necessary.
517            VisitUnop(node, kTypeInt32 | use_rep, kTypeInt32 | use_rep);
518            DeferReplacement(node, node->InputAt(0));
519          } else {
520            // Require the input in float64 format and perform truncation.
521            // TODO(turbofan): avoid a truncation with a smi check.
522            VisitUnop(node, kTypeInt32 | kRepFloat64, kTypeInt32 | kRepWord32);
523            node->set_op(lowering->machine()->TruncateFloat64ToInt32());
524          }
525        } else {
526          // Propagate a type to the input, but pass through representation.
527          VisitUnop(node, kTypeInt32, kTypeInt32 | use_rep);
528        }
529        break;
530      }
531      case IrOpcode::kNumberToUint32: {
532        MachineTypeUnion use_rep = use & kRepMask;
533        if (lower()) {
534          MachineTypeUnion in = GetInfo(node->InputAt(0))->output;
535          if ((in & kTypeMask) == kTypeUint32 ||
536              (in & kRepMask) == kRepWord32) {
537            // The input has type int32, just change representation.
538            VisitUnop(node, kTypeUint32 | use_rep, kTypeUint32 | use_rep);
539            DeferReplacement(node, node->InputAt(0));
540          } else {
541            // Require the input in float64 format to perform truncation.
542            // TODO(turbofan): avoid the truncation with a smi check.
543            VisitUnop(node, kTypeUint32 | kRepFloat64,
544                      kTypeUint32 | kRepWord32);
545            node->set_op(lowering->machine()->TruncateFloat64ToInt32());
546          }
547        } else {
548          // Propagate a type to the input, but pass through representation.
549          VisitUnop(node, kTypeUint32, kTypeUint32 | use_rep);
550        }
551        break;
552      }
553      case IrOpcode::kReferenceEqual: {
554        VisitBinop(node, kMachAnyTagged, kRepBit);
555        if (lower()) node->set_op(lowering->machine()->WordEqual());
556        break;
557      }
558      case IrOpcode::kStringEqual: {
559        VisitBinop(node, kMachAnyTagged, kRepBit);
560        if (lower()) lowering->DoStringEqual(node);
561        break;
562      }
563      case IrOpcode::kStringLessThan: {
564        VisitBinop(node, kMachAnyTagged, kRepBit);
565        if (lower()) lowering->DoStringLessThan(node);
566        break;
567      }
568      case IrOpcode::kStringLessThanOrEqual: {
569        VisitBinop(node, kMachAnyTagged, kRepBit);
570        if (lower()) lowering->DoStringLessThanOrEqual(node);
571        break;
572      }
573      case IrOpcode::kStringAdd: {
574        VisitBinop(node, kMachAnyTagged, kMachAnyTagged);
575        if (lower()) lowering->DoStringAdd(node);
576        break;
577      }
578      case IrOpcode::kLoadField: {
579        FieldAccess access = FieldAccessOf(node->op());
580        ProcessInput(node, 0, changer_->TypeForBasePointer(access));
581        ProcessRemainingInputs(node, 1);
582        SetOutput(node, AssumeImplicitFloat32Change(access.machine_type));
583        if (lower()) lowering->DoLoadField(node);
584        break;
585      }
586      case IrOpcode::kStoreField: {
587        FieldAccess access = FieldAccessOf(node->op());
588        ProcessInput(node, 0, changer_->TypeForBasePointer(access));
589        ProcessInput(node, 1, AssumeImplicitFloat32Change(access.machine_type));
590        ProcessRemainingInputs(node, 2);
591        SetOutput(node, 0);
592        if (lower()) lowering->DoStoreField(node);
593        break;
594      }
595      case IrOpcode::kLoadElement: {
596        ElementAccess access = ElementAccessOf(node->op());
597        ProcessInput(node, 0, changer_->TypeForBasePointer(access));
598        ProcessInput(node, 1, kMachInt32);  // element index
599        ProcessInput(node, 2, kMachInt32);  // length
600        ProcessRemainingInputs(node, 3);
601        SetOutput(node, AssumeImplicitFloat32Change(access.machine_type));
602        if (lower()) lowering->DoLoadElement(node);
603        break;
604      }
605      case IrOpcode::kStoreElement: {
606        ElementAccess access = ElementAccessOf(node->op());
607        ProcessInput(node, 0, changer_->TypeForBasePointer(access));
608        ProcessInput(node, 1, kMachInt32);  // element index
609        ProcessInput(node, 2, kMachInt32);  // length
610        ProcessInput(node, 3, AssumeImplicitFloat32Change(access.machine_type));
611        ProcessRemainingInputs(node, 4);
612        SetOutput(node, 0);
613        if (lower()) lowering->DoStoreElement(node);
614        break;
615      }
617      //------------------------------------------------------------------
618      // Machine-level operators.
