Driver.cpp revision 4f6a4b47675a30e621251fcda1d192a2c17c6eea
1c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath//===--- Driver.cpp - Clang GCC Compatible Driver -------------------------===//
2c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath//
3c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
4c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath//
5c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
7c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath//
8c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath//===----------------------------------------------------------------------===//
9c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath
10c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath#include "clang/Driver/Driver.h"
11c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath
12c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath#include "clang/Driver/Action.h"
13c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath#include "clang/Driver/Arg.h"
14c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath#include "clang/Driver/ArgList.h"
15c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath#include "clang/Driver/Compilation.h"
16c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath#include "clang/Driver/DriverDiagnostic.h"
17c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath#include "clang/Driver/Job.h"
18c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath#include "clang/Driver/OptTable.h"
19c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath#include "clang/Driver/Option.h"
20c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath#include "clang/Driver/Options.h"
21c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath#include "clang/Driver/Tool.h"
22c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath#include "clang/Driver/ToolChain.h"
23c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath
24c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath#include "clang/Basic/Version.h"
25c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath
26c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath#include "llvm/ADT/ArrayRef.h"
27c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath#include "llvm/ADT/StringSet.h"
28c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath#include "llvm/ADT/OwningPtr.h"
29c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
30c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath#include "llvm/Support/PrettyStackTrace.h"
31c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
327faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez#include "llvm/Support/FileSystem.h"
33c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath#include "llvm/Support/Path.h"
347faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez#include "llvm/Support/Program.h"
35c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath
36c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath#include "InputInfo.h"
37c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath#include "ToolChains.h"
38c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath
39c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath#include <map>
40c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath
41c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath#include "clang/Config/config.h"
42c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath
43c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamathusing namespace clang::driver;
44c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamathusing namespace clang;
45c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath
46c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan KamathDriver::Driver(StringRef ClangExecutable,
47c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath               StringRef DefaultTargetTriple,
48c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath               StringRef DefaultImageName,
49c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath               bool IsProduction,
50c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath               DiagnosticsEngine &Diags)
51c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath  : Opts(createDriverOptTable()), Diags(Diags),
52c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    ClangExecutable(ClangExecutable), SysRoot(DEFAULT_SYSROOT),
53c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    UseStdLib(true), DefaultTargetTriple(DefaultTargetTriple),
54c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    DefaultImageName(DefaultImageName),
55c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    DriverTitle("clang \"gcc-compatible\" driver"),
56c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    CCPrintOptionsFilename(0), CCPrintHeadersFilename(0),
57c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    CCLogDiagnosticsFilename(0), CCCIsCXX(false),
587faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez    CCCIsCPP(false),CCCEcho(false), CCCPrintBindings(false),
59c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    CCPrintOptions(false), CCPrintHeaders(false), CCLogDiagnostics(false),
607faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez    CCGenDiagnostics(false), CCCGenericGCCName(""), CheckInputsExist(true),
61c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    CCCUseClang(true), CCCUseClangCXX(true), CCCUseClangCPP(true),
62c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    ForcedClangUse(false), CCCUsePCH(true), SuppressMissingInputWarning(false) {
63c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath  if (IsProduction) {
64c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    // In a "production" build, only use clang on architectures we expect to
65c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    // work.
66c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    //
67c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    // During development its more convenient to always have the driver use
68c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    // clang, but we don't want users to be confused when things don't work, or
69c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    // to file bugs for things we don't support.
70c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    CCCClangArchs.insert(llvm::Triple::x86);
71c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    CCCClangArchs.insert(llvm::Triple::x86_64);
72c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    CCCClangArchs.insert(llvm::Triple::arm);
73c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath  }
74c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath
75c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath  Name = llvm::sys::path::stem(ClangExecutable);
76c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath  Dir  = llvm::sys::path::parent_path(ClangExecutable);
77c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath
78c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath  // Compute the path to the resource directory.
79c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath  StringRef ClangResourceDir(CLANG_RESOURCE_DIR);
80c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath  SmallString<128> P(Dir);
81c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath  if (ClangResourceDir != "")
82c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    llvm::sys::path::append(P, ClangResourceDir);
83c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath  else
84c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    llvm::sys::path::append(P, "..", "lib", "clang", CLANG_VERSION_STRING);
85c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath  ResourceDir = P.str();
86c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath}
87c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath
887faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos HernandezDriver::~Driver() {
89c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath  delete Opts;
90c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath
91c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath  for (llvm::StringMap<ToolChain *>::iterator I = ToolChains.begin(),
92c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath                                              E = ToolChains.end();
93c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath       I != E; ++I)
94c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    delete I->second;
95c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath}
96c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath
97c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan KamathInputArgList *Driver::ParseArgStrings(ArrayRef<const char *> ArgList) {
98c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath  llvm::PrettyStackTraceString CrashInfo("Command line argument parsing");
99c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath  unsigned MissingArgIndex, MissingArgCount;
100c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath  InputArgList *Args = getOpts().ParseArgs(ArgList.begin(), ArgList.end(),
101c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath                                           MissingArgIndex, MissingArgCount);
102c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath
103c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath  // Check for missing argument error.
104c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath  if (MissingArgCount)
105c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_missing_argument)
106c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath      << Args->getArgString(MissingArgIndex) << MissingArgCount;
107c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath
108c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath  // Check for unsupported options.
109c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath  for (ArgList::const_iterator it = Args->begin(), ie = Args->end();
110c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath       it != ie; ++it) {
111c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    Arg *A = *it;
1127faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez    if (A->getOption().isUnsupported()) {
113c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath      Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_unsupported_opt) << A->getAsString(*Args);
114c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath      continue;
115c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    }
116c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath
117c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    // Warn about -mcpu= without an argument.
118c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_mcpu_EQ) &&
119c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath        A->containsValue("")) {
120c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath      Diag(clang::diag::warn_drv_empty_joined_argument) << A->getAsString(*Args);
121c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    }
122c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath  }
123c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath
124c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath  return Args;
125c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath}
126c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath
127c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath// Determine which compilation mode we are in. We look for options which
128c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath// affect the phase, starting with the earliest phases, and record which
129c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath// option we used to determine the final phase.
130c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamathphases::ID Driver::getFinalPhase(const DerivedArgList &DAL, Arg **FinalPhaseArg)
131c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamathconst {
1327faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez  Arg *PhaseArg = 0;
1337faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez  phases::ID FinalPhase;
1347faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez
1357faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez  // -{E,M,MM} only run the preprocessor.
1367faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez  if (CCCIsCPP ||
1377faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez      (PhaseArg = DAL.getLastArg(options::OPT_E)) ||
1387faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez      (PhaseArg = DAL.getLastArg(options::OPT_M, options::OPT_MM))) {
1397faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez    FinalPhase = phases::Preprocess;
1407faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez
1417faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez    // -{fsyntax-only,-analyze,emit-ast,S} only run up to the compiler.
1427faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez  } else if ((PhaseArg = DAL.getLastArg(options::OPT_fsyntax_only)) ||
1437faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez             (PhaseArg = DAL.getLastArg(options::OPT_rewrite_objc)) ||
1447faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez             (PhaseArg = DAL.getLastArg(options::OPT_rewrite_legacy_objc)) ||
1457faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez             (PhaseArg = DAL.getLastArg(options::OPT__migrate)) ||
1467faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez             (PhaseArg = DAL.getLastArg(options::OPT__analyze,
1477faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez                                        options::OPT__analyze_auto)) ||
1487faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez             (PhaseArg = DAL.getLastArg(options::OPT_emit_ast)) ||
1497faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez             (PhaseArg = DAL.getLastArg(options::OPT_S))) {
1507faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez    FinalPhase = phases::Compile;
1517faaa9f3f0df9d23790277834d426c3d992ac3baCarlos Hernandez
152c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    // -c only runs up to the assembler.
153c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath  } else if ((PhaseArg = DAL.getLastArg(options::OPT_c))) {
154c981c48f5bc9aefeffc0bcb0cc3934c2fae179ddNarayan Kamath    FinalPhase = phases::Assemble;
156    // Otherwise do everything.
157  } else
158    FinalPhase = phases::Link;
160  if (FinalPhaseArg)
161    *FinalPhaseArg = PhaseArg;
163  return FinalPhase;
166DerivedArgList *Driver::TranslateInputArgs(const InputArgList &Args) const {
167  DerivedArgList *DAL = new DerivedArgList(Args);
169  bool HasNostdlib = Args.hasArg(options::OPT_nostdlib);
170  for (ArgList::const_iterator it = Args.begin(),
171         ie = Args.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
172    const Arg *A = *it;
174    // Unfortunately, we have to parse some forwarding options (-Xassembler,
175    // -Xlinker, -Xpreprocessor) because we either integrate their functionality
176    // (assembler and preprocessor), or bypass a previous driver ('collect2').
178    // Rewrite linker options, to replace --no-demangle with a custom internal
179    // option.
180    if ((A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_Wl_COMMA) ||
181         A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_Xlinker)) &&
182        A->containsValue("--no-demangle")) {
183      // Add the rewritten no-demangle argument.
