Module.h revision a807ceef5dad2b24e5bae5c5a193ff03aa7ec8d9
1//===-- Module.h ------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10#ifndef liblldb_Module_h_
11#define liblldb_Module_h_
13#include "lldb/Core/ArchSpec.h"
14#include "lldb/Core/UUID.h"
15#include "lldb/Host/FileSpec.h"
16#include "lldb/Host/Mutex.h"
17#include "lldb/Host/TimeValue.h"
18#include "lldb/Symbol/ClangASTContext.h"
19#include "lldb/Symbol/SymbolContextScope.h"
20#include "lldb/Target/PathMappingList.h"
22namespace lldb_private {
25/// @class Module Module.h "lldb/Core/Module.h"
26/// @brief A class that describes an executable image and its associated
27///        object and symbol files.
29/// The module is designed to be able to select a single slice of an
30/// executable image as it would appear on disk and during program
31/// execution.
33/// Modules control when and if information is parsed according to which
34/// accessors are called. For example the object file (ObjectFile)
35/// representation will only be parsed if the object file is requested
36/// using the Module::GetObjectFile() is called. The debug symbols
37/// will only be parsed if the symbol vendor (SymbolVendor) is
38/// requested using the Module::GetSymbolVendor() is called.
40/// The module will parse more detailed information as more queries are
41/// made.
43class Module :
44    public std::enable_shared_from_this<Module>,
45    public SymbolContextScope
48	// Static functions that can track the lifetime of module objects.
49	// This is handy because we might have Module objects that are in
50	// shared pointers that aren't in the global module list (from
51	// ModuleList). If this is the case we need to know about it.
52    // The modules in the global list maintained by these functions
53    // can be viewed using the "target modules list" command using the
54    // "--global" (-g for short).
55    static size_t
56    GetNumberAllocatedModules ();
58    static Module *
59    GetAllocatedModuleAtIndex (size_t idx);
61    static Mutex *
62    GetAllocationModuleCollectionMutex();
64    //------------------------------------------------------------------
65    /// Construct with file specification and architecture.
66    ///
67    /// Clients that wish to share modules with other targets should
68    /// use ModuleList::GetSharedModule().
69    ///
70    /// @param[in] file_spec
71    ///     The file specification for the on disk repesentation of
72    ///     this executable image.
73    ///
74    /// @param[in] arch
75    ///     The architecture to set as the current architecture in
76    ///     this module.
77    ///
78    /// @param[in] object_name
79    ///     The name of an object in a module used to extract a module
80    ///     within a module (.a files and modules that contain multiple
81    ///     architectures).
82    ///
83    /// @param[in] object_offset
84    ///     The offset within an existing module used to extract a
85    ///     module within a module (.a files and modules that contain
86    ///     multiple architectures).
87    //------------------------------------------------------------------
88    Module (const FileSpec& file_spec,
89            const ArchSpec& arch,
90            const ConstString *object_name = NULL,
91            off_t object_offset = 0,
92            const TimeValue *object_mod_time_ptr = NULL);
94    Module (const ModuleSpec &module_spec);
95    //------------------------------------------------------------------
96    /// Destructor.
97    //------------------------------------------------------------------
98    virtual
99    ~Module ();
101    bool
102    MatchesModuleSpec (const ModuleSpec &module_ref);
104    //------------------------------------------------------------------
105    /// Set the load address for all sections in a module to be the
106    /// file address plus \a slide.
107    ///
108    /// Many times a module will be loaded in a target with a constant
109    /// offset applied to all top level sections. This function can
110    /// set the load address for all top level sections to be the
111    /// section file address + offset.
112    ///
113    /// @param[in] target
114    ///     The target in which to apply the section load addresses.
115    ///
116    /// @param[in] offset
117    ///     The offset to apply to all file addresses for all top
118    ///     level sections in the object file as each section load
119    ///     address is being set.
120    ///
121    /// @param[out] changed
122    ///     If any section load addresses were changed in \a target,
123    ///     then \a changed will be set to \b true. Else \a changed
124    ///     will be set to false. This allows this function to be
125    ///     called multiple times on the same module for the same
126    ///     target. If the module hasn't moved, then \a changed will
127    ///     be false and no module updated notification will need to
128    ///     be sent out.
129    ///
130    /// @return
131    ///     /b True if any sections were successfully loaded in \a target,
132    ///     /b false otherwise.
133    //------------------------------------------------------------------
134    bool
135    SetLoadAddress (Target &target,
136                    lldb::addr_t offset,
137                    bool &changed);
139    //------------------------------------------------------------------
140    /// @copydoc SymbolContextScope::CalculateSymbolContext(SymbolContext*)
141    ///
142    /// @see SymbolContextScope
143    //------------------------------------------------------------------
144    virtual void
145    CalculateSymbolContext (SymbolContext* sc);
147    virtual lldb::ModuleSP
148    CalculateSymbolContextModule ();
150    void
151    GetDescription (Stream *s,
152                    lldb::DescriptionLevel level = lldb::eDescriptionLevelFull);
154    //------------------------------------------------------------------
155    /// Get the module path and object name.
