1# -*- Python -*- vim: set syntax=python tabstop=4 expandtab cc=80:
3# Configuration file for the 'lit' test runner.
5import errno
6import os
7import platform
8import re
9import shlex
10import signal
11import subprocess
12import sys
13import tempfile
14import time
16import lit.Test
17import lit.formats
18import lit.util
20class LibcxxTestFormat(lit.formats.FileBasedTest):
21    """
22    Custom test format handler for use with the test format use by libc++.
24    Tests fall into two categories:
25      FOO.pass.cpp - Executable test which should compile, run, and exit with
26                     code 0.
27      FOO.fail.cpp - Negative test case which is expected to fail compilation.
28    """
30    def __init__(self, cxx_under_test, cpp_flags, ld_flags, exec_env):
31        self.cxx_under_test = cxx_under_test
32        self.cpp_flags = list(cpp_flags)
33        self.ld_flags = list(ld_flags)
34        self.exec_env = dict(exec_env)
36    def execute_command(self, command, in_dir=None):
37        kwargs = {
38            'stdin' :subprocess.PIPE,
39            'stdout':subprocess.PIPE,
40            'stderr':subprocess.PIPE,
41        }
42        if in_dir:
43            kwargs['cwd'] = in_dir
44        p = subprocess.Popen(command, **kwargs)
45        out,err = p.communicate()
46        exitCode = p.wait()
48        # Detect Ctrl-C in subprocess.
49        if exitCode == -signal.SIGINT:
50            raise KeyboardInterrupt
52        return out, err, exitCode
54    def execute(self, test, lit_config):
55        while True:
56            try:
57                return self._execute(test, lit_config)
58            except OSError, oe:
59                if oe.errno != errno.ETXTBSY:
60                    raise
61                time.sleep(0.1)
63    def _execute(self, test, lit_config):
64        # Extract test metadata from the test file.
65        requires = []
66        with open(test.getSourcePath()) as f:
67            for ln in f:
68                if 'XFAIL:' in ln:
69                    items = ln[ln.index('XFAIL:') + 6:].split(',')
70                    test.xfails.extend([s.strip() for s in items])
71                elif 'REQUIRES:' in ln:
72                    items = ln[ln.index('REQUIRES:') + 9:].split(',')
73                    requires.extend([s.strip() for s in items])
74                elif not ln.startswith("//") and ln.strip():
75                    # Stop at the first non-empty line that is not a C++
76                    # comment.
77                    break
79        # Check that we have the required features.
80        #
81        # FIXME: For now, this is cribbed from lit.TestRunner, to avoid
82        # introducing a dependency there. What we more ideally would like to do
83        # is lift the "requires" handling to be a core lit framework feature.
84        missing_required_features = [f for f in requires
85                                     if f not in test.config.available_features]
86        if missing_required_features:
87            return (lit.Test.UNSUPPORTED,
88                    "Test requires the following features: %s" % (
89                      ', '.join(missing_required_features),))
91        # Evaluate the test.
92        return self._evaluate_test(test, lit_config)
94    def _evaluate_test(self, test, lit_config):
95        name = test.path_in_suite[-1]
96        source_path = test.getSourcePath()
97        source_dir = os.path.dirname(source_path)
99        # Check what kind of test this is.
100        assert name.endswith('.pass.cpp') or name.endswith('.fail.cpp')
101        expected_compile_fail = name.endswith('.fail.cpp')
103        # If this is a compile (failure) test, build it and check for failure.
104        if expected_compile_fail:
105            cmd = [self.cxx_under_test, '-c',
106                   '-o', '/dev/null', source_path] + self.cpp_flags
107            out, err, exitCode = self.execute_command(cmd)
108            if exitCode == 1:
109                return lit.Test.PASS, ""
110            else:
111                report = """Command: %s\n""" % ' '.join(["'%s'" % a
112                                                         for a in cmd])
113                report += """Exit Code: %d\n""" % exitCode
114                if out:
115                    report += """Standard Output:\n--\n%s--""" % out
116                if err:
117                    report += """Standard Error:\n--\n%s--""" % err
118                report += "\n\nExpected compilation to fail!"
