Function.h revision 7dd5c51fbab8384b18f20ecc125f9a1bb3c9bcb2
1//===-- Function.h ----------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10#ifndef liblldb_Function_h_
11#define liblldb_Function_h_
13#include "lldb/Core/ClangForward.h"
14#include "lldb/Core/AddressRange.h"
15#include "lldb/Symbol/Block.h"
16#include "lldb/Symbol/Declaration.h"
17#include "lldb/Expression/DWARFExpression.h"
18#include "lldb/Core/Mangled.h"
19#include "lldb/Core/UserID.h"
21namespace lldb_private {
24/// @class FunctionInfo Function.h "lldb/Symbol/Function.h"
25/// @brief A class that contains generic function information.
27/// This provides generic function information that gets resused between
28/// inline functions and function types.
30class FunctionInfo
33    //------------------------------------------------------------------
34    /// Construct with the function method name and optional declaration
35    /// information.
36    ///
37    /// @param[in] name
38    ///     A C string name for the method name for this function. This
39    ///     value should not be the mangled named, but the simple method
40    ///     name.
41    ///
42    /// @param[in] decl_ptr
43    ///     Optional declaration information that describes where the
44    ///     function was declared. This can be NULL.
45    //------------------------------------------------------------------
46    FunctionInfo (const char *name, const Declaration *decl_ptr);
48    //------------------------------------------------------------------
49    /// Construct with the function method name and optional declaration
50    /// information.
51    ///
52    /// @param[in] name
53    ///     A name for the method name for this function. This value
54    ///     should not be the mangled named, but the simple method name.
55    ///
56    /// @param[in] decl_ptr
57    ///     Optional declaration information that describes where the
58    ///     function was declared. This can be NULL.
59    //------------------------------------------------------------------
60    FunctionInfo (const ConstString& name, const Declaration *decl_ptr);
62    //------------------------------------------------------------------
63    /// Destructor.
64    ///
65    /// The destructor is virtual since classes inherit from this class.
66    //------------------------------------------------------------------
67    virtual
68    ~FunctionInfo ();
70    //------------------------------------------------------------------
71    /// Compare two function information objects.
72    ///
73    /// First compares the method names, and if equal, then compares
74    /// the declaration information.
75    ///
76    /// @param[in] lhs
77    ///     The Left Hand Side const FunctionInfo object reference.
78    ///
79    /// @param[in] rhs
80    ///     The Right Hand Side const FunctionInfo object reference.
81    ///
82    /// @return
83    ///     @li -1 if lhs < rhs
84    ///     @li 0 if lhs == rhs
85    ///     @li 1 if lhs > rhs
86    //------------------------------------------------------------------
87    static int
88    Compare (const FunctionInfo& lhs, const FunctionInfo& rhs);
90    //------------------------------------------------------------------
91    /// Dump a description of this object to a Stream.
92    ///
93    /// Dump a description of the contents of this object to the
94    /// supplied stream \a s.
95    ///
96    /// @param[in] s
97    ///     The stream to which to dump the object descripton.
98    //------------------------------------------------------------------
99    void
100    Dump (Stream *s, bool show_fullpaths) const;
102    //------------------------------------------------------------------
103    /// Get accessor for the declaration information.
104    ///
105    /// @return
106    ///     A reference to the declaration object.
107    //------------------------------------------------------------------
108    Declaration&
109    GetDeclaration ();
111    //------------------------------------------------------------------
112    /// Get const accessor for the declaration information.
113    ///
114    /// @return
115    ///     A const reference to the declaration object.
116    //------------------------------------------------------------------
117    const Declaration&
118    GetDeclaration () const;
120    //------------------------------------------------------------------
121    /// Get accessor for the method name.
122    ///
123    /// @return
124    ///     A const reference to the method name object.
125    //------------------------------------------------------------------
126    const ConstString&
127    GetName () const;
129    //------------------------------------------------------------------
130    /// Get the memory cost of this object.
131    ///
132    /// @return
133    ///     The number of bytes that this object occupies in memory.
