Diagnostic.h revision 74d15dfd183b2082e8a5d4dfbf66bd861b220901
11d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert//===--- Diagnostic.h - C Language Family Diagnostic Handling ---*- C++ -*-===//
21d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert//
31d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
41d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert//
51d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
61d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
71d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert//
81d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
91d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert//
101d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert//  This file defines the Diagnostic-related interfaces.
111d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert//
121d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
131d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert
141d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert#ifndef LLVM_CLANG_DIAGNOSTIC_H
151d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert#define LLVM_CLANG_DIAGNOSTIC_H
161d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert
171d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert#include "clang/Basic/SourceLocation.h"
181d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert#include <string>
191d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert#include <cassert>
201d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert
211d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringertnamespace llvm {
221d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert  template <typename T> class SmallVectorImpl;
231d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert}
241d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert
251d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringertnamespace clang {
261d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert  class DiagnosticClient;
271d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert  class SourceRange;
281d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert  class SourceManager;
291d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert  class DiagnosticBuilder;
301d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert  class IdentifierInfo;
311d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert
321d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert  // Import the diagnostic enums themselves.
331d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert  namespace diag {
341d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert    class CustomDiagInfo;
351d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert
361d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert    /// diag::kind - All of the diagnostics that can be emitted by the frontend.
371d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert    enum kind {
381d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert#define DIAG(ENUM,FLAGS,DESC) ENUM,
391d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert#include "DiagnosticKinds.def"
401d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert      NUM_BUILTIN_DIAGNOSTICS
411d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert    };
421d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert
431d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert    /// Enum values that allow the client to map NOTEs, WARNINGs, and EXTENSIONs
441d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert    /// to either MAP_IGNORE (nothing), MAP_WARNING (emit a warning), MAP_ERROR
451d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert    /// (emit as an error), or MAP_DEFAULT (handle the default way).
461d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert    enum Mapping {
471d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert      MAP_DEFAULT = 0,     //< Do not map this diagnostic.
481d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert      MAP_IGNORE  = 1,     //< Map this diagnostic to nothing, ignore it.
491d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert      MAP_WARNING = 2,     //< Map this diagnostic to a warning.
501d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert      MAP_ERROR   = 3      //< Map this diagnostic to an error.
511d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert    };
521d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert  }
531d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert
541d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert/// Diagnostic - This concrete class is used by the front-end to report
551d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044Bjorn Bringert/// problems and issues.  It massages the diagnostics (e.g. handling things like
56/// "report warnings as errors" and passes them off to the DiagnosticClient for
57/// reporting to the user.
58class Diagnostic {
60  /// Level - The level of the diagnostic, after it has been through mapping.
61  enum Level {
62    Ignored, Note, Warning, Error, Fatal
63  };
66  bool IgnoreAllWarnings;     // Ignore all warnings: -w
67  bool WarningsAsErrors;      // Treat warnings like errors:
68  bool WarnOnExtensions;      // Enables warnings for gcc extensions: -pedantic.
69  bool ErrorOnExtensions;     // Error on extensions: -pedantic-errors.
70  bool SuppressSystemWarnings;// Suppress warnings in system headers.
71  DiagnosticClient *Client;
73  /// DiagMappings - Mapping information for diagnostics.  Mapping info is
74  /// packed into two bits per diagnostic.
75  unsigned char DiagMappings[(diag::NUM_BUILTIN_DIAGNOSTICS+3)/4];
77  /// ErrorOccurred - This is set to true when an error is emitted, and is
78  /// sticky.
79  bool ErrorOccurred;
81  unsigned NumDiagnostics;    // Number of diagnostics reported
82  unsigned NumErrors;         // Number of diagnostics that are errors
84  /// CustomDiagInfo - Information for uniquing and looking up custom diags.
