1f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
2f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org// for linear algebra.
4f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org// Copyright (C) 2012 Desire Nuentsa <desire.nuentsa_wakam@inria.fr>
6f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
7f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
8f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
10f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org#ifndef EIGEN_SUITESPARSEQRSUPPORT_H
11f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org#define EIGEN_SUITESPARSEQRSUPPORT_H
13f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.orgnamespace Eigen {
15f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org  template<typename MatrixType> class SPQR;
16f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org  template<typename SPQRType> struct SPQRMatrixQReturnType;
17f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org  template<typename SPQRType> struct SPQRMatrixQTransposeReturnType;
18f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org  template <typename SPQRType, typename Derived> struct SPQR_QProduct;
19f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org  namespace internal {
20f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org    template <typename SPQRType> struct traits<SPQRMatrixQReturnType<SPQRType> >
21f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org    {
22f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org      typedef typename SPQRType::MatrixType ReturnType;
23f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org    };
24f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org    template <typename SPQRType> struct traits<SPQRMatrixQTransposeReturnType<SPQRType> >
25f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org    {
26f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org      typedef typename SPQRType::MatrixType ReturnType;
27f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org    };
28f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org    template <typename SPQRType, typename Derived> struct traits<SPQR_QProduct<SPQRType, Derived> >
29f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org    {
30f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org      typedef typename Derived::PlainObject ReturnType;
31f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org    };
32f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org  } // End namespace internal
35f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org * \ingroup SPQRSupport_Module
36f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org * \class SPQR
37f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org * \brief Sparse QR factorization based on SuiteSparseQR library
38f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org *
39f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org * This class is used to perform a multithreaded and multifrontal rank-revealing QR decomposition
40f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org * of sparse matrices. The result is then used to solve linear leasts_square systems.
41f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org * Clearly, a QR factorization is returned such that A*P = Q*R where :
42f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org *
43f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org * P is the column permutation. Use colsPermutation() to get it.
44f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org *
45f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org * Q is the orthogonal matrix represented as Householder reflectors.
46f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org * Use matrixQ() to get an expression and matrixQ().transpose() to get the transpose.
47f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org * You can then apply it to a vector.
48f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org *
49f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org * R is the sparse triangular factor. Use matrixQR() to get it as SparseMatrix.
50f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org * NOTE : The Index type of R is always UF_long. You can get it with SPQR::Index
51f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org *
52f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org * \tparam _MatrixType The type of the sparse matrix A, must be a column-major SparseMatrix<>
53f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org * NOTE
54f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org *
55f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org */
56f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.orgtemplate<typename _MatrixType>
57f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.orgclass SPQR
59f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org  public:
60f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org    typedef typename _MatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
61f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org    typedef typename _MatrixType::RealScalar RealScalar;
62f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org    typedef UF_long Index ;
63f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org    typedef SparseMatrix<Scalar, ColMajor, Index> MatrixType;
64f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org    typedef PermutationMatrix<Dynamic, Dynamic> PermutationType;
65f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org  public:
66f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org    SPQR()
67f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org      : m_isInitialized(false),
68f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org      m_ordering(SPQR_ORDERING_DEFAULT),
69f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org      m_allow_tol(SPQR_DEFAULT_TOL),
70f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org      m_tolerance (NumTraits<Scalar>::epsilon())
71f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org    {
72f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org      cholmod_l_start(&m_cc);
73f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org    }
75f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org    SPQR(const _MatrixType& matrix)
76f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org    : m_isInitialized(false),
77f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org      m_ordering(SPQR_ORDERING_DEFAULT),
78f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org      m_allow_tol(SPQR_DEFAULT_TOL),
79f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org      m_tolerance (NumTraits<Scalar>::epsilon())
80f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org    {
81f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org      cholmod_l_start(&m_cc);
82f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org      compute(matrix);
83f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org    }
85f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org    ~SPQR()
86f2ba7591b1407a7ee9209f842c50696914dc2dedkbr@chromium.org    {
87      SPQR_free();
88      cholmod_l_finish(&m_cc);
89    }
90    void SPQR_free()
91    {
92      cholmod_l_free_sparse(&m_H, &m_cc);
93      cholmod_l_free_sparse(&m_cR, &m_cc);
94      cholmod_l_free_dense(&m_HTau, &m_cc);
95      std::free(m_E);
96      std::free(m_HPinv);
97    }
99    void compute(const _MatrixType& matrix)
100    {
101      if(m_isInitialized) SPQR_free();
103      MatrixType mat(matrix);
104      cholmod_sparse A;
105      A = viewAsCholmod(mat);
106      Index col = matrix.cols();
107      m_rank = SuiteSparseQR<Scalar>(m_ordering, m_tolerance, col, &A,
108                             &m_cR, &m_E, &m_H, &m_HPinv, &m_HTau, &m_cc);
110      if (!m_cR)
111      {
112        m_info = NumericalIssue;
113        m_isInitialized = false;
114        return;
115      }
116      m_info = Success;
117      m_isInitialized = true;
118      m_isRUpToDate = false;
119    }
120    /**
121     * Get the number of rows of the input matrix and the Q matrix
122     */
123    inline Index rows() const {return m_H->nrow; }
125    /**
126     * Get the number of columns of the input matrix.