156    ///
157    /// Modules can refer to object files. In this case the specification
158    /// is simple and would return the path to the file:
159    ///
160    ///     "/usr/lib/foo.dylib"
161    ///
162    /// Modules can be .o files inside of a BSD archive (.a file). In
163    /// this case, the object specification will look like:
164    ///
165    ///     "/usr/lib/foo.a(bar.o)"
166    ///
167    /// There are many places where logging wants to log this fully
168    /// qualified specification, so we centralize this functionality
169    /// here.
170    ///
171    /// @return
172    ///     The object path + object name if there is one.
173    //------------------------------------------------------------------
174    std::string
175    GetSpecificationDescription () const;
177    //------------------------------------------------------------------
178    /// Dump a description of this object to a Stream.
179    ///
180    /// Dump a description of the contents of this object to the
181    /// supplied stream \a s. The dumped content will be only what has
182    /// been loaded or parsed up to this point at which this function
183    /// is called, so this is a good way to see what has been parsed
184    /// in a module.
185    ///
186    /// @param[in] s
187    ///     The stream to which to dump the object descripton.
188    //------------------------------------------------------------------
189    void
190    Dump (Stream *s);
192    //------------------------------------------------------------------
193    /// @copydoc SymbolContextScope::DumpSymbolContext(Stream*)
194    ///
195    /// @see SymbolContextScope
196    //------------------------------------------------------------------
197    virtual void
198    DumpSymbolContext (Stream *s);
201    //------------------------------------------------------------------
202    /// Find a symbol in the object file's symbol table.
203    ///
204    /// @param[in] name
205    ///     The name of the symbol that we are looking for.
206    ///
207    /// @param[in] symbol_type
208    ///     If set to eSymbolTypeAny, find a symbol of any type that
209    ///     has a name that matches \a name. If set to any other valid
210    ///     SymbolType enumeration value, then search only for
211    ///     symbols that match \a symbol_type.
212    ///
213    /// @return
214    ///     Returns a valid symbol pointer if a symbol was found,
215    ///     NULL otherwise.
216    //------------------------------------------------------------------
217    const Symbol *
218    FindFirstSymbolWithNameAndType (const ConstString &name,
219                                    lldb::SymbolType symbol_type = lldb::eSymbolTypeAny);
221    size_t
222    FindSymbolsWithNameAndType (const ConstString &name,
223                                lldb::SymbolType symbol_type,
224                                SymbolContextList &sc_list);
226    size_t
227    FindSymbolsMatchingRegExAndType (const RegularExpression &regex,
228                                     lldb::SymbolType symbol_type,
229                                     SymbolContextList &sc_list);
231    //------------------------------------------------------------------
232    /// Find a funciton symbols in the object file's symbol table.
233    ///
234    /// @param[in] name
235    ///     The name of the symbol that we are looking for.
236    ///
237    /// @param[in] name_type_mask
238    ///     A mask that has one or more bitwise OR'ed values from the
239    ///     lldb::FunctionNameType enumeration type that indicate what
240    ///     kind of names we are looking for.
241    ///
242    /// @param[out] sc_list
243    ///     A list to append any matching symbol contexts to.
244    ///
245    /// @return
246    ///     The number of symbol contexts that were added to \a sc_list
247    //------------------------------------------------------------------
248    size_t
249    FindFunctionSymbols (const ConstString &name,
250                         uint32_t name_type_mask,
251                         SymbolContextList& sc_list);
253    //------------------------------------------------------------------
254    /// Find compile units by partial or full path.
255    ///
256    /// Finds all compile units that match \a path in all of the modules
257    /// and returns the results in \a sc_list.
258    ///
259    /// @param[in] path
260    ///     The name of the function we are looking for.
261    ///
262    /// @param[in] append
263    ///     If \b true, then append any compile units that were found
264    ///     to \a sc_list. If \b false, then the \a sc_list is cleared
265    ///     and the contents of \a sc_list are replaced.
266    ///
267    /// @param[out] sc_list
268    ///     A symbol context list that gets filled in with all of the
269    ///     matches.
270    ///
271    /// @return
272    ///     The number of matches added to \a sc_list.
273    //------------------------------------------------------------------
274    size_t
275    FindCompileUnits (const FileSpec &path,
276                      bool append,
277                      SymbolContextList &sc_list);
280    //------------------------------------------------------------------
281    /// Find functions by name.
282    ///
283    /// If the function is an inlined function, it will have a block,
284    /// representing the inlined function, and the function will be the
285    /// containing function.  If it is not inlined, then the block will
286    /// be NULL.
