2 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2009 IBM Corporation and others.
3 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
4 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
5 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
6 * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
7 *
8 * Contributors:
9 *     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
10 *******************************************************************************/
11package org.eclipse.test.internal.performance.results.model;
13import java.util.ArrayList;
14import java.util.List;
15import java.util.Vector;
17import org.eclipse.test.internal.performance.results.db.*;
18import org.eclipse.test.internal.performance.results.utils.IPerformancesConstants;
19import org.eclipse.test.internal.performance.results.utils.Util;
20import org.eclipse.ui.views.properties.ComboBoxPropertyDescriptor;
21import org.eclipse.ui.views.properties.IPropertyDescriptor;
22import org.eclipse.ui.views.properties.PropertyDescriptor;
23import org.eclipse.ui.views.properties.TextPropertyDescriptor;
25public class ConfigResultsElement extends ResultsElement {
27	// Elements
28	BuildResultsElement currentBuild, baselineBuild;
30	// Property descriptors
31	static final String P_ID_CONFIG_NAME = "ConfigResultsElement.name"; //$NON-NLS-1$
32	static final String P_ID_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION = "ConfigResultsElement.description"; //$NON-NLS-1$
33	static final String P_ID_CONFIG_CURRENT_BUILD = "ConfigResultsElement.currentbuild"; //$NON-NLS-1$
34	static final String P_ID_CONFIG_BASELINE_BUILD = "ConfigResultsElement.baselinebuild"; //$NON-NLS-1$
35	static final String P_ID_CONFIG_BASELINED = "ConfigResultsElement.baselined"; //$NON-NLS-1$
36	static final String P_ID_CONFIG_VALID = "ConfigResultsElement.valid"; //$NON-NLS-1$
37	static final String P_ID_CONFIG_DELTA = "ConfigResultsElement.delta"; //$NON-NLS-1$
38	static final String P_ID_CONFIG_ERROR = "ConfigResultsElement.error"; //$NON-NLS-1$
40	static final String P_STR_CONFIG_NAME = "internal name"; //$NON-NLS-1$
41	static final String P_STR_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION = "description"; //$NON-NLS-1$
42	static final String P_STR_CONFIG_CURRENT_BUILD = "current build"; //$NON-NLS-1$
43	static final String P_STR_CONFIG_BASELINE_BUILD = "baseline build"; //$NON-NLS-1$
44	static final String P_STR_CONFIG_BASELINED = "has baseline"; //$NON-NLS-1$
45	static final String P_STR_CONFIG_VALID = "is valid"; //$NON-NLS-1$
46	static final String P_STR_CONFIG_DELTA = "delta with baseline"; //$NON-NLS-1$
47	static final String P_STR_CONFIG_ERROR = "delta error"; //$NON-NLS-1$
49	private static final TextPropertyDescriptor CONFIG_NAME_DESCRIPTOR = new TextPropertyDescriptor(P_ID_CONFIG_NAME, P_STR_CONFIG_NAME);
50	private static final TextPropertyDescriptor CONFIG_DESCRIPTION_DESCRIPTOR = new TextPropertyDescriptor(P_ID_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION, P_STR_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION);
51	private static final PropertyDescriptor CONFIG_CURRENT_BUILD_DESCRIPTOR = new PropertyDescriptor(P_ID_CONFIG_CURRENT_BUILD, P_STR_CONFIG_CURRENT_BUILD);
52	private static final PropertyDescriptor CONFIG_BASELINE_BUILD_DESCRIPTOR = new PropertyDescriptor(P_ID_CONFIG_BASELINE_BUILD, P_STR_CONFIG_BASELINE_BUILD);
53	private static final PropertyDescriptor CONFIG_BASELINED_DESCRIPTOR = new PropertyDescriptor(P_ID_CONFIG_BASELINED, P_STR_CONFIG_BASELINED);
54	private static final PropertyDescriptor CONFIG_VALID_DESCRIPTOR = new PropertyDescriptor(P_ID_CONFIG_VALID, P_STR_CONFIG_VALID);
55	private static final PropertyDescriptor CONFIG_DELTA_DESCRIPTOR = new PropertyDescriptor(P_ID_CONFIG_DELTA, P_STR_CONFIG_DELTA);
