FuzzTest revision 3cb8e2f5e9ce7677ea01adf5746a6b529fae934b
1#!/usr/bin/env python
4This is a generic fuzz testing tool, see --help for more information.
7import os
8import sys
9import random
10import subprocess
11import itertools
13class TestGenerator:
14    def __init__(self, inputs, delete, insert, replace,
15                 insert_strings, pick_input):
16        self.inputs = [(s, open(s).read()) for s in inputs]
18        self.delete = bool(delete)
19        self.insert = bool(insert)
20        self.replace = bool(replace)
21        self.pick_input = bool(pick_input)
22        self.insert_strings = list(insert_strings)
24        self.num_positions = sum([len(d) for _,d in self.inputs])
25        self.num_insert_strings = len(insert_strings)
26        self.num_tests = ((delete + (insert + replace)*self.num_insert_strings)
27                          * self.num_positions)
28        self.num_tests += 1
30        if self.pick_input:
31            self.num_tests *= self.num_positions
33    def position_to_source_index(self, position):
34        for i,(s,d) in enumerate(self.inputs):
35            n = len(d)
36            if position < n:
37                return (i,position)
38            position -= n
39        raise ValueError,'Invalid position.'
41    def get_test(self, index):
42        assert 0 <= index < self.num_tests
44        picked_position = None
45        if self.pick_input:
46            index,picked_position = divmod(index, self.num_positions)
47            picked_position = self.position_to_source_index(picked_position)
49        if index == 0:
50            return ('nothing', None, None, picked_position)
52        index -= 1
53        index,position = divmod(index, self.num_positions)
54        position = self.position_to_source_index(position)
55        if self.delete:
56            if index == 0:
57                return ('delete', position, None, picked_position)
58            index -= 1
60        index,insert_index = divmod(index, self.num_insert_strings)
61        insert_str = self.insert_strings[insert_index]
62        if self.insert:
63            if index == 0:
64                return ('insert', position, insert_str, picked_position)
65            index -= 1
67        assert self.replace
68        assert index == 0
69        return ('replace', position, insert_str, picked_position)
71class TestApplication:
72    def __init__(self, tg, test):
73        self.tg = tg
74        self.test = test
76    def apply(self):
77        if self.test[0] == 'nothing':
78            pass
79        else:
80            i,j = self.test[1]
81            name,data = self.tg.inputs[i]
82            if self.test[0] == 'delete':
83                data = data[:j] + data[j+1:]
84            elif self.test[0] == 'insert':
85                data = data[:j] + self.test[2] + data[j:]
86            elif self.test[0] == 'replace':
87                data = data[:j] + self.test[2] + data[j+1:]
88            else:
89                raise ValueError,'Invalid test %r' % self.test
90            open(name,'wb').write(data)
92    def revert(self):
93        if self.test[0] != 'nothing':
94            i,j = self.test[1]
95            name,data = self.tg.inputs[i]
96            open(name,'wb').write(data)
98def quote(str):
99    return '"' + str + '"'
101def run_one_test(test_application, index, input_files, args):
102    test = test_application.test
104    # Interpolate arguments.
105    options = { 'index' : index,
106                'inputs' : ' '.join(quote(f) for f in input_files) }
108    # Add picked input interpolation arguments, if used.
109    if test[3] is not None:
110        pos = test[3][1]
111        options['picked_input'] = input_files[test[3][0]]
112        options['picked_input_pos'] = pos
113        # Compute the line and column.
