Host.h revision 1831e78a6253392fca1c99e555e7adaa3f372647
1//===-- Host.h --------------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10#ifndef liblldb_Host_h_
11#define liblldb_Host_h_
12#if defined(__cplusplus)
14#include <stdarg.h>
16#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
17#include "lldb/Core/StringList.h"
19namespace lldb_private {
22/// @class Host Host.h "lldb/Host/Host.h"
23/// @brief A class that provides host computer information.
25/// Host is a class that answers information about the host operating
26/// system.
28class Host
31    typedef bool (*MonitorChildProcessCallback) (void *callback_baton,
32                                                 lldb::pid_t pid,
33                                                 bool exited,
34                                                 int signal,    // Zero for no signal
35                                                 int status);   // Exit value of process if signal is zero
37    //------------------------------------------------------------------
38    /// Start monitoring a child process.
39    ///
40    /// Allows easy monitoring of child processes. \a callback will be
41    /// called when the child process exits or if it gets a signal. The
42    /// callback will only be called with signals if \a monitor_signals
43    /// is \b true. \a callback will usually be called from another
44    /// thread so the callback function must be thread safe.
45    ///
46    /// When the callback gets called, the return value indicates if
47    /// minotoring should stop. If \b true is returned from \a callback
48    /// the information will be removed. If \b false is returned then
49    /// monitoring will continue. If the child process exits, the
50    /// monitoring will automatically stop after the callback returned
51    /// ragardless of the callback return value.
52    ///
53    /// @param[in] callback
54    ///     A function callback to call when a child receives a signal
55    ///     (if \a monitor_signals is true) or a child exits.
56    ///
57    /// @param[in] callback_baton
58    ///     A void * of user data that will be pass back when
59    ///     \a callback is called.
60    ///
61    /// @param[in] pid
62    ///     The process ID of a child process to monitor, -1 for all
63    ///     processes.
64    ///
65    /// @param[in] monitor_signals
66    ///     If \b true the callback will get called when the child
67    ///     process gets a signal. If \b false, the callback will only
68    ///     get called if the child process exits.
69    ///
70    /// @return
71    ///     A thread handle that can be used to cancel the thread that
72    ///     was spawned to monitor \a pid.
73    ///
74    /// @see static void Host::StopMonitoringChildProcess (uint32_t)
75    //------------------------------------------------------------------
76    static lldb::thread_t
77    StartMonitoringChildProcess (MonitorChildProcessCallback callback,
78                                 void *callback_baton,
79                                 lldb::pid_t pid,
80                                 bool monitor_signals);
82    //------------------------------------------------------------------
83    /// Get the host page size.
84    ///
85    /// @return
86    ///     The size in bytes of a VM page on the host system.
87    //------------------------------------------------------------------
88    static size_t
89    GetPageSize();
91    //------------------------------------------------------------------
92    /// Returns the endianness of the host system.
93    ///
94    /// @return
95    ///     Returns the endianness of the host system as a lldb::ByteOrder
96    ///     enumeration.
97    //------------------------------------------------------------------
98    static lldb::ByteOrder
99    GetByteOrder ();
101    static bool
102    GetOSVersion (uint32_t &major,
103                  uint32_t &minor,
104                  uint32_t &update);
106    static bool
107    GetOSBuildString (std::string &s);
109    static bool
110    GetOSKernelDescription (std::string &s);
112    static bool
113    GetHostname (std::string &s);
115    static const char *
116    GetUserName (uint32_t uid, std::string &user_name);
118    static const char *
119    GetGroupName (uint32_t gid, std::string &group_name);
121    static uint32_t
122    GetUserID ();
124    static uint32_t
125    GetGroupID ();
127    static uint32_t
128    GetEffectiveUserID ();
130    static uint32_t
131    GetEffectiveGroupID ();
134    enum SystemLogType
135    {
136        eSystemLogWarning,
137        eSystemLogError
138    };
140    static void
141    SystemLog (SystemLogType type, const char *format, ...) __attribute__ ((format (printf, 2, 3)));
143    static void
144    SystemLog (SystemLogType type, const char *format, va_list args);
146    //------------------------------------------------------------------
147    /// Gets the host architecture.
148    ///
149    /// @return
150    ///     A const architecture object that represents the host
151    ///     architecture.
152    //------------------------------------------------------------------
153    enum SystemDefaultArchitecture
154    {
155        eSystemDefaultArchitecture,     // The overall default architecture that applications will run on this host
156        eSystemDefaultArchitecture32,   // If this host supports 32 bit programs, return the default 32 bit arch
157        eSystemDefaultArchitecture64    // If this host supports 64 bit programs, return the default 64 bit arch
158    };
160    static const ArchSpec &
161    GetArchitecture (SystemDefaultArchitecture arch_kind = eSystemDefaultArchitecture);
163    //------------------------------------------------------------------
164    /// Gets the host vendor string.