119                return lit.Test.FAIL, report
120        else:
121            exec_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix="exe", delete=False)
122            exec_path = exec_file.name
123            exec_file.close()
125            try:
126                compile_cmd = [self.cxx_under_test, '-o', exec_path,
127                       source_path] + self.cpp_flags + self.ld_flags
128                cmd = compile_cmd
129                out, err, exitCode = self.execute_command(cmd)
130                if exitCode != 0:
131                    report = """Command: %s\n""" % ' '.join(["'%s'" % a
132                                                             for a in cmd])
133                    report += """Exit Code: %d\n""" % exitCode
134                    if out:
135                        report += """Standard Output:\n--\n%s--""" % out
136                    if err:
137                        report += """Standard Error:\n--\n%s--""" % err
138                    report += "\n\nCompilation failed unexpectedly!"
139                    return lit.Test.FAIL, report
141                cmd = []
142                if self.exec_env:
143                    cmd.append('env')
144                    cmd.extend('%s=%s' % (name, value)
145                               for name,value in self.exec_env.items())
146                cmd.append(exec_path)
147                if lit_config.useValgrind:
148                    cmd = lit_config.valgrindArgs + cmd
149                out, err, exitCode = self.execute_command(cmd, source_dir)
150                if exitCode != 0:
151                    report = """Compiled With: %s\n""" % \
152                        ' '.join(["'%s'" % a for a in compile_cmd])
153                    report += """Command: %s\n""" % \
154                        ' '.join(["'%s'" % a for a in cmd])
155                    report += """Exit Code: %d\n""" % exitCode
156                    if out:
157                        report += """Standard Output:\n--\n%s--""" % out
158                    if err:
159                        report += """Standard Error:\n--\n%s--""" % err
160                    report += "\n\nCompiled test failed unexpectedly!"
161                    return lit.Test.FAIL, report
162            finally:
163                try:
164                    os.remove(exec_path)
165                except:
166                    pass
167        return lit.Test.PASS, ""
169# name: The name of this test suite.
170config.name = 'libc++'
172# suffixes: A list of file extensions to treat as test files.
173config.suffixes = ['.cpp']
175# test_source_root: The root path where tests are located.
176config.test_source_root = os.path.dirname(__file__)
178# Gather various compiler parameters.
179cxx_under_test = lit_config.params.get('cxx_under_test', None)
180if cxx_under_test is None:
181    cxx_under_test = getattr(config, 'cxx_under_test', None)
183    # If no specific cxx_under_test was given, attempt to infer it as clang++.
184    if cxx_under_test is None:
185        clangxx = lit.util.which('clang++', config.environment['PATH'])
186        if clangxx is not None:
187            cxx_under_test = clangxx
188    lit_config.note("inferred cxx_under_test as: %r" % (cxx_under_test,))
189if cxx_under_test is None:
190    lit_config.fatal('must specify user parameter cxx_under_test '
191                     '(e.g., --param=cxx_under_test=clang++)')
193libcxx_src_root = lit_config.params.get('libcxx_src_root', None)
194if libcxx_src_root is None:
195    libcxx_src_root = getattr(config, 'libcxx_src_root', None)
196    if libcxx_src_root is None:
197        libcxx_src_root = os.path.dirname(config.test_source_root)
199libcxx_obj_root = lit_config.params.get('libcxx_obj_root', None)
200if libcxx_obj_root is None:
201    libcxx_obj_root = getattr(config, 'libcxx_obj_root', None)
202    if libcxx_obj_root is None:
203        libcxx_obj_root = libcxx_src_root
205cxx_has_stdcxx0x_flag_str = lit_config.params.get('cxx_has_stdcxx0x_flag', None)
206if cxx_has_stdcxx0x_flag_str is not None:
207    if cxx_has_stdcxx0x_flag_str.lower() in ('1', 'true'):
208        cxx_has_stdcxx0x_flag = True
209    elif cxx_has_stdcxx0x_flag_str.lower() in ('', '0', 'false'):
210        cxx_has_stdcxx0x_flag = False
211    else:
212        lit_config.fatal(
213            'user parameter cxx_has_stdcxx0x_flag_str should be 0 or 1')
215    cxx_has_stdcxx0x_flag = getattr(config, 'cxx_has_stdcxx0x_flag', True)
217# This test suite supports testing against either the system library or the
218# locally built one; the former mode is useful for testing ABI compatibility
219# between the current headers and a shipping dynamic library.
