ASTUnit.h revision abc563f554951259bbe0315055cad92ee14d87e4
1150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan//===--- ASTUnit.h - ASTUnit utility ----------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
3150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10b2dad2eb089019c73935e568087a03be1653d140Logan// ASTUnit utility class.
14150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan#ifndef LLVM_CLANG_FRONTEND_ASTUNIT_H
15150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan#define LLVM_CLANG_FRONTEND_ASTUNIT_H
17150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan#include "clang/Lex/PreprocessingRecord.h"
18150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan#include "clang/Basic/SourceManager.h"
19150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan#include "llvm/ADT/IntrusiveRefCntPtr.h"
20150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan#include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h"
21150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan#include "clang/Basic/FileManager.h"
22150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan#include "clang/Index/ASTLocation.h"
23150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan#include "llvm/ADT/SmallVector.h"
24150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan#include "llvm/System/Path.h"
25150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan#include <map>
26150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan#include <string>
27150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan#include <vector>
28150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan#include <cassert>
298f00e2be0e639dcacb2719f34b24d5387fe32f93Shih-wei Liao#include <utility>
31150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logannamespace llvm {
32150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan  class MemoryBuffer;
33e5cc4c967178669dd19832bc0fb03b293d5d969fStephen Hines}
34e5cc4c967178669dd19832bc0fb03b293d5d969fStephen Hines
35150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logannamespace clang {
36150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Loganclass ASTContext;
37d271e4b0c6c42a0e670226e697963df427e35a56Logan Chienclass CompilerInvocation;
38d271e4b0c6c42a0e670226e697963df427e35a56Logan Chienclass Decl;
39d271e4b0c6c42a0e670226e697963df427e35a56Logan Chienclass Diagnostic;
40150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Loganclass FileEntry;
41560ad31c413724fafd13d6fd723e403f28daa132Shih-wei Liaoclass FileManager;
42150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Loganclass HeaderSearch;
43150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Loganclass Preprocessor;
44150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Loganclass SourceManager;
45150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Loganclass TargetInfo;
4779525fbe7b9bdf64a79a8d20cff2147702eae738Stephen Hinesusing namespace idx;
490a9399c6726563f480537649e6f28da5186c4b78Nowar Gu/// \brief Utility class for loading a ASTContext from a PCH file.
5050b2af40295eadba516c5e85ec1bb3443d64aae3Logan Chien///
51cb9b577d473e0af82e3fadf0c7b85cd04b3018a7Logan Chienclass ASTUnit {
5250b2af40295eadba516c5e85ec1bb3443d64aae3Logan Chienpublic:
53cb9b577d473e0af82e3fadf0c7b85cd04b3018a7Logan Chien  typedef std::map<FileID, std::vector<PreprocessedEntity *> >
5450b2af40295eadba516c5e85ec1bb3443d64aae3Logan Chien    PreprocessedEntitiesByFileMap;
5550b2af40295eadba516c5e85ec1bb3443d64aae3Logan Chienprivate:
5650b2af40295eadba516c5e85ec1bb3443d64aae3Logan Chien  llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Diagnostic> Diagnostics;
57150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan  llvm::OwningPtr<FileManager>      FileMgr;
58150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan  llvm::OwningPtr<SourceManager>    SourceMgr;
59150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan  llvm::OwningPtr<HeaderSearch>     HeaderInfo;
60150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan  llvm::OwningPtr<TargetInfo>       Target;
610a9399c6726563f480537649e6f28da5186c4b78Nowar Gu  llvm::OwningPtr<Preprocessor>     PP;
62fe6bd6dc51777802a0118521b9039981a0e6a806Logan Chien  llvm::OwningPtr<ASTContext>       Ctx;
63d271e4b0c6c42a0e670226e697963df427e35a56Logan Chien
644652e307dc8fc772d0df8c6c434613884fe0feecStephen Hines  /// Optional owned invocation, just used to make the invocation used in
654652e307dc8fc772d0df8c6c434613884fe0feecStephen Hines  /// LoadFromCommandLine available.