287    ///
288    /// @param[in] name
289    ///     The name of the compile unit we are looking for.
290    ///
291    /// @param[in] namespace_decl
292    ///     If valid, a namespace to search in.
293    ///
294    /// @param[in] name_type_mask
295    ///     A bit mask of bits that indicate what kind of names should
296    ///     be used when doing the lookup. Bits include fully qualified
297    ///     names, base names, C++ methods, or ObjC selectors.
298    ///     See FunctionNameType for more details.
299    ///
300    /// @param[in] append
301    ///     If \b true, any matches will be appended to \a sc_list, else
302    ///     matches replace the contents of \a sc_list.
303    ///
304    /// @param[out] sc_list
305    ///     A symbol context list that gets filled in with all of the
306    ///     matches.
307    ///
308    /// @return
309    ///     The number of matches added to \a sc_list.
310    //------------------------------------------------------------------
311    size_t
312    FindFunctions (const ConstString &name,
313                   const ClangNamespaceDecl *namespace_decl,
314                   uint32_t name_type_mask,
315                   bool symbols_ok,
316                   bool inlines_ok,
317                   bool append,
318                   SymbolContextList& sc_list);
320    //------------------------------------------------------------------
321    /// Find functions by name.
322    ///
323    /// If the function is an inlined function, it will have a block,
324    /// representing the inlined function, and the function will be the
325    /// containing function.  If it is not inlined, then the block will
326    /// be NULL.
327    ///
328    /// @param[in] regex
329    ///     A regular expression to use when matching the name.
330    ///
331    /// @param[in] append
332    ///     If \b true, any matches will be appended to \a sc_list, else
333    ///     matches replace the contents of \a sc_list.
334    ///
335    /// @param[out] sc_list
336    ///     A symbol context list that gets filled in with all of the
337    ///     matches.
338    ///
339    /// @return
340    ///     The number of matches added to \a sc_list.
341    //------------------------------------------------------------------
342    size_t
343    FindFunctions (const RegularExpression& regex,
344                   bool symbols_ok,
345                   bool inlines_ok,
346                   bool append,
347                   SymbolContextList& sc_list);
349    //------------------------------------------------------------------
350    /// Find global and static variables by name.
351    ///
352    /// @param[in] name
353    ///     The name of the global or static variable we are looking
354    ///     for.
355    ///
356    /// @param[in] namespace_decl
357    ///     If valid, a namespace to search in.
358    ///
359    /// @param[in] append
360    ///     If \b true, any matches will be appended to \a
361    ///     variable_list, else matches replace the contents of
362    ///     \a variable_list.
363    ///
364    /// @param[in] max_matches
365    ///     Allow the number of matches to be limited to \a
366    ///     max_matches. Specify UINT32_MAX to get all possible matches.
367    ///
368    /// @param[in] variable_list
369    ///     A list of variables that gets the matches appended to (if
370    ///     \a append it \b true), or replace (if \a append is \b false).
371    ///
372    /// @return
373    ///     The number of matches added to \a variable_list.
374    //------------------------------------------------------------------
375    size_t
376    FindGlobalVariables (const ConstString &name,
377                         const ClangNamespaceDecl *namespace_decl,
378                         bool append,
379                         size_t max_matches,
380                         VariableList& variable_list);
382    //------------------------------------------------------------------
383    /// Find global and static variables by regular exression.
384    ///
385    /// @param[in] regex
386    ///     A regular expression to use when matching the name.
387    ///
388    /// @param[in] append
389    ///     If \b true, any matches will be appended to \a
390    ///     variable_list, else matches replace the contents of
391    ///     \a variable_list.
392    ///
393    /// @param[in] max_matches
394    ///     Allow the number of matches to be limited to \a
395    ///     max_matches. Specify UINT32_MAX to get all possible matches.
396    ///
397    /// @param[in] variable_list
398    ///     A list of variables that gets the matches appended to (if
399    ///     \a append it \b true), or replace (if \a append is \b false).
400    ///
401    /// @return
402    ///     The number of matches added to \a variable_list.
403    //------------------------------------------------------------------
404    size_t
405    FindGlobalVariables (const RegularExpression& regex,
406                         bool append,
407                         size_t max_matches,
408                         VariableList& variable_list);
410    //------------------------------------------------------------------
411    /// Find types by name.