184      DAL->AddFlagArg(A, Opts->getOption(options::OPT_Z_Xlinker__no_demangle));
186      // Add the remaining values as Xlinker arguments.
187      for (unsigned i = 0, e = A->getNumValues(); i != e; ++i)
188        if (StringRef(A->getValue(Args, i)) != "--no-demangle")
189          DAL->AddSeparateArg(A, Opts->getOption(options::OPT_Xlinker),
190                              A->getValue(Args, i));
192      continue;
193    }
195    // Rewrite preprocessor options, to replace -Wp,-MD,FOO which is used by
196    // some build systems. We don't try to be complete here because we don't
197    // care to encourage this usage model.
198    if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_Wp_COMMA) &&
199        A->getNumValues() == 2 &&
200        (A->getValue(Args, 0) == StringRef("-MD") ||
201         A->getValue(Args, 0) == StringRef("-MMD"))) {
202      // Rewrite to -MD/-MMD along with -MF.
203      if (A->getValue(Args, 0) == StringRef("-MD"))
204        DAL->AddFlagArg(A, Opts->getOption(options::OPT_MD));
205      else
206        DAL->AddFlagArg(A, Opts->getOption(options::OPT_MMD));
207      DAL->AddSeparateArg(A, Opts->getOption(options::OPT_MF),
208                          A->getValue(Args, 1));
209      continue;
210    }
212    // Rewrite reserved library names.
213    if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_l)) {
214      StringRef Value = A->getValue(Args);
216      // Rewrite unless -nostdlib is present.
217      if (!HasNostdlib && Value == "stdc++") {
218        DAL->AddFlagArg(A, Opts->getOption(
219                              options::OPT_Z_reserved_lib_stdcxx));
220        continue;
221      }
223      // Rewrite unconditionally.
224      if (Value == "cc_kext") {
225        DAL->AddFlagArg(A, Opts->getOption(
226                              options::OPT_Z_reserved_lib_cckext));
227        continue;
228      }
229    }
231    DAL->append(*it);
232  }
234  // Add a default value of -mlinker-version=, if one was given and the user
235  // didn't specify one.
236#if defined(HOST_LINK_VERSION)
237  if (!Args.hasArg(options::OPT_mlinker_version_EQ)) {
238    DAL->AddJoinedArg(0, Opts->getOption(options::OPT_mlinker_version_EQ),
239                      HOST_LINK_VERSION);
240    DAL->getLastArg(options::OPT_mlinker_version_EQ)->claim();
241  }
244  return DAL;
247Compilation *Driver::BuildCompilation(ArrayRef<const char *> ArgList) {
248  llvm::PrettyStackTraceString CrashInfo("Compilation construction");
250  // FIXME: Handle environment options which affect driver behavior, somewhere
253  if (char *env = ::getenv("COMPILER_PATH")) {
254    StringRef CompilerPath = env;
255    while (!CompilerPath.empty()) {
256      std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> Split = CompilerPath.split(':');
257      PrefixDirs.push_back(Split.first);
258      CompilerPath = Split.second;
259    }
260  }
262  // FIXME: What are we going to do with -V and -b?
264  // FIXME: This stuff needs to go into the Compilation, not the driver.
265  bool CCCPrintOptions = false, CCCPrintActions = false;
267  InputArgList *Args = ParseArgStrings(ArgList.slice(1));
269  // -no-canonical-prefixes is used very early in main.
270  Args->ClaimAllArgs(options::OPT_no_canonical_prefixes);
272  // Ignore -pipe.
273  Args->ClaimAllArgs(options::OPT_pipe);
275  // Extract -ccc args.
276  //
277  // FIXME: We need to figure out where this behavior should live. Most of it
278  // should be outside in the client; the parts that aren't should have proper
279  // options, either by introducing new ones or by overloading gcc ones like -V
280  // or -b.
281  CCCPrintOptions = Args->hasArg(options::OPT_ccc_print_options);
282  CCCPrintActions = Args->hasArg(options::OPT_ccc_print_phases);
283  CCCPrintBindings = Args->hasArg(options::OPT_ccc_print_bindings);
284  CCCIsCXX = Args->hasArg(options::OPT_ccc_cxx) || CCCIsCXX;
285  CCCEcho = Args->hasArg(options::OPT_ccc_echo);
286  if (const Arg *A = Args->getLastArg(options::OPT_ccc_gcc_name))
287    CCCGenericGCCName = A->getValue(*Args);
288  CCCUseClangCXX = Args->hasFlag(options::OPT_ccc_clang_cxx,
289                                 options::OPT_ccc_no_clang_cxx,
290                                 CCCUseClangCXX);
291  CCCUsePCH = Args->hasFlag(options::OPT_ccc_pch_is_pch,
292                            options::OPT_ccc_pch_is_pth);
293  CCCUseClang = !Args->hasArg(options::OPT_ccc_no_clang);
294  CCCUseClangCPP = !Args->hasArg(options::OPT_ccc_no_clang_cpp);
295  if (const Arg *A = Args->getLastArg(options::OPT_ccc_clang_archs)) {
296    StringRef Cur = A->getValue(*Args);
298    CCCClangArchs.clear();
299    while (!Cur.empty()) {
300      std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> Split = Cur.split(',');
302      if (!Split.first.empty()) {
303        llvm::Triple::ArchType Arch =
304          llvm::Triple(Split.first, "", "").getArch();
306        if (Arch == llvm::Triple::UnknownArch)
307          Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_invalid_arch_name) << Split.first;
309        CCCClangArchs.insert(Arch);
310      }
312      Cur = Split.second;
313    }
314  }
315  // FIXME: DefaultTargetTriple is used by the target-prefixed calls to as/ld
316  // and getToolChain is const.
317  if (const Arg *A = Args->getLastArg(options::OPT_target))
318    DefaultTargetTriple = A->getValue(*Args);
319  if (const Arg *A = Args->getLastArg(options::OPT_ccc_install_dir))
320    Dir = InstalledDir = A->getValue(*Args);
321  for (arg_iterator it = Args->filtered_begin(options::OPT_B),
322         ie = Args->filtered_end(); it != ie; ++it) {
323    const Arg *A = *it;
324    A->claim();
325    PrefixDirs.push_back(A->getValue(*Args, 0));
326  }
327  if (const Arg *A = Args->getLastArg(options::OPT__sysroot_EQ))
328    SysRoot = A->getValue(*Args);
329  if (Args->hasArg(options::OPT_nostdlib))
330    UseStdLib = false;
332  // Perform the default argument translations.
333  DerivedArgList *TranslatedArgs = TranslateInputArgs(*Args);
335  // Owned by the host.
336  const ToolChain &TC = getToolChain(*Args);
338  // The compilation takes ownership of Args.
339  Compilation *C = new Compilation(*this, TC, Args, TranslatedArgs);
341  // FIXME: This behavior shouldn't be here.
342  if (CCCPrintOptions) {
343    PrintOptions(C->getInputArgs());
344    return C;
345  }
347  if (!HandleImmediateArgs(*C))
348    return C;
350  // Construct the list of inputs.
351  InputList Inputs;
352  BuildInputs(C->getDefaultToolChain(), C->getArgs(), Inputs);
354  // Construct the list of abstract actions to perform for this compilation. On
355  // Darwin target OSes this uses the driver-driver and universal actions.
356  if (TC.getTriple().isOSDarwin())
357    BuildUniversalActions(C->getDefaultToolChain(), C->getArgs(),
358                          Inputs, C->getActions());
359  else
360    BuildActions(C->getDefaultToolChain(), C->getArgs(), Inputs,
361                 C->getActions());
363  if (CCCPrintActions) {
364    PrintActions(*C);
365    return C;
366  }
368  BuildJobs(*C);
370  return C;
373// When clang crashes, produce diagnostic information including the fully
374// preprocessed source file(s).  Request that the developer attach the
375// diagnostic information to a bug report.
376void Driver::generateCompilationDiagnostics(Compilation &C,
377                                            const Command *FailingCommand) {
378  if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_fno_crash_diagnostics))
379    return;
381  // Don't try to generate diagnostics for link jobs.
382  if (FailingCommand && FailingCommand->getCreator().isLinkJob())
383    return;
385  // Print the version of the compiler.
386  PrintVersion(C, llvm::errs());
388  Diag(clang::diag::note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg)
389    << "\n********************\n********************\n\n"
390    "PLEASE submit a BUG REPORT to " BUG_REPORT_URL " and _INCLUDE_ the "
391    "crash backtrace, all command line arguments, PREPROCESSED SOURCE, "
392    "and associated RUN SCRIPT.\n"
393    "\n********************\n********************";
395  // Suppress driver output and emit preprocessor output to temp file.
396  CCCIsCPP = true;
397  CCGenDiagnostics = true;
399  // Save the original job command(s).
400  std::string Cmd;
401  llvm::raw_string_ostream OS(Cmd);
402  if (FailingCommand)
403    C.PrintJob(OS, *FailingCommand, "\n", false);
404  else
405    // Crash triggered by FORCE_CLANG_DIAGNOSTICS_CRASH, which doesn't have an
406    // associated FailingCommand, so just pass all jobs.
407    C.PrintJob(OS, C.getJobs(), "\n", false);
408  OS.flush();
410  // Clear stale state and suppress tool output.
411  C.initCompilationForDiagnostics();
412  Diags.Reset();
414  // Construct the list of inputs.