664652e307dc8fc772d0df8c6c434613884fe0feecStephen Hines  llvm::OwningPtr<CompilerInvocation> Invocation;
674652e307dc8fc772d0df8c6c434613884fe0feecStephen Hines
684652e307dc8fc772d0df8c6c434613884fe0feecStephen Hines  // OnlyLocalDecls - when true, walking this AST should only visit declarations
694652e307dc8fc772d0df8c6c434613884fe0feecStephen Hines  // that come from the AST itself, not from included precompiled headers.
704652e307dc8fc772d0df8c6c434613884fe0feecStephen Hines  // FIXME: This is temporary; eventually, CIndex will always do this.
71b491e684395ee19123abdd73b75776fea966d8cfStephen Hines  bool                              OnlyLocalDecls;
73150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan  /// \brief Whether to capture any diagnostics produced.
74150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan  bool CaptureDiagnostics;
76150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan  /// Track whether the main file was loaded from an AST or not.
77fe6bd6dc51777802a0118521b9039981a0e6a806Logan Chien  bool MainFileIsAST;
78fe6bd6dc51777802a0118521b9039981a0e6a806Logan Chien
79150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan  /// Track the top-level decls which appeared in an ASTUnit which was loaded
800c115a16d479c7cda12c66bceb3782fd45177481Nowar Gu  /// from a source file.
81150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan  //
823a936caf79bc7448ac5ec60c14faeb87c74e5392Stephen Hines  // FIXME: This is just an optimization hack to avoid deserializing large parts
83150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan  // of a PCH file when using the Index library on an ASTUnit loaded from
84150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan  // source. In the long term we should make the Index library use efficient and
85150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan  // more scalable search mechanisms.
86150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan  std::vector<Decl*> TopLevelDecls;
87bd3aca04d304b9f31240b94af0aad818f6f932abStephen Hines
88150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan  /// The name of the original source file used to generate this ASTUnit.
89361035524dc26094825134f30c07311f38f4f8b1Stephen Hines  std::string OriginalSourceFile;
91150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan  // Critical optimization when using clang_getCursor().
92a902511dd22624b15cc61e36d167d1cf3549bc74Stephen Hines  ASTLocation LastLoc;
946bcf27bb9a4b5c3f79cb44c0e4654a6d7619ad89Stephen Hines  /// \brief The set of diagnostics produced when creating this
956bcf27bb9a4b5c3f79cb44c0e4654a6d7619ad89Stephen Hines  /// translation unit.
966bcf27bb9a4b5c3f79cb44c0e4654a6d7619ad89Stephen Hines  llvm::SmallVector<StoredDiagnostic, 4> StoredDiagnostics;
98177982bea7e4ccffd2577c8f63a5872eebebe54bStephen Hines  /// \brief Temporary files that should be removed when the ASTUnit is
99177982bea7e4ccffd2577c8f63a5872eebebe54bStephen Hines  /// destroyed.
100177982bea7e4ccffd2577c8f63a5872eebebe54bStephen Hines  llvm::SmallVector<llvm::sys::Path, 4> TemporaryFiles;
101177982bea7e4ccffd2577c8f63a5872eebebe54bStephen Hines
102177982bea7e4ccffd2577c8f63a5872eebebe54bStephen Hines  /// \brief A mapping from file IDs to the set of preprocessed entities
103177982bea7e4ccffd2577c8f63a5872eebebe54bStephen Hines  /// stored in that file.
104150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan  ///
105150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan  /// FIXME: This is just an optimization hack to avoid searching through
106150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan  /// many preprocessed entities during cursor traversal in the CIndex library.
107150e0efec6302fa5a8c3b5c3c4ecf5778d3a29f5Logan  /// Ideally, we would just be able to perform a binary search within the
108952626a19a1c58e405be194854566b76a35b6063Andrew Hsieh  /// list of preprocessed entities.
109ce5d5dc827d36f09a1df7d1bec48b0bb429d6afaStephen Hines  PreprocessedEntitiesByFileMap PreprocessedEntitiesByFile;
110e7ea4e58ac544083d9052b1a7f8aabec750afac3Ying Wang
111e7ea4e58ac544083d9052b1a7f8aabec750afac3Ying Wang  /// \brief Simple hack to allow us to assert that ASTUnit is not being
112e7ea4e58ac544083d9052b1a7f8aabec750afac3Ying Wang  /// used concurrently, which is not supported.
