revision 171af64ef10ae816ed2a4f15f5d17aca1d71769f
1//===--- - Options for clang -cc1 ---------------------------===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10//  This file defines the options accepted by clang -cc1.
14let Flags = [CC1Option] in {
17// Target Options
20def cxx_abi : Separate<"-cxx-abi">,
21  HelpText<"Target a particular C++ ABI type">;
22def target_abi : Separate<"-target-abi">,
23  HelpText<"Target a particular ABI type">;
24def target_cpu : Separate<"-target-cpu">,
25  HelpText<"Target a specific cpu type">;
26def target_feature : Separate<"-target-feature">,
27  HelpText<"Target specific attributes">;
28def target_linker_version : Separate<"-target-linker-version">,
29  HelpText<"Target linker version">;
30def triple : Separate<"-triple">,
31  HelpText<"Specify target triple (e.g. i686-apple-darwin9)">;
32def triple_EQ : Joined<"-triple=">, Alias<triple>;
35// Analyzer Options
38def analysis_UnoptimizedCFG : Flag<"-unoptimized-cfg">,
39  HelpText<"Generate unoptimized CFGs for all analyses">;
40def analysis_CFGAddImplicitDtors : Flag<"-cfg-add-implicit-dtors">,
41  HelpText<"Add C++ implicit destructors to CFGs for all analyses">;
42def analysis_CFGAddInitializers : Flag<"-cfg-add-initializers">,
43  HelpText<"Add C++ initializers to CFGs for all analyses">;
45def analyzer_store : Separate<"-analyzer-store">,
46  HelpText<"Source Code Analysis - Abstract Memory Store Models">;
47def analyzer_store_EQ : Joined<"-analyzer-store=">, Alias<analyzer_store>;
49def analyzer_constraints : Separate<"-analyzer-constraints">,
50  HelpText<"Source Code Analysis - Symbolic Constraint Engines">;
51def analyzer_constraints_EQ : Joined<"-analyzer-constraints=">,
52  Alias<analyzer_constraints>;
54def analyzer_output : Separate<"-analyzer-output">,
55  HelpText<"Source Code Analysis - Output Options">;
56def analyzer_output_EQ : Joined<"-analyzer-output=">,
57  Alias<analyzer_output>;
59def analyzer_purge : Separate<"-analyzer-purge">,
60  HelpText<"Source Code Analysis - Dead Symbol Removal Frequency">;
61def analyzer_purge_EQ : Joined<"-analyzer-purge=">, Alias<analyzer_purge>;
63def analyzer_opt_analyze_headers : Flag<"-analyzer-opt-analyze-headers">,
64  HelpText<"Force the static analyzer to analyze functions defined in header files">;
65def analyzer_opt_analyze_nested_blocks : Flag<"-analyzer-opt-analyze-nested-blocks">,
66  HelpText<"Analyze the definitions of blocks in addition to functions">;
67def analyzer_display_progress : Flag<"-analyzer-display-progress">,
68  HelpText<"Emit verbose output about the analyzer's progress">;
69def analyze_function : Separate<"-analyze-function">,
70  HelpText<"Run analysis on specific function">;
71def analyze_function_EQ : Joined<"-analyze-function=">, Alias<analyze_function>;
72def analyzer_eagerly_assume : Flag<"-analyzer-eagerly-assume">,
73  HelpText<"Eagerly assume the truth/falseness of some symbolic constraints">;
74def analyzer_no_eagerly_trim_egraph : Flag<"-analyzer-no-eagerly-trim-egraph">,
75  HelpText<"Don't eagerly remove uninteresting ExplodedNodes from the ExplodedGraph">;
76def trim_egraph : Flag<"-trim-egraph">,
77  HelpText<"Only show error-related paths in the analysis graph">;
78def analyzer_viz_egraph_graphviz : Flag<"-analyzer-viz-egraph-graphviz">,
79  HelpText<"Display exploded graph using GraphViz">;
80def analyzer_viz_egraph_ubigraph : Flag<"-analyzer-viz-egraph-ubigraph">,
81  HelpText<"Display exploded graph using Ubigraph">;
83def analyzer_inline_max_stack_depth : Separate<"-analyzer-inline-max-stack-depth">,
84  HelpText<"Bound on stack depth while inlining (4 by default)">;
85def analyzer_inline_max_stack_depth_EQ : Joined<"-analyzer-inline-max-stack-depth=">, 
86  Alias<analyzer_inline_max_stack_depth>;
88def analyzer_inline_max_function_size : Separate<"-analyzer-inline-max-function-size">,
89  HelpText<"Bound on the number of basic blocks in an inlined function (200 by default)">;
90def analyzer_inline_max_function_size_EQ : Joined<"-analyzer-inline-max-function-size=">, 
91  Alias<analyzer_inline_max_function_size>;
93def analyzer_ipa : Separate<"-analyzer-ipa">,
94  HelpText<"Specify the inter-procedural analysis mode">;