415  InputList Inputs;
416  BuildInputs(C.getDefaultToolChain(), C.getArgs(), Inputs);
418  for (InputList::iterator it = Inputs.begin(), ie = Inputs.end(); it != ie;) {
419    bool IgnoreInput = false;
421    // Ignore input from stdin or any inputs that cannot be preprocessed.
422    if (!strcmp(it->second->getValue(C.getArgs()), "-")) {
423      Diag(clang::diag::note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg)
424        << "Error generating preprocessed source(s) - ignoring input from stdin"
425        ".";
426      IgnoreInput = true;
427    } else if (types::getPreprocessedType(it->first) == types::TY_INVALID) {
428      IgnoreInput = true;
429    }
431    if (IgnoreInput) {
432      it = Inputs.erase(it);
433      ie = Inputs.end();
434    } else {
435      ++it;
436    }
437  }
439  // Don't attempt to generate preprocessed files if multiple -arch options are
440  // used, unless they're all duplicates.
441  llvm::StringSet<> ArchNames;
442  for (ArgList::const_iterator it = C.getArgs().begin(), ie = C.getArgs().end();
443       it != ie; ++it) {
444    Arg *A = *it;
445    if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_arch)) {
446      StringRef ArchName = A->getValue(C.getArgs());
447      ArchNames.insert(ArchName);
448    }
449  }
450  if (ArchNames.size() > 1) {
451    Diag(clang::diag::note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg)
452      << "Error generating preprocessed source(s) - cannot generate "
453      "preprocessed source with multiple -arch options.";
454    return;
455  }
457  if (Inputs.empty()) {
458    Diag(clang::diag::note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg)
459      << "Error generating preprocessed source(s) - no preprocessable inputs.";
460    return;
461  }
463  // Construct the list of abstract actions to perform for this compilation. On
464  // Darwin OSes this uses the driver-driver and builds universal actions.
465  const ToolChain &TC = C.getDefaultToolChain();
466  if (TC.getTriple().isOSDarwin())
467    BuildUniversalActions(TC, C.getArgs(), Inputs, C.getActions());
468  else
469    BuildActions(TC, C.getArgs(), Inputs, C.getActions());
471  BuildJobs(C);
473  // If there were errors building the compilation, quit now.
474  if (Diags.hasErrorOccurred()) {
475    Diag(clang::diag::note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg)
476      << "Error generating preprocessed source(s).";
477    return;
478  }
480  // Generate preprocessed output.
481  FailingCommand = 0;
482  int Res = C.ExecuteJob(C.getJobs(), FailingCommand);
484  // If the command succeeded, we are done.
485  if (Res == 0) {
486    Diag(clang::diag::note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg)
487      << "Preprocessed source(s) and associated run script(s) are located at:";
488    ArgStringList Files = C.getTempFiles();
489    for (ArgStringList::const_iterator it = Files.begin(), ie = Files.end();
490         it != ie; ++it) {
491      Diag(clang::diag::note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg) << *it;
493      std::string Err;
494      std::string Script = StringRef(*it).rsplit('.').first;
495      Script += ".sh";
496      llvm::raw_fd_ostream ScriptOS(Script.c_str(), Err,
497                                    llvm::raw_fd_ostream::F_Excl |
498                                    llvm::raw_fd_ostream::F_Binary);
499      if (!Err.empty()) {
500        Diag(clang::diag::note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg)
501          << "Error generating run script: " + Script + " " + Err;
502      } else {
503        // Strip away options not necessary to reproduce the crash.
504        // FIXME: This doesn't work with quotes (e.g., -D "foo bar").
505        SmallVector<std::string, 16> Flag;
506        Flag.push_back("-D ");
507        Flag.push_back("-F");
508        Flag.push_back("-I ");
509        Flag.push_back("-o ");
510        Flag.push_back("-coverage-file ");
511        Flag.push_back("-dependency-file ");
512        Flag.push_back("-fdebug-compilation-dir ");
513        Flag.push_back("-fmodule-cache-path ");
514        Flag.push_back("-include ");
515        Flag.push_back("-include-pch ");
516        Flag.push_back("-isysroot ");
517        Flag.push_back("-resource-dir ");
518        Flag.push_back("-serialize-diagnostic-file ");
519        for (unsigned i = 0, e = Flag.size(); i < e; ++i) {
520          size_t I = 0, E = 0;
521          do {
522            I = Cmd.find(Flag[i], I);
523            if (I == std::string::npos) break;
525            E = Cmd.find(" ", I + Flag[i].length());
526            if (E == std::string::npos) break;
527            Cmd.erase(I, E - I + 1);
528          } while(1);
529        }
530        // Append the new filename with correct preprocessed suffix.
531        size_t I, E;
532        I = Cmd.find("-main-file-name ");
533        assert (I != std::string::npos && "Expected to find -main-file-name");
534        I += 16;
535        E = Cmd.find(" ", I);
536        assert (E != std::string::npos && "-main-file-name missing argument?");
537        StringRef OldFilename = StringRef(Cmd).slice(I, E);
538        StringRef NewFilename = llvm::sys::path::filename(*it);
539        I = StringRef(Cmd).rfind(OldFilename);
540        E = I + OldFilename.size();
541        I = Cmd.rfind(" ", I) + 1;
542        Cmd.replace(I, E - I,, NewFilename.size());
543        ScriptOS << Cmd;
544        Diag(clang::diag::note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg) << Script;
545      }
546    }
547  } else {
548    // Failure, remove preprocessed files.
549    if (!C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_save_temps))
550      C.CleanupFileList(C.getTempFiles(), true);
552    Diag(clang::diag::note_drv_command_failed_diag_msg)
553      << "Error generating preprocessed source(s).";
554  }
557int Driver::ExecuteCompilation(const Compilation &C,
558                               const Command *&FailingCommand) const {
559  // Just print if -### was present.
560  if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__HASH_HASH_HASH)) {
561    C.PrintJob(llvm::errs(), C.getJobs(), "\n", true);
562    return 0;
563  }
565  // If there were errors building the compilation, quit now.
566  if (Diags.hasErrorOccurred())
567    return 1;
569  int Res = C.ExecuteJob(C.getJobs(), FailingCommand);
571  // Remove temp files.
572  C.CleanupFileList(C.getTempFiles());
574  // If the command succeeded, we are done.
575  if (Res == 0)
576    return Res;
578  // Otherwise, remove result files as well.
579  if (!C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_save_temps)) {
580    C.CleanupFileList(C.getResultFiles(), true);
582    // Failure result files are valid unless we crashed.
583    if (Res < 0) {
584      C.CleanupFileList(C.getFailureResultFiles(), true);
585#ifdef _WIN32
586      // Exit status should not be negative on Win32,
587      // unless abnormal termination.
588      Res = 1;
590    }
591  }
593  // Print extra information about abnormal failures, if possible.
594  //
595  // This is ad-hoc, but we don't want to be excessively noisy. If the result
596  // status was 1, assume the command failed normally. In particular, if it was
597  // the compiler then assume it gave a reasonable error code. Failures in other
598  // tools are less common, and they generally have worse diagnostics, so always
599  // print the diagnostic there.
600  const Tool &FailingTool = FailingCommand->getCreator();
602  if (!FailingCommand->getCreator().hasGoodDiagnostics() || Res != 1) {
603    // FIXME: See FIXME above regarding result code interpretation.
604    if (Res < 0)
605      Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_command_signalled)
606        << FailingTool.getShortName();
607    else
608      Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_command_failed)
609        << FailingTool.getShortName() << Res;
610  }
612  return Res;
615void Driver::PrintOptions(const ArgList &Args) const {
616  unsigned i = 0;
617  for (ArgList::const_iterator it = Args.begin(), ie = Args.end();
618       it != ie; ++it, ++i) {
619    Arg *A = *it;
620    llvm::errs() << "Option " << i << " - "
621                 << "Name: \"" << A->getOption().getName() << "\", "
622                 << "Values: {";
623    for (unsigned j = 0; j < A->getNumValues(); ++j) {
624      if (j)
625        llvm::errs() << ", ";
626      llvm::errs() << '"' << A->getValue(Args, j) << '"';
627    }
628    llvm::errs() << "}\n";
629  }
632void Driver::PrintHelp(bool ShowHidden) const {
633  getOpts().PrintHelp(llvm::outs(), Name.c_str(), DriverTitle.c_str(),
634                      ShowHidden);
637void Driver::PrintVersion(const Compilation &C, raw_ostream &OS) const {
638  // FIXME: The following handlers should use a callback mechanism, we don't
639  // know what the client would like to do.
640  OS << getClangFullVersion() << '\n';
641  const ToolChain &TC = C.getDefaultToolChain();
642  OS << "Target: " << TC.getTripleString() << '\n';
644  // Print the threading model.
645  //
646  // FIXME: Implement correctly.
647  OS << "Thread model: " << "posix" << '\n';
650/// PrintDiagnosticCategories - Implement the --print-diagnostic-categories
651/// option.
652static void PrintDiagnosticCategories(raw_ostream &OS) {
653  // Skip the empty category.
654  for (unsigned i = 1, max = DiagnosticIDs::getNumberOfCategories();
655       i != max; ++i)
656    OS << i << ',' << DiagnosticIDs::getCategoryNameFromID(i) << '\n';
659bool Driver::HandleImmediateArgs(const Compilation &C) {
660  // The order these options are handled in gcc is all over the place, but we
661  // don't expect inconsistencies w.r.t. that to matter in practice.