134    ///     The returned value does not include the bytes for any
135    ///     shared string values.
136    ///
137    /// @see ConstString::StaticMemorySize ()
138    //------------------------------------------------------------------
139    virtual size_t
140    MemorySize () const;
143    //------------------------------------------------------------------
144    // Member variables.
145    //------------------------------------------------------------------
146    ConstString m_name; ///< Function method name (not a mangled name).
147    Declaration m_declaration; ///< Information describing where this function information was defined.
152/// @class InlineFunctionInfo Function.h "lldb/Symbol/Function.h"
153/// @brief A class that describes information for an inlined function.
155class InlineFunctionInfo : public FunctionInfo
158    //------------------------------------------------------------------
159    /// Construct with the function method name, mangled name, and
160    /// optional declaration information.
161    ///
162    /// @param[in] name
163    ///     A C string name for the method name for this function. This
164    ///     value should not be the mangled named, but the simple method
165    ///     name.
166    ///
167    /// @param[in] mangled
168    ///     A C string name for the mangled name for this function. This
169    ///     value can be NULL if there is no mangled information.
170    ///
171    /// @param[in] decl_ptr
172    ///     Optional declaration information that describes where the
173    ///     function was declared. This can be NULL.
174    ///
175    /// @param[in] call_decl_ptr
176    ///     Optional calling location declaration information that
177    ///     describes from where this inlined function was called.
178    //------------------------------------------------------------------
179    InlineFunctionInfo(const char *name, const char *mangled, const Declaration *decl_ptr, const Declaration *call_decl_ptr);
181    //------------------------------------------------------------------
182    /// Construct with the function method name, mangled name, and
183    /// optional declaration information.
184    ///
185    /// @param[in] name
186    ///     A name for the method name for this function. This value
187    ///     should not be the mangled named, but the simple method name.
188    ///
189    /// @param[in] mangled
190    ///     A name for the mangled name for this function. This value
191    ///     can be empty if there is no mangled information.
192    ///
193    /// @param[in] decl_ptr
194    ///     Optional declaration information that describes where the
195    ///     function was declared. This can be NULL.
196    ///
197    /// @param[in] call_decl_ptr
198    ///     Optional calling location declaration information that
199    ///     describes from where this inlined function was called.
200    //------------------------------------------------------------------
201    InlineFunctionInfo(const ConstString& name, const Mangled &mangled, const Declaration *decl_ptr, const Declaration *call_decl_ptr);
203    //------------------------------------------------------------------
204    /// Destructor.
205    //------------------------------------------------------------------
206    ~InlineFunctionInfo();
208    //------------------------------------------------------------------
209    /// Compare two inlined function information objects.
210    ///
211    /// First compares the FunctionInfo objects, and if equal,
212    /// compares the mangled names.
213    ///
214    /// @param[in] lhs
215    ///     The Left Hand Side const InlineFunctionInfo object
216    ///     reference.
217    ///
218    /// @param[in] rhs
219    ///     The Right Hand Side const InlineFunctionInfo object
220    ///     reference.
221    ///
222    /// @return
223    ///     @li -1 if lhs < rhs
224    ///     @li 0 if lhs == rhs
225    ///     @li 1 if lhs > rhs
226    //------------------------------------------------------------------
227    int
228    Compare(const InlineFunctionInfo& lhs, const InlineFunctionInfo& rhs);
230    //------------------------------------------------------------------
231    /// Dump a description of this object to a Stream.
232    ///
233    /// Dump a description of the contents of this object to the
234    /// supplied stream \a s.
235    ///
236    /// @param[in] s
237    ///     The stream to which to dump the object descripton.
238    //------------------------------------------------------------------
239    void
240    Dump(Stream *s, bool show_fullpaths) const;
242    void
243    DumpStopContext (Stream *s) const;
245    const ConstString &
246    GetName () const;
248    //------------------------------------------------------------------
249    /// Get accessor for the call site declaration information.
250    ///
251    /// @return
252    ///     A reference to the declaration object.