95def analyzer_ipa_EQ : Joined<"-analyzer-ipa=">, Alias<analyzer_ipa>;
97def analyzer_inlining_mode : Separate<"-analyzer-inlining-mode">,
98  HelpText<"Specify the function selection heuristic used during inlining">;
99def analyzer_inlining_mode_EQ : Joined<"-analyzer-inlining-mode=">, Alias<analyzer_inlining_mode>;
101def analyzer_disable_retry_exhausted : Flag<"-analyzer-disable-retry-exhausted">,
102  HelpText<"Do not re-analyze paths leading to exhausted nodes with a different strategy (may decrease code coverage)">;
104def analyzer_max_nodes : Separate<"-analyzer-max-nodes">,
105  HelpText<"The maximum number of nodes the analyzer can generate (150000 default, 0 = no limit)">;
106def analyzer_max_loop : Separate<"-analyzer-max-loop">,
107  HelpText<"The maximum number of times the analyzer will go through a loop">;
108def analyzer_stats : Flag<"-analyzer-stats">,
109  HelpText<"Print internal analyzer statistics.">;
111def analyzer_checker : Separate<"-analyzer-checker">,
112  HelpText<"Choose analyzer checkers to enable">;
113def analyzer_checker_EQ : Joined<"-analyzer-checker=">,
114  Alias<analyzer_checker>;
116def analyzer_disable_checker : Separate<"-analyzer-disable-checker">,
117  HelpText<"Choose analyzer checkers to disable">;
118def analyzer_disable_checker_EQ : Joined<"-analyzer-disable-checker=">,
119  Alias<analyzer_disable_checker>;
121def analyzer_checker_help : Flag<"-analyzer-checker-help">,
122  HelpText<"Display the list of analyzer checkers that are available">;
125// Migrator Options
127def migrator_no_nsalloc_error : Flag<"-no-ns-alloc-error">,
128  HelpText<"Do not error on use of NSAllocateCollectable/NSReallocateCollectable">;
130def migrator_no_finalize_removal : Flag<"-no-finalize-removal">,
131  HelpText<"Do not remove finalize method in gc mode">;
134// CodeGen Options
137def disable_llvm_optzns : Flag<"-disable-llvm-optzns">,
138  HelpText<"Don't run LLVM optimization passes">;
139def disable_llvm_verifier : Flag<"-disable-llvm-verifier">,
140  HelpText<"Don't run the LLVM IR verifier pass">;
141def disable_red_zone : Flag<"-disable-red-zone">,
142  HelpText<"Do not emit code that uses the red zone.">;
143def fdebug_compilation_dir : Separate<"-fdebug-compilation-dir">,
144  HelpText<"The compilation directory to embed in the debug info.">;
145def dwarf_debug_flags : Separate<"-dwarf-debug-flags">,
146  HelpText<"The string to embed in the Dwarf debug flags record.">;
147def fforbid_guard_variables : Flag<"-fforbid-guard-variables">,
148  HelpText<"Emit an error if a C++ static local initializer would need a guard variable">;
149def no_implicit_float : Flag<"-no-implicit-float">,
150  HelpText<"Don't generate implicit floating point instructions">;
151def fdump_vtable_layouts : Flag<"-fdump-vtable-layouts">,
152  HelpText<"Dump the layouts of all vtables that will be emitted in a translation unit">;
153def femit_coverage_notes : Flag<"-femit-coverage-notes">,
154  HelpText<"Emit a gcov coverage notes file when compiling.">;
155def femit_coverage_data: Flag<"-femit-coverage-data">,
156  HelpText<"Instrument the program to emit gcov coverage data when run.">;
157def coverage_file : Separate<"-coverage-file">,
158  HelpText<"Emit coverage data to this filename. The extension will be replaced.">;
159def coverage_file_EQ : Joined<"-coverage-file=">, Alias<coverage_file>;
160def fuse_register_sized_bitfield_access: Flag<"-fuse-register-sized-bitfield-access">,
161  HelpText<"Use register sized accesses to bit-fields, when possible.">;
162def relaxed_aliasing : Flag<"-relaxed-aliasing">,
163  HelpText<"Turn off Type Based Alias Analysis">;
164def masm_verbose : Flag<"-masm-verbose">,
165  HelpText<"Generate verbose assembly output">;
166def mcode_model : Separate<"-mcode-model">,
167  HelpText<"The code model to use">;
168def mdebug_pass : Separate<"-mdebug-pass">,
169  HelpText<"Enable additional debug output">;
170def mdisable_fp_elim : Flag<"-mdisable-fp-elim">,
171  HelpText<"Disable frame pointer elimination optimization">;
172def mdisable_tail_calls : Flag<"-mdisable-tail-calls">,
173  HelpText<"Disable tail call optimization, keeping the call stack accurate">;
