2 * \file sendtr.c
3 * Example program to send a music track to a device.
4 * This program is derived from the exact equivalent in libnjb.
5 * based on Enrique Jorreto Ledesma's work on the original program by
6 * Shaun Jackman and Linus Walleij.
7 *
8 * Copyright (C) 2003-2009 Linus Walleij <triad@df.lth.se>
9 * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Shaun Jackman
10 * Copyright (C) 2003-2005 Enrique Jorrete Ledesma
11 * Copyright (C) 2006 Chris A. Debenham <chris@adebenham.com>
12 * Copyright (C) 2008 Nicolas Pennequin <nicolas.pennequin@free.fr>
13 * Copyright (C) 2008 Joseph Nahmias <joe@nahmias.net>
14 *
15 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
16 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
17 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
18 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
19 *
20 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
21 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
23 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
24 *
25 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
26 * License along with this library; if not, write to the
27 * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
28 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
29 */
31#include "config.h"
32#include "common.h"
33#include "util.h"
34#include <stdlib.h>
35#include <limits.h>
36#include <string.h>
37#include <libgen.h>
38#include <sys/stat.h>
39#include <sys/types.h>
40#include <fcntl.h>
42#include <langinfo.h>
44#include "libmtp.h"
45#include "pathutils.h"
47extern LIBMTP_folder_t *folders;
48extern LIBMTP_file_t *files;
49extern LIBMTP_mtpdevice_t *device;
51int sendtrack_function (char *, char *, char *, char *, char *, char *, char *, char *, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint16_t, uint32_t);
52void sendtrack_command (int, char **);
53void sendtrack_usage (void);
55void sendtrack_usage (void)
57  fprintf(stderr, "usage: sendtr [ -D debuglvl ] [ -q ]\n");
58  fprintf(stderr, "-t <title> -a <artist> -A <Album artist> -w <writer or composer>\n");
59  fprintf(stderr, "    -l <album> -c <codec> -g <genre> -n <track number> -y <year>\n");
60  fprintf(stderr, "       -d <duration in seconds> -s <storage_id> <local path> <remote path>\n");
61  fprintf(stderr, "(-q means the program will not ask for missing information.)\n");
64static char *prompt (const char *prompt, char *buffer, size_t bufsz, int required)
66  char *cp, *bp;
68  while (1) {
69    fprintf(stdout, "%s> ", prompt);
70    if ( fgets(buffer, bufsz, stdin) == NULL ) {
71      if (ferror(stdin)) {
72	perror("fgets");
73      } else {
74	fprintf(stderr, "EOF on stdin\n");
75      }
76      return NULL;
77    }
79    cp = strrchr(buffer, '\n');
80    if ( cp != NULL ) *cp = '\0';
82    bp = buffer;
83    while ( bp != cp ) {
84      if ( *bp != ' ' && *bp != '\t' ) return bp;
85      bp++;
86    }
88    if (! required) return bp;
89  }
92static int add_track_to_album(LIBMTP_album_t *albuminfo, LIBMTP_track_t *trackmeta)
94  LIBMTP_album_t *album;
95  LIBMTP_album_t *found_album = NULL;
96  int ret;
98  /* Look for the album */
99  album = LIBMTP_Get_Album_List(device);
100  while(album != NULL) {
101    if ((album->name != NULL &&
102	album->artist != NULL &&
103	!strcmp(album->name, albuminfo->name) &&
104	!strcmp(album->artist, albuminfo->artist)) ||
105	  (album->name != NULL &&
106	album->composer != NULL &&
107	!strcmp(album->name, albuminfo->name) &&
108	!strcmp(album->composer, albuminfo->composer))) {
109      /* Disconnect this album for later use */
110      found_album = album;
111      album = album->next;
112      found_album->next = NULL;
113    } else {
114      LIBMTP_album_t *tmp;
116      tmp = album;
117      album = album->next;
118      LIBMTP_destroy_album_t(tmp);
119    }
120  }
122  if (found_album != NULL) {
123    uint32_t *tracks;
125    tracks = (uint32_t *)malloc((found_album->no_tracks+1) * sizeof(uint32_t));
126    printf("Album \"%s\" found: updating...\n", found_album->name);
127    if (!tracks) {
128      printf("failed malloc in add_track_to_album()\n");
129      return 1;
130    }
131    found_album->no_tracks++;
132    if (found_album->tracks != NULL) {
133      memcpy(tracks, found_album->tracks, found_album->no_tracks * sizeof(uint32_t));
134      free(found_album->tracks);
135    }
136    tracks[found_album->no_tracks-1] = trackmeta->item_id;
137    found_album->tracks = tracks;
138    ret = LIBMTP_Update_Album(device, found_album);