114        file_data = test_application.tg.inputs[test[3][0]][1]
115        line = column = 1
116        for i in range(pos):
117            c = file_data[i]
118            if c == '\n':
119                line += 1
120                column = 1
121            else:
122                column += 1
123        options['picked_input_line'] = line
124        options['picked_input_col'] = column
126    test_args = [a % options for a in args]
127    if opts.verbose:
128        print '%s: note: executing %r' % (sys.argv[0], test_args)
130    stdout = None
131    stderr = None
132    if opts.log_dir:
133        stdout_log_path = os.path.join(opts.log_dir, '%s.out' % index)
134        stderr_log_path = os.path.join(opts.log_dir, '%s.err' % index)
135        stdout = open(stdout_log_path, 'wb')
136        stderr = open(stderr_log_path, 'wb')
137    else:
138        sys.stdout.flush()
139    p = subprocess.Popen(test_args, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
140    p.communicate()
141    exit_code = p.wait()
143    test_result = (exit_code == opts.expected_exit_code or
144                   exit_code in opts.extra_exit_codes)
146    if stdout is not None:
147        stdout.close()
148        stderr.close()
150        # Remove the logs for passes, unless logging all results.
151        if not opts.log_all and test_result:
152            os.remove(stdout_log_path)
153            os.remove(stderr_log_path)
155    if not test_result:
156        print 'FAIL: %d' % index
157    elif not opts.succinct:
158        print 'PASS: %d' % index
160def main():
161    global opts
162    from optparse import OptionParser, OptionGroup
163    parser = OptionParser("""%prog [options] ... test command args ...
165%prog is a tool for fuzzing inputs and testing them.
167The most basic usage is something like:
169  $ %prog --file foo.txt ./test.sh
171which will run a default list of fuzzing strategies on the input. For each
172fuzzed input, it will overwrite the input files (in place), run the test script,
173then restore the files back to their original contents.
175NOTE: You should make sure you have a backup copy of your inputs, in case
176something goes wrong!!!
178You can cause the fuzzing to not restore the original files with
179'--no-revert'. Generally this is used with '--test <index>' to run one failing
180test and then leave the fuzzed inputs in place to examine the failure.
182For each fuzzed input, %prog will run the test command given on the command
183line. Each argument in the command is subject to string interpolation before
184being executed. The syntax is "%(VARIABLE)FORMAT" where FORMAT is a standard
185printf format, and VARIABLE is one of:
187  'index' - the test index being run
188  'inputs' - the full list of test inputs
189  'picked_input'      - (with --pick-input) the selected input file
190  'picked_input_pos'  - (with --pick-input) the selected input position
191  'picked_input_line' - (with --pick-input) the selected input line
192  'picked_input_col'  - (with --pick-input) the selected input column
194By default, the script will run forever continually picking new tests to
195run. You can limit the number of tests that are run with '--max-tests <number>',
196and you can run a particular test with '--test <index>'.
198    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", help="Show more output",
199                      action='store_true', dest="verbose", default=False)
200    parser.add_option("-s", "--succinct",  help="Reduce amount of output",
201                      action="store_true", dest="succinct", default=False)
203    group = OptionGroup(parser, "Test Execution")
204    group.add_option("", "--expected-exit-code", help="Set expected exit code",
205                     type=int, dest="expected_exit_code",
206                     default=0)
207    group.add_option("", "--extra-exit-code",
208                     help="Set additional expected exit code",
209                     type=int, action="append", dest="extra_exit_codes",
210                     default=[])
211    group.add_option("", "--log-dir",
212                     help="Capture test logs to an output directory",
213                     type=str, dest="log_dir",
214                     default=None)
215    group.add_option("", "--log-all",
216                     help="Log all outputs (not just failures)",
217                     action="store_true", dest="log_all", default=False)
218    parser.add_option_group(group)
220    group = OptionGroup(parser, "Input Files")
221    group.add_option("", "--file", metavar="PATH",
222                     help="Add an input file to fuzz",
223                     type=str, action="append", dest="input_files", default=[])
224    group.add_option("", "--filelist", metavar="LIST",