85  diag::CustomDiagInfo *CustomDiagInfo;
88  explicit Diagnostic(DiagnosticClient *client = 0);
89  ~Diagnostic();
91  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
92  //  Diagnostic characterization methods, used by a client to customize how
93  //
95  DiagnosticClient *getClient() { return Client; };
96  const DiagnosticClient *getClient() const { return Client; };
98  void setClient(DiagnosticClient* client) { Client = client; }
100  /// setIgnoreAllWarnings - When set to true, any unmapped warnings are
101  /// ignored.  If this and WarningsAsErrors are both set, then this one wins.
102  void setIgnoreAllWarnings(bool Val) { IgnoreAllWarnings = Val; }
103  bool getIgnoreAllWarnings() const { return IgnoreAllWarnings; }
105  /// setWarningsAsErrors - When set to true, any warnings reported are issued
106  /// as errors.
107  void setWarningsAsErrors(bool Val) { WarningsAsErrors = Val; }
108  bool getWarningsAsErrors() const { return WarningsAsErrors; }
110  /// setWarnOnExtensions - When set to true, issue warnings on GCC extensions,
111  /// the equivalent of GCC's -pedantic.
112  void setWarnOnExtensions(bool Val) { WarnOnExtensions = Val; }
113  bool getWarnOnExtensions() const { return WarnOnExtensions; }
115  /// setErrorOnExtensions - When set to true issue errors for GCC extensions
116  /// instead of warnings.  This is the equivalent to GCC's -pedantic-errors.
117  void setErrorOnExtensions(bool Val) { ErrorOnExtensions = Val; }
118  bool getErrorOnExtensions() const { return ErrorOnExtensions; }
120  /// setSuppressSystemWarnings - When set to true mask warnings that
121  /// come from system headers.
122  void setSuppressSystemWarnings(bool Val) { SuppressSystemWarnings = Val; }
123  bool getSuppressSystemWarnings() const { return SuppressSystemWarnings; }
125  /// setDiagnosticMapping - This allows the client to specify that certain
126  /// warnings are ignored.  Only NOTEs, WARNINGs, and EXTENSIONs can be mapped.
127  void setDiagnosticMapping(diag::kind Diag, diag::Mapping Map) {
128    assert(Diag < diag::NUM_BUILTIN_DIAGNOSTICS &&
129           "Can only map builtin diagnostics");
130    assert(isBuiltinNoteWarningOrExtension(Diag) && "Cannot map errors!");
131    unsigned char &Slot = DiagMappings[Diag/4];
132    unsigned Bits = (Diag & 3)*2;
133    Slot &= ~(3 << Bits);
134    Slot |= Map << Bits;
135  }
137  /// getDiagnosticMapping - Return the mapping currently set for the specified
138  /// diagnostic.
139  diag::Mapping getDiagnosticMapping(diag::kind Diag) const {
140    return (diag::Mapping)((DiagMappings[Diag/4] >> (Diag & 3)*2) & 3);
141  }
143  bool hasErrorOccurred() const { return ErrorOccurred; }
145  unsigned getNumErrors() const { return NumErrors; }
146  unsigned getNumDiagnostics() const { return NumDiagnostics; }
148  /// getCustomDiagID - Return an ID for a diagnostic with the specified message
149  /// and level.  If this is the first request for this diagnosic, it is
150  /// registered and created, otherwise the existing ID is returned.
151  unsigned getCustomDiagID(Level L, const char *Message);
153  //===--------------------------------------------------------------------===//
154  // Diagnostic classification and reporting interfaces.
155  //
157  /// getDescription - Given a diagnostic ID, return a description of the
158  /// issue.
159  const char *getDescription(unsigned DiagID) const;
161  /// isBuiltinNoteWarningOrExtension - Return true if the unmapped diagnostic
162  /// level of the specified diagnostic ID is a Note, Warning, or Extension.
163  /// Note that this only works on builtin diagnostics, not custom ones.
164  static bool isBuiltinNoteWarningOrExtension(unsigned DiagID);
166  /// getDiagnosticLevel - Based on the way the client configured the Diagnostic
167  /// object, classify the specified diagnostic ID into a Level, consumable by
168  /// the DiagnosticClient.