253    //------------------------------------------------------------------
254    Declaration&
255    GetCallSite ();
257    //------------------------------------------------------------------
258    /// Get const accessor for the call site declaration information.
259    ///
260    /// @return
261    ///     A const reference to the declaration object.
262    //------------------------------------------------------------------
263    const Declaration&
264    GetCallSite () const;
266    //------------------------------------------------------------------
267    /// Get accessor for the mangled name object.
268    ///
269    /// @return
270    ///     A reference to the mangled name object.
271    //------------------------------------------------------------------
272    Mangled&
273    GetMangled();
275    //------------------------------------------------------------------
276    /// Get const accessor for the mangled name object.
277    ///
278    /// @return
279    ///     A const reference to the mangled name object.
280    //------------------------------------------------------------------
281    const Mangled&
282    GetMangled() const;
284    //------------------------------------------------------------------
285    /// Get the memory cost of this object.
286    ///
287    /// @return
288    ///     The number of bytes that this object occupies in memory.
289    ///     The returned value does not include the bytes for any
290    ///     shared string values.
291    ///
292    /// @see ConstString::StaticMemorySize ()
293    //------------------------------------------------------------------
294    virtual size_t
295    MemorySize() const;
298    //------------------------------------------------------------------
299    // Member variables.
300    //------------------------------------------------------------------
301    Mangled m_mangled; ///< Mangled inlined function name (can be empty if there is no mangled information).
302    Declaration m_call_decl;
306/// @class Function Function.h "lldb/Symbol/Function.h"
307/// @brief A class that describes a function.
309/// Functions belong to CompileUnit objects (Function::m_comp_unit),
310/// have unique user IDs (Function::UserID), know how to reconstruct
311/// their symbol context (Function::SymbolContextScope), have a
312/// specific function type (Function::m_type_uid), have a simple
313/// method name (FunctionInfo::m_name), be declared at a specific
314/// location (FunctionInfo::m_declaration), possibly have mangled
315/// names (Function::m_mangled), an optional return type
316/// (Function::m_type), and contains lexical blocks
317/// (Function::m_blocks).
319/// The function inforation is split into a few pieces:
320///     @li The concrete instance information
321///     @li The abstract information
323/// The abstract information is found in the function type (Type) that
324/// describes a function information, return type and parameter types.
326/// The concreate information is the address range information and
327/// specific locations for an instance of this function.
329class Function :
330    public UserID,
331    public SymbolContextScope
334    //------------------------------------------------------------------
335    /// Construct with a compile unit, function UID, function type UID,
336    /// optional mangled name, function type, and a section offset
337    /// based address range.
338    ///
339    /// @param[in] comp_unit
340    ///     The compile unit to which this function belongs.
341    ///
342    /// @param[in] func_uid
343    ///     The UID for this function. This value is provided by the
344    ///     SymbolFile plug-in and can be any value that allows
345    ///     the plug-in to quickly find and parse more detailed
346    ///     information when and if more information is needed.
347    ///
348    /// @param[in] func_type_uid
349    ///     The type UID for the function Type to allow for lazy type
350    ///     parsing from the debug information.
351    ///
352    /// @param[in] mangled
353    ///     The optional mangled name for this function. If empty, there
354    ///     is no mangled information.
355    ///
356    /// @param[in] func_type
357    ///     The optional function type. If NULL, the function type will
358    ///     be parsed on demand when accessed using the
359    ///     Function::GetType() function by asking the SymbolFile
360    ///     plug-in to get the type for \a func_type_uid.
361    ///
362    /// @param[in] range
363    ///     The section offset based address for this function.
364    //------------------------------------------------------------------
365    Function (
366        CompileUnit *comp_unit,
367        lldb::user_id_t func_uid,
368        lldb::user_id_t func_type_uid,
369        const Mangled &mangled,
370        Type * func_type,
371        const AddressRange& range);
373    //------------------------------------------------------------------
374    /// Construct with a compile unit, function UID, function type UID,
375    /// optional mangled name, function type, and a section offset
376    /// based address range.
377    ///
378    /// @param[in] comp_unit
379    ///     The compile unit to which this function belongs.
380    ///
381    /// @param[in] func_uid
382    ///     The UID for this function. This value is provided by the
383    ///     SymbolFile plug-in and can be any value that allows
384    ///     the plug-in to quickly find and parse more detailed
385    ///     information when and if more information is needed.
386    ///
387    /// @param[in] func_type_uid
388    ///     The type UID for the function Type to allow for lazy type
389    ///     parsing from the debug information.
390    ///
391    /// @param[in] mangled
392    ///     The optional mangled name for this function. If empty, there
393    ///     is no mangled information.
394    ///
395    /// @param[in] func_type
396    ///     The optional function type. If NULL, the function type will
397    ///     be parsed on demand when accessed using the
398    ///     Function::GetType() function by asking the SymbolFile
399    ///     plug-in to get the type for \a func_type_uid.
400    ///
401    /// @param[in] range
402    ///     The section offset based address for this function.
403    //------------------------------------------------------------------
404    Function (
405        CompileUnit *comp_unit,
406        lldb::user_id_t func_uid,
407        lldb::user_id_t func_type_uid,
408        const char *mangled,
409        Type * func_type,
410        const AddressRange& range);
412    //------------------------------------------------------------------
413    /// Destructor.
414    //------------------------------------------------------------------
415    ~Function ();
417    //------------------------------------------------------------------
418    /// @copydoc SymbolContextScope::CalculateSymbolContext(SymbolContext*)
419    ///
420    /// @see SymbolContextScope
421    //------------------------------------------------------------------
422    virtual void
423    CalculateSymbolContext(SymbolContext* sc);
425    virtual Module *
426    CalculateSymbolContextModule ();
428    virtual CompileUnit *
429    CalculateSymbolContextCompileUnit ();
431    virtual Function *
432    CalculateSymbolContextFunction ();
434    const AddressRange &
435    GetAddressRange()
436    {
437        return m_range;
438    }
440    //------------------------------------------------------------------
441    /// Find the file and line number of the source location of the start
442    /// of the function.  This will use the declaration if present and fall
443    /// back on the line table if that fails.  So there may NOT be a line
444    /// table entry for this source file/line combo.
445    ///
446    /// @param[out] source_file
447    ///     The source file.
448    ///
449    /// @param[out] line_no
450    ///     The line number.
451    //------------------------------------------------------------------
452    void
453    GetStartLineSourceInfo (FileSpec &source_file, uint32_t &line_no);
455     //------------------------------------------------------------------
456    /// Find the file and line number of the source location of the end
457    /// of the function.
458    ///
459    ///
460    /// @param[out] source_file
461    ///     The source file.
462    ///
463    /// @param[out] line_no
464    ///     The line number.
465    //------------------------------------------------------------------
466    void
467    GetEndLineSourceInfo (FileSpec &source_file, uint32_t &line_no);
469    //------------------------------------------------------------------
470    /// Get accessor for the block list.
471    ///
472    /// @return
473    ///     The block list object that describes all lexical blocks
474    ///     in the function.
475    ///
476    /// @see BlockList
477    //------------------------------------------------------------------
478    Block&
479    GetBlock (bool can_create);
481    //------------------------------------------------------------------
482    /// Get accessor for the compile unit that owns this function.
483    ///
484    /// @return
485    ///     A compile unit object pointer.
486    //------------------------------------------------------------------
487    CompileUnit*
488    GetCompileUnit();
490    //------------------------------------------------------------------
491    /// Get const accessor for the compile unit that owns this function.
492    ///
493    /// @return
494    ///     A const compile unit object pointer.
495    //------------------------------------------------------------------
496    const CompileUnit*
497    GetCompileUnit() const;
499    void
500    GetDescription(Stream *s, lldb::DescriptionLevel level, Target *target);
502    //------------------------------------------------------------------
503    /// Get accessor for the frame base location.
504    ///
505    /// @return
506    ///     A location expression that describes the function frame
507    ///     base.
508    //------------------------------------------------------------------
509    DWARFExpression &
510    GetFrameBaseExpression()
511    {
512        return m_frame_base;
513    }
515    //------------------------------------------------------------------
516    /// Get const accessor for the frame base location.
517    ///
518    /// @return
519    ///     A const compile unit object pointer.
520    //------------------------------------------------------------------
521    const DWARFExpression &
522    GetFrameBaseExpression() const
523    {
524        return m_frame_base;
525    }
527    const ConstString &
528    GetName() const
529    {
530        return m_mangled.GetName();
531    }
533    const Mangled &
534    GetMangled() const
535    {
536        return m_mangled;
537    }
539    //------------------------------------------------------------------
540    /// Get the DeclContext for this function, if available.
541    ///
542    /// @return
543    ///     The DeclContext, or NULL if none exists.
544    //------------------------------------------------------------------
545    clang::DeclContext *
546    GetClangDeclContext();
548    //------------------------------------------------------------------
549    /// Get accessor for the type that describes the function
550    /// return value type, and paramter types.
551    ///
552    /// @return
553    ///     A type object pointer.
554    //------------------------------------------------------------------
555    Type*
556    GetType();
558    //------------------------------------------------------------------
559    /// Get const accessor for the type that describes the function
560    /// return value type, and paramter types.
561    ///
562    /// @return
563    ///     A const type object pointer.
564    //------------------------------------------------------------------
565    const Type*
566    GetType() const;
568    lldb::clang_type_t
569    GetReturnClangType ();
571    // The Number of arguments, or -1 for an unprototyped function.
572    int
573    GetArgumentCount ();
575    lldb::clang_type_t
576    GetArgumentTypeAtIndex (size_t idx);
578    bool
579    IsVariadic ();
581    uint32_t
582    GetPrologueByteSize ();
584    //------------------------------------------------------------------
585    /// Dump a description of this object to a Stream.
586    ///
587    /// Dump a description of the contents of this object to the
588    /// supplied stream \a s.
589    ///
590    /// @param[in] s
591    ///     The stream to which to dump the object descripton.
592    ///
593    /// @param[in] show_context
594    ///     If \b true, variables will dump their symbol context
595    ///     information.
596    //------------------------------------------------------------------
597    void
598    Dump(Stream *s, bool show_context) const;
600    //------------------------------------------------------------------
601    /// @copydoc SymbolContextScope::DumpSymbolContext(Stream*)
602    ///
603    /// @see SymbolContextScope
604    //------------------------------------------------------------------
605    virtual void
606    DumpSymbolContext(Stream *s);
608    //------------------------------------------------------------------
609    /// Get the memory cost of this object.
610    ///
611    /// @return
612    ///     The number of bytes that this object occupies in memory.
613    ///     The returned value does not include the bytes for any
614    ///     shared string values.
615    ///
616    /// @see ConstString::StaticMemorySize ()
617    //------------------------------------------------------------------
618    size_t
619    MemorySize () const;
623    enum
624    {
625        flagsCalculatedPrologueSize = (1 << 0)  ///< Have we already tried to calculate the prologue size?
626    };
630    //------------------------------------------------------------------
631    // Member variables.
632    //------------------------------------------------------------------
633    CompileUnit *m_comp_unit;       ///< The compile unit that owns this function.
634    lldb::user_id_t m_type_uid;     ///< The user ID of for the prototype Type for this function.
635    Type * m_type;                  ///< The function prototype type for this function that include the function info (FunctionInfo), return type and parameters.
636    Mangled m_mangled;              ///< The mangled function name if any, if empty, there is no mangled information.
637    Block m_block;                  ///< All lexical blocks contained in this function.
638    AddressRange m_range;           ///< The function address range that covers the widest range needed to contain all blocks
639    DWARFExpression m_frame_base;   ///< The frame base expression for variables that are relative to the frame pointer.
640    Flags m_flags;
641    uint32_t m_prologue_byte_size;  ///< Compute the prologue size once and cache it
646} // namespace lldb_private
648#endif  // liblldb_Function_h_