174def menable_no_infinities : Flag<"-menable-no-infs">,
175  HelpText<"Allow optimization to assume there are no infinities.">;
176def menable_no_nans : Flag<"-menable-no-nans">,
177  HelpText<"Allow optimization to assume there are no NaNs.">;
178def menable_unsafe_fp_math : Flag<"-menable-unsafe-fp-math">,
179  HelpText<"Allow unsafe floating-point math optimizations which may decrease "
180           "precision">;
181def mfloat_abi : Separate<"-mfloat-abi">,
182  HelpText<"The float ABI to use">;
183def mlimit_float_precision : Separate<"-mlimit-float-precision">,
184  HelpText<"Limit float precision to the given value">;
185def mno_exec_stack : Flag<"-mnoexecstack">,
186  HelpText<"Mark the file as not needing an executable stack">;
187def mno_zero_initialized_in_bss : Flag<"-mno-zero-initialized-in-bss">,
188  HelpText<"Do not put zero initialized data in the BSS">;
189def backend_option : Separate<"-backend-option">,
190  HelpText<"Additional arguments to forward to LLVM backend (during code gen)">;
191def mregparm : Separate<"-mregparm">,
192  HelpText<"Limit the number of registers available for integer arguments">;
193def msave_temp_labels : Flag<"-msave-temp-labels">,
194  HelpText<"(integrated-as) Save temporary labels">;
195def mrelocation_model : Separate<"-mrelocation-model">,
196  HelpText<"The relocation model to use">;
197def munwind_tables : Flag<"-munwind-tables">,
198  HelpText<"Generate unwinding tables for all functions">;
199def fuse_init_array : Flag<"-fuse-init-array">,
200  HelpText<"Use .init_array instead of .ctors">;
201def mconstructor_aliases : Flag<"-mconstructor-aliases">,
202  HelpText<"Emit complete constructors and destructors as aliases when possible">;
203def mlink_bitcode_file : Separate<"-mlink-bitcode-file">,
204  HelpText<"Link the given bitcode file before performing optimizations.">;
207// Dependency Output Options
210def sys_header_deps : Flag<"-sys-header-deps">,
211  HelpText<"Include system headers in dependency output">;
212def header_include_file : Separate<"-header-include-file">,
213  HelpText<"Filename (or -) to write header include output to">;
216// Diagnostic Options
219def dump_build_information : Separate<"-dump-build-information">,
220  MetaVarName<"<filename>">,
221  HelpText<"output a dump of some build information to a file">;
222def diagnostic_log_file : Separate<"-diagnostic-log-file">,
223  HelpText<"Filename (or -) to log diagnostics to">;
224def diagnostic_serialized_file : Separate<"-serialize-diagnostic-file">,
225  MetaVarName<"<filename>">,
226  HelpText<"File for serializing diagnostics in a binary format">;
228def fdiagnostics_format : Separate<"-fdiagnostics-format">,
229  HelpText<"Change diagnostic formatting to match IDE and command line tools">;
230def fdiagnostics_show_category : Separate<"-fdiagnostics-show-category">,
231  HelpText<"Print diagnostic category">;
232def ftabstop : Separate<"-ftabstop">, MetaVarName<"<N>">,
233  HelpText<"Set the tab stop distance.">;
234def ferror_limit : Separate<"-ferror-limit">, MetaVarName<"<N>">,
235  HelpText<"Set the maximum number of errors to emit before stopping (0 = no limit).">;
236def fmacro_backtrace_limit : Separate<"-fmacro-backtrace-limit">, MetaVarName<"<N>">,
237  HelpText<"Set the maximum number of entries to print in a macro expansion backtrace (0 = no limit).">;
238def ftemplate_backtrace_limit : Separate<"-ftemplate-backtrace-limit">, MetaVarName<"<N>">,
239  HelpText<"Set the maximum number of entries to print in a template instantiation backtrace (0 = no limit).">;
240def fconstexpr_backtrace_limit : Separate<"-fconstexpr-backtrace-limit">, MetaVarName<"<N>">,
241  HelpText<"Set the maximum number of entries to print in a constexpr evaluation backtrace (0 = no limit).">;
242def fmessage_length : Separate<"-fmessage-length">, MetaVarName<"<N>">,
243  HelpText<"Format message diagnostics so that they fit within N columns or fewer, when possible.">;
244def Wno_rewrite_macros : Flag<"-Wno-rewrite-macros">,
245  HelpText<"Silence ObjC rewriting warnings">;
248// Frontend Options
251// This isn't normally used, it is just here so we can parse a
252// CompilerInvocation out of a driver-derived argument vector.
