ExprEngineCallAndReturn.cpp revision 2e9264a17bacc7dc228d5f93caaeb98dfb23d508
1//=-- ExprEngineCallAndReturn.cpp - Support for call/return -----*- C++ -*-===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10//  This file defines ExprEngine's support for calls and returns.
14#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/CheckerManager.h"
15#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ExprEngine.h"
16#include "clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/PathSensitive/ObjCMessage.h"
17#include "clang/AST/DeclCXX.h"
19using namespace clang;
20using namespace ento;
22namespace {
23  // Trait class for recording returned expression in the state.
24  struct ReturnExpr {
25    static int TagInt;
26    typedef const Stmt *data_type;
27  };
28  int ReturnExpr::TagInt;
31void ExprEngine::processCallEnter(CallEnterNodeBuilder &B) {
32  const ProgramState *state =
33    B.getState()->enterStackFrame(B.getCalleeContext());
34  B.generateNode(state);
37void ExprEngine::processCallExit(CallExitNodeBuilder &B) {
38  const ProgramState *state = B.getState();
39  const ExplodedNode *Pred = B.getPredecessor();
40  const StackFrameContext *calleeCtx =
41    cast<StackFrameContext>(Pred->getLocationContext());
42  const Stmt *CE = calleeCtx->getCallSite();
44  // If the callee returns an expression, bind its value to CallExpr.
45  const Stmt *ReturnedExpr = state->get<ReturnExpr>();
46  if (ReturnedExpr) {
47    SVal RetVal = state->getSVal(ReturnedExpr);
48    state = state->BindExpr(CE, RetVal);
49    // Clear the return expr GDM.
50    state = state->remove<ReturnExpr>();
51  }
53  // Bind the constructed object value to CXXConstructExpr.
54  if (const CXXConstructExpr *CCE = dyn_cast<CXXConstructExpr>(CE)) {
55    const CXXThisRegion *ThisR =
56    getCXXThisRegion(CCE->getConstructor()->getParent(), calleeCtx);
58    SVal ThisV = state->getSVal(ThisR);
59    // Always bind the region to the CXXConstructExpr.
60    state = state->BindExpr(CCE, ThisV);
61  }
63  B.generateNode(state);
66const ProgramState *
67ExprEngine::invalidateArguments(const ProgramState *State,
68                                const CallOrObjCMessage &Call,
69                                const LocationContext *LC) {
70  SmallVector<const MemRegion *, 8> RegionsToInvalidate;
72  if (Call.isObjCMessage()) {
73    // Invalidate all instance variables of the receiver of an ObjC message.
74    // FIXME: We should be able to do better with inter-procedural analysis.
75    if (const MemRegion *MR = Call.getInstanceMessageReceiver(LC).getAsRegion())
76      RegionsToInvalidate.push_back(MR);
78  } else if (Call.isCXXCall()) {
79    // Invalidate all instance variables for the callee of a C++ method call.
80    // FIXME: We should be able to do better with inter-procedural analysis.
81    // FIXME: We can probably do better for const versus non-const methods.
82    if (const MemRegion *Callee = Call.getCXXCallee().getAsRegion())
83      RegionsToInvalidate.push_back(Callee);
85  } else if (Call.isFunctionCall()) {
86    // Block calls invalidate all captured-by-reference values.
87    if (const MemRegion *Callee = Call.getFunctionCallee().getAsRegion()) {
88      if (isa<BlockDataRegion>(Callee))
89        RegionsToInvalidate.push_back(Callee);
90    }
91  }
93  for (unsigned idx = 0, e = Call.getNumArgs(); idx != e; ++idx) {
94    SVal V = Call.getArgSVal(idx);
96    // If we are passing a location wrapped as an integer, unwrap it and
97    // invalidate the values referred by the location.
98    if (nonloc::LocAsInteger *Wrapped = dyn_cast<nonloc::LocAsInteger>(&V))
99      V = Wrapped->getLoc();
100    else if (!isa<Loc>(V))
101      continue;
103    if (const MemRegion *R = V.getAsRegion()) {
104      // Invalidate the value of the variable passed by reference.
106      // Are we dealing with an ElementRegion?  If the element type is
107      // a basic integer type (e.g., char, int) and the underying region
108      // is a variable region then strip off the ElementRegion.
109      // FIXME: We really need to think about this for the general case
110      //   as sometimes we are reasoning about arrays and other times
111      //   about (char*), etc., is just a form of passing raw bytes.
112      //   e.g., void *p = alloca(); foo((char*)p);
113      if (const ElementRegion *ER = dyn_cast<ElementRegion>(R)) {
114        // Checking for 'integral type' is probably too promiscuous, but
115        // we'll leave it in for now until we have a systematic way of
116        // handling all of these cases.  Eventually we need to come up
117        // with an interface to StoreManager so that this logic can be
118        // approriately delegated to the respective StoreManagers while
119        // still allowing us to do checker-specific logic (e.g.,
120        // invalidating reference counts), probably via callbacks.
121        if (ER->getElementType()->isIntegralOrEnumerationType()) {
122          const MemRegion *superReg = ER->getSuperRegion();
123          if (isa<VarRegion>(superReg) || isa<FieldRegion>(superReg) ||
124              isa<ObjCIvarRegion>(superReg))
125            R = cast<TypedRegion>(superReg);
126        }
127        // FIXME: What about layers of ElementRegions?
