IRForTarget.h revision 4a20587f56a05955ea94f650cb39245a092b0c69
1//===-- IRForTarget.h ---------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10#ifndef liblldb_IRForTarget_h_
11#define liblldb_IRForTarget_h_
13#include "lldb/lldb-public.h"
14#include "lldb/Core/ConstString.h"
15#include "lldb/Core/Error.h"
16#include "lldb/Core/Stream.h"
17#include "lldb/Core/StreamString.h"
18#include "lldb/Symbol/TaggedASTType.h"
19#include "llvm/Pass.h"
21#include <map>
23namespace llvm {
24    class BasicBlock;
25    class CallInst;
26    class Constant;
27    class ConstantInt;
28    class Function;
29    class GlobalValue;
30    class GlobalVariable;
31    class Instruction;
32    class Module;
33    class StoreInst;
34    class DataLayout;
35    class Type;
36    class Value;
39namespace lldb_private {
40    class ClangExpressionDeclMap;
41    class IRExecutionUnit;
42    class IRMemoryMap;
46/// @class IRForTarget IRForTarget.h "lldb/Expression/IRForTarget.h"
47/// @brief Transforms the IR for a function to run in the target
49/// Once an expression has been parsed and converted to IR, it can run
50/// in two contexts: interpreted by LLDB as a DWARF location expression,
51/// or compiled by the JIT and inserted into the target process for
52/// execution.
54/// IRForTarget makes the second possible, by applying a series of
55/// transformations to the IR which make it relocatable.  These
56/// transformations are discussed in more detail next to their relevant
57/// functions.
59class IRForTarget : public llvm::ModulePass
62    //------------------------------------------------------------------
63    /// Constructor
64    ///
65    /// @param[in] decl_map
66    ///     The list of externally-referenced variables for the expression,
67    ///     for use in looking up globals and allocating the argument
68    ///     struct.  See the documentation for ClangExpressionDeclMap.
69    ///
70    /// @param[in] resolve_vars
71    ///     True if the external variable references (including persistent
72    ///     variables) should be resolved.  If not, only external functions
73    ///     are resolved.
74    ///
75    /// @param[in] execution_policy
76    ///     Determines whether an IR interpreter can be used to statically
77    ///     evaluate the expression.
78    ///
79    /// @param[in] const_result
80    ///     This variable is populated with the statically-computed result
81    ///     of the function, if it has no side-effects and the result can
82    ///     be computed statically.
83    ///
84    /// @param[in] execution_unit
85    ///     The holder for raw data associated with the expression.
86    ///
87    /// @param[in] error_stream
88    ///     If non-NULL, a stream on which errors can be printed.
89    ///
90    /// @param[in] func_name
91    ///     The name of the function to prepare for execution in the target.
92    //------------------------------------------------------------------
93    IRForTarget(lldb_private::ClangExpressionDeclMap *decl_map,
94                bool resolve_vars,
95                lldb_private::IRExecutionUnit &execution_unit,
96                lldb_private::Stream *error_stream,
97                const char* func_name = "$__lldb_expr");
99    //------------------------------------------------------------------
100    /// Destructor
101    //------------------------------------------------------------------
102    virtual ~IRForTarget();
104    //------------------------------------------------------------------
105    /// Run this IR transformer on a single module
106    ///
107    /// Implementation of the llvm::ModulePass::runOnModule() function.
108    ///
109    /// @param[in] llvm_module
110    ///     The module to run on.  This module is searched for the function
111    ///     $__lldb_expr, and that function is passed to the passes one by
112    ///     one.
113    ///
114    /// @param[in] interpreter_error
115    ///     An error.  If the expression fails to be interpreted, this error
116    ///     is set to a reason why.
117    ///
118    /// @return
119    ///     True on success; false otherwise
120    //------------------------------------------------------------------
121    virtual bool
122    runOnModule (llvm::Module &llvm_module);
124    //------------------------------------------------------------------
125    /// Interface stub
126    ///
127    /// Implementation of the llvm::ModulePass::assignPassManager()
128    /// function.