253def cc1 : Flag<"-cc1">;
255def ast_merge : Separate<"-ast-merge">,
256  MetaVarName<"<ast file>">,
257  HelpText<"Merge the given AST file into the translation unit being compiled.">;
258def code_completion_at : Separate<"-code-completion-at">,
259  MetaVarName<"<file>:<line>:<column>">,
260  HelpText<"Dump code-completion information at a location">;
261def remap_file : Separate<"-remap-file">,
262  MetaVarName<"<from>;<to>">,
263  HelpText<"Replace the contents of the <from> file with the contents of the <to> file">;
264def code_completion_at_EQ : Joined<"-code-completion-at=">,
265  Alias<code_completion_at>;
266def code_completion_macros : Flag<"-code-completion-macros">,
267  HelpText<"Include macros in code-completion results">;
268def code_completion_patterns : Flag<"-code-completion-patterns">,
269  HelpText<"Include code patterns in code-completion results">;
270def no_code_completion_globals : Flag<"-no-code-completion-globals">,
271  HelpText<"Do not include global declarations in code-completion results.">;
272def code_completion_brief_comments : Flag<"-code-completion-brief-comments">,
273  HelpText<"Include brief documentation comments in code-completion results.">;
274def disable_free : Flag<"-disable-free">,
275  HelpText<"Disable freeing of memory on exit">;
276def load : Separate<"-load">, MetaVarName<"<dsopath>">,
277  HelpText<"Load the named plugin (dynamic shared object)">;
278def plugin : Separate<"-plugin">, MetaVarName<"<name>">,
279  HelpText<"Use the named plugin action instead of the default action (use \"help\" to list available options)">;
280def plugin_arg : JoinedAndSeparate<"-plugin-arg-">,
281    MetaVarName<"<name> <arg>">,
282    HelpText<"Pass <arg> to plugin <name>">;
283def add_plugin : Separate<"-add-plugin">, MetaVarName<"<name>">,
284  HelpText<"Use the named plugin action in addition to the default action">;
285def resource_dir : Separate<"-resource-dir">,
286  HelpText<"The directory which holds the compiler resource files">;
287def version : Flag<"-version">,
288  HelpText<"Print the compiler version">;
289def ast_dump_filter : Separate<"-ast-dump-filter">,
290  MetaVarName<"<dump_filter>">,
291  HelpText<"Use with -ast-dump or -ast-print to dump/print only AST declaration"
292           " nodes having a certain substring in a qualified name. Use"
293           " -ast-list to list all filterable declaration node names.">;
295let Group = Action_Group in {
297def Eonly : Flag<"-Eonly">,
298  HelpText<"Just run preprocessor, no output (for timings)">;
299def dump_raw_tokens : Flag<"-dump-raw-tokens">,
300  HelpText<"Lex file in raw mode and dump raw tokens">;
301def analyze : Flag<"-analyze">,
302  HelpText<"Run static analysis engine">;
303def dump_tokens : Flag<"-dump-tokens">,
304  HelpText<"Run preprocessor, dump internal rep of tokens">;
305def init_only : Flag<"-init-only">,
306  HelpText<"Only execute frontend initialization">;
307def fixit : Flag<"-fixit">,
308  HelpText<"Apply fix-it advice to the input source">;
309def fixit_EQ : Joined<"-fixit=">,
310  HelpText<"Apply fix-it advice creating a file with the given suffix">;
311def print_preamble : Flag<"-print-preamble">,
312  HelpText<"Print the \"preamble\" of a file, which is a candidate for implicit"
313           " precompiled headers.">;
314def emit_html : Flag<"-emit-html">,
315  HelpText<"Output input source as HTML">;
316def ast_print : Flag<"-ast-print">,
317  HelpText<"Build ASTs and then pretty-print them">;
318def ast_list : Flag<"-ast-list">,
319  HelpText<"Build ASTs and print the list of declaration node qualified names">;
320def ast_dump : Flag<"-ast-dump">,