56	private static final PropertyDescriptor CONFIG_ERROR_DESCRIPTOR = new PropertyDescriptor(P_ID_CONFIG_ERROR, P_STR_CONFIG_ERROR);
58    private static Vector DESCRIPTORS;
59    static Vector initDescriptors(int status) {
60		DESCRIPTORS = new Vector();
61		// Status category
62		DESCRIPTORS.add(getInfosDescriptor(status));
63		DESCRIPTORS.add(getWarningsDescriptor(status));
65		ERROR_DESCRIPTOR.setCategory("Status");
66		// Results category
68		CONFIG_NAME_DESCRIPTOR.setCategory("Results");
76		CONFIG_BASELINED_DESCRIPTOR.setCategory("Results");
78		CONFIG_VALID_DESCRIPTOR.setCategory("Results");
80		CONFIG_DELTA_DESCRIPTOR.setCategory("Results");
82		CONFIG_ERROR_DESCRIPTOR.setCategory("Results");
83		// Survey category
85		COMMENT_DESCRIPTOR.setCategory("Survey");
86		return DESCRIPTORS;
87	}
88    static ComboBoxPropertyDescriptor getInfosDescriptor(int status) {
89		List list = new ArrayList();
90		if ((status & SMALL_VALUE) != 0) {
91			list.add("This test and/or its variation has a small value on this machine, hence it may not be necessary to spend time on fixing it if a regression occurs");
92		}
93		if ((status & STUDENT_TTEST) != 0) {
94			list.add("The student-t test error on this machine is over the threshold");
95		}
96		String[] infos = new String[list.size()];
97		if (list.size() > 0) {
98			list.toArray(infos);
99		}
100		ComboBoxPropertyDescriptor infoDescriptor = new ComboBoxPropertyDescriptor(P_ID_STATUS_INFO, P_STR_STATUS_INFO, infos);
101		infoDescriptor.setCategory("Status");
102		return infoDescriptor;
103	}
104    static PropertyDescriptor getWarningsDescriptor(int status) {
105		List list = new ArrayList();
106		if ((status & BIG_ERROR) != 0) {
107			list.add("The error on this machine is over the 3% threshold, hence its result may not be really reliable");
108		}
109		if ((status & NOT_RELIABLE) != 0) {
110			list.add("The results history for this machine shows that the variation of its delta is over 20%, hence its result is surely not reliable");
111		}
112		if ((status & NOT_STABLE) != 0) {
113			list.add("The results history for this machine shows that the variation of its delta is between 10% and 20%, hence its result may not be really reliable");
114		}
115		if ((status & NO_BASELINE) != 0) {
116			list.add("There's no baseline for this machine to compare with");
117		}
118		if ((status & SINGLE_RUN) != 0) {
119			list.add("This test has only one run on this machine, hence no error can be computed to verify if it's stable enough to be reliable");
120		}
121		if ((status & STUDENT_TTEST) != 0) {
122			list.add("The student-t test error on this machine is over the threshold");
123		}
124		String[] warnings = new String[list.size()];
125		if (list.size() > 0) {
126			list.toArray(warnings);
127		}
128		ComboBoxPropertyDescriptor warningDescriptor = new ComboBoxPropertyDescriptor(P_ID_STATUS_WARNING, P_STR_STATUS_WARNING, warnings);
129		warningDescriptor.setCategory("Status");
130		return warningDescriptor;
131	}
132    static Vector getDescriptors() {
133    	return DESCRIPTORS;
134	}
136public ConfigResultsElement(AbstractResults results, ResultsElement parent) {
137	super(results, parent);
140public int compareTo(Object o) {
141	// TODO Auto-generated method stub
142	return super.compareTo(o);
144ResultsElement createChild(AbstractResults testResults) {
145	return new BuildResultsElement(testResults, this);
148BuildResultsElement getBaselineBuild() {
149	if (this.baselineBuild == null) {
150		this.baselineBuild = new BuildResultsElement(getConfigResults().getBaselineBuildResults(), this);
151	}
152	return this.baselineBuild;
156 * Get the baseline build used for this configuration.
157 *
158 * @param buildName The name of the build to have the baseline
159 * @return The baseline build as {@link BuildResultsElement}.