169  Level getDiagnosticLevel(unsigned DiagID) const;
172  /// Report - Issue the message to the client.  DiagID is a member of the
173  /// diag::kind enum.  This actually returns aninstance of DiagnosticBuilder
174  /// which emits the diagnostics (through ProcessDiag) when it is destroyed.
175  inline DiagnosticBuilder Report(FullSourceLoc Pos, unsigned DiagID);
178  // This is private state used by DiagnosticBuilder.  We put it here instead of
179  // in DiagnosticBuilder in order to keep DiagnosticBuilder a small lightweight
180  // object.  This implementation choice means that we can only have one
181  // diagnostic "in flight" at a time, but this seems to be a reasonable
182  // tradeoff to keep these objects small.  Assertions verify that only one
183  // diagnostic is in flight at a time.
184  friend class DiagnosticBuilder;
185  friend class DiagnosticInfo;
187  /// CurDiagLoc - This is the location of the current diagnostic that is in
188  /// flight.
189  FullSourceLoc CurDiagLoc;
191  /// CurDiagID - This is the ID of the current diagnostic that is in flight.
192  /// This is set to ~0U when there is no diagnostic in flight.
193  unsigned CurDiagID;
195  enum {
196    /// MaxArguments - The maximum number of arguments we can hold. We currently
197    /// only support up to 10 arguments (%0-%9).  A single diagnostic with more
198    /// than that almost certainly has to be simplified anyway.
199    MaxArguments = 10
200  };
202  /// NumDiagArgs - This contains the number of entries in Arguments.
203  signed char NumDiagArgs;
204  /// NumRanges - This is the number of ranges in the DiagRanges array.
205  unsigned char NumDiagRanges;
207  /// DiagArgumentsKind - This is an array of ArgumentKind::ArgumentKind enum
208  /// values, with one for each argument.  This specifies whether the argument
209  /// is in DiagArgumentsStr or in DiagArguments.
210  unsigned char DiagArgumentsKind[MaxArguments];
212  /// DiagArgumentsStr - This holds the values of each string argument for the
213  /// current diagnostic.  This value is only used when the corresponding
214  /// ArgumentKind is ak_std_string.
215  std::string DiagArgumentsStr[MaxArguments];
217  /// DiagArgumentsVal - The values for the various substitution positions. This
218  /// is used when the argument is not an std::string.  The specific value is
219  /// mangled into an intptr_t and the intepretation depends on exactly what
220  /// sort of argument kind it is.
221  intptr_t DiagArgumentsVal[MaxArguments];
223  /// DiagRanges - The list of ranges added to this diagnostic.  It currently
224  /// only support 10 ranges, could easily be extended if needed.
225  const SourceRange *DiagRanges[10];
227  /// ProcessDiag - This is the method used to report a diagnostic that is
228  /// finally fully formed.
229  void ProcessDiag();
231  enum ArgumentKind {
232    ak_std_string,     // std::string
233    ak_c_string,       // const char *
234    ak_sint,           // int
235    ak_uint,           // unsigned
236    ak_identifierinfo  // IdentifierInfo
237  };
241// DiagnosticBuilder
244/// DiagnosticBuilder - This is a little helper class used to produce
245/// diagnostics.  This is constructed by the Diagnostic::Report method, and
246/// allows insertion of extra information (arguments and source ranges) into the
247/// currently "in flight" diagnostic.  When the temporary for the builder is
248/// destroyed, the diagnostic is issued.
250/// Note that many of these will be created as temporary objects (many call
251/// sites), so we want them to be small and we never want their address taken.
252/// This ensures that compilers with somewhat reasonable optimizers will promote
253/// the common fields to registers, eliminating increments of the NumArgs field,
254/// for example.