321  HelpText<"Build ASTs and then debug dump them">;
322def ast_dump_xml : Flag<"-ast-dump-xml">,
323  HelpText<"Build ASTs and then debug dump them in a verbose XML format">;
324def ast_view : Flag<"-ast-view">,
325  HelpText<"Build ASTs and view them with GraphViz">;
326def print_decl_contexts : Flag<"-print-decl-contexts">,
327  HelpText<"Print DeclContexts and their Decls">;
328def emit_module : Flag<"-emit-module">,
329  HelpText<"Generate pre-compiled module file from a module map">;
330def emit_pth : Flag<"-emit-pth">,
331  HelpText<"Generate pre-tokenized header file">;
332def emit_pch : Flag<"-emit-pch">,
333  HelpText<"Generate pre-compiled header file">;
334def emit_llvm_bc : Flag<"-emit-llvm-bc">,
335  HelpText<"Build ASTs then convert to LLVM, emit .bc file">;
336def emit_llvm_only : Flag<"-emit-llvm-only">,
337  HelpText<"Build ASTs and convert to LLVM, discarding output">;
338def emit_codegen_only : Flag<"-emit-codegen-only">,
339  HelpText<"Generate machine code, but discard output">;
340def emit_obj : Flag<"-emit-obj">,
341  HelpText<"Emit native object files">;
342def rewrite_test : Flag<"-rewrite-test">,
343  HelpText<"Rewriter playground">;
344def rewrite_macros : Flag<"-rewrite-macros">,
345  HelpText<"Expand macros without full preprocessing">;
346def migrate : Flag<"-migrate">,
347  HelpText<"Migrate source code">;
350def mt_migrate_directory : Separate<"-mt-migrate-directory">,
351  HelpText<"Directory for temporary files produced during ARC or ObjC migration">;
352def arcmt_check : Flag<"-arcmt-check">,
353  HelpText<"Check for ARC migration issues that need manual handling">;
354def arcmt_modify : Flag<"-arcmt-modify">,
355  HelpText<"Apply modifications to files to conform to ARC">;
356def arcmt_migrate : Flag<"-arcmt-migrate">,
357  HelpText<"Apply modifications and produces temporary files that conform to ARC">;
359def relocatable_pch : Flag<"-relocatable-pch">,
360  HelpText<"Whether to build a relocatable precompiled header">;
361def print_stats : Flag<"-print-stats">,
362  HelpText<"Print performance metrics and statistics">;
363def fdump_record_layouts : Flag<"-fdump-record-layouts">,
364  HelpText<"Dump record layout information">;
365def fdump_record_layouts_simple : Flag<"-fdump-record-layouts-simple">,
366  HelpText<"Dump record layout information in a simple form used for testing">;
367def fix_what_you_can : Flag<"-fix-what-you-can">,
368  HelpText<"Apply fix-it advice even in the presence of unfixable errors">;
369def fix_only_warnings : Flag<"-fix-only-warnings">,
370  HelpText<"Apply fix-it advice only for warnings, not errors">;
371def fixit_recompile : Flag<"-fixit-recompile">,
372  HelpText<"Apply fix-it changes and recompile">;
373def fixit_to_temp : Flag<"-fixit-to-temporary">,
374  HelpText<"Apply fix-it changes to temporary files">;
376def foverride_record_layout_EQ : Joined<"-foverride-record-layout=">,
377  HelpText<"Override record layouts with those in the given file">;
380// Language Options
383def fblocks_runtime_optional : Flag<"-fblocks-runtime-optional">,
384  HelpText<"Weakly link in the blocks runtime">;
385def fsjlj_exceptions : Flag<"-fsjlj-exceptions">,
386  HelpText<"Use SjLj style exceptions">;
387def fhidden_weak_vtables : Flag<"-fhidden-weak-vtables">,
388  HelpText<"Generate weak vtables and RTTI with hidden visibility">;
389def main_file_name : Separate<"-main-file-name">,
390  HelpText<"Main file name to use for debug info">;
391def fno_signed_char : Flag<"-fno-signed-char">,
392  HelpText<"Char is unsigned">;
393def fconstant_string_class : Separate<"-fconstant-string-class">,
394  MetaVarName<"<class name>">,