663  if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_dumpmachine)) {
664    llvm::outs() << C.getDefaultToolChain().getTripleString() << '\n';
665    return false;
666  }
668  if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_dumpversion)) {
669    // Since -dumpversion is only implemented for pedantic GCC compatibility, we
670    // return an answer which matches our definition of __VERSION__.
671    //
672    // If we want to return a more correct answer some day, then we should
673    // introduce a non-pedantically GCC compatible mode to Clang in which we
674    // provide sensible definitions for -dumpversion, __VERSION__, etc.
675    llvm::outs() << "4.2.1\n";
676    return false;
677  }
679  if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__print_diagnostic_categories)) {
680    PrintDiagnosticCategories(llvm::outs());
681    return false;
682  }
684  if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_help) ||
685      C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__help_hidden)) {
686    PrintHelp(C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__help_hidden));
687    return false;
688  }
690  if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__version)) {
691    // Follow gcc behavior and use stdout for --version and stderr for -v.
692    PrintVersion(C, llvm::outs());
693    return false;
694  }
696  if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_v) ||
697      C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__HASH_HASH_HASH)) {
698    PrintVersion(C, llvm::errs());
699    SuppressMissingInputWarning = true;
700  }
702  const ToolChain &TC = C.getDefaultToolChain();
703  if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_print_search_dirs)) {
704    llvm::outs() << "programs: =";
705    for (ToolChain::path_list::const_iterator it = TC.getProgramPaths().begin(),
706           ie = TC.getProgramPaths().end(); it != ie; ++it) {
707      if (it != TC.getProgramPaths().begin())
708        llvm::outs() << ':';
709      llvm::outs() << *it;
710    }
711    llvm::outs() << "\n";
712    llvm::outs() << "libraries: =" << ResourceDir;
714    StringRef sysroot = C.getSysRoot();
716    for (ToolChain::path_list::const_iterator it = TC.getFilePaths().begin(),
717           ie = TC.getFilePaths().end(); it != ie; ++it) {
718      llvm::outs() << ':';
719      const char *path = it->c_str();
720      if (path[0] == '=')
721        llvm::outs() << sysroot << path + 1;
722      else
723        llvm::outs() << path;
724    }
725    llvm::outs() << "\n";
726    return false;
727  }
729  // FIXME: The following handlers should use a callback mechanism, we don't
730  // know what the client would like to do.
731  if (Arg *A = C.getArgs().getLastArg(options::OPT_print_file_name_EQ)) {
732    llvm::outs() << GetFilePath(A->getValue(C.getArgs()), TC) << "\n";
733    return false;
734  }
736  if (Arg *A = C.getArgs().getLastArg(options::OPT_print_prog_name_EQ)) {
737    llvm::outs() << GetProgramPath(A->getValue(C.getArgs()), TC) << "\n";
738    return false;
739  }
741  if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_print_libgcc_file_name)) {
742    llvm::outs() << GetFilePath("libgcc.a", TC) << "\n";
743    return false;
744  }
746  if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_print_multi_lib)) {
747    // FIXME: We need tool chain support for this.
748    llvm::outs() << ".;\n";
750    switch (C.getDefaultToolChain().getTriple().getArch()) {
751    default:
752      break;
754    case llvm::Triple::x86_64:
755      llvm::outs() << "x86_64;@m64" << "\n";
756      break;
758    case llvm::Triple::ppc64:
759      llvm::outs() << "ppc64;@m64" << "\n";
760      break;
761    }
762    return false;
763  }
765  // FIXME: What is the difference between print-multi-directory and
766  // print-multi-os-directory?
767  if (C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_print_multi_directory) ||
768      C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_print_multi_os_directory)) {
769    switch (C.getDefaultToolChain().getTriple().getArch()) {
770    default:
771    case llvm::Triple::x86:
772    case llvm::Triple::ppc:
773      llvm::outs() << "." << "\n";
774      break;
776    case llvm::Triple::x86_64:
777      llvm::outs() << "x86_64" << "\n";
778      break;
780    case llvm::Triple::ppc64:
781      llvm::outs() << "ppc64" << "\n";
782      break;
783    }
784    return false;
785  }
787  return true;
790static unsigned PrintActions1(const Compilation &C, Action *A,
791                              std::map<Action*, unsigned> &Ids) {
792  if (Ids.count(A))
793    return Ids[A];
795  std::string str;
796  llvm::raw_string_ostream os(str);
798  os << Action::getClassName(A->getKind()) << ", ";
799  if (InputAction *IA = dyn_cast<InputAction>(A)) {
800    os << "\"" << IA->getInputArg().getValue(C.getArgs()) << "\"";
801  } else if (BindArchAction *BIA = dyn_cast<BindArchAction>(A)) {
802    os << '"' << BIA->getArchName() << '"'
803       << ", {" << PrintActions1(C, *BIA->begin(), Ids) << "}";
804  } else {
805    os << "{";
806    for (Action::iterator it = A->begin(), ie = A->end(); it != ie;) {
807      os << PrintActions1(C, *it, Ids);
808      ++it;
809      if (it != ie)
810        os << ", ";
811    }
812    os << "}";
813  }
815  unsigned Id = Ids.size();
816  Ids[A] = Id;
817  llvm::errs() << Id << ": " << os.str() << ", "
818               << types::getTypeName(A->getType()) << "\n";
820  return Id;
823void Driver::PrintActions(const Compilation &C) const {
824  std::map<Action*, unsigned> Ids;
825  for (ActionList::const_iterator it = C.getActions().begin(),
826         ie = C.getActions().end(); it != ie; ++it)
827    PrintActions1(C, *it, Ids);
830/// \brief Check whether the given input tree contains any compilation or
831/// assembly actions.
832static bool ContainsCompileOrAssembleAction(const Action *A) {
833  if (isa<CompileJobAction>(A) || isa<AssembleJobAction>(A))
834    return true;
836  for (Action::const_iterator it = A->begin(), ie = A->end(); it != ie; ++it)
837    if (ContainsCompileOrAssembleAction(*it))
838      return true;
840  return false;
843void Driver::BuildUniversalActions(const ToolChain &TC,
844                                   const DerivedArgList &Args,
845                                   const InputList &BAInputs,
846                                   ActionList &Actions) const {
847  llvm::PrettyStackTraceString CrashInfo("Building universal build actions");
848  // Collect the list of architectures. Duplicates are allowed, but should only
849  // be handled once (in the order seen).
850  llvm::StringSet<> ArchNames;
851  SmallVector<const char *, 4> Archs;
852  for (ArgList::const_iterator it = Args.begin(), ie = Args.end();
853       it != ie; ++it) {
854    Arg *A = *it;
856    if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_arch)) {
857      // Validate the option here; we don't save the type here because its
858      // particular spelling may participate in other driver choices.
859      llvm::Triple::ArchType Arch =
860        llvm::Triple::getArchTypeForDarwinArchName(A->getValue(Args));
861      if (Arch == llvm::Triple::UnknownArch) {
862        Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_invalid_arch_name)
863          << A->getAsString(Args);
864        continue;
865      }
867      A->claim();
868      if (ArchNames.insert(A->getValue(Args)))
869        Archs.push_back(A->getValue(Args));
870    }
871  }
873  // When there is no explicit arch for this platform, make sure we still bind
874  // the architecture (to the default) so that -Xarch_ is handled correctly.
875  if (!Archs.size())
876    Archs.push_back(Args.MakeArgString(TC.getArchName()));
878  // FIXME: We killed off some others but these aren't yet detected in a
879  // functional manner. If we added information to jobs about which "auxiliary"
880  // files they wrote then we could detect the conflict these cause downstream.
881  if (Archs.size() > 1) {
882    // No recovery needed, the point of this is just to prevent
883    // overwriting the same files.
884    if (const Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_save_temps))
885      Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_invalid_opt_with_multiple_archs)
886        << A->getAsString(Args);
887  }
889  ActionList SingleActions;
890  BuildActions(TC, Args, BAInputs, SingleActions);
892  // Add in arch bindings for every top level action, as well as lipo and
893  // dsymutil steps if needed.
894  for (unsigned i = 0, e = SingleActions.size(); i != e; ++i) {
895    Action *Act = SingleActions[i];
897    // Make sure we can lipo this kind of output. If not (and it is an actual
898    // output) then we disallow, since we can't create an output file with the
899    // right name without overwriting it. We could remove this oddity by just
900    // changing the output names to include the arch, which would also fix
901    // -save-temps. Compatibility wins for now.
903    if (Archs.size() > 1 && !types::canLipoType(Act->getType()))
904      Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_invalid_output_with_multiple_archs)
905        << types::getTypeName(Act->getType());
907    ActionList Inputs;
908    for (unsigned i = 0, e = Archs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
909      Inputs.push_back(new BindArchAction(Act, Archs[i]));
910      if (i != 0)
911        Inputs.back()->setOwnsInputs(false);
912    }
914    // Lipo if necessary, we do it this way because we need to set the arch flag
915    // so that -Xarch_ gets overwritten.
916    if (Inputs.size() == 1 || Act->getType() == types::TY_Nothing)
917      Actions.append(Inputs.begin(), Inputs.end());
918    else
919      Actions.push_back(new LipoJobAction(Inputs, Act->getType()));
921    // Handle debug info queries.
922    Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_g_Group);
923    if (A && !A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_g0) &&
924        !A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_gstabs) &&
925        ContainsCompileOrAssembleAction(Actions.back())) {
927      // Add a 'dsymutil' step if necessary, when debug info is enabled and we
928      // have a compile input. We need to run 'dsymutil' ourselves in such cases
929      // because the debug info will refer to a temporary object file which is
930      // will be removed at the end of the compilation process.