129    //------------------------------------------------------------------
130    virtual void
131    assignPassManager (llvm::PMStack &pass_mgr_stack,
132                       llvm::PassManagerType pass_mgr_type = llvm::PMT_ModulePassManager);
134    //------------------------------------------------------------------
135    /// Returns PMT_ModulePassManager
136    ///
137    /// Implementation of the llvm::ModulePass::getPotentialPassManagerType()
138    /// function.
139    //------------------------------------------------------------------
140    virtual llvm::PassManagerType
141    getPotentialPassManagerType() const;
144    //------------------------------------------------------------------
145    /// Ensures that the current function's linkage is set to external.
146    /// Otherwise the JIT may not return an address for it.
147    ///
148    /// @param[in] llvm_function
149    ///     The function whose linkage is to be fixed.
150    ///
151    /// @return
152    ///     True on success; false otherwise.
153    //------------------------------------------------------------------
154    bool
155    FixFunctionLinkage (llvm::Function &llvm_function);
157    //------------------------------------------------------------------
158    /// A module-level pass to replace all function pointers with their
159    /// integer equivalents.
160    //------------------------------------------------------------------
162    //------------------------------------------------------------------
163    /// The top-level pass implementation
164    ///
165    /// @param[in] llvm_module
166    ///     The module currently being processed.
167    ///
168    /// @param[in] llvm_function
169    ///     The function currently being processed.
170    ///
171    /// @return
172    ///     True on success; false otherwise.
173    //------------------------------------------------------------------
174    bool
175    HasSideEffects (llvm::Function &llvm_function);
177    //------------------------------------------------------------------
178    /// A function-level pass to check whether the function has side
179    /// effects.
180    //------------------------------------------------------------------
182    //------------------------------------------------------------------
183    /// Get the address of a fuction, and a location to put the complete
184    /// Value of the function if one is available.
185    ///
186    /// @param[in] function
187    ///     The function to find the location of.
188    ///
189    /// @param[out] ptr
190    ///     The location of the function in the target.
191    ///
192    /// @param[out] name
193    ///     The resolved name of the function (matters for intrinsics).
194    ///
195    /// @param[out] value_ptr
196    ///     A variable to put the function's completed Value* in, or NULL
197    ///     if the Value* shouldn't be stored anywhere.
198    ///
199    /// @return
200    ///     The pointer.
201    //------------------------------------------------------------------
202    bool
203    GetFunctionAddress (llvm::Function *function,
204                        uint64_t &ptr,
205                        lldb_private::ConstString &name,
206                        llvm::Constant **&value_ptr);
208    //------------------------------------------------------------------
209    /// Build a function pointer given a type and a raw pointer.
210    ///
211    /// @param[in] type
212    ///     The type of the function pointer to be built.
213    ///
214    /// @param[in] ptr
215    ///     The value of the pointer.
216    ///
217    /// @return
218    ///     The pointer.
219    //------------------------------------------------------------------
220    llvm::Constant *
221    BuildFunctionPointer (llvm::Type *type,
222                          uint64_t ptr);
224    void
225    RegisterFunctionMetadata (llvm::LLVMContext &context,
226                              llvm::Value *function_ptr,
227                              const char *name);
229    //------------------------------------------------------------------
230    /// The top-level pass implementation
231    ///
232    /// @param[in] llvm_function
233    ///     The function currently being processed.
234    ///
235    /// @return
236    ///     True if the function has side effects (or if this cannot
237    ///     be determined); false otherwise.
238    //------------------------------------------------------------------
239    bool
240    ResolveFunctionPointers (llvm::Module &llvm_module);
242    //------------------------------------------------------------------
243    /// A function-level pass to take the generated global value
244    /// $__lldb_expr_result and make it into a persistent variable.
245    /// Also see ASTResultSynthesizer.
246    //------------------------------------------------------------------
248    //------------------------------------------------------------------
249    /// Find the NamedDecl corresponding to a Value.  This interface is
250    /// exposed for the IR interpreter.