113e7ea4e58ac544083d9052b1a7f8aabec750afac3Ying Wang  ///
114e7ea4e58ac544083d9052b1a7f8aabec750afac3Ying Wang  /// Clients should create instances of the ConcurrencyCheck class whenever
11517fe6b86205261afc93f7689a73da21a83e0cc65Tim Murray  /// using the ASTUnit in a way that isn't intended to be concurrent, which is
116ef8225444452a1486bd721f3285301fe84643b00Stephen Hines  /// just about any usage.
117ef8225444452a1486bd721f3285301fe84643b00Stephen Hines  unsigned int ConcurrencyCheckValue;
118e7ea4e58ac544083d9052b1a7f8aabec750afac3Ying Wang  static const unsigned int CheckLocked = 28573289;
119952626a19a1c58e405be194854566b76a35b6063Andrew Hsieh  static const unsigned int CheckUnlocked = 9803453;
12017fe6b86205261afc93f7689a73da21a83e0cc65Tim Murray
121952626a19a1c58e405be194854566b76a35b6063Andrew Hsieh  ASTUnit(const ASTUnit&); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
122952626a19a1c58e405be194854566b76a35b6063Andrew Hsieh  ASTUnit &operator=(const ASTUnit &); // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
123ce5d5dc827d36f09a1df7d1bec48b0bb429d6afaStephen Hines
124  explicit ASTUnit(bool MainFileIsAST);
126  void CleanTemporaryFiles();
127  bool Parse();
130  class ConcurrencyCheck {
131    volatile ASTUnit &Self;
133  public:
134    explicit ConcurrencyCheck(ASTUnit &Self)
135      : Self(Self)
136    {
137      assert(Self.ConcurrencyCheckValue == CheckUnlocked &&
138             "Concurrent access to ASTUnit!");
139      Self.ConcurrencyCheckValue = CheckLocked;
140    }
142    ~ConcurrencyCheck() {
143      Self.ConcurrencyCheckValue = CheckUnlocked;
144    }
145  };
146  friend class ConcurrencyCheck;
148  ~ASTUnit();
150  bool isMainFileAST() const { return MainFileIsAST; }
152  const Diagnostic &getDiagnostics() const { return *Diagnostics; }
153  Diagnostic &getDiagnostics()             { return *Diagnostics; }
155  const SourceManager &getSourceManager() const { return *SourceMgr; }
156        SourceManager &getSourceManager()       { return *SourceMgr; }
158  const Preprocessor &getPreprocessor() const { return *PP.get(); }
159        Preprocessor &getPreprocessor()       { return *PP.get(); }
161  const ASTContext &getASTContext() const { return *Ctx.get(); }
162        ASTContext &getASTContext()       { return *Ctx.get(); }
164  const FileManager &getFileManager() const { return *FileMgr; }
165        FileManager &getFileManager()       { return *FileMgr; }
167  const std::string &getOriginalSourceFileName();
168  const std::string &getPCHFileName();
170  /// \brief Add a temporary file that the ASTUnit depends on.
171  ///
172  /// This file will be erased when the ASTUnit is destroyed.
173  void addTemporaryFile(const llvm::sys::Path &TempFile) {
174    TemporaryFiles.push_back(TempFile);
175  }
177  bool getOnlyLocalDecls() const { return OnlyLocalDecls; }
179  void setLastASTLocation(ASTLocation ALoc) { LastLoc = ALoc; }
180  ASTLocation getLastASTLocation() const { return LastLoc; }
182  std::vector<Decl*> &getTopLevelDecls() {
183    assert(!isMainFileAST() && "Invalid call for AST based ASTUnit!");
184    return TopLevelDecls;
185  }
186  const std::vector<Decl*> &getTopLevelDecls() const {
187    assert(!isMainFileAST() && "Invalid call for AST based ASTUnit!");
188    return TopLevelDecls;
189  }
191  /// \brief Retrieve the mapping from File IDs to the preprocessed entities
192  /// within that file.