931      if (Act->getType() == types::TY_Image) {
932        ActionList Inputs;
933        Inputs.push_back(Actions.back());
934        Actions.pop_back();
935        Actions.push_back(new DsymutilJobAction(Inputs, types::TY_dSYM));
936      }
938      // Verify the output (debug information only) if we passed '-verify'.
939      if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_verify)) {
940        ActionList VerifyInputs;
941        VerifyInputs.push_back(Actions.back());
942        Actions.pop_back();
943        Actions.push_back(new VerifyJobAction(VerifyInputs,
944                                              types::TY_Nothing));
945      }
946    }
947  }
950// Construct a the list of inputs and their types.
951void Driver::BuildInputs(const ToolChain &TC, const DerivedArgList &Args,
952                         InputList &Inputs) const {
953  // Track the current user specified (-x) input. We also explicitly track the
954  // argument used to set the type; we only want to claim the type when we
955  // actually use it, so we warn about unused -x arguments.
956  types::ID InputType = types::TY_Nothing;
957  Arg *InputTypeArg = 0;
959  for (ArgList::const_iterator it = Args.begin(), ie = Args.end();
960       it != ie; ++it) {
961    Arg *A = *it;
963    if (isa<InputOption>(A->getOption())) {
964      const char *Value = A->getValue(Args);
965      types::ID Ty = types::TY_INVALID;
967      // Infer the input type if necessary.
968      if (InputType == types::TY_Nothing) {
969        // If there was an explicit arg for this, claim it.
970        if (InputTypeArg)
971          InputTypeArg->claim();
973        // stdin must be handled specially.
974        if (memcmp(Value, "-", 2) == 0) {
975          // If running with -E, treat as a C input (this changes the builtin
976          // macros, for example). This may be overridden by -ObjC below.
977          //
978          // Otherwise emit an error but still use a valid type to avoid
979          // spurious errors (e.g., no inputs).
980          if (!Args.hasArgNoClaim(options::OPT_E) && !CCCIsCPP)
981            Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_unknown_stdin_type);
982          Ty = types::TY_C;
983        } else {
984          // Otherwise lookup by extension.
985          // Fallback is C if invoked as C preprocessor or Object otherwise.
986          // We use a host hook here because Darwin at least has its own
987          // idea of what .s is.
988          if (const char *Ext = strrchr(Value, '.'))
989            Ty = TC.LookupTypeForExtension(Ext + 1);
991          if (Ty == types::TY_INVALID) {
992            if (CCCIsCPP)
993              Ty = types::TY_C;
994            else
995              Ty = types::TY_Object;
996          }
998          // If the driver is invoked as C++ compiler (like clang++ or c++) it
999          // should autodetect some input files as C++ for g++ compatibility.
1000          if (CCCIsCXX) {
1001            types::ID OldTy = Ty;
1002            Ty = types::lookupCXXTypeForCType(Ty);
1004            if (Ty != OldTy)
1005              Diag(clang::diag::warn_drv_treating_input_as_cxx)
1006                << getTypeName(OldTy) << getTypeName(Ty);
1007          }
1008        }
1010        // -ObjC and -ObjC++ override the default language, but only for "source
1011        // files". We just treat everything that isn't a linker input as a
1012        // source file.
1013        //
1014        // FIXME: Clean this up if we move the phase sequence into the type.
1015        if (Ty != types::TY_Object) {
1016          if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_ObjC))
1017            Ty = types::TY_ObjC;
1018          else if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_ObjCXX))
1019            Ty = types::TY_ObjCXX;
1020        }
1021      } else {
1022        assert(InputTypeArg && "InputType set w/o InputTypeArg");
1023        InputTypeArg->claim();
1024        Ty = InputType;
1025      }
1027      // Check that the file exists, if enabled.
1028      if (CheckInputsExist && memcmp(Value, "-", 2) != 0) {
1029        SmallString<64> Path(Value);
1030        if (Arg *WorkDir = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_working_directory)) {
1031          SmallString<64> Directory(WorkDir->getValue(Args));
1032          if (llvm::sys::path::is_absolute(Directory.str())) {
1033            llvm::sys::path::append(Directory, Value);
1034            Path.assign(Directory);
1035          }
1036        }
1038        bool exists = false;
1039        if (llvm::sys::fs::exists(Path.c_str(), exists) || !exists)
1040          Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_no_such_file) << Path.str();
1041        else
1042          Inputs.push_back(std::make_pair(Ty, A));
1043      } else
1044        Inputs.push_back(std::make_pair(Ty, A));
1046    } else if (A->getOption().isLinkerInput()) {
1047      // Just treat as object type, we could make a special type for this if
1048      // necessary.
1049      Inputs.push_back(std::make_pair(types::TY_Object, A));
1051    } else if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_x)) {
1052      InputTypeArg = A;
1053      InputType = types::lookupTypeForTypeSpecifier(A->getValue(Args));
1054      A->claim();
1056      // Follow gcc behavior and treat as linker input for invalid -x
1057      // options. Its not clear why we shouldn't just revert to unknown; but
1058      // this isn't very important, we might as well be bug compatible.
1059      if (!InputType) {
1060        Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_unknown_language) << A->getValue(Args);
1061        InputType = types::TY_Object;
1062      }
1063    }
1064  }
1065  if (CCCIsCPP && Inputs.empty()) {
1066    // If called as standalone preprocessor, stdin is processed
1067    // if no other input is present.
1068    unsigned Index = Args.getBaseArgs().MakeIndex("-");
1069    Arg *A = Opts->ParseOneArg(Args, Index);
1070    A->claim();
1071    Inputs.push_back(std::make_pair(types::TY_C, A));
1072  }
1075void Driver::BuildActions(const ToolChain &TC, const DerivedArgList &Args,
1076                          const InputList &Inputs, ActionList &Actions) const {
1077  llvm::PrettyStackTraceString CrashInfo("Building compilation actions");
1079  if (!SuppressMissingInputWarning && Inputs.empty()) {
1080    Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_no_input_files);
1081    return;
1082  }
1084  Arg *FinalPhaseArg;
1085  phases::ID FinalPhase = getFinalPhase(Args, &FinalPhaseArg);
1087  // Reject -Z* at the top level, these options should never have been exposed
1088  // by gcc.
1089  if (Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_Z_Joined))
1090    Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_use_of_Z_option) << A->getAsString(Args);
1092  // Construct the actions to perform.
1093  ActionList LinkerInputs;
1094  unsigned NumSteps = 0;
1095  for (unsigned i = 0, e = Inputs.size(); i != e; ++i) {
1096    types::ID InputType = Inputs[i].first;
1097    const Arg *InputArg = Inputs[i].second;
1099    NumSteps = types::getNumCompilationPhases(InputType);
1100    assert(NumSteps && "Invalid number of steps!");
1102    // If the first step comes after the final phase we are doing as part of
1103    // this compilation, warn the user about it.
1104    phases::ID InitialPhase = types::getCompilationPhase(InputType, 0);
1105    if (InitialPhase > FinalPhase) {
1106      // Claim here to avoid the more general unused warning.
1107      InputArg->claim();
1109      // Suppress all unused style warnings with -Qunused-arguments
1110      if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_Qunused_arguments))
1111        continue;
1113      // Special case '-E' warning on a previously preprocessed file to make
1114      // more sense.
1115      if (InitialPhase == phases::Compile && FinalPhase == phases::Preprocess &&
1116          getPreprocessedType(InputType) == types::TY_INVALID)
1117        Diag(clang::diag::warn_drv_preprocessed_input_file_unused)
1118          << InputArg->getAsString(Args)
1119          << FinalPhaseArg->getOption().getName();
1120      else
1121        Diag(clang::diag::warn_drv_input_file_unused)
1122          << InputArg->getAsString(Args)
1123          << getPhaseName(InitialPhase)
1124          << FinalPhaseArg->getOption().getName();
1125      continue;
1126    }
1128    // Build the pipeline for this file.
1129    OwningPtr<Action> Current(new InputAction(*InputArg, InputType));
1130    for (unsigned i = 0; i != NumSteps; ++i) {
1131      phases::ID Phase = types::getCompilationPhase(InputType, i);
1133      // We are done if this step is past what the user requested.
1134      if (Phase > FinalPhase)
1135        break;
1137      // Queue linker inputs.
1138      if (Phase == phases::Link) {
1139        assert(i + 1 == NumSteps && "linking must be final compilation step.");
1140        LinkerInputs.push_back(Current.take());
1141        break;
1142      }
1144      // Some types skip the assembler phase (e.g., llvm-bc), but we can't
1145      // encode this in the steps because the intermediate type depends on
1146      // arguments. Just special case here.
1147      if (Phase == phases::Assemble && Current->getType() != types::TY_PP_Asm)
1148        continue;
1150      // Otherwise construct the appropriate action.
1151      Current.reset(ConstructPhaseAction(Args, Phase, Current.take()));
1152      if (Current->getType() == types::TY_Nothing)
1153        break;
1154    }
1156    // If we ended with something, add to the output list.
1157    if (Current)
1158      Actions.push_back(Current.take());
1159  }
1161  // Add a link action if necessary.
1162  if (!LinkerInputs.empty())
1163    Actions.push_back(new LinkJobAction(LinkerInputs, types::TY_Image));
1165  // If we are linking, claim any options which are obviously only used for
1166  // compilation.
