DNBBreakpoint.h revision 24943d2ee8bfaa7cf5893e4709143924157a5c1e
1//===-- DNBBreakpoint.h -----------------------------------------*- C++ -*-===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10//  Created by Greg Clayton on 6/29/07.
14#ifndef __DNBBreakpoint_h__
15#define __DNBBreakpoint_h__
17#include <list>
19#include "DNBDefs.h"
21class DNBBreakpoint
24    DNBBreakpoint(nub_addr_t m_addr, nub_size_t byte_size, nub_thread_t tid, bool hardware);
25    ~DNBBreakpoint();
27    nub_break_t GetID() const { return m_breakID; }
28    nub_size_t  ByteSize() const { return m_byte_size; }
29    uint8_t *   SavedOpcodeBytes() { return &m_opcode[0]; }
30    const uint8_t *
31                SavedOpcodeBytes() const { return &m_opcode[0]; }
32    nub_addr_t  Address() const { return m_addr; }
33    nub_thread_t ThreadID() const { return m_tid; }
34    bool        IsEnabled() const { return m_enabled; }
35    bool        IntersectsRange(nub_addr_t addr, nub_size_t size, nub_addr_t *intersect_addr, nub_size_t *intersect_size, nub_size_t *opcode_offset) const
36                {
37                    // We only use software traps for software breakpoints
38                    if (IsBreakpoint() && IsEnabled() && !IsHardware())
39                    {
40                        if (m_byte_size > 0)
41                        {
42                            const nub_addr_t bp_end_addr = m_addr + m_byte_size;
43                            const nub_addr_t end_addr = addr + size;
44                            // Is the breakpoint end address before the passed in start address?
45                            if (bp_end_addr <= addr)
46                                return false;
47                            // Is the breakpoint start address after passed in end address?
48                            if (end_addr <= m_addr)
49                                return false;
50                            if (intersect_addr || intersect_size || opcode_offset)
51                            {
52                                if (m_addr < addr)
53                                {
54                                    if (intersect_addr)
55                                        *intersect_addr = addr;
56                                    if (intersect_size)
57                                        *intersect_size = std::min<nub_addr_t>(bp_end_addr, end_addr) - addr;
58                                    if (opcode_offset)
59                                        *opcode_offset = addr - m_addr;
60                                }
61                                else
62                                {
63                                    if (intersect_addr)
64                                        *intersect_addr = m_addr;
65                                    if (intersect_size)
66                                        *intersect_size = std::min<nub_addr_t>(bp_end_addr, end_addr) - m_addr;
67                                    if (opcode_offset)
68                                        *opcode_offset = 0;
69                                }
70                            }
71                            return true;
72                        }
73                    }
74                    return false;
75                }
76    void        SetEnabled(uint32_t enabled)
77                {
78                    if (!enabled)
79                        SetHardwareIndex(INVALID_NUB_HW_INDEX);
80                    m_enabled = enabled;
81                }
82    void        SetIsWatchpoint (uint32_t type)
83                {
84                    m_is_watchpoint = 1;
85                    m_watch_read = (type & WATCH_TYPE_READ) != 0;
86                    m_watch_write = (type & WATCH_TYPE_WRITE) != 0;
87                }
88    bool        IsBreakpoint() const { return m_is_watchpoint == 0; }
89    bool        IsWatchpoint() const { return m_is_watchpoint == 1; }
90    bool        WatchpointRead() const { return m_watch_read != 0; }
91    bool        WatchpointWrite() const { return m_watch_write != 0; }
92    bool        HardwarePreferred() const { return m_hw_preferred; }
93    bool        IsHardware() const { return m_hw_index != INVALID_NUB_HW_INDEX; }
94    uint32_t    GetHardwareIndex() const { return m_hw_index; }
95    void        SetHardwareIndex(uint32_t hw_index) { m_hw_index = hw_index; }
96//  StateType   GetState() const { return m_state; }
97//  void        SetState(StateType newState) { m_state = newState; }
98    int32_t     GetHitCount() const { return m_hit_count; }
99    int32_t     GetIgnoreCount() const { return m_ignore_count; }
100    void        SetIgnoreCount(int32_t n) { m_ignore_count = n; }
101    bool        BreakpointHit(nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid);
102    void        SetCallback(DNBCallbackBreakpointHit callback, void *callback_baton);
103    void        Dump() const;
106    nub_break_t m_breakID;          // The unique identifier for this breakpoint
107    nub_thread_t m_tid;             // Thread ID for the breakpoint (can be INVALID_NUB_THREAD for all threads)
108    nub_size_t  m_byte_size;        // Length in bytes of the breakpoint if set in memory
109    uint8_t     m_opcode[8];        // Saved opcode bytes
110    nub_addr_t  m_addr;             // Address of this breakpoint
111    uint32_t    m_enabled:1,        // Flags for this breakpoint
112                m_hw_preferred:1,   // 1 if this point has been requested to be set using hardware (which may fail due to lack of resources)
113                m_is_watchpoint:1,  // 1 if this is a watchpoint
114                m_watch_read:1,     // 1 if we stop when the watched data is read from
115                m_watch_write:1;    // 1 if we stop when the watched data is written to
116    uint32_t    m_hw_index;         // The hardware resource index for this breakpoint/watchpoint
117    int32_t     m_hit_count;        // Number of times this breakpoint has been hit
118    int32_t     m_ignore_count;     // Number of times to ignore this breakpoint
119    DNBCallbackBreakpointHit
120                m_callback;         // Callback to call when this breakpoint gets hit
121    void *      m_callback_baton;   // Callback user data to pass to callback
123    static nub_break_t GetNextID();
128class DNBBreakpointList
131                                DNBBreakpointList();
132                                ~DNBBreakpointList();
134            nub_break_t         Add (const DNBBreakpoint& bp);
135            nub_break_t         FindIDByAddress (nub_addr_t addr);
136            bool                ShouldStop (nub_process_t pid, nub_thread_t tid, nub_break_t breakID);
137            bool                Remove (nub_break_t breakID);
138            bool                SetCallback (nub_break_t breakID, DNBCallbackBreakpointHit callback, void *callback_baton);
139            DNBBreakpoint *     FindByAddress (nub_addr_t addr);
140    const   DNBBreakpoint *     FindByAddress (nub_addr_t addr) const;
141            DNBBreakpoint *     FindByID (nub_break_t breakID);
142    const   DNBBreakpoint *     FindByID (nub_break_t breakID) const;
143            void                Dump () const;
145            size_t              Size() const { return m_breakpoints.size(); }
146            DNBBreakpoint *     GetByIndex (uint32_t i);
147    const   DNBBreakpoint *     GetByIndex (uint32_t i) const;
150    typedef std::list<DNBBreakpoint>    collection;
151    typedef collection::iterator        iterator;
152    typedef collection::const_iterator  const_iterator;
153            iterator                    GetBreakIDIterator(nub_break_t breakID);
154            const_iterator              GetBreakIDConstIterator(nub_break_t breakID) const;
155            collection                  m_breakpoints;