251    ///
252    /// @param[in] module
253    ///     The module containing metadata to search
254    ///
255    /// @param[in] global
256    ///     The global entity to search for
257    ///
258    /// @return
259    ///     The corresponding variable declaration
260    //------------------------------------------------------------------
262    static clang::NamedDecl *
263    DeclForGlobal (const llvm::GlobalValue *global_val, llvm::Module *module);
265    clang::NamedDecl *
266    DeclForGlobal (llvm::GlobalValue *global);
268    //------------------------------------------------------------------
269    /// Set the constant result variable m_const_result to the provided
270    /// constant, assuming it can be evaluated.  The result variable
271    /// will be reset to NULL later if the expression has side effects.
272    ///
273    /// @param[in] initializer
274    ///     The constant initializer for the variable.
275    ///
276    /// @param[in] name
277    ///     The name of the result variable.
278    ///
279    /// @param[in] type
280    ///     The Clang type of the result variable.
281    //------------------------------------------------------------------
282    void
283    MaybeSetConstantResult (llvm::Constant *initializer,
284                            const lldb_private::ConstString &name,
285                            lldb_private::TypeFromParser type);
287    //------------------------------------------------------------------
288    /// If the IR represents a cast of a variable, set m_const_result
289    /// to the result of the cast.  The result variable will be reset to
290    /// NULL latger if the expression has side effects.
291    ///
292    /// @param[in] type
293    ///     The Clang type of the result variable.
294    //------------------------------------------------------------------
295    void
296    MaybeSetCastResult (lldb_private::TypeFromParser type);
298    //------------------------------------------------------------------
299    /// The top-level pass implementation
300    ///
301    /// @param[in] llvm_function
302    ///     The function currently being processed.
303    ///
304    /// @return
305    ///     True on success; false otherwise
306    //------------------------------------------------------------------
307    bool
308    CreateResultVariable (llvm::Function &llvm_function);
310    //------------------------------------------------------------------
311    /// A module-level pass to find Objective-C constant strings and
312    /// transform them to calls to CFStringCreateWithBytes.
313    //------------------------------------------------------------------
315    //------------------------------------------------------------------
316    /// Rewrite a single Objective-C constant string.
317    ///
318    /// @param[in] NSStr
319    ///     The constant NSString to be transformed
320    ///
321    /// @param[in] CStr
322    ///     The constant C string inside the NSString.  This will be
323    ///     passed as the bytes argument to CFStringCreateWithBytes.
324    ///
325    /// @return
326    ///     True on success; false otherwise
327    //------------------------------------------------------------------
328    bool
329    RewriteObjCConstString (llvm::GlobalVariable *NSStr,
330                            llvm::GlobalVariable *CStr);
332    //------------------------------------------------------------------
333    /// The top-level pass implementation
334    ///
335    /// @return
336    ///     True on success; false otherwise
337    //------------------------------------------------------------------
338    bool
339    RewriteObjCConstStrings ();
341    //------------------------------------------------------------------
342    /// A basic block-level pass to find all Objective-C method calls and
343    /// rewrite them to use sel_registerName instead of statically allocated
344    /// selectors.  The reason is that the selectors are created on the
345    /// assumption that the Objective-C runtime will scan the appropriate
346    /// section and prepare them.  This doesn't happen when code is copied
347    /// into the target, though, and there's no easy way to induce the
348    /// runtime to scan them.  So instead we get our selectors from
349    /// sel_registerName.
350    //------------------------------------------------------------------
352    //------------------------------------------------------------------
353    /// Replace a single selector reference
354    ///
355    /// @param[in] selector_load
356    ///     The load of the statically-allocated selector.
357    ///
358    /// @return
359    ///     True on success; false otherwise
360    //------------------------------------------------------------------
361    bool
362    RewriteObjCSelector (llvm::Instruction* selector_load);
364    //------------------------------------------------------------------
365    /// The top-level pass implementation
366    ///
367    /// @param[in] basic_block
368    ///     The basic block currently being processed.
369    ///
370    /// @return
371    ///     True on success; false otherwise
372    //------------------------------------------------------------------
373    bool
374    RewriteObjCSelectors (llvm::BasicBlock &basic_block);
376    //------------------------------------------------------------------
377    /// A basic block-level pass to find all newly-declared persistent
378    /// variables and register them with the ClangExprDeclMap.  This
379    /// allows them to be materialized and dematerialized like normal
380    /// external variables.  Before transformation, these persistent
381    /// variables look like normal locals, so they have an allocation.