395  HelpText<"Specify the class to use for constant Objective-C string objects.">;
396def fobjc_arc_cxxlib_EQ : Joined<"-fobjc-arc-cxxlib=">,
397  HelpText<"Objective-C++ Automatic Reference Counting standard library kind">;
398def fobjc_runtime_has_weak : Flag<"-fobjc-runtime-has-weak">,
399  HelpText<"The target Objective-C runtime supports ARC weak operations">;
400def fobjc_dispatch_method_EQ : Joined<"-fobjc-dispatch-method=">,
401  HelpText<"Objective-C dispatch method to use">;
402def fobjc_default_synthesize_properties : Flag<"-fobjc-default-synthesize-properties">,
403  HelpText<"enable the default synthesis of Objective-C properties">;
404def pic_level : Separate<"-pic-level">,
405  HelpText<"Value for __PIC__">;
406def pie_level : Separate<"-pie-level">,
407  HelpText<"Value for __PIE__">;
408def fno_validate_pch : Flag<"-fno-validate-pch">,
409  HelpText<"Disable validation of precompiled headers">;
410def dump_deserialized_pch_decls : Flag<"-dump-deserialized-decls">,
411  HelpText<"Dump declarations that are deserialized from PCH, for testing">;
412def error_on_deserialized_pch_decl : Separate<"-error-on-deserialized-decl">,
413  HelpText<"Emit error if a specific declaration is deserialized from PCH, for testing">;
414def error_on_deserialized_pch_decl_EQ : Joined<"-error-on-deserialized-decl=">,
415  Alias<error_on_deserialized_pch_decl>;
416def static_define : Flag<"-static-define">,
417  HelpText<"Should __STATIC__ be defined">;
418def stack_protector : Separate<"-stack-protector">,
419  HelpText<"Enable stack protectors">;
420def fvisibility : Separate<"-fvisibility">,
421  HelpText<"Default symbol visibility">;
422def ftemplate_depth : Separate<"-ftemplate-depth">,
423  HelpText<"Maximum depth of recursive template instantiation">;
424def fconstexpr_depth : Separate<"-fconstexpr-depth">,
425  HelpText<"Maximum depth of recursive constexpr function calls">;
426def fconst_strings : Flag<"-fconst-strings">,
427  HelpText<"Use a const qualified type for string literals in C and ObjC">;
428def fno_const_strings : Flag<"-fno-const-strings">,
429  HelpText<"Don't use a const qualified type for string literals in C and ObjC">;
430def fno_bitfield_type_align : Flag<"-fno-bitfield-type-align">,
431  HelpText<"Ignore bit-field types when aligning structures">;
432def ffake_address_space_map : Flag<"-ffake-address-space-map">,
433  HelpText<"Use a fake address space map; OpenCL testing purposes only">;
434def funknown_anytype : Flag<"-funknown-anytype">,
435  HelpText<"Enable parser support for the __unknown_anytype type; for testing purposes only">;
436def fdebugger_support : Flag<"-fdebugger-support">,
437  HelpText<"Enable special debugger support behavior">;
438def fdebugger_cast_result_to_id : Flag<"-fdebugger-cast-result-to-id">,
439  HelpText<"Enable casting unknown expression results to id">;
440def fdebugger_objc_literal : Flag<"-fdebugger-objc-literal">,
441  HelpText<"Enable special debugger support for Objective-C subscripting and literals">;
442def fdeprecated_macro : Flag<"-fdeprecated-macro">,
443  HelpText<"Defines the __DEPRECATED macro">;
444def fno_deprecated_macro : Flag<"-fno-deprecated-macro">,
445  HelpText<"Undefines the __DEPRECATED macro">;
448// Header Search Options
451def nostdsysteminc : Flag<"-nostdsysteminc">,
452  HelpText<"Disable standard system #include directories">;
453def fmodule_name : Joined<"-fmodule-name=">, 
454  MetaVarName<"<name>">,
455  HelpText<"Specify the name of the module to build">;           
456def fdisable_module_hash : Flag<"-fdisable-module-hash">,
457  HelpText<"Disable the module hash">;
