cxx1y-variable-templates_in_class.cpp revision 04592e7c1260a6a671a24d91dab16f5d5a024fe0
1// RUN: %clang_cc1 -verify -fsyntax-only %s -Wno-c++11-extensions -Wno-c++1y-extensions -DPRECXX11
2// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++11 -verify -fsyntax-only -Wno-c++1y-extensions %s
3// RUN: %clang_cc1 -std=c++1y -verify -fsyntax-only %s
5class A {
6  template<typename T> const T wrong;           // expected-error {{member 'wrong' declared as a template}}
7  template<typename T> const T wrong_init = 5;      // expected-error {{member 'wrong_init' declared as a template}}
8  template<typename T, typename T0> static const T right = T(100);
9  template<typename T> static const T right<T,int> = 5;
10  template<typename T> const int right<int,T>;  // expected-error {{member 'right' declared as a template}}
11  template<typename T> const float right<float,T> = 5;  // expected-error {{member 'right' declared as a template}}
12  template<> static const int right<int,int> = 7;       // expected-error {{explicit specialization of 'right' in class scope}}
13  template<> static const float right<float,int>;       // expected-error {{explicit specialization of 'right' in class scope}}
14  template static const int right<int,int>;     // expected-error {{template specialization requires 'template<>'}} \
15                                                // expected-error {{explicit specialization of 'right' in class scope}}
18namespace out_of_line {
19  class B0 {
20    template<typename T, typename T0> static const T right = T(100);
21    template<typename T> static const T right<T,int> = T(5);
22  };
23  template<> const int B0::right<int,int> = 7;
24  template const int B0::right<int,int>;
25  template<> const int B0::right<int,float>;
26  template const int B0::right<int,float>;
28  class B1 {
29    template<typename T, typename T0> static const T right;
30    template<typename T> static const T right<T,int>;
31  };
32  template<typename T, typename T0> const T B1::right = T(100);
33  template<typename T> const T B1::right<T,int> = T(5);
35  class B2 {
36    template<typename T, typename T0> static const T right = T(100);  // expected-note {{previous definition is here}}
37    template<typename T> static const T right<T,int> = T(5);          // expected-note {{previous definition is here}}
38  };
39  template<typename T, typename T0> const T B2::right = T(100);   // expected-error {{redefinition of 'right'}}
40  template<typename T> const T B2::right<T,int> = T(5);           // expected-error {{redefinition of 'right'}}
42  class B3 {
43    template<typename T, typename T0> static const T right = T(100);
44    template<typename T> static const T right<T,int> = T(5);
45  };
46  template<typename T, typename T0> const T B3::right;  // expected-error {{forward declaration of variable template cannot have a nested name specifier}}
47  template<typename T> const T B3::right<T,int>;        // expected-error {{forward declaration of variable template partial specialization cannot have a nested name specifier}}
49  class B4 {
50    template<typename T, typename T0> static const T right;
51    template<typename T> static const T right<T,int>;
52    template<typename T, typename T0> static const T right_def = T(100);
53    template<typename T> static const T right_def<T,int>;   // expected-note {{explicit instantiation refers here}}
54  };
55  template<typename T, typename T0> const T B4::right;  // expected-error {{forward declaration of variable template cannot have a nested name specifier}}
56  template<typename T> const T B4::right<T,int>;        // expected-error {{forward declaration of variable template partial specialization cannot have a nested name specifier}} \
57                                                        // expected-note {{explicit instantiation refers here}}
58  template const int B4::right<int,int>;  // expected-error {{explicit instantiation of undefined static data member template 'right' of class}}
59  template const int B4::right_def<int,int>;  // expected-error {{explicit instantiation of undefined static data member template 'right_def' of class}}
62namespace non_const_init {
63  class A {
64    template<typename T> static T wrong_inst = T(10); // expected-error {{non-const static data member must be initialized out of line}}
65    template<typename T> static T wrong_inst_fixed;
66  };
67  template int A::wrong_inst<int>;  // expected-note {{in instantiation of static data member 'non_const_init::A::wrong_inst<int>' requested here}}
68  template<typename T> T A::wrong_inst_fixed = T(10);
69  template int A::wrong_inst_fixed<int>;
71  class B {
72    template<typename T> static T wrong_inst;
73    template<typename T> static T wrong_inst<T*> = T(100);  // expected-error {{non-const static data member must be initialized out of line}}
