SymbolFile.h revision cc152b20d7b07aa4c229977b7b0d8d94cbda2ff5
1//===-- SymbolFile.h --------------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10#ifndef liblldb_SymbolFile_h_
11#define liblldb_SymbolFile_h_
13#include "lldb/lldb-private.h"
14#include "lldb/Core/PluginInterface.h"
15#include "lldb/Symbol/ClangASTType.h"
16#include "lldb/Symbol/ClangNamespaceDecl.h"
17#include "lldb/Symbol/Type.h"
19namespace lldb_private {
21class SymbolFile :
22    public PluginInterface
25    enum Abilities
26    {
27        Labels                              = (1 << 0),
28        AddressAcceleratorTable             = (1 << 1),
29        FunctionAcceleratorTable            = (1 << 2),
30        TypeAcceleratorTable                = (1 << 3),
31        MacroInformation                    = (1 << 4),
32        CallFrameInformation                = (1 << 5),
33        RuntimeTypes                        = (1 << 6),
34        CompileUnits                        = (1 << 7),
35        LineTables                          = (1 << 8),
36        LineColumns                         = (1 << 9),
37        Functions                           = (1 << 10),
38        Blocks                              = (1 << 11),
39        GlobalVariables                     = (1 << 12),
40        LocalVariables                      = (1 << 13),
41        VariableTypes                       = (1 << 14)
42    };
44    static SymbolFile *
45    FindPlugin (ObjectFile* obj_file);
47    //------------------------------------------------------------------
48    // Constructors and Destructors
49    //------------------------------------------------------------------
50    SymbolFile(ObjectFile* obj_file) :
51        m_obj_file(obj_file),
52        m_abilities(0),
53        m_calculated_abilities(false)
54    {
55    }
57    virtual
58    ~SymbolFile()
59    {
60    }
62    //------------------------------------------------------------------
63    /// Get a mask of what this symbol file supports for the object file
64    /// that it was constructed with.
65    ///
66    /// Each symbol file gets to respond with a mask of abilities that
67    /// it supports for each object file. This happens when we are
68    /// trying to figure out which symbol file plug-in will get used
69    /// for a given object file. The plug-in that resoonds with the
70    /// best mix of "SymbolFile::Abilities" bits set, will get chosen to
71    /// be the symbol file parser. This allows each plug-in to check for
72    /// sections that contain data a symbol file plug-in would need. For
73    /// example the DWARF plug-in requires DWARF sections in a file that
74    /// contain debug information. If the DWARF plug-in doesn't find
75    /// these sections, it won't respond with many ability bits set, and
76    /// we will probably fall back to the symbol table SymbolFile plug-in
77    /// which uses any information in the symbol table. Also, plug-ins
78    /// might check for some specific symbols in a symbol table in the
79    /// case where the symbol table contains debug information (STABS
80    /// and COFF). Not a lot of work should happen in these functions
81    /// as the plug-in might not get selected due to another plug-in
82    /// having more abilities. Any initialization work should be saved
83    /// for "void SymbolFile::InitializeObject()" which will get called
84    /// on the SymbolFile object with the best set of abilities.
85    ///
86    /// @return
87    ///     A uint32_t mask containing bits from the SymbolFile::Abilities
88    ///     enumeration. Any bits that are set represent an ability that
89    ///     this symbol plug-in can parse from the object file.
90    ///------------------------------------------------------------------
91    uint32_t                GetAbilities ()
92    {
93        if (!m_calculated_abilities)
94        {
95            m_abilities = CalculateAbilities();
96            m_calculated_abilities = true;
97        }
99        return m_abilities;
100    }
102    virtual uint32_t        CalculateAbilities() = 0;
104    //------------------------------------------------------------------
105    /// Initialize the SymbolFile object.
106    ///
107    /// The SymbolFile object with the best set of abilities (detected
108    /// in "uint32_t SymbolFile::GetAbilities()) will have this function
109    /// called if it is chosen to parse an object file. More complete
110    /// initialization can happen in this function which will get called
111    /// prior to any other functions in the SymbolFile protocol.
112    //------------------------------------------------------------------
113    virtual void            InitializeObject() {}
115    //------------------------------------------------------------------
116    // Compile Unit function calls
117    //------------------------------------------------------------------
118    // Approach 1 - iterator
119    virtual uint32_t        GetNumCompileUnits() = 0;
120    virtual lldb::CompUnitSP  ParseCompileUnitAtIndex(uint32_t index) = 0;
122    virtual size_t          ParseCompileUnitFunctions (const SymbolContext& sc) = 0;
123    virtual bool            ParseCompileUnitLineTable (const SymbolContext& sc) = 0;
124    virtual bool            ParseCompileUnitSupportFiles (const SymbolContext& sc, FileSpecList& support_files) = 0;
125    virtual size_t          ParseFunctionBlocks (const SymbolContext& sc) = 0;
126    virtual size_t          ParseTypes (const SymbolContext& sc) = 0;
127    virtual size_t          ParseVariablesForContext (const SymbolContext& sc) = 0;
128    virtual Type*           ResolveTypeUID (lldb::user_id_t type_uid) = 0;
129    virtual lldb::clang_type_t ResolveClangOpaqueTypeDefinition (lldb::clang_type_t clang_type) = 0;
130    virtual clang::DeclContext* GetClangDeclContextForTypeUID (const lldb_private::SymbolContext &sc, lldb::user_id_t type_uid) { return NULL; }
131    virtual clang::DeclContext* GetClangDeclContextContainingTypeUID (lldb::user_id_t type_uid) { return NULL; }
132    virtual uint32_t        ResolveSymbolContext (const Address& so_addr, uint32_t resolve_scope, SymbolContext& sc) = 0;
133    virtual uint32_t        ResolveSymbolContext (const FileSpec& file_spec, uint32_t line, bool check_inlines, uint32_t resolve_scope, SymbolContextList& sc_list) = 0;
134    virtual uint32_t        FindGlobalVariables (const ConstString &name, const ClangNamespaceDecl *namespace_decl, bool append, uint32_t max_matches, VariableList& variables) = 0;
135    virtual uint32_t        FindGlobalVariables (const RegularExpression& regex, bool append, uint32_t max_matches, VariableList& variables) = 0;
136    virtual uint32_t        FindFunctions (const ConstString &name, const ClangNamespaceDecl *namespace_decl, uint32_t name_type_mask, bool append, SymbolContextList& sc_list) = 0;
137    virtual uint32_t        FindFunctions (const RegularExpression& regex, bool append, SymbolContextList& sc_list) = 0;
138    virtual uint32_t        FindTypes (const SymbolContext& sc, const ConstString &name, const ClangNamespaceDecl *namespace_decl, bool append, uint32_t max_matches, TypeList& types) = 0;
139//  virtual uint32_t        FindTypes (const SymbolContext& sc, const RegularExpression& regex, bool append, uint32_t max_matches, TypeList& types) = 0;
140    virtual TypeList *      GetTypeList ();
141    virtual ClangASTContext &
142                            GetClangASTContext ();
143    virtual ClangNamespaceDecl
144                            FindNamespace (const SymbolContext& sc,
145                                           const ConstString &name,
146                                           const ClangNamespaceDecl *parent_namespace_decl) = 0;
148    ObjectFile*             GetObjectFile() { return m_obj_file; }
149    const ObjectFile*       GetObjectFile() const { return m_obj_file; }
152    ObjectFile*             m_obj_file; // The object file that symbols can be extracted from.
153    uint32_t                m_abilities;
154    bool                    m_calculated_abilities;
160} // namespace lldb_private
162#endif  // liblldb_SymbolFile_h_