412    ///
413    /// Type lookups in modules go through the SymbolVendor (which will
414    /// use one or more SymbolFile subclasses). The SymbolFile needs to
415    /// be able to lookup types by basename and not the fully qualified
416    /// typename. This allows the type accelerator tables to stay small,
417    /// even with heavily templatized C++. The type search will then
418    /// narrow down the search results. If "exact_match" is true, then
419    /// the type search will only match exact type name matches. If
420    /// "exact_match" is false, the type will match as long as the base
421    /// typename matches and as long as any immediate containing
422    /// namespaces/class scopes that are specified match. So to search
423    /// for a type "d" in "b::c", the name "b::c::d" can be specified
424    /// and it will match any class/namespace "b" which contains a
425    /// class/namespace "c" which contains type "d". We do this to
426    /// allow users to not always have to specify complete scoping on
427    /// all expressions, but it also allows for exact matching when
428    /// required.
429    ///
430    /// @param[in] sc
431    ///     A symbol context that scopes where to extract a type list
432    ///     from.
433    ///
434    /// @param[in] type_name
435    ///     The name of the type we are looking for that is a fully
436    ///     or partially qualfieid type name.
437    ///
438    /// @param[in] exact_match
439    ///     If \b true, \a type_name is fully qualifed and must match
440    ///     exactly. If \b false, \a type_name is a partially qualfied
441    ///     name where the leading namespaces or classes can be
442    ///     omitted to make finding types that a user may type
443    ///     easier.
444    ///
445    /// @param[out] type_list
446    ///     A type list gets populated with any matches.
447    ///
448    /// @return
449    ///     The number of matches added to \a type_list.
450    //------------------------------------------------------------------
451    size_t
452    FindTypes (const SymbolContext& sc,
453               const ConstString &type_name,
454               bool exact_match,
455               size_t max_matches,
456               TypeList& types);
458    lldb::TypeSP
459    FindFirstType (const SymbolContext& sc,
460                   const ConstString &type_name,
461                   bool exact_match);
463    //------------------------------------------------------------------
464    /// Find types by name that are in a namespace. This function is
465    /// used by the expression parser when searches need to happen in
466    /// an exact namespace scope.
467    ///
468    /// @param[in] sc
469    ///     A symbol context that scopes where to extract a type list
470    ///     from.
471    ///
472    /// @param[in] type_name
473    ///     The name of a type within a namespace that should not include
474    ///     any qualifying namespaces (just a type basename).
475    ///
476    /// @param[in] namespace_decl
477    ///     The namespace declaration that this type must exist in.
478    ///
479    /// @param[out] type_list
480    ///     A type list gets populated with any matches.
481    ///
482    /// @return
483    ///     The number of matches added to \a type_list.
484    //------------------------------------------------------------------
485    size_t
486    FindTypesInNamespace (const SymbolContext& sc,
487                          const ConstString &type_name,
488                          const ClangNamespaceDecl *namespace_decl,
489                          size_t max_matches,
490                          TypeList& type_list);
492    //------------------------------------------------------------------
493    /// Get const accessor for the module architecture.
494    ///
495    /// @return
496    ///     A const reference to the architecture object.
497    //------------------------------------------------------------------
498    const ArchSpec&
499    GetArchitecture () const;
501    //------------------------------------------------------------------
502    /// Get const accessor for the module file specification.
503    ///
504    /// This function returns the file for the module on the host system
505    /// that is running LLDB. This can differ from the path on the
506    /// platform since we might be doing remote debugging.
507    ///
508    /// @return
509    ///     A const reference to the file specification object.
510    //------------------------------------------------------------------
511    const FileSpec &
512    GetFileSpec () const
513    {
514        return m_file;
515    }
517    //------------------------------------------------------------------
518    /// Get accessor for the module platform file specification.
519    ///
520    /// Platform file refers to the path of the module as it is known on
521    /// the remote system on which it is being debugged. For local
522    /// debugging this is always the same as Module::GetFileSpec(). But
523    /// remote debugging might mention a file "/usr/lib/liba.dylib"
524    /// which might be locally downloaded and cached. In this case the
525    /// platform file could be something like:
526    /// "/tmp/lldb/platform-cache/"
527    /// The file could also be cached in a local developer kit directory.
528    ///
529    /// @return
530    ///     A const reference to the file specification object.
531    //------------------------------------------------------------------
532    const FileSpec &
533    GetPlatformFileSpec () const
534    {
535        if (m_platform_file)
536            return m_platform_file;
537        return m_file;
538    }
540    void
541    SetPlatformFileSpec (const FileSpec &file)
542    {
543        m_platform_file = file;
544    }
546    const FileSpec &
547    GetSymbolFileFileSpec () const
548    {
549        return m_symfile_spec;
550    }
552    void
553    SetSymbolFileFileSpec (const FileSpec &file);
555    const TimeValue &
556    GetModificationTime () const
557    {
558        return m_mod_time;
559    }
561    const TimeValue &
562    GetObjectModificationTime () const
563    {
564        return m_object_mod_time;
565    }
567    void
568    SetObjectModificationTime (const TimeValue &mod_time)
569    {
570        m_mod_time = mod_time;
571    }
573    //------------------------------------------------------------------
574    /// Tells whether this module is capable of being the main executable
575    /// for a process.