225                     help="Add a list of inputs files to fuzz (one per line)",
226                     type=str, action="append", dest="filelists", default=[])
227    parser.add_option_group(group)
229    group = OptionGroup(parser, "Fuzz Options")
230    group.add_option("", "--replacement-chars", dest="replacement_chars",
231                     help="Characters to insert/replace",
232                     default="0{}[]<>\;@#$^%& ")
233    group.add_option("", "--replacement-string", dest="replacement_strings",
234                     action="append", help="Add a replacement string to use",
235                     default=[])
236    group.add_option("", "--replacement-list", dest="replacement_lists",
237                     help="Add a list of replacement strings (one per line)",
238                     action="append", default=[])
239    group.add_option("", "--no-delete", help="Don't delete characters",
240                     action='store_false', dest="enable_delete", default=True)
241    group.add_option("", "--no-insert", help="Don't insert strings",
242                     action='store_false', dest="enable_insert", default=True)
243    group.add_option("", "--no-replace", help="Don't replace strings",
244                     action='store_false', dest="enable_replace", default=True)
245    group.add_option("", "--no-revert", help="Don't revert changes",
246                     action='store_false', dest="revert", default=True)
247    parser.add_option_group(group)
249    group = OptionGroup(parser, "Test Selection")
250    group.add_option("", "--test", help="Run a particular test",
251                     type=int, dest="test", default=None, metavar="INDEX")
252    group.add_option("", "--max-tests", help="Maximum number of tests",
253                     type=int, dest="max_tests", default=None, metavar="COUNT")
254    group.add_option("", "--pick-input",
255                     help="Randomly select an input byte as well as fuzzing",
256                     action='store_true', dest="pick_input", default=False)
257    parser.add_option_group(group)
259    parser.disable_interspersed_args()
261    (opts, args) = parser.parse_args()
263    if not args:
264        parser.error("Invalid number of arguments")
266    # Collect the list of inputs.
267    input_files = list(opts.input_files)
268    for filelist in opts.filelists:
269        f = open(filelist)
270        try:
271            for ln in f:
272                ln = ln.strip()
273                if ln:
274                    input_files.append(ln)
275        finally:
276            f.close()
277    input_files.sort()
279    if not input_files:
280        parser.error("No input files!")
282    print '%s: note: fuzzing %d files.' % (sys.argv[0], len(input_files))
284    # Make sure the log directory exists if used.
285    if opts.log_dir:
286        if not os.path.exists(opts.log_dir):
287            try:
288                os.mkdir(opts.log_dir)
289            except OSError:
290                print "%s: error: log directory couldn't be created!" % (
291                    sys.argv[0],)
292                raise SystemExit,1
294    # Get the list if insert/replacement strings.
295    replacements = list(opts.replacement_chars)
296    replacements.extend(opts.replacement_strings)
297    for replacement_list in opts.replacement_lists:
298        f = open(replacement_list)
299        try:
300            for ln in f:
301                ln = ln[:-1]
302                if ln:
303                    replacements.append(ln)
304        finally:
305            f.close()
307    # Unique and order the replacement list.
308    replacements = list(set(replacements))
309    replacements.sort()
311    # Create the test generator.
312    tg = TestGenerator(input_files, opts.enable_delete, opts.enable_insert,
313                       opts.enable_replace, replacements, opts.pick_input)
315    print '%s: note: %d input bytes.' % (sys.argv[0], tg.num_positions)
316    print '%s: note: %d total tests.' % (sys.argv[0], tg.num_tests)
317    if opts.test is not None:
318        it = [opts.test]
319    elif opts.max_tests is not None:
320        it = itertools.imap(random.randrange,
321                            itertools.repeat(tg.num_tests, opts.max_tests))
322    else:
323        it = itertools.imap(random.randrange, itertools.repeat(tg.num_tests))
324    for test in it:
325        t = tg.get_test(test)
327        if opts.verbose:
328            print '%s: note: running test %d: %r' % (sys.argv[0], test, t)
329        ta = TestApplication(tg, t)
330        try:
331            ta.apply()
332            run_one_test(ta, test, input_files, args)
333        finally:
334            if opts.revert:
335                ta.revert()
337        sys.stdout.flush()
339if __name__ == '__main__':
340    main()