128      }
130      // Mark this region for invalidation.  We batch invalidate regions
131      // below for efficiency.
132      RegionsToInvalidate.push_back(R);
133    } else {
134      // Nuke all other arguments passed by reference.
135      // FIXME: is this necessary or correct? This handles the non-Region
136      //  cases.  Is it ever valid to store to these?
137      State = State->unbindLoc(cast<Loc>(V));
138    }
139  }
141  // Invalidate designated regions using the batch invalidation API.
143  // FIXME: We can have collisions on the conjured symbol if the
144  //  expression *I also creates conjured symbols.  We probably want
145  //  to identify conjured symbols by an expression pair: the enclosing
146  //  expression (the context) and the expression itself.  This should
147  //  disambiguate conjured symbols.
148  unsigned Count = currentBuilderContext->getCurrentBlockCount();
149  StoreManager::InvalidatedSymbols IS;
151  // NOTE: Even if RegionsToInvalidate is empty, we may still invalidate
152  //  global variables.
153  return State->invalidateRegions(RegionsToInvalidate,
154                                  Call.getOriginExpr(), Count,
155                                  &IS, doesInvalidateGlobals(Call));
159void ExprEngine::VisitCallExpr(const CallExpr *CE, ExplodedNode *Pred,
160                               ExplodedNodeSet &dst) {
161  // Perform the previsit of the CallExpr.
162  ExplodedNodeSet dstPreVisit;
163  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPreStmt(dstPreVisit, Pred, CE, *this);
165  // Now evaluate the call itself.
166  class DefaultEval : public GraphExpander {
167    ExprEngine &Eng;
168    const CallExpr *CE;
169  public:
171    DefaultEval(ExprEngine &eng, const CallExpr *ce)
172    : Eng(eng), CE(ce) {}
173    virtual void expandGraph(ExplodedNodeSet &Dst, ExplodedNode *Pred) {
174      // Should we inline the call?
175      if (Eng.getAnalysisManager().shouldInlineCall() &&
176          Eng.InlineCall(Dst, CE, Pred)) {
177        return;
178      }
180      // First handle the return value.
181      StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(Pred, Dst, *Eng.currentBuilderContext);
183      // Get the callee.
184      const Expr *Callee = CE->getCallee()->IgnoreParens();
185      const ProgramState *state = Pred->getState();
186      SVal L = state->getSVal(Callee);
188      // Figure out the result type. We do this dance to handle references.
189      QualType ResultTy;
190      if (const FunctionDecl *FD = L.getAsFunctionDecl())
191        ResultTy = FD->getResultType();
192      else
193        ResultTy = CE->getType();
195      if (CE->isLValue())
196        ResultTy = Eng.getContext().getPointerType(ResultTy);
198      // Conjure a symbol value to use as the result.
199      SValBuilder &SVB = Eng.getSValBuilder();
200      unsigned Count = Eng.currentBuilderContext->getCurrentBlockCount();
201      SVal RetVal = SVB.getConjuredSymbolVal(0, CE, ResultTy, Count);
203      // Generate a new state with the return value set.
204      state = state->BindExpr(CE, RetVal);
206      // Invalidate the arguments.
207      const LocationContext *LC = Pred->getLocationContext();
208      state = Eng.invalidateArguments(state, CallOrObjCMessage(CE, state), LC);
210      // And make the result node.
211      Bldr.generateNode(CE, Pred, state);
212    }
213  };
215  // Finally, evaluate the function call.  We try each of the checkers
216  // to see if the can evaluate the function call.
217  ExplodedNodeSet dstCallEvaluated;
218  DefaultEval defEval(*this, CE);
219  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForEvalCall(dstCallEvaluated,
220                                             dstPreVisit,
221                                             CE, *this, &defEval);
223  // Finally, perform the post-condition check of the CallExpr and store
224  // the created nodes in 'Dst'.
225  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPostStmt(dst, dstCallEvaluated, CE,
226                                             *this);
229void ExprEngine::VisitReturnStmt(const ReturnStmt *RS, ExplodedNode *Pred,
230                                 ExplodedNodeSet &Dst) {
231  ExplodedNodeSet Src;
232  {
233    StmtNodeBuilder Bldr(Pred, Src, *currentBuilderContext);
234    if (const Expr *RetE = RS->getRetValue()) {
235      // Record the returned expression in the state. It will be used in
236      // processCallExit to bind the return value to the call expr.
237      {
238        static SimpleProgramPointTag tag("ExprEngine: ReturnStmt");
239        const ProgramState *state = Pred->getState();
240        state = state->set<ReturnExpr>(RetE);
241        Pred = Bldr.generateNode(RetE, Pred, state, false, &tag);
242      }
243      // We may get a NULL Pred because we generated a cached node.
244      if (Pred) {
245        Bldr.takeNodes(Pred);
246        ExplodedNodeSet Tmp;
247        Visit(RetE, Pred, Tmp);
248        Bldr.addNodes(Tmp);
249      }
250    }
251  }
253  getCheckerManager().runCheckersForPreStmt(Dst, Src, RS, *this);