576    ///
577    /// @return
578    ///     \b true if it is, \b false otherwise.
579    //------------------------------------------------------------------
580    bool
581    IsExecutable ();
583    //------------------------------------------------------------------
584    /// Tells whether this module has been loaded in the target passed in.
585    /// This call doesn't distinguish between whether the module is loaded
586    /// by the dynamic loader, or by a "target module add" type call.
587    ///
588    /// @param[in] target
589    ///    The target to check whether this is loaded in.
590    ///
591    /// @return
592    ///     \b true if it is, \b false otherwise.
593    //------------------------------------------------------------------
594    bool
595    IsLoadedInTarget (Target *target);
597    bool
598    LoadScriptingResourceInTarget (Target *target,
599                                   Error& error,
600                                   Stream* feedback_stream = NULL);
602    //------------------------------------------------------------------
603    /// Get the number of compile units for this module.
604    ///
605    /// @return
606    ///     The number of compile units that the symbol vendor plug-in
607    ///     finds.
608    //------------------------------------------------------------------
609    size_t
610    GetNumCompileUnits();
612    lldb::CompUnitSP
613    GetCompileUnitAtIndex (size_t idx);
615    const ConstString &
616    GetObjectName() const;
618    uint64_t
619    GetObjectOffset() const
620    {
621        return m_object_offset;
622    }
624    //------------------------------------------------------------------
625    /// Get the object file representation for the current architecture.
626    ///
627    /// If the object file has not been located or parsed yet, this
628    /// function will find the best ObjectFile plug-in that can parse
629    /// Module::m_file.
630    ///
631    /// @return
632    ///     If Module::m_file does not exist, or no plug-in was found
633    ///     that can parse the file, or the object file doesn't contain
634    ///     the current architecture in Module::m_arch, NULL will be
635    ///     returned, else a valid object file interface will be
636    ///     returned. The returned pointer is owned by this object and
637    ///     remains valid as long as the object is around.
638    //------------------------------------------------------------------
639    virtual ObjectFile *
640    GetObjectFile ();
642    //------------------------------------------------------------------
643    /// Get the unified section list for the module. This is the section
644    /// list created by the module's object file and any debug info and
645    /// symbol files created by the symbol vendor.
646    ///
647    /// If the symbol vendor has not been loaded yet, this function
648    /// will return the section list for the object file.
649    ///
650    /// @return
651    ///     Unified module section list.
652    //------------------------------------------------------------------
653    virtual SectionList *
654    GetUnifiedSectionList ();
656    uint32_t
657    GetVersion (uint32_t *versions, uint32_t num_versions);
659    // Load an object file from memory.
660    ObjectFile *
661    GetMemoryObjectFile (const lldb::ProcessSP &process_sp,
662                         lldb::addr_t header_addr,
663                         Error &error);
664    //------------------------------------------------------------------
665    /// Get the symbol vendor interface for the current architecture.
666    ///
667    /// If the symbol vendor file has not been located yet, this
668    /// function will find the best SymbolVendor plug-in that can
669    /// use the current object file.
670    ///
671    /// @return
672    ///     If this module does not have a valid object file, or no
673    ///     plug-in can be found that can use the object file, NULL will
674    ///     be returned, else a valid symbol vendor plug-in interface
675    ///     will be returned. The returned pointer is owned by this
676    ///     object and remains valid as long as the object is around.
677    //------------------------------------------------------------------
678    virtual SymbolVendor*
679    GetSymbolVendor(bool can_create = true,
680                    lldb_private::Stream *feedback_strm = NULL);
682    //------------------------------------------------------------------
683    /// Get accessor the type list for this module.
684    ///
685    /// @return
686    ///     A valid type list pointer, or NULL if there is no valid
687    ///     symbol vendor for this module.
688    //------------------------------------------------------------------
689    TypeList*
690    GetTypeList ();
692    //------------------------------------------------------------------
693    /// Get a pointer to the UUID value contained in this object.
694    ///
695    /// If the executable image file doesn't not have a UUID value built
696    /// into the file format, an MD5 checksum of the entire file, or
697    /// slice of the file for the current architecture should be used.
698    ///
699    /// @return
700    ///     A const pointer to the internal copy of the UUID value in
701    ///     this module if this module has a valid UUID value, NULL
702    ///     otherwise.
703    //------------------------------------------------------------------
704    const lldb_private::UUID &
705    GetUUID ();
707    //------------------------------------------------------------------
708    /// A debugging function that will cause everything in a module to
709    /// be parsed.
710    ///
711    /// All compile units will be pasred, along with all globals and
712    /// static variables and all functions for those compile units.