165    ///
166    /// @return
167    ///     A const string object containing the host vendor name.
168    //------------------------------------------------------------------
169    static const ConstString &
170    GetVendorString ();
172    //------------------------------------------------------------------
173    /// Gets the host Operating System (OS) string.
174    ///
175    /// @return
176    ///     A const string object containing the host OS name.
177    //------------------------------------------------------------------
178    static const ConstString &
179    GetOSString ();
181    //------------------------------------------------------------------
182    /// Gets the host target triple as a const string.
183    ///
184    /// @return
185    ///     A const string object containing the host target triple.
186    //------------------------------------------------------------------
187    static const ConstString &
188    GetTargetTriple ();
190    //------------------------------------------------------------------
191    /// Get the process ID for the calling process.
192    ///
193    /// @return
194    ///     The process ID for the current process.
195    //------------------------------------------------------------------
196    static lldb::pid_t
197    GetCurrentProcessID ();
199    //------------------------------------------------------------------
200    /// Get the thread ID for the calling thread in the current process.
201    ///
202    /// @return
203    ///     The thread ID for the calling thread in the current process.
204    //------------------------------------------------------------------
205    static lldb::tid_t
206    GetCurrentThreadID ();
208    //------------------------------------------------------------------
209    /// Get the thread token (the one returned by ThreadCreate when the thread was created) for the
210    /// calling thread in the current process.
211    ///
212    /// @return
213    ///     The thread token for the calling thread in the current process.
214    //------------------------------------------------------------------
215    static lldb::thread_t
216    GetCurrentThread ();
218    static const char *
219    GetSignalAsCString (int signo);
221    static void
222    WillTerminate ();
223    //------------------------------------------------------------------
224    /// Host specific thread created function call.
225    ///
226    /// This function call lets the current host OS do any thread
227    /// specific initialization that it needs, including naming the
228    /// thread. No cleanup routine is exptected to be called
229    ///
230    /// @param[in] name
231    ///     The current thread's name in the current process.
232    //------------------------------------------------------------------
233    static void
234    ThreadCreated (const char *name);
236    static lldb::thread_t
237    ThreadCreate (const char *name,
238                  lldb::thread_func_t function,
239                  lldb::thread_arg_t thread_arg,
240                  Error *err);
242    static bool
243    ThreadCancel (lldb::thread_t thread,
244                  Error *error);
246    static bool
247    ThreadDetach (lldb::thread_t thread,
248                  Error *error);
249    static bool
250    ThreadJoin (lldb::thread_t thread,
251                lldb::thread_result_t *thread_result_ptr,
252                Error *error);
254    //------------------------------------------------------------------
255    /// Gets the name of a thread in a process.
256    ///
257    /// This function will name a thread in a process using it's own
258    /// thread name pool, and also will attempt to set a thread name
259    /// using any supported host OS APIs.
260    ///
261    /// @param[in] pid
262    ///     The process ID in which we are trying to get the name of
263    ///     a thread.
264    ///
265    /// @param[in] tid
266    ///     The thread ID for which we are trying retrieve the name of.
267    ///
268    /// @return
269    ///     A NULL terminate C string name that is owned by a static
270    ///     global string pool, or NULL if there is no matching thread
271    ///     name. This string does not need to be freed.
272    //------------------------------------------------------------------
273    static const char *
274    GetThreadName (lldb::pid_t pid, lldb::tid_t tid);
276    //------------------------------------------------------------------
277    /// Sets the name of a thread in the current process.
278    ///
279    /// @param[in] pid
280    ///     The process ID in which we are trying to name a thread.
281    ///
282    /// @param[in] tid
283    ///     The thread ID which we are trying to name.
284    ///
285    /// @param[in] name
286    ///     The current thread's name in the current process to \a name.
287    ///
288    /// @return
289    ///     \b true if the thread name was able to be set, \b false
290    ///     otherwise.
291    //------------------------------------------------------------------
292    static void
293    SetThreadName (lldb::pid_t pid, lldb::tid_t tid, const char *name);
295    //------------------------------------------------------------------
296    /// Gets the FileSpec of the current process (the process that
297    /// that is running the LLDB code).
298    ///
299    /// @return
300    ///     \b A file spec with the program name.
301    //------------------------------------------------------------------
302    static FileSpec
303    GetProgramFileSpec ();
305    //------------------------------------------------------------------
306    /// Given an address in the current process (the process that
307    /// is running the LLDB code), return the name of the module that
308    /// it comes from. This can be useful when you need to know the
309    /// path to the shared library that your code is running in for
310    /// loading resources that are relative to your binary.
311    ///
312    /// @param[in] host_addr
313    ///     The pointer to some code in the current process.
314    ///
315    /// @return
316    ///     \b A file spec with the module that contains \a host_addr,
317    ///     which may be invalid if \a host_addr doesn't fall into
318    ///     any valid module address range.