193  PreprocessedEntitiesByFileMap &getPreprocessedEntitiesByFile() {
194    return PreprocessedEntitiesByFile;
195  }
197  // Retrieve the diagnostics associated with this AST
198  typedef const StoredDiagnostic *stored_diag_iterator;
199  stored_diag_iterator stored_diag_begin() const {
200    return StoredDiagnostics.begin();
201  }
202  stored_diag_iterator stored_diag_end() const {
203    return StoredDiagnostics.end();
204  }
205  unsigned stored_diag_size() const { return StoredDiagnostics.size(); }
207  llvm::SmallVector<StoredDiagnostic, 4> &getStoredDiagnostics() {
208    return StoredDiagnostics;
209  }
211  /// \brief A mapping from a file name to the memory buffer that stores the
212  /// remapped contents of that file.
213  typedef std::pair<std::string, const llvm::MemoryBuffer *> RemappedFile;
215  /// \brief Create a ASTUnit from a PCH file.
216  ///
217  /// \param Filename - The PCH file to load.
218  ///
219  /// \param Diags - The diagnostics engine to use for reporting errors; its
220  /// lifetime is expected to extend past that of the returned ASTUnit.
221  ///
222  /// \returns - The initialized ASTUnit or null if the PCH failed to load.
223  static ASTUnit *LoadFromPCHFile(const std::string &Filename,
224                                  llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Diagnostic> Diags,
225                                  bool OnlyLocalDecls = false,
226                                  RemappedFile *RemappedFiles = 0,
227                                  unsigned NumRemappedFiles = 0,
228                                  bool CaptureDiagnostics = false);
230  /// LoadFromCompilerInvocation - Create an ASTUnit from a source file, via a
231  /// CompilerInvocation object.
232  ///
233  /// \param CI - The compiler invocation to use; it must have exactly one input
234  /// source file. The ASTUnit takes ownership of the CompilerInvocation object.
235  ///
236  /// \param Diags - The diagnostics engine to use for reporting errors; its
237  /// lifetime is expected to extend past that of the returned ASTUnit.
238  //
239  // FIXME: Move OnlyLocalDecls, UseBumpAllocator to setters on the ASTUnit, we
240  // shouldn't need to specify them at construction time.
241  static ASTUnit *LoadFromCompilerInvocation(CompilerInvocation *CI,
242                                     llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Diagnostic> Diags,
243                                             bool OnlyLocalDecls = false,
244                                             bool CaptureDiagnostics = false);
246  /// LoadFromCommandLine - Create an ASTUnit from a vector of command line
247  /// arguments, which must specify exactly one source file.
248  ///
249  /// \param ArgBegin - The beginning of the argument vector.
250  ///
251  /// \param ArgEnd - The end of the argument vector.
252  ///
253  /// \param Diags - The diagnostics engine to use for reporting errors; its
254  /// lifetime is expected to extend past that of the returned ASTUnit.
255  ///
256  /// \param ResourceFilesPath - The path to the compiler resource files.
257  //
258  // FIXME: Move OnlyLocalDecls, UseBumpAllocator to setters on the ASTUnit, we
259  // shouldn't need to specify them at construction time.
260  static ASTUnit *LoadFromCommandLine(const char **ArgBegin,
261                                      const char **ArgEnd,
262                                    llvm::IntrusiveRefCntPtr<Diagnostic> Diags,
263                                      llvm::StringRef ResourceFilesPath,
264                                      bool OnlyLocalDecls = false,
265                                      RemappedFile *RemappedFiles = 0,
266                                      unsigned NumRemappedFiles = 0,
267                                      bool CaptureDiagnostics = false);
269  /// \brief Reparse the source files using the same command-line options that
270  /// were originally used to produce this translation unit.
271  ///
272  /// \returns True if a failure occurred that causes the ASTUnit not to
273  /// contain any translation-unit information, false otherwise.
274  bool Reparse(RemappedFile *RemappedFiles = 0,
275               unsigned NumRemappedFiles = 0);
278} // namespace clang