619      //------------------------------------------------------------------
620      case IrOpcode::kLoad: {
621        // TODO(titzer): machine loads/stores need to know BaseTaggedness!?
622        MachineType tBase = kRepTagged;
623        LoadRepresentation rep = OpParameter<LoadRepresentation>(node);
624        ProcessInput(node, 0, tBase);   // pointer or object
625        ProcessInput(node, 1, kMachInt32);  // index
626        ProcessRemainingInputs(node, 2);
627        SetOutput(node, rep);
628        break;
629      }
630      case IrOpcode::kStore: {
631        // TODO(titzer): machine loads/stores need to know BaseTaggedness!?
632        MachineType tBase = kRepTagged;
633        StoreRepresentation rep = OpParameter<StoreRepresentation>(node);
634        ProcessInput(node, 0, tBase);   // pointer or object
635        ProcessInput(node, 1, kMachInt32);  // index
636        ProcessInput(node, 2, rep.machine_type());
637        ProcessRemainingInputs(node, 3);
638        SetOutput(node, 0);
639        break;
640      }
641      case IrOpcode::kWord32Shr:
642        // We output unsigned int32 for shift right because JavaScript.
643        return VisitBinop(node, kRepWord32, kRepWord32 | kTypeUint32);
644      case IrOpcode::kWord32And:
645      case IrOpcode::kWord32Or:
646      case IrOpcode::kWord32Xor:
647      case IrOpcode::kWord32Shl:
648      case IrOpcode::kWord32Sar:
649        // We use signed int32 as the output type for these word32 operations,
650        // though the machine bits are the same for either signed or unsigned,
651        // because JavaScript considers the result from these operations signed.
652        return VisitBinop(node, kRepWord32, kRepWord32 | kTypeInt32);
653      case IrOpcode::kWord32Equal:
654        return VisitBinop(node, kRepWord32, kRepBit);
656      case IrOpcode::kInt32Add:
657      case IrOpcode::kInt32Sub:
658      case IrOpcode::kInt32Mul:
659      case IrOpcode::kInt32Div:
660      case IrOpcode::kInt32Mod:
661        return VisitInt32Binop(node);
662      case IrOpcode::kInt32UDiv:
663      case IrOpcode::kInt32UMod:
664        return VisitUint32Binop(node);
665      case IrOpcode::kInt32LessThan:
666      case IrOpcode::kInt32LessThanOrEqual:
667        return VisitInt32Cmp(node);
669      case IrOpcode::kUint32LessThan:
670      case IrOpcode::kUint32LessThanOrEqual:
671        return VisitUint32Cmp(node);
673      case IrOpcode::kInt64Add:
674      case IrOpcode::kInt64Sub:
675      case IrOpcode::kInt64Mul:
676      case IrOpcode::kInt64Div:
677      case IrOpcode::kInt64Mod:
678        return VisitInt64Binop(node);
679      case IrOpcode::kInt64LessThan:
680      case IrOpcode::kInt64LessThanOrEqual:
681        return VisitInt64Cmp(node);
683      case IrOpcode::kInt64UDiv:
684      case IrOpcode::kInt64UMod:
685        return VisitUint64Binop(node);
687      case IrOpcode::kWord64And:
688      case IrOpcode::kWord64Or:
689      case IrOpcode::kWord64Xor:
690      case IrOpcode::kWord64Shl:
691      case IrOpcode::kWord64Shr:
692      case IrOpcode::kWord64Sar:
693        return VisitBinop(node, kRepWord64, kRepWord64);
694      case IrOpcode::kWord64Equal:
695        return VisitBinop(node, kRepWord64, kRepBit);
697      case IrOpcode::kChangeInt32ToInt64:
698        return VisitUnop(node, kTypeInt32 | kRepWord32,
699                         kTypeInt32 | kRepWord64);
700      case IrOpcode::kChangeUint32ToUint64:
701        return VisitUnop(node, kTypeUint32 | kRepWord32,
702                         kTypeUint32 | kRepWord64);
703      case IrOpcode::kTruncateInt64ToInt32:
704        // TODO(titzer): Is kTypeInt32 correct here?