713    /// All types, scopes, local variables, static variables, global
714    /// variables, and line tables will be parsed. This can be used
715    /// prior to dumping a module to see a complete list of the
716    /// resuling debug information that gets parsed, or as a debug
717    /// function to ensure that the module can consume all of the
718    /// debug data the symbol vendor provides.
719    //------------------------------------------------------------------
720    void
721    ParseAllDebugSymbols();
723    bool
724    ResolveFileAddress (lldb::addr_t vm_addr, Address& so_addr);
726    uint32_t
727    ResolveSymbolContextForAddress (const Address& so_addr, uint32_t resolve_scope, SymbolContext& sc);
729    //------------------------------------------------------------------
730    /// Resolve items in the symbol context for a given file and line.
731    ///
732    /// Tries to resolve \a file_path and \a line to a list of matching
733    /// symbol contexts.
734    ///
735    /// The line table entries contains addresses that can be used to
736    /// further resolve the values in each match: the function, block,
737    /// symbol. Care should be taken to minimize the amount of
738    /// information that is requested to only what is needed --
739    /// typically the module, compile unit, line table and line table
740    /// entry are sufficient.
741    ///
742    /// @param[in] file_path
743    ///     A path to a source file to match. If \a file_path does not
744    ///     specify a directory, then this query will match all files
745    ///     whose base filename matches. If \a file_path does specify
746    ///     a directory, the fullpath to the file must match.
747    ///
748    /// @param[in] line
749    ///     The source line to match, or zero if just the compile unit
750    ///     should be resolved.
751    ///
752    /// @param[in] check_inlines
753    ///     Check for inline file and line number matches. This option
754    ///     should be used sparingly as it will cause all line tables
755    ///     for every compile unit to be parsed and searched for
756    ///     matching inline file entries.
757    ///
758    /// @param[in] resolve_scope
759    ///     The scope that should be resolved (see
760    ///     SymbolContext::Scope).
761    ///
762    /// @param[out] sc_list
763    ///     A symbol context list that gets matching symbols contexts
764    ///     appended to.
765    ///
766    /// @return
767    ///     The number of matches that were added to \a sc_list.
768    ///
769    /// @see SymbolContext::Scope
770    //------------------------------------------------------------------
771    uint32_t
772    ResolveSymbolContextForFilePath (const char *file_path, uint32_t line, bool check_inlines, uint32_t resolve_scope, SymbolContextList& sc_list);
774    //------------------------------------------------------------------
775    /// Resolve items in the symbol context for a given file and line.
776    ///
777    /// Tries to resolve \a file_spec and \a line to a list of matching
778    /// symbol contexts.
779    ///
780    /// The line table entries contains addresses that can be used to
781    /// further resolve the values in each match: the function, block,
782    /// symbol. Care should be taken to minimize the amount of
783    /// information that is requested to only what is needed --
784    /// typically the module, compile unit, line table and line table
785    /// entry are sufficient.
786    ///
787    /// @param[in] file_spec
788    ///     A file spec to a source file to match. If \a file_path does
789    ///     not specify a directory, then this query will match all
790    ///     files whose base filename matches. If \a file_path does
791    ///     specify a directory, the fullpath to the file must match.
792    ///
793    /// @param[in] line
794    ///     The source line to match, or zero if just the compile unit
795    ///     should be resolved.
796    ///
797    /// @param[in] check_inlines
798    ///     Check for inline file and line number matches. This option
799    ///     should be used sparingly as it will cause all line tables
800    ///     for every compile unit to be parsed and searched for
801    ///     matching inline file entries.
802    ///
803    /// @param[in] resolve_scope
804    ///     The scope that should be resolved (see
805    ///     SymbolContext::Scope).
806    ///
807    /// @param[out] sc_list
808    ///     A symbol context list that gets filled in with all of the
809    ///     matches.
810    ///
811    /// @return
812    ///     A integer that contains SymbolContext::Scope bits set for
813    ///     each item that was successfully resolved.
814    ///
815    /// @see SymbolContext::Scope
816    //------------------------------------------------------------------
817    uint32_t
818    ResolveSymbolContextsForFileSpec (const FileSpec &file_spec, uint32_t line, bool check_inlines, uint32_t resolve_scope, SymbolContextList& sc_list);
821    void
822    SetFileSpecAndObjectName (const FileSpec &file,
823                              const ConstString &object_name);
825    bool
826    GetIsDynamicLinkEditor () const
827    {
828        return m_is_dynamic_loader_module;
829    }
831    void
832    SetIsDynamicLinkEditor (bool b)
833    {
834        m_is_dynamic_loader_module = b;
835    }
837    ClangASTContext &
838    GetClangASTContext ();
840    // Special error functions that can do printf style formatting that will prepend the message with
841    // something appropriate for this module (like the architecture, path and object name (if any)).
842    // This centralizes code so that everyone doesn't need to format their error and log messages on
843    // their own and keeps the output a bit more consistent.
