3* Copyright (C) 2013-2014, International Business Machines
4* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
6* collationsets.cpp
8* created on: 2013feb09
9* created by: Markus W. Scherer
12#include "unicode/utypes.h"
16#include "unicode/ucharstrie.h"
17#include "unicode/uniset.h"
18#include "unicode/unistr.h"
19#include "unicode/ustringtrie.h"
20#include "collation.h"
21#include "collationdata.h"
22#include "collationsets.h"
23#include "normalizer2impl.h"
24#include "uassert.h"
25#include "utf16collationiterator.h"
26#include "utrie2.h"
32static UBool U_CALLCONV
33enumTailoredRange(const void *context, UChar32 start, UChar32 end, uint32_t ce32) {
34    if(ce32 == Collation::FALLBACK_CE32) {
35        return TRUE;  // fallback to base, not tailored
36    }
37    TailoredSet *ts = (TailoredSet *)context;
38    return ts->handleCE32(start, end, ce32);
44TailoredSet::forData(const CollationData *d, UErrorCode &ec) {
45    if(U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }
46    errorCode = ec;  // Preserve info & warning codes.
47    data = d;
48    baseData = d->base;
49    U_ASSERT(baseData != NULL);
50    utrie2_enum(data->trie, NULL, enumTailoredRange, this);
51    ec = errorCode;
55TailoredSet::handleCE32(UChar32 start, UChar32 end, uint32_t ce32) {
56    U_ASSERT(ce32 != Collation::FALLBACK_CE32);
57    if(Collation::isSpecialCE32(ce32)) {
58        ce32 = data->getIndirectCE32(ce32);
59        if(ce32 == Collation::FALLBACK_CE32) {
60            return U_SUCCESS(errorCode);
61        }
62    }
63    do {
64        uint32_t baseCE32 = baseData->getFinalCE32(baseData->getCE32(start));
65        // Do not just continue if ce32 == baseCE32 because
66        // contractions and expansions in different data objects
67        // normally differ even if they have the same data offsets.
68        if(Collation::isSelfContainedCE32(ce32) && Collation::isSelfContainedCE32(baseCE32)) {
69            // fastpath
70            if(ce32 != baseCE32) {
71                tailored->add(start);
72            }
73        } else {
74            compare(start, ce32, baseCE32);
75        }
76    } while(++start <= end);
77    return U_SUCCESS(errorCode);
81TailoredSet::compare(UChar32 c, uint32_t ce32, uint32_t baseCE32) {
82    if(Collation::isPrefixCE32(ce32)) {
83        const UChar *p = data->contexts + Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32);
84        ce32 = data->getFinalCE32(CollationData::readCE32(p));
85        if(Collation::isPrefixCE32(baseCE32)) {
86            const UChar *q = baseData->contexts + Collation::indexFromCE32(baseCE32);
87            baseCE32 = baseData->getFinalCE32(CollationData::readCE32(q));
88            comparePrefixes(c, p + 2, q + 2);
89        } else {
90            addPrefixes(data, c, p + 2);
91        }
92    } else if(Collation::isPrefixCE32(baseCE32)) {
93        const UChar *q = baseData->contexts + Collation::indexFromCE32(baseCE32);
94        baseCE32 = baseData->getFinalCE32(CollationData::readCE32(q));
95        addPrefixes(baseData, c, q + 2);
96    }
98    if(Collation::isContractionCE32(ce32)) {
99        const UChar *p = data->contexts + Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32);
100        if((ce32 & Collation::CONTRACT_SINGLE_CP_NO_MATCH) != 0) {
101            ce32 = Collation::NO_CE32;
102        } else {
103            ce32 = data->getFinalCE32(CollationData::readCE32(p));
104        }
105        if(Collation::isContractionCE32(baseCE32)) {
106            const UChar *q = baseData->contexts + Collation::indexFromCE32(baseCE32);
107            if((baseCE32 & Collation::CONTRACT_SINGLE_CP_NO_MATCH) != 0) {
108                baseCE32 = Collation::NO_CE32;
109            } else {
110                baseCE32 = baseData->getFinalCE32(CollationData::readCE32(q));
111            }
112            compareContractions(c, p + 2, q + 2);
113        } else {
114            addContractions(c, p + 2);
115        }
116    } else if(Collation::isContractionCE32(baseCE32)) {
117        const UChar *q = baseData->contexts + Collation::indexFromCE32(baseCE32);
118        baseCE32 = baseData->getFinalCE32(CollationData::readCE32(q));
119        addContractions(c, q + 2);
120    }
122    int32_t tag;
123    if(Collation::isSpecialCE32(ce32)) {
124        tag = Collation::tagFromCE32(ce32);
125        U_ASSERT(tag != Collation::PREFIX_TAG);
126        U_ASSERT(tag != Collation::CONTRACTION_TAG);
127        // Currently, the tailoring data builder does not write offset tags.