1167  if (FinalPhase == phases::Link && (NumSteps == 1))
1168    Args.ClaimAllArgs(options::OPT_CompileOnly_Group);
1171Action *Driver::ConstructPhaseAction(const ArgList &Args, phases::ID Phase,
1172                                     Action *Input) const {
1173  llvm::PrettyStackTraceString CrashInfo("Constructing phase actions");
1174  // Build the appropriate action.
1175  switch (Phase) {
1176  case phases::Link: llvm_unreachable("link action invalid here.");
1177  case phases::Preprocess: {
1178    types::ID OutputTy;
1179    // -{M, MM} alter the output type.
1180    if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_M, options::OPT_MM)) {
1181      OutputTy = types::TY_Dependencies;
1182    } else {
1183      OutputTy = types::getPreprocessedType(Input->getType());
1184      assert(OutputTy != types::TY_INVALID &&
1185             "Cannot preprocess this input type!");
1186    }
1187    return new PreprocessJobAction(Input, OutputTy);
1188  }
1189  case phases::Precompile:
1190    return new PrecompileJobAction(Input, types::TY_PCH);
1191  case phases::Compile: {
1192    if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_fsyntax_only)) {
1193      return new CompileJobAction(Input, types::TY_Nothing);
1194    } else if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_rewrite_objc)) {
1195      return new CompileJobAction(Input, types::TY_RewrittenObjC);
1196    } else if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_rewrite_legacy_objc)) {
1197      return new CompileJobAction(Input, types::TY_RewrittenLegacyObjC);
1198    } else if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT__analyze, options::OPT__analyze_auto)) {
1199      return new AnalyzeJobAction(Input, types::TY_Plist);
1200    } else if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT__migrate)) {
1201      return new MigrateJobAction(Input, types::TY_Remap);
1202    } else if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_emit_ast)) {
1203      return new CompileJobAction(Input, types::TY_AST);
1204    } else if (IsUsingLTO(Args)) {
1205      types::ID Output =
1206        Args.hasArg(options::OPT_S) ? types::TY_LTO_IR : types::TY_LTO_BC;
1207      return new CompileJobAction(Input, Output);
1208    } else {
1209      return new CompileJobAction(Input, types::TY_PP_Asm);
1210    }
1211  }
1212  case phases::Assemble:
1213    return new AssembleJobAction(Input, types::TY_Object);
1214  }
1216  llvm_unreachable("invalid phase in ConstructPhaseAction");
1219bool Driver::IsUsingLTO(const ArgList &Args) const {
1220  // Check for -emit-llvm or -flto.
1221  if (Args.hasArg(options::OPT_emit_llvm) ||
1222      Args.hasFlag(options::OPT_flto, options::OPT_fno_lto, false))
1223    return true;
1225  // Check for -O4.
1226  if (const Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_O_Group))
1227      return A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_O4);
1229  return false;
1232void Driver::BuildJobs(Compilation &C) const {
1233  llvm::PrettyStackTraceString CrashInfo("Building compilation jobs");
1235  Arg *FinalOutput = C.getArgs().getLastArg(options::OPT_o);
1237  // It is an error to provide a -o option if we are making multiple output
1238  // files.
1239  if (FinalOutput) {
1240    unsigned NumOutputs = 0;
1241    for (ActionList::const_iterator it = C.getActions().begin(),
1242           ie = C.getActions().end(); it != ie; ++it)
1243      if ((*it)->getType() != types::TY_Nothing)
1244        ++NumOutputs;
1246    if (NumOutputs > 1) {
1247      Diag(clang::diag::err_drv_output_argument_with_multiple_files);
1248      FinalOutput = 0;
1249    }
1250  }
1252  for (ActionList::const_iterator it = C.getActions().begin(),
1253         ie = C.getActions().end(); it != ie; ++it) {
1254    Action *A = *it;
1256    // If we are linking an image for multiple archs then the linker wants
1257    // -arch_multiple and -final_output <final image name>. Unfortunately, this
1258    // doesn't fit in cleanly because we have to pass this information down.
1259    //
1260    // FIXME: This is a hack; find a cleaner way to integrate this into the
1261    // process.
1262    const char *LinkingOutput = 0;
1263    if (isa<LipoJobAction>(A)) {
1264      if (FinalOutput)
1265        LinkingOutput = FinalOutput->getValue(C.getArgs());
1266      else
1267        LinkingOutput = DefaultImageName.c_str();
1268    }
1270    InputInfo II;
1271    BuildJobsForAction(C, A, &C.getDefaultToolChain(),
1272                       /*BoundArch*/0,
1273                       /*AtTopLevel*/ true,
1274                       /*LinkingOutput*/ LinkingOutput,
1275                       II);
1276  }
1278  // If the user passed -Qunused-arguments or there were errors, don't warn
1279  // about any unused arguments.
1280  if (Diags.hasErrorOccurred() ||
1281      C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_Qunused_arguments))
1282    return;
1284  // Claim -### here.
1285  (void) C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT__HASH_HASH_HASH);
1287  for (ArgList::const_iterator it = C.getArgs().begin(), ie = C.getArgs().end();
1288       it != ie; ++it) {
1289    Arg *A = *it;
1291    // FIXME: It would be nice to be able to send the argument to the
1292    // DiagnosticsEngine, so that extra values, position, and so on could be
1293    // printed.
1294    if (!A->isClaimed()) {
1295      if (A->getOption().hasNoArgumentUnused())
1296        continue;
1298      // Suppress the warning automatically if this is just a flag, and it is an
1299      // instance of an argument we already claimed.
1300      const Option &Opt = A->getOption();
1301      if (isa<FlagOption>(Opt)) {
1302        bool DuplicateClaimed = false;
1304        for (arg_iterator it = C.getArgs().filtered_begin(&Opt),
1305               ie = C.getArgs().filtered_end(); it != ie; ++it) {
1306          if ((*it)->isClaimed()) {
1307            DuplicateClaimed = true;
1308            break;
1309          }
1310        }
1312        if (DuplicateClaimed)
1313          continue;
1314      }
1316      Diag(clang::diag::warn_drv_unused_argument)
1317        << A->getAsString(C.getArgs());
1318    }
1319  }
1322static const Tool &SelectToolForJob(Compilation &C, const ToolChain *TC,
1323                                    const JobAction *JA,
1324                                    const ActionList *&Inputs) {
1325  const Tool *ToolForJob = 0;
1327  // See if we should look for a compiler with an integrated assembler. We match
1328  // bottom up, so what we are actually looking for is an assembler job with a
1329  // compiler input.
1331  if (C.getArgs().hasFlag(options::OPT_integrated_as,
1332                          options::OPT_no_integrated_as,
1333                          TC->IsIntegratedAssemblerDefault()) &&
1334      !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_save_temps) &&
1335      isa<AssembleJobAction>(JA) &&
1336      Inputs->size() == 1 && isa<CompileJobAction>(*Inputs->begin())) {
1337    const Tool &Compiler = TC->SelectTool(
1338      C, cast<JobAction>(**Inputs->begin()), (*Inputs)[0]->getInputs());
1339    if (Compiler.hasIntegratedAssembler()) {
1340      Inputs = &(*Inputs)[0]->getInputs();
1341      ToolForJob = &Compiler;
1342    }
1343  }
1345  // Otherwise use the tool for the current job.
1346  if (!ToolForJob)
1347    ToolForJob = &TC->SelectTool(C, *JA, *Inputs);
1349  // See if we should use an integrated preprocessor. We do so when we have
1350  // exactly one input, since this is the only use case we care about
1351  // (irrelevant since we don't support combine yet).
1352  if (Inputs->size() == 1 && isa<PreprocessJobAction>(*Inputs->begin()) &&
1353      !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_no_integrated_cpp) &&
1354      !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_traditional_cpp) &&
1355      !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_save_temps) &&
1356      ToolForJob->hasIntegratedCPP())
1357    Inputs = &(*Inputs)[0]->getInputs();
1359  return *ToolForJob;
1362void Driver::BuildJobsForAction(Compilation &C,
1363                                const Action *A,
1364                                const ToolChain *TC,
1365                                const char *BoundArch,
1366                                bool AtTopLevel,
1367                                const char *LinkingOutput,
1368                                InputInfo &Result) const {
1369  llvm::PrettyStackTraceString CrashInfo("Building compilation jobs");
1371  if (const InputAction *IA = dyn_cast<InputAction>(A)) {
1372    // FIXME: It would be nice to not claim this here; maybe the old scheme of
1373    // just using Args was better?
1374    const Arg &Input = IA->getInputArg();
1375    Input.claim();
1376    if (Input.getOption().matches(options::OPT_INPUT)) {
1377      const char *Name = Input.getValue(C.getArgs());
1378      Result = InputInfo(Name, A->getType(), Name);
1379    } else
1380      Result = InputInfo(&Input, A->getType(), "");
1381    return;
1382  }
1384  if (const BindArchAction *BAA = dyn_cast<BindArchAction>(A)) {
1385    const ToolChain *TC;
1386    const char *ArchName = BAA->getArchName();
1388    if (ArchName)
1389      TC = &getToolChain(C.getArgs(), ArchName);
1390    else
1391      TC = &C.getDefaultToolChain();
1393    BuildJobsForAction(C, *BAA->begin(), TC, BAA->getArchName(),
1394                       AtTopLevel, LinkingOutput, Result);
1395    return;
1396  }
1398  const ActionList *Inputs = &A->getInputs();
1400  const JobAction *JA = cast<JobAction>(A);
1401  const Tool &T = SelectToolForJob(C, TC, JA, Inputs);
1403  // Only use pipes when there is exactly one input.