382    /// This pass excises these allocations and makes references look
383    /// like external references where they will be resolved -- like all
384    /// other external references -- by ResolveExternals().
385    //------------------------------------------------------------------
387    //------------------------------------------------------------------
388    /// Handle a single allocation of a persistent variable
389    ///
390    /// @param[in] persistent_alloc
391    ///     The allocation of the persistent variable.
392    ///
393    /// @return
394    ///     True on success; false otherwise
395    //------------------------------------------------------------------
396    bool
397    RewritePersistentAlloc (llvm::Instruction *persistent_alloc);
399    //------------------------------------------------------------------
400    /// The top-level pass implementation
401    ///
402    /// @param[in] basic_block
403    ///     The basic block currently being processed.
404    //------------------------------------------------------------------
405    bool
406    RewritePersistentAllocs (llvm::BasicBlock &basic_block);
408    //------------------------------------------------------------------
409    /// A function-level pass to find all external variables and functions
410    /// used in the IR.  Each found external variable is added to the
411    /// struct, and each external function is resolved in place, its call
412    /// replaced with a call to a function pointer whose value is the
413    /// address of the function in the target process.
414    //------------------------------------------------------------------
416    //------------------------------------------------------------------
417    /// Write an initializer to a memory array of assumed sufficient
418    /// size.
419    ///
420    /// @param[in] data
421    ///     A pointer to the data to write to.
422    ///
423    /// @param[in] initializer
424    ///     The initializer itself.
425    ///
426    /// @return
427    ///     True on success; false otherwise
428    //------------------------------------------------------------------
429    bool
430    MaterializeInitializer (uint8_t *data, llvm::Constant *initializer);
432    //------------------------------------------------------------------
433    /// Move an internal variable into the static allocation section.
434    ///
435    /// @param[in] global_variable
436    ///     The variable.
437    ///
438    /// @return
439    ///     True on success; false otherwise
440    //------------------------------------------------------------------
441    bool
442    MaterializeInternalVariable (llvm::GlobalVariable *global_variable);
444    //------------------------------------------------------------------
445    /// Handle a single externally-defined variable
446    ///
447    /// @param[in] value
448    ///     The variable.
449    ///
450    /// @return
451    ///     True on success; false otherwise
452    //------------------------------------------------------------------
453    bool
454    MaybeHandleVariable (llvm::Value *value);
456    //------------------------------------------------------------------
457    /// Handle a single externally-defined symbol
458    ///
459    /// @param[in] symbol
460    ///     The symbol.
461    ///
462    /// @return
463    ///     True on success; false otherwise
464    //------------------------------------------------------------------
465    bool
466    HandleSymbol (llvm::Value *symbol);
468    //------------------------------------------------------------------
469    /// Handle a single externally-defined Objective-C class
470    ///
471    /// @param[in] classlist_reference
472    ///     The reference, usually "01L_OBJC_CLASSLIST_REFERENCES_$_n"
473    ///     where n (if present) is an index.
474    ///
475    /// @return
476    ///     True on success; false otherwise
477    //------------------------------------------------------------------
478    bool
479    HandleObjCClass(llvm::Value *classlist_reference);
481    //------------------------------------------------------------------
482    /// Handle all the arguments to a function call
483    ///
484    /// @param[in] C
485    ///     The call instruction.
486    ///
487    /// @return
488    ///     True on success; false otherwise
489    //------------------------------------------------------------------
490    bool
491    MaybeHandleCallArguments (llvm::CallInst *call_inst);
493    //------------------------------------------------------------------
494    /// Resolve variable references in calls to external functions
495    ///
496    /// @param[in] basic_block
497    ///     The basic block currently being processed.
498    ///
499    /// @return
500    ///     True on success; false otherwise
501    //------------------------------------------------------------------
502    bool
503    ResolveCalls (llvm::BasicBlock &basic_block);
505    //------------------------------------------------------------------
506    /// Remove calls to __cxa_atexit, which should never be generated by
507    /// expressions.
508    ///
509    /// @param[in] call_inst
510    ///     The call instruction.