128        // They might be useful for saving space,
129        // but they would complicate the builder,
130        // and in tailorings we assume that performance of tailored characters is more important.
131        U_ASSERT(tag != Collation::OFFSET_TAG);
132    } else {
133        tag = -1;
134    }
135    int32_t baseTag;
136    if(Collation::isSpecialCE32(baseCE32)) {
137        baseTag = Collation::tagFromCE32(baseCE32);
138        U_ASSERT(baseTag != Collation::PREFIX_TAG);
139        U_ASSERT(baseTag != Collation::CONTRACTION_TAG);
140    } else {
141        baseTag = -1;
142    }
144    // Non-contextual mappings, expansions, etc.
145    if(baseTag == Collation::OFFSET_TAG) {
146        // We might be comparing a tailoring CE which is a copy of
147        // a base offset-tag CE, via the [optimize [set]] syntax
148        // or when a single-character mapping was copied for tailored contractions.
149        // Offset tags always result in long-primary CEs,
150        // with common secondary/tertiary weights.
151        if(!Collation::isLongPrimaryCE32(ce32)) {
152            add(c);
153            return;
154        }
155        int64_t dataCE = baseData->ces[Collation::indexFromCE32(baseCE32)];
156        uint32_t p = Collation::getThreeBytePrimaryForOffsetData(c, dataCE);
157        if(Collation::primaryFromLongPrimaryCE32(ce32) != p) {
158            add(c);
159            return;
160        }
161    }
163    if(tag != baseTag) {
164        add(c);
165        return;
166    }
168    if(tag == Collation::EXPANSION32_TAG) {
169        const uint32_t *ce32s = data->ce32s + Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32);
170        int32_t length = Collation::lengthFromCE32(ce32);
172        const uint32_t *baseCE32s = baseData->ce32s + Collation::indexFromCE32(baseCE32);
173        int32_t baseLength = Collation::lengthFromCE32(baseCE32);
175        if(length != baseLength) {
176            add(c);
177            return;
178        }
179        for(int32_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
180            if(ce32s[i] != baseCE32s[i]) {
181                add(c);
182                break;
183            }
184        }
185    } else if(tag == Collation::EXPANSION_TAG) {
186        const int64_t *ces = data->ces + Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32);
187        int32_t length = Collation::lengthFromCE32(ce32);
189        const int64_t *baseCEs = baseData->ces + Collation::indexFromCE32(baseCE32);
190        int32_t baseLength = Collation::lengthFromCE32(baseCE32);
192        if(length != baseLength) {
193            add(c);
194            return;
195        }
196        for(int32_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
197            if(ces[i] != baseCEs[i]) {
198                add(c);
199                break;
200            }
201        }
202    } else if(tag == Collation::HANGUL_TAG) {
203        UChar jamos[3];
204        int32_t length = Hangul::decompose(c, jamos);
205        if(tailored->contains(jamos[0]) || tailored->contains(jamos[1]) ||
206                (length == 3 && tailored->contains(jamos[2]))) {
207            add(c);
208        }
209    } else if(ce32 != baseCE32) {
210        add(c);
211    }
215TailoredSet::comparePrefixes(UChar32 c, const UChar *p, const UChar *q) {
216    // Parallel iteration over prefixes of both tables.
217    UCharsTrie::Iterator prefixes(p, 0, errorCode);
218    UCharsTrie::Iterator basePrefixes(q, 0, errorCode);
219    const UnicodeString *tp = NULL;  // Tailoring prefix.
220    const UnicodeString *bp = NULL;  // Base prefix.
221    // Use a string with a U+FFFF as the limit sentinel.
222    // U+FFFF is untailorable and will not occur in prefixes.
223    UnicodeString none((UChar)0xffff);
224    for(;;) {
225        if(tp == NULL) {
226            if(prefixes.next(errorCode)) {
227                tp = &prefixes.getString();
228            } else {
229                tp = &none;
230            }
231        }
232        if(bp == NULL) {
233            if(basePrefixes.next(errorCode)) {
234                bp = &basePrefixes.getString();
235            } else {
236                bp = &none;
237            }
238        }
239        if(tp == &none && bp == &none) { break; }
240        int32_t cmp = tp->compare(*bp);
241        if(cmp < 0) {
242            // tp occurs in the tailoring but not in the base.