127     */
128    inline Index cols() const { return m_cR->ncol; }
130      /** \returns the solution X of \f$ A X = B \f$ using the current decomposition of A.
131      *
132      * \sa compute()
133      */
134    template<typename Rhs>
135    inline const internal::solve_retval<SPQR, Rhs> solve(const MatrixBase<Rhs>& B) const
136    {
137      eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && " The QR factorization should be computed first, call compute()");
138      eigen_assert(this->rows()==B.rows()
139                    && "SPQR::solve(): invalid number of rows of the right hand side matrix B");
140          return internal::solve_retval<SPQR, Rhs>(*this, B.derived());
141    }
143    template<typename Rhs, typename Dest>
144    void _solve(const MatrixBase<Rhs> &b, MatrixBase<Dest> &dest) const
145    {
146      eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && " The QR factorization should be computed first, call compute()");
147      eigen_assert(b.cols()==1 && "This method is for vectors only");
149      //Compute Q^T * b
150      typename Dest::PlainObject y;
151      y = matrixQ().transpose() * b;
152        // Solves with the triangular matrix R
153      Index rk = this->rank();
154      y.topRows(rk) = this->matrixR().topLeftCorner(rk, rk).template triangularView<Upper>().solve(y.topRows(rk));
155      y.bottomRows(cols()-rk).setZero();
156      // Apply the column permutation
157      dest.topRows(cols()) = colsPermutation() * y.topRows(cols());
159      m_info = Success;
160    }
162    /** \returns the sparse triangular factor R. It is a sparse matrix
163     */
164    const MatrixType matrixR() const
165    {
166      eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && " The QR factorization should be computed first, call compute()");
167      if(!m_isRUpToDate) {
168        m_R = viewAsEigen<Scalar,ColMajor, typename MatrixType::Index>(*m_cR);
169        m_isRUpToDate = true;
170      }
171      return m_R;
172    }
173    /// Get an expression of the matrix Q
174    SPQRMatrixQReturnType<SPQR> matrixQ() const
175    {
176      return SPQRMatrixQReturnType<SPQR>(*this);
177    }
178    /// Get the permutation that was applied to columns of A
179    PermutationType colsPermutation() const
180    {
181      eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "Decomposition is not initialized.");
182      Index n = m_cR->ncol;
183      PermutationType colsPerm(n);
184      for(Index j = 0; j <n; j++) colsPerm.indices()(j) = m_E[j];
185      return colsPerm;
187    }
188    /**
189     * Gets the rank of the matrix.
190     * It should be equal to matrixQR().cols if the matrix is full-rank
191     */
192    Index rank() const
193    {
194      eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "Decomposition is not initialized.");
195      return m_cc.SPQR_istat[4];
196    }
197    /// Set the fill-reducing ordering method to be used
198    void setSPQROrdering(int ord) { m_ordering = ord;}
199    /// Set the tolerance tol to treat columns with 2-norm < =tol as zero
200    void setPivotThreshold(const RealScalar& tol) { m_tolerance = tol; }
202    /** \returns a pointer to the SPQR workspace */
203    cholmod_common *cholmodCommon() const { return &m_cc; }
206    /** \brief Reports whether previous computation was successful.
207      *
208      * \returns \c Success if computation was succesful,
209      *          \c NumericalIssue if the sparse QR can not be computed
210      */
211    ComputationInfo info() const
212    {
213      eigen_assert(m_isInitialized && "Decomposition is not initialized.");
214      return m_info;
215    }
216  protected:
217    bool m_isInitialized;
218    bool m_analysisIsOk;
219    bool m_factorizationIsOk;
220    mutable bool m_isRUpToDate;
221    mutable ComputationInfo m_info;
222    int m_ordering; // Ordering method to use, see SPQR's manual
223    int m_allow_tol; // Allow to use some tolerance during numerical factorization.
