asan_fake_stack.h revision b388987bf988435ee87dc4848ea8e62ebfa942eb
1//===-- asan_fake_stack.h ---------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// This file is a part of AddressSanitizer, an address sanity checker.
12// ASan-private header for, implements FakeStack.
18#include "sanitizer_common/sanitizer_common.h"
20namespace __asan {
22// Fake stack frame contains local variables of one function.
23struct FakeFrame {
24  uptr magic;  // Modified by the instrumented code.
25  uptr descr;  // Modified by the instrumented code.
26  uptr pc;     // Modified by the instrumented code.
27  uptr real_stack;
30// For each thread we create a fake stack and place stack objects on this fake
31// stack instead of the real stack. The fake stack is not really a stack but
32// a fast malloc-like allocator so that when a function exits the fake stack
33// is not popped but remains there for quite some time until gets used again.
34// So, we poison the objects on the fake stack when function returns.
35// It helps us find use-after-return bugs.
37// The FakeStack objects is allocated by a single mmap call and has no other
38// pointers. The size of the fake stack depends on the actual thread stack size
39// and thus can not be a constant.
40// stack_size is a power of two greater or equal to the thread's stack size;
41// we store it as its logarithm (stack_size_log).
42// FakeStack has kNumberOfSizeClasses (11) size classes, each size class
43// is a power of two, starting from 64 bytes. Each size class occupies
44// stack_size bytes and thus can allocate
45// NumberOfFrames=(stack_size/BytesInSizeClass) fake frames (also a power of 2).
46// For each size class we have NumberOfFrames allocation flags,
47// each flag indicates whether the given frame is currently allocated.
48// All flags for size classes 0 .. 10 are stored in a single contiguous region
49// followed by another contiguous region which contains the actual memory for
50// size classes. The addresses are computed by GetFlags and GetFrame without
51// any memory accesses solely based on 'this' and stack_size_log.
52// Allocate() flips the appropriate allocation flag atomically, thus achieving
53// async-signal safety.
54// This allocator does not have quarantine per se, but it tries to allocate the
55// frames in round robin fasion to maximize the delay between a deallocation
56// and the next allocation.
57class FakeStack {
58  static const uptr kMinStackFrameSizeLog = 6;  // Min frame is 64B.
59  static const uptr kMaxStackFrameSizeLog = 16;  // Max stack frame is 64K.
61 public:
62  static const uptr kNumberOfSizeClasses =
63       kMaxStackFrameSizeLog - kMinStackFrameSizeLog + 1;
65  // CTOR: create the FakeStack as a single mmap-ed object.
66  static FakeStack *Create(uptr stack_size_log) {
67    static uptr kMinStackSizeLog = 16;
68    static uptr kMaxStackSizeLog = FIRST_32_SECOND_64(23, 26);
69    if (stack_size_log < kMinStackSizeLog)
70      stack_size_log = kMinStackSizeLog;
71    if (stack_size_log > kMaxStackSizeLog)
72      stack_size_log = kMaxStackSizeLog;
73    FakeStack *res = reinterpret_cast<FakeStack *>(
74        MmapOrDie(RequiredSize(stack_size_log), "FakeStack"));
75    res->stack_size_log_ = stack_size_log;
76    return res;
77  }
79  void Destroy() {
80    UnmapOrDie(this, RequiredSize(stack_size_log_));
81  }
83  // stack_size_log is at least 15 (stack_size >= 32K).
84  static uptr SizeRequiredForFlags(uptr stack_size_log) {
85    return 1UL << (stack_size_log + 1 - kMinStackFrameSizeLog);
86  }
88  // Each size class occupies stack_size bytes.
89  static uptr SizeRequiredForFrames(uptr stack_size_log) {
90    return (1ULL << stack_size_log) * kNumberOfSizeClasses;
91  }
93  // Number of bytes requires for the whole object.
94  static uptr RequiredSize(uptr stack_size_log) {
95    return kFlagsOffset + SizeRequiredForFlags(stack_size_log) +
96           SizeRequiredForFrames(stack_size_log);
97  }
99  // Offset of the given flag from the first flag.
100  // The flags for class 0 begin at offset  000000000
101  // The flags for class 1 begin at offset  100000000
102  // ....................2................  110000000
103  // ....................3................  111000000
104  // and so on.
105  static uptr FlagsOffset(uptr stack_size_log, uptr class_id) {
106    uptr t = kNumberOfSizeClasses - 1 - class_id;
107    const uptr all_ones = (1 << (kNumberOfSizeClasses - 1)) - 1;
108    return ((all_ones >> t) << t) << (stack_size_log - 15);
109  }
111  static uptr NumberOfFrames(uptr stack_size_log, uptr class_id) {
112    return 1UL << (stack_size_log - kMinStackFrameSizeLog - class_id);
113  }
115  // Divide n by the numbe of frames in size class.
116  static uptr ModuloNumberOfFrames(uptr stack_size_log, uptr class_id, uptr n) {
117    return n & (NumberOfFrames(stack_size_log, class_id) - 1);
118  }
120  // The the pointer to the flags of the given class_id.
121  u8 *GetFlags(uptr stack_size_log, uptr class_id) {
122    return reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(this) + kFlagsOffset +
123           FlagsOffset(stack_size_log, class_id);
124  }
126  // Get frame by class_id and pos.
127  u8 *GetFrame(uptr stack_size_log, uptr class_id, uptr pos) {
128    return reinterpret_cast<u8 *>(this) + kFlagsOffset +
129           SizeRequiredForFlags(stack_size_log) +
130           (1 << stack_size_log) * class_id + BytesInSizeClass(class_id) * pos;
131  }
133  // Allocate the fake frame.
134  FakeFrame *Allocate(uptr stack_size_log, uptr class_id, uptr real_stack);
136  // Deallocate the fake frame: read the saved flag address and write 0 there.
137  static void Deallocate(uptr x, uptr class_id) {
138    **SavedFlagPtr(x, class_id) = 0;
139  }
141  // Poison the entire FakeStack's shadow with the magic value.
142  void PoisonAll(u8 magic);
144  // Return the beginning of the FakeFrame or 0 if the address is not ours.
145  uptr AddrIsInFakeStack(uptr addr);
147  // Number of bytes in a fake frame of this size class.
148  static uptr BytesInSizeClass(uptr class_id) {
149    return 1UL << (class_id + kMinStackFrameSizeLog);
150  }
152  // The fake frame is guaranteed to have a right redzone.
153  // We use the last word of that redzone to store the address of the flag
154  // that corresponds to the current frame to make faster deallocation.
155  static u8 **SavedFlagPtr(uptr x, uptr class_id) {
156    return reinterpret_cast<u8 **>(x + BytesInSizeClass(class_id) - sizeof(x));
157  }
159  uptr stack_size_log() const { return stack_size_log_; }
161  void HandleNoReturn();
162  void GC(uptr real_stack);
164 private:
165  FakeStack() { }
166  static const uptr kFlagsOffset = 4096;  // This is were the flags begin.
167  // Must match the number of uses of DEFINE_STACK_MALLOC_FREE_WITH_CLASS_ID
168  COMPILER_CHECK(kNumberOfSizeClasses == 11);
169  static const uptr kMaxStackMallocSize = 1 << kMaxStackFrameSizeLog;
171  uptr hint_position_[kNumberOfSizeClasses];
172  uptr stack_size_log_;
173  // a bit is set if something was allocated from the corresponding size class.
174  bool needs_gc_;
177FakeStack *GetTLSFakeStack();
178void SetTLSFakeStack(FakeStack *fs);
180}  // namespace __asan
182#endif  // ASAN_FAKE_STACK_H