160 */
161public String getBaselineBuildName(String buildName) {
162	return getConfigResults().getBaselineBuildResults(buildName).getName();
165private ConfigResults getConfigResults() {
166	return (ConfigResults) this.results;
169BuildResultsElement getCurrentBuild() {
170	if (this.currentBuild == null) {
171		this.currentBuild = new BuildResultsElement(getConfigResults().getCurrentBuildResults(), this);
172	}
173	return this.currentBuild;
176public String getLabel(Object o) {
177	String description = getConfigResults().getDescription();
178	int index = description.indexOf(" (");
179	if (index <= 0) {
180		return description;
181	}
182	return description.substring(0, index);
186 * (non-Javadoc)
187 *
188 * @see org.eclipse.ui.views.properties.IPropertySource#getPropertyDescriptors()
189 */
190public IPropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors() {
191	Vector descriptors = getDescriptors();
192	if (descriptors == null) {
193		descriptors = initDescriptors(getStatus());
194	}
195	int size = descriptors.size();
196	IPropertyDescriptor[] descriptorsArray = new IPropertyDescriptor[size];
197	descriptorsArray[0] = getInfosDescriptor(getStatus());
198	descriptorsArray[1] = getWarningsDescriptor(getStatus());
199	for (int i=2; i<size; i++) {
200		descriptorsArray[i] = (IPropertyDescriptor) descriptors.get(i);
201	}
202	return descriptorsArray;
206 * (non-Javadoc)
207 *
208 * @see
209 * org.eclipse.ui.views.properties.IPropertySource#getPropertyValue(java.lang
210 * .Object)
211 */
212public Object getPropertyValue(Object propKey) {
213	ConfigResults configResults = getConfigResults();
214	if (propKey.equals(P_ID_CONFIG_NAME)) {
215		return configResults.getName();
216	}
217	if (propKey.equals(P_ID_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION)) {
218		return configResults.getDescription();
219	}
220	if (propKey.equals(P_ID_CONFIG_CURRENT_BUILD)) {
221		return getCurrentBuild();
222	}
223	if (propKey.equals(P_ID_CONFIG_BASELINE_BUILD)) {
224		return getBaselineBuild();
225	}
226	if (propKey.equals(P_ID_CONFIG_BASELINED)) {
227		return new Boolean(configResults.isBaselined());
228	}
229	if (propKey.equals(P_ID_CONFIG_VALID)) {
230		return new Boolean(configResults.isValid());
231	}
232	if (propKey.equals(P_ID_CONFIG_DELTA)) {
233		return new Double(configResults.getDelta());
234	}
235	if (propKey.equals(P_ID_CONFIG_ERROR)) {
236		return new Double(configResults.getError());
237	}
238	if (propKey.equals(P_ID_STATUS_ERROR)) {
239		if (getStatus() == MISSING) {
240			PerformanceResultsElement performanceResultsElement = (PerformanceResultsElement) ((ResultsElement)((ResultsElement)getParent(null)).getParent(null)).getParent(null);
241			return "No result for build "+performanceResultsElement.getName()+" on this machine!";
242		}
243		if ((getStatus() & BIG_DELTA) != 0) {
244			return "The delta on this machine is over the 10% threshold, hence may indicate a possible regression";
245		}
246	}
247	return super.getPropertyValue(propKey);
251 * Return the statistics of the build along its history.