243            addPrefix(data, *tp, c, (uint32_t)prefixes.getValue());
244            tp = NULL;
245        } else if(cmp > 0) {
246            // bp occurs in the base but not in the tailoring.
247            addPrefix(baseData, *bp, c, (uint32_t)basePrefixes.getValue());
248            bp = NULL;
249        } else {
250            setPrefix(*tp);
251            compare(c, (uint32_t)prefixes.getValue(), (uint32_t)basePrefixes.getValue());
252            resetPrefix();
253            tp = NULL;
254            bp = NULL;
255        }
256    }
260TailoredSet::compareContractions(UChar32 c, const UChar *p, const UChar *q) {
261    // Parallel iteration over suffixes of both tables.
262    UCharsTrie::Iterator suffixes(p, 0, errorCode);
263    UCharsTrie::Iterator baseSuffixes(q, 0, errorCode);
264    const UnicodeString *ts = NULL;  // Tailoring suffix.
265    const UnicodeString *bs = NULL;  // Base suffix.
266    // Use a string with two U+FFFF as the limit sentinel.
267    // U+FFFF is untailorable and will not occur in contractions except maybe
268    // as a single suffix character for a root-collator boundary contraction.
269    UnicodeString none((UChar)0xffff);
270    none.append((UChar)0xffff);
271    for(;;) {
272        if(ts == NULL) {
273            if(suffixes.next(errorCode)) {
274                ts = &suffixes.getString();
275            } else {
276                ts = &none;
277            }
278        }
279        if(bs == NULL) {
280            if(baseSuffixes.next(errorCode)) {
281                bs = &baseSuffixes.getString();
282            } else {
283                bs = &none;
284            }
285        }
286        if(ts == &none && bs == &none) { break; }
287        int32_t cmp = ts->compare(*bs);
288        if(cmp < 0) {
289            // ts occurs in the tailoring but not in the base.
290            addSuffix(c, *ts);
291            ts = NULL;
292        } else if(cmp > 0) {
293            // bs occurs in the base but not in the tailoring.
294            addSuffix(c, *bs);
295            bs = NULL;
296        } else {
297            suffix = ts;
298            compare(c, (uint32_t)suffixes.getValue(), (uint32_t)baseSuffixes.getValue());
299            suffix = NULL;
300            ts = NULL;
301            bs = NULL;
302        }
303    }
307TailoredSet::addPrefixes(const CollationData *d, UChar32 c, const UChar *p) {
308    UCharsTrie::Iterator prefixes(p, 0, errorCode);
309    while(prefixes.next(errorCode)) {
310        addPrefix(d, prefixes.getString(), c, (uint32_t)prefixes.getValue());
311    }
315TailoredSet::addPrefix(const CollationData *d, const UnicodeString &pfx, UChar32 c, uint32_t ce32) {
316    setPrefix(pfx);
317    ce32 = d->getFinalCE32(ce32);
318    if(Collation::isContractionCE32(ce32)) {
319        const UChar *p = d->contexts + Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32);
320        addContractions(c, p + 2);
321    }
322    tailored->add(UnicodeString(unreversedPrefix).append(c));
323    resetPrefix();
327TailoredSet::addContractions(UChar32 c, const UChar *p) {
328    UCharsTrie::Iterator suffixes(p, 0, errorCode);
329    while(suffixes.next(errorCode)) {
330        addSuffix(c, suffixes.getString());
331    }
335TailoredSet::addSuffix(UChar32 c, const UnicodeString &sfx) {
336    tailored->add(UnicodeString(unreversedPrefix).append(c).append(sfx));
340TailoredSet::add(UChar32 c) {
341    if(unreversedPrefix.isEmpty() && suffix == NULL) {
342        tailored->add(c);
343    } else {
344        UnicodeString s(unreversedPrefix);
345        s.append(c);
346        if(suffix != NULL) {
347            s.append(*suffix);
348        }
349        tailored->add(s);
350    }
353ContractionsAndExpansions::CESink::~CESink() {}
357static UBool U_CALLCONV
358enumCnERange(const void *context, UChar32 start, UChar32 end, uint32_t ce32) {
359    ContractionsAndExpansions *cne = (ContractionsAndExpansions *)context;
360    if(cne->checkTailored == 0) {
361        // There is no tailoring.
362        // No need to collect nor check the tailored set.
363    } else if(cne->checkTailored < 0) {
364        // Collect the set of code points with mappings in the tailoring data.