511    ///
512    /// @return
513    ///     True if the scan was successful; false if some operation
514    ///     failed
515    //------------------------------------------------------------------
516    bool
517    RemoveCXAAtExit (llvm::BasicBlock &basic_block);
519    //------------------------------------------------------------------
520    /// The top-level pass implementation
521    ///
522    /// @param[in] basic_block
523    ///     The function currently being processed.
524    ///
525    /// @return
526    ///     True on success; false otherwise
527    //------------------------------------------------------------------
528    bool
529    ResolveExternals (llvm::Function &llvm_function);
531    //------------------------------------------------------------------
532    /// A basic block-level pass to excise guard variables from the code.
533    /// The result for the function is passed through Clang as a static
534    /// variable.  Static variables normally have guard variables to
535    /// ensure that they are only initialized once.
536    //------------------------------------------------------------------
538    //------------------------------------------------------------------
539    /// Rewrite a load to a guard variable to return constant 0.
540    ///
541    /// @param[in] guard_load
542    ///     The load instruction to zero out.
543    //------------------------------------------------------------------
544    void
545    TurnGuardLoadIntoZero(llvm::Instruction* guard_load);
547    //------------------------------------------------------------------
548    /// The top-level pass implementation
549    ///
550    /// @param[in] basic_block
551    ///     The basic block currently being processed.
552    ///
553    /// @return
554    ///     True on success; false otherwise
555    //------------------------------------------------------------------
556    bool
557    RemoveGuards (llvm::BasicBlock &basic_block);
559    //------------------------------------------------------------------
560    /// A module-level pass to allocate all string literals in a separate
561    /// allocation and redirect references to them.
562    //------------------------------------------------------------------
564    //------------------------------------------------------------------
565    /// The top-level pass implementation
566    ///
567    /// @return
568    ///     True on success; false otherwise
569    //------------------------------------------------------------------
570    bool
571    ReplaceStrings ();
573    //------------------------------------------------------------------
574    /// A basick block-level pass to find all literals that will be
575    /// allocated as statics by the JIT (in contrast to the Strings,
576    /// which already are statics) and synthesize loads for them.
577    //------------------------------------------------------------------
579    //------------------------------------------------------------------
580    /// The top-level pass implementation
581    ///
582    /// @param[in] basic_block
583    ///     The basic block currently being processed.
584    ///
585    /// @return
586    ///     True on success; false otherwise
587    //------------------------------------------------------------------
588    bool
589    ReplaceStaticLiterals (llvm::BasicBlock &basic_block);
591    //------------------------------------------------------------------
592    /// A function-level pass to make all external variable references
593    /// point at the correct offsets from the void* passed into the
594    /// function.  ClangExpressionDeclMap::DoStructLayout() must be called
595    /// beforehand, so that the offsets are valid.
596    //------------------------------------------------------------------
598    //------------------------------------------------------------------
599    /// The top-level pass implementation
600    ///
601    /// @param[in] llvm_function
602    ///     The function currently being processed.
603    ///
604    /// @return
605    ///     True on success; false otherwise
606    //------------------------------------------------------------------
607    bool
608    ReplaceVariables (llvm::Function &llvm_function);
610    //------------------------------------------------------------------
611    /// A module-level pass to remove all global variables from the
612    /// module since it no longer should export or import any symbols.
613    //------------------------------------------------------------------
615    //------------------------------------------------------------------
616    /// The top-level pass implementation
617    ///
618    /// @param[in] llvm_module
619    ///     The module currently being processed.
620    ///
621    /// @return
622    ///     True on success; false otherwise
623    //------------------------------------------------------------------
624    bool
625    StripAllGVs (llvm::Module &llvm_module);
627    class StaticDataAllocator {
628    public:
629        StaticDataAllocator(lldb_private::IRExecutionUnit &execution_unit);
630        lldb_private::StreamString &GetStream()
631        {
632            return m_stream_string;
633        }
634        lldb::addr_t Allocate();
635    private:
636        lldb_private::IRExecutionUnit  &m_execution_unit;
637        lldb_private::StreamString      m_stream_string;
638        lldb::addr_t                    m_allocation;
639    };
641    /// Flags
642    bool                                    m_resolve_vars;             ///< True if external variable references and persistent variable references should be resolved
643    std::string                             m_func_name;                ///< The name of the function to translate
644    lldb_private::ConstString               m_result_name;              ///< The name of the result variable ($0, $1, ...)