139    LIBMTP_destroy_album_t(found_album);
140  } else {
141    uint32_t *trackid;
143    trackid = (uint32_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint32_t));
144    *trackid = trackmeta->item_id;
145    albuminfo->tracks = trackid;
146    albuminfo->no_tracks = 1;
147    albuminfo->storage_id = trackmeta->storage_id;
148    printf("Album doesn't exist: creating...\n");
149    ret = LIBMTP_Create_New_Album(device, albuminfo);
150    /* albuminfo will be destroyed later by caller */
151  }
153  if (ret != 0) {
154    printf("Error creating or updating album.\n");
155    printf("(This could be due to that your device does not support albums.)\n");
156    LIBMTP_Dump_Errorstack(device);
157    LIBMTP_Clear_Errorstack(device);
158  } else {
159    printf("success!\n");
160  }
161  return ret;
164int sendtrack_function(char * from_path, char * to_path, char *partist, char *palbumartist, char *ptitle, char *pgenre, char *palbum, char *pcomposer, uint16_t tracknum, uint16_t length, uint16_t year, uint32_t storageid)
166  char *filename, *parent;
167  char artist[80], albumartist[80], title[80], genre[80], album[80], composer[80];
168  char num[80];
169  uint64_t filesize;
170  uint32_t parent_id = 0;
171  struct stat sb;
172  LIBMTP_track_t *trackmeta;
173  LIBMTP_album_t *albuminfo;
174  int ret;
176  printf("Sending track %s to %s\n",from_path,to_path);
178  trackmeta = LIBMTP_new_track_t();
179  albuminfo = LIBMTP_new_album_t();
181  parent = dirname(strdup(to_path));
182  filename = basename(strdup(to_path));
183  parent_id = parse_path (parent,files,folders);
184  if (parent_id == -1) {
185    printf("Parent folder could not be found, skipping\n");
186    return 1;
187  }
189  if ( stat(from_path, &sb) == -1 ) {
190    fprintf(stderr, "%s: ", from_path);
191    perror("stat");
192    return 1;
193  } else if (S_ISREG (sb.st_mode)) {
194    filesize = sb.st_size;
195    trackmeta->filetype = find_filetype (from_path);
196    if (!LIBMTP_FILETYPE_IS_TRACK(trackmeta->filetype)) {
197      printf("Not a valid track codec: \"%s\"\n", LIBMTP_Get_Filetype_Description(trackmeta->filetype));
198      return 1;
199    }
201    if (ptitle == NULL) {
202      ptitle = prompt("Title", title, 80, 0);
203    }
204    if (!strlen(ptitle))
205      ptitle = NULL;
207    if (palbum == NULL) {
208      palbum = prompt("Album", album, 80, 0);
209    }
210    if (!strlen(palbum))
211      palbum = NULL;
213    if (palbumartist == NULL) {
214      palbumartist = prompt("Album artist", albumartist, 80, 0);
215    }
216    if (partist == NULL) {
217      partist = prompt("Artist", artist, 80, 0);
218    }
219    if (!strlen(partist))
220      partist = NULL;
222    if (pcomposer == NULL) {
223      pcomposer = prompt("Writer or Composer", composer, 80, 0);
224    }
225    if (!strlen(pcomposer))
226      pcomposer = NULL;
228    if (pgenre == NULL) {
229      pgenre = prompt("Genre", genre, 80, 0);
230    }
231    if (!strlen(pgenre))
232      pgenre = NULL;
234    if (tracknum == 0) {
235      char *pnum;
236      if ( (pnum = prompt("Track number", num, 80, 0)) == NULL )
237      tracknum = 0;
238      if ( strlen(pnum) ) {
239        tracknum = strtoul(pnum, 0, 10);
240      } else {
241        tracknum = 0;
242      }
243    }
245    if (year == 0) {
246      char *pnum;
247      if ( (pnum = prompt("Year", num, 80, 0)) == NULL )
248        year = 0;
249      if ( strlen(pnum) ) {
250        year = strtoul(pnum, 0, 10);
251      } else {
252        year = 0;
253      }
254    }
256    if (length == 0) {
257      char *pnum;
258      if ( (pnum = prompt("Length", num, 80, 0)) == NULL )
259        length = 0;
260      if ( strlen(pnum) ) {
261        length = strtoul(pnum, 0, 10);
262      } else {
263        length = 0;
264      }
265    }
267    printf("Sending track:\n");
268    printf("Codec:     %s\n", LIBMTP_Get_Filetype_Description(trackmeta->filetype));
269    if (ptitle) {
270      printf("Title:     %s\n", ptitle);
271      trackmeta->title = strdup(ptitle);
272    }
273    if (palbum) {
274      printf("Album:     %s\n", palbum);
275      trackmeta->album = strdup(palbum);
276      albuminfo->name = strdup(palbum);
277    }
278    if (palbumartist) {
279      printf("Album artist:    %s\n", palbumartist);
280      albuminfo->artist = strdup(palbumartist);
281    }
282    if (partist) {
283      printf("Artist:    %s\n", partist);
284      trackmeta->artist = strdup(partist);
285      if (palbumartist == NULL)
286      albuminfo->artist = strdup(partist);
287    }