365        if(ce32 == Collation::FALLBACK_CE32) {
366            return TRUE;  // fallback to base, not tailored
367        } else {
368            cne->tailored.add(start, end);
369        }
370        // checkTailored > 0: Exclude tailored ranges from the base data enumeration.
371    } else if(start == end) {
372        if(cne->tailored.contains(start)) {
373            return TRUE;
374        }
375    } else if(cne->tailored.containsSome(start, end)) {
376        cne->ranges.set(start, end).removeAll(cne->tailored);
377        int32_t count = cne->ranges.getRangeCount();
378        for(int32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
379            cne->handleCE32(cne->ranges.getRangeStart(i), cne->ranges.getRangeEnd(i), ce32);
380        }
381        return U_SUCCESS(cne->errorCode);
382    }
383    cne->handleCE32(start, end, ce32);
384    return U_SUCCESS(cne->errorCode);
390ContractionsAndExpansions::forData(const CollationData *d, UErrorCode &ec) {
391    if(U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }
392    errorCode = ec;  // Preserve info & warning codes.
393    // Add all from the data, can be tailoring or base.
394    if(d->base != NULL) {
395        checkTailored = -1;
396    }
397    data = d;
398    utrie2_enum(data->trie, NULL, enumCnERange, this);
399    if(d->base == NULL || U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
400        ec = errorCode;
401        return;
402    }
403    // Add all from the base data but only for un-tailored code points.
404    tailored.freeze();
405    checkTailored = 1;
406    data = d->base;
407    utrie2_enum(data->trie, NULL, enumCnERange, this);
408    ec = errorCode;
412ContractionsAndExpansions::forCodePoint(const CollationData *d, UChar32 c, UErrorCode &ec) {
413    if(U_FAILURE(ec)) { return; }
414    errorCode = ec;  // Preserve info & warning codes.
415    uint32_t ce32 = d->getCE32(c);
416    if(ce32 == Collation::FALLBACK_CE32) {
417        d = d->base;
418        ce32 = d->getCE32(c);
419    }
420    data = d;
421    handleCE32(c, c, ce32);
422    ec = errorCode;
426ContractionsAndExpansions::handleCE32(UChar32 start, UChar32 end, uint32_t ce32) {
427    for(;;) {
428        if((ce32 & 0xff) < Collation::SPECIAL_CE32_LOW_BYTE) {
429            // !isSpecialCE32()
430            if(sink != NULL) {
431                sink->handleCE(Collation::ceFromSimpleCE32(ce32));
432            }
433            return;
434        }
435        switch(Collation::tagFromCE32(ce32)) {
436        case Collation::FALLBACK_TAG:
437            return;
438        case Collation::RESERVED_TAG_3:
439        case Collation::BUILDER_DATA_TAG:
440        case Collation::LEAD_SURROGATE_TAG:
441            if(U_SUCCESS(errorCode)) { errorCode = U_INTERNAL_PROGRAM_ERROR; }
442            return;
443        case Collation::LONG_PRIMARY_TAG:
444            if(sink != NULL) {
445                sink->handleCE(Collation::ceFromLongPrimaryCE32(ce32));
446            }
447            return;
448        case Collation::LONG_SECONDARY_TAG:
449            if(sink != NULL) {
450                sink->handleCE(Collation::ceFromLongSecondaryCE32(ce32));
451            }
452            return;
453        case Collation::LATIN_EXPANSION_TAG:
454            if(sink != NULL) {
455                ces[0] = Collation::latinCE0FromCE32(ce32);
456                ces[1] = Collation::latinCE1FromCE32(ce32);
457                sink->handleExpansion(ces, 2);
458            }
459            // Optimization: If we have a prefix,
460            // then the relevant strings have been added already.
461            if(unreversedPrefix.isEmpty()) {
462                addExpansions(start, end);
463            }
464            return;
465        case Collation::EXPANSION32_TAG:
466            if(sink != NULL) {
467                const uint32_t *ce32s = data->ce32s + Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32);
468                int32_t length = Collation::lengthFromCE32(ce32);
469                for(int32_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
470                    ces[i] = Collation::ceFromCE32(*ce32s++);
471                }
472                sink->handleExpansion(ces, length);
473            }
474            // Optimization: If we have a prefix,
475            // then the relevant strings have been added already.
476            if(unreversedPrefix.isEmpty()) {
477                addExpansions(start, end);
478            }
479            return;
480        case Collation::EXPANSION_TAG:
481            if(sink != NULL) {
482                int32_t length = Collation::lengthFromCE32(ce32);
483                sink->handleExpansion(data->ces + Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32), length);
484            }
485            // Optimization: If we have a prefix,
486            // then the relevant strings have been added already.