220use_system_lib_str = lit_config.params.get('use_system_lib', None)
221if use_system_lib_str is not None:
222    if use_system_lib_str.lower() in ('1', 'true'):
223        use_system_lib = True
224    elif use_system_lib_str.lower() in ('', '0', 'false'):
225        use_system_lib = False
226    else:
227        lit_config.fatal('user parameter use_system_lib should be 0 or 1')
229    # Default to testing against the locally built libc++ library.
230    use_system_lib = False
231    lit_config.note("inferred use_system_lib as: %r" % (use_system_lib,))
233link_flags = []
234link_flags_str = lit_config.params.get('link_flags', None)
235if link_flags_str is None:
236    link_flags_str = getattr(config, 'link_flags', None)
237    if link_flags_str is None:
238      cxx_abi = getattr(config, 'cxx_abi', 'libcxxabi')
239      if cxx_abi == 'libstdc++':
240        link_flags += ['-lstdc++']
241      elif cxx_abi == 'libsupc++':
242        link_flags += ['-lsupc++']
243      elif cxx_abi == 'libcxxabi':
244        link_flags += ['-lc++abi']
245      elif cxx_abi == 'none':
246        pass
247      else:
248        lit_config.fatal('C++ ABI setting %s unsupported for tests' % cxx_abi)
250      if sys.platform == 'darwin':
251        link_flags += ['-lSystem']
252      elif sys.platform == 'linux2':
253        link_flags += [ '-lgcc_eh', '-lc', '-lm', '-lpthread',
254              '-lrt', '-lgcc_s']
255      else:
256        lit_config.fatal("unrecognized system")
258      lit_config.note("inferred link_flags as: %r" % (link_flags,))
259if not link_flags_str is None:
260    link_flags += shlex.split(link_flags_str)
262# Configure extra compiler flags.
263include_paths = ['-I' + libcxx_src_root + '/include',
264    '-I' + libcxx_src_root + '/test/support']
265library_paths = ['-L' + libcxx_obj_root + '/lib']
266compile_flags = []
267if cxx_has_stdcxx0x_flag:
268    compile_flags += ['-std=c++0x']
270# Configure extra linker parameters.
271exec_env = {}
272if sys.platform == 'darwin':
273    if not use_system_lib:
274        exec_env['DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = os.path.join(libcxx_obj_root, 'lib')
275elif sys.platform == 'linux2':
276    if not use_system_lib:
277        link_flags += ['-Wl,-R', libcxx_obj_root + '/lib']
278    compile_flags += ['-D__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS', '-D__STDC_LIMIT_MACROS',
279        '-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS']
281    lit_config.fatal("unrecognized system")
283config.test_format = LibcxxTestFormat(
284    cxx_under_test,
285    cpp_flags = ['-nostdinc++'] + compile_flags + include_paths,
286    ld_flags = ['-nodefaultlibs'] + library_paths + ['-lc++'] + link_flags,
287    exec_env = exec_env)
289# Get or infer the target triple.
290config.target_triple = lit_config.params.get('target_triple', None)
291# If no target triple was given, try to infer it from the compiler under test.
292if config.target_triple is None:
293    config.target_triple = lit.util.capture(
294        [cxx_under_test, '-dumpmachine']).strip()
295    lit_config.note("inferred target_triple as: %r" % (config.target_triple,))
297# Write an "available feature" that combines the triple when use_system_lib is
298# enabled. This is so that we can easily write XFAIL markers for tests that are
299# known to fail with versions of libc++ as were shipped with a particular
300# triple.
301if use_system_lib:
302    # Drop sub-major version components from the triple, because the current
303    # XFAIL handling expects exact matches for feature checks.
304    sanitized_triple = re.sub(r"([^-]+)-([^-]+)-([^-.]+).*", r"\1-\2-\3",
305                              config.target_triple)
306    config.available_features.add('with_system_lib=%s' % (sanitized_triple,))