1404  InputInfoList InputInfos;
1405  for (ActionList::const_iterator it = Inputs->begin(), ie = Inputs->end();
1406       it != ie; ++it) {
1407    // Treat dsymutil sub-jobs as being at the top-level too, they shouldn't get
1408    // temporary output names.
1409    //
1410    // FIXME: Clean this up.
1411    bool SubJobAtTopLevel = false;
1412    if (AtTopLevel && isa<DsymutilJobAction>(A))
1413      SubJobAtTopLevel = true;
1415    // Also treat verify sub-jobs as being at the top-level. They don't
1416    // produce any output and so don't need temporary output names.
1417    if (AtTopLevel && isa<VerifyJobAction>(A))
1418      SubJobAtTopLevel = true;
1420    InputInfo II;
1421    BuildJobsForAction(C, *it, TC, BoundArch,
1422                       SubJobAtTopLevel, LinkingOutput, II);
1423    InputInfos.push_back(II);
1424  }
1426  // Always use the first input as the base input.
1427  const char *BaseInput = InputInfos[0].getBaseInput();
1429  // ... except dsymutil actions, which use their actual input as the base
1430  // input.
1431  if (JA->getType() == types::TY_dSYM)
1432    BaseInput = InputInfos[0].getFilename();
1434  // Determine the place to write output to, if any.
1435  if (JA->getType() == types::TY_Nothing) {
1436    Result = InputInfo(A->getType(), BaseInput);
1437  } else {
1438    Result = InputInfo(GetNamedOutputPath(C, *JA, BaseInput, AtTopLevel),
1439                       A->getType(), BaseInput);
1440  }
1442  if (CCCPrintBindings && !CCGenDiagnostics) {
1443    llvm::errs() << "# \"" << T.getToolChain().getTripleString() << '"'
1444                 << " - \"" << T.getName() << "\", inputs: [";
1445    for (unsigned i = 0, e = InputInfos.size(); i != e; ++i) {
1446      llvm::errs() << InputInfos[i].getAsString();
1447      if (i + 1 != e)
1448        llvm::errs() << ", ";
1449    }
1450    llvm::errs() << "], output: " << Result.getAsString() << "\n";
1451  } else {
1452    T.ConstructJob(C, *JA, Result, InputInfos,
1453                   C.getArgsForToolChain(TC, BoundArch), LinkingOutput);
1454  }
1457const char *Driver::GetNamedOutputPath(Compilation &C,
1458                                       const JobAction &JA,
1459                                       const char *BaseInput,
1460                                       bool AtTopLevel) const {
1461  llvm::PrettyStackTraceString CrashInfo("Computing output path");
1462  // Output to a user requested destination?
1463  if (AtTopLevel && !isa<DsymutilJobAction>(JA) &&
1464      !isa<VerifyJobAction>(JA)) {
1465    if (Arg *FinalOutput = C.getArgs().getLastArg(options::OPT_o))
1466      return C.addResultFile(FinalOutput->getValue(C.getArgs()));
1467  }
1469  // Default to writing to stdout?
1470  if (AtTopLevel && isa<PreprocessJobAction>(JA) && !CCGenDiagnostics)
1471    return "-";
1473  // Output to a temporary file?
1474  if ((!AtTopLevel && !C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_save_temps)) ||
1475      CCGenDiagnostics) {
1476    StringRef Name = llvm::sys::path::filename(BaseInput);
1477    std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> Split = Name.split('.');
1478    std::string TmpName =
1479      GetTemporaryPath(Split.first, types::getTypeTempSuffix(JA.getType()));
1480    return C.addTempFile(C.getArgs().MakeArgString(TmpName.c_str()));
1481  }
1483  SmallString<128> BasePath(BaseInput);
1484  StringRef BaseName;
1486  // Dsymutil actions should use the full path.
1487  if (isa<DsymutilJobAction>(JA) || isa<VerifyJobAction>(JA))
1488    BaseName = BasePath;
1489  else
1490    BaseName = llvm::sys::path::filename(BasePath);
1492  // Determine what the derived output name should be.
1493  const char *NamedOutput;
1494  if (JA.getType() == types::TY_Image) {
1495    NamedOutput = DefaultImageName.c_str();
1496  } else {
1497    const char *Suffix = types::getTypeTempSuffix(JA.getType());
1498    assert(Suffix && "All types used for output should have a suffix.");
1500    std::string::size_type End = std::string::npos;
1501    if (!types::appendSuffixForType(JA.getType()))
1502      End = BaseName.rfind('.');
1503    std::string Suffixed(BaseName.substr(0, End));
1504    Suffixed += '.';
1505    Suffixed += Suffix;
1506    NamedOutput = C.getArgs().MakeArgString(Suffixed.c_str());
1507  }
1509  // If we're saving temps and the temp file conflicts with the input file,
1510  // then avoid overwriting input file.
1511  if (!AtTopLevel && C.getArgs().hasArg(options::OPT_save_temps) &&
1512      NamedOutput == BaseName) {
1514    bool SameFile = false;
1515    SmallString<256> Result;
1516    llvm::sys::fs::current_path(Result);
1517    llvm::sys::path::append(Result, BaseName);
1518    llvm::sys::fs::equivalent(BaseInput, Result.c_str(), SameFile);
1519    // Must share the same path to conflict.
1520    if (SameFile) {
1521      StringRef Name = llvm::sys::path::filename(BaseInput);
1522      std::pair<StringRef, StringRef> Split = Name.split('.');
1523      std::string TmpName =
1524        GetTemporaryPath(Split.first, types::getTypeTempSuffix(JA.getType()));
1525      return C.addTempFile(C.getArgs().MakeArgString(TmpName.c_str()));
1526    }
1527  }
1529  // As an annoying special case, PCH generation doesn't strip the pathname.
1530  if (JA.getType() == types::TY_PCH) {
1531    llvm::sys::path::remove_filename(BasePath);
1532    if (BasePath.empty())
1533      BasePath = NamedOutput;
1534    else
1535      llvm::sys::path::append(BasePath, NamedOutput);
1536    return C.addResultFile(C.getArgs().MakeArgString(BasePath.c_str()));
1537  } else {
1538    return C.addResultFile(NamedOutput);
1539  }
1542std::string Driver::GetFilePath(const char *Name, const ToolChain &TC) const {
1543  // Respect a limited subset of the '-Bprefix' functionality in GCC by
1544  // attempting to use this prefix when lokup up program paths.
1545  for (Driver::prefix_list::const_iterator it = PrefixDirs.begin(),
1546       ie = PrefixDirs.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
1547    std::string Dir(*it);
1548    if (Dir.empty())
1549      continue;
1550    if (Dir[0] == '=')
1551      Dir = SysRoot + Dir.substr(1);
1552    llvm::sys::Path P(Dir);
1553    P.appendComponent(Name);
1554    bool Exists;
1555    if (!llvm::sys::fs::exists(P.str(), Exists) && Exists)
1556      return P.str();
1557  }
1559  llvm::sys::Path P(ResourceDir);
1560  P.appendComponent(Name);
1561  bool Exists;
1562  if (!llvm::sys::fs::exists(P.str(), Exists) && Exists)
1563    return P.str();
1565  const ToolChain::path_list &List = TC.getFilePaths();
1566  for (ToolChain::path_list::const_iterator
1567         it = List.begin(), ie = List.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
1568    std::string Dir(*it);
1569    if (Dir.empty())
1570      continue;
1571    if (Dir[0] == '=')
1572      Dir = SysRoot + Dir.substr(1);
1573    llvm::sys::Path P(Dir);
1574    P.appendComponent(Name);
1575    bool Exists;
1576    if (!llvm::sys::fs::exists(P.str(), Exists) && Exists)
1577      return P.str();
1578  }
1580  return Name;
1583static bool isPathExecutable(llvm::sys::Path &P, bool WantFile) {
1584    bool Exists;
1585    return (WantFile ? !llvm::sys::fs::exists(P.str(), Exists) && Exists
1586                 : P.canExecute());
1589std::string Driver::GetProgramPath(const char *Name, const ToolChain &TC,
1590                                   bool WantFile) const {
1591  // FIXME: Needs a better variable than DefaultTargetTriple
1592  std::string TargetSpecificExecutable(DefaultTargetTriple + "-" + Name);
1593  // Respect a limited subset of the '-Bprefix' functionality in GCC by
1594  // attempting to use this prefix when lokup up program paths.
1595  for (Driver::prefix_list::const_iterator it = PrefixDirs.begin(),
1596       ie = PrefixDirs.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
1597    llvm::sys::Path P(*it);
1598    P.appendComponent(TargetSpecificExecutable);
1599    if (isPathExecutable(P, WantFile)) return P.str();
1600    P.eraseComponent();
1601    P.appendComponent(Name);
1602    if (isPathExecutable(P, WantFile)) return P.str();
1603  }
1605  const ToolChain::path_list &List = TC.getProgramPaths();
1606  for (ToolChain::path_list::const_iterator
1607         it = List.begin(), ie = List.end(); it != ie; ++it) {
1608    llvm::sys::Path P(*it);
1609    P.appendComponent(TargetSpecificExecutable);
1610    if (isPathExecutable(P, WantFile)) return P.str();
1611    P.eraseComponent();
1612    P.appendComponent(Name);
1613    if (isPathExecutable(P, WantFile)) return P.str();
1614  }
1616  // If all else failed, search the path.