487            if(unreversedPrefix.isEmpty()) {
488                addExpansions(start, end);
489            }
490            return;
491        case Collation::PREFIX_TAG:
492            handlePrefixes(start, end, ce32);
493            return;
494        case Collation::CONTRACTION_TAG:
495            handleContractions(start, end, ce32);
496            return;
497        case Collation::DIGIT_TAG:
498            // Fetch the non-numeric-collation CE32 and continue.
499            ce32 = data->ce32s[Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32)];
500            break;
501        case Collation::U0000_TAG:
502            U_ASSERT(start == 0 && end == 0);
503            // Fetch the normal ce32 for U+0000 and continue.
504            ce32 = data->ce32s[0];
505            break;
506        case Collation::HANGUL_TAG:
507            if(sink != NULL) {
508                // TODO: This should be optimized,
509                // especially if [start..end] is the complete Hangul range. (assert that)
510                UTF16CollationIterator iter(data, FALSE, NULL, NULL, NULL);
511                UChar hangul[1] = { 0 };
512                for(UChar32 c = start; c <= end; ++c) {
513                    hangul[0] = (UChar)c;
514                    iter.setText(hangul, hangul + 1);
515                    int32_t length = iter.fetchCEs(errorCode);
516                    if(U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }
517                    // Ignore the terminating non-CE.
518                    U_ASSERT(length >= 2 && iter.getCE(length - 1) == Collation::NO_CE);
519                    sink->handleExpansion(iter.getCEs(), length - 1);
520                }
521            }
522            // Optimization: If we have a prefix,
523            // then the relevant strings have been added already.
524            if(unreversedPrefix.isEmpty()) {
525                addExpansions(start, end);
526            }
527            return;
528        case Collation::OFFSET_TAG:
529            // Currently no need to send offset CEs to the sink.
530            return;
531        case Collation::IMPLICIT_TAG:
532            // Currently no need to send implicit CEs to the sink.
533            return;
534        }
535    }
540        UChar32 start, UChar32 end, uint32_t ce32) {
541    const UChar *p = data->contexts + Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32);
542    ce32 = CollationData::readCE32(p);  // Default if no prefix match.
543    handleCE32(start, end, ce32);
544    if(!addPrefixes) { return; }
545    UCharsTrie::Iterator prefixes(p + 2, 0, errorCode);
546    while(prefixes.next(errorCode)) {
547        setPrefix(prefixes.getString());
548        // Prefix/pre-context mappings are special kinds of contractions
549        // that always yield expansions.
550        addStrings(start, end, contractions);
551        addStrings(start, end, expansions);
552        handleCE32(start, end, (uint32_t)prefixes.getValue());
553    }
554    resetPrefix();
559        UChar32 start, UChar32 end, uint32_t ce32) {
560    const UChar *p = data->contexts + Collation::indexFromCE32(ce32);
561    if((ce32 & Collation::CONTRACT_SINGLE_CP_NO_MATCH) != 0) {
562        // No match on the single code point.
563        // We are underneath a prefix, and the default mapping is just
564        // a fallback to the mappings for a shorter prefix.
565        U_ASSERT(!unreversedPrefix.isEmpty());
566    } else {
567        ce32 = CollationData::readCE32(p);  // Default if no suffix match.
568        U_ASSERT(!Collation::isContractionCE32(ce32));
569        handleCE32(start, end, ce32);
570    }
571    UCharsTrie::Iterator suffixes(p + 2, 0, errorCode);
572    while(suffixes.next(errorCode)) {
573        suffix = &suffixes.getString();
574        addStrings(start, end, contractions);
575        if(!unreversedPrefix.isEmpty()) {
576            addStrings(start, end, expansions);
577        }
578        handleCE32(start, end, (uint32_t)suffixes.getValue());
579    }
580    suffix = NULL;
584ContractionsAndExpansions::addExpansions(UChar32 start, UChar32 end) {
585    if(unreversedPrefix.isEmpty() && suffix == NULL) {
586        if(expansions != NULL) {
587            expansions->add(start, end);
588        }
589    } else {
590        addStrings(start, end, expansions);
591    }
595ContractionsAndExpansions::addStrings(UChar32 start, UChar32 end, UnicodeSet *set) {
596    if(set == NULL) { return; }
597    UnicodeString s(unreversedPrefix);
598    do {
599        s.append(start);
600        if(suffix != NULL) {
601            s.append(*suffix);
602        }
603        set->add(s);
604        s.truncate(unreversedPrefix.length());
605    } while(++start <= end);