458def c_isystem : JoinedOrSeparate<"-c-isystem">, MetaVarName<"<directory>">,
459  HelpText<"Add directory to the C SYSTEM include search path">;
460def objc_isystem : JoinedOrSeparate<"-objc-isystem">,
461  MetaVarName<"<directory>">,
462  HelpText<"Add directory to the ObjC SYSTEM include search path">;
463def objcxx_isystem : JoinedOrSeparate<"-objcxx-isystem">,
464  MetaVarName<"<directory>">,
465  HelpText<"Add directory to the ObjC++ SYSTEM include search path">;
466def internal_isystem : JoinedOrSeparate<"-internal-isystem">,
467  MetaVarName<"<directory>">,
468  HelpText<"Add directory to the internal system include search path; these "
469           "are assumed to not be user-provided and are used to model system "
470           "and standard headers' paths.">;
471def internal_externc_isystem : JoinedOrSeparate<"-internal-externc-isystem">,
472  MetaVarName<"<directory>">,
473  HelpText<"Add directory to the internal system include search path with "
474           "implicit extern \"C\" semantics; these are assumed to not be "
475           "user-provided and are used to model system and standard headers' "
476           "paths.">;
477def isystem_prefix : JoinedOrSeparate<"-isystem-prefix">,
478  MetaVarName<"<prefix>">,
479  HelpText<"Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as including a "
480           "system header.">;
481def ino_system_prefix : JoinedOrSeparate<"-ino-system-prefix">,
482  MetaVarName<"<prefix>">,
483  HelpText<"Treat all #include paths starting with <prefix> as not including a "
484           "system header.">;
487// Preprocessor Options
490def include_pth : Separate<"-include-pth">, MetaVarName<"<file>">,
491  HelpText<"Include file before parsing">;
492def chain_include : Separate<"-chain-include">, MetaVarName<"<file>">,
493  HelpText<"Include and chain a header file after turning it into PCH">;
494def preamble_bytes_EQ : Joined<"-preamble-bytes=">,
495  HelpText<"Assume that the precompiled header is a precompiled preamble "
496           "covering the first N bytes of the main file">;
497def token_cache : Separate<"-token-cache">, MetaVarName<"<path>">,
498  HelpText<"Use specified token cache file">;
499def detailed_preprocessing_record : Flag<"-detailed-preprocessing-record">,
500  HelpText<"include a detailed record of preprocessing actions">;
503// OpenCL Options
506def cl_opt_disable : Flag<"-cl-opt-disable">,
507  HelpText<"OpenCL only. This option disables all optimizations. The default is optimizations are enabled.">;
508def cl_single_precision_constant : Flag<"-cl-single-precision-constant">,
509  HelpText<"OpenCL only. Treat double precision floating-point constant as single precision constant.">;
510def cl_finite_math_only : Flag<"-cl-finite-math-only">,
511  HelpText<"OpenCL only. Allow floating-point optimizations that assume arguments and results are not NaNs or +-Inf.">;
512def cl_unsafe_math_optimizations : Flag<"-cl-unsafe-math-optimizations">,
513  HelpText<"OpenCL only. Allow unsafe floating-point optimizations.  Also implies -cl-no-signed-zeros and -cl-mad-enable">;
514def cl_fast_relaxed_math : Flag<"-cl-fast-relaxed-math">,
515  HelpText<"OpenCL only. Sets -cl-finite-math-only and -cl-unsafe-math-optimizations, and defines __FAST_RELAXED_MATH__">;
516def cl_mad_enable : Flag<"-cl-mad-enable">,
517  HelpText<"OpenCL only. Enable less precise MAD instructions to be generated.">;
518def cl_std_EQ : Joined<"-cl-std=">,
519  HelpText<"OpenCL language standard to compile for">;
522// CUDA Options
525def fcuda_is_device : Flag<"-fcuda-is-device">,
526  HelpText<"Generate code for CUDA device">;
528} // let Flags = [CC1Option]