ASTUnit.h revision 68ea2ac7fd98a5a44c7a5b04c54076cf794531cb
1e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott//===--- ASTUnit.h - ASTUnit utility ----------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
2e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott//
3e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott//
5e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott//
8e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott//
10e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott// ASTUnit utility class.
11e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott//
12e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
13e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott
14e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott#ifndef LLVM_CLANG_FRONTEND_ASTUNIT_H
15e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott#define LLVM_CLANG_FRONTEND_ASTUNIT_H
16e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott
17e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
18e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott#include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h"
19e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott#include "clang/Frontend/TextDiagnosticBuffer.h"
20e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
21e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott#include "clang/Index/ASTLocation.h"
22e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott#include <string>
23e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott
24e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scottnamespace clang {
25e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scottclass ASTContext;
26e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scottclass CompilerInvocation;
27e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scottclass Decl;
28e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scottclass Diagnostic;
29e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scottclass FileEntry;
30e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scottclass FileManager;
31e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scottclass HeaderSearch;
32e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scottclass Preprocessor;
33e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scottclass SourceManager;
34e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scottclass TargetInfo;
35e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scottclass TextDiagnosticBuffer;
36e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott
37e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scottusing namespace idx;
38e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott
39e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott/// \brief Utility class for loading a ASTContext from a PCH file.
40e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott///
41e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scottclass ASTUnit {
42e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott  Diagnostic Diags;
43e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott  FileManager FileMgr;
44e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott
45e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott  SourceManager                     SourceMgr;
46e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott  llvm::OwningPtr<HeaderSearch>     HeaderInfo;
47e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott  llvm::OwningPtr<TargetInfo>       Target;
48e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott  llvm::OwningPtr<Preprocessor>     PP;
49e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott  llvm::OwningPtr<ASTContext>       Ctx;
50e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott  bool                              tempFile;
51e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott
52e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott  // OnlyLocalDecls - when true, walking this AST should only visit declarations
53e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott  // that come from the AST itself, not from included precompiled headers.
54e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott  // FIXME: This is temporary; eventually, CIndex will always do this.
55e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott  bool                              OnlyLocalDecls;
56e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott
57e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott  /// The name of the original source file used to generate this ASTUnit.
58e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott  std::string OriginalSourceFile;
59e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott
60e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott  // Critical optimization when using clang_getCursor().
61e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott  ASTLocation LastLoc;
62e46c9386c4f79aa40185f79a19fc5b2a7ef528b3Patrick Scott
63  ASTUnit(const ASTUnit&); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
64  ASTUnit &operator=(const ASTUnit &); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
67  ASTUnit(DiagnosticClient *diagClient = NULL);
68  ~ASTUnit();
70  const SourceManager &getSourceManager() const { return SourceMgr; }
71        SourceManager &getSourceManager()       { return SourceMgr; }
73  const Preprocessor &getPreprocessor() const { return *PP.get(); }
74        Preprocessor &getPreprocessor()       { return *PP.get(); }
76  const ASTContext &getASTContext() const { return *Ctx.get(); }
77        ASTContext &getASTContext()       { return *Ctx.get(); }
79  const Diagnostic &getDiagnostic() const { return Diags; }
80        Diagnostic &getDiagnostic()       { return Diags; }
82  const FileManager &getFileManager() const { return FileMgr; }
83        FileManager &getFileManager()       { return FileMgr; }
85  const std::string &getOriginalSourceFileName();
86  const std::string &getPCHFileName();
88  void unlinkTemporaryFile() { tempFile = true; }
90  bool getOnlyLocalDecls() const { return OnlyLocalDecls; }
92  void setLastASTLocation(ASTLocation ALoc) { LastLoc = ALoc; }
93  ASTLocation getLastASTLocation() const { return LastLoc; }
95  /// \brief Create a ASTUnit from a PCH file.
96  ///
97  /// \param Filename - The PCH file to load.
98  ///
99  /// \param DiagClient - The diagnostics client to use.  Specify NULL
100  /// to use a default client that emits warnings/errors to standard error.
101  /// The ASTUnit objects takes ownership of this object.
102  ///
103  /// \param ErrMsg - Error message to report if the PCH file could not be
104  /// loaded.
105  ///
106  /// \returns - The initialized ASTUnit or null if the PCH failed to load.
107  static ASTUnit *LoadFromPCHFile(const std::string &Filename,
108                                  std::string *ErrMsg = 0,
109                                  DiagnosticClient *DiagClient = NULL,
110                                  bool OnlyLocalDecls = false,
111                                  bool UseBumpAllocator = false);
113  /// LoadFromCompilerInvocation - Create an ASTUnit from a source file, via a
114  /// CompilerInvocation object.
115  ///
116  /// \param CI - The compiler invocation to use; it must have exactly one input
117  /// source file.
118  ///
119  /// \param Diags - The diagnostics engine to use for reporting errors.
120  //
121  // FIXME: Move OnlyLocalDecls, UseBumpAllocator to setters on the ASTUnit, we
122  // shouldn't need to specify them at construction time.
123  static ASTUnit *LoadFromCompilerInvocation(const CompilerInvocation &CI,
124                                             Diagnostic &Diags,
125                                             bool OnlyLocalDecls = false);
127  /// LoadFromCommandLine - Create an ASTUnit from a vector of command line
128  /// arguments, which must specify exactly one source file.
129  ///
130  /// \param ArgBegin - The beginning of the argument vector.
131  ///
132  /// \param ArgEnd - The end of the argument vector.
133  ///
134  /// \param Diags - The diagnostics engine to use for reporting errors.
135  ///
136  /// \param Argv0 - The program path (from argv[0]), for finding the builtin
137  /// compiler path.
138  ///
139  /// \param MainAddr - The address of main (or some other function in the main
140  /// executable), for finding the builtin compiler path.
141  //
142  // FIXME: Move OnlyLocalDecls, UseBumpAllocator to setters on the ASTUnit, we
143  // shouldn't need to specify them at construction time.
144  static ASTUnit *LoadFromCommandLine(const char **ArgBegin,
145                                      const char **ArgEnd,
146                                      Diagnostic &Diags,
147                                      const char *Arg0,
148                                      void *MainAddr,
149                                      bool OnlyLocalDecls = false,
150                                      bool UseBumpAllocator = false);
153} // namespace clang