1bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant# Copyright 2012 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
2bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
3f5256e16dfc425c1d466f6308d4026d529ce9e0bHoward Hinnant# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
4bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant# met:
5b64f8b07c104c6cc986570ac8ee0ed16a9f23976Howard Hinnant#
6b64f8b07c104c6cc986570ac8ee0ed16a9f23976Howard Hinnant#     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
7bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant#       notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
8bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant#     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
9bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant#       copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
10bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant#       disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
11bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant#       with the distribution.
12bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant#     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
13bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant#       contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
14bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant#       from this software without specific prior written permission.
15bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant#
16bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant# THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS
17bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant# "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT
18bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant# LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR
1906d8bf6ce2008526732ae40ad46f7ff031c409e7Howard Hinnant# A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT
20bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant# OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL,
21bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant# SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT
22bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant# LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE,
2306d8bf6ce2008526732ae40ad46f7ff031c409e7Howard Hinnant# DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY
24bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant# THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT
2506d8bf6ce2008526732ae40ad46f7ff031c409e7Howard Hinnant# (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE
2613aaf422e49fa4b66642966bfc6078b5d9adde12Sean Hunt# OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.
27bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant
28bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant
29bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnantimport os
30bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnantimport signal
31bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnantimport subprocess
32bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnantimport sys
3306d8bf6ce2008526732ae40ad46f7ff031c409e7Howard Hinnantimport tempfile
34bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnantimport time
3506d8bf6ce2008526732ae40ad46f7ff031c409e7Howard Hinnant
3613aaf422e49fa4b66642966bfc6078b5d9adde12Sean Huntfrom ..local import utils
37bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnantfrom ..objects import output
38bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant
39bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant
40bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnantdef KillProcessWithID(pid):
41bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant  if utils.IsWindows():
42bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant    os.popen('taskkill /T /F /PID %d' % pid)
4306d8bf6ce2008526732ae40ad46f7ff031c409e7Howard Hinnant  else:
44bc8d3f97eb5c958007f2713238472e0c1c8fe02Howard Hinnant    os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM)
52SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX = 0x0002  # Microsoft Platform SDK WinBase.h
55def Win32SetErrorMode(mode):
56  prev_error_mode = SEM_INVALID_VALUE
57  try:
58    import ctypes
59    prev_error_mode = \
60        ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetErrorMode(mode)  #@UndefinedVariable
61  except ImportError:
62    pass
63  return prev_error_mode
66def RunProcess(verbose, timeout, args, **rest):
67  if verbose: print "#", " ".join(args)
68  popen_args = args
69  prev_error_mode = SEM_INVALID_VALUE
70  if utils.IsWindows():
71    popen_args = subprocess.list2cmdline(args)
72    # Try to change the error mode to avoid dialogs on fatal errors. Don't
73    # touch any existing error mode flags by merging the existing error mode.
74    # See http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2004/07/27/198410.aspx.
75    error_mode = SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX
76    prev_error_mode = Win32SetErrorMode(error_mode)
77    Win32SetErrorMode(error_mode | prev_error_mode)
78  process = subprocess.Popen(
79    shell=utils.IsWindows(),
80    args=popen_args,
81    **rest
82  )
83  if (utils.IsWindows() and prev_error_mode != SEM_INVALID_VALUE):
84    Win32SetErrorMode(prev_error_mode)
85  # Compute the end time - if the process crosses this limit we
86  # consider it timed out.
87  if timeout is None: end_time = None
88  else: end_time = time.time() + timeout
89  timed_out = False
90  # Repeatedly check the exit code from the process in a
91  # loop and keep track of whether or not it times out.
92  exit_code = None
93  sleep_time = INITIAL_SLEEP_TIME
94  while exit_code is None:
95    if (not end_time is None) and (time.time() >= end_time):
96      # Kill the process and wait for it to exit.
97      KillProcessWithID(process.pid)
98      exit_code = process.wait()
99      timed_out = True
100    else:
101      exit_code = process.poll()
102      time.sleep(sleep_time)
103      sleep_time = sleep_time * SLEEP_TIME_FACTOR
104      if sleep_time > MAX_SLEEP_TIME:
105        sleep_time = MAX_SLEEP_TIME
106  return (exit_code, timed_out)
109def PrintError(string):
110  sys.stderr.write(string)
111  sys.stderr.write("\n")
114def CheckedUnlink(name):
115  # On Windows, when run with -jN in parallel processes,
116  # OS often fails to unlink the temp file. Not sure why.
117  # Need to retry.
118  # Idea from https://bugs.webkit.org/attachment.cgi?id=75982&action=prettypatch
119  retry_count = 0
120  while retry_count < 30:
121    try:
122      os.unlink(name)
123      return
124    except OSError, e:
125      retry_count += 1
126      time.sleep(retry_count * 0.1)
127  PrintError("os.unlink() " + str(e))
130def Execute(args, verbose=False, timeout=None):
131  try:
132    args = [ c for c in args if c != "" ]
133    (fd_out, outname) = tempfile.mkstemp()
134    (fd_err, errname) = tempfile.mkstemp()
135    (exit_code, timed_out) = RunProcess(
136      verbose,
137      timeout,
138      args=args,
139      stdout=fd_out,
140      stderr=fd_err
141    )
142  finally:
143    # TODO(machenbach): A keyboard interrupt before the assignment to
144    # fd_out|err can lead to reference errors here.
145    os.close(fd_out)
146    os.close(fd_err)
147    out = file(outname).read()
148    errors = file(errname).read()
149    CheckedUnlink(outname)
150    CheckedUnlink(errname)
151  return output.Output(exit_code, timed_out, out, errors)