252 *
253 * @return An array of double built as follows:
254 * <ul>
255 * <li>0:	numbers of values</li>
256 * <li>1:	mean of values</li>
257 * <li>2:	standard deviation of these values</li>
258 * <li>3:	coefficient of variation of these values</li>
259 * </ul>
260 */
261public double[] getStatistics() {
262	if (this.statistics  == null) {
263		this.statistics = getConfigResults().getStatistics(Util.BASELINE_BUILD_PREFIXES);
264	}
265	return this.statistics;
268void initStatus() {
269	ConfigResults configResults = getConfigResults();
270	if (configResults.isValid()) {
271		initStatus(configResults.getCurrentBuildResults());
272	} else {
273		this.status = MISSING;
274	}
278 * Write the element status in the given stream
279 */
280StringBuffer writableStatus(StringBuffer buffer, int kind, StringBuffer excluded) {
281	if ((this.status & BIG_DELTA) != 0) { // there's a failure on this config
283		// Get numbers
284		int buildsNumber = kind & IPerformancesConstants.STATUS_BUILDS_NUMBER_MASK;
285		ConfigResults configResults = getConfigResults();
286		double[][] numbers = configResults.getLastNumbers(buildsNumber);
287		int numbersLength = numbers.length;
289		// if there are several builds to confirm the regression, then verify all deltas
290		if (numbersLength > 1) {
291			if (numbersLength < buildsNumber) {
292				// there's not enough builds to wee whether there's a real regression, hence skip result
293				if (excluded != null) {
294					excluded.append(configResults+" excluded from status because there's only "+numbersLength+" builds available although "+buildsNumber+" is required to decide a regression is confirmed or not!");
295					excluded.append(Util.LINE_SEPARATOR);
296				}
297				return buffer;
298			}
299			int confirmed = 1;
300			for (int i=1; i<numbersLength; i++) {
301				if (numbers[i][AbstractResults.DELTA_VALUE_INDEX] < -0.1) {
302					confirmed++;
303				}
304			}
305			float ratio = ((float) confirmed) / numbersLength;
306			if (ratio < 0.8) {
307				// more than 20% of previous build didn't fail, hence skip result
308				if (excluded != null) {
309					excluded.append(configResults+" excluded from status because only "+confirmed+" builds failed on last "+buildsNumber+" ones!");
310					excluded.append(Util.LINE_SEPARATOR);
311				}
312				return buffer;
313			}
314		}
316		// Add values
317		double[] values = numbers[0];
318		double buildValue = values[AbstractResults.BUILD_VALUE_INDEX];
319		double baselineValue = values[AbstractResults.BASELINE_VALUE_INDEX];
320		double delta = values[AbstractResults.DELTA_VALUE_INDEX];
321		double error = values[AbstractResults.DELTA_ERROR_INDEX];
322		StringBuffer localBuffer = new StringBuffer("		");
323		localBuffer.append(configResults.getName());
324		double[] stats = null;
325		boolean printValues = (kind & IPerformancesConstants.STATUS_VALUES) != 0;
326		if (printValues) {
327			localBuffer.append("	");
328			localBuffer.append(buildValue);
329			localBuffer.append("	");
330			localBuffer.append(baselineValue);
331			localBuffer.append("	");
332			localBuffer.append(buildValue-baselineValue);
333			localBuffer.append("	");
334			localBuffer.append(Util.PERCENTAGE_FORMAT.format(delta));
335			localBuffer.append("	");
336			localBuffer.append(Util.PERCENTAGE_FORMAT.format(error));
337			stats = getStatistics();
338			if (stats != null) {
339				localBuffer.append("	");
340				localBuffer.append((int) stats[0]);
341				localBuffer.append("	");
342				localBuffer.append(Util.DOUBLE_FORMAT.format(stats[1]));
343				localBuffer.append("	");
344				localBuffer.append(Util.DOUBLE_FORMAT.format(stats[2]));
345				localBuffer.append("	");
346				localBuffer.append(Util.PERCENTAGE_FORMAT.format(stats[3]));
347			}
348		}
350		/* Add comment
351		IEclipsePreferences preferences = new InstanceScope().getNode(IPerformancesConstants.PLUGIN_ID);
352		String comment = preferences.get(getId(), null);
353		if (comment != null) {
354			if (stats == null && printValues) {
355				buffer.append("				");
356			}
357			buffer.append("	");
358			buffer.append(comment);
359		}
360		*/
362		// Add status info
363		if (this.status != BIG_DELTA) { // there's some other info in the status
364//			if (comment == null) {
365				if (stats == null && printValues) {
366					localBuffer.append("				");
367				}
368//			}
369			localBuffer.append("	");
370			String separator = "";
372			// Error
373			if ((this.status & BIG_ERROR) != 0) {
374				int statusErrorLevel = kind & IPerformancesConstants.STATUS_ERROR_LEVEL_MASK;