705        return VisitUnop(node, kTypeInt32 | kRepWord64,
706                         kTypeInt32 | kRepWord32);
708      case IrOpcode::kChangeInt32ToFloat64:
709        return VisitUnop(node, kTypeInt32 | kRepWord32,
710                         kTypeInt32 | kRepFloat64);
711      case IrOpcode::kChangeUint32ToFloat64:
712        return VisitUnop(node, kTypeUint32 | kRepWord32,
713                         kTypeUint32 | kRepFloat64);
714      case IrOpcode::kChangeFloat64ToInt32:
715        return VisitUnop(node, kTypeInt32 | kRepFloat64,
716                         kTypeInt32 | kRepWord32);
717      case IrOpcode::kChangeFloat64ToUint32:
718        return VisitUnop(node, kTypeUint32 | kRepFloat64,
719                         kTypeUint32 | kRepWord32);
721      case IrOpcode::kFloat64Add:
722      case IrOpcode::kFloat64Sub:
723      case IrOpcode::kFloat64Mul:
724      case IrOpcode::kFloat64Div:
725      case IrOpcode::kFloat64Mod:
726        return VisitFloat64Binop(node);
727      case IrOpcode::kFloat64Sqrt:
728        return VisitUnop(node, kMachFloat64, kMachFloat64);
729      case IrOpcode::kFloat64Equal:
730      case IrOpcode::kFloat64LessThan:
731      case IrOpcode::kFloat64LessThanOrEqual:
732        return VisitFloat64Cmp(node);
733      default:
734        VisitInputs(node);
735        break;
736    }
737  }
739  void DeferReplacement(Node* node, Node* replacement) {
740    if (replacement->id() < count_) {
741      // Replace with a previously existing node eagerly.
742      node->ReplaceUses(replacement);
743    } else {
744      // Otherwise, we are replacing a node with a representation change.
745      // Such a substitution must be done after all lowering is done, because
746      // new nodes do not have {NodeInfo} entries, and that would confuse
747      // the representation change insertion for uses of it.
748      replacements_.push_back(node);
749      replacements_.push_back(replacement);
750    }
751    // TODO(titzer) node->RemoveAllInputs();  // Node is now dead.
752  }
754  void PrintUseInfo(Node* node) {
755    TRACE(("#%d:%-20s ", node->id(), node->op()->mnemonic()));
756    PrintInfo(GetUseInfo(node));
757    TRACE(("\n"));
758  }
760  void PrintInfo(MachineTypeUnion info) {
761    if (FLAG_trace_representation) {
762      OFStream os(stdout);
763      os << static_cast<MachineType>(info);
764    }
765  }
767 private:
768  JSGraph* jsgraph_;
769  int count_;                       // number of nodes in the graph
770  NodeInfo* info_;                  // node id -> usage information
771  NodeVector nodes_;                // collected nodes
772  NodeVector replacements_;         // replacements to be done after lowering
773  bool contains_js_nodes_;          // {true} if a JS operator was seen
774  Phase phase_;                     // current phase of algorithm
775  RepresentationChanger* changer_;  // for inserting representation changes
776  ZoneQueue<Node*> queue_;          // queue for traversing the graph
778  NodeInfo* GetInfo(Node* node) {
779    DCHECK(node->id() >= 0);
780    DCHECK(node->id() < count_);
781    return &info_[node->id()];
782  }
784  MachineTypeUnion GetUseInfo(Node* node) { return GetInfo(node)->use; }
788Node* SimplifiedLowering::IsTagged(Node* node) {
789  // TODO(titzer): factor this out to a TaggingScheme abstraction.
790  STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTagMask == 1);  // Only works if tag is the low bit.
791  return graph()->NewNode(machine()->WordAnd(), node,
792                          jsgraph()->Int32Constant(kSmiTagMask));
796void SimplifiedLowering::LowerAllNodes() {
797  SimplifiedOperatorBuilder simplified(graph()->zone());
798  RepresentationChanger changer(jsgraph(), &simplified,
799                                graph()->zone()->isolate());
800  RepresentationSelector selector(jsgraph(), zone(), &changer);
801  selector.Run(this);
805Node* SimplifiedLowering::Untag(Node* node) {
806  // TODO(titzer): factor this out to a TaggingScheme abstraction.
807  Node* shift_amount = jsgraph()->Int32Constant(kSmiTagSize + kSmiShiftSize);
808  return graph()->NewNode(machine()->WordSar(), node, shift_amount);
812Node* SimplifiedLowering::SmiTag(Node* node) {
813  // TODO(titzer): factor this out to a TaggingScheme abstraction.
814  Node* shift_amount = jsgraph()->Int32Constant(kSmiTagSize + kSmiShiftSize);
815  return graph()->NewNode(machine()->WordShl(), node, shift_amount);
819Node* SimplifiedLowering::OffsetMinusTagConstant(int32_t offset) {
820  return jsgraph()->Int32Constant(offset - kHeapObjectTag);
824static WriteBarrierKind ComputeWriteBarrierKind(BaseTaggedness base_is_tagged,
825                                                MachineType representation,
826                                                Type* type) {
827  // TODO(turbofan): skip write barriers for Smis, etc.
828  if (base_is_tagged == kTaggedBase &&
829      RepresentationOf(representation) == kRepTagged) {
830    // Write barriers are only for writes into heap objects (i.e. tagged base).