844    void
845    LogMessage (Log *log, const char *format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4)));
847    void
848    LogMessageVerboseBacktrace (Log *log, const char *format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 3, 4)));
850    void
851    ReportWarning (const char *format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
853    void
854    ReportError (const char *format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
856    // Only report an error once when the module is first detected to be modified
857    // so we don't spam the console with many messages.
858    void
859    ReportErrorIfModifyDetected (const char *format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
861    //------------------------------------------------------------------
862    // Return true if the file backing this module has changed since the
863    // module was originally created  since we saved the intial file
864    // modification time when the module first gets created.
865    //------------------------------------------------------------------
866    bool
867    FileHasChanged () const;
869    //------------------------------------------------------------------
870    // SymbolVendor, SymbolFile and ObjectFile member objects should
871    // lock the module mutex to avoid deadlocks.
872    //------------------------------------------------------------------
873    Mutex &
874    GetMutex () const
875    {
876        return m_mutex;
877    }
879    PathMappingList &
880    GetSourceMappingList ()
881    {
882        return m_source_mappings;
883    }
885    const PathMappingList &
886    GetSourceMappingList () const
887    {
888        return m_source_mappings;
889    }
891    //------------------------------------------------------------------
892    /// Finds a source file given a file spec using the module source
893    /// path remappings (if any).
894    ///
895    /// Tries to resolve \a orig_spec by checking the module source path
896    /// remappings. It makes sure the file exists, so this call can be
897    /// expensive if the remappings are on a network file system, so
898    /// use this function sparingly (not in a tight debug info parsing
899    /// loop).
900    ///
901    /// @param[in] orig_spec
902    ///     The original source file path to try and remap.
903    ///
904    /// @param[out] new_spec
905    ///     The newly remapped filespec that is guaranteed to exist.
906    ///
907    /// @return
908    ///     /b true if \a orig_spec was successfully located and
909    ///     \a new_spec is filled in with an existing file spec,
910    ///     \b false otherwise.
911    //------------------------------------------------------------------
912    bool
913    FindSourceFile (const FileSpec &orig_spec, FileSpec &new_spec) const;
915    //------------------------------------------------------------------
916    /// Remaps a source file given \a path into \a new_path.
917    ///
918    /// Remaps \a path if any source remappings match. This function
919    /// does NOT stat the file system so it can be used in tight loops
920    /// where debug info is being parsed.
921    ///
922    /// @param[in] path
923    ///     The original source file path to try and remap.
924    ///
925    /// @param[out] new_path
926    ///     The newly remapped filespec that is may or may not exist.
927    ///
928    /// @return
929    ///     /b true if \a path was successfully located and \a new_path
930    ///     is filled in with a new source path, \b false otherwise.
931    //------------------------------------------------------------------
932    bool
933    RemapSourceFile (const char *path, std::string &new_path) const;
936    //------------------------------------------------------------------
937    /// Prepare to do a function name lookup.
938    ///
939    /// Looking up functions by name can be a tricky thing. LLDB requires
940    /// that accelerator tables contain full names for functions as well
941    /// as function basenames which include functions, class methods and
942    /// class functions. When the user requests that an action use a
943    /// function by name, we are sometimes asked to automatically figure
944    /// out what a name could possibly map to. A user might request a
945    /// breakpoint be set on "count". If no options are supplied to limit
946    /// the scope of where to search for count, we will by default match
947    /// any function names named "count", all class and instance methods
948    /// named "count" (no matter what the namespace or contained context)
949    /// and any selectors named "count". If a user specifies "a::b" we
950    /// will search for the basename "b", and then prune the results that
951    /// don't match "a::b" (note that "c::a::b" and "d::e::a::b" will
952    /// match a query of "a::b".
953    ///
954    /// @param[in] name
955    ///     The user supplied name to use in the lookup
956    ///
957    /// @param[in] name_type_mask
958    ///     The mask of bits from lldb::FunctionNameType enumerations
959    ///     that tell us what kind of name we are looking for.
960    ///
961    /// @param[out] lookup_name
962    ///     The actual name that will be used when calling
963    ///     SymbolVendor::FindFunctions() or Symtab::FindFunctionSymbols()
964    ///
965    /// @param[out] lookup_name_type_mask
966    ///     The actual name mask that should be used in the calls to
967    ///     SymbolVendor::FindFunctions() or Symtab::FindFunctionSymbols()
968    ///
969    /// @param[out] match_name_after_lookup
970    ///     A boolean that indicates if we need to iterate through any
971    ///     match results obtained from SymbolVendor::FindFunctions() or
972    ///     Symtab::FindFunctionSymbols() to see if the name contains
973    ///     \a name. For example if \a name is "a::b", this function will
974    ///     return a \a lookup_name of "b", with \a match_name_after_lookup
975    ///     set to true to indicate any matches will need to be checked
976    ///     to make sure they contain \a name.