255class DiagnosticBuilder {
256  mutable Diagnostic *DiagObj;
257  mutable unsigned NumArgs, NumRanges;
259  void operator=(const DiagnosticBuilder&); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
260  friend class Diagnostic;
261  explicit DiagnosticBuilder(Diagnostic *diagObj)
262    : DiagObj(diagObj), NumArgs(0), NumRanges(0) {}
265  /// Copy constructor.  When copied, this "takes" the diagnostic info from the
266  /// input and neuters it.
267  DiagnosticBuilder(const DiagnosticBuilder &D) {
268    DiagObj = D.DiagObj;
269    D.DiagObj = 0;
270  }
272  /// Destructor - The dtor emits the diagnostic.
273  ~DiagnosticBuilder() {
274    // If DiagObj is null, then its soul was stolen by the copy ctor.
275    if (DiagObj == 0) return;
278    DiagObj->NumDiagArgs = NumArgs;
279    DiagObj->NumDiagRanges = NumRanges;
281    DiagObj->ProcessDiag();
283    // This diagnostic is no longer in flight.
284    DiagObj->CurDiagID = ~0U;
285  }
287  /// Operator bool: conversion of DiagnosticBuilder to bool always returns
288  /// true.  This allows is to be used in boolean error contexts like:
289  /// return Diag(...);
290  operator bool() const { return true; }
292  void AddString(const std::string &S) const {
293    assert(NumArgs < Diagnostic::MaxArguments &&
294           "Too many arguments to diagnostic!");
295    DiagObj->DiagArgumentsKind[NumArgs] = Diagnostic::ak_std_string;
296    DiagObj->DiagArgumentsStr[NumArgs++] = S;
297  }
299  void AddTaggedVal(intptr_t V, Diagnostic::ArgumentKind Kind) const {
300    assert(NumArgs < Diagnostic::MaxArguments &&
301           "Too many arguments to diagnostic!");
302    DiagObj->DiagArgumentsKind[NumArgs] = Kind;
303    DiagObj->DiagArgumentsVal[NumArgs++] = V;
304  }
306  void AddSourceRange(const SourceRange &R) const {
307    assert(NumRanges <
308           sizeof(DiagObj->DiagRanges)/sizeof(DiagObj->DiagRanges[0]) &&
309           "Too many arguments to diagnostic!");
310    DiagObj->DiagRanges[NumRanges++] = &R;
311  }
314inline const DiagnosticBuilder &operator<<(const DiagnosticBuilder &DB,
315                                           const std::string &S) {
316  DB.AddString(S);
317  return DB;
320inline const DiagnosticBuilder &operator<<(const DiagnosticBuilder &DB,
321                                           const char *Str) {
322  DB.AddTaggedVal(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(Str),
323                  Diagnostic::ak_c_string);
324  return DB;
327inline const DiagnosticBuilder &operator<<(const DiagnosticBuilder &DB, int I) {
328  DB.AddTaggedVal(I, Diagnostic::ak_sint);
329  return DB;
332inline const DiagnosticBuilder &operator<<(const DiagnosticBuilder &DB,
333                                           unsigned I) {
334  DB.AddTaggedVal(I, Diagnostic::ak_uint);
335  return DB;
338inline const DiagnosticBuilder &operator<<(const DiagnosticBuilder &DB,
339                                           const IdentifierInfo *II) {
340  DB.AddTaggedVal(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(II),
341                  Diagnostic::ak_identifierinfo);
342  return DB;
345inline const DiagnosticBuilder &operator<<(const DiagnosticBuilder &DB,
346                                           const SourceRange &R) {
347  DB.AddSourceRange(R);
348  return DB;
352/// Report - Issue the message to the client.  DiagID is a member of the
353/// diag::kind enum.  This actually returns a new instance of DiagnosticBuilder
354/// which emits the diagnostics (through ProcessDiag) when it is destroyed.
355inline DiagnosticBuilder Diagnostic::Report(FullSourceLoc Loc, unsigned DiagID){
356  assert(CurDiagID == ~0U && "Multiple diagnostics in flight at once!");
357  CurDiagLoc = Loc;
358  CurDiagID = DiagID;
359  return DiagnosticBuilder(this);
363// DiagnosticInfo
366/// DiagnosticInfo - This is a little helper class (which is basically a smart
367/// pointer that forward info from Diagnostic) that allows clients ot enquire
368/// about the currently in-flight diagnostic.