289    if (pcomposer) {
290      printf("Writer or Composer:    %s\n", pcomposer);
291      trackmeta->composer = strdup(pcomposer);
292      albuminfo->composer = strdup(pcomposer);
293    }
294    if (pgenre) {
295      printf("Genre:     %s\n", pgenre);
296      trackmeta->genre = strdup(pgenre);
297      albuminfo->genre = strdup(pgenre);
298    }
299    if (year > 0) {
300      char tmp[80];
301      printf("Year:      %d\n", year);
302      snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp)-1, "%4d0101T0000.0", year);
303      tmp[sizeof(tmp)-1] = '\0';
304      trackmeta->date = strdup(tmp);
305    }
306    if (tracknum > 0) {
307      printf("Track no:  %d\n", tracknum);
308      trackmeta->tracknumber = tracknum;
309    }
310    if (length > 0) {
311      printf("Length:    %d\n", length);
312      // Multiply by 1000 since this is in milliseconds
313      trackmeta->duration = length * 1000;
314    }
315    // We should always have this
316    if (filename != NULL) {
317      trackmeta->filename = strdup(filename);
318    }
319    trackmeta->filesize = filesize;
320    trackmeta->parent_id = parent_id;
321    {
322        int rc;
323        char *desc = NULL;
324        LIBMTP_devicestorage_t *pds = NULL;
326        if ( 0 != (rc=LIBMTP_Get_Storage(device, LIBMTP_STORAGE_SORTBY_NOTSORTED)) )
327        {
328            perror("LIBMTP_Get_Storage()");
329            exit(-1);
330        }
331        for (pds = device->storage; pds != NULL; pds = pds->next)
332        {
333            if (pds->id == storageid)
334            {
335                desc = strdup(pds->StorageDescription);
336                break;
337            }
338        }
339        if (NULL != desc)
340        {
341            printf("Storage ID: %s (%u)\n", desc, storageid);
342            free(desc);
343        }
344        else
345            printf("Storage ID: %u\n", storageid);
346        trackmeta->storage_id = storageid;
347    }
349    printf("Sending track...\n");
350    ret = LIBMTP_Send_Track_From_File(device, from_path, trackmeta, progress, NULL);
351    printf("\n");
352    if (ret != 0) {
353      printf("Error sending track.\n");
354      LIBMTP_Dump_Errorstack(device);
355      LIBMTP_Clear_Errorstack(device);
356    } else {
357      printf("New track ID: %d\n", trackmeta->item_id);
358    }
360    /* Add here add to album call */
361    if (palbum)
362      ret = add_track_to_album(albuminfo, trackmeta);
364    LIBMTP_destroy_album_t(albuminfo);
365    LIBMTP_destroy_track_t(trackmeta);
367    return 0;
368  }
369  return 0;
372void sendtrack_command (int argc, char **argv) {
373  int opt;
374  extern int optind;
375  extern char *optarg;
376  char *partist = NULL;
377  char *palbumartist = NULL;
378  char *pcomposer = NULL;
379  char *ptitle = NULL;
380  char *pgenre = NULL;
381  char *pcodec = NULL;
382  char *palbum = NULL;
383  uint16_t tracknum = 0;
384  uint16_t length = 0;
385  uint16_t year = 0;
386  uint16_t quiet = 0;
387  uint32_t storageid = 0;
388  while ( (opt = getopt(argc, argv, "qD:t:a:A:w:l:c:g:n:d:y:s:")) != -1 ) {
389    switch (opt) {
390    case 't':
391      ptitle = strdup(optarg);
392      break;
393    case 'a':
394      partist = strdup(optarg);
395      break;
396    case 'A':
397      palbumartist = strdup(optarg);
398      break;
399    case 'w':
400      pcomposer = strdup(optarg);
401      break;
402    case 'l':
403      palbum = strdup(optarg);
404      break;
405    case 'c':
406      pcodec = strdup(optarg); // FIXME: DSM check for MP3, WAV or WMA
407      break;
408    case 'g':
409      pgenre = strdup(optarg);
410      break;
411    case 'n':
412      tracknum = atoi(optarg);
413      break;
414    case 's':
415      storageid = (uint32_t) strtoul(optarg, NULL, 0);
416      break;
417    case 'd':
418      length = atoi(optarg);
419      break;
420    case 'y':
421      year = atoi(optarg);
422      break;
423    case 'q':
424      quiet = 1;
425      break;
426    default:
427      sendtrack_usage();
428    }
429  }
430  argc -= optind;
431  argv += optind;
433  if ( argc != 2 ) {
434    printf("You need to pass a filename and destination.\n");
435    sendtrack_usage();
436    return;
437  }
439  checklang();
441  printf("%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%d%d,%d,%u\n",argv[0],argv[1],partist,palbumartist,ptitle,pgenre,palbum,pcomposer,tracknum, length, year, storageid);
442  sendtrack_function(argv[0],argv[1],partist,palbumartist,ptitle,pgenre,palbum,pcomposer, tracknum, length, year, storageid);