319    //------------------------------------------------------------------
320    static FileSpec
321    GetModuleFileSpecForHostAddress (const void *host_addr);
325    //------------------------------------------------------------------
326    /// If you have an executable that is in a bundle and want to get
327    /// back to the bundle directory from the path itself, this
328    /// function will change a path to a file within a bundle to the
329    /// bundle directory itself.
330    ///
331    /// @param[in] file
332    ///     A file spec that might point to a file in a bundle.
333    ///
334    /// @param[out] bundle_directory
335    ///     An object will be filled in with the bundle directory for
336    ///     the bundle when \b true is returned. Otherwise \a file is
337    ///     left untouched and \b false is returned.
338    ///
339    /// @return
340    ///     \b true if \a file was resolved in \a bundle_directory,
341    ///     \b false otherwise.
342    //------------------------------------------------------------------
343    static bool
344    GetBundleDirectory (const FileSpec &file, FileSpec &bundle_directory);
346    //------------------------------------------------------------------
347    /// When executable files may live within a directory, where the
348    /// directory represents an executable bundle (like the MacOSX
349    /// app bundles), the locate the executable within the containing
350    /// bundle.
351    ///
352    /// @param[in,out] file
353    ///     A file spec that currently points to the bundle that will
354    ///     be filled in with the executable path within the bundle
355    ///     if \b true is returned. Otherwise \a file is left untouched.
356    ///
357    /// @return
358    ///     \b true if \a file was resolved, \b false if this function
359    ///     was not able to resolve the path.
360    //------------------------------------------------------------------
361    static bool
362    ResolveExecutableInBundle (FileSpec &file);
364    //------------------------------------------------------------------
365    /// Find a resource files that are related to LLDB.
366    ///
367    /// Operating systems have different ways of storing shared
368    /// libraries and related resources. This function abstracts the
369    /// access to these paths.
370    ///
371    /// @param[in] path_type
372    ///     The type of LLDB resource path you are looking for. If the
373    ///     enumeration ends with "Dir", then only the \a file_spec's
374    ///     directory member gets filled in.
375    ///
376    /// @param[in] file_spec
377    ///     A file spec that gets filled in with the appriopriate path.
378    ///
379    /// @return
380    ///     \b true if \a resource_path was resolved, \a false otherwise.
381    //------------------------------------------------------------------
382    static bool
383    GetLLDBPath (PathType path_type,
384                 FileSpec &file_spec);
386    //------------------------------------------------------------------
387    /// Set a string that can be displayed if host application crashes.
388    ///
389    /// Some operating systems have the ability to print a description
390    /// for shared libraries when a program crashes. If the host OS
391    /// supports such a mechanism, it should be implemented to help
392    /// with crash triage.
393    ///
394    /// @param[in] format
395    ///     A printf format that will be used to form a new crash
396    ///     description string.
397    //------------------------------------------------------------------
398    static void
399    SetCrashDescriptionWithFormat (const char *format, ...)  __attribute__ ((format (printf, 1, 2)));
401    static void
402    SetCrashDescription (const char *description);
404    static uint32_t
405    FindProcesses (const ProcessInstanceInfoMatch &match_info,
406                   ProcessInstanceInfoList &proc_infos);
408    static bool
409    GetProcessInfo (lldb::pid_t pid, ProcessInstanceInfo &proc_info);
411    static lldb::pid_t
412    LaunchApplication (const FileSpec &app_file_spec);
414    static Error
415    LaunchProcess (ProcessLaunchInfo &launch_info);
417    static lldb::DataBufferSP
418    GetAuxvData (lldb_private::Process *process);
420    static lldb::TargetSP
421    GetDummyTarget (Debugger &debugger);
423    static bool
424    OpenFileInExternalEditor (const FileSpec &file_spec,
425                              uint32_t line_no);
427    static void
428    Backtrace (Stream &strm, uint32_t max_frames);
430    static size_t
431    GetEnvironment (StringList &env);
433    enum DynamicLibraryOpenOptions
434    {
435        eDynamicLibraryOpenOptionLazy           = (1u << 0),  // Lazily resolve symbols in this dynamic library
436        eDynamicLibraryOpenOptionLocal          = (1u << 1),  // Only open a shared library with local access (hide it from the global symbol namespace)
437        eDynamicLibraryOpenOptionLimitGetSymbol = (1u << 2)   // DynamicLibraryGetSymbol calls on this handle will only return matches from this shared library
438    };
439    static void *
440    DynamicLibraryOpen (const FileSpec &file_spec,
441                        uint32_t options,
442                        Error &error);
444    static Error
445    DynamicLibraryClose (void *dynamic_library_handle);
447    static void *
448    DynamicLibraryGetSymbol (void *dynamic_library_handle,
449                             const char *symbol_name,
450                             Error &error);
453} // namespace lldb_private
455#endif  // #if defined(__cplusplus)
456#endif  // liblldb_Host_h_