645    lldb_private::TypeFromParser            m_result_type;              ///< The type of the result variable.
646    llvm::Module                           *m_module;                   ///< The module being processed, or NULL if that has not been determined yet.
647    std::unique_ptr<llvm::DataLayout>       m_target_data;              ///< The target data for the module being processed, or NULL if there is no module.
648    lldb_private::ClangExpressionDeclMap   *m_decl_map;                 ///< The DeclMap containing the Decls
649    StaticDataAllocator                     m_data_allocator;           ///< The allocator to use for constant strings
650    llvm::Constant                         *m_CFStringCreateWithBytes;  ///< The address of the function CFStringCreateWithBytes, cast to the appropriate function pointer type
651    llvm::Constant                         *m_sel_registerName;         ///< The address of the function sel_registerName, cast to the appropriate function pointer type
652    lldb_private::Stream                   *m_error_stream;             ///< If non-NULL, the stream on which errors should be printed
654    llvm::StoreInst                        *m_result_store;             ///< If non-NULL, the store instruction that writes to the result variable.  If m_has_side_effects is true, this is NULL.
655    bool                                    m_result_is_pointer;        ///< True if the function's result in the AST is a pointer (see comments in ASTResultSynthesizer::SynthesizeBodyResult)
657    llvm::GlobalVariable                   *m_reloc_placeholder;        ///< A placeholder that will be replaced by a pointer to the final location of the static allocation.
659    //------------------------------------------------------------------
660    /// UnfoldConstant operates on a constant [Old] which has just been
661    /// replaced with a value [New].  We assume that new_value has
662    /// been properly placed early in the function, in front of the
663    /// first instruction in the entry basic block
664    /// [FirstEntryInstruction].
665    ///
666    /// UnfoldConstant reads through the uses of Old and replaces Old
667    /// in those uses with New.  Where those uses are constants, the
668    /// function generates new instructions to compute the result of the
669    /// new, non-constant expression and places them before
670    /// FirstEntryInstruction.  These instructions replace the constant
671    /// uses, so UnfoldConstant calls itself recursively for those.
672    ///
673    /// @param[in] llvm_function
674    ///     The function currently being processed.
675    ///
676    /// @return
677    ///     True on success; false otherwise
678    //------------------------------------------------------------------
680    class FunctionValueCache {
681    public:
682        typedef std::function <llvm::Value *(llvm::Function *)> Maker;
684        FunctionValueCache (Maker const &maker);
685        ~FunctionValueCache ();
686        llvm::Value *GetValue (llvm::Function *function);
687    private:
688        Maker const m_maker;
689        typedef std::map<llvm::Function *, llvm::Value *> FunctionValueMap;
690        FunctionValueMap m_values;
691    };
693    FunctionValueCache m_entry_instruction_finder;
695    static bool
696    UnfoldConstant (llvm::Constant *old_constant,
697                    FunctionValueCache &value_maker,
698                    FunctionValueCache &entry_instruction_finder);
700    //------------------------------------------------------------------
701    /// Construct a reference to m_reloc_placeholder with a given type
702    /// and offset.  This typically happens after inserting data into
703    /// m_data_allocator.
704    ///
705    /// @param[in] type
706    ///     The type of the value being loaded.
707    ///
708    /// @param[in] offset
709    ///     The offset of the value from the base of m_data_allocator.
710    ///
711    /// @return
712    ///     The Constant for the reference, usually a ConstantExpr.
713    //------------------------------------------------------------------
714    llvm::Constant *
715    BuildRelocation(llvm::Type *type,
716                    uint64_t offset);
718    //------------------------------------------------------------------
719    /// Commit the allocation in m_data_allocator and use its final
720    /// location to replace m_reloc_placeholder.
721    ///
722    /// @param[in] module
723    ///     The module that m_data_allocator resides in
724    ///
725    /// @return
726    ///     True on success; false otherwise
727    //------------------------------------------------------------------
728    bool
729    CompleteDataAllocation ();