831    return kFullWriteBarrier;
832  }
833  return kNoWriteBarrier;
837void SimplifiedLowering::DoLoadField(Node* node) {
838  const FieldAccess& access = FieldAccessOf(node->op());
839  node->set_op(machine()->Load(access.machine_type));
840  Node* offset = jsgraph()->Int32Constant(access.offset - access.tag());
841  node->InsertInput(zone(), 1, offset);
845void SimplifiedLowering::DoStoreField(Node* node) {
846  const FieldAccess& access = FieldAccessOf(node->op());
847  WriteBarrierKind kind = ComputeWriteBarrierKind(
848      access.base_is_tagged, access.machine_type, access.type);
849  node->set_op(
850      machine()->Store(StoreRepresentation(access.machine_type, kind)));
851  Node* offset = jsgraph()->Int32Constant(access.offset - access.tag());
852  node->InsertInput(zone(), 1, offset);
856Node* SimplifiedLowering::ComputeIndex(const ElementAccess& access,
857                                       Node* index) {
858  int element_size = ElementSizeOf(access.machine_type);
859  if (element_size != 1) {
860    index = graph()->NewNode(machine()->Int32Mul(),
861                             jsgraph()->Int32Constant(element_size), index);
862  }
863  int fixed_offset = access.header_size - access.tag();
864  if (fixed_offset == 0) return index;
865  return graph()->NewNode(machine()->Int32Add(), index,
866                          jsgraph()->Int32Constant(fixed_offset));
870void SimplifiedLowering::DoLoadElement(Node* node) {
871  const ElementAccess& access = ElementAccessOf(node->op());
872  node->set_op(machine()->Load(access.machine_type));
873  node->ReplaceInput(1, ComputeIndex(access, node->InputAt(1)));
874  node->RemoveInput(2);
878void SimplifiedLowering::DoStoreElement(Node* node) {
879  const ElementAccess& access = ElementAccessOf(node->op());
880  WriteBarrierKind kind = ComputeWriteBarrierKind(
881      access.base_is_tagged, access.machine_type, access.type);
882  node->set_op(
883      machine()->Store(StoreRepresentation(access.machine_type, kind)));
884  node->ReplaceInput(1, ComputeIndex(access, node->InputAt(1)));
885  node->RemoveInput(2);
889void SimplifiedLowering::DoStringAdd(Node* node) {
890  Callable callable = CodeFactory::StringAdd(
891      zone()->isolate(), STRING_ADD_CHECK_NONE, NOT_TENURED);
892  CallDescriptor::Flags flags = CallDescriptor::kNoFlags;
893  CallDescriptor* desc =
894      Linkage::GetStubCallDescriptor(callable.descriptor(), 0, flags, zone());
895  node->set_op(common()->Call(desc));
896  node->InsertInput(zone(), 0, jsgraph()->HeapConstant(callable.code()));
897  node->AppendInput(zone(), jsgraph()->UndefinedConstant());
898  node->AppendInput(zone(), graph()->start());
899  node->AppendInput(zone(), graph()->start());
903Node* SimplifiedLowering::StringComparison(Node* node, bool requires_ordering) {
904  CEntryStub stub(zone()->isolate(), 1);
905  Runtime::FunctionId f =
906      requires_ordering ? Runtime::kStringCompare : Runtime::kStringEquals;
907  ExternalReference ref(f, zone()->isolate());
908  Operator::Properties props = node->op()->properties();
909  // TODO(mstarzinger): We should call StringCompareStub here instead, once an
910  // interface descriptor is available for it.
911  CallDescriptor* desc = Linkage::GetRuntimeCallDescriptor(f, 2, props, zone());
912  return graph()->NewNode(common()->Call(desc),
913                          jsgraph()->HeapConstant(stub.GetCode()),
914                          NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 0),
915                          NodeProperties::GetValueInput(node, 1),
916                          jsgraph()->ExternalConstant(ref),
917                          jsgraph()->Int32Constant(2),
918                          jsgraph()->UndefinedConstant());
922void SimplifiedLowering::DoStringEqual(Node* node) {
923  node->set_op(machine()->WordEqual());
924  node->ReplaceInput(0, StringComparison(node, false));
925  node->ReplaceInput(1, jsgraph()->SmiConstant(EQUAL));
929void SimplifiedLowering::DoStringLessThan(Node* node) {
930  node->set_op(machine()->IntLessThan());
931  node->ReplaceInput(0, StringComparison(node, true));
932  node->ReplaceInput(1, jsgraph()->SmiConstant(EQUAL));
936void SimplifiedLowering::DoStringLessThanOrEqual(Node* node) {
937  node->set_op(machine()->IntLessThanOrEqual());
938  node->ReplaceInput(0, StringComparison(node, true));
939  node->ReplaceInput(1, jsgraph()->SmiConstant(EQUAL));
943}  // namespace compiler
944}  // namespace internal
945}  // namespace v8