224    RealScalar m_tolerance; // treat columns with 2-norm below this tolerance as zero
225    mutable cholmod_sparse *m_cR; // The sparse R factor in cholmod format
226    mutable MatrixType m_R; // The sparse matrix R in Eigen format
227    mutable Index *m_E; // The permutation applied to columns
228    mutable cholmod_sparse *m_H;  //The householder vectors
229    mutable Index *m_HPinv; // The row permutation of H
230    mutable cholmod_dense *m_HTau; // The Householder coefficients
231    mutable Index m_rank; // The rank of the matrix
232    mutable cholmod_common m_cc; // Workspace and parameters
233    template<typename ,typename > friend struct SPQR_QProduct;
236template <typename SPQRType, typename Derived>
237struct SPQR_QProduct : ReturnByValue<SPQR_QProduct<SPQRType,Derived> >
239  typedef typename SPQRType::Scalar Scalar;
240  typedef typename SPQRType::Index Index;
241  //Define the constructor to get reference to argument types
242  SPQR_QProduct(const SPQRType& spqr, const Derived& other, bool transpose) : m_spqr(spqr),m_other(other),m_transpose(transpose) {}
244  inline Index rows() const { return m_transpose ? m_spqr.rows() : m_spqr.cols(); }
245  inline Index cols() const { return m_other.cols(); }
246  // Assign to a vector
247  template<typename ResType>
248  void evalTo(ResType& res) const
249  {
250    cholmod_dense y_cd;
251    cholmod_dense *x_cd;
252    int method = m_transpose ? SPQR_QTX : SPQR_QX;
253    cholmod_common *cc = m_spqr.cholmodCommon();
254    y_cd = viewAsCholmod(m_other.const_cast_derived());
255    x_cd = SuiteSparseQR_qmult<Scalar>(method, m_spqr.m_H, m_spqr.m_HTau, m_spqr.m_HPinv, &y_cd, cc);
256    res = Matrix<Scalar,ResType::RowsAtCompileTime,ResType::ColsAtCompileTime>::Map(reinterpret_cast<Scalar*>(x_cd->x), x_cd->nrow, x_cd->ncol);
257    cholmod_l_free_dense(&x_cd, cc);
258  }
259  const SPQRType& m_spqr;
260  const Derived& m_other;
261  bool m_transpose;
264template<typename SPQRType>
265struct SPQRMatrixQReturnType{
267  SPQRMatrixQReturnType(const SPQRType& spqr) : m_spqr(spqr) {}
268  template<typename Derived>
269  SPQR_QProduct<SPQRType, Derived> operator*(const MatrixBase<Derived>& other)
270  {
271    return SPQR_QProduct<SPQRType,Derived>(m_spqr,other.derived(),false);
272  }
273  SPQRMatrixQTransposeReturnType<SPQRType> adjoint() const
274  {
275    return SPQRMatrixQTransposeReturnType<SPQRType>(m_spqr);
276  }
277  // To use for operations with the transpose of Q
278  SPQRMatrixQTransposeReturnType<SPQRType> transpose() const
279  {
280    return SPQRMatrixQTransposeReturnType<SPQRType>(m_spqr);
281  }
282  const SPQRType& m_spqr;
285template<typename SPQRType>
286struct SPQRMatrixQTransposeReturnType{
287  SPQRMatrixQTransposeReturnType(const SPQRType& spqr) : m_spqr(spqr) {}
288  template<typename Derived>
289  SPQR_QProduct<SPQRType,Derived> operator*(const MatrixBase<Derived>& other)
290  {
291    return SPQR_QProduct<SPQRType,Derived>(m_spqr,other.derived(), true);
292  }
293  const SPQRType& m_spqr;
296namespace internal {
298template<typename _MatrixType, typename Rhs>
299struct solve_retval<SPQR<_MatrixType>, Rhs>
300  : solve_retval_base<SPQR<_MatrixType>, Rhs>
302  typedef SPQR<_MatrixType> Dec;
305  template<typename Dest> void evalTo(Dest& dst) const
306  {
307    dec()._solve(rhs(),dst);
308  }
311} // end namespace internal
313}// End namespace Eigen