369class DiagnosticInfo {
370  const Diagnostic *DiagObj;
372  explicit DiagnosticInfo(const Diagnostic *DO) : DiagObj(DO) {}
374  const Diagnostic *getDiags() const { return DiagObj; }
375  unsigned getID() const { return DiagObj->CurDiagID; }
376  const FullSourceLoc &getLocation() const { return DiagObj->CurDiagLoc; }
378  unsigned getNumArgs() const { return DiagObj->NumDiagArgs; }
380  /// getArgKind - Return the kind of the specified index.  Based on the kind
381  /// of argument, the accessors below can be used to get the value.
382  Diagnostic::ArgumentKind getArgKind(unsigned Idx) const {
383    assert(Idx < getNumArgs() && "Argument index out of range!");
384    return (Diagnostic::ArgumentKind)DiagObj->DiagArgumentsKind[Idx];
385  }
387  /// getArgStdStr - Return the provided argument string specified by Idx.
388  const std::string &getArgStdStr(unsigned Idx) const {
389    assert(getArgKind(Idx) == Diagnostic::ak_std_string &&
390           "invalid argument accessor!");
391    return DiagObj->DiagArgumentsStr[Idx];
392  }
394  /// getArgCStr - Return the specified C string argument.
395  const char *getArgCStr(unsigned Idx) const {
396    assert(getArgKind(Idx) == Diagnostic::ak_c_string &&
397           "invalid argument accessor!");
398    return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(DiagObj->DiagArgumentsVal[Idx]);
399  }
401  /// getArgSInt - Return the specified signed integer argument.
402  int getArgSInt(unsigned Idx) const {
403    assert(getArgKind(Idx) == Diagnostic::ak_sint &&
404           "invalid argument accessor!");
405    return (int)DiagObj->DiagArgumentsVal[Idx];
406  }
408  /// getArgUInt - Return the specified unsigned integer argument.
409  unsigned getArgUInt(unsigned Idx) const {
410    assert(getArgKind(Idx) == Diagnostic::ak_uint &&
411           "invalid argument accessor!");
412    return (unsigned)DiagObj->DiagArgumentsVal[Idx];
413  }
415  /// getArgIdentifier - Return the specified IdentifierInfo argument.
416  const IdentifierInfo *getArgIdentifier(unsigned Idx) const {
417    assert(getArgKind(Idx) == Diagnostic::ak_identifierinfo &&
418           "invalid argument accessor!");
419    return reinterpret_cast<IdentifierInfo*>(DiagObj->DiagArgumentsVal[Idx]);
420  }
422  /// getNumRanges - Return the number of source ranges associated with this
423  /// diagnostic.
424  unsigned getNumRanges() const {
425    return DiagObj->NumDiagRanges;
426  }
428  const SourceRange &getRange(unsigned Idx) const {
429    assert(Idx < DiagObj->NumDiagRanges && "Invalid diagnostic range index!");
430    return *DiagObj->DiagRanges[Idx];
431  }
434  /// FormatDiagnostic - Format this diagnostic into a string, substituting the
435  /// formal arguments into the %0 slots.  The result is appended onto the Str
436  /// array.
437  void FormatDiagnostic(llvm::SmallVectorImpl<char> &OutStr) const;
441/// DiagnosticClient - This is an abstract interface implemented by clients of
442/// the front-end, which formats and prints fully processed diagnostics.
443class DiagnosticClient {
445  virtual ~DiagnosticClient();
447  /// HandleDiagnostic - Handle this diagnostic, reporting it to the user or
448  /// capturing it to a log as needed.
449  virtual void HandleDiagnostic(Diagnostic::Level DiagLevel,
450                                const DiagnosticInfo &Info) = 0;
453}  // end namespace clang