1package com.bumptech.glide.request;
3import com.bumptech.glide.request.target.Target;
6 * A class for monitoring the status of a request while images load.
7 *
8 * @param <T> The type of the model being loaded.
9 * @param <R> The type of resource being loaded.
10 */
11public interface RequestListener<T, R> {
13    /**
14     * Called when an exception occurs during a load. Will only be called if we currently want to display an image
15     * for the given model in the given target. It is recommended to create a single instance per activity/fragment
16     * rather than instantiate a new object for each call to {@code Glide.load()} to avoid object churn.
17     *
18     * <p>
19     *     It is safe to reload this or a different model or change what is displayed in the target at this point.
20     *     For example:
21     * <pre>
22     * <code>
23     *     public void onException(Exception e, ModelType model, Target target) {
24     *         target.setPlaceholder(R.drawable.a_specific_error_for_my_exception);
25     *         Glide.load(model).into(target);
26     *     }
27     * </code>
28     * </pre>
29     * </p>
30     *
31     * <p>
32     *     Note - if you want to reload this or any other model after an exception, you will need to include all
33     *     relevant builder calls (like centerCrop, placeholder etc).
34     * </p>
35     *
36     * @param e The exception, or null
37     * @param model The model we were trying to load when the exception occurred
38     * @param target The {@link Target} we were trying to load the image into
39     * @return True if the listener has handled updating the target for the given exception, false to allow
40     *         Glide's request to update the target.
41     */
42    public abstract boolean onException(Exception e, T model, Target target, boolean isFirstImage);
44    /**
45     * Called when a load completes successfully, immediately after {@link Target#onResourceReady(Object)}.
46     *
47     * @param resource The resource that was loaded for the target.
48     * @param model The specific model that was used to load the image.
49     * @param target The target the model was loaded into.
50     * @param isFromMemoryCache True if the load completed synchronously (useful for determining whether or not to
51     *                          animate)
52     * @param isFirstResource True if this is the first resource to in this load to be loaded into the target. For
53     *                        example when loading a thumbnail and a fullsize image, this will be true for the first
54     *                        image to load and false for the second.
55     * @return True if the listener has handled setting the resource on the target (including any animations), false to
56     *         allow Glide's request to update the target (again including animations).
57     */
58    public abstract boolean onResourceReady(R resource, T model, Target target, boolean isFromMemoryCache,
59            boolean isFirstResource);