977    //------------------------------------------------------------------
978    static void
979    PrepareForFunctionNameLookup (const ConstString &name,
980                                  uint32_t name_type_mask,
981                                  ConstString &lookup_name,
982                                  uint32_t &lookup_name_type_mask,
983                                  bool &match_name_after_lookup);
986    //------------------------------------------------------------------
987    // Member Variables
988    //------------------------------------------------------------------
989    mutable Mutex               m_mutex;        ///< A mutex to keep this object happy in multi-threaded environments.
990    TimeValue                   m_mod_time;     ///< The modification time for this module when it was created.
991    ArchSpec                    m_arch;         ///< The architecture for this module.
992    lldb_private::UUID          m_uuid;         ///< Each module is assumed to have a unique identifier to help match it up to debug symbols.
993    FileSpec                    m_file;         ///< The file representation on disk for this module (if there is one).
994    FileSpec                    m_platform_file;///< The path to the module on the platform on which it is being debugged
995    FileSpec                    m_symfile_spec; ///< If this path is valid, then this is the file that _will_ be used as the symbol file for this module
996    ConstString                 m_object_name;  ///< The name an object within this module that is selected, or empty of the module is represented by \a m_file.
997    uint64_t                    m_object_offset;
998    TimeValue                   m_object_mod_time;
999    lldb::ObjectFileSP          m_objfile_sp;   ///< A shared pointer to the object file parser for this module as it may or may not be shared with the SymbolFile
1000    std::unique_ptr<SymbolVendor> m_symfile_ap;   ///< A pointer to the symbol vendor for this module.
1001    ClangASTContext             m_ast;          ///< The AST context for this module.
1002    PathMappingList             m_source_mappings; ///< Module specific source remappings for when you have debug info for a module that doesn't match where the sources currently are
1003    std::unique_ptr<lldb_private::SectionList> m_unified_sections_ap; ///< Unified section list for module.
1005    bool                        m_did_load_objfile:1,
1006                                m_did_load_symbol_vendor:1,
1007                                m_did_parse_uuid:1,
1008                                m_did_init_ast:1,
1009                                m_is_dynamic_loader_module:1;
1010    mutable bool                m_file_has_changed:1,
1011                                m_first_file_changed_log:1;   /// See if the module was modified after it was initially opened.
1013    //------------------------------------------------------------------
1014    /// Resolve a file or load virtual address.
1015    ///
1016    /// Tries to resolve \a vm_addr as a file address (if \a
1017    /// vm_addr_is_file_addr is true) or as a load address if \a
1018    /// vm_addr_is_file_addr is false) in the symbol vendor.
1019    /// \a resolve_scope indicates what clients wish to resolve
1020    /// and can be used to limit the scope of what is parsed.
1021    ///
1022    /// @param[in] vm_addr
1023    ///     The load virtual address to resolve.
1024    ///
1025    /// @param[in] vm_addr_is_file_addr
1026    ///     If \b true, \a vm_addr is a file address, else \a vm_addr
1027    ///     if a load address.
1028    ///
1029    /// @param[in] resolve_scope
1030    ///     The scope that should be resolved (see
1031    ///     SymbolContext::Scope).
1032    ///
1033    /// @param[out] so_addr
1034    ///     The section offset based address that got resolved if
1035    ///     any bits are returned.
1036    ///
1037    /// @param[out] sc
1038    //      The symbol context that has objects filled in. Each bit
1039    ///     in the \a resolve_scope pertains to a member in the \a sc.
1040    ///
1041    /// @return
1042    ///     A integer that contains SymbolContext::Scope bits set for
1043    ///     each item that was successfully resolved.
1044    ///
1045    /// @see SymbolContext::Scope
1046    //------------------------------------------------------------------
1047    uint32_t
1048    ResolveSymbolContextForAddress (lldb::addr_t vm_addr,
1049                                    bool vm_addr_is_file_addr,
1050                                    uint32_t resolve_scope,
1051                                    Address& so_addr,
1052                                    SymbolContext& sc);
1054    void
1055    SymbolIndicesToSymbolContextList (Symtab *symtab,
1056                                      std::vector<uint32_t> &symbol_indexes,
1057                                      SymbolContextList &sc_list);
1059    bool
1060    SetArchitecture (const ArchSpec &new_arch);
1063    friend class ModuleList;
1064    friend class ObjectFile;
1068    size_t
1069    FindTypes_Impl (const SymbolContext& sc,
1070                    const ConstString &name,
1071                    const ClangNamespaceDecl *namespace_decl,
1072                    bool append,
1073                    size_t max_matches,
1074                    TypeList& types);
1080} // namespace lldb_private
1082#endif  // liblldb_Module_h_