375				if (statusErrorLevel == IPerformancesConstants.STATUS_ERROR_NOTICEABLE) {
376					// Skip result
377					if (excluded != null) {
378						excluded.append(configResults+" excluded from status due to a noticeable error!");
379						excluded.append(Util.LINE_SEPARATOR);
380					}
381					return buffer;
382				}
383				localBuffer.append(separator);
384				localBuffer.append("error (");
385				localBuffer.append(Util.PERCENTAGE_FORMAT.format(error));
386				localBuffer.append(")");
387				separator = "+";
388				double ratio = -(error/delta);
389				if (ratio > 1) {
390					switch (statusErrorLevel) {
391						case IPerformancesConstants.STATUS_ERROR_INVALID:
392						case IPerformancesConstants.STATUS_ERROR_WEIRD:
393						case IPerformancesConstants.STATUS_ERROR_SUSPICIOUS:
394							// Skip result
395							if (excluded != null) {
396								excluded.append(configResults+" excluded from status due to an invalid error!");
397								excluded.append(Util.LINE_SEPARATOR);
398							}
399							return buffer;
400					}
401					localBuffer.append(": invalid measure!");
402				} else if (ratio > 0.5) {
403					switch (statusErrorLevel) {
404						case IPerformancesConstants.STATUS_ERROR_WEIRD:
405						case IPerformancesConstants.STATUS_ERROR_SUSPICIOUS:
406							// Skip result
407							if (excluded != null) {
408								excluded.append(configResults+" excluded from status due to a weird error!");
409								excluded.append(Util.LINE_SEPARATOR);
410							}
411							return buffer;
412					}
413					localBuffer.append(": weird measure!");
414				} else if (ratio > 0.25) {
415					if (statusErrorLevel == IPerformancesConstants.STATUS_ERROR_SUSPICIOUS) {
416						// Skip result
417						if (excluded != null) {
418							excluded.append(configResults+" excluded from status due to a suspicious error!");
419							excluded.append(Util.LINE_SEPARATOR);
420						}
421						return buffer;
422					}
423					localBuffer.append(": suspicious measure!");
424				}
425			}
427			// Small value
428			if ((this.status & SMALL_VALUE) != 0) {
429				int statusSmallValue = kind & IPerformancesConstants.STATUS_SMALL_VALUE_MASK;
430				localBuffer.append(separator);
431				if (buildValue < 100) {
432					if (statusSmallValue == IPerformancesConstants.STATUS_SMALL_VALUE_BUILD) {
433						// Skip result
434						if (excluded != null) {
435							excluded.append(configResults+" excluded from status due to a small build value!");
436							excluded.append(Util.LINE_SEPARATOR);
437						}
438						return buffer;
439					}
440					localBuffer.append("small build value (");
441					localBuffer.append((int)buildValue);
442					localBuffer.append("ms)");
443				}
444				int diff = (int) Math.abs(baselineValue - buildValue);
445				if (diff < 100) {
446					if (statusSmallValue == IPerformancesConstants.STATUS_SMALL_VALUE_DELTA) {
447						// Skip result
448						if (excluded != null) {
449							excluded.append(configResults+" excluded from status due to a small delta value!");
450							excluded.append(Util.LINE_SEPARATOR);
451						}
452						return buffer;
453					}
454					localBuffer.append("small delta value (");
455					localBuffer.append(diff);
456					localBuffer.append("ms)");
457				}
458				separator = "+";
459			}
461			// Statistics
462			if ((this.status & NOT_RELIABLE) != 0) {
463				switch (kind & IPerformancesConstants.STATUS_STATISTICS_MASK) {
464					case IPerformancesConstants.STATUS_STATISTICS_UNSTABLE:
465					case IPerformancesConstants.STATUS_STATISTICS_ERRATIC:
466						// Skip result
467						if (excluded != null) {
468							excluded.append(configResults+" excluded from status due to erratic statistics!");
469							excluded.append(Util.LINE_SEPARATOR);
470						}
471						return buffer;
472				}
473				localBuffer.append(separator);
474				localBuffer.append("erratic");
475				separator = "+";
476			} else if ((this.status & NOT_STABLE) != 0) {
477				if ((kind & IPerformancesConstants.STATUS_STATISTICS_UNSTABLE) != 0) {
478					// Skip result
479					if (excluded != null) {
480						excluded.append(configResults+" excluded from status due to unstable statistics!");
481						excluded.append(Util.LINE_SEPARATOR);
482					}
483					return buffer;
484				}
485				localBuffer.append(separator);
486				localBuffer.append("unstable");
487				separator = "+";
488			}
489		}
491		// Write status
492		buffer.append(localBuffer);
493		buffer.append(Util.LINE_SEPARATOR);
494	}
495	return buffer;