75    template<typename T> static T wrong_inst_fixed;
76    template<typename T> static T wrong_inst_fixed<T*>;
77  };
78  template int B::wrong_inst<int*>;  // expected-note {{in instantiation of static data member 'non_const_init::B::wrong_inst<int *>' requested here}}
79  template<typename T> T B::wrong_inst_fixed = T(100);
80  template int B::wrong_inst_fixed<int>;
82  class C {
83    template<typename T> static const T right_inst = T(10);
84    template<typename T> static const T right_inst<T*> = T(100);
85  };
86  template const int C::right_inst<int>;
87  template const int C::right_inst<int*>;
89  namespace pointers {
91    struct C0 {
92      template<typename U> static U Data;
93      template<typename U> static const U Data<U*> = U();   // Okay
94    };
95    template const int C0::Data<int*>;
97    struct C1a {
98      template<typename U> static U Data;
99      template<typename U> static U* Data<U>;   // Okay, with out-of-line definition
100    };
101    template<typename T> T* C1a::Data<T> = new T();
102    template int* C1a::Data<int>;
104    struct C1b {
105      template<typename U> static U Data;
106      template<typename U> static const U* Data<U>;   // Okay, with out-of-line definition
107    };
108    template<typename T> const T* C1b::Data<T> = (T*)(0);
109    template const int* C1b::Data<int>;
111    struct C2a {
112      template<typename U> static U Data;
113      template<typename U> static U* Data<U> = new U();   // expected-error {{non-const static data member must be initialized out of line}}
114    };
115    template int* C2a::Data<int>; // expected-note {{in instantiation of static data member 'non_const_init::pointers::C2a::Data<int>' requested here}}
117    struct C2b {  // FIXME: ?!? Should this be an error? pointer-types are automatically non-const?
118      template<typename U> static U Data;
119      template<typename U> static const U* Data<U> = (U*)(0); // expected-error {{non-const static data member must be initialized out of line}}
120    };
121    template const int* C2b::Data<int>; // expected-note {{in instantiation of static data member 'non_const_init::pointers::C2b::Data<int>' requested here}}
122  }
125struct matrix_constants {
126  // TODO: (?)
129namespace in_class_template {
131  template<typename T>
132  class D0 {
133    template<typename U> static U Data;
134    template<typename U> static const U Data<U*> = U();
135  };
136  template const int D0<float>::Data<int*>;
138  template<typename T>
139  class D1 {
140    template<typename U> static U Data;
141    template<typename U> static U* Data<U*>;
142  };
143  template<typename T>
144  template<typename U> U* D1<T>::Data<U*> = (U*)(0);
145  template int* D1<float>::Data<int*>;
147  template<typename T>
148  class D2 {
149    template<typename U> static U Data;
150    template<typename U> static U* Data<U*>;
151  };
152  template<>
153  template<typename U> U* D2<float>::Data<U*> = (U*)(0) + 1;
154  template int* D1<float>::Data<int*>;
156  template<typename T>
157  struct D3 {
158    template<typename U> static const U Data = U(100);
159  };
160  template const int D3<float>::Data<int>;
161#ifndef PRECXX11
162  static_assert(D3<float>::Data<int> == 100, "");
165  namespace bug_files {
166    // FIXME: A bug has been filed addressing an issue similar to these.
167    // No error diagnosis should be produced, because an
168    // explicit specialization of a member templates of class
169    // template specialization should not inherit the partial
170    // specializations from the class template specialization.
172    template<typename T>
173    class D0 {
174      template<typename U> static U Data;
175      template<typename U> static const U Data<U*> = U(10);  // expected-note {{previous definition is here}}
176    };
177    template<>
178    template<typename U> U D0<float>::Data<U*> = U(100);  // expected-error{{redefinition of 'Data'}}
180    template<typename T>
181    class D1 {
182      template<typename U> static U Data;
183      template<typename U> static U* Data<U*>;  // expected-note {{previous definition is here}}
184    };
185    template<typename T>
186    template<typename U> U* D1<T>::Data<U*> = (U*)(0);
187    template<>
188    template<typename U> U* D1<float>::Data<U*> = (U*)(0) + 1;  // expected-error{{redefinition of 'Data'}}
189  }
191  namespace other_bugs {
192    // FIXME: This fails to properly initilize the variable 'k'.
194    template<typename A> struct S {
195      template<typename B> static int V;
196      template<typename B> static int V0;
197    };
198    template struct S<int>;
199    template<typename A> template<typename B> int S<A>::V0 = 123;
200    template<typename A> template<typename B> int S<A>::V<B> = 123;
201    int k = S<int>::V<void>;
202  }
205namespace in_nested_classes {
206  // TODO: