1// This file is part of Eigen, a lightweight C++ template library
2// for linear algebra. Eigen itself is part of the KDE project.
4// Copyright (C) 2008 Daniel Gomez Ferro <dgomezferro@gmail.com>
6// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
7// Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
8// with this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
10#include "sparse.h"
12template<typename SetterType,typename DenseType, typename Scalar, int Options>
13bool test_random_setter(SparseMatrix<Scalar,Options>& sm, const DenseType& ref, const std::vector<Vector2i>& nonzeroCoords)
15  typedef SparseMatrix<Scalar,Options> SparseType;
16  {
17    sm.setZero();
18    SetterType w(sm);
19    std::vector<Vector2i> remaining = nonzeroCoords;
20    while(!remaining.empty())
21    {
22      int i = ei_random<int>(0,remaining.size()-1);
23      w(remaining[i].x(),remaining[i].y()) = ref.coeff(remaining[i].x(),remaining[i].y());
24      remaining[i] = remaining.back();
25      remaining.pop_back();
26    }
27  }
28  return sm.isApprox(ref);
31template<typename SetterType,typename DenseType, typename T>
32bool test_random_setter(DynamicSparseMatrix<T>& sm, const DenseType& ref, const std::vector<Vector2i>& nonzeroCoords)
34  sm.setZero();
35  std::vector<Vector2i> remaining = nonzeroCoords;
36  while(!remaining.empty())
37  {
38    int i = ei_random<int>(0,remaining.size()-1);
39    sm.coeffRef(remaining[i].x(),remaining[i].y()) = ref.coeff(remaining[i].x(),remaining[i].y());
40    remaining[i] = remaining.back();
41    remaining.pop_back();
42  }
43  return sm.isApprox(ref);
46template<typename SparseMatrixType> void sparse_basic(const SparseMatrixType& ref)
48  const int rows = ref.rows();
49  const int cols = ref.cols();
50  typedef typename SparseMatrixType::Scalar Scalar;
51  enum { Flags = SparseMatrixType::Flags };
53  double density = std::max(8./(rows*cols), 0.01);
54  typedef Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,Dynamic> DenseMatrix;
55  typedef Matrix<Scalar,Dynamic,1> DenseVector;
56  Scalar eps = 1e-6;
58  SparseMatrixType m(rows, cols);
59  DenseMatrix refMat = DenseMatrix::Zero(rows, cols);
60  DenseVector vec1 = DenseVector::Random(rows);
61  Scalar s1 = ei_random<Scalar>();
63  std::vector<Vector2i> zeroCoords;
64  std::vector<Vector2i> nonzeroCoords;
65  initSparse<Scalar>(density, refMat, m, 0, &zeroCoords, &nonzeroCoords);
67  if (zeroCoords.size()==0 || nonzeroCoords.size()==0)
68    return;
70  // test coeff and coeffRef
71  for (int i=0; i<(int)zeroCoords.size(); ++i)
72  {
73    VERIFY_IS_MUCH_SMALLER_THAN( m.coeff(zeroCoords[i].x(),zeroCoords[i].y()), eps );
74    if(ei_is_same_type<SparseMatrixType,SparseMatrix<Scalar,Flags> >::ret)
75      VERIFY_RAISES_ASSERT( m.coeffRef(zeroCoords[0].x(),zeroCoords[0].y()) = 5 );
76  }
77  VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m, refMat);
79  m.coeffRef(nonzeroCoords[0].x(), nonzeroCoords[0].y()) = Scalar(5);
80  refMat.coeffRef(nonzeroCoords[0].x(), nonzeroCoords[0].y()) = Scalar(5);
82  VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m, refMat);
83  /*
84  // test InnerIterators and Block expressions
85  for (int t=0; t<10; ++t)
86  {
87    int j = ei_random<int>(0,cols-1);
88    int i = ei_random<int>(0,rows-1);
89    int w = ei_random<int>(1,cols-j-1);
90    int h = ei_random<int>(1,rows-i-1);
92//     VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m.block(i,j,h,w), refMat.block(i,j,h,w));
93    for(int c=0; c<w; c++)
94    {
95      VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m.block(i,j,h,w).col(c), refMat.block(i,j,h,w).col(c));
96      for(int r=0; r<h; r++)
97      {
98//         VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m.block(i,j,h,w).col(c).coeff(r), refMat.block(i,j,h,w).col(c).coeff(r));
99      }
100    }
101//     for(int r=0; r<h; r++)
102//     {
103//       VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m.block(i,j,h,w).row(r), refMat.block(i,j,h,w).row(r));
104//       for(int c=0; c<w; c++)
105//       {
106//         VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m.block(i,j,h,w).row(r).coeff(c), refMat.block(i,j,h,w).row(r).coeff(c));
107//       }
108//     }
109  }
111  for(int c=0; c<cols; c++)
112  {
113    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m.col(c) + m.col(c), (m + m).col(c));
114    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m.col(c) + m.col(c), refMat.col(c) + refMat.col(c));
115  }
117  for(int r=0; r<rows; r++)
118  {
119    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m.row(r) + m.row(r), (m + m).row(r));
120    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m.row(r) + m.row(r), refMat.row(r) + refMat.row(r));
121  }
122  */
124  // test SparseSetters
125  // coherent setter
126  // TODO extend the MatrixSetter
127//   {
128//     m.setZero();
129//     VERIFY_IS_NOT_APPROX(m, refMat);
130//     SparseSetter<SparseMatrixType, FullyCoherentAccessPattern> w(m);
131//     for (int i=0; i<nonzeroCoords.size(); ++i)
132//     {
133//       w->coeffRef(nonzeroCoords[i].x(),nonzeroCoords[i].y()) = refMat.coeff(nonzeroCoords[i].x(),nonzeroCoords[i].y());
134//     }
135//   }
136//   VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m, refMat);
138  // random setter
139//   {
140//     m.setZero();
141//     VERIFY_IS_NOT_APPROX(m, refMat);
142//     SparseSetter<SparseMatrixType, RandomAccessPattern> w(m);
143//     std::vector<Vector2i> remaining = nonzeroCoords;
144//     while(!remaining.empty())
145//     {
146//       int i = ei_random<int>(0,remaining.size()-1);
147//       w->coeffRef(remaining[i].x(),remaining[i].y()) = refMat.coeff(remaining[i].x(),remaining[i].y());
148//       remaining[i] = remaining.back();
149//       remaining.pop_back();
150//     }
151//   }
152//   VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m, refMat);
154    VERIFY(( test_random_setter<RandomSetter<SparseMatrixType, StdMapTraits> >(m,refMat,nonzeroCoords) ));
156    VERIFY(( test_random_setter<RandomSetter<SparseMatrixType, StdUnorderedMapTraits> >(m,refMat,nonzeroCoords) ));
157    #endif
158    #ifdef _DENSE_HASH_MAP_H_
159    VERIFY(( test_random_setter<RandomSetter<SparseMatrixType, GoogleDenseHashMapTraits> >(m,refMat,nonzeroCoords) ));
160    #endif
161    #ifdef _SPARSE_HASH_MAP_H_
162    VERIFY(( test_random_setter<RandomSetter<SparseMatrixType, GoogleSparseHashMapTraits> >(m,refMat,nonzeroCoords) ));
163    #endif
165    // test fillrand
166    {
167      DenseMatrix m1(rows,cols);
168      m1.setZero();
169      SparseMatrixType m2(rows,cols);
170      m2.startFill();
171      for (int j=0; j<cols; ++j)
172      {
173        for (int k=0; k<rows/2; ++k)
174        {
175          int i = ei_random<int>(0,rows-1);
176          if (m1.coeff(i,j)==Scalar(0))
177            m2.fillrand(i,j) = m1(i,j) = ei_random<Scalar>();
178        }
179      }
180      m2.endFill();
181      VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m2,m1);
182    }
184  // test RandomSetter
185  /*{
186    SparseMatrixType m1(rows,cols), m2(rows,cols);
187    DenseMatrix refM1 = DenseMatrix::Zero(rows, rows);
188    initSparse<Scalar>(density, refM1, m1);
189    {
190      Eigen::RandomSetter<SparseMatrixType > setter(m2);
191      for (int j=0; j<m1.outerSize(); ++j)
192        for (typename SparseMatrixType::InnerIterator i(m1,j); i; ++i)
193          setter(i.index(), j) = i.value();
194    }
195    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1, m2);
196  }*/
197//   std::cerr << m.transpose() << "\n\n"  << refMat.transpose() << "\n\n";
198//   VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m, refMat);
200  // test basic computations
201  {
202    DenseMatrix refM1 = DenseMatrix::Zero(rows, rows);
203    DenseMatrix refM2 = DenseMatrix::Zero(rows, rows);
204    DenseMatrix refM3 = DenseMatrix::Zero(rows, rows);
205    DenseMatrix refM4 = DenseMatrix::Zero(rows, rows);
206    SparseMatrixType m1(rows, rows);
207    SparseMatrixType m2(rows, rows);
208    SparseMatrixType m3(rows, rows);
209    SparseMatrixType m4(rows, rows);
210    initSparse<Scalar>(density, refM1, m1);
211    initSparse<Scalar>(density, refM2, m2);
212    initSparse<Scalar>(density, refM3, m3);
213    initSparse<Scalar>(density, refM4, m4);
215    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1+m2, refM1+refM2);
216    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1+m2+m3, refM1+refM2+refM3);
217    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m3.cwise()*(m1+m2), refM3.cwise()*(refM1+refM2));
218    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1*s1-m2, refM1*s1-refM2);
220    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1*=s1, refM1*=s1);
221    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1/=s1, refM1/=s1);
223    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1+=m2, refM1+=refM2);
224    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1-=m2, refM1-=refM2);
226    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m1.col(0).eigen2_dot(refM2.row(0)), refM1.col(0).eigen2_dot(refM2.row(0)));
228    refM4.setRandom();
229    // sparse cwise* dense
230    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m3.cwise()*refM4, refM3.cwise()*refM4);
231//     VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m3.cwise()/refM4, refM3.cwise()/refM4);
232  }
234  // test innerVector()
235  {
236    DenseMatrix refMat2 = DenseMatrix::Zero(rows, rows);
237    SparseMatrixType m2(rows, rows);
238    initSparse<Scalar>(density, refMat2, m2);
239    int j0 = ei_random(0,rows-1);
240    int j1 = ei_random(0,rows-1);
241    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m2.innerVector(j0), refMat2.col(j0));
242    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m2.innerVector(j0)+m2.innerVector(j1), refMat2.col(j0)+refMat2.col(j1));
243    //m2.innerVector(j0) = 2*m2.innerVector(j1);
244    //refMat2.col(j0) = 2*refMat2.col(j1);
245    //VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m2, refMat2);
246  }
248  // test innerVectors()
249  {
250    DenseMatrix refMat2 = DenseMatrix::Zero(rows, rows);
251    SparseMatrixType m2(rows, rows);
252    initSparse<Scalar>(density, refMat2, m2);
253    int j0 = ei_random(0,rows-2);
254    int j1 = ei_random(0,rows-2);
255    int n0 = ei_random<int>(1,rows-std::max(j0,j1));
256    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m2.innerVectors(j0,n0), refMat2.block(0,j0,rows,n0));
257    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m2.innerVectors(j0,n0)+m2.innerVectors(j1,n0),
258                     refMat2.block(0,j0,rows,n0)+refMat2.block(0,j1,rows,n0));
259    //m2.innerVectors(j0,n0) = m2.innerVectors(j0,n0) + m2.innerVectors(j1,n0);
260    //refMat2.block(0,j0,rows,n0) = refMat2.block(0,j0,rows,n0) + refMat2.block(0,j1,rows,n0);
261  }
263  // test transpose
264  {
265    DenseMatrix refMat2 = DenseMatrix::Zero(rows, rows);
266    SparseMatrixType m2(rows, rows);
267    initSparse<Scalar>(density, refMat2, m2);
268    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m2.transpose().eval(), refMat2.transpose().eval());
269    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m2.transpose(), refMat2.transpose());
270  }
272  // test prune
273  {
274    SparseMatrixType m2(rows, rows);
275    DenseMatrix refM2(rows, rows);
276    refM2.setZero();
277    int countFalseNonZero = 0;
278    int countTrueNonZero = 0;
279    m2.startFill();
280    for (int j=0; j<m2.outerSize(); ++j)
281      for (int i=0; i<m2.innerSize(); ++i)
282      {
283        float x = ei_random<float>(0,1);
284        if (x<0.1)
285        {
286          // do nothing
287        }
288        else if (x<0.5)
289        {
290          countFalseNonZero++;
291          m2.fill(i,j) = Scalar(0);
292        }
293        else
294        {
295          countTrueNonZero++;
296          m2.fill(i,j) = refM2(i,j) = Scalar(1);
297        }
298      }
299    m2.endFill();
300    VERIFY(countFalseNonZero+countTrueNonZero == m2.nonZeros());
301    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m2, refM2);
302    m2.prune(1);
303    VERIFY(countTrueNonZero==m2.nonZeros());
304    VERIFY_IS_APPROX(m2, refM2);
305  }
308void test_eigen2_sparse_basic()
310  for(int i = 0; i < g_repeat; i++) {
311    CALL_SUBTEST_1( sparse_basic(SparseMatrix<double>(8, 8)) );
312    CALL_SUBTEST_2( sparse_basic(SparseMatrix<std::complex<double> >(16, 16)) );
313    CALL_SUBTEST_1( sparse_basic(SparseMatrix<double>(33, 33)) );
315    CALL_SUBTEST_3( sparse_basic(DynamicSparseMatrix<double>(8, 8)) );
316  }