1617  llvm::sys::Path
1618      P(llvm::sys::Program::FindProgramByName(TargetSpecificExecutable));
1619  if (!P.empty())
1620    return P.str();
1622  P = llvm::sys::Path(llvm::sys::Program::FindProgramByName(Name));
1623  if (!P.empty())
1624    return P.str();
1626  return Name;
1629std::string Driver::GetTemporaryPath(StringRef Prefix, const char *Suffix)
1630  const {
1631  // FIXME: This is lame; sys::Path should provide this function (in particular,
1632  // it should know how to find the temporary files dir).
1633  std::string Error;
1634  const char *TmpDir = ::getenv("TMPDIR");
1635  if (!TmpDir)
1636    TmpDir = ::getenv("TEMP");
1637  if (!TmpDir)
1638    TmpDir = ::getenv("TMP");
1639  if (!TmpDir)
1640    TmpDir = "/tmp";
1641  llvm::sys::Path P(TmpDir);
1642  P.appendComponent(Prefix);
1643  if (P.makeUnique(false, &Error)) {
1644    Diag(clang::diag::err_unable_to_make_temp) << Error;
1645    return "";
1646  }
1648  // FIXME: Grumble, makeUnique sometimes leaves the file around!?  PR3837.
1649  P.eraseFromDisk(false, 0);
1651  P.appendSuffix(Suffix);
1652  return P.str();
1655/// \brief Compute target triple from args.
1657/// This routine provides the logic to compute a target triple from various
1658/// args passed to the driver and the default triple string.
1659static llvm::Triple computeTargetTriple(StringRef DefaultTargetTriple,
1660                                        const ArgList &Args,
1661                                        StringRef DarwinArchName) {
1662  // FIXME: Already done in Compilation *Driver::BuildCompilation
1663  if (const Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_target))
1664    DefaultTargetTriple = A->getValue(Args);
1666  llvm::Triple Target(llvm::Triple::normalize(DefaultTargetTriple));
1668  // Handle Darwin-specific options available here.
1669  if (Target.isOSDarwin()) {
1670    // If an explict Darwin arch name is given, that trumps all.
1671    if (!DarwinArchName.empty()) {
1672      Target.setArch(
1673        llvm::Triple::getArchTypeForDarwinArchName(DarwinArchName));
1674      return Target;
1675    }
1677    // Handle the Darwin '-arch' flag.
1678    if (Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_arch)) {
1679      llvm::Triple::ArchType DarwinArch
1680        = llvm::Triple::getArchTypeForDarwinArchName(A->getValue(Args));
1681      if (DarwinArch != llvm::Triple::UnknownArch)
1682        Target.setArch(DarwinArch);
1683    }
1684  }
1686  // Skip further flag support on OSes which don't support '-m32' or '-m64'.
1687  if (Target.getArchName() == "tce" ||
1688      Target.getOS() == llvm::Triple::AuroraUX ||
1689      Target.getOS() == llvm::Triple::Minix)
1690    return Target;
1692  // Handle pseudo-target flags '-m32' and '-m64'.
1693  // FIXME: Should this information be in llvm::Triple?
1694  if (Arg *A = Args.getLastArg(options::OPT_m32, options::OPT_m64)) {
1695    if (A->getOption().matches(options::OPT_m32)) {
1696      if (Target.getArch() == llvm::Triple::x86_64)
1697        Target.setArch(llvm::Triple::x86);
1698      if (Target.getArch() == llvm::Triple::ppc64)
1699        Target.setArch(llvm::Triple::ppc);
1700    } else {
1701      if (Target.getArch() == llvm::Triple::x86)
1702        Target.setArch(llvm::Triple::x86_64);
1703      if (Target.getArch() == llvm::Triple::ppc)
1704        Target.setArch(llvm::Triple::ppc64);
1705    }
1706  }
1708  return Target;
1711const ToolChain &Driver::getToolChain(const ArgList &Args,
1712                                      StringRef DarwinArchName) const {
1713  llvm::Triple Target = computeTargetTriple(DefaultTargetTriple, Args,
1714                                            DarwinArchName);
1716  ToolChain *&TC = ToolChains[Target.str()];
1717  if (!TC) {
1718    switch (Target.getOS()) {
1719    case llvm::Triple::AuroraUX:
1720      TC = new toolchains::AuroraUX(*this, Target, Args);
1721      break;
1722    case llvm::Triple::Darwin:
1723    case llvm::Triple::MacOSX:
1724    case llvm::Triple::IOS:
1725      if (Target.getArch() == llvm::Triple::x86 ||
1726          Target.getArch() == llvm::Triple::x86_64 ||
1727          Target.getArch() == llvm::Triple::arm ||
1728          Target.getArch() == llvm::Triple::thumb)
1729        TC = new toolchains::DarwinClang(*this, Target);
1730      else
1731        TC = new toolchains::Darwin_Generic_GCC(*this, Target, Args);
1732      break;
1733    case llvm::Triple::DragonFly:
1734      TC = new toolchains::DragonFly(*this, Target, Args);
1735      break;
1736    case llvm::Triple::OpenBSD:
1737      TC = new toolchains::OpenBSD(*this, Target, Args);
1738      break;
1739    case llvm::Triple::NetBSD:
1740      TC = new toolchains::NetBSD(*this, Target, Args);
1741      break;
1742    case llvm::Triple::FreeBSD:
1743      TC = new toolchains::FreeBSD(*this, Target, Args);
1744      break;
1745    case llvm::Triple::Minix:
1746      TC = new toolchains::Minix(*this, Target, Args);
1747      break;
1748    case llvm::Triple::Linux:
1749      if (Target.getArch() == llvm::Triple::hexagon)
1750        TC = new toolchains::Hexagon_TC(*this, Target);
1751      else
1752        TC = new toolchains::Linux(*this, Target, Args);
1753      break;
1754    case llvm::Triple::Solaris:
1755      TC = new toolchains::Solaris(*this, Target, Args);
1756      break;
1757    case llvm::Triple::Win32:
1758      TC = new toolchains::Windows(*this, Target);
1759      break;
1760    case llvm::Triple::MinGW32:
1761      // FIXME: We need a MinGW toolchain. Fallthrough for now.
1762    default:
1763      // TCE is an OSless target
1764      if (Target.getArchName() == "tce") {
1765        TC = new toolchains::TCEToolChain(*this, Target);
1766        break;
1767      }
1769      TC = new toolchains::Generic_GCC(*this, Target, Args);
1770      break;
1771    }
1772  }
1773  return *TC;
1776bool Driver::ShouldUseClangCompiler(const Compilation &C, const JobAction &JA,
1777                                    const llvm::Triple &Triple) const {
1778  // Check if user requested no clang, or clang doesn't understand this type (we
1779  // only handle single inputs for now).
1780  if (!CCCUseClang || JA.size() != 1 ||
1781      !types::isAcceptedByClang((*JA.begin())->getType()))
1782    return false;
1784  // Otherwise make sure this is an action clang understands.
1785  if (isa<PreprocessJobAction>(JA)) {
1786    if (!CCCUseClangCPP) {
1787      Diag(clang::diag::warn_drv_not_using_clang_cpp);
1788      return false;
1789    }
1790  } else if (!isa<PrecompileJobAction>(JA) && !isa<CompileJobAction>(JA))
1791    return false;
1793  // Use clang for C++?
1794  if (!CCCUseClangCXX && types::isCXX((*JA.begin())->getType())) {
1795    Diag(clang::diag::warn_drv_not_using_clang_cxx);
1796    return false;
1797  }
1799  // Always use clang for precompiling, AST generation, and rewriting,
1800  // regardless of archs.
1801  if (isa<PrecompileJobAction>(JA) ||
1802      types::isOnlyAcceptedByClang(JA.getType()))
1803    return true;
1805  // Finally, don't use clang if this isn't one of the user specified archs to
1806  // build.
1807  if (!CCCClangArchs.empty() && !CCCClangArchs.count(Triple.getArch())) {
1808    Diag(clang::diag::warn_drv_not_using_clang_arch) << Triple.getArchName();
1809    return false;
1810  }
1812  return true;
1815/// GetReleaseVersion - Parse (([0-9]+)(.([0-9]+)(.([0-9]+)?))?)? and return the
1816/// grouped values as integers. Numbers which are not provided are set to 0.
1818/// \return True if the entire string was parsed (9.2), or all groups were
1819/// parsed (10.3.5extrastuff).
1820bool Driver::GetReleaseVersion(const char *Str, unsigned &Major,
1821                               unsigned &Minor, unsigned &Micro,
1822                               bool &HadExtra) {
1823  HadExtra = false;
1825  Major = Minor = Micro = 0;
1826  if (*Str == '\0')
1827    return true;
1829  char *End;
1830  Major = (unsigned) strtol(Str, &End, 10);
1831  if (*Str != '\0' && *End == '\0')
1832    return true;
1833  if (*End != '.')
1834    return false;
1836  Str = End+1;
1837  Minor = (unsigned) strtol(Str, &End, 10);
1838  if (*Str != '\0' && *End == '\0')
1839    return true;
1840  if (*End != '.')
1841    return false;
1843  Str = End+1;
1844  Micro = (unsigned) strtol(Str, &End, 10);
1845  if (*Str != '\0' && *End == '\0')
1846    return true;
1847  if (Str == End)
1848    return false;